sun herbal professional seminar supporting you to achieve ... · tao hong si wu tang (bp061) tcm...

Post on 18-Oct-2018






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Supporting you to achieve outstanding results

for your patients

Sun Herbal Professional Seminar

Herbal formulas

ChinaMed® capsules• MODERATE: 2-3 capsules, 2-3 times/day -

chronic conditions, weak and sensitive patients • MEDIUM: 3-4 capsules, 3 times/day - general

use in the initial stages of treatment • HIGH: 6 capsules, 3-4 times/day - acute

infections • VERY HIGH: 10-12 capsules, 3 times/day for 3-4

days: severe and acute infection in a robust patient

Black Pearl® pills• MODERATE: 8 pills, 3 times/day - chronic

conditions, weak and sensitive patients • MEDIUM: 12 pills, 3 times/day - general use in the

initial stages of treatment • HIGH: 12-15 pills, 3-4 times/day - acute infections • VERY HIGH: 18-20 pills, 3-4 times/day for 3-4

days: severe and acute infection in a robust patient

• develop your own experiences • contraindications in manual

Move the blood


Dang-gui & Notoginseng (BP026)


Activates the blood and breaks up stasis. Alleviates pain.

Blood stasis in the Chong & Ren channels (uterus)

SIGNS & SYMPTOMS • pain with fixed location

• dark and clotted menstrual flow

• purple tongue with macules or speckles

•wiry & choppy pulse

INGREDIENTS • dang-gui/angelica root, bai shao/paeonia lactiflora root, chi

shao/paeonia obovata root, chuan xiong/ligusticum root, dan shen/salvia root: nourish the blood, promote movement of blood

• dan shen/salvia root, chi shao/paeonia obovata root, yan hu suo/corydalis rhizome, pu huang/typha pollen, tao ren/prunus seed, e zhu/curcuma rhizome, tian qi/notoginseng, hong hua/carthamus flower: activate the blood, breaks stasis and alleviates pain

• xiang fu/cyperus rhizome, wu yao/lindera root, chuan xiong/ligusticum root: regulate the qi

• bai shao/paeonia lactiflora root, xiang fu/cyperus rhizome, chuan xiong/ligusticum root: soothe the Liver and disperse the stagnant qi

• tian qi/panax notoginseng root, bai shao/paeonia lactiflora: astringe and harmonise the blood to prevent excessive bleeding

BLOOD MOVING (CM131)Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang/Persica & Cnidium (BP034)

TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMES Activates the Blood and dispels

stasis; alleviates pain

Blood stasis


•pain with a fixed location that is boring or stabbing in nature

• uterine bleeding with dark blood that contains clots

• mood swings • insomnia

•dark complexion •dark or purple tongue

•choppy wiry pulse


• dang-gui/angelica root; chi shao/paeonia root; sheng di huang/rehmannia root; chuan xiong/ligusticum root; tao ren/prunus seed; hong hua/carthamus flower (=Tao Hong Si Wu Tang): nourishes the Blood, activates the Blood and dispels stasis

• chai hu/bupleurum root; dang-gui/angelica root; chi shao/paeonia root; chuan xiong/ligusticum root: disperse stagnant Liver qi and promte the Liver’s function of ensuring that the qi flows smoothly through the body

• jie geng/platycodon root: directs the actions of the formula to the upper jiao

• zhi ke/citrus fruit: directions the actions of the formula to the middle jiao

• huai niu xi/achyranthes root: directs the actions of the formula to the lower jiao

• gan cao/glycyrrhiza root: harmonises the formula

BLOOD MOVING 2 (CM191)Tao Hong Si Wu Tang (BP061)

TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMES Nourishes the Blood, activates the Blood and resolves stasis

Blood stasis Blood deficiency


•pain with a fixed location • dark menstrual blood with

clots • sallow, lustreless complexion,

pale finger nail beds, lips •thready choppy pulse

•thready and choppy pulse

INGREDIENTS • bai shao/paeonia root, shu di huang/rehmannia root, dang-gui/

angelica root, chuan xiong/ligusticum root: nourish the Liver blood

• dang-gui/angelica root, chuan xiong/ligusticum root, chi shao/paeonia veitchii root, tao ren/prunus seed, hong hua/carthamus flower: activate the Blood and dispel stasis

