succesfactors demo

Post on 06-Aug-2015






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Successfactors is a Market Leader in Cloud HCM

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SAP + SuccessFactorsDelivering a combination of unique


#1 Core HR #1 Talent Management

• 10+ years experience in the cloud,delivering enterprise-class SaaS

• 3,600+ customers/~20M users

• Largest cloud customer with 2M users

• 35 Languages – customers in 177 countries and 60 Industries

• 40 years of business software and solutions experience & expertise

• 15,000 SAP HCM customers

• Unmatched multi-country availability: 51 countries provided by SAP + 28 by SAP partners

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Employee Central

Goals Workforce Planning

Performance Compensation Succession AnalyticsRecruiting Learning Jam

BizX Insights

Get people workingon the right things

Find the right peopleand make them great

Run the business better

Innovations for IntegrationDeliver seamless integration across

SAP and SuccessFactors

This presentation and SAP‘s strategy and possible future developments are subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time for any reason without notice. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement

Pre-delivered integration across 3 focus areas to deliver the hybrid deployment

Benefits of a Cloud Deployment for Talent Management

Faster Innovation

High Security

Fast time to Value

Ease of consumption


Fast ROINo Infrastructure & Admin

Proven Configuration

The Talent Management market is fast-changing and innovative, making it ideally suited for cloud deployment.

This presentation and SAP‘s strategy and possible future developments are subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time for any reason without notice. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement

Combine the best of cloud and on-premise HR solutions with a hybrid

deployment> Why hybrid? Benefit from market-leading

capabilities of SuccessFactors and leverage Core HR on-premise investments

> Proven today – Multiple hundreds of customers run SuccessFactors and the SAP Business Suite successfully integrated today

> Advancing the status-quo – In the coming quarters we plan to deliver enhanced data, process and user experience integration

> Rapid deployment – We will ease the deployment of hybrid landscapes packaging pre-configured solutions, services and integration technology

This presentation and SAP‘s strategy and possible future developments are subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time for any reason without notice. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement

Hybrid Deployment

Payroll Time & Attendance


HCM Workforce Planning & Analytics


Workforce Planning

PerformanceCompensation Succession

AnalyticsRecruiting Learning Jam

Solution Today – Proven HybridAvailable integration across SAP and

SuccessFactorsHundreds of customers run SuccessFactors and SAP ERP HCM successfully integrated today:

Integration techniques available and adopted today include: File-based integration, web services, integration platform


Interface Data Files

Vendor App APIs

Interface Data Files



Cloud Integration Platform(Transformation)

Web Service

Standard Flat File (CSV)

Export Transform & Transport Load


Customer Managed Integration: Customers leverage the provided integration techniques and develop the integration in customer-specific projects. Ongoing integration operations are with the customer.

This presentation and SAP‘s strategy and possible future developments are subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time for any reason without notice. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement

Verity Solutions - 419-408-3178

Technical architecture

System architecture

sandbox QA Production

Deployment options to match your needs and strategy

Full HCM in the cloud

Align Optimize Accelerate

Full HCM on-premise

Hybrid Deployment

• Leverage market leading global on-premise solution for Core HR processes

• Deploy market leading talent and workforce planning capabilities in the cloud

Delivered Integration

Talent MgmtRecruitingLearning

Workforce PlanningWorkforce Analytics

Core HR and Payroll

Core HR and Payroll

Time & Attendance Management

Time & Attendance Management

Talent Management

Talent Management

Workforce Planning & AnalyticsWorkforce Planning & Analytics


Core HR and PayrollCore HR and Payroll Time & Attendance Management

Time & Attendance Management

Workforce Planning & AnalyticsWorkforce Planning & Analytics

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Example of Integration selection

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Example of Integration selection

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Class outline

1) Introduction to Mastery (Mandatory course for Success factors Consultant)2) Work force analytics & Reporting3) Introduction to Goal Mgmt 4) Performance Mgmt4) Compensation Mgmt5) Employee Central (Core HR Solutions) 6) Bizx Mobile

