technology unit introduction to onstruction technology · health and safety in the construction...

Post on 23-Sep-2020






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Tasks to Complete



documents in your


Complete Unit


Student Skills Survey

Shop Layout


Safety Guidelines

Scavenger Hunt

Unit Completion:

Safety Guidelines

Quiz (>60% Pass)

E1. identify and follow health and safety regulations, standards, and procedures related to the construc-

tion industry;

E1.1 identify laws, regulations, standards, regulatory agencies, and advocacy bodies related to

health and safety in the construction industry (e.g. Workplace Safety and Insurance Board *WSIB+,

Ministry of Labour, Construction Safety Association of Ontario);

E1.2 identify hazards related to materials, processes, and equipment used in construction (e.g.,

flammable solvents, toxic chemicals, sharp blades, moving parts in machinery), as well as re-

sources and methods for reducing these hazards (e.g., Workplace Hazardous Materials Infor-

mation System *WHMIS+, safe handling and operating practices, personal protective equipment);

E1.3 demonstrate an understanding of and adhere to safety practices and procedures for facilities,

processes, materials, tools, and equipment used in construction (e.g., use of tool and equipment




Unit 1- Introduction to

Construction Technology

Grade 10 Unit 1 of 18

Expectation - By the end of this unit you will be able to...

Unit Length: 5 periods

Number of Tasks 6

Lectures: 2 - 60 minute

Topics include:

Course Introduction

Evaluations Breakdown

Classroom Expectations

Safety Contract

Safety Guidelines

Shop Tour

Machine Identification Hi I am Spike.

Let's get started!









Unit Calendar

Student Skills


Shop Layout


Safety Guidelines

Scavenger Hunt

1. This course design is based on current research from self-directed learning models which will...

"Wean students off the intensive reliance on the teacher and guide them toward becoming active learners with a vested interest in their own educational success."

John Abbot quoted in “Closing the Gaps for Students with Special Education Needs in Ontario: Research Trends and Capacity Building”:


2. There are 18 units with each having an average of 4 tasks. In order to earn your credit

you must complete all 18 units.

3. Time has been built into the units to allow for assemblies, snow days, Literacy test,

EQAO math test, and other school events.

4. Each unit has lecture time and a combination of worksheets, practical projects, reflection

sheet and tests.

5. You must receive a minimum of 60% to move to the

next unit.

6. When you see Spike say "You Nailed It!" then you have

completed a task. It is a good idea to go to your instruc-

tor and show your work after each task. You can also

work through the entire unit on your own with the help

of a Resource Manual.

7. The Resource Manual and Worksheets are located at the front of the classroom.

8. The Completion Date Calendar and Student Unit Progress is posted on the Bulletin

Board. This will help you organize each period in the class for success.

Example of Organizing Your Unit Completion Dates

Construction Technology

Wood is Good!

Month 1 - September






Month 2 - October






Month 3 - November






Month 5 - January





Month 4 - December





1 Unit Start Dates: numbered

Unit Completion Dates: check mark

No School: shaded

Important Note: time has been built into all the

units to allow for assemblies, snow days, Literacy

test, EQAO math test, and other school events.



n Tech




Unit 1- Introduction to Construction Technology Balabuck©

Construction Technology - Course Information

This course will explore a wide variety of activities that encompass this industry.

Topics may focus on:

Residential/Industrial Construction

Materials, Processes, Labour and Tools

Woodworking / Cabinet Making

Electrical Systems and Building Standards

Technical Drawing

Environmental Practices, Careers and Health and Safety

Course Requirements

To prevent accidents, all safety policies reviewed by the course teacher will be enforced and must be

strictly followed by the students. Every student must wear CSA approved safety glasses, as required in

technological classes.


Every student must attend class regularly and arrive on time, ready to start work. This will prepare you

for the world of work. This is a performance based course and you need to be in class for the teacher to

evaluate your progress. If you are not here or tardy , then this will affect your grades.

Come to class and be on time.

Credit Conditions

A minimum grade = 50%

A minimum 110 to 120 hours of instruction (class time) or 90 days

All 18 Units must be complete to earn the credit


Notebook = Textbook in this course

Required - 3 ring binder, loose-leaf paper, dividers


Sequential by daily work - units, notes, handouts, assignments, projects

Use a new page for each lesson


n Tech



Unit Breakdown - Grade 10

Unit 1- Introduction to Construction Technology Balabuck©

There are 18 units with each having an average of 4 tasks. In order to earn your credit you must

complete all 18 units.

Time has been built into the units to allow for assemblies, snow days, Literacy test, EQAO math test,

and other school events.

Each unit has lecture time and a combination of worksheets, practical projects, reflection sheet and


You must receive a minimum of 60% to move to the next unit.