• sheng di huang/rehmannia root, chi shao/paeonia veitchii root: cools the blood


Warm the uterus and dispels Cold; nourishes and activates the

Blood to dispel stasis

Cold in the Chong-Ren channels (affecting the uterus)

Bloods stasis in the Chong-Ren channels (affecting the uterus)


• irregular menstruation • prolonged uterine bleeding • bleeding between periods • lower abdo pain, cold to touch

•hot in upper body •thready & choppy pulse

•dark, purple tongue


• dang-gui/angelica root, wu zhu yu/tetradium fruit, gui zhi/cinnamomum twig: move the qi, activate the Blood, dispel Cold and alleviate pain

• shu di huang/rehmannia root, bai shao/paeonia root, mai dong/ophiopogon tuber: nourish the Blood and Yin

• dang shen/codonopsis pilosula, gan cao/glycyrrhiza root, sheng jiang/zingiber rhizome, ban xia/pinellia tuber: tonfiy the qi, harmonise and warm the Stomach-Spleen to promote production of qi and blood

• chuan xiong/ligusticum rhizome, mu dan pi/paeonia stem bark: activate the Blood and dispel stasis

• gui zhi/cinnamomum twig, mu dan pi/paeonia stem bark: warm the lower jiao and clear deficient heat (cold pain in lower abdomen and blood deficiency fever)

GUI ZHI FU LING WAN/Cinnamon & Hoelen Combination BP055

TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMES Activates the Blood and dispels

stasis, reduces abdominal masses

Blood stasis binding with Phlegm in the uterus


•lower abdominal pain which is worse with pressure

• dysmenorrhoea • amenorrhoea • uterine fibroids with irregular

bleeding •purple tongue

•choppy pulse


• chi shao/paeonia root, gui zhi/cinnamomum twig, mu dan pi/paeonia suffruticosa, tao ren/prunus seed: activates the Blood and dispels stasis, reduces abdominal masses

• gui zhi/cinnamomum twig, fu ling/poria cocos: resolve Phlegm-Damp by warming and unblocking the channels and draining damp

Regulate the qi

QI MOVER (CM193)Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang/Bupleurm & Cyperus


TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMES Soothes the Liver, activates the

Blood and dispels stasis, alleviates pain

Liver Qi constraint Qi stagnation and Blood stasis


•symptoms worsened by stress • stress related mood disorders

(irritability, depressed mood) • pain and distension in the flanks

chest and or breast • menstrual pain etc

•normal or slightly purple tongue

•wiry pulse

INGREDIENTS • chai hu/bupleurum root zhi ke/citrus fruits, xiang

fu/cyperus rhizome, yu jin/curcuma root: soothe the Liver and resolve the constraint and regulate the Qi

• yan hu suo/corydalis root ,yu jin/curcuma root, chuan xiong/ligusticum rhizome: regulate the qi and activate the Blood to dispel stasis and alleviate pain

• bai shao/paeonia root, chuan xiong/ligusticum rhizome: regulate and harmonise the Blood

• bai shao/paeonia root, gan cao/glycyrrhiza root: soothe the Liver and preserve the Liver Yin from injury by the other herbs; soothes muscles spasm

• chai hu/bupleurum root: acts as envoy to direct the actions of the other herbs to the Liver channel

STRESS RELIEF 2 (CM130)XIAO YAO SAN/Bupleurm & Dang-gui (BP031)

TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMES Soothes the Liver, tonifies the

Spleen qi and nourishes the Liver Blood

Liver qi constraint Spleen qi deficiency


•pre-menstrual tension • mastalgia

• pre-menstrual cramping • blood clots • irritable, frustration

•tight muscles •normal, pale tongue

•wiry, weak-thready pulse


• chai hu/bupleurum root, sheng jiang/zingiber rhizome, bo he, mentha haplocalyx herb: disperse the stagnant Liver qi

• bai shao/paeonia root, dang-gui/angelica root: nourish the Liver Blood, protect the Liver yin from the dispersing action of chai hu, sheng jiang and bo he, calms the spirit