Duration: 40 to 50 hours

When : Sunday from 10 AM to 1 PM or as discussed

How: online

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Mastery outline1 Introduction to Successfactors Products.2. Instance, Provisioning Systems explanation3. Technical Architecture4. Integration Technology/Tools5. Bizxpert Methodology – Implementation Methodology.6. Basic company settings in Provisioning System7. Creating administrators in Provisioning System8. Creating administrators in Instance9. Instance basic settings – Passwords, Home Page, Welcome Menu, Comp info.10. Administrator tools11. Managing To DO List.12. Manage V12 Home Page – Successfactors Home Page customization.13. Theme Manager – Customization Organization Themes.14. Admin tools 2.0 and the Old Admin OverView.15. Successfactors Revolution UI16. Commonly used terms17. Default User Permissions.18. Admin Privileges19. Proxy Management20. Setting up company Logo, Manage Data User Records22. Employee Data File, Permissions24. Password Policies25. Email Notifications Customization.26. Text Customization in Instance27. People Search, Rating Scales29. Route Maps (Workflow, Launching forms31. Modifying Existing Form Route Map Steps by Administrator32. Employee Profile33. Customizing Employee Profile (Layout Configuration).34. XML and Data models35. Custom Fields Creation in the Data Models.36. Interfaces between SAP & Success factors (Data extraction & DataLoading)37. Pick list Management.38. Jobs Scheduling & Execution of Jobs in Successfactors.39. Successfactors Language Packs.40. Resetting user accounts or Passwords.41. User Groups Creation

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Workforce and analyticsWorkForce Analytics & Reporting

1. Introduction to Reporting2. Activation of Work force Analytics Module in Provisioning System.3. Introduction To DashBoards.4. Set up process dashboards5. Dashboards 2.06. Configuring Dashboard and displayed them on Home Page7. Rating Scale Dashboards8. Create Interactive Dashboards9. Report Centre.10. Manage Report Permissions11. List view reports12. Spotlight view reports13. Spread sheet reports14. Classic reports15. Adhoc report Builder16. Custom Reports Creation17. Sharing Reports.18. Single Domain Reports.19. Cross Domain Reports.20. Multi DataSet Reports21. Online Report Designer.

Verity Solutions - 419-408-3178

BizXSuccessFactors Bizx Mobile1. Integrating SAP SuccessFactors with Mobile Device.2. Employee Central On Bizx Mobile.3. Time Off on Bizx Mobile4. Manage Mobile users.5. Enable Mobile features.

Verity Solutions - 419-408-3178

BizXSuccessFactors Bizx Mobile1. Integrating SAP SuccessFactors with Mobile Device.2. Employee Central On Bizx Mobile.3. Time Off on Bizx Mobile4. Manage Mobile users.5. Enable Mobile features.

Verity Solutions - 419-408-3178

Goals and PerformanceGoals & Performance Management1. Goal Management2. Provisioning Settings for Goal & Performance Mgmt Modules.3. Goal Execution4. Overview of Job Families and Job Roles5. Form Templates6. Goal Plan Permissions7. Goal Plan layout.8. Group Goals OverView.9. Understanding Goal ID, GUID and SUBGUID10. Goal Wizard Option.11. MyGoals View.12. Importing & Exporting a Goal Plan Template.13. Stack Ranker Configuration.14. Mass Import of Goals15. Integrating Goal and Performance Mgmt Modules.16. Working with Goal and Performance templates (Xml Templates).17. Performance Management v1218. Performance Management Confiugration Steps::a. Configuring the Route Mapb. Creating a Rating Scalec. Managing Templatesd. Adding a New Template from SuccesStoree. Summary Section.f. Launching PM Forms.

Verity Solutions - 419-408-3178

CompensationCompensation Mastery1. Compensation Management Introduction2. Compensation Mastery Prework3. 14 Step recommended Implementation process for Comp Mastery.4. Setup Provisioning for Compensation.5. Comp admin tools6. Data Integration User Data File.7. Compensation Plan Template.8. Compensation Mastery Salary Sheet Management9. Work Sheet Designer10. Column Designer11. Setup Look UP Tables12. Setup Salary Pay Matrix13. Currency Conversion Setup14. Setup Job Code and Pay Grade Mapping Tables.15. Compensation Eligibility/Setup Eligibility Rules.16. Compensation Guidelines

Verity Solutions - 419-408-3178

Employee CentralEmployee Central Mastery – Core HCM1. Introduction to EC2. Basic provisioning Setup3. Recommended 14 – step Implementation sequence forEC Implementation.4. EC Navigation5. Setup Super Administrator Account and Managing authorizations.6. Data models and DTDs7. Employee Central Structure.8. Data model Management9. Setting up Corporate Data Model10. Setting up Succession Data Model11. Setting up Country specific Data Model12. Setting up Country specific Succession Data Model13. Enable Business Configuration UI (BCUI) in Provisioning14. Business Configuration UI to Maintain Succession Data model15. Enable employee central and RBP16. Update employee details17. Configuring Name Format

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Successfactors and Workday comparison

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Successfactors and Workday comparison

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Successfactors and Workday comparison

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Successfactors and Workday comparison

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