police crime thriller genre research albert ndoka

Police Crime Thriller Genre Research Albert Ndoka

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Police Crime Thriller Genre Research

Albert Ndoka

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Police Crime Thriller Genre ResearchAlbert Ndoka

What is ‘Police Crime Thriller’Thrillers are a genre of literature, film, and television programming that

uses suspense, tension, and excitement as the main elements. A common subgenre is psychological thrillers. After the assassination of President

Kennedy, the political thriller and the paranoid thriller film became very popular. Successful examples of thrillers are the films of Alfred Hitchcock.

Thrillers heavily stimulate the viewer's moods such as a high level of anticipation, ultra-heightened expectation, uncertainty, anxiety,

suspense, excitement, tension, and terror. The cover-up of important information from the viewer, and fight and chase scenes are common methods

in all of the thriller subgenres, although each subgenre has its own characteristics and methods.

Common methods in crime thrillers are mainly ransoms, captivities, heists, revenge, kidnappings.

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Police Crime Thriller Genre ResearchAlbert Ndoka

Definition of ‘Police Crime Thriller’

Thrillers may be defined by the primary mood that they elicit: fearful excitement. In short, if it "thrills", it is a thriller. As the

introduction to a major anthology explains,“...Thrillers provide such a rich literary feast. There are all kinds. The legal thriller, spy thriller, action-adventure thriller, medical

thriller, police thriller, romantic thriller, historical thriller, political thriller, religious thriller, high-tech thriller, military thriller. The list goes on and on, with new variations constantly being invented. In

fact, this openness to expansion is one of the genre's most enduring characteristics. But what gives the variety of thrillers a

common ground is the intensity of emotions they create, particularly those of apprehension and exhilaration, of excitement

and breathlessness, all designed to generate that all-important thrill. By definition, if a thriller doesn't thrill, it's not doing its job.”

James Patterson, June 2006, "Introduction," Thriller

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Police Crime Thriller Genre ResearchAlbert Ndoka

‘Police Crime Thriller’ History cont...

An atmosphere of creepy menace and sudden violence, such as crime and murder, characterise thrillers. They mostly

are adrenaline-rushing, gritty, rousing and fast-paced. Thrillers often present the world and society as dark, corrupt and dangerous.

Characters include criminals, stalkers, assassins, innocent victims (often on the run), menaced women, characters with deep dark

pasts, psychotic individuals, terrorists, cops and escaped cons, private eyes, people involved in twisted relationships, world-weary men and

women, psycho-fiends, and more. The themes frequently include terrorism, political conspiracy, pursuit, or romantic

triangles leading to murder.Thrillers mostly take place in ordinary suburbs and cities, although sometimes they may take place wholly or partly in exotic settings such as foreign cities, deserts, polar regions, or the high seas. The heroes are frequently ordinary citizens unaccustomed to danger,

although commonly in crime thrillers, heroes may also be "hard men" accustomed to danger such as police officers and detectives. While

heroes of thrillers have traditionally been men, women lead characters are increasingly common.

Hitchcock's films often placed an innocent victim (an average, responsible person) into a strange, life-threatening or terrorizing

situation, in a case of mistaken identity, misidentification or wrongful accusation.

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Police Crime Thriller Genre ResearchAlbert Ndoka

‘Police Crime Thriller’ History cont...

Thrillers often overlap with mystery stories but are distinguished by the structure of their plots. In a thriller, the hero must stop the plans of an enemy rather than uncover a crime that has already

happened. While a murder mystery would be spoiled by a premature disclosure of the murderer's identity, in a thriller the identity of a murderer or other villain is typically known all along. Thrillers also

occur on a much grander scale: the crimes that must be prevented are serial or mass murder, terrorism, assassination, or the overthrow of governments. Jeopardy and violent confrontations are standard plot elements in the genre. While a mystery climaxes when the mystery is solved, a thriller

climaxes when the hero finally defeating the villain, saving his own life and often the lives of others. In thrillers influenced by film noir and tragedy, the compromised hero is often killed in the process. However, there are thriller films that have the characteristics of a mystery, such as the climax of a

mystery being solved and the defeating of the villain seem to be common.

