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Post on 30-Apr-2022






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The Catholic Community of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton�1�

O�� L��� J� C�� �, K �� �� �� U� �� N����� 21, 2021

�T�� C����� C��� ��� �� �

S�. E������ A�� S�����

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(972) 596-5505





& 1:00 PM TO 5:00 PM


DAILY 6:30 AM TO 5:00 PM





M��� T�����

The Faithful will remain dispensed from any

���������� to attend Mass on Sunday to

alleviate the concerns during this time of

those with health problems

P���� A ������ C���� P���� H��� �

2700 W. S���� C��� P������

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3100 W. S���� C��� P������

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FRIDAYS 9:15 AM TO 10:00 AM AND 1:00 PM TO 2:00 PM








The Saturday Vigil Mass is live streamed at 5:00 PM

Daily Mass is livestreamed at 8:30 AM





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2� The Catholic Community of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton� � � �

Clergy:� � Extensions�

Rev. Bruce Bradley, Pastor� 4221�

Rev. Sinu Joseph, Parochial Vicar� 4221�

Rev. Tuan Le, Parochial Vicar� 4221��

Deacons: �Doug Biglen | Mike Picard | Mike Seibold �

� Vince Vaillancourt l Paul Viramontes l Michael Likoudis� �

� �

Parish Administra�on:�

Sonia Moran� Ministry Assistant to the Priests� 4221�

Be+y Kimbrough� Director of Human Resources� 4251�

Kris Horlick� Director of Finance� 4225�

John Welsh� Ministry Assistant to the Business Office � 4226�

Jay Stevenson� Facili4es Maintenance� � � � � 4240�

Dennis Andereck� Coordinator of Events� � � � � 4266�

Jerry Waynant� Coordinator of Safe Environment� 4265�

Bulle�n and Website Submissions must be submied to the Staff Liaison in charge of

your ministry at least 12 days before you wish it to appear. (Allow extra days near holidays.) ��


Mary Wojcik� Director of Worship� 4228�

Martha Reyes� Ministry Assistant to Worship� 4223�

Lisa Kellen� Coordinator of Music Ministry� 4229��

Community Life & Family Life Ministries� �

Cindy Christenson� Director of Community Life� 4246�

Cecilia Jones� Coordinator of Family Life� 4222��

Faith Forma�on �

Bruce Baumann� Director of Faith Forma4on � 4289�

Beth Ann Apt� Ministry Assistant to Faith Forma4on � 4288�

Denise Gilbert� Coordinator of Children's Ministry � 4264�

Michelle Parisee� Ministry Assistant to Children's Ministry� 4260�

Jeri Phillips� Coordinator of Seton Youth Ministry & Emmaus Young Adults� 4285�


Welcome to Seton! We invite you to join our Parish Family!�

Pick up a registra4on card at the informa4on counter at the Faith forma4on Center and�

Seton Ac4vity Center loca4ons or in any parish office. You may also register online at

www.SetonParish.org/NewRegistra�on. Already a member but need to update your info?

Go to www.SetonParish.org/UpdateRegistra�on or call the Parish Recep4onist.�

�The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) invites your input concerning ma+ers rela4ve to our parish.

Please address your comments and ques4ons to ppc@eseton.org. All e�mails will be reviewed

at the monthly PPC mee4ngs. If you have a personal or sacramental need, please contact the

parish office or staff. �

ABer hours and non�emergency number for staff members, call 972�964�2469 �

wait for recording to start and then enter the Extension�

P�� � S�����

P�� � O������

2701 Piedra Dr.�

Plano, Texas 75023�

Priests and Deacons�

Bap4sms, Weddings,�

Business Office�

Parish Records�

Parish Office Fax # 972�985�7573�

C����� �� P�� ��

A������� C������

2700 W Spring Creek Pkwy�

Plano, Texas 75023�

� �

Community Life Office�

Worship �Funerals, �

and Mass Inten4ons,�

� �

T�� S���� F��� �

F������� C������

3100 W Spring Creek Pkwy,�

Plano, Texas 75023�

� �

Adult Faith Forma4on�

Seton Youth �

Children's Ministry�

Family Life Ministries�

Evenings � non emergency�

972�398�5400 plus Extension�


Cindy Christenson�4246 �

S67.8 W629576�




Parish Pastoral Council�

Parish Registration�

P�� � S�����


Main Parish Number ��

If you have an emergency or need a

priest, aBer hours, the answering

service will forward the message. �

November 21, 2021 �Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe � 3�

W��� A ��

Gloria �

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to

people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we

adore you, we glorify you, �

we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, �

heavenly King,�

O God, almighty Father. �

Lord Jesus Christ, Only BegoCen Son, �

Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,�

you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us;�

you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer;�

you are seated at the right hand of the Father, �

have mercy on us.�

For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord,�

you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy

Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.�

Collect/Opening Prayer�

Liturgy of the Word�

First Reading: � Daniel 7:13�14�

As the visions during the night con�nued, I saw one like a

Son of man coming, on the clouds of heaven; when he

reached the Ancient One and was presented before him,

the one like a Son of man received dominion, glory, and

kingship; all peoples, na�ons, and languages serve him.