• chai hu/bupleurum root, bai shao/paeonia root, dang-gui/angelica root: tonify the Liver and promote the Liver’s function of maintaining smooth flow of Liver qi

• fu ling/poria cocos, bai zhu/atractylode rhizome, gan cao/glycyrrhiza root: tonify the Spleen qi






TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMES Soothes the Liver, tonifies the

Spleen qi and nourishes the Liver Blood and clears stagnant heat

Liver qi constraint with stagnant heat (or fire)

Spleen qi deficiency


•irritable • pre-menstrual tension

• mastalgia • pre-menstrual cramping • blood clots

•tight muscles •normal, pale tongue

•wiry, weak-thready pulse


• chai hu/bupleurum root, sheng jiang/zingiber rhizome, bo he, mentha haplocalyx herb: disperse the stagnant Liver qi

• bai shao/paeonia root, dang-gui/angelica root: nourish the Liver Blood, protect the Liver yin from the dispersing action of chai hu, sheng jiang and bo he, calms the spirit

• chai hu/bupleurum root, bai shao/paeonia root, dang-gui/angelica root: tonify the Liver and promote the Liver’s function of maintaining smooth flow of Liver qi

• fu ling/poria cocos, bai zhu/atractylode rhizome, gan cao/glycyrrhiza root: tonify the Spleen qi

• mu dan pi/paeonia suffruticosa bark, shan zhi zi/gardenia fruit: clear heat associated with stagnant qi

PMS (CM104)Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang (Jia Wei)

TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMES Soothes the LIver, activates teh

Blood and dispels stasis, nourishes the Heart and calms

the Spirit

Liver qi constraint Qi stagnation, Blood stasis

Heart-Liver blood deficiency


•PMS exhibiting/aggravated by stress

• emotional volatility • depressed mood • breast pain

•mild-moderate dysmenorrhoea

•wiry pulse •pale tongue

INGREDIENTS • chai hu/bupleurum root; xiang fu/cyperus rhizome;

yu jin/curcuma root; soothe the Liver and resolve constraint, regulate the qi

• yan hu suo/corydalis root; chuan xiong/ligusticum rhizome; yi mu cao/leonorus sibiricus, herb: regulate the qi and activate the Blood to dispel stasis and alleviate pain

• bai shao/paeonia root; chuan xiong/ligusticum root: regulate and harmonise the Blood

• bai shao/paeonia root; gan cao/glycyrrhiza root: soothe the Liver and preserve the Liver yin from injury by the other herbs; relieves spasm

• chai hu/bupleurum root: acts as the envoy to take herbs to Liver fu and mai

• he huan pi/albizzia stem bark; ye jiao teng/fallopia stem; yuan zhi/polygala root: nourish the Heart and calm the spirit

Boost the Qi

Energy Tonic (CM139)Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang (BP005)


Tonifies the Spleen and Stomach (middle Jiao) Qi, raises the Yang

Qi of the middle Jiao (also tonifies the Lung Qi and the Wei

[defence] Qi)

Deficiency of the Spleen and Stomach Qi Spleen Qi Sinking


•fatigue • muscular weakness, poor

muscle tone • spontaneous perspiration • poor appetite

•pale tongue, swollen with tooth marks

•empty or weak pulse


• huang qi/astragalus root, dang shen/codonopsis pilosula, da zao/ziziphys jujuba, bai zhu/atractylodes macrocephala, sheng jiang/zingiber rhizome, zhi gan cao/glycyrrhiza root: tonify Spleen Qi

• chai hu/bupleurum root, sheng ma/actaea rhizome, huang qi/astragalus root, dang shen/codonopsis root: raise the Yang Qi of the Spleen

• dang gui/angelica root: nourishes the Blood, regulates the Qi and blood

• Chen pi/citrus fruit peel: regulates the Qi and harmonises the Spleen and Stomach

Nourish the blood

NOURISH THE BLOOD (CM186)Dang Gui Su/Angelica Dang-gui Formula


TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMES Nourishes the Blood, activates the Blood and dispels stasis,

tonifies the Qi and strengthens the Spleen

Blood deficiency


• pale and sallow complexion • dry eyes • dry lustreless skin and hair • postural dizziness

