the 10 commandments of using pinterest for business - infographic

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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This Infographic showcases the 10 Commandments of Pinterest for Business. Originally produced by Socially Sorted (Donna Moritz) as part of a guest post for Amy Porterfield, this infographic has been shared tens of thousands of times and featured on Pinterest zoomed past 10 million users, faster than any other stand-alone site in history. It beat the traffic of Google+, LinkedIn and YouTube combined, and it is now capable of driving more referral traffic than Twitter. This infographic showcases 10 commandments of using Pinterest for Business: 1. Play for Thy Pinning Success - Set up your acount properly - prepare your blog for pinning (using the pin-it and follow buttons) - integrate pinterest share buttons with other social media platforms - research what your ideal client is pinning - set up your initial boards and start pinning 2. Honour Thy Source - Be copyright savvy - read the terms and conditions - Click before re-pinning - check the source of the pin is legitimate - add a watermark to preserve pin integrity 3. Thou Shalt Pin Strategically - Pin across a range of boards - Follow, follow, follow. Pin. Repin. Comment. Like. Repeat. - If you sell products, create a price baner (add $9.99 to your pin description) - Add weblinks in your description - Time your Pins (Don't pin dump - space them out) 4. Thou Shalt Remember to be Social - Remember to comment on and like other pins - @tag other pinners by name - track repins from your site ( - say thank you for repins 5. Thou Shalt Produce Visual Pinnable Content - Choose great images for your blog - pin different image types (photos, images, text - and don't forget video) - use image creation tools (ie Instagram, Picmonkey, Pixlr, Pinstamatic) - Keep it simple - use visual, clear, engaging images, photos and text - Create your own infographics 6. Thou Shalt Create as well as Curate - Don't just self-promote. Showcase the lifestyle behind your brand. Pin about your business and others in your niche. - Become the go-to source for information - be it original or re-pinned - Most pins are repins, so create your own "fresh" content - learn from other brands who pin successfully 7. Promote thy Business Creatively - Use a "Call to Action" in your pins - Use Pinterest to promtoe (and/or conduct) competitions - Think outside the square - integrate offline and online strategies - Allow users to post on competition or promotion boards 8. Thou Shalt Consider Referral Traffic and SEO - Set your profile and pins up to be noticed. Add categories, hashtags, keywords, engaging captions, and urls in your pins and your "About" profile. - Consider what content will bring users to your site 9. Thou Shalt Take Advantage of Thy Tools 10. Thou Shalt Research and Measure Thy Pins


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