sunday at annunciation fort myers,

Post on 19-Jul-2020






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  • Sunday at Annunciation

    Fort Myers, Florida

    8th Sunday of Matthew

    July 29, 2012 Tone of the week: Tone Varees, 8th Eothinon , On the twenty‐ninth of this month we commemorate the holy Martyr Callinicus of Cilicia.On this day we commemorate the holy Virgin Martyr Theodota. On this day four holy Martyrs, a Father and Mother with their Two Children, were per-fected in martyrdom by fire.On this day we commemorate the holy Martyrs Mamas and Basiliscus in the district of Darius; and Saints Benjamin and Berius, by the Palace of the Hebdomon; and the blessed John the Soldier; and Constantine the Patriarch of Constantinople; and the pious Emperor Theodosius the Younger. By their holy intercessions, O Christ God, have mercy on us. Amen.

    Resurrection Apolytikion Varees

    By means of Your Cross, O Lord, You abolished death. To the robber You opened Paradise.

    The lamentation of the myrrh‐bearing women You transformed, and You gave Your Apostles

    the order to proclaim to all that You had risen, O Christ our God, and granted the world Your great mercy.

    Trisagion Memorial Today 5 year for Irene Johnson mother of Jay

    Ἐπὶ τὸ ὄρος τὸ Θαβώρ ...

    Ἦχος δ’. Κατεπλάγη Ἰωσήφ.

    You were transfigured on the Mount* Tabor, O Je-sus our Lord,* and a shin-ing cloud spread out* like a

    tabernacle* completely covering the Apostles with Your glory.* Whereupon

    they turned their gaze to-ward the ground,* unable to endure to see the

    radiance* of Your faceʹs unapproachable glory,* O unoriginate Savior Christ.* Our God who then shined

    Your light upon them,* do also illuminate our souls.

    Epistle Today 1 Cor 1:10-17

    Gospel: Matt 14:14-22

    Wednesday August 1 Paraklesis 6:00 p.m.

    Sunday August 5 Great Vespers 6:00 p.m.

    Monday August 6 Holy Transfiguration

    Orthros 8 a.m.

    Divine Liturgy 9 a.m.

    Wednesday August 8 Paraklesis 6:00 p.m.

    Friday August 10 Paraklesis 6:00 p.m.

    Tuesday August 14 Great Vespers 6:00 p.m.

    Wednesday August 15 Koimesis of the Theotokos

    Orthros 8 a.m.

    Divine Liturgy 9 a.m.

    Dormition Fast 2012 15 Days of August

  • PRAYING FOR YOU: We offer prayers for health and needs for the servants of God…Niki Fagerlie


    Functional and Dysfunctional Christianity

    by Philotheos Faros

    Using his keen analytic eye and with deep knowledge of the Greek Fathers, especially St. John Chrysostom, Fr. Philotheos Faros offers his diagnosis of the condition of his contemporary Christianity in the East and in the West. His diagnosis is that the true nature of Christianity has been dangerously distorted, leading to an unhealthy dysfunction. His diagnosis focuses on the dysfunction within the Orthodox Christianity in the West, but he also be-lieves traditionally Orthodox lands that have been influenced by the ex-treme individualism and consumerism of western society also suffer from the same maladies. Some of the symptoms of the dysfunction and patholo-gy of Christianity are scholasticism in theological studies, the distortion of the true nature of the Ekklesia through disunity, inequality, and selfish-ness, and a misunderstanding of human life, sexuality, and illness. Fr. Faros’ diagnosis is, at times, blunt and painful, but his intent is to rouse Christians from their slumber and to begin the process of healing and growth. Stop to see what the Church Bookstore has to offer. You will be pleasantly surprised.

    Check out the Special Books and Icons relating to the seasonal celebration of the Dormition of the Theotokos.

    Tickets now on Sale for the

    Panageri August 15 to be held in the church hall after the Divine Liturgy of the 15th. Tickets are $10 each Lamb (or Chicken) Lunch . Special Presentation also. Lunch will be served around 11:30.

    Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church

    8210 Cypress Lake Dr Ft Myers Fl

    Fr George P Savas, Protopresbyter

    Check us out on facebook


    The South Fort Myers Food Pantry located next door to our church is looking for 2 or 3 volunteers to work on Mondays from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. They need people to help stock food items, and to assist the needy in South Fort Myers select food items for their shop-ping baskets. There will be some lift-ing required. Their new Food Pantry building is complete and open so you will be working in a cooled build-ing. See or call Barbara Dionysopou-los @ 239-267-2014 for further de-tails.

    By: Fr. Roman Braga the Confes-


    Christ is not just some nice guy. He

    is God and God is within you. God

    is in our consciousness, in our heart,

    in our minds – not something mate-

    rial you see outside of yourself. You

    find God in yourself. You descend

    in your personality. We are eternal,

    we never die, the body is going to

    the cemetery but the consciousness,

    the person is continually living. So

    when you descend into yourself,

    your consciousness is infinite. And

    this infinity is the temple of the liv-

    ing God. St. Paul says many times

    you are the temple of the living God

    because God lives within you. You find God when you know yourself,

    when you know who you are. If you neglect that, “I don’t have time to

    think about myself” you will never find God because God is not something

    material, you do not find him in a specific place. God is always with you if

    you want Him to be with you. You find God when you find yourself.


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