team amazing sept 2014

Post on 03-Apr-2016






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Team Amazing September 2014 News


Table of Contents!Page 3...Note from Lisa Kaye Fuller!Page 4-5...Intro to Edition !Page 6...Product of the Month!Page 7…Diamond Retreat!Page 8…Shout Out! !Page 9…How to make Steps 2 Success Work!!Page 11…Never Give Up!!Page 12…Summer Business tips!Page 13…Month’s Challenge!Page 15…Go For NO Challenge!Page 18…Book of the Month!Page 19…Shout out !Page 20…Training Videos !Page 21…Social Media !Page 24…Leadership 101!Page 25…Balance Life and Business!Page 26…The start of our supplements!!

Page 27…Yummy It Works Recipes!Page 29…Take your Biz Anywhere!!Page 31…Upcoming Trainings!Page 32…Training Testimonials!!


Note From Lisa Fuller!

Let’s hear it from Ambassador

Diamond, Lisa Fuller!



Check out Lisa’s Video! Click Below


Diamond Retreat!07

How to Make Steps 2 Success Work 9-12


New DT Training Groups 17 Leadership 101



Product of the


Moisturizing Body Cream $39 LC Price $65 Retail Price !

Your skin doesn’t end below your neck, so why should your skin care routine? Experi-ence luxurious skin hydration while minimizing the appearance of stretch marks,

fine lines, and other skin scarring with this moisturizing body cream. Lessen the appearance of stretch marks, fine lines, and other skin scarring

· Balances skin tone with beautifying botanicals · Experience luxurious skin hydration in a non-greasy formula

· Recapture your youthful glow with soft, smooth, more radiant skin * I have several "mothers to be" that use this as a Preventative and so far none of them

have had any Stretch Marks while being pregnant or after birth. I'm also seeing wonderful results from the ones who are wanting to lighten up their stretch marks too!! SHOWCASE this product, gather some before & afters and I promise you will start selling tons of it!!!!

Stretch Mark Cream




Triple Diamond Brooke Lee

If you are not at Diamond Rank…We urge you to get there. This training weekend is going to be ONE OF A KIND…and you DO


What do you have to pay for? !!

Flight & Hotel !!

Lisa & Barry will cover all entertainment & food for the weekend!


Wow! I don't know what else to say about this lady. She joined the team on August 2nd and in her first month she had 13 new customers and 2 personally enrolled distributors. I drove 6 hours to go see her for the first time and help her launch her party. And let me tell you, she was destined to be an It Works wrap girl!!! GREEN is her favorite color. Her kitchen is already painted lime green! Alana has one of the most out going personal-ities I have ever come across. Alana is not afraid to talk to anyone!! And I mean anyone. If it's a stranger at Dollar General or the VP of her compa-ny. She doesn't care, she's going to share with you this Crazy Wrap thing. If you want to talk to someone that 'GETS IT" then Alana is your girl. She can talk to you for hours on end and everything that comes out of her mouth make sense! She knows how to talk to people, she know the im-portance of be true to yourself and others around you. She is on a mission to hit Diamond by the end of September. I wouldn't be surprised if she did it! Everyday she is working her business, everyday she sends me a mes-sage or calls me. Every day she is plugged into It Works and all the train-ing she can get. If you want something you have to work for it! And this lady is really working for it!!! #squirrel (only Alana will get there)

Shout Out!!! !Alana Hammack


How to make the steps to success work. !by Kami Dempsey!!