Unit 1- Introduction to Construction Technology

Unit 2 - Design and Technical Drawings 1

Unit 3 - Machine Specific Safety Theory (not qualifications)

Unit 4 - Design and Technical Drawing 2

Unit 5 - Measuring and Hand Tools

Unit 6 - Project 1 - Push Stick

Unit 7 - Project 2 - Mirror Shelf (1 of 3)

Unit 8 - Project 2 - Mirror Shelf (2 of 3) & Environmental Impact

Unit 9 - Project 2 - Mirror Shelf (3 of 3)

Unit 10 - Woodworking - Estimation & Procedures

Unit 11 - Design, Layout and Planning Skills

Unit 12 - Project 3 - Major Project

Unit 13 - Project 3 - Major Project

Unit 14 - Building Construction - Structural System

Unit 15 - Project 3 - Major Project

Unit 16 - Project 3 - Major Project

Unit 17 - Project 3 - Major Project and Careers

Unit 18 - Culminating Tasks


n Tech




Unit 1- Introduction to Construction Technology Balabuck©

The final grade for this course will be determined as follows:

70% of the grade will be based on evaluations conducted throughout the course. That is, based on

work completed in Terms I and II and will reflect the student’s most consistent level of achievement

throughout the course.

30% of the grade will be based on a final evaluation, consisting of three components: Term II Major

Project, Practical Exam and Written Exam. This is to better reflect the hands-on nature of learning

that takes place in the Technological Studies area.

Final Evaluation - 30%

Knowledge & Skills Components Final

1 Application Major Project -Term II (same criteria as Term work) 60

2 Knowledge &

Understanding Written Exam 20

3 Thinking Project Planning Skills and Problem Solving 10

4 Communication Reflection and Course Evaluation 10

Total 100%

Term Work - 70%

Knowledge & Skills* Components Term Work

1 Application

Applying your knowledge and skills (unit tasks) and

understanding in classroom and project work.

Project Application

Skills Acquisition

Project Evaluations (Self, Peer and Teacher)


2 Knowledge &


Safety Quiz

Unit Tests 20

3 Thinking Design Process, Planning Major Project and Problem Solving 10

4 Communication Technical Drawings and Reflection Sheet 10

Total 100% *Note: For a description of the Categories of Knowledge & Skills see the reverse of this page.

Knowledge and Skills

Knowl e dge /

Unde r st a ndi ng

2 0 %

Appl i c a t i on

6 0 %

Communi c a t i on

10 %

Thi nk i ng

10 %

The MSS Technological Studies Department ensures that the assessment and evaluation techniques

are reliable and direct us to the improvement of student learning. The following strategies are used to ensure

student success (the following are from “GROWING SUCCESS | assessment, evaluation, and reporting in On-

tario schools", 2010):

The Seven Fundamental Principles

To ensure that assessment, evaluation, and reporting are valid and reliable, and that they lead to the im-

provement of learning for all students, teachers use practices and procedures that:

are fair, transparent, and equitable for all students;

support all students, including those with special education needs, those who are learning the language of instruction (English or

French), and those who are First Nation, Métis, or Inuit;

are carefully planned to relate to the curriculum expectations and learning goals and, as much as possible, to the interests, learning

styles and preferences, needs, and experiences of all students;

are communicated clearly to students and parents at the beginning of the school year or course and at other appropriate points

throughout the school year or course;

are ongoing, varied in nature, and administered over a period of time to provide multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate

the full range of their learning;

provide ongoing descriptive feedback that is clear, specific, meaningful, and timely to support improved learning and achievement;

develop students’ self-assessment skills to enable them to assess their own learning, set specific goals, and plan next steps for their


Categories of Knowledge and Skills (from “The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 –12: Technological Education", 2009)

The categories, defined by clear criteria, represent four broad areas of knowledge and skills within which the subject

expectations for any given course are organized. The four categories should be considered as interrelated, reflecting

the wholeness and interconnectedness of learning. The categories of knowledge and skills are described as follows:

1. Knowledge and Understanding

Subject-specific content acquired in each course (knowledge),

and the comprehension of its meaning and significance (understanding).

2. Thinking

The use of critical and creative thinking skills and/or processes, as follows:

planning skills (e.g., identifying the problem, selecting strategies and resources, scheduling)

processing skills (e.g., analysing and interpreting information, reasoning, generating and evaluating solutions, forming


critical/creative thinking processes (e.g., problem-solving, design, and decision making processes)

3. Communication

The conveying of meaning through various forms, as follows:

oral (e.g., role play, discussion, presentation)

written (e.g., design briefs, work orders, technical reports)

visual (e.g., technical drawings, flow charts, graphics)

4. Application

The use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various contexts.

Midland Secondary School

Technological Studies


n Tech



Classroom Expectations

Unit 1- Introduction to Construction Technology Balabuck©

The class begins at _____ a.m./ p.m. promptly. You are to be seated and have your notebook open.