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Police Crime Thriller Genre ResearchAlbert Ndoka

‘Thriller’ Sub Genres...

The thriller genre can include the following sub-genres, which may include elements of other genres:

Conspiracy thriller: In which the hero/heroine confronts a large, powerful group of enemies whose true extent only he/she recognizes. The Chancellor Manuscript and The Aquitaine Progression by Robert Ludlum fall into this category.Crime thriller: This particular genre is a hybrid type of both crime films and thrillers that offers a suspenseful account of a successful or failed crime or crimes. These films often focus on the criminal(s) rather than a policeman. Crime thrillers usually emphasise action over psychological aspects. Central topics of these films include serial killers/murders, robberies, chases, shootouts, heists and double-crosses. Some examples of crime thrillers involving murderers include, Seven, Silence of the Lambs, Reservoir Dogs.Erotic thriller: In which it consists of erotica and thriller. It has become popular since the 1980s and the rise of VCR market penetration. The genre includes such films as Basic Instinct, Chloe, Single White Female.Legal thriller: In which the lawyer-heroes/heroines confront enemies outside, as well as inside, the courtroom and are in danger of losing not only their cases but their lives. The Runaway Jury by John Grisham Political thriller: In which the hero/heroine must ensure the stability of the government that employs him. The success of Seven Days in May (1962) by Fletcher Knebel, The Day of the Jackal (1971) by Frederick Forsyth, and The Manchurian Candidate (1959) by Richard CondonPsychological thriller: In which (until the often violent resolution) the conflict between the main characters is mental and emotional, rather than physical. Characters, either by accident or their own curiousness, are dragged into a dangerous conflict or situation that they are not prepared to resolve. Characters are not reliant on physical strength to overcome their brutish enemies, but rather are reliant on their mental resources, whether it be by battling wits with a formidable opponent or by battling for equilibrium in the character's own mind. The suspense created by psychological thrillers often comes from two or more characters preying upon one another's minds, either by playing deceptive games with the other or by merely trying to demolish the other's mental state. The Alfred Hitchcock films Suspicion, Shadow of a Doubt, and Strangers on a Train and David Lynch's bizarre and influential Blue Velvet are notable examples of the type.

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Police Crime Thriller Genre ResearchAlbert Ndoka

Highest Grossing ‘Thriller’ Films


Title Gross Domestic Box office

1 Seven $327,311,859

2 Shutter Island $294,803,014

3 Panic Room $196,400,000

4 Gangs Of New York $193,772,504

5 The Departed $132,384,315

6 Law Abiding Citizen $126,690,726

7 Fight Club $100,900,000

8 Zodiac $84,785,914

9 Training Day $76,631,907

10 L.A. Confidential $64,616,940

11 Exit Wounds $51,758,599

12 Cop Land $44,862,187

13 Magnum Force $39,768,000

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Police Crime Thriller Genre ResearchAlbert Ndoka

Martin Scoscese is an American film director, screenwriter, producer, actor and film historian.17 November, 1942 (age 68)Queens, New York, U.S.

Notable Films:• Taxi Driver (1976)• Gangs of New York (2002)• The Departed (2006)• Shutter Island (2010)• Goodfellas• Casino• The Last Temptation Of Christ• Raging Bull

Martin Scorsese is one of the most critically acclaimed directors of his time. He founded ‘World Cinema Foundation’ and he was presented the AFI Life Achievement Award for his contributions to the cinema. He has received many awards such as; Oscars, Emmys, Golden Globe, BAFTA, and Directors guild Of America. Lastly Scorsese is president of The Film Foundation, a non profit organization dedicated to film preservation

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Police Crime Thriller Genre ResearchAlbert Ndoka

Scorsese Style:Most of Martins films are set in New york, they include individuals struggling to achieve the American Dream, characters always looking for a better life, however these isn't normal characters they have inner demons. Hence why his films consist of unrelenting violence. Moreover Scorsese’s body of work addresses such themes as Italian American identity, roman catholic concepts of guilt and redemption, machismo, modern crime and violence.