I know, I know. You are probably sick of hearing us leaders talk about steps to success right? You're also prob-ably sick of hearing us tell you the way to unlock the money is steps to success. Am I right? !!I'm going to give you a short lesson on how to make the steps to success work for you. !!I do have a secret. It's one you're not going to want to hear, but yes, it is the steps to success. But my question to you? You ready? How are you trying to make them work? !!#lezgo let's break it down. !!1. Join for $99 get on 80bv autoship !2. Gather 4 customers !3. Gather 3 distributors !!Now you're asking, so I'm going to tell you as long as you will take on the mentality of I will say yes! Don't question it, don't think your way out of it, just say yes and figure out how you are going to do it. !!So gather 4 customers. BUT Kami I'm trying, I really am!! I believe you but we just need to tweek a few things that you're saying and we will be good to go and you will be a recruiting and closing machine!!!First things first! !!Someone reaches out and messages you this: !!"I want to know about the product and does it work and how does it work?"!!How would you respond? !You would probably proceed to tell them everything you know about the wrap using way too many words and complicating it. Then you wait and don't get a response and think, they asked me? I don't get it. Are you with me? !!Here is how you would respond: !!Oh my gosh you are going to love it! I can't wait for you to start using it! It works amazing!!! Tell me a little about your goals and what caught your attention about my post? I can't wait to hear back from you! !!When we approach things with giving information overload we come off as a telemarketer. Perception is it's about us and not them. That couldn't be further from the truth! Everything we do is about our customers. But we have to communicate that clearly with them! Everything we do is about connecting. Remember everyone communicates but few connect! !!The way you are going to connect with your prospect is by asking questions so you can better help them! Any-time someone asks you a question you need to acknowledge the question then ask a question so you can then develop the need that they have! !


Remember! People buy people. Every distributor here at It Works! Is sharing the same product and same opportunity! The difference for those building their teams are the connections and relationships that they are building with their prospects!!!Make this about your prospect not about you!!!TIPS:!We do not train our prospects to get them in the business! The training starts once we they have started our business!!!Our whole goal everyone is to engage our audience!!--------------------------------------!Tell me about what you do?!!Me: I would love to! What are some of your financial goals and tell me what you currently know about it works?!!My goals are to make a couple extra hundred dollars, our family could really use it.!!Me: thank you for sharing with me! I can definitely help you here! Are you ready to get started so we can get you on the fast track to the $10k bonus and get you started on training?!!What do you need to do to make money, I've never done anything like this before?!!Me: I know it can be scary stepping into new territory! What is your number so i can call you?

Amy Kennedy!Amy Kennedy has become one of my closest friends

and amazing leaders!! This girl amazes me!! Her journey with It Works has been up and down (like most of ours) but she never quit (she has attempted to but I wouldn't let her, she was made for this business) and now she is starting to see the fruit of her hard work!! She has been in this business for almost 2 years and she's extremely close to reaching Diamond!!! She is

not scared of anything, she will blitz anybody and everybody!! Her passion for wanting to help people is outrageous!! I truly admire you Amy and I am so thankful God introduced us 2 years ago at Nancy's salon!!! I am one lucky person to have you apart of my life and I am excited to see where this business takes you and your family!! To the TOP we go!!!! I just

want to say thank you for believing in me, for never giving up, for being an amazing friend, for being an amazing leader, and for being and all around AWESOME person!!!

I love you bunches girly!!!!!Love, Angie

Shout out to….

Mary TruittMary Truitt and her Business Partner and Husband Bud Truitt make a fabulous team! Mary is always on the go, always working with the new loyal customers

and putting in new Distributors. She is locked and loaded and plugged into training calls and contests! So Proud of YOU, Mary…I can’t wait to see what

Sept and October bring to your It Works Team! !

Love, Elizabeth Houlihan



Ambassador Diamond Lisa Kaye Fuller

Hey Team Amazing! I am so excited to Announce our September !#Legacyplay challenge. Your leaders have put some exciting groups to-gether this month to help you take your businesses to a WHOLE NOTHA LEVEL!!! I hope that each of you do your best and volunteer to be a part

of this amazing opportunity to work with the best of the best! Kami Dempsey and myself will also be following you and working with you by

putting out some tasks that will help you to take your businesses to the top and reach your goals over the next 90 days! Remember, Successful peo-ple have a plan! They know where they want to go and how and what they

are going to do to get there! All of us leaders are going to motivate, in-spire, and encourage you to get out there and step out of that comfort zone! We are not just going to tell you what to do we are going to do it

right along with you! If you put yourself out there and got into this first 30 day challenge congrats to you! If you didn't get involved and wished that you had, your in luck! Watch your team pages for another chance to get involved with the second 30 day challenge! I know that this is going to

change the entire game for many of you and I am so excited to see where you will end up! Remember, anything you go into conference with can be doubled and tripled in our biggest months of this business! So work hard and take charge of your business the next 3 months! Good Luck Team

