tedac coating saves costs, protects and provides gloss and ... · colour and gloss. but tedac®...

Post on 23-Oct-2020






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  • Tedac® coating saves costs, protects and provides gloss and colour

  • Original colours are restored thanks to Tedac® coating


  • TEDAC® Coating is an innovative, cost-saving and durable protective coating that restores the colour and gloss of weathered and degraded surfaces and objects. TEDAC® Coating restores old materials to their original state and in many cases renders replacement unnecessary. It also offers outstanding protection against UV radiation and fouling on new materials, among other things. Materials therefore last longer.

    Influences of the weather and fouling can cause discolouration, degradation and corrosion. These results speed up the ageing process of materials, causing the appearance of the surface to deteriorate. Cleaning, normal painting or polishing are generally only temporary solutions. Replacement is costly and not very sustainable.

    That’s why TEDAC® Coating is now available. It’s a durable and effective protection that prevents any deterioration in the appearance of your material.

    Tedac® coating saves costs, protects and provides gloss and colour

    TEDAC® CoATIng:

    • IsresIstantagaInstgraffItI,UVradIatIon,


    • doesnotsplIt,crackorflakeInflUctUatIons


    • IsaVaIlableInanydesIredleVelofgloss

    • proVIdesasmoothsUrfacewhIchkeepsthe


    To A MInIMUM

    • IseasytocleanwIthwaterandUnIVersal


    • IsextremelyscratchresIstant

    • canbeprocessedwIthoUtsandIngand


    befOre afTer


  • dirt adherence doesn’t stand a chance thanks to Tedac® coating


  • TEDAC® Coating ensures durable preservation of colour and gloss. but tedac® Coating can also be used to make material more maintenance friendly. A lot less dirt is attracted and graffiti can be removed easily. furthermore, the coating is frequentlyand very successfully used in the manufacture and durable protection of frames and sheeting in buildings, new street furniture, new slides and stadium seats, for example.

    TEDAC® Coating has a special formula. This has been developed after years of research in the laboratory and in the field and via a meticulous and sophisticated manufacturing process.

    Tedac® coating has many applications

    • lacqUeredandUnlacqUeredmetalsand


    • powder-coatedsUrfaces

    • lotsofplastIcs(InclUdIngplaygroUnd


    • wIndowanddoorframes,claddIngsheetIng


    • mobIleandportableeqUIpment

    befOre afTer


  • Maintenance costs are strongly reduced thanks to Tedac® coating


  • The TEDAC® range consists of carefully matched components which can be used to achieve the optimum result.

    • TEDAC® Coating gloss• TEDAC® Coating Matt• TEDAC® Hardener• TEDAC® Thinner• TEDAC® Cleaner• TEDAC® Degreaser

    By mixing TEDAC® Coating Gloss and TEDAC® Coating Matt at set ratios, various degrees of gloss can be achieved.

    Processing Tedac® coating requires specific knowledge.

    It is important that the processing of TEDAC® Coating is carried out by a professional, preferably TEDAC®-certified company. Certified companies have sufficient experience in processing TEDAC® coating. working with tedac® coating requiressome specific knowledge and consideration. Quality and customer focus are treated with the utmostimportanceateverycertifiedcompany.youcan therefore count on them to always achieve the best results for you. This provides you with confidence and peace of mind!

    The Tedac® coating range


  • dutch coating Innovators b.V.

    Titanialaan 5


    The netherlands

    t. +31(0)72-5723506

    f. +31(0)72-5723504

    E. info@tedaccoating.nl

    w. www.tedaccoating.nl


    allourproductsareavailablefromusdirectly.weareable to provide you with professional processing advicesothatyoucanbestbenefitfromtheuniqueproperties of TEDAC®coating.wearealsohappytoput you in touch with our certified processors.

    we also work with wholesalers across multiplecountries who have caught on to the benefits and range of applications of TEDAC® Coating and for these reasons have added our coating to their product range. They are also extremely well-placed to advise you.

    Visit our website at www.tedaccoating.nl, call us on +31 (0)72 572 35 06 or send us an e-mail at info@tedaccoating.nl tofindoutmore.we lookforwardtoamazingyouwiththeuniquepropertiesof TEDAC® Coating.

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