teaching english vocabulary using visual materials …

Post on 05-Oct-2021






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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan















Cover Page..............................................................................................................

Approval Page.........................................................................................................

Copyright Statement................................................................................................

Publication Agreement Declaration........................................................................

Table of Contents....................................................................................................



Literature Review

A. Teaching English Vocabulary.....................................................................

B. Visual Materials..........................................................................................

C. Young Learners...........................................................................................

D. Attitude of Young Learners.........................................................................

E. Previous Study.............................................................................................

The Study

A. Context of The Study...................................................................................

B. The Participants...........................................................................................

C. Instrument of Data Collection.....................................................................

D. Data Collection Procedure...........................................................................

E. Data Analysis Procedure..............................................................................

Finding and Discussion

A. Kind of Visual Materials.............................................................................

B. The Steps in Using Visual Materials..........................................................

C. Challenges in Using Visual Materials.........................................................

D. Attitude of Young Learners........................................................................







Interview Questions.........................................................................................






In this era, English becomes one of the important languages that should be mastered.

There are around 500 million English speakers in this world and English becomes the

media to communicate and interact with the others. It would be better if the process

of studying English starts from a young age. The fact is, teaching English to young

learners is not an easy job, young learners like to play and they ignore the lesson.

This research has been conducted in grade three of elementary schools in order to

show how visual materials are used to teach young learners and their attitude in

learning English. An interview and observations have been developed to determine

how the teacher used visual materials and attitudes of young learners towards the

study English vocabulary using visual materials. The findings of the research have

revealed that the teacher used visual materials depend on the topic and visual

materials make English lesson became simpler and students understood it better.

Moreover, the students at grade three showed their positive and negative attitude.

The positive attitude shown by some students who come forward and try to apply

what they learned in class and negative attitudes showed by some students who

inclined to play balloon, or raise a hand because their classmates raised their hand


Keywords: Visual materials, Young learners, Young Learners‟ attitude.


English is one of the foreign languages that we should familiar with. Crystal

(2012) estimated that there are around 500 million English speakers, so that is why

English become one of the international languages that exist in this world. In this

globalization era, English is a medium to communicate and interact with others. So,


as a young generation, we are required to increase our communication skill using a

second or even foreign language.

As we know that English is important and it will be better if the process of

learning English start from a young age. So that the learner can adapt and master

English well. In Indonesia, English has been taught to young learner started from

preschool, kindergarten and in elementary school. After that, they will continue to

learn English at junior and senior high school or even at the university.

In English language teaching, vocabulary is one of the important things to learn. If

the students have a good vocabulary, they can understand and communicate with

teachers, friends or people around them using English. Having a good vocabulary

also will help the students to absorb the material from the teacher.

There is a similar research that was conducted by Dorela. In that research Dorela

(2009) investigated how visual materials are used when the vocabulary is being

taught in the EFL classroom and the effect on Young Learners. She investigated the

young learners in primary school in Korca, Albania at grade three and grade six. In

her investigation, Dorela used questionnaires, interview, and observation to collect

the data.

In her research, Dorela tried to compare the frequency of the using visual

materials in grade three and six. She tried to figure out the result in a table and it

showed that there are many kinds of visual materials that were used by the teacher

has a different frequency. As the example; in grade three the teacher often used an

object to help them in the teaching, the percentage is 66, 8%. Then, in grade six the

most often used by the teacher is a table that has percentage 58, 3%.


Although, the percentage of each visual materials that used in the class is

different, but all the visual materials there can play in helping them to teach English

to young learners.

In fact, it is not easy to teach English to young learners. At their age, they like to

play and it is difficult for them to focus on the learning process. This problem should

be solved as soon as possible so that the learning process can run effectively.

The purpose of this research is to show how visual materials are used to teach

English to young learners and their attitudes toward the using of visual materials in

learning English vocabulary.

The questions that this research will answer are:

a. How does the teacher use visual materials to teach vocabulary?

b. What are the young learners‟ attitudes towards the use of visual materials in

learning vocabulary?

Based on the research questions above, the researcher hopes that this research will

be beneficial to the reader. Especially, for the teachers who teach English not only

for young learner, but also all ages that learn English. So, they can improve their

teaching methods to raise the students‟ desire in learning English.


A. Teaching English Vocabulary

In the educational side, we have familiar with the word teaching. According to

Brown (2007:7), teaching is defined as showing and helping someone to learn how to

do something, giving instruction, guiding in the study of something, providing with

knowledge, causing to know and understand.


One of the most important aspects of learning English is vocabulary. Neuman &

Dwyer (2009) define vocabulary as words that we must know so we can use it to

communicate effectively; words in speaking (expressive vocabulary) and words in

listening (receptive vocabulary). When the students master English vocabulary well,

it will make them easier to read, write and communicate using English.