Choices Consequences

1 Late Athletic - 5 push-ups or 10 sit-ups for every minute late

Academic - Copy from the Student Agenda -

Section #8 Punctuality - Lates

2 Eating or Drinking No food or beverages allowed in class

Exception: Water, Snack Bars or Fruit

3 Disrupting Class - first time Warning

2nd time Removed from classroom and counseling after lesson.

3rd or more times Office referral and Office detention

4 Unsafe practice - first offense Warning and beginning of “3 Step Policy”

2nd offense Office referral and Office detention

3rd offense Removal of Shop privileges

5 Late Assignments No Units will be accepted after the last day of the


6 Profanity Academic– Write out 5 alternate words and their definition

from the dictionary

Athletic– 15 push-ups or 20 sit-ups

Musical - Sing with actions “I’m A Little Teapot”

7 MP3/Ipod/Other music


Not allowed in the shop area!

No earphones, headphones etc. in your ears in the shop


With permission you may use while completing seat work.

8 Hats (or similar) No hats are to be worn, ever.

Athletic - 5 push ups, 10 sit-ups or

Musical - reciting O’ Canada


Dear Parents

We in the Technological Department are looking forward to another great year at Midland Secondary School. Our students experience one of the finest technological studies programs in the entire province. In order to maintain this, we are attempting to arrange partnerships with local business and industry to assist us with the delivery of our programs. From the initial responses it appears that some are willing to donate their time, materials and expertise to help manage our costs.

Many of our technical shops require safety glasses as required daily equipment. Safety glasses are pro-vided for all students and staff and are shared among classes. We have found that some students prefer to purchase a personal set of safety glasses as they can be assured of better fit and condition. We are able to make these available on an optional basis at cost for $5.00 a pair. Upon receipt of cash or cheque (made payable to Midland Secondary School) the student will receive a pair of glasses and a receipt. The glasses will belong to the student and it will be the student’s responsibility to look after them.

From time to time student’s request the opportunity to make a more complex project where more spe-cialized materials are required or wish to take the project home to share their skills with their families or friends. In these cases, students will be asked to pay for the materials as the extra costs cannot be afforded through school budget. All students will get the same opportunities to practice the skills regard-less of whether they choose to purchase materials for “take-home projects”. Please be advised that all requests for such purchase of materials are optional and in no way will impact a student’s participation or his/her mark.

Yours Truly,

Paul Balabuck

Technological Studies Department Chair

MIDLAND SECONDARY SCHOOL 865 Hugel Avenue, Midland, Ontario L4R 1X8 Phone: (705) 526-7817 Fax: (705) 526-1442 email:; website:

Month 1 - September


7 8 9 10

13 14 15 16 17

20 21 22 23 24

27 28 29 30

Month 2 - October



4 5 6 7 8

11 12 13 14 15

18 19 20 21 22

25 26 27 28 29

Month 3 - November


1 2 3 4 5

8 9 10 11 12

15 16 17 18 18

22 23 24 25 26

29 30

Month 5 - January


3 4 5 6 7

10 11 12 13 14

17 18 19 20 21

24 25 26 27 28


Month 4 - December


1 2 3

6 7 8 9 10

13 14 15 16 17

20 21 22 23 24

27 28 29 30 31

Exams Holidays


P.A. Day

1 Unit Start Dates: numbered

Unit Completion Dates: check mark

No Class: shaded

Important Note: time has been built into all the

units to allow for assemblies, snow days, Literacy

test, EQAO math test, and other school events.

Unit Calendar

Please answer the following question to help me determine the knowledge and skills you bring into this

course. Also this survey will help me fine tune the course to your needs. Thank you.

In order to obtain a completion check you must write an answer for each question.

Do not write "I don't know"

Have you taken any Technology courses in at MSS or another school? If so name them (i.e.

Manufacturing, Transportation, Grade 9 Tech, etc...).





Have you used hand tools or machines before? If so name them (i.e. screw driver, hammer, wrench,

drill, saw, table saw, jointer, etc…).




Have you made any projects with tools? If so name them (examples: bird house, tool box, model

car, doll house, hung a picture, etc…).




What type of project would you like to make in this course?




What are you planning to do after you graduate from MSS? Be specific (go straight to work,

university, college, military or apprenticeship).





n Tech



Name: ____________________________ Student Skills Survey

Unit 1- Introduction to Construction Technology Balabuck©

This exercise will introduce you to the shop/lab area, so you can learn the names of tools, equipment

and where they are located in the room.

Do not turn any of the equipment on while walking around the room and return any doors

or cabinets to their original positions.