1980 1990 2006 2010

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Police Crime Thriller Genre ResearchAlbert Ndoka

David Fincher is an American film director and music video director.28 August, 1962 (age 48)Denver, Colorado, Canada.

Notable Films:• Seven• Alien 3• Fight Club• Panic Room• Zodiac• The Game• The social Network• The Girl With The Dragon TattooFuture Projects• The killer• Ness• Heavy Metal

David Fincher sets most of his scenes in claustrophobic, one light source rooms, with darkness comes evil and sense of fear. A perfect scenario for police crime thriller

1992 1995 2010 2011

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Albert Ndoka

Police Crime Thriller Genre ResearchPolice Crime Thriller Film’s

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Police Crime Thriller Genre ResearchAlbert Ndoka

Overview of Police Crime Thriller Films

Film Title: Training DayDirected by: Antoine FuquaRelease Date: 5th October, 2001Budget: $45 MillionBox Office: $104,876,233

Plot SummeryTraining Day is the best example of good cop, bad cop. The rookie officer Jake Hoyt (pictured left) is assigned to partner up with veteran but crook cop Alonzo (pictured right) played

by Denzel Washington. Jake is sworn to protect the streets and takes his job very seriously, however Alonzo has got himself

into a situation with the Russian Mafia which resulted in him having to pay 1 million dollars or its lights out…

So know his mission is to go for the big drug dealers to get his money, stealing from the criminals. Jake is a law abiding citizen

so Alonzo knows his a liability and sets him up with the Mexican Mafia. However as Jake rescued the Mexican boss’s

causing from getting raped, they spared him. Now he was after Alonzo whom was on his way to meeting the Russians with the

money, this was an a appointment he couldn't’ be late for…

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Police Crime Thriller Genre ResearchAlbert Ndoka

Overview of Police Crime Thriller Films

Film Title: Gangs Of new yorkDirected by: Martin ScorseseRelease Date: 20 December 2002Budget: $97 MillionBox Office: $193,772,504

Having seen his father killed in a major gang fight in New York, young Amsterdam Vallon is spirited away for his own safety.

Some years later, he returns to the scene of his father's death, the notorious Five Points district in New York. It's 1863 and

lower Manhattan is run by gangs, the most powerful of which is the Natives, headed by Bill "The Butcher" Cutting. He

believes that America should belong to native-born Americans and opposes the waves of immigrants, mostly Irish, entering

the city. It's also the time of the Civil War and forced conscription leads to the worst riots in US history. Amid the

violence and corruption, young Vallon tries to establish himself in the area and also seek revenge over his father's death.

Plot Summery

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Albert Ndoka

Repertoire of elements

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Police Crime Thriller Genre ResearchAlbert Ndoka

Ideological Themes

Crime Thriller films focus on the universal law of good vs. bad, the police the law (good) against the criminals

(bad). Usually it focus on real life aspects but may exaggerate the crimes to create excitement to the film.

In addition the criminal acts in most films are always made to be so cool and the bad guys doing the crimes are not your average scum of crooks, there always the stylish slick looking criminal. However the law always

triumphant in the end hence why good always beats evil no matter what. This portrays a good message to the

younger generation. Most Police Crime Thriller Genre’s start with a vicious

and sometimes abnormal crime, then it introduces’ the cops or detectives that pursue the case, for the whole film it will drag on and make the audience believe the

criminals might get away with the crime however at the end they get caught face their demise…

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Police Crime Thriller Genre ResearchAlbert Ndoka

Typical Narrative Structure

Crime Thriller films usually start with an establishing shot of the city or community.

Depending on the sub genre, some Thrillers will start of with a murder or crime which is powerful in establishing the mood and introducing the type of killer. However other sub genres focus on the characters and their background.

The antagonist is introduced via their actions because their identity normally remains hidden until the end of the film.

In Crime Thrillers this occurs right away to create shock and entice the audience from the beginning. The crime is serious but quick , then the protagonist is introduced and they have to investigate the events and pursue the criminal.