Thornbury (2002) stated that teaching words are a crucial aspect of language as

languages are based on words. As we know that the basic of a language is words and

it is impossible for us to learn a foreign language without words. Besides,

Thornburry (2002) also stated that if you spend most of your time studying grammar,

your English will not improve very much. You will see most improvement if you

learn more words and expressions. You can say very little with grammar, but you can

say almost anything with words (p.114).

Nation (2001) describes the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and

language use as complementary: knowledge of vocabulary enables language use and,

conversely, language use leads to an increase in vocabulary knowledge.

The researcher agreed that vocabulary is one of the most important aspects of

learning a foreign language. Mastering grammar means nothing when we are not

good in vocabulary. Imagine that we are in somewhere that put English as their

mother tongue, we are bad in grammar but we are mastering vocabulary well. When

we want to express something, although we are bad in grammar but if we have good

vocabulary they will know our meaning.

B. Visual Material

In the teaching learning process, teaching materials that were used by the teacher

have an important role in promoting the communicative language use.


As we know that young learners are rather difficult to focus on the teaching-

learning process. They can only concentrate for approximately one tenth of their age.

Williams (1991:207) stated that children learn better if they have a positive attitude

towards what they are doing and if they are motivated or want to do it. So, as the

teacher, they should able to provide the interesting activities or materials to catch the

learner's attention.

Visual materials become one of the solutions that can be used by the teacher to

catch the young learners‟ attention. Burton defined visual materials as sensory

objects or images which initiate or stimulate and support learning. According to

Kinder, S. James visual materials are any devices which can be used to make the

learning experience more real, more accurate and more active. Cross (1991:5-6)

stated three visual materials that can be used to help the teacher deliver English

lesson. They are realia, pictures, and gesture. Realia is a real object. As the example

are fruits, vegetables, nouns, etc that can be brought to the classroom. The picture is

an illustration of an object that is not easy to bring it into the classroom. A picture

can be board drawing, magazine, and flashcard. The gesture is an effective way to

introduce new words to the students since it resembles the Total Physical Response

Method. As the example are doing action or facial expressions (smiling, happy, sad).

Abebe and Davidson (2012) state that students are eager to learn vocabulary with

the assistance of visual materials, and that the use of visual materials enhances the

students‟ ability and opportunity to use language to express their ideas and feelings.

Besides, Leyla (1995) also states the purposes of using visual materials in

teaching learning process. Below are the purposes:

1. Materials provide economy in time and speech.


2. Make the course simpler, vivid and clear.

3. Materials increase students‟ interest and motivation.

4. Materials help to explain complex explanation easily.

5. Materials create the desire for learning.

6. Materials make abstract concepts concrete.

7. Materials enrich the course.

8. Materials provide the chance for practicing on subjects.

Lee (1986: 53) presents his idea about children language learning. He argues that

children in their language learning like fun, physical movements, and full

participation on what is going on. As we know that visual material can be used in as

many ways as you or your students‟ imagination allow. The use of visual material

can help the foreign language learner become an enjoyable activity for them.

By using visual materials to teach young learners, it can increase the teacher and

students‟ imagination allow. As Stice (1987) argued that young learners will

remember what they hear only 20%. Then, their 30% is what they see. The biggest is

50%, students will remember what they see and hear. So, by using visual material the

students can see and hear what the teacher‟s explanations and it make them easily to

absorb the knowledge rather than depending on what they hear or see.

However, the students can learn better through what they see and hear. The Ohio

State University (2006) clarified some advantages and disadvantages of using visual

materials in the classroom. Here are the advantages of using visual materials; the

students actively involved in the classroom activity, attract the students‟ attention

and they can get ideas quickly, by using images may influencing the students‟

attitudes, it is inexpensive to make, and visual material also flexible and portable.


Afterward, the disadvantages of using visual materials are the content can become

easily dated, it is time-consuming to make a visual material, it is not suitable for use

with large groups, and it is not useful for those who are visually impaired.

The Ohio State University (2006) also explained some tips in using the visual

material. As the example is chosen materials where the age, gender, socio-cultural

and racial backgrounds reflect your learners so they can better identify with the


The researcher thinks that children like something that has an interesting

appearance such as; colorful, moving, and has a unique shape. As the English teacher

that deliver the material and hope that the students can understand the material well,

the teacher should provide interesting material. So, the students‟ desire in studying

English will increase. When the students have their own encouragement they will

study English with pleasure and not put English as school subjects.

C. Young Learners

Teaching English to young learners are not an easy job. As the researcher stated

before that the young learners are rather difficult to focus on the teaching-learning

process they can only concentrate for approximately one tenth of their age.

According to Philips (1996:2), young learners mean children from the first years

of formal schooling (five or six years old) to 11 or 12 years of age. So that Young

learners are the student in kindergarten and elementary school.