His dominion is an everlas�ng dominion that shall not be

taken away, his kingship shall not be destroyed.�

The word of the Lord. � All: Thanks be to God.�

Responsorial: � Psalm 93:1ab, 1c�2, 5�

“The LORD is king; he is robed in majesty.”�

Second Reading: � RevelaDon 1:5�8�

Jesus Christ is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the

dead and ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who

loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, who

has made us into a kingdom, priests for his God and

Father, to him be glory and power forever and ever.

Amen. Behold, he is coming amid the clouds, and every

eye will see him, even those who pierced him. All the

peoples of the earth will lament him. Yes. Amen. "I am

the Alpha and the Omega, " says the Lord God, "the one

who is and who was and who is to come, the almighty."�

The word of the Lord.� All: Thanks be to God.�

Prayer for Building a New Church�

Eternal Father, we place our needs before you.�

We are thankful for all you have given us.�

As we con�nue this journey to build a new sanctuary, give

us wisdom and strength.�

May the Holy Spirit guide us to achieve our goals, and fulfill

our needs.�

May we accept challenges with confidence, knowing that

you will help us in our work.�

In our worship may we hear the Word of God with faith.�

May we celebrate the Sacraments with hope.�

May we serve one another with love.�

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. �

Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.�

St. Joseph, Protector of the Universal Church, and patron of

workers and families, pray for us.�

St. Francis of Assisi, Called to rebuild the Church, pray for us.�

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, our patroness, pray for us.�

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe�

The Introductory Rites �

Gathering Hymn � Alleluia! Sing to Jesus�


PenitenDal Act�

4� The Catholic Community of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton� � � �

W��� A � C��� ����

Gospel AcclamaDon �

Gospel� John 18:33b�37�

Pilate said to Jesus, "Are you the King of the Jews?" Jesus

answered, "Do you say this on your own or have others

told you about me?" Pilate answered, "I am not a Jew, am

I? Your own na�on and the chief priests handed you over

to me. What have you done?" Jesus answered, "My king-

dom does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did be-

long to this world, my a2endants would be figh�ng to

keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is,

my kingdom is not here." So Pilate said to him, "Then you

are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say I am a king. For this I

was born and for this I came into the world, to tes�fy to

the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my


The Gospel of the Lord.� All: Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ. �



I believe in one God, the Father almighty, �

maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.�

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Bego+en Son of God, �

born of the Father before all ages. �

God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, �

bego+en, not made, consubstan4al with the Father; �

through him all things were made. For us men and for our salva-

4on he came down from heaven �

At the words that follow up to and including and became man, all


and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and be-

came man. �

For our sake he was crucified under Pon4us Pilate, �

he suffered death and was buried, �

and rose again on the third day �

in accordance with the Scriptures. �

He ascended into heaven �

and is seated at the right hand of the Father. �

He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead �

and his kingdom will have no end. �

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, �

who proceeds from the Father and the Son�

who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, �

who has spoken through the prophets.�

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. �

I confess one Bap4sm for the forgiveness of sins �

and I look forward to the resurrec4on of the dead �

and the life of the world to come. Amen. �

Prayer of the Faithful�

Liturgy of the Eucharist�

PreparaDon of the Altar � �

All Glory, Laud, and Honor�

Holy, Holy, Holy�

Please remain standing if you are able since we do

not have kneelers,�

Mystery of Faith �

“We proclaim your death O Lord and profess your Resur-

rec�on, un�l you come again, un�l you come again.”�

Great Amen�

The Communion Rite�

Our Father� �

Lamb of God��

Presider: Behold the Lamb of God, ….�

All: � Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under

� my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall

� be healed. �

Friday Eucharis�c Adora�on �

Exposi�on of the Blessed Sacrament will take place in the

parish hall a�er the 8:30 a.m. Mass and concludes with

Benedic�on at 11:45 a.m. For more informa"on, please call

Min Ozaeta at 972�886�8244 or Kay Neurauter at 972�896�9585. �

November 21, 2021 �Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe � 5�

`tÜÜ|tzx cÜxÑtÜtà|ÉÇ

This is a joyous and wonderful �me in your life and we will be hon-

ored to assist you in preparing, whether that marriage will take

place here at SEAS or elsewhere!�

Couples are asked to begin prepara"on six months or more prior to

the desired wedding date in order to complete the necessary courses

and provide the needed documenta"on. We will try to work with you

if your "meline is shorter than six months, however, the form of

prepara"on may be limited. �

If you plan on ge4ng married for further informa"on, please contact

Sonia Moran, Ministry Assistant to our Priests, in the Parish Office at

972�596�5505 x4221; smoran@eseton.org�

W��� A � C��� ����

Communion Hymn� Jesus, Hope for the World�

Excerpts from the Lec�onary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United

States of America, second typical edi�on © 2007, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970

Confraternity of Chris�an Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. Used with

permission. All rights reserved. No por�on of this text may be reproduced by

any means without permission in wri�ng from the copyright owner.�

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton has yearly copyright permission with OCP