Amazing! We are routing for you!! !!

Love, Barry & Lisa



Triple Diamond Sandy Durre

Rethinking Rejection: Sales Philosophy !

Most of you have been taught and trained to do what is called, 'go for yes.' What if you started to 'go for no?'

Go for No! is about intentionally increasing your failure rate... in other words to hear NO more often. What? Is that the stupidest advice ever??

Hang on.Here's an example: When a typical DT has a list of ten (qualified) that they would like to share their

product with they will put that list through their 'go for yes' filter.They will analyze the list and make a few decisions: first, they will decide that 6 of those people will

probably say, 'no.' So, they won't contact them. (Why bother? Just to get a 'no?') Then, they spot the three people on the list that most likely will say 'maybe' or 'not yet'. And then they will spot the one per-

son that they are confident is a 'yes.'They will contact the one 'yes' and get the 'yes.' And if they are really feeling good, they'll try for the

maybe people. At least one or two, and now they'll start looking for their next perfect, easy, 'yes.'When you 'go for no' you don't prejudge, analyze or filter: in other words you don't say 'no' for other

people, you let them say 'no' to what you have to offer. And that's when the magic happens. I am going to challenge you to GO FOR NO and see what you can do over the next 30 days, see how it

changes your business!

How the Challenge Works So, how does the challenge work? It works any way you want it to; after all, it’s your challenge. This is

about you challenging yourself to reach new levels of performance and to get outside your comfort zone.

This doesn’t mean that there isn’t structure to the challenge there are a series of steps for you to fol-low. But you will be the one who will do all the work!

Step #1: Write your definition of “failure” in the box below. ! Failure is:__________________________________________________ !

If you define what you fear, “failure”, specifically, it will push you through when things get ugly and you don’t want to make the calls.

GO for NO!

Step #2: Determine your method for counting and recording the NO’s you hear Next, you must determine how you will record the No’s you hear.

The easiest way is to print out your contact list and simply use a pencil to register the results of that call! Make sure to log the number of NO’s you get each day.

The reason is twofold: * One, it’s to know how many NO’s you’re hearing so you have a baseline from which to

challenge yourself to increase the number every day. * Two it will serve as a reminder to challenge yourself!

Step #3: Think SPEED! I understand that you have a limited amount of time available to Go For No!

The question is: do you? The goal in the next 30 days to increase your failure rate … the number of NO’s

you obtain. To do that you will need to spend more time going for no. To increase the amount of time you spend going for NO, you will need to determine what you’re going to stop doing to free up the time;

things like watching TV, or doing needless paperwork or perhaps even sleep! So, what is your Go For No time strategy? Determine it now!

Strategy, the next 30 days will come and go with a whimper rather than a bang. Step #4: Let’s Get Started Right Now!

Start going for NO right now. Pick your time of day, at least 1 hour, and pick up the phone and start go-ing for NO … for the next 30 days … as if your life depended on it!

Use the chart to help track the NO’s!

GOOD LUCK AND GO FOR NO!! The more NO’s you go after the more YES’s you will get! It’s the law of numbers. Don’t be afraid of NO, it’s just a word! But that WORD can and will change your business if you



The New Distributor , Executive and Ruby Training groups continue to grow each and everyday!!

Keep encouraging your new Distributors to join the group for their basic training by answering questions and get-

ting support from many IT Work leaders.!!