Scott and Yterberg (2001:2), classifying young learners into two main groups.

a. Five to seven years old (beginning stage), they are able to:

- Talk about what they are doing

- Tell about what they have done


- Plan activities

- Use logical reasoning

- Understand direct human interaction

b. The eight to ten years old, they are able to:

- Understand abstract

- Understand symbol (beginning with words)

- Generalize and systematize

Scott and Yterberg (2001:2) stated that young children love to play and learn best

when they are enjoying themselves, but they also take themselves seriously and like

to think that what they are doing is real work.

The other characteristics of young learners in elementary school age that Scott and

Ytreberg (1993:2) state are:

a. They know that the world is governed by rules. They may not understand the

rules but they know that they should obey the rules to feel secure.

b. Their ability in understands situations is more quickly than the language used.

c. They use language skills long before they are aware of them.

d. Their own understanding comes through hands, eyes, and ears.

e. They are very logical –what say first happens first.

f. They have very short attention and concentration span.

g. Children do not always understand what adults are talking about.

h. Young children cannot decide for themselves what to learn.

i. Young children love to play.

j. Young children are enthusiastic and positive about learning.


Hetherington and Parke (1999) stated that vocabulary acquisition in children

proceeds in a burst. In addition, Cox (1999) mentioned that vocabulary of elementary

school-aged children may range from 2500 to 8000 words.

Young learners are well known as talkative speakers because they are in their gold

period. They are curious about something, although it is just an ant they will ask

about that ant. As the teacher we have the duty to explain it to them then they are

questioning our answer.

Young learners‟ brain is still fresh, they have not thought about many things they

just do what they like. It gives the advantage to the teacher and people around to give

them positive things. As the older, we should be careful when we are speaking

around them. As Hetherington and Parke (1999) stated that, children vocabulary

proceeds in a burst. The young learners probably adopt the languages that were used

by the older. It is alright when the language that they adopt are in good one but how

if it is a bad one.

D. Attitude of Young Learners

In the teaching learning process, information has an important role in that. As

Slameto (1988) states that information is the first condition to determine an attitude.

When the information causes positive or negative feelings toward an object and

brings a tendency to have certain behaviors, it is called as attitude.

Attitude is derived from the Latin “aptitude” and Italian “atto” that means

Latin=actus or English= act. The word “attitude” considered as an abstract mental

concept less than a century ago. It is something physical and was used to describe the

pose people took for a portrait (Baker, 1992).


The importance of attitude is supported by Reid (2003) which states that attitudes

are important to us because attitude cannot be neatly separated from the study. The

target language is not relying on intellectual capacity only, but also on the learner‟s

attitudes towards language learning. The statement means that learning language

should be approached primarily as a social and psychological phenomenon rather

than as a purely academic one.

There are three aspects of attitude. In this part focused on the behavioral aspect of

attitude. It deals with the students‟ behavior and also their react in the particular

situation. Kara (2009) stated that positive attitudes lead to the exhibition of positive

behaviors toward courses of study, with participants absorbing themselves in courses

and striving to learn more. Such students are also observed to be more eager to solve

problems, to acquire the information and skills useful for daily life and to engage

themselves emotionally.

It means that when the students have a positive attitude toward what they learn

they can absorb it easily and they can learn how to solve problems that they have.

In addition, Heining-Boynton and Haitema (2007) found that elementary school

students‟ attitudes toward learning a foreign language became more negative over

time. But, if the students receive positive experience in studying other languages in

their school they will develop positive attitudes toward those languages, school, and

their classmates. Therefore these attitudes will be reflected in their life and education

(Lindholm-Leary & Borsato, 2001).

E. Previous Study

Wahyu Wibowo (2009) analyzed the process and the effectiveness of using

pictures in teaching and learning English vocabularies to the grade four. Based on his


research, Wahyu found that there are five steps in using pictures to teach vocabulary.

They are greeting, motivation strategies, presentation strategies, skill practice, and


Wahyu also described the effectiveness of using pictures in teaching English. The

explaining material can run better, can stimulate the students' mind to create a new

idea, students can recognize and remember name easily, the learning process

becomes more fun, increase students' interest in English, and can avoid the boredom

that usually happens during the class activity.


A. Context of The Study

The study of this research took place at SDN Gebugan 02. It is located in a small

village named Bengkle, Ungaran mountainside.

The researcher was choosing this school because it was nearby her house.

Besides, when it was compared to other schools in a city, English was not common

for SDN Gebugan 02 students. They started to learn English at kindergarten or

elementary school. It was different with the students in a city that sometimes studied

English at preschool. So, it showed their development in learning English. The most

important thing from this school was the English teacher often used a visual material

to teach English in every class. So, the researcher decided to do observation and

interview the English teacher in this school to complete the data collection.