•pale, dry tongue •thready pulse (weak and



• dang gui/angelica root: nourishes and activates the Blood

• bai zhu/atractylodes rhizome, da zao/zizphus fruit: tonify the QI and strengthen the Spleen

• chuan xiong/ligusticum root: activates the Blood and dispels stasis

Nourish the yin

ZUO GUI WAN (BP039)Left Returning Formula

TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMES Nourishes the Kidney (and Liver) Yin, enriches the Kidney essence

Kidney Yin deficiency Kidney essence deficiency


•pain and weakness in lower back and knees

• dry mouth and throat • night sweats • sub fertility

•low fertile mucus •red tongue with scant coat

•thready and rapid pulse

INGREDIENTS• shu di huang/rehmannia root; huai shan yao/

dioscorea root; shan zhu yu/cornus fruit; gou qi zi/lycium fruit; nu zhen zi/ligustrum fruit: nourish the Kidney Yin and enrich the Kidney essence

• tu si zi/cuscuta seed; ba ji tian/morinda root: warm-tonify the Kidney Yang and nourish the Kidney Yin, enrich the Kidney essence

• huai niu xi/achyranthes root: tonifies the Liver and Kidney, sends the Qi and Blood downwards

YIN TONIC (CM118)Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (BP015)

TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMES Nourishes the Kidney (and Liver

Yin), enriches the Kidney Essence, reduces the deficiency


Kidney (and Liver) Yin deficiency


•dry mouth and thirst • night sweats

• sensation of heat in the palms and soles of feet

• poor fertile mucus •red tongue with scant coat

•thready and rapid pulse

INGREDIENTS • shu di huang/rehmannia root, huai shan yao/

dioscorea root, shan zhu yu/cornus fruit: enrich the Kidney essence and nourish the Kidney yin

• fu ling/poria cocos, ze xie/alisma plantage rhizome: Drain the Damp and induce duresis

• mu dan pi/paeonia stem bark, ze xie/alisma rhizome: reduce deficiency heat (or Fire)

• huai shan yao/disorcrea root, fu ling/poria cocos: tonify the Spleen qi

• shan zhu yu/cornus fruit, huai shan yao/dioscorea root: astringe the Kidney Essence (to allow it to build without loss)

EMPTY HEAT (CM135)Zhi Bai Ba Wei Tang/Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan


TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMES Nourishes the Kidney (and Liver) Yin, enriches the Kidney Essence,

reduces deficiency Fire and drains Damp-Heat

Kidney Yin deficiency with Fire flaring up (or Damp-Heat in the

lower Jiao)


•flushed face, red cheeks, malar flush

• lower grade, tidal afternoon fever • dry mouth, thirst • night sweats • hot hands and feet

•no fertile mucus •Red tongue, scanty coat;

thready, rapid pulse

INGREDIENTS • shu di huang/rehmannia root, huai shan yao/

dioscorea root, shan zhu yu/cornus fruit: enrich the Kidney Essence and nourish the Kidney Yin

• fu ling/poria cocos, ze xie/alisma plantago, rhizome: drain Damp and induce diuresis

• mu dan pi/paeonia stem bark, ze xie/alisma rhizome: reduce deficiency Fire

• huai shan yao/dioscroea root, fu ling/poria cocos: tonify Speleen qi

• shan zhu yu/cornus fruit, huai shan yao/dioscorea root: astringe the Kidney Essence (to allow it to build up without loss)

• huang bai/phellodendron bark, zhi mu/anemarrhena rhizome: reduce deficiency Fire, drain Dmap-Heat from the lower jiao

MENOPAUSE 2 (CM108) TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMES Nourishes the Kidney and Liver,

reduces deficiency Fire, nourishes the Heart Blood, settles

the Yang to calm the Spirit

Deficiency of the Kidney and Liver with deficiency Fire Heart Blood deficiency


• menopausal hot flushes • irritability • night sweats

•cold hands and feet •sleep disturbance


• yin yang huo/epimedium herb, xian mao, curculigo rhizome, du zhong/eucommia stem bark, ba ji tian/morinda officinalis root: warm-tonify the Kidney Yang and enrich the Kidney Essence

