tfj2o1 exam review. what part of the egg is the first to defend against bacteria? the shell what can...

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Exam Review

What part of the egg is the first to defend against bacteria?

The shell

What can you get from eating raw eggs?Salmonella poisoning

How should you measure icing sugar?Sift it first then measure.

What do you call the tool used to sharpen kitchen knives?

The steel

What is the responsibility of the “Sous Chef”?Supervise the kitchen staff

What is 1 cup in Milliliters?250ml

How should you treat a burn?Put the burn under cold running water/place a bag of ice on area

What is the proper way to use a chef knife?Curl fingers in with knuckles against the blade. Hold knife firmly on top. Start cutting with the tip down on the cutting board.

How do you know if chicken has been properly cooked?Juices run clearvisual change of colourjoints become loose

What is the Chef responsible for?Menu/portioning/all food related issues

Why is keeping healthy important as a food service employee?Helps prevent foodborne illnesses/being clean and healthy will impress the customers

What are some things that can happen if you are not in proper uniform?It is a matter of safety, for e.g. exposed skin may be burned or cut.

What is the “danger zone”The range of temperature between 40F and 140F where bacteria multiplies the most.

Know the following tools and what they are used for: Portion scoop, tongs, strainer, skimmer, Pastry bag and tubes, Straight spatula, ladles, zester, rubber spatula and bench scraper

How long can you store something in the freezer?Depending on the item, no more than 6 mos.

What is the best cut for French friesFrite

What is the best cut for CarrotsBattonet

How should you store dry ingredientsAir tight, dry location

What items would you measure using a dry measuring cup?

Dry items – sugar, flour etc.

In Escoffier’s kitchen brigade what items would the station chef Poissionier be responsible for?

All the fish and shellfish items.

What should you look for when purchasing raw meat?That it is bright red and shiny

What is the proper way to thaw frozen meat?Overnight in the fridge or in cool water.

What is the FIFO rule?First In, First Out

What is the purpose of marbling?Gives the meat tenderness, flavour and juiciness

What is stock?Flavoured liquid, it is not the final product.

How should you measure brown sugar?“Packed” in a dry measure or scaled

Why should you preheat your oven?To ensure product is thoroughly cooked according to cooking time

How would you prevent cross contamination of work surfaces?

“Sanitize” surfaces after use

How should you measure liquid ingredients?In a liquid measure on a flat surface at eye level

What are the 3 main types of cooking methods – give an example of what is made which each

Dry heat – CookiesDry heat with fat – Fried ChickenMoist heat – Minestrone Soup

What are the 5 parts of a salad and how are they structured?Appetizer – often served as first courseAccompaniment – served “with” the main courseMain Course – large enough to serve as a full mealSeparate Course – provided “after” the main courseDessert – Usually a sweet salad e.g. Fruit

Salad structure – Base, Body, Dressing, Garnish

What are the characteristics of the following herbs and spices?

Cinnamon - comes in stick form or groundOregano - known as the “pizza” herbCayenne pepper - ground form of hot red pepper, looks like paprikaNutmeg - sweet aromatic kernel of fruit, comes whole or groundBay leaf - stiff dark-green oblong leavesRosemary - light green leaves that resemble pine needlesGarlic - strong aromatic member of the onion family

What is the difference between herbs and spices? Give some examples of each

Herbs – are the leaves of the plantRosemary, Thyme, Oregano, Bay leaf, Basil

Spices - are the buds, fruits, flowers, bark, seeds and roots of plants and trees

Cinnamon, Ginger, Cayenne, Curry, Nutmeg

How do you safely operate the mixing machine?

1. What is a mirepoix and what is it used for? A collection of ingredients used as a flavour builder when making stock

2. What is meant by the term “indigenous foods?” Give one example.

Foods that come specifically from that country.

3. What is the purpose of yeast and what is the chemical reaction that happens to it when making bread.

Yeast is used to make the bread rise. The yeast feeds on sugar which causes a gas, stretching the dough and making it rise.

4. How would you describe the qualities of a Clear soup? Unthickened soup that is translucent made from stock or broth

What are some characteristics of a Quick Bread productNo yeast is used so they do not need time to rise.

6. What does it mean if an egg floats when placed in a glass of water?

The air pocket inside has increased meaning the egg is not as fresh and has gone bad.

7. Why do chefs put so much effort into proper plating of the food? To make the meal more appealing.

What are the 8 sectors of tourism and give an example of each.

Accomodation - Motel Adventure Tourism/Recreation –

Skiing/Snowboarding Travel Trade – Attractions - ROM Food and Beverage - McDonalds Transportation – Air Canada Events and Conferences – Detroit Auto Show Tourism Services - Chamber of Commerce

What are the different parts of the plant that vegetables come from? Give an example of each.

Roots – carrots Bulbs – onion Stems – celery Leaves – Lettuce Flowers – Broccoli Fruits – Tomatoes Seeds – corn Pods - peas

What are 2 things you could do to improve the look and taste of a salad?Add dressing for taste and garnish for looks.

What is the point of having different coloured cutting boards? To help prevent cross contamination

What is personal hygiene. What you do to keep yourself clean and healthy

What are some things you could do to maintain good personal hygiene?Wash handsWear clean clothesBathe/Shower DailyBrush teethRegular visits to doctor/dentistExerciseEat healthy well balanced mealsDon’t use drugsDon’t smokeBe stress free

What are the different market forms of vegetables?Fresh, Frozen, Canned, Dried

What are some cooking methods you can use to cook vegetables?Boiling, Baking, Steaming, Frying

Where does sugar come from?Sugar Cane or Sugar beets

What are some different types of milk?1%, 2%, Chocolate, Skim, Cream

What are the different types of flour?Hard, Soft, Whole Wheat, Semolina, All purpose

Why should you never wash a rolling pin in hot water?Water causes the wood to expand and it can then trap bacteria.

What is the difference between shortenings and oilShortening is a solid and may be hygrogenated. Oil is in a liquid form.

What are some positions in the “Front of the House”?Cashier, Server, Buser, Host/Hostess, Restaurant Manager

What are some positions in the “Back of the House”?Executive Chef, Sous Chef, Steward, Dishwasher, Cooks

What does HACCP stand for?Hazardous, Analysis, Critical, Control, Point. It is a system of ensuring food safety in the industry.

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