B. The Participants

The participants of this research were the English teacher and the students at

grade three. There was an English teacher who taught all classes in different time.


She came to this school every Monday and Tuesday to teach the students at grade

one to six. In this research, the researcher joined in grade three. There were 30

students in that class. They learned English every Tuesday at 7 a.m.

C. Instrument of Data Collection

There were two kinds of instrument that were used in this research to collect the

data from SDN Gebugan 02. The first one the researcher joined English class at

grade three and observed them. The researcher chose observation as the first

instrument to know the students‟ attitude when they were having English class.

The second instrument was an interview. After the observation has done, the

researcher interviewed the English teacher to get more information related to the

using of visual materials in English class. The researcher developed 23 interview


Then, the result of the observation became the answer to the second research

question. Moreover, the result of the interview with the English teacher became the

first research question‟s answer.

D. Data Collection Procedure

There were several steps in collecting the data. First, the researcher asked the

permission to conduct the observation in SDN Gebugan 02. In collecting the data, the

researcher used video recording to record all activities in grade three in two hours

English lessons. The observations took twice. Second, the researcher made an

appointment with the English teacher to conduct the interview. This research used

qualitative data. Besides that, the researcher was not the participant in the classes, the

researcher only as the data collector.


E. Data Analysis Procedure

After the observations have been done at SDN Gebugan 02, the researcher

analyzed the videos and arranged an interview.

Furthermore, the researcher transcribed the result of the interview and grouping

into several themes. From the observation and interview, the researcher knew how

visual materials were used in English class at SDN Gebugan 02. After finished

transcribing the data, the researcher classified the data based on the literature review

about the using visual material to teach young learner, especially in elementary

school. The researcher drew out a conclusion toward this research.


In this part, the researcher explains the findings and discussion after the researcher

conducted the observation and interview with the English teacher at SDN Gebugan

02. Based on the observation and interview the researcher knows that the English

teacher at SDN Gebugan 02 teaches every Monday for grade four to six and Tuesday

for grade one to three. In one meeting, each class will learn English in two hours

lesson. The finding and discussion are divided into four parts. They are kind of visual

materials, the steps in using visual materials, challenges in using visual materials,

and the young learners‟ attitude.

A. Kind of Visual Materials

Leyla (1995) stated that by using visual material the course becomes simpler and

clear, help to explain the complex materials, and increase the students' desire for

learning. The English teacher also stated that,


“The purpose of using visual material is to make the students more interest in

learning English. It also makes the students more understand English lesson

because the materials become simpler.”

It can be said that visual materials are tools that can help to deliver the materials,

it can make difficult lesson became clearer or easier to understand. There are many

kinds of visual materials that have been used by the teacher. Based on the interview,

the English teacher stated that,

“Kind of visual materials that I have ever used are pictures, photos, videos,

gestures, and board drawing. It is easy to find something like that, especially

gesture and board drawing. Both of them is kind of visual material that easy to

use and very adaptable.”

During the observation, the English teacher used two kinds of visual materials.

They are gestures and pictures. Scott and Ytreberg (1993:2) stated some elementary

students‟ characteristics such as; “their own understanding comes through hands,

eyes, and ears.” Elementary students‟ characteristics by Scott and Ytreberg are

proven by the observation that has been done. The researcher found that, by using a

gesture that is one kind of the visual materials the teacher tried to figure out the

material in the easiest way. As the example, in the first observation, the topic of the

lesson was uniform. The teacher appointed her head to indicate hat, then neck for a

tie, shoulder for a shirt, waist for a belt, knee for a skirt, leg for sock and shoes.

When the teacher asked them to mention the part of the uniform, almost all the

students in grade three tried to answer it.

Besides, pictures also became another visual material that was used by the teacher

in class. In the same observation and topic, the teacher used a picture to teach

uniform. The teacher added,

“Sometimes I look for pictures from Google or a model of visual materials. If it

is quite easy I will make it by myself”


Pictures can be adopted from the internet or even drawn by the teacher. According to

Harmer (2001), pictures should be appropriate not only for the language to be

learned but also for the classes they are being used for. So, if teachers decided to use

a picture that took from the internet or their own picture, make sure that the content

is appropriate for the student and it can be seen clearly.

In the interview section, the researcher found that not every English lesson in

grade three used the visual material. The using of visual materials to teach English in

grade three is based on the topic that they will learn. As the interviewee said that,

“I often use visual materials to teach English but it depends on the topic that

we have. If one kind of visual material has been used in one topic and if it is

appropriate to use in a different meeting or even different topic. It would be

okay to use the same visual material.”