• dang gui/angelica polymorpha root: nourishes the Blood to protect the Kidney Yin from the warming action of the above herbs; regulates the Chong and Ren

• huang bai/phellodendron stem bark, zhi mu/anemarrhena rhizome: reduces Fire from deficiency

• dang-gui/angelica polymorpha root, zhi mu/ anemarrhena rhizome: prevent the warming herbs from damaging the body fluids

• fu xiao mai/triticum seed, da zao/ziziphus jujuba fruit, zhi gan cao/glycyrrhiza uralensis root: tonify Heart Qi and calm the Spirit

• fu xiao mai/triticum seed, yi jiao ten/fallopia multiflora stem: nourish the Heart and Liver Blood to calm the Spirit

• mu li/oyster shell, he huan pi/albizia julibrissin steam bark: nourish the Heart Yin to calm the Spirit

• mu li/oyster shell: subdues Yang hyperactivity • he huan pi/albizia julibrisin: soothes the Liver to calm the Spirit • yuan zhi/polygala sibirica root: envoy herb to the Heart to calm

the Spirit, disseminate the Heart Qi and Yang; open the mind and senses

Qi and Blood tonic

QI & BLOOD TONIC 2 (CM165)Ba Zhen Wan/Ginseng & Dang-gui Eight


TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMES Tonifies the Qi and nourishes the


Qi and Blood dual deficiency


•fatigue •muscular weakness

• pale or sallow complexion • dry, lustreless skin • shortness of breath • reluctance to speak • sweating, mild exertion

•palpitations •insomnia

•pale tongue •weak and thready



• dang shen/codonopsis, bai zhu/atractylodes rhizome, fu ling/poria cocs, zhi gan cao/glycyrrhiza root: tonify the Qi and strengthen the Spleen

• bai shao/paeonia root, shu di huang/rehmannia root, dang-gui/angelica root, chuan xiong/ligusticum root: nourish the Blood and enrich the Liver

• bai zhu/atractylodes rhizome, fu ling/poria cocos: boost the qi and resolve damp

• dang-gui/angelica root, chuan xiong/ligusticum root: activate the Blood and dispel stasis

RESTORE THE SPLEEN (CM168)Gui Pi Tang/Ginseng Longan (BP012)

TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMES Tonifies the Spleen qi and

nourishes the Heart blood, clams the spirit

Spleen Qi deficiency Heart Blood deficiency


•menstrual disorders characterised by light bleed, irregularity, long cycles or short cycles

• menorrhagia • anxiety, stress, depression

•palpitations, poor sleep •pale tongue

•thready and weak pulse


• huang qi/astragalus root; dang shen/codonopsis root; bai zhu/atracylodes rhizome; zhi gan cao/glycyrrhiza root: tonify the Spleen qi

• dang-gui/angelica root; long yan rou/dimocarpus fruit: nourish the Heart blood

• fu ling/poria cocos; yuan zhi/polygala root; suan zao ren/ziziphus seed: nourish the Heart and calm the spirit

• bai zhu/atracylodes rhizome; mu xiang/saussurea root: strengthen the Spleen and regulate the Qi, prevent the tonic herbs from impairing digestion

• zhi gan cao/glycyrrhiza root; da zao/ziziphus fruit; sheng jiang/zingiber rhizome: harmonise the Spleen and Stomach to promote the production of Qi and Blood

MOTHERHOOD FORMULA (CM162)(Nuan Gong Cheng Yun Fang)

TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMES Tonifies the Qi and nourishes the

blood, tonifies the Kidney and enriches the Essence, soothes the Liver and regulates the Qi.

