synopsis for crime thriller

Post on 23-Jan-2018






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Synopsis: Theres a black screen, a dark figure appears with his back to the audience (Tyler Goodwin). The camera is POV and is hiding behind a door frame of a shed. There is a blue metallic overlay to show that the scene does not occur in present time and is in the future. The audience hears some rustling of tools, as the camera moves slightly further into the shed a chair is unveiled with a dead body (Lewis Kitchenham). Another person walks in, Connor (Patrick Stenson) raises a gun and shoots the dark figure in the back. At this point the audience is unaware of who the characters are except Patrick. A suited detective inspector (Lewis Kitchenham) walks up to a door in a nice looking neighbourhood, he knocks and Jason answers (Tyler Goodwin) He asks if he knows anything about a mysterious case of bodies going missing from graveyards as he works in the mortuary. He says he knows nothing but acts a bit suspicious. The detective walks away. The mortuary worker walks into his kitchen to make a call. He says ‘everything is set for tonight, the packages are stuffed and buried’ then hangs up. Walking across the street opposite is a group of friends Caroline (Charlotte Lodge), Emma (Fenn Bradley) and Kyle (Josh Latimer), they see the inspector walking away from the house, they become suspicious. Kyle (Josh) says that he's often seen the man (Jason) drives a van into his garage in the night and then drives off again soon after. They don't think about it too much and they say good bye to each other and head home. When Kyle (Josh) is walking home past the cemetery the same evening, he sees 2 hooded figures run out of a car and into a graveyard with a shovel each. He watches holding his phone ready to dial 999, they pull out packets of cocaine and shove them into bag and run off. He puts the phone back in his pocket and walks off. The hoodies drive up behind him and offer him some, he buys a small pack and they speed off. Moments later He hears police sirens and runs. The scene cuts to black.

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