Exercise Rough Copy

1. On a piece of blank or lined paper roughly draw the outside and internal walls of the shop/lab area.

2. Show all the doors.

3. Label the rooms.

4. Draw everything using squares or rectangles.

5. Label the cabinets. (i.e. hand tools, storage locker ... etc.)

6. Draw in the location of the workbenches.

7. Using squares or rectangles draw in the machines.

Good Copy

1. Finally, using a pencil and a straight edge, draw the diagram again with the proper labels and submit

to your instructor for evaluation.

2. Remember to write your name and the course name.



n Tech



Shop Layout Assignment

Unit 1- Introduction to Construction Technology Balabuck©

Name: __________________

Course: _____________ #170 Name: ___________________



n Tech



Unit 1- Introduction to Construction Technology Balabuck©

Here is a list of labels that you must put on your drawing.

If you do not know what a certain machine is called ask one of your classmates first, then

you can ask your instructor.

When you are finished the good

copy hand in your completed task.

Make sure your instructor checks

off your unit progress.

Congratulations "You Nailed It"!

1. Classroom

2. Sanding Room

3. Finishing Room

4. Project Storage Cabinet

5. Hand Tools Cabinet (2)

6. Work Tables ( 5 + 3)

7. Jointer (2)

8. Table Saw (2)

9. Drill Press

10. Mortiser

11. Lathe (2)

12. Radial Arm Saw

13. Mitre Saw

14. Band Saw (2)

15. Thickness Planer

16. Scroll Saw

17. Flammable Cabinet

18. Wood Storage (Solids)

19. Router Table

MIDLAND SECONDARY SCHOOL 865 Hugel Avenue, Midland, Ontario L4R 1X8

Phone: (705) 526-7817 Fax: (705) 526-1442

email:; website:

Dear Parent/Guardian: Safety is everyone's responsibly. At M.S.S. we strive to maintain our high standard of excellence in the

Technological Studies Department in both instructional quality and safety. In order to participate in our programs,

the Simcoe County District School Board requires each student to undergo safety training as contained in the

Secondary Technological Education Safety Guidelines.(March 2004 Ed.)

It is important to take note of the following Guideline:

5.3 Guidelines for Students (General):

5.3.1. All students shall sign a Technological Education Student Safety Contract in each instructional

area acknowledging that they have read, been instructed in, understand and agree to abide by

the specific technical safety rules. Failure to comply may result in cancellation of instructional

area privileges

The safety manual is thorough. However, it does not include specific rules and procedures pertaining to individual

labs. There will be additional, specialized instruction for individual equipment in each shop/lab area. Therefore,

attendance is imperative. If a student misses safety instruction in a shop/lab, written assignments will be provided

allowing the student to acquire the missed safety practices. Persistent delinquency may result in removal from the

shop/lab area.

The signatures below permit the student to enter the shop/lab area for further training on the safe operation of the

equipment in each of the instructional areas. It is our wish that everyone has a fun learning experience, with safety

being the top priority.

The persons signed below indicate that they have read and understood the above excerpt from the Secondary

Technological Education Safety Guidelines.

Student Name:(PLEASE PRINT) __________________________ (Read and sign reverse as well)

Student Signature: __________________________ Date: _______________

Parent (Guardian) Signature: __________________________ Date: _______________

Yours Truly,

Mr. P. Balabuck

Technical Studies Department Chair



In order to work safely in a technological education area it is important that you know and follow the safety rules.

The technological education teacher will provide you with further instruction for specific areas and equipment in a

continuing program of safety education. You may also ask the teacher for assistance at any time. If in doubt, ask

for help before proceeding.

1. Students must never enter the technological education area unless the technological education teacher is pre-


2. Equipment and/or tools must never be used unless the technological education teacher is in the technological

education area.

3. Before attempting to carry out any work our use any equipment, be certain you have been carefully instructed

in its use, and have been checked out in the proper procedures by your technological education teacher.

4. Wear personal protective equipment as directed by your technological education teacher.

5. Do not wear loose clothing or jewellery, including rings and watches.

6. Hair protection, such as net or hat, must be worn where necessary. Long hair should be neatly tied back.

7. After returning from an absence, students must check with the technological education teacher for possible

missed safety procedures and assignments.

8. Conduct yourself in a safe, sensible, mature manner.

9. Do your part to keep the technological education area NEAT and CLEAN.

10. Report all accidents to the technological education teacher.

11. Know the emergency procedures for your technological education area.

12. Inform the technological education teacher of any unsafe situation or condition in the technological education

area, including damaged or defective tools or machines.

13. Make the technological education teacher aware of any medications you are taking and possible side effects.

14. Ask for assistance from the technological education teacher when you are unsure of the proper procedures or

safety issues.

15. RESPECT the safety, property and personal space of all students.

I have read this Technological Education Student Safety Contract.

I _________________________ understand and will obey these rules.

(student print name)

Failure to comply may result in cancellation of technological educational area privi-


Student Signature ________________________________ Date ____________

Parent (Guardian) Signature_________________________ Date ____________

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