The protagonist gathers all vital information and clues, at this point in the movie, they have no suspects.

By making the protagonist clueless it creates fear and side tracks the audience and starts them guessing and they get involved with their guess’s on who the criminal can be!

A dramatic twist in the film, which changes everything…

At this point the pace of the film increases as the protagonist fights his/her way through the puzzles. The twist is usually introduced near the end which shocks the audience, this could be a murder of a protagonist close friend or a revealing of a character the audience thought was the criminal is in fact a good guy.

A conflict with the protagonist and antagonist (good vs bad). Everything is made clear at this point and the protagonist always wins and the antagonist feels the wrath of the law



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Police Crime Thriller Genre ResearchAlbert Ndoka

Iconography Character Archetypes

Protagonist• The protagonist is usually the good guy and dressed for the job which

creates professionalism, this makes them clear to the audience and their job in the film. In addition they normally have a 6th sense and can see the event clearer than any other person. In todays society and time they would be considers as your civilian hero's. Furthermore they are very determined in their job and take everything seriously.

Antagonist• Can be a person or persons usually with psychotic issues because

the crimes committed are vulgar and unexplainable. They are the complete opposite of the protagonist as they only want to achieve pain and suffering, and will kill anyone in their way. They can sometimes be first time criminals or serial criminals.

Other characters• These are noramlly deployed to make the lead roles stand out more,

as they are the sidekicks and their decisions usually wrong. In crime thrillers they will try match the protagonist with a similar partner or have a beautiful woman whom entices the audience…

Some crime thrillers will purposely mix the characters to add a unique selling point to the film. In addition they would make the protagonist bad and corrupt as seen in some police crime thrillers. And they are their own demise

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Police Crime Thriller Genre ResearchAlbert Ndoka

Iconography Technical Aspects

Technical Aspects

Mise en Scene Depending on the sub genre of the film, most police crime thrillers are set in sub urban areas where there is possibilities of crime. Or the complete opposite, in a quiet town where a serial killer is running havoc. The setting will be your typical neighborhood which creates realism however the murders usually take place at night and normally correlate with bad weather. The typical items will be present; gun, police paraphernalia, criminals objects, blood etc. furthermore the protagonist will be smartly dressed which creates professionalism to the audience and a sense of his the person for the job, whereas the antagonist is usually hidden but when seen his your average crook.

Sound Diegetic sounds include dialogues between characters which is crucial in solving the puzzles and the crime. In addition other sounds may include police sirens, gun fights, breaking of doors and other crime related noise.Non Diegetic sound is vital in creating the suspense thought-out the investigation. When the crime is committed the background sound creates fear and suspense and gets the audience going, in addition as the detective draws closer to solving the case the music correlates with the action and speeds up as he tackles the the maze, which creates an edge of the seat suspense…

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Police Crime Thriller Genre ResearchAlbert Ndoka

Iconography Technical Aspects

Technical Aspects

Cinematography Crime thrillers usually have a wide range of camera angels and shots, which entice the audience in the investigation. There is a lot of close ups of the investigation paraphernalia which introduces the audience to the crime. Furthermore thriller films consist of long shots which usually are conversations with the protagonist and his group as they conversate about the findings and their next moves, which makes it realistic. The cinematography also correlates with the sound the more up beat the sound the faster the shots and in scary situations there's close ups of the protagonist reaction his fear of what they’ve just witnessed.

Editing Editing in crime thriller films are always quick cuts and always correlate with the music and the action of the film. They have longer scenes and editing used synchronizes with the dialogues of the individual scenes, this creates a sense of realism.