B. The Steps in Using Visual Materials

In this part discussed the steps in using visual materials to teach English to young

learners. There were some important points that the English teacher should consider

with when they decided to use the visual material. The English teacher mentioned

three important points that should be done before teaching.

The first point was understanding the topic or theme of the lesson. It was

important to avoid misunderstanding between the topic of the lesson and the visual

material that used by the teacher.

The second was choosing the appropriate visual materials. It sounds very easy to

decide what kind of visual material that used in the teaching learning process. The

teacher should pay more attention to this part. The English teacher clarified that,

“Sometimes we think that the visual material that we use is suitable for the

topic and it is interesting enough for the students, but in the fact, they are not


interested in our visual material that we used. It means that our visual materials

are not appropriate for them. It should be better.”

Then, the last important point was making visual material that used in the lesson.

If the teacher had no problem with the topic and kind of visual material that used,

then the teacher started to make the visual material. The English teacher added,

“In making the visual materials it should be clear enough for the students. The

students can see it clearly and it would be better if they can operate it. So, they

will know more about the material that they are studying.”

The three important points were supported by The Ohio State University (2006)

that explained some tips in using the visual material. As the example is chosen

materials that the age, gender, socio-cultural and racial backgrounds reflect your

learners so they can better identify with the messages.

In the teaching day, there were many things that should be done by the English

teacher. At the beginning of the class, as usual, the English teacher started the lesson

with prayed together and reviewed the previous material. If the handbook does not

have the complete material then the teacher gave clues about the material, so they

can imagine what they are going to study about.

When the researcher was having the observation, the English teacher explained

about the uniform. At that time, the English teacher brought a picture that drawn by

the teacher. Then, stick the picture that has provided on the white board. Beside the

picture, the teacher added the parts name of the uniform and covered it using

different paper. Then, the teacher reviewed the previous material by appointing every

part at her own uniform. Head to indicate hat, then neck for a tie, shoulder for a shirt,

waist for a belt, knee for a skirt, leg for sock and shoes.

By using gesture, it can help the young learner to remember the name of uniform.

As the teacher said that


“I used to appoint something that related to the material to help them guess

what it is. As the previous meeting, I appoint my head to indicate hat, waist for

belt it is to help them remember the words. Some of them may have the wrong

answer but I said that the answer almost correct to make the young learner feel

enthusiastic toward study English.”

In the pre-teaching phase, the teacher asked them to mention „kaos kaki‟ and

„sepatu‟ in English and one of the young learner said that „srong‟ for „kaos kaki‟

then „soes‟ for „sepatu.‟ It means that they already have their own imagination about

English word.

English explained that,

“Although, they are still wrong but they tried to answer the teacher‟s question

and it almost correct.”

In whilst teaching, the teacher asked the students to come forward and choose one

number from the picture. As the example, if number one is referring to “kepala" that

means head for a hat the students should mention what is "topi” in English. After the

students answered the question, then the teacher opened the answer key beside the

picture that covered by another paper. If they were correct they got point.

The other activities that the teacher provided for the students were writing,

pronouncing and guessing words. Again, the teacher told the students to come

forward. The student wrote one English word related to their uniform. After finished

in their writing, then the teacher asked the student to pronounce it and mentions the

meaning of that word.

Then, in the post teaching, the teacher reviewed about the material at that day.

The teacher was pointing some parts of uniform to check the students' understanding

of the materials. At the end of the class, the teacher asked them to find words that


related to the materials. Not only gave the students homework, the teacher also tried

to make the students familiar with saying thank you for closing their lesson.

C. Challenges in Using Visual Materials

There were some challenges in using the visual material to teach English to young

learners in the EFL classroom. As the researcher said that teaching English to the

young learner is not an easy job, young learners can only concentrate for

approximately one tenth of their age, so all English teachers should be familiar with

all kind of challenges.

First challenge was quite difficult to make the students focus on the teaching-

learning process all the time. Although, the advantages of using visual materials were

to catch the young learners‟ attention but the fact is different. Based on the

observation that has been done by the researcher, it was found that the students'

attention only holds out on the opening section.

Scott and Yterberg (2001:2) described that young children love to play and learn

best when they are enjoying themselves, but they also take themselves seriously and

like to think that what they are doing is real work. It was suitable with the fact that

found by the researcher in observation. In the middle of the teacher's explanation,

some of them were having their own discussion with their friends or even played a

balloon with classmates. The English teacher said that,

"Sometimes they are bored with the materials. Moreover, they are still kids that

like to play. So, when I am facing the students that are busy with themselves, I

will ask them to sing together and usually, they will pay attention to the


In the teaching process, there was a possibility of facing the same or different

problem. Young learners like to play and it was not surprising when they were busy


with themselves and sometimes did not pay attention to the lesson. The teacher has

their own method to make the students revert to their concentrations. The English

teacher added,

“If the students are busy with themselves and the class becomes too crowded, I

will ask them to come forward and try to work with visual material that I


When the students work on the material they will forget their bustle for a moment

and focus on the lesson.