Qi-blood deficiency Kidney deficiency

Liver constraint


•fatigue and muscular weakness • irregular cycle with scanty flow

• dark menstrual flow with clots • irritability and mood swings, PMS • dizziness, tinnitus • poly/nocturia

•T: pale, pale and red; thin white coat

•P: thready and weak


• huang qi/astragalus membranaceus, root; dang shen/codonopsis pilosula, root; bai zhu/atractylodes macrophala, rhizome; fu ling/poria cocos, fruit; gan cao/glycyrrhiza uralensis, root: boost qi to enhance the spleen’s capacity to nourish blood

• shu di huang/rehmannia glutinosa, root; dang gui/angelica polymorpha, root; bai shao/paeonia lactiflora, root; gou qi zi/lycium barbarum, fruit: nourish the blood

• tu si zi/cuscuta hygrophilae, seed; yin yang huo/epidmedium sagittatum, herb; rou gui/cinnamomum cassia, stem bark: boost the Kidney to warm the yang (and expel the cold)

• chuan xiong/ligusticum wallichii, rhizome; yu jin/curcuma longa, tuba: move the blood

• xiang fu/cyperus rotundus, rhizome: regulate the qi

MOTHERHOOD 2 FORMULA (CM184)(Yang Shen Cheng Yun Fang)

TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMES Tonifies the Kidney and enriches the Essence, tonifies the Spleen

qi and nourishes the Blood

Qi-Blood dual deficiency Kidney yang-essence deficiency


•scanty menstrual flow, delayed menstrual cycle, oligomenorrhoea or amenorrhoea

• low libido • thin, watery leukorrhoea or

vaginal dryness •cold sensation in lower

abdomen, hands and feet


• huang qi/astragalus membranaceus, root; dang shen/codonopsis pilosula, root; bai zhu/atractylodes macrocephala, rhizome: herbs which boost qi

• sha ren/amomum villosum, fruit; bai zhu/atractylodes macrocephala, rhizome: herbs which resolve dampness

• tu si zi/cuscuta hygrophilae, seed; xian ling pi (yin yang huo)/epimedium sagittatum, herb; ba ji tian/morinda officinalis, root: strengthen the Kidneys and essence, warm the yang

• shu di huang/rehmannia glutinosa, root; shan yu rou (shan zhu yu): strengthen the Kidneys and essence, nourish the yin

• shu di huang/rehmannia glutinosa, root; bai shao/paeonia lactiflora, root; dang gui/angelica polymorpha, root: nourish the Liver blood

MOTHERHOOD-FT 1 (CM140)Cu Luan Cheng Yun Fang

TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMES Tonifies the Kidney and enriches the Kidney essence, nourishes the Blood, activates the Blood and dispels stasis, soothes the


Qi stagnation, blood stasis Kidney essence deficiency

Blood deficiency


• Irregular and infrequent periods

• dark menstrual flow with clots • dysmenorrhoea

•PMS •dark purple tong

•choppy or wiry pulse


• chi shao/paeonia veitchii, root; sheng di huang/rehmannia glutinosa, root: cool and nourish blood

• chai hu/bupleurum falcatum, root; xiang fu/cyperus rotundus, rhizome; zhi ke/citrus aurantium, fruit: regulate the qi

• dang gui/angelica polymorpha, root: nourish the blood

• chuang xiong/ligusticum wallichii, rhizome; tao ren/prunus persica, seed; dan shen/salvia miltiorrhiza, root and rhizome; ze lan/lycopus lucidus, herb; yi mu cao/leonurus sibiricus, herb: move the blood

• tu si zi/cuscuta hygrophilae, seed; bu gu zhi/cullen corylifolium, seed: boost the Kidney and warm the yang

• huang jing/polygonatum sibiricum, root: boost the qi

Resolve damp

GLYCEMIC SUPPORT (CM115)TCM actions: nourishes the yin and generates body fluids, clears heat tonifies the qi, activates the blood and dispels stasis TCM syndromes: yin and qi deficiency; impairment of the body fluids due to heat; bloods stasis with injury to the blood vessels Indications: diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance, Metabolic Syndrome X

WEIGHT MANAGEMENT (CM114) TCM actions: Resolves Phlegm-damp, drains retained fluids and promotes diuresis, regulates the Qi and harmonises the middle Jiao, opens the bowels TCM syndromes: phlegm-damp and fluid retentions; qi stagnation Indications: overweight, obesity, fluid retention, elevated serum triglycerides and cholesterol