Publica�ons, WLP, and GIA Publica�ons Inc. under OneLicense.Com Number

A�705392, Chris�an Copyright License Interna�onal (CCLI) License Number

1688171. The Parish has also secured individual copyright permission for

music not under these contracts.�

BapDsm PreparaDon Class �

The Diocese of Dallas requires that both parents a.end the

Bap�sm Prepara�on Class to have their child bap�zed. The next

class will be on Sunday, Dec. 19 at 1:30 pm in rooms 107�109 in the

Faith Forma�on Center at 3100 W. Spring Creek Pkwy. �


more details, call Sonia Moran in the Parish Office at �

972�596�5505 ext. 4221�

Final Blessing and Dismissal�

Recessional Hymn� �

To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King�

6� The Catholic Community of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton� � � �

C����� �" P��"��M� I���� ���

Our priests are celebra�ng private Masses to fulfill the

scheduled Mass inten�ons.� *Indicates private Mass will be

celebrated +=Deceased SI=Special Inten4on �

The Sanctuary Candle Burns�

in Loving Memory of �

+Jonathan McNamara �

by Vonnie and Dick Ubl�

Hospital Visita�on Please contact the Parish Office at �

972�596�5505 if you or a loved one is in the hospital and would like a

pastoral visit. Due to federal law, the hospital can no longer disclose to

us if our parishioners are hospitalized.�

Please pray for the sick and suffering: Isabelle “Izzy” Mar4n,

Angie Benavides, Sharon Haugen, Mary LaFave, Tyler Cole, Cora

Salguero, Luis Armando Carrillo, Karen McCreary, George

Bednarz, Brian Proctor, Jean Watros, Chuck Watros, Jeff Stroh,

Tom Bellinghausen, Emily Gibbs, Liz Maverick, Dr. Khalid APsha,

Stephen Kuryla, Mary Jo Case, Jeff Maxwell, Edie Roy, Mary

Hernandez, Paula Loin, Donna Fogelsong, Dennis Rosini, Tom

Steury, Krista Miles, Roxanne Cano, Sharon Loeb, Joe Basl, Ma+

Watros, Pat Calandrino, Nina Lisa Brown, Jessie Ranck, Eduardo

Ruiz de Velasco, Tim Su+le, Jim Parente, Pam Minx, Dawn

Mayer, Lavinia Trapani, Angelito Macapagal, Robert Engelke,

Maryanne Souders, Mike Zak, Tom Robillard, Rachael Teer, Petra

Terpak, Reagan Noble, Dolores Finley, Mary Jennings, Rae Anne

White, Chris4ne Alphonso, Becky Stubbs, Mark Farmer, Susan

Pendleton, Ma+hew Gray, Joanne Seck, Ramona Charney, Ed

Boncela, Gerry Sherman, Kathleen Heller, Tim Van Cleave,

Debbie Wenzel, Jarrod Barclay, Linda Aquino, Beverly Bowdle,

Heather Losh, Pat Geller, Eileen Gergen, Dick Roberts, John

Colligan, Chris4ne Mitchell, Pa+y Armento, Jennifer Bush, Mar4n

Johnson, Denise Pelle4er, Judy Harbin, Jack Bonacci, Judy and

Francis O’Brien, Linda Kieffer, Afi Cordero, Lisa Brown, Jean

Dorans, Elena Sullivan, Caroline Le, Anita O’Donoghue,

Concep4on Angela Ylag, Janell Wimberly, Linda Aquino, Cecilia

Rogers, Lealand Duyck, Melinda Whi+, Nancy Brown, Pam

Klingele, Josh Welch, Jann Lamendola, Richard Musset, Colleen

Nelson, Jack McElhinney, Kelly Berry, Marie Michelich, two

unborn babies, Deacon Kory Killgo, Allen Barseth, Dylan

McCarra, Ma+hew Smith, Pedro Ruiz de Velasco, Ignacio De La

Torre, ML Dubay, Jane Davis, Rev. Robert Pon4cello, John

William “Bill” Travis, Vida Emmaline Michelich, Samantha

Michelich, Barbara Solly, Steve Treiber, Grayson Bowling, Lisa

Mowry and caregivers of all the sick. �

Please pray for those who have died this week: +Charles

Lechner, husband of Tamara, father of Mara Dubis ��

For whose anniversary of their death occurs this week: +Rose

Sibal �

SubmiAng Prayer Requests Please contact Martha Reyes at 972

�596�5505 ext. 4223, or email mreyes@eseton.org by noon on

Friday to submit prayer requests. �

Martha schedules Mass Inten�ons and her office is now in the

Parish Ac�vity Center.�

Rosary and Chaplet�

Please join us Tuesday mornings aBer the 8:30

a.m. Mass to pray the Rosary and also the Chaplet

of Divine Mercy.�

Sunday, November 21, 2021�

� Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe�

� Dn 7:13�14/ Rv 1:5�8/ Jn 18:33b�37�

� 8:00am�� +Tony Harpham by Tim and Kathy Kunes�

� 10:00am�� +Burt Selik by Chris"ne Faber�

� 12:00pm�� People�

� 5:00pm�� +Martha Maria Nien Truong by The Do Nguyen Family�

MONDAY, November 22, 2021�

� Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr�

� Dn 1:1�6, 8�20/ Lk 21:1�4�

� 7:00am�� +Beverly Sharp by Rev. Bruce A. Bradley�

� 8:30am�� +Mario Vivas by The Vivas Family�

TUESDAY, November 23, 2021�

� Weekday�

� Dn 2:31�45/ Lk 21:5�11�

� 8:30am�� +Mary Ellen Baert by Anna Godbold�

WEDNESDAY, November 24, 2021�

� Saint Andrew Dung�Lac, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs�

� Dn 5:1�6, 13�14, 16�17, 23�28/ Lk 21:12�19�

� 8:30am�� +Linda Barry by Mickey Ripley�

� 6:00pm�� +Rose Sibal by Denny and Jewel Beran�

THURSDAY, November 25, 2021�

� Thanksgiving Day�

� Sir 50:22�24/ 1 Cor 1:3�9/ Lk 17:11�19�

� 10:00am�� People�

FRIDAY, November 26, 2021�

� Weekday�

� Dn 7:2�14/ Lk 21:29�33�

� 8:30am�� +Rosenda Cruz by The Cruz, Flores and Mendoza Families�

� Noon�� +Marjorie Stormer by Ron and Mary Wojcik�

SATURDAY, November 27, 2021�

� Weekday�

� Dn 7:15�27/ Lk 21:34�36�

� 8:30am�� +For those who rest in our Columbarium�

� 5:00pm�� +Janet So4le by Sarah Proctor�

Sunday, November 28, 2021�

� First Sunday of Advent�

� Jer 33:14�16/ 1 Thes 3:12�4:2/ Lk 21:25�28, 34�36�

� 8:00am�� People�

� 10:00am�� +Joseph Dam and Anna Van by William and Nguyet�

� 12:00pm�� +Kathleen and Doug Ne by Maureen Malone�

� 5:00pm�� +Margaret Peek by The SEAS Youth Ministry Staff�

November 21, 2021 �Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe � 7�

8� The Catholic Community of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton� � � �

B� &� �� O�� F������

Campaign Update�

As of October 29, 2021�

Living Our Faith, Building Our Future �

Pledges � $ 10,227,974�

� PLUS Campaign Goal� $ 4,000,000�

� PLUS Campaign Pledges: $ 2,870,546�

We have enough for the Narthex Extension!�

TOTAL FUNDS RECEIVED: $ 9,048,427**�

**Includes pledge payments, dona�ons, memorials, �

Diocese Capital Campaign �proceeds, and fundraising�

To date we have received $2,870,546 in pledges

toward the P.L.U.S. Campaign. These pledges

represent 403 families who have increased their

original pledges and 90 families who are first &me

supporters. We thank all who have pledged and hope

others will prayerfully consider a gi*. PLEASE LET US

START with everyone’s help. Every contribuDon helps

us reach our goal no maUer how small or large, it all

adds up and is appreciated!�

F ���( �&�

To learn more on the Building Our Future visit�


There you will find the original video presenta4ons of the �

design and informa4on on both the capital and PLUS campaigns.�

Bell Tower�

Daily Chapel�



Funds secured through

Living Our Faith,

Building Our Future

Pledges, Loan,

Fundraising and

Diocese Campaign


Please Let Us Start�

Narthex Extension�

PLUS Pledges�



Together we

CAN do this!�

Begin PLUS�



Stewardship of Treasure�

Month Ending October 2021�

Average ACendance: 1,575��

Regular Offerings� $ 120,650�

GiOs & Bequests $ 50�

Faith Direct � $ 137,939�

Holy Days $ 705� �

Thank you for your con%nued generosity!�

If you prefer to mail your offerings to the parish office or

send through your bank billpay, our mailing address is

2701 Piedra Dr, Plano, TX 75023. �

November 21, 2021 �Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe � 9�

C����� �" L ��

Boy Scout Troop 259�

Limited selec<ons s<ll available�

Pickup at Seton Faith Forma�on Center late Nov/early Dec or ship as a giO�


Order Now at

Order from a limited selec5on of

wreaths, sprays, trees and garland

for your home while supplies last.�

Your order helps

send a scout to �

Summer Camp�




Parish Offices will be closed on

Thursday, November 25

and Friday, November 26



A?er the 8 am, 10 am, �

and noon Masses �

in room 114/116�

10� The Catholic Community of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton� � � �

C�������� L����

� � The Giving Tree Is UP with Ornaments�Ready for You to Choose! ��

The Giving Spirit of the people of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is called upon every Christmas.�

Due to these challenging times, the Seton Christmas Giving Tree ministry is more important than ever. �

Again, this year we are only asking for Gift Cards. �

1.�There are two ways to obtain tags for a gift card.:�

��There are trees located in the FFC and PAC with an assortment of tags. �

��OR you may select a tag from the Giving Tree Sign UP on the parish website https://www.setonparish.org/giving�tree�

2.�Place the Gift Card in an envelope or plastic sandwich bag and INDICATE THE AMOUNT OF THE CARD, AND THE ACTIVATION


3.�Securely attach the ornament to the Gift Card and RETURN IT BY DECEMBER 5TH.� If you sign up on the website you will need

to INCLUDE THE�TAG # along with the Gift Card Amount so we can match them with the correct request. �

Your gift can be returned by: �

�� putting in the secure drop box at main entrance of each Seton building�

�� Drop at receptionist office in PAC�

�� Drop in the Church offertory box�

�� Or by mail: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Attn Giving Tree, 2700 W. Spring Creek Pkwy, Plano TX 75023 �

4.�Monetary donations are always appreciated.� They can be placed in the mailboxes or you can send a check to the Parish Office

at 2701 Piedra Dr., Plano 75023.� Be sure to indicate Giving Tree on the Memo line. �



Once again, thank you for helping us share the peace and joy of Christ’s birth and those in need.�

November 21, 2021 �Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe � 11�

C�������� L����



Blood Drive�

In Seton Faith Formation Bldg.�

Sunday, November 28, 2021�

8:00am to 3:00pm�


You are encouraged to reserve �

a donation time at �


Registered participants will be given priority.�

Walk�in donors are also welcome.�

Photo ID Required�



Save the wait with the �

NEW QuickScreen�



Donors can complete the donor

health questionnaire on the web or

their personal mobile device using

the all new QuickScreen app,

available for iOS and Android.�


CarterBloodCare.org �

Call or Text: 800�366�2834�

The need for blood donations is always

high during Holidays. Please donate!�

Eight weeks aBer mee4ng

Holli in 2003, she gave me a

giB � the Bible, personalized

with my name on the bo+om

front cover. It was a travel�

friendly size I could take with

me on business trips. As a

Catholic born and raised in

Philadelphia (Our Lady of

Calvary Church, NE Philly),

reading directly from the

Bible in a leisurely manner

was foreign to me. While I

was very familiar with the

contents of the Bible, I did

not read it like I read a book

on a topic of interest. Holli

changed that for me. And that changed my life.�

Raised a Bap4st in Tyler, Texas, Holli converted to Catholicism

while we dated. We married in St. Thomas Aquinas Church,

Dallas, Texas, in May of 2006. We joined St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Church in Plano in 2010. �

My converted wife knows the Bible much, much be+er than I. I

am grateful that God brought her into my life for that alone.�

From the beginning of our rela4onship it struck me that Holli

started every day quietly reading the Bible, reading from a

devo4onal prayer book, making notes, and silently praying. With

her encouragement, we both read the en4re Bible, cover�to�

cover, simultaneously over the course of 3 years. �

Today, the first thing I do every morning shortly aBer waking up

is read from the Bible. I don’t go for a run (we’re both avid

runners and it’s how we actually met), I don’t eat breakfast, I

don’t even organize my day un4l I read from the Bible and spend

some quiet 4me with God. It’s a giB Holli gave me when we were

da4ng, and now I give it to myself every day.�

We’re passing that example on to our 12�year�old daughter.

Stella has started to read from the Bible in the mornings. She

also par4cipates in Faith Forma4on, a program which Holli has

volunteered as a teacher in�person when groups were mee4ng,

and now at the house for our family. Stella enjoys a+ending

BLAST at the church once a month, which is a youth group for

middle school students. �

As a family we like to par4cipate in the volunteer ac4vi4es

introduced in our Faith Forma4on mee4ngs. �

I am thankful that Holli has helped us make the Bible part of our

daily lives and that as a family we are growing in His word.�

Paul and Holli Scelsi�

S���� S�� !�

12� The Catholic Community of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton� � � �

F� �� F����� ���

EVENT takes place at the

Embassy Suites/Frisco

Conven�on Center �

Friday, Feb. 18th � 6:00pm

thru Sunday, Feb. 20th

about Noon �

�Cost includes: Conference

fees, hotel stay�(4 to a room),�T

�shirt, three meals on Saturday

and one on Sunday morning.�

FIRST 50 Teens to

register�� �$160.00� ��Due

to some generous Seton


"Second Round" of the 51st

and beyond registrant ��

$260.00 full rate�

Contact Jeri for more info


November 21, 2021 �Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe � 13�

November 23, 2021

Be Thankful


Have you ever wondered… �

�� What does an annulment in the Church mean?�

�� Do you or your non�Catholic fiancé/spouse need one?�

�� What type of case do you have?�

�� How do you file for an annulment and what is �

the process?�

For answers to these or any other ques4ons you may have

regarding prior marriages , Please contact Cecilia Jones, the

Coordinator of Family Life at Seton and Procurator Advocate

for the Diocese of Dallas at 972�596�5505 ext. 4222.�

Alcohol, Addictions, and


Open Discussion Meeting�

Saturdays 9:15�10:15 AM�

St Jude Catholic Church Allen, TX �

The Catholic Alcohol and Addictions Ministry

(CAAM) holds an in�person and online meetings

from 9:15 am to 10:15 am every Saturday for any

person interested in alcohol and addictions � the

disease and recovery. We discuss all addictions

from either the addicted or friend and family of the

addicted perspective. �

For details, see: https://stjudeparish.com/caam�,

or email� caam@stjudeparish.com��

F� �� F����� ��� F�� &" L ��

Mental Health Crisis Numbers�

972�233�2233 �

CONTACT Spanish Line � � 972�233�2428 �

CONTACT Teen Line � � 972�233�8336 �

www.contactcrisisline.org �

Suicide & Crisis Center of North Texas �

Hotline number:� 214�828�1000� www.sccenter.org �

Plano Police Department Mental Health Liaison �

Nicole Bowers 972�941�22�

Domes�c Violence �

Brighter Tomorrows www.brightertomorrows.net �

972�262�8383 answered 24/7 365�

Genesis Women’s Shelter www.genesisshelter.org �

214�946�HELP (4357) answered 24/7 365�

Hope’s Door www.hopesdoorinc.org �

972�422�2911 answered 24/7 365 214�520�6268 �

The ladies from the Seton Quilt Ministry

took all of the t�shirts from the Youth

Ministry and made these wonderful quilt

panels. Watch for their installa!on in the

John Paul II room coming soon.�

A HUGE thank you to our Quilt Ministry.�

14� The Catholic Community of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton� � � �

C����� �"�

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Conference�



In the first six years of the Seton St. Vincent de Paul Conference, we� helped

4,000 families with $1.2M in assistance. Each month, we interact with 60 families

and ease their troubles with assistance for shelter, food, rent, utilities, medical

expenses, car payments, or car repairs. The need is ever growing, but the

generosity of our parishioners is even greater. Please continue to support us

with your generous contributions.�

Consider joining our Conference. The Vincentian way of working one�to�one

with our neighbors is both uplifting and spiritually enriching. Contact Dan Manack

at dmanack@aol.com for more information.�

"Please Help Me" are the three hardest words for anybody to say. If you find you

are in an unexpected crisis situation and need temporary financial assistance,

please give us a call. We are here to assist you.�

Helpline for those needing assistance: 972�532�9607�


Society of St. Vincent de Paul Mini�Loan Program�

Help for those in need.��

lf you have a high�interest payday or auto title loan, SVDP may be able to help

you escape the cycle of debt by converting those loans into a low� interest loan

that can be paid off over 12 months. The program also offers loans between $500

�$2500 for unexpected emergency expenses such as home or auto repair,

apartment deposit, or medical expenses. If you lost your job due to Covid�19 and

are back at work but need help catching up on monthly bills a Covid�19 mini relief

loan may be able to help.�

Applicants must have a steady income and a checking account or qualifying debit

card account with direct deposit.�

For more information to see if you qualify please call 972�532�9607 �

Come experience an exci4ng journey of

learning for your child at Ark Adventure

Catholic Preschool Ark Adventure

Preschool offers:�

�� Programs for children ages for 2 � 5

years old�

�� School hours for 2� and 3�year�olds:

9:00 AM�12 PM classes or 9:00 AM�

1:30 PM classes�

�� School hours for 4� and PreK 5�year�

olds: 9:00 AM�1:30 PM�

�� Extended morning hours from 7:45

AM�9:00 AM �

�� Current day op4ons are MWF, TTH,

and M�F for 2’s and 3’s and TWTh, M

�F for 4’s. Pre�K transi4onal class

offered for older 4’s/younger 5’s five

days per week (for children whose

5th birthday falls between May 1,

2021 and Jan. 31, 2022).�

�� Fun, engaging learning centers,

exci4ng theme�based curriculum,

weekly music and Spanish classes,

and more!�

�� Introduc4on to faith through

prayers and Bible stories and

monthly chapel service.�

�� Follows the Na4onal Associa4on for

the Educa4on of Young Children

(NAEYC) standards and licensed by

the State of TX.�

Come visit Ark Adventure Preschool and

see how much fun learning can be for

your child! To arrange a private tour or

for more informa4on, please call Cheri or

Leizl at (972) 398�5498 or visit our

website at www.arkadventure.org.�

Director Cheri Gazda | 972�398�5498 |


Located in the Seton Faith Forma�on

Center (South Entrance)3100 W Spring

Creek Pkwy., Plano, TX 75023.�

N.U H5458V T63WX58V S73YY�





November 21, 2021 �Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe � 15�

C����� �"�

Plano Turkey Trot 5K�

Join the Thanksgiving tradiDon at the�Plano

Turkey�5K Run/Walk on Thanksgiving morning!

Everyone gets a donut at the finish line! �

Race Day � Thursday November 25�

For more informaDon and registraDon go to:�


Want to be a beSer father

for�your son?� If you can

camp outdoors and pray

the rosary around a

campfire, the Troops of St.

George are looking for a

few good dads and their

sons!� The next campout

for Troop 77 of Collin


Magnanimous 77th�is a

living history program

based on cannon ar�llery

at Ft Concho.� Learn more

at�tsg77.org.� Our next

Troop mee�ng is 7pm

Monday, 12/4.�

16� The Catholic Community of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton� � � �


Parish Pastoral Council

Ed McCormick (972) 897-9004


Finance Advisory Council

John Stroh


Staff Liaison: Cindy Christenson x4246


The Columbarium

Blood Bank x4246

Welcome and Hospitality

Fellowship Through Service

Knights of Columbus

Greg Zeig 214-300-1872


Ladies Auxiliary

Pat Becker 214-288-3887

Men's Club

Randy McGee 214-478-9957


Quilt Ministry - Prayers & Squares

Nancy LaVerdure 972-398-2688


Janie Thurmond 972-415-1744

Shawl Ministry

Margarita Mills 972-249-8121


Women's Club/ Bazaar

Mary Ellen England/Pres. 214-728-4066


Toni Gardner/Bazaar 214-336-4468


Fellowship and Fun

Ladies Bridge

Mary Travis 214-789-8935

Seton Singles over 40

Sandy Halsey 214-724-8938


Seton Marrieds

Jim & Shirley Strozewski 972-596-8032

Fred & Mary Wiatrowski


Reaching Out to the Community

Friends of the Bereaved

Diane Gerrish 469-438-1284

Naamah’s Mamas


Youth Organizations

Boy Scouts

Scott O’Mary 484-886-6333


Columbian Squires

Paul Krebs 214-228-0634

Cub Scouts info@pack254.org

Richard Caudell (Cubmaster) 713-703-6860


Jess Martin (Com. Chair) 843-771-6532


Girl Scouts

Angelica Podias 972-489-1240



Staff Liaison: Bruce Baumann x4289


Children’s Ministry

Michelle Parisee x4260


Seton Youth

Jeri Phillips x4285 jphillips@ eseton.org

Adult Faith Formation

Beth Ann Apt x4288 bapt@eseton.org

Adult Faith Formation / Development

RCIA - Becoming Catholic

Bruce Baumann x4289


ACTS Retreats actsseton@gmail.com

Kelly Berry 214-931-4426

Emmaus: Young Adult Ministry

Jeri Phillips x4285


Catholic Once & Again

Theresa & Fred Kuhn 972-489-8991


Ignatian Retreat

Donnie Hawley 972-596-8250

Living Your Strengths/Journey

LYS Team LYS@eseton.org

SonRise Brotherhood

Bruce Baumann x4289


Scripture Study Groups

Family Bible Study

Jamie/Beth Ann Apt 214-417-8385

Friday Women’s Scripture Study

Cindy Anderson 972-473-9234

Men’s Saturday Morning Bible Study

Tim Fiedler 972-618-5997


Saturday Morning Scripture Study

Tay McRaney 972-333-0919

Sunday Morning Scripture Class

Pat/David Rosengrants 972-461-1919

Tuesday Night Scripture Study

Ed Lustburg 214-394-0244

Women’s Wed. Morn. Scripture Study

Mary Ellen Schmeck 214-952-5190

Special Interest Faith Communities

Missionary Families of Christ

Jennifer and Jason Abalos


Families of Nazareth

Jane Liang 469-734-9908

Fully Inclusive Seton Ministry

Denise Knight 972-971-1014

Indonesian Catholic Community

Sophia Ugut 214-385-1610

Spirituality In Life Prayer (Chinese)

Helen Shen yys1416@yahoo.com

St. Vincent de Paul Benevolence

Hotline For Those in Need of Assistance




Staff Liaison: Cecilia Jones x4222


Annulment Ministry

Engaged Sponsor Couples x4222

Prayer Chain

Grief Support

Rebuilding (After Divorce)

Natural Family Planning

Ann Sears 214-507-6137


World Wide Marriage Encounter

Pete and Mary LaFave 972-618-0813


Staff Liaison: Kris Horlick x4225


Online Giving

Planned Giving x4225

Seton Gala

Cindy Christenson X4246



Staff Liaison: Mary Wojcik x4228


Liturgical Support Ministries

Altar Guild

Mary Wojcik X4228 mwojcik@eseton.org

Altar Servers

Diane Martinez 972-517-5839

Art & Environment

Carolyn Simoneaux 972-618-2928

Children's Liturgies

Theresa Kuhn 972-596-1563

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy

Communion (EMs)

Sandy Avery 972-896-0471

Lectors and EM Schedules

Don Simoneaux 972-618-2928

Music Ministry (Staff Liaison)

Lisa Kellen x4229 lkellen@eseton.org


Duke Martinez 972-517-5839

Worship Committee Chairman

John Schneider 469-931-2979

Ministers of Care

Home, Hospital, & Nursing Home

Mary Wojcik X4228 mwojcik@eseton.org

Parish Devotionals

Divine Mercy

Minh Tran 972-618-6778

Heirs of Heaven

Connie Umali 972-517-1345

Luchi Sritragool 214-334-4144


Josephine Mosera 972-867-2192

OLPH Novena

Nieves Cava 972-547-6123



Min Ozaeta 972-886-8244

Kay Neurauter 972-896-9585



Staff Liaison: Rev. Bruce Bradley x4221


Prescriptions Drug Addiction

Janice Mappes 972-618-3338


Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Jim B. 469-222-1667


Joe B. 972-839-6028


Friends on the Journey Cancer and

Other Life Threating Illness Support

Mimi Connor 214-202-9421

Spiritual Direction

Donnie Hawley 972-596-8250

Stephen Ministry

Robert Sheffield 770-866-4979


Giving Tree

Marilyn Ramsey 972-618-1711

Habitat for Humanity

Tracy Holley tracyh1968@verizon.net

Dennis DeMetsenaere


Love Truck

Volunteer & List Information

Chris Rod lovetruckvols@sbcglobal.net

General Love Truck Information

Denny Beran 972-517-8412

Furniture Pick up

St Vincent de Paul 214-373-7837

Respect for Life Ministry (Pro-life)

Kelly Berry kberry@prolifedallas.org

Prison Ministry

Deacon Vince Vaillancourt


Samaritan Inn

Tony Mauro 214-282-3242


Seton Service Days

Jeri Phillips x4285 jphillips@eseton.org


Staff Liaison: Bruce Baumann x4289

Social Justice Ministry

Becky Garcia Buggie3956@frontier.com

John Gilbert 972-596-4877


Marian Movement of Priests

Kay Neurauter: 972-896-9585

Pauline D’Souza: 214-604-2066

SERRA Club 972-965-0563

Kathi ThompsonKathi@kathithompson.com

P�� � O���� D�� �� ��� M � �� �

For more ministry informa4on visit www.setonparish.org or pick up a copy of the Ministry Handbook in the back of the church �

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VARICOSE VEINS?TIRED AND ACHING LEGS?They could be a sign of vein disease.