The second challenge was choose the appropriate visual materials that will be

used in the teaching process. It sounds very simple to choose kind of visual material

that will be used in class, but the fact it was rather difficult to do it. The teacher

should have consideration in choosing the visual material. So, that's why an English

teacher should deeply understand the material that they have in class. Beside that a

teacher should be careful to decide kind of visual materials to support their teaching,

the inappropriate visual material sometimes can make the student feel bored.

The teacher clarified that,

“It is difficult to choose what kind of visual material for the class activity. I

decide to use flashcard, I think that it has appropriateness for the material but I

do not know whether the students like flashcard or not.”

There are kind of visual materials that can be chosen by the teacher. But the

problem is not all kind of visual materials can be appropriate for the students.

English teacher said that,

"When I use one kind of visual material and the students did not give a really

good response, so I think that may be the visual material is not interesting

enough. In the next meeting, I will use other visual material."

Harmer (2001) argued that pictures should be appropriate not only for the

language to be learned but also for the classes they are being used for. Harmer‟s


clarified the English teacher's opinion that the visual material should be appropriate

for the students. When the students are not interested in the visual material that

provided they will not pay attention and the purpose of teaching will not run


When the problem like that happen, it would be better to look at the previous

points; understanding the material, choosing the appropriate visual material, and

making the visual material as interesting as you can.

English teacher explained that,

“Students at this grade like something new, I tried to provide new visual

material if it is possible. When the students meet something that they have

never seen before, they will pay more attention to the course because they are

curious about it.”

Wibowo (2009) also mentioned the effectiveness of using visual material can

increase the students‟ interest to the lesson. Both of them have the same purpose

which catches the students' attention in the teaching learning process by using visual


D. Attitude of Young Learners

There were positive and negative attitudes of the young learners in learning

English. The positive attitudes are seen from the students who raised their hand and

tried to answer the teacher‟s question. The negative attitude seen from the students

who were busy with themselves played balloon or raised a hand because the

classmates did the same and they answered incorrectly.

Williams (1991:207) stated that children learn better if they have a positive

attitude towards what they are doing and if they are motivated or want to do it. A


positive attitude is the ability to have positive thoughts about one's self and one's

environment even when things are not going as one would hope.

Kara (2009) also stated that positive attitudes lead to the exhibition of positive

behaviors toward courses of study, with participants absorbing themselves in courses

and striving to learn more. Such students are also observed to be more eager to solve

problems, to acquire the information and skills useful for daily life and to engage

themselves emotionally.

In addition, Heining-Boynton and Haitema (2007) found that elementary school

students‟ attitudes toward learning a foreign language became more negative over

time. But, if the students receive positive experience in studying other languages in

their school they will develop positive attitudes toward those languages, school, and

their classmates.

The English teacher tried to give positive experience to the students by saying,

“Your answer is almost correct, but a correct answer is...but I still give you


When the teacher said that the students will get point if they come forward and try to

guess the English word, it makes them feel enthusiastic toward it and their

enthusiastic means a positive attitude.

Therefore, these attitudes will be reflected in their life and education (Lindholm-

Leary & Borsato, 2001). Lindholm-Leary & Borsato support the teacher‟s opinion


“In the classroom, the students behave differently, there are students that active

and really pay attention to the lesson and always raise their hand and try to

answer my question.”


In line with Heining and Haitema (2007) that stated students‟ attitudes toward

learning a foreign language became more negative over time, the teacher explained,

“But some of them are busy with themselves, playing balloon or may raise

their hand because their classmates do the same and it is because the class

becomes crowded."

Based on the teacher‟s explanation toward the class condition it means that when

some of the students have positive attitudes toward what they learn they can absorb it

easily. Then, some of the students with their negative attitudes just make the class

become crowded.


The purpose of this research is to show how visual materials are used to teach

English to young learners and their attitudes toward the using of visual materials in

learning English vocabulary. The research questions are:

1. How does the teacher use visual materials to teach vocabulary?

Visual materials played important role in elementary school students that learned

English. The English teacher explained that the used of a visual material depend on

the topic of the material. Kind of visual material also should be appropriate for the

students at grade three. The teacher also stated that by using the visual material, the

English lesson became simpler and the students understood it better.

2. What are the young learners‟ attitudes towards using visual materials in learning


The most important thing by conducting this research was the researcher found a

fact that the students at grade three showed their positive and negative attitude during

English lesson using visual materials.


The positive attitudes shown by the students who came forward and tried to

applied what they learned in class by answering the teacher question and tried to

pronounce some words.

Besides, some students showed their negative attitudes during English lesson. The

students with their negatives attitude, inclined to play balloon, or raise a hand

because their classmates raised their hand too.