WEIGHT MANAGEMENT 2 (CM172) TCM actions: Promotes digestion and disperses food stagnation, resolves Phlegm and dries Damp, regulates the Qi to relieve abdominal distention, opens the bowels TCM syndromes: Phelgm-damp retention; food stagnation Indications: Obesity, overweight, Metabolic Syndrome (Syndrome X)

WTM 3 BODY SHAPE (CM189)TCM actions: Clears Damp-Heat, drains Damp and resolves Phlegm, regulates the Qi and promotes bowel movement, promotes digestion and resolves food stagnation TCM syndromes: Damp-heat in the Liver; heat excess int eh Stomach and intestines Indications: obesity, overweight

Clear Heat


Nourishes and astringes the Blood, nourishes the Yin, clear

Heat and regulates menstruation

Deficiency Heat in the Blood Blood and Yin Deficiency

Instability of the Chong channel


•excessive menstrual blood loss

• irregular periods • bleeding between periods • sallow and pale complexion • dizziness

•palpitations •pale, dry tongue

•thready, weak pulse


• sheng di huang/rehmannia glutinosa root, mu dan pi/paeonia suffruticos stem, huang qin/scutellaria baicalensis, root: clear heat, purge fire to cool the blood

• han lian cao/eclipta prostrata herb, nu zhen zi/ligustrum lucidum fruit: tonify the Yin

• xiao ji/cephalanopsis segetum herb, ai ye/artemisia argyi leaf: regulate the blood to stop bleeding

• bai shao/paeonia lactiflora root, dang-gui/angelica root: tonify the blood

• chuang xiong/ligusticum wallichii rhizome: move the blood


Clears Damp-Heat and Heat Toxin from the lower Jiao and

stops vaginal discharge, nourishes and activates the Blood

Damp-Heat and Heat Toxin in the lower Jiao

Blood deficiency


• abnormal vaginal discharge • vaginal irritation with a burning

sensation • sensation of inflammation in the

pelvis •pale or red tongue

•thready pulse


• chun gen pi/ailanthus altissima root bark: herbs that stabilise and bind

• bai shao/paeonia lactiflora, dang gui/angelica polymorpha root: nourish the blood

• sheng di huang/rehmannia glutinosa root: cool the blood

• huang bai/phellodendron chinense stem bark: clear heat and resolve damp

• gao liang jiang/alpinia officinarum rhizome: warm the interior, expel cold and alleviate the pain

• chuan xiong/ligusticum wallichii rhizome: move the blood

ANTI-INFLAMM FORMULA (CM119)Long Dan Xie Gan Tang/

Gentiana Formula (BP016)

TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMESDrains excess fire from the Liver and Gallbladder, clears damp-

heat from the triple jiao

Liver-GB Fire Damp-heat in the three jiao


• headache, facial flushing, explosive rage and irritability

• chronic conjunctivitis • dysuria • abnormal vaginal

discharge •genital itch; groin



• long dan cao (gentiana root), huang qin (scutellaria root), shan zhi zi (gardenia fruit): purge fire from the Liver and Gall Bladder; clears damp-heat from the lower jiao

• mu tong (clematis stem), che qian zi (plantago seed), ze xie (alisma rhizome): clear damp-heat from the lower jiao and also direct fire downward and out through the urine

• dang-gui (angelica root), sheng di huang (rehmannia root): nourish the yin and blood in order to protect them from the effects of both the pathogens as well as drying nature of other herbs

• chai hu (bupleurm root): disperse stagnant Liver qi; envoy herb to Liv-GB

• gan cao (glycyrrhiza root): tonifies and harmonises Spleen and Stomach

Calm the spirit

CALM THE SPIRIT (CM150)Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan (BP025)

TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMES Nourishes the Heart and Kidney

Yin, reduces deficiency Fire, promotes the Heart-Kidney interaction, calms the spirit

Heart-Kidney disharmony disturbing the spirit


•Irritability • extreme anxiety

• Insomnia, sleep disturbance • Palpitations (with fright and

anxiety) •Night sweats

•Red tongue, no coat •Thready, rapid pulse

INGREDIENTS• sheng di huang/rehmannia root; tian men dong,

asparagus tuber; mai men dong/ophiopogon tuber; xuan shen/scrophularia root: nourish the Heart and Kidney yin, reduce deficiency fire