Venous reflux can cause these signs and symptoms1:n Varicose veins n Swelling n Itching n Heaviness

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CVI Risk Factors1:n Family historyn Lack of exercisen Leg injury or trauman Prolonged sitting

or standing

n Obesity or excess weight

n Current or previous pregnancies

n Smoking

If venous reflux is left untreated, it may worsen over time and develop into a more serious form of vein disease called chronic venous insufficiency, or CVI.2

Learn more about symptoms, risk factors, and treatments at Medtronic.com/VeinDisease

References1 Criqui MH, Denenberg JO, Langer RD, Kaplan RM, Fronek

A. Epidemiology of Chronic Peripheral Venous Disease. In Bergan JJ, Bunke-Paquette N, eds. The Vein Book. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2013:27-36.

2 Eberhardt RT, Raffetto JD. Chronic venous insufficiency. Circulation. July 22, 2014;130(4):333-346.

UC202110096 EN ©2020 Medtronic. All rights reserved. Medtronic, Medtronic logo, and Further, Together are trademarks of Medtronic. 10/2020


VARICOSE VEINS?TIRED AND ACHING LEGS?They could be a sign of vein disease.

Venous reflux can cause these signs and symptoms1:n Varicose veins n Swelling n Itching n Heaviness

or tiredness

n Aching n Cramping n Restlessness n Open skin sores

CVI Risk Factors1:n Family historyn Lack of exercisen Leg injury or trauman Prolonged sitting

or standing

n Obesity or excess weight

n Current or previous pregnancies

n Smoking

If venous reflux is left untreated, it may worsen over time and develop into a more serious form of vein disease called chronic venous insufficiency, or CVI.2

Learn more about symptoms, risk factors, and treatments at Medtronic.com/VeinDisease

References1 Criqui MH, Denenberg JO, Langer RD, Kaplan RM, Fronek

A. Epidemiology of Chronic Peripheral Venous Disease. In Bergan JJ, Bunke-Paquette N, eds. The Vein Book. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2013:27-36.

2 Eberhardt RT, Raffetto JD. Chronic venous insufficiency. Circulation. July 22, 2014;130(4):333-346.

UC202110096 EN ©2020 Medtronic. All rights reserved. Medtronic, Medtronic logo, and Further, Together are trademarks of Medtronic. 10/2020


VARICOSE VEINS?TIRED AND ACHING LEGS?They could be a sign of vein disease.

Venous reflux can cause these signs and symptoms1:n Varicose veins n Swelling n Itching n Heaviness

or tiredness

n Aching n Cramping n Restlessness n Open skin sores

CVI Risk Factors1:n Family historyn Lack of exercisen Leg injury or trauman Prolonged sitting

or standing

n Obesity or excess weight

n Current or previous pregnancies

n Smoking

If venous reflux is left untreated, it may worsen over time and develop into a more serious form of vein disease called chronic venous insufficiency, or CVI.2

Learn more about symptoms, risk factors, and treatments at Medtronic.com/VeinDisease

References1 Criqui MH, Denenberg JO, Langer RD, Kaplan RM, Fronek

A. Epidemiology of Chronic Peripheral Venous Disease. In Bergan JJ, Bunke-Paquette N, eds. The Vein Book. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2013:27-36.

2 Eberhardt RT, Raffetto JD. Chronic venous insufficiency. Circulation. July 22, 2014;130(4):333-346.

UC202110096 EN ©2020 Medtronic. All rights reserved. Medtronic, Medtronic logo, and Further, Together are trademarks of Medtronic. 10/2020


VARICOSE VEINS?TIRED AND ACHING LEGS?They could be a sign of vein disease.

VARICOSE VEINS?TIRED AND ACHING LEGS?They could be a sign of vein disease.

Venous reflux can cause these signs and symptoms1:n Varicose veins n Swelling n Itching n Heaviness

or tiredness

n Aching n Cramping n Restlessness n Open skin sores

CVI Risk Factors1:n Family historyn Lack of exercisen Leg injury or trauman Prolonged sitting

or standing

n Obesity or excess weight

n Current or previous pregnancies

n Smoking

If venous reflux is left untreated, it may worsen over time and develop into a more serious form of vein disease called chronic venous insufficiency, or CVI.2

Learn more about symptoms, risk factors, and treatments at Medtronic.com/VeinDisease

References1 Criqui MH, Denenberg JO, Langer RD, Kaplan RM, Fronek

A. Epidemiology of Chronic Peripheral Venous Disease. In Bergan JJ, Bunke-Paquette N, eds. The Vein Book. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2013:27-36.

2 Eberhardt RT, Raffetto JD. Chronic venous insufficiency. Circulation. July 22, 2014;130(4):333-346.

UC202110096 EN ©2020 Medtronic. All rights reserved. Medtronic, Medtronic logo, and Further, Together are trademarks of Medtronic. 10/2020


For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Plano, TX B 4C 05-0423

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