This present research may help the young learners‟ teachers to develop their

teaching technique to make the teaching learning run better. However, this research

has limitations. It is limited to time in doing the interview. English teacher in SDN

Gebugan 02 gave a chance to conduct the interview. It was because the teacher had

to go to another school so that the researcher and the teacher tried to finish the

interview section as fast as possible. In addition, the researcher also has limitation

about the participant of this research. There was an English teacher that has been

interviewed and only one class that has been observed. For further research, the

researcher hoped that can investigate kind of visual material that increase young

learners‟ motivation in studying English, with more participant and class.



Firstly, I would like to give my gratitude to Allah SWT. I am nothing without

Allah who makes me stronger to face and finish my beloved thesis. I would also like

to thank my supervisor, Ms. Rindang who guided me from proposal until I finished

my thesis. Thanks for her patience and willingness in handling me. My second

reader, Ms. Anne thanks for her input and also willingness to examine my thesis.

Also thank you very much for all lecturers in FBS. I would also like to thank Ms. Nia

and SDN Gebugan 02 students who helped me to collect the data for my thesis.

Last but not least, I thank all my beloved parents, "Ninok and Ipi", brothers,

sisters and my future husband, Ahmad Riyadi who cheer me up when I felt frustrated

in doing this thesis. Rifka, Lidya and all my friends thanks because you have

accompanied me in doing this thesis.



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Interview questions

These are the interview questions that were used by the researcher in collecting the

data from the English teacher at grade three:

A. Warm up phase

Introduce self

Tell the purpose of the interview

Ask participant‟s demographic info, name and contact information.

B. Opening phase

Sudah berapa lama Ibu mengajar disini?

Saya disini mulai 29 Januari 2009 berarti delapan tahun.

Menurut Ibu apakah Bahasa Inggris itu penting untuk diajarkan

kepada murid sejak dini? Alasan?

Ya penting, kalau menuruti era jaman kan penting mungkin dulu

waktu jamannya saya sekolah mungkin SMP baru diajarkan Bahasa

Inggris. SD kan belum ada tapi kalau semakin kesini teknologi

semakin canggih. Komunikasi juga faktor IT, jadi mengajarkan

Bahasa Inggris sejak dini lebih bagus.

Berapa kali Ibu mengajar bahasa Inggris dalam seminggu?

Berapa jam dalam sehari?

Saya satu minggu mengajar dua kali, pada hari Senin dan Selasa.

Untuk perkelasnya dari kelas satu sampai kelas enam itu 2 jam

pelajaran, jadi totalnya 12 jam.

Selama Ibu mengajar Bahasa Inggris di SD, metode apa yang

sering Ibu gunakan?


Metodenya itu paling ya ceramah dan diskusi. Ceramah dan diskusi

sering saya terapkan di kelas. Terus sama mungkin alat peraga yang

untuk kelas rendah itu sering saya pakai.

Kenapa Ibu memilih untuk menggunakan metode tersebut?

Kalau diskusi secara otomatis nanti siswa itu aktif, aktif dalam

berdiskusi dengan satu kelompoknya begitu. Kalau metode ceramah

itu yang lebih aktifkan gurunya. Sebetulnya, metode diskusi lebih

sering dipakai saat di kelas. Anak-anak itu lebih aktif lebih bagus

C. Expanding phase

Selama Ibu mengajar disini, khususnya di kelas 3 pernahkah ibu

menggunakan alat bantu mengajar dalam bentuk visual?

Contohnya apa saja?

Ya pernah pakai alat bantu visual, tapi tidak sering menyesuaikan

dengan temanya. Mungkin foto, video, gerakan, gambar, buku

bergambar, papan tulis.

Dari alat bantu visual yang sudah Ibu sebutkan, manakah yang

sering Ibu pakai saat mengajarkan bahasa Inggris?

Saya lebih sering menggunakan gerakan dan papan tulis.

Apa saja manfaat penggunaan visual material dalam

pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk di kelas ibu?

Manfaatnya yang pasti sangat bagus untuk anak-anak karena dengan

menggunakan alat bantu visual mereka lebih tertarik dengan apa yang

saya ajarkan. Dengan begitu menurut saya, mereka lebih bisa

menyerap materi pembelajaran. Bahan yang saya gunakan jugakan

lebih sederhana yang mungkin hanya berupa gambar mereka kan lebih

cepat mengerti daripada saya hanya berbicara.


Apa tujuan penggunaan visual material untuk kelas bahasa


Untuk memudahkan proses pembelajaran bahan yang rumit

bagi anak sd menjadi lebih gampang dimengerti oleh mereka.

Meningkatkan semangat murid-murid dalam belajar bahasa


Tidak membosankan bagi para murid.