They must Friend ~ Lisa Natasha Barry !

id=100008206987437&fref=ts!and personal Message their Name and ID number so they

can receive a file to open and get started.!!!

This has been such a great training tool since Feb 1 2014 and will continue to grow as this Amazing team explodes daily.!

!! Plug your Teams into this !

Shout out to….

Lisa Rickard


!I  met  this  AMAZING  lady  during  this  past  Winter  when  she  joined  my  team  and  we  went  blitzing  in  Michigan  to  wrap  her  personal  trainer.    We  instantly  knew  we  were  going  to  be  a  great  team  together!    She  Loves  the  products  and  her  

weight  loss  and  smaller  pant  size  journey  conDnues!      This  pic  was  at  the  Toledo  rib  fest  where  we  worked  together  for  4  days  eaDng  3  slabs  of  ribs  together  as  a  

TEAM!!    HAHA  

Lisa  works  daily  at  talking  the  biz  to  everyone  that  will  listen  to  her.    She  owns  her  own  housecleaning  business  and  is  a  Mother  of  2  boys  and  grandmother  of  

2  adorable  babies!!  

Her  WHY  is  for  a  beMer  life  for  her  family  and  I  know  this  is  what  makes  Lisa  work  hard!  

Our  Big  journey  really  begins  in  OCTOBER  when  we  climb  into  her  car  and  wrap  our  way  to  LA  to  build  her  team  !    She  has  a  goal  of  being  an  IT  WORKS  DT  full  Dme  and  I  know  this  goal  will  come  true  for  this  girl!    Cant  wait  for  the  BIG  ad-­‐venture  and  Memories  along  our  OUT  WEST  journey  together.    I  consider  this  

girl  family  and  cant  wait  to  see  her  grow  even  more!  

So  PROUD  of  YOU  Lisa  Rickard….Facebook  friend  this  lady!    She  is  amazing!  

Dorene  Johnson  

Shout Out to…!Samara Spurlock

Who  is  Samara?    A  beauDful  stay  at  home  mother  to  3  children!Kylee,  who  is  on  her  own  path  studying  at  Michigan  State.    Drake  a  spunky  12  year  old!    Her  newest  baby  Reese  soon  to  be  1!Samara  joined  our  company  almost  3  years  ago  and  since  then,  her  and  I  have  become  great  teammates  but  beMer  friends!    She  is  my  go  to  gal!    My  rockstar!    Samara  is  always  on  top  of  every  call!    I  can  always  count  on  her  to  post  every  replay  number!    She  is  typically  posDng  updates  before  I  have  even  read  them!    Samara  is  the  first  one  to  jump  up  and  do  any  event,  any  bridal  show,  mom  to  mom  sale,  fairs    &  biker  fests!    Whatever  event  she  can  get  her  hard  working  hands  on  she  will  be  there.    She  will  be  there  early  and  be  the  last  to  leave  without  ever  si_ng  down  or  remov-­‐ing  her  smile!!    She  is  always  dressed  IW  style  from  her  crazy  green  wig  to  her  bright  lime  tutu!    And  of  course  blinging  earrings  to  match  every  ou`it!!  

Samara  has  taken  this  business  to  a  higher  level  by  studying  Planetary  Herbology  and  teaching  herself  the  best  use  for  each    herbs.    She  is  highly  educated  in  what  our  products  are  packed  with  and  how  it  can  posiDvely  contribute  to  our  bodies!    I  have  Dme  and  Dme  called  her  concerning  quesDons  about  our  products  and  she  has  yet  to  fail  me!  

