student scary stories 1-3

Post on 27-Mar-2016






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Scary student stories 1-3


BlueSky StudentSuspense StoriesCreative Writing

Quarter 4

1. 195th 4th Street"Mom! I didn't give you that key so you can

barge in any time you please!" Agh. I knew this would happen...

"Mom?!" Why isn't that crazy women answering me? I step one foot out slowly. Listening. Nothing but the trickle of water dripping from the kitchen sink. Roberto was supposed to fix that weeks ago. Along with the broken window in my beautiful master bedroom. The window doesn't bother me so much since there is a roof above it so water doesn't leak in. Also it is nearly 15 feet off the ground so no one will think of breaking in through there.

Not that there is anything in this old house that I inherited from my late grandfather five years ago worth stealing. Drying off my hair, glancing in the mirror at my olive skin. Dark and damp brown hair draping down passed my shoulders. It is fairly

difficult to see even my own reflection with the slick layer of steam on the ancient wooden framed mirror but I am certain I seen a figure slowly meander by. The visitor is much to tall to be my mother. Could it possibly be my brother back from Duluth? I wasn't expecting a visit from him for at least three more days! Well I better hurry up and greet him before he gets another crazy impulse and decides to take a random trip to New Zealand or some other place nobody would think to visit.

Squeezing my legs into my tight jeans is difficult since I didn't completely dry off. One in at a time is the best I could do. I started on my zipper when I hear tires squealing outside and someone in my bed room cocking a gun. This finally got me moving quicker. I tossed on a shirt and jumped into the hallway. I do realize this is a horrible plan but what can you do? I then slowly creep down the hallway several steps. There is a mirror to the left of me. A quick glance and I see a pair of dark blue eyes glaring back at me. The sound from the bed springs gives away the fact that this man is rising with plenty of speed. I turn and run as fast as I can to the stairs.

Stumbling my way down, smelling something that reminds me of the time I was in grade school and we made those volcanoes in science class. The smoke alarm began singing that irritating beep,beep,beeeep!!

As I swung the door to the outside I realized maybe screaming could help the situation. I ran. Unrecognizable words screeching out of my mouth.

Reaching my car. I turned to see the man gone. I was still scared out of my mind so I hopped in my purple rusting dodge neon and manually locked the doors just in case. I was panting loudly but I still heard a deep scary voice.

“ OH!, Johnny!.. That wasn't one-ninety fifth, fourth street!! We need to get your cousins Halloween party before that poor woman calls the cops!” Stressed as I was I started laughing hysterically and climbed out of my car. Still laughing I confidentially walked over to the two men dressed as a pirate and Zorro and slapped them on the back on my way back inside my cozy apartment.

Another shower might be necessary after the sweat drenched adventure I just had.

I wonder..Why..better did they get into my house in the first place? That’s when I heard a creak in the floor outside the bathroom.

2. She