Pada saat apa ibu mengajar menggunakan alat bantu visual?

Alat bantu itu sesuai dengan temanya. Misalnya, sekarang materinya

ganti tapi pakai alat peraganya ini tidak harus ganti disesuaikan

dengan tema. Kadang awal itu apersepsi dulu, pendahuluan tapi kalau

pertemuan ke dua ketiga baru pakai alat bantu visual.

Saat Ibu menggunakan alat bantu visual tersebut biasanya

digunakan untuk mengajarkan apa kepada murid?

Misalnya kalau kelas satu itu “Number” bisa, kelas dua “My body”,

kelas tiga seperti kemarin “Clothes” gitu ya.

Menurut saya hal ini mengarah ke kosakata dan membaca.

Sebelum Ibu mengajar menggunakan alat bantu visual , kira-kira

apa saja yang perlu disiapkan?

Pertama, melihat dulu materinya apa. Kedua, memikirkan alat peraga

yang cocok dengan materi tersebut. Ketiga, kalau alat peraganya

sudah dipikir pas bisa langsung dibuat.

Langkah-langkah apa sajakah yang biasanya Ibu lakukan saat

Ibu mengajar menggunakan alat bantu visual?

Saat di kelas langkah awal pasti itu apersepsi dulu jadi memancing

anak untuk mengarah ke materi. Kalau ada pertemuan ke dua ketiga

dan di rasa butuh baru pakai alat bantu visual.


Setelah mengajar menggunakan alat bantu visual adakah

rencana untuk mengajar menggunakan alat bantu visual yang

berbeda untuk menarik para murid agar lebih fokus pada


Ya ada rencana, misalnya saya buat alat peraga tapi anak-anak di

buatkan alat peraga kok kayaknya kurang pas. Anak-anak mungkin

menangkap materi kok masih agak lambat berarti alat peraganya

kurang pas kira-kira yang lebih cocok lagi apa ya.

Apakah Ibu menemui kesulitan dalam mengajarkan Bahasa

Inggris kepada murid SD menggunakan alat bantu visual?

Kesulitannya ya mungkin untuk mengatur anak-anak kadang kalau

pakai alat peraga itukan emang anak-anak senang jadi anak-anak itu

kadang “Saya bu saya bu...” mereka berebut untuk maju misalnya

maju untuk memasangkan alat peraganya itu.

Bagaimana cara ibu untuk mengatasi kesulitan tersebut?

Mengatasinya mungkin anak-anak dipancing pakai lagu “Ayo nyanyi

dulu sama-sama” anak-anak di suruh duduk yang tertib nanti di

selingi lagu kemudian biasanya anak-anak tertib.

Pernahkah ada kesulitan dalam menentukan alat bantu visual

seperti apa yang harus di gunakan? Mungkin dari sumbernya?

Kalau alat peraganya kadang sulit untuk memilih yang cocok dengan

materinya. Mungkin untuk guru alat peraganya sudah cocok tapi

untuk anak-anak pada kenyataannya mereka masih lambat untuk

menerima materi berarti alat peraganya mungkin kurang menarik

untuk mereka.

Kalau biasanya alat bantu visual tersebut ibu dapatkan dari

mana? sumbernya? Ibu membuat sendiri atau mengambil dari



Ya pertama cari di google, terus kalau sekiranya ini gampang

langsung saya aplikasikan buat sendiri.

Menurut Ibu seperti apakah respon para murid saat Ibu

mengajar menggunakan alat bantu dalam bentuk visual?

Ya kalau pakai alat bantu otomatis anak-anak itu lebih senang, lebih

menarik mungkin ya.

Apakah ada perbedaan pada murid di kelas tiga saat ibu

mengajar dengan menggunakan atau dengan tidak menggunakan

alat bantu visual?

Ya jelas ada perbedaan kalau menggunakan alat peraga anak-anak

lebih semangat, misalnya di suruh maju semangat malah berebut

kalau pakai alat peraga seperti kemarin itu.

Dengan menggunakan alat bantu visual tersebut, apakah materi

pembelajaran dapat tersampaikan dengan baik?

Ya 80%. Bisa lebih baik dari pada yang tidak pakai alat peraga

Bagaimana cara Ibu mengetahui hasil belajar siswa?

Tes tertulis bisa atau tes lisan. Ya biasanya saya panggil satu per satu

misalnya kemarin sudah menggunakan alat peraga ini sudah

menghafal nanti sekalian di nilai lebih cepat kalau tes lisan kalau tes

tertulis kadang anak-anak itukan nilainya tidak full mungkin karena

tidak berfikir sendiri mungkin kadang ada yang lihat temannya kalau

tes lisan anak-anak cenderung memberikan jawaban dari hasil berfikir


D. Closing phase

Saying thank you.

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