Samara  has  had  distributors  come  in  and  out  of  her  business.    She  has  signed  LC  who  have  dropped  off  acer  3  months.    She  has  heard  no  about  249274297  Dmes!    But  the  thing  I  admire  the  most  about  Samara  is  her  never  ending  dedicaDon  to  quit!    She  remains  posi-­‐Dve  every  morning  that  today  will  be  a  new  day  to  shine  on  someone!    She  has  had  a  slow  path  at  Dmes  but  conDnues  to  run  along!    I  know  and  feel  that  one  day  Samara  will  be  at  the  top!    She  will  be  on  that  stage  that  we  all  so  desire  to  accomplish!      I  am  beyond  blessed  to  have  Samara  on  my  team  and  love  her  forever!!!        Thank  you  Sam  for  just  be-­‐ing  the  amazing  you  that  you  are!!    To  the  top!




Now easy to find in ONE location!!!

www.lisakayefuller.comClick on the tab: Training Videos!

By: Double Diamond Angela Jockett

!!There are more than 800 million people using Facebook every day. This platform offers more than just a way to stay connected to friends and family; it is an essential tool in our business. Facebook allows our business to be available to people on a trusted, popular platform, where prospects can see “real” people (their friends, family or colleagues) interacting with you and your brand. This sets the stage for you to build stronger, more immediate relationships with them. But, businesses need to strike that critical balance of offering content that is relevant and adds value, with content that just plain entertains.!!

Setting Up Your It Works Business on Facebook I. Profile

A. Content should be about you but should highlight yourself as a business owner within it (use catchy slo-gan)

B. Include your 30 second commercial in your profile! (ie: “I help people tighten, tone, and firm their loose skin in 45 minutes”, “I help people get there sexy back, I love what I do, It Works helps people look young and wonderful, I teach people how to tighten, tone, and firm their skin effortlessly, affordably and naturally in 45 minutes! Etc…”)

C. Always incorporate your website in. (Profile, comments, whenever you talk about your business provide a link for anyone who may find interest in what you’ve said)

!II. Gathering Friends

A. Present and Past Friends

1. Use your email, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google+, etc to add every contact you’ve ever had through the internet.

2. Expo’s, Parties, any contact that you’ve ever made (presently or in the past) search them and add them as a friend.

a. sign in sheets at parties

b. customer loyals

c. give-aways at expo’s

d. blitzing leads

3. Use these people (Call, Email, Facebook, you never know who is in need of this opportunity or these products)

B. Making New Friends

1. Anyone you meet, get their contact information and friend or search them on facebook

2. Anyone that facebook suggests for your friends, accept them. When accepting write them a mes-sage

a. ie: Thanks for the connect looking forward to getting to know you better!!

3. Anytime you are friend requested, accept and write them a message “Thanks for the connect looking forward to getting to know you better!!

4. Seek out groups of people who have united around health, weight loss, wellness, business oppor-tunity, etc interests and start commenting in the group, add value, inspiration, and connect with them and add others in the group as friends.




III. Promoting It Works (Products and Business Opportunity)

!A. Posting/Status Updates (The “What’s on your mind” box)

!1. Aim to post status updates as often as possible (Post about everything not just business or family or life, but talk about it all.)

a. Set personal goals for how many times you commit to posting per day. (whether it be 5, 10, 15 times) The more you post the more you will be followed.

b. When you post more, more people will begin following what you are doing throughout your day.

c. Every time you post about the business or products be sure to include a link. For example if you post about a product, post a link that takes them to that product on your website. Finally if you are promoting the business use your Opportunity link.

2. What to Post:

a. Talk about your life (incorporating freedoms from the business and benefits from the products)

i. “Playing with the kids today, I love being self-employed”

ii. “I made $300 this week in fast start sign-ups, THIS IS A BONUS! I love my job,”

ii.“TGIF, and for me, FRIDAY is every day!”

!IV. Commenting on others’ posts

A. Read through recent posts, if another distributor posts, add to it. PUMP up their business. Help fellow It Works! Distributors make a name for It Works!

B. Read through recent posts to see if you can be the solution for someones’ problem. Fatigue, stressed, etc…

V. Posting Events

VI. Messaging

A. Message people back on their public wall

B. When someone accepts you as a friend, write back to them on their wall “thanks for the connect looking forward to getting to know you better!”