• suan zao ren/ziziphus seed; bai zi ren/biota seed; dan shen/salvia root; fu ling/poria cocos; wu wei zi/schisandra fruit; yuan zhi/polygala root: nourish the Heart and calm the Spirit

• dang shen/codonopsis root; fu ling/poria cocos; yuan zhi/polygala root: tonify the Heart Qi to calm the Spirit

• dang-gui/angelica polymorpha, root; sheng di huang/rehmannia root; dan shen/salvia root; yuan zhi/polygala root: nourish the Heart Blood to calm the Spirit

• jie geng/platycodon root; yuan zhi/polygala root: guide herbs towards the Heart

Kidney yang

YOU GUI WAN (BP066)Right Returning Formula

TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMES Warm-tonifies the Kidney Yang,

nourishes the Blood and the Kidney Essence

Kidney Yang deficiency Kidney Essence deficiency


•lower back pain; intolerance of cold

• cold extremities in the lower back • sexual hypofunction • polyuria • fatigue

•sub fertility •deep and weak pulse

•pale, swollen tongue

INGREDIENTS• shu di huang/rehmannia glutinos, root; shan

yao/dioscorea oppositifolia, root; shan zhu yu/cornus officinalis, fruit; gou qi zi/lycium fruit: nourish the Kidney Yin, enrich the Kidney Essence

• rou gui/cinnamomum cassia, stem bark; gan jiang/zingiber rhizome; tu si zi/cuscuta seed; du zhong/eucommia bark; ba ji tian/morinda root: warm-tonify the Kidney Yang and enrich the Kidney Essence

• dang-gui/angelica root; gou qi zi/lycium fruit: nourish the blood

VITALITY 8 FORMULA (CM166)Fu Gui Ba Wei Wan/Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan


TCM ACTIONS & SYNDROMES Warm-tonifies the Kidney Yang

Kidney Yang deficiency


•lower back pain • intolerance of cold

• cold hands, feet and lower abdomen

• polyuria, nocturia •low libido, fatigue

•fluid accumulation •deep, weak pulse

INGREDIENTS • shu di huang/rehmannia glutinosa, root; shan

yao/dioscorea oppositifolia, root; shan zhu yu/cornus officinalis, fruit: nourish the Kidney Yin, enrich the Kidney Essence

• mu dan pi/paeonia suffruticosa, stem bark; ze xie/alisma plantago quatica, rhizome: reduce Fire, clear deficiency Heat

• fu ling/poria cocos, fruit; ze xie/alisma plantago aquatica, rhizome: drain Damp and promote fluid metabolism to induce diuresis

• dang shen/codonopsis pilosula, root; shan yao/dioscorea oppositifolia, root; fu ling/poria cocos: tonify the Spleen qi to support Kidney qi and essence

• rou gui/cinnamomum cassia, stem bark: warms the yang and leads the Kidney Fire back to the lower Jiao


Warm-tonifies the Kidney and Spleen Yang, promotes diuresis to drain Damp, soothes the Liver

and regulates the Qi

Spleen-Kidney Yang deficiency Fluid retention

Qi stagnation, Blood stasis

SIGNS & SYMPTOMS • (Menopausal) weight gain

• fluid retention • fatigue • cold hands and feed

• irritability •pale, swollen tongue


• du zhong/eucommia ulmoides, stem bark; xu duan/dipsacus asper, root; sang ji shen/ loranthus parasiticus, twig; tu si zi/cuscusta hygrophilae, see: warm-tonify the Kidney Yang

• dang gui/angelica polymorpha, root; bai shao/paeonia lactiflora, root: nourish the Blood

• dang shen/codonopsis pilosula, root; bai zhu/ atractylodes macrocephala, rhizome: boost the Qi

• yu jin/curcuma longa, tuber; chai hu/bupleurum falcatum, root: regulate the Qi

• chuang xiong/ligusticum wallichii, root: regulate and move the Blood

• fu ling/poria cocos, fruit body; ze xie/alisma plantago aquatica, rhizeom; sang bai pi/morus alba, root bark: resolve damp

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