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Marketing CampaignAlbert Ndoka

Law Abiding Citizen Poster Analysis (2009)

The poster for Law Abiding Citizen does well in establishing the genre of the movie and the mood/theme of the film which grabs its potential audience straight away…The poster consist of two characters, one facing right (Jamie Foxx) and the other facing left (Gerard Butler) this can be a statement stating which side of the law their on, the good or the bad.In addition in the top left side of the poster the actors names are made clear to the audience, these attracts the potential fan base of these actors. The role in the movie is correlated in the dividing of the page, one actor is one end of the law and the other at the other end.Furthermore the caption ‘Justice at any cost’ gives a snap overview of the character of Jamie Fox, and his willingness to deliver justice no matter who he has to step on.Moreover half of Jamie Fox’ face is in the darkness this also is a description on his character that he has something to hide and is two faced, not your average law abiding citizen.In addtion the same is for Gerard Butlers character his face is half shadowed however u can see the anger and menace in his eyes. Also his half of the poster is bright red which connotates with danger and gives the audience a sense of alert and introduction the antagonist.This poster is very simple but yet very effective in enticing the audience because it doesn’t give much away but gives enough to make you want to see the movie…

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Marketing CampaignAlbert Ndoka

The use of colour (lack of ) through out the poster campaign and characters expressions protrays a very dark cold view.

In jamie Fox poster he is wearing a shirt and tie, which makes us assume he is a professional. The statement ‘Justice at any Cost’ leads us into believing he may work for the law or governement, and ‘at any cost’ states his a hard worker and would get the job done no matter what. However most importantly is his facial expressions, his lowered eye brow gives a sense of fear and anxiety.

On the other hand Gerard Butler’ poster is completely different as you can see more anger and toughness in his facial expression. His face leads us to believing his holding rage and the statement ‘the system must pay’ reinforces this idea and gives the audience an understanding who his angry at and makes the character dangerous it also suggests something must of happened for him to seek vengeance.

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Marketing CampaignAlbert Ndoka

Law Abiding Citizen Trailer Analysis (2009)

A frustrated man decides to take justice into his own hands after a plea bargain sets one of his family's killers free. He targets not only the killer but also the district attorney and others involved in the deal.

Director: F. Gary GrayWriter: Kurt WimmerStars: Gerard Butler, Jamie Foxx and Leslie Bibb


The length of this trailer is fairly long , 2:33 seconds. In addition being that lengthy the trailer covers nearly the whole plot in chronological order as a result the audience understand the film plot. The beginning is very calm , your typical happy family, then the criminals forcefully enter and attack

the occupants. The law abiding citizen is furious and shocked to see one of the attackers walk, at this part he feels let down by the system. Hence why

the caption ‘a man who loses everything. Is capable of anything’ at the point the audience would feel for the character and understand where the movie is heading. The man takes the law into his own hands and towards the end appears in carious scenes of violence, torturing and explosions.

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Marketing CampaignAlbert Ndoka

Law Abiding Citizen Trailer Analysis (2009)


The trailer does a good job in introducing the genre, by having a crime committed early in the trailer. This crime is committed by the antagonist to a normal law abiding citizen whom we fall sorry for. However this citizen takes the law into his own hands and goes against the typical conventions of a police crime thriller by turning a protagonist into the main antagonist. Which can confuse the audience and it makes them think, who is the bad guy?, the guy who killed his family?, the antagonist for seeking revenge so violently? Or the protagonist for making deals with the murderer?

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Marketing CampaignAlbert Ndoka

Trailer starts of with an establishing shot of America, so the films going to be based in the suburbs...

Straight away the audience is shown a scene of a calm peaceful family. This makes the audience warmth to the family and feel sorry for what's about to happen. This is vital in explaining and understanding why Gerard Butler does what he does.

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Marketing CampaignAlbert Ndoka

The moment the killer gets a plea bargain which enables him to walk. This is a crucial moment to put in the trailer because it angers the audience and puts us in the shoes of the dad (Gerard Butler). Also makes us wiry of the government and how someone like him can walk form this vicious crime.

The shot of a man who's being told that the man who killed his wife and daughter is going to walk free. This makes us empathise with the character and makes the audience angry at the whole situation.

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Marketing CampaignAlbert Ndoka

The expression of a man thats being let down by his own government. He was a law abiding citizen and now his a man on a mission.

The government making a deal with the killer

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Marketing CampaignAlbert Ndoka