!A few last thoughts… One thing I have learned from experts in social marketing is to not cram ads down people’s throats, and that it is more "professionally etiquette" to do a bit of a softer sell on facebook. That is not to say it doesn't help to post your links, etc., but I would suggest intermixing with other things so people know you are not just trying to get a sale from them. The constant pushing of sale comes across as tacky in some cases. Post about other life things, health things, financial freedom, and just a reference at the end is a bit more subtle. Post value and inspiration and pull people in with your uniqueness!! Also, post results from parties, expos, etc, and sometimes not even posting something as obvious as "go here now to order" will be more attracting than obviously promoting your business. Lastly if people have a blog or another site I recommend linking that to facebook and their company site to blog. Not everyone does and that is fine, but if they do it comes across less "green" and needy for a sale to the pros. People can intuitively sense pushy approach. There is a way to "attract" the right kind of people that is a balance in be-tween, so maybe just a comment to that affect will help newbies not just post their website link on each and every post that red flags them as a newbie.


I usually host an event once a week or once every other week saying that I will be home between these times and to come over and try a wrap. I have had lots of people stop by just doing this. I, also, go through my contacts about once a month and send them out an e-mail, a facebook message or text either about the business opportunity (if I think they would be a good distributor) or I send them one if they have commented on the product and seemed interested.I think that just posting on the status updates isn't enough. I think that posting in the inbox to friends makes it more personal and makes them more apt to read it.For most people the best way to market on facebook is by posting personal results and keep updating them. As much as some of you dislike your pictures it does work. People can see for themselves that the product is working for you. I also suggest posting pictures of your family and the people from your parties, with their permission!! (I never use their names though unless they say its ok) I think the pictures and testimonies are what sell though!!!!


7 steps to be a consistently effective leader!!Being able to work effectively on a team and leading a team is critical when growing a successful It Works dis-tributorship. Team work is also essential in school, sports, group activities and in family life. Here are some ideas on how to be a consistently effective leader.!!1-Listen to others. Even though you are the team leader and you make the decisions, you should always ask people what their opinion is. Try to incorporate them whenever it's feasible. Listening to your teams opinions indicates your value in them. !!2-Take in others' suggestions.When someone gives you an idea, work on it. Think of how you can improve on it. A good leader is one that listens and not just talks. Show the team you are flexible to consider their thoughts.!!3-Include everyone. If some people are a little left behind, help them. Always try to include them. Find a task for everyone no matter what their skill or level.!!4-Encourage your team.Sometimes people are scared to try something and this is where the leader comes in. You have to encourage your team mates and show them that the task is possible, even if difficult, and try to make it fun for them. Show them the positive results of their work.!!5-Know what you are talking about. If your teammates are as confused as you are, how will they know what to do? As the leader, you must do the research first it shows that you are prepared. !!6-Enjoy being a leader. Even though leaders have to take things seriously, there is no reason you can't have fun. Just don't get too carried away. Balance the serious business at hand with regard for the morale and spirits of the team.!!7-Pay attention to morale. A demoralized team won't function. You must set the positive spirit, make the goals clear, show how the job is feasible and possible. It is demotivating for a person and a team to work for an im-possible goal.

Triple Diamond Elizabeth Houlihan


Jodi & Trent Buschur

Wow…How do I even begin to explain this POWER Couple and Family! Jodi and Trent are the most giving and humbled individuals I have ever met. Jodi has a passion for helping people that is so deep she never gives up on anyone! She is always there for you wether you are on her team or not by doing guests calls,

trainings and simple but powerful phone conversations! !!As her upline leader I am so proud of the leadership she gives her team…She is the most amazing leader anyone could ask for. Holding monthly Trainings and Prospecting Meetings for her entire team to weekly

team calls. She is there anytime you need help launching a new Distributor and always there to lend an ear and advice when you are trying to make the right decision in your business! !!

