tech trivia

Post on 13-Dec-2014






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“Tech Trivia”or

“How do we know all of this stuff?”

• Technology

• Internet

• People


• Tidbits

Ground rules

• Raise your hand

• First three may get a chance to answer

• Some correct answers will entitle you to a prize!

• Wait time- no Googling!!

What nation has set up a video game addiction hotline?

A. England

B. Japan

C. South Korea

D. United Arab Emirates

In South Korea, the nation that experts describe as home to the world's most extreme gamer culture, authorities are alarmed by what many here are calling an epidemic of electronic game addiction. Last month, the government -- which opened a treatment center in 2002 -- launched a game addiction hotline.

Hundreds of private hospitals and psychiatric clinics have opened units to treat the problem.

( 2005

We Have A WINNER!!!


What is a MMORPG?

• Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game

Second Life


• The first Macintosh computer had a 5 Mb hard drive!

How many gigabytes make up a terabyte?

• A terabyte is equivalent to 1,000 gigabytes.

• A terabyte DVD-size disk could hold all the episodes of all the seasons of The Simpsons.

Who was the first president of NARMC, now known as


• Herb Braselman

The real name of "the" Bill Gates is William Henry Gates III. Nowadays he is known as Bill Gates (III). By converting the letters of his current name to the

ASCII-values and adding his (III), you get:

• B 66I 73L 76L 76G 71A 65T 84E 69S 83I 1I 1I 1--------------666 !

This one is for a prize!

Motion Picture Experts Group-1 Audio Layer 3

Everyone plays them, some people even pay for them; they are mp-3 files. The abbreviation mp-3 really stands for:

_______ _______ _______ ________ - 1 _______ _______ __

What is the most popular social networking site?

MySpace-106 million accounts on September 8, 2006-4/21/2007, 11:35 am EDT- 172,804,430-attracts new registrations at a rate of 230,000/day -fifth most popular English-language website


• Can you name one of the first two video games copyrighted in 1980?

Atari's "Asteroids" and"Lunar Lander" are the 1st two video games registered

in the Copyright Office in 1980

What’s this??

Copyleft symbol

• Attribution alone (by)

• Attribution + Noncommercial (by-nc)

• Attribution + NoDerivs (by-nd)

• Attribution + ShareAlike (by-sa)

• Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivs (by-nc-nd)

• Attribution + Noncommercial + ShareAlike (by-nc-sa)

Creative Commons

E-mail lingo--

• What do the following acronyms stand for?– pop– imap– smtp

•pop- Post Office Protocol•imap- Internet Message Access Protocol•smtp- Simple Mail Transport Protocol

Pop, Soda, or Coke?

Which of the following is NOT e-mail related?

A. Spam


C. spam

How did “spam or Spam” get it’s name?

• The term spam is derived from the Monty Python SPAM sketch (, set in a cafe where nearly every item on the menu includes SPAM luncheon meat.

• As the server recites the SPAM-filled menu, a chorus of Viking patrons drowns out all conversations with a song repeating "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM... lovely SPAM, wonderful SPAM," hence "SPAMming" the dialogue. The excessive amount of SPAM mentioned in the sketch is a reference to British rationing during World War II. SPAM was one of the few foods that were widely available.


Where was the first Summit held?

• Orlando, prior to FETC

Raffle Prizes!!

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