sustained giving presentation

Post on 10-May-2015






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Will You Be A Hand of Hope?

You can help make a lasting difference

when it is needed most.

The causes of homelessness

Are personal and complex:

– Divorce – Domestic violence– Bad decisions– Addiction– Lack of education– Bankruptcy– . . . and more.

You can help hundreds in Grand Forks

• Here in North Dakota, nearly 1,000 individuals find themselves without safe shelter—and in need of food and other life essentials—on any given day of the year.

• We shelter 110 homeless men and women in Grand

Forks who are veterans, ex-offenders or mentally ill.

• Over six hundred people needed a night of safe shelter last year compared to five hundred in 2008.

• Many suffer from addictions or have lost their jobs.

Make A Lasting Difference When it is needed most.

Every hour of the day, every day of the year, Northlands Rescue Mission must be prepared to assist our neighbors facing these and other causes of homelessness with . . .


Their basic needs are straightforward and simple

• Lodging in a secure, comfortable facility

• Daily community meals and food boxes for struggling families

• Resources for restoring stability and ending homelessness

“I was in an abusive relationship. I had nowhere to go and I knew I would be safe here.”

What would the Northlands be like if there were no Mission to help the homeless?

“I’d hit bottom and I knew I had to quit drinking. But I also knew I’d have to escape the bad influences in my life to do it. But where would I go?”

The Economic Impact

• Grand Forks Police Department responds to calls every week, resulting in emergency room visits and other services.

• Ex-offenders released with nowhere to go may repeat

serious crimes and end up back behind bars, costing $50,000 ($136 per night)

• Northlands Rescue Mission changes lives approximately $33 per night saving our community thousands of dollars and preventing crime and destruction.

Our Spiritual Convictions

• Homelessness and its repercussions undermine the entire fabric of our community, in terms of loss of human dignity.

• God has given us a very

clear directive to care for the homeless and poor.

The Ongoing Demand for Rescue and Relief

Will you Sponsor One Day?

• $12 provides a night of safe shelter and three nourishing meals for one person

• $1,200 will provide basic care for 100 people

Will You Be A Hand of Hope?

You can help make a lasting difference

when it is needed most.

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