Trent is one of the most supportive man I have ever met! When Jodi was starting this business he was the man of the house with 6 girls and his own Family Business. He did all that he could to create a environment for Jodi’s success. He builds his own It Works business by sharing this business opportunity and products

with everyone he sees in his working day and has built a strong team of his own while being Super-Dad! He is a man of integrity and drive and will always do what needs to get done for his family and his team! !!

So as you can see these two mean the world to me and I am so very !blessed and honored to call them my Family!

Love you guys, !!

Natasha Roberson


With: Natasha Roberson

How to Balance Life with your Growing Business…

Well…where do I start? With out a schedule I would go insane…I have 3 Massage Therapy Studios I own, work 25 hrs on my personal Massage Clients per week, have a 2 year old and a 2 month old, I am a wife and I run this business as a Double Diamond! Call me crazy…Call me insane but I have found an amazing way to Balance my life and my businesses! Do you want to know how I do it? !!Okay 1st of all you need to have a priority list! This list will guide you on how you MUST balance your life and business to reach your goals and dreams! 2nd you MUST be strict to your schedule for the most part! 3rd Life happens and you will have to tweak things every now and then and that is okay. !!So let me give you a typical Monday in Natasha Roberson’s Life: !!6am alarm goes off ~ unless Baby Jax is already up!7am downstairs to workout for 30-45 mins !8am get Jacoby up (2 yr old) feed him his breakfast !8:30am shower and get ready for the day !9-2pm I see 4-5 Massage Therapy Clients and in-between clients I reply to messages, make quick calls ect…!2-2:30 go and get children from daycare and head home !2:30-6 100% focus on my kids and whatever they want to do and need me to do for them !6-7 dinner with my family !7-8 get kiddos ready for bed and into bed !8-12 It Works Business building on social media…contact DT’s,…Contact LC’s…anything I need to do for my It works Business! !12-6 sleep time! !!So you can see that I have every minute of my day spoken for and this is how I personally get everything I need to get done on a daily basis done! Every single day is different but I have the same type of schedule you see above there just with different time frames and such depending on if I have parties booked or I work longer at my studios, ect. !!So the point of all of this is…Are you keeping yourself on a schedule so you don’t waste precious time on social media…are you wasting time watching TV…are you spending too much time on business and no family time….are you making every minute of your day count? These are all questions I ask myself…I want to make sure every single minute is intentionally spent on my priorities in life! !!I want to challenge you all to make a Schedule for yourself and follow it to a T and then let me know how it is going. I promise you with a detailed schedule and a strict follow of it you will be more productive and your business…you family life and so much more will thrive! !!Happy Balancing! Love you all!


by: Stacy Lichtenwald

Yummy It Works Recipes to try!



Take Biz Every-where with you

by: Triple Diamond, Dorene JohnsonI  Love  that  I  can  take  my  IT  WORKS  business  everywhere  I  go.    I  put  one  of  my  IT  WORKS  t-­‐shirt  on  and  wear  my  blitz  card   around  my   neck   with   a   lanyard   and   head   out   daily  with  my  daily  rouDnes!  

I  do  my  biz  when  I  go  grocery  shopping,  clothes  shopping,  household   shopping,   oil   changes,   dining   out,   vacaDons,  day   trips   etc.    When   I   go   somewhere….anywhere   ..I   am  ready  to  share  my  blitz  card  with  people  to   introduce  the  One  of  a  kind  Wrap  It  Works  offers!    I  make  sure  I  get  their  contact  number,  email  address  and  Facebook  invite  before  I  end  my  conversaDon  with  the  possible  prospect.  

I  love  vendor  booths  at  event  to  introduce  It  Works.    I  re-­‐cently   was   set   up   at   my   County   Fair   and   received  many  new  leads,  booked  parDes  and  signed  brand  new  DTS  just  from  being  excited  to  show  people  my  results  of  using  the  products   and  wrapping   on   a   regular   rouDne.     Be   excited  and  people  want  to  be  a  part  of  the  excitement!  

