technlogoy action plan

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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Chris Neal

EDLD 5352 – Week 4 Assignment3/20/11

T.A.P. – Technology Action Plan

“Whereas knights of old wore armor of plate, the modern knights of the air wear the invisible but magic armor of confidence in technology”

-Mike Spick

Chris NealEDLD 5352

T.A.P Process

Chris NealEDLD 5352


Organizational Flow and Responsibilities

Development and Vision Planning

Data Collection and Implementation Planning


Professional Development Planning

Proposal Preparation

Proposal Presentation

Chris NealEDLD 5352

Implementation and Evaluation

Faculty Meeting

Program Administration


T.A.P Organizational Flow and Responsibilities

Principal’s Role

It is worth noting that the principal holds the ultimate responsibility for the coordination, implantation, and assessment of the entire program. By

design, this is a static and flexible program that necessitates dynamic and responsive leadership by the principal.

Chris NealEDLD 5352

Technology Specialist

Coordinate professional development

Site Based Decision Team

Assure alignment with Campus

Improvement Plan

Assessment Report Committee

Gather applicable data and submit

report to Principal and School board

School Board

Plan Approval, funding, and assessment of


Student Feedback Team

Student Committee assisting in

development, implantation, and


Implementation Committee

Principal, Teachers, Curriculum Director,

and Technology Specialist

I.T. Director

Resource and Software

Oversight and Maintenance

Curriculum Director

Alignment and

Resource Allocation


Plan facilitation,

oversight, and implementation

Facilitating student

technological ability

To learn, create and explain.

T.A.P Development and Vision Planning

Step 1: Organization of T.A.P Executive CommitteePrincipal organizes a brainstorming session to introduce and explain the need of the T.A.P using appropriate data. There should be an organic emphasis placed on the need and discuss the societal and individual importance of high-level technological skills in the next twenty years. Principal should also give background information and structure of the National Educational Technology Plan (NETP) and the TEA’s Long Range Plan for Technology 2006-2020 (LRPT). Develop a working vision to be presented at next (more inclusive meeting). Loose action plan goals should be prepared for the next meeting as well.

Invited To Meeting:PrincipalCurriculum DirectorTechnology SpecialistI.T. DirectorAssistant PrincipalTeacher 1Teacher 2Teacher 3

* Two members must be members of the Site-Based Decision Making Team

Step 2: T.A.P Vision and Goals Ratification MeetingExecutive Committee introduces concept, data, and needs assessment of T.A.P. They present working vision/goals. Roundtable discussion is held. Changes are requested, given, and ratified. Entire group votes to ratify final vision and goals of T.A.P.

Invited To Meeting:PrincipalCurriculum DirectorTechnology SpecialistI.T. DirectorAssistant PrincipalTeacher 1Teacher 2Teacher 3 Student 1 and ParentStudent 2 and ParentStudent 3 and ParentTechnology SpecialistBoard Member

Assessment and EvaluationStep 1 is assessed by principal using a rubric of meeting timeliness, attendance, and a follow up on-line survey of attendants. Step 2 is assessed by the Executive Committee based on final ratification of goals and vision meeting deadline. Attendance and follow up surveys should also be utilized.

Chris NealEDLD 5352

Data Collection and Implementation Planning

*Meeting 1 – Data Analysis and needs Assessment

Timeframe: Meeting will occur within two weeks of ratification of Vision and Goals. Meeting will be 120 minutes in length and held at one of the schools computer labs after school.

Data Analysis: TAKS Scores, AEIS Reports, StAR Chart, C.I.P, NETP, LRPT, NET*S

Guiding Questions: What is our current rating and overall healthiness of our technological environment? Where are strengths and weakness in resources and staff development? Identify a three-pronged plan of attack to address the needs while satisfying the goals of T.A.P.

Curriculum Director will chair the meeting to disseminate and explain the data sets.

Attendees: Executive Committee

*Meeting 1 – Data Analysis and needs Assessment

-Continuation of previous meeting (must occur one week after first meeting).

There will be additional goals of (1) a definitive technology needs assessment and (2) assigning a member the task of compiling a report that has the dual function of needs assessment and initiative recommendations based on the two meetings. This will be presented at the next meeting.

*Meeting 3 – Implementation Plan Development and Ratification

Timeframe: Meeting will occur within two weeks of the final data analysis meeting. Meeting will be 120 minutes in length and held at one of the schools computer labs after school.

Principal will chair the meeting.

General minutes of the previous two meetings will be presented by Principal. Needs Assessment half of the report will be presented by Curriculum Director. Imitative Recommendations will be presented by one of the teachers serving on the Executive Committee. Open forum and recommendation sessions will be held with the whole group of attendees. After brainstorming session official amendments to the imitative recommendations will be asked for and voted in. The final initiatives will be voted on and ratified with one program adopted to address each of the T.A.P Goals.

Invited To Attend Meeting:

PrincipalCurriculum DirectorTechnology SpecialistI.T. DirectorAssistant PrincipalTeacher 1Teacher 2Teacher 3 Student 1 and ParentStudent 2 and ParentStudent 3 and ParentTechnology Specialist

Chris NealEDLD 5352

Professional Development Planning

*Meeting 1: Needs Assessment, Prioritization, Identification of Professional Development

Timeframe: Will occur within one week of the ratification of the implementation plan.

This meeting will be chaired by the Technology Specialist. Prior to this session he/she would have done an in depth study of STaR Chart Data, Resource Usage Reports, NET*S Standards. They would have also done a pre-meeting survey of technological needs and possible staff development sessions. Prior to these meeting available on/off P site trainings would have been selected, rated, and priced in preparation for the meeting. The principal, I.T. Director, and Curriculum Director will hold a round table discussion discussing the needs and benefits of suggested trainings. At the conclusion of the meeting, consensus will be made about which professional development programs will be pursued. Examples of general goals of professional development plan that will be designed will be loosely correlated to the following goals.

1) Identify and evaluate existing IT resources(2) Adapt and integrate IT resources in instruction for effective learning(3) Design and create IT-based materials for effective instruction(4) Implement IT-based lessons with basic IT skills(5) Evaluate the effectiveness of IT-based instruction.

All professional development sessions must align with the goals and vision of the T.A.P and NEPT and LRPT.

Post Meeting Action #1: The principal will put together the final professional development plan that will be included with the T.A.P proposal to the board. This will include costs, logistics, and timeline for all of the sessions. This final plan must be approved by the I.T. Director and Curriculum Director.

Post Meeting Action #2: The I.T. Director will coordinate the implementation of the professional development plan submitted by the principal with the Technology Specialist. The Technology Specialist will be responsible for planning all necessary resources for the professional development plan.

Chris NealEDLD 5352

T.A.P – Technology Action PlanServing the Digital Native

Board Approval

*Meeting 1 – T.A.P Board Proposal Meeting

Timeframe: Meeting will occur within one week of the solidification of the staff development plan. Principal will chair the meeting. The format and structure of the T.A.P proposal will be discussed. Cost estimates for resources, staff development, and assessment program will be a major focus. T.A.P. members present will ratify the proposal comprehensively. The proposal will be comprehensive detailing the entire program including all relevant data studied in previous meeting.

Action Items-Principal will be given the responsibility of preparing the final presentation and submitting it to relevant committee members that will be a part of the board meeting where the proposal will be presented. Principal will also be responsible for scheduling the proposal at the next available school board meeting. The proposal should be presented to the board no longer than a month following this meeting.

Invited to Design Proposal:


Curriculum Director

Teacher 1

Technology Specialist

*Meeting 2 – T.A.P Board Proposal Meeting

Timeframe-Principal has the goal of setting the meeting the next available board meeting (preferably within a month).

A group of four members will present the proposal. The principal will lead the presentation with participation from the Curriculum Director, I.T. Director, and a teacher. Formal proposal will be submitted on behalf of the entire T.A.P team.

Chris NealEDLD 5352

Implementation and Evaluation

Step 1: Faculty Meeting and Training –

Principal will organize a faculty meeting with the entire T.A.P team. This meeting environment will be learner centered. All Team members will participate. Data will and a short overview of the needs assessment will be presented. The meeting will be dynamic and outline the goals, process, staff development plan, and evaluation of the T.A.P.

Step 2: Full Implementation—

Resources will be in place. Development will be ongoing. Progress will be monitored by the Executive Committee. They will elicit the input of all P.D.A.S appraisers in monitoring of teacher buy-in, participation, and student impact. They will report to the Executive Committee monthly.

Step 3: Responsibility Umbrellas-

Principal-Program Oversight

Executive Committee-Program Executive Decisions

I.T. Director-Resources and Facilities

Curriculum Director-Teacher / Student support initiatives

Step 4: Evaluation-

There are evaluation triggers throughout the T.A.P. Generally, evaluative surveys and monitoring of all data models mentioned previously will be organized according to the leadership outlined in Step 3. There will be full T.A.P team meetings held once a semester for the first full year of implementation. At this time the Principal, Executive Committee Chairperson, I.T. Director, and Curriculum Director will prepare a report to share the evaluative data. At the end of the first full year of the T.A.P the Executive Committee will convene and analyze all data models (AEIS, CIP, TAKS, STaR, NEPT, LRPT). This analysis will be juxtaposed to the program goals. A full report will be prepared, recommendations for changes made, and submitted to the full team. Once ratified, this report and suggested changes will be submitted to the School Board for approval.

Chris NealEDLD 5352

Evaluation and Meeting Model

The following models should be utilized as comprehensively as possible in all T.A.P processes.

Chris NealEDLD 5352


Faith Family Academy Campus Improvement Plan. (2010-2011). Faith Family Academy Charter Schools.

Long-Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020. (2006). Austin, TX: Texas Education Agency.

Texas STaR chart: School technology and readiness: The campus chart. (2006). Austin, TX: Texas Education Agency.

Chris NealEDLD 5352

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