It   is   easy   to   talk   to  people  and   share  my  personal   results  daily.    I  always  have  my  before  and  acer  pictures  on  my  phone  to  share  with  everyone.    They  want  to  know  my  recipe  and  I  share  the  products  that  I  used  to  get  my  results  of  52  lb  loss  and  went  from  a  size  14  pants  to  a  size  8  pants.      

So  get  your  It  Works  gear  out  and  ready  with  your  shirt,  blitz  cards  and  before  and  acer  photos  and  go  share  the  Wrap  with  everyone  you  come  in  contact  with!    You  are  giving  them  a  loMery  Dcket  when  you  blitz  them….They  just  need  to  cash  it  in!  



Thank you from

Team Amazing Events!Lisa Kaye Fuller

Sept 23rd: Pittsburg, PA Training !

Purchase Tickets Here! !

Sept 19 & 20th: Atlanta, GA 2 - Day Training

!Purchase Tickets Here!

Sept 22nd: Columbus, OH Training !

Purchase Tickets Here!!!




Mark your Calendars NOW!

Leadership Retreat November 7-9th

!Gilbert, AZ



Team Amazing Training Testimonials

Elisa Flores Ahedo ~ I attended the columbus training. I had so many ah ha moments! The one that sticks out the most was during the mock party

and how she never gives the option of not having to sign. I have always told people oh its okay you don't have to become a customer or anything, just come listen to what all these amazing products are. From now on I will be

following more of what I learned. LOVE it!!!

Lynda Riggs This  weekend  was  my  "ah  ha"  moment.  I  was  overwhelmed  by  some  of  the  sto-­‐ries  and  tesDmonies  and  Lisa  I  am  so  proud  and  

lucky  to  be  a  part  of  your  team. The  training  was  so  informaDve  and  I  took  away  

alot  of  Dps  that  I  am  pu_ng  into  acDon. I  walked  out  at  the  end  of  the  training  and  I  was  telling  my  group  that  I  will  be  up  on  stage!  I  have  made  up  my  mind  that  I  will  be  successful  with  It  Works  and  I  am  going  to  cheerlead,  coach  and  

mentor  my  team  to  become  successful!  Thank  you  so  much.

Janet Kenney The It Works Conference presented

by Lisa Kaye Fuller and her leadership team was great in so many ways! We

had the opportunity to learn about making our businesses more success-ful, the personal stories and whys that

inspire them and us, the chance to gather as a team to recharge and get motivated, and to give to a few causes

that will help others in need. And it was fun!! Thanks for all your efforts in

putting together such a worthwhile training. Hope to see you in Colum-

bus, Ohio again!

Kendra Schwartz Lisa Kaye Fuller, thank you from the bottom of my heart for an absolutely amazing training! You are an amazing leader and I truly appreciate the #Dia-mond+ break out session yesterday. My wheels haven't stopped turning and you have really opened my eyes to a lot of things! Sarah Savidge was absolutely amazing as well, thank you two ladies for being incredible leaders and men-

tors! I look forward to attending more #TeamAmazing trainings!

Leigh Smallfield Columbus- "ones a treat, fours a treatment", how does it work?-"it works great, let me show you", party guests listing four people on steps to suc-cess sheet who could benefit from prod-ucts and 3 people who would like the extra income-showing instant ease of business, step one-going beyond the business kit. I used to mark it off cause I had my kit and 80bv but wait it also includes materials within that kit! (Light bulb!), listening to what people do and taking note what product would interest them, order form completion when removing wrap and showing results, these are a few but I real-ly can go on with so much more....I walked away with so much beneficial info that I was never trained.!

Danielle Do Wilson I attended the Columbus training. The whole thing

was awesome. I had quite a few ah ha moments but I found my why and

there are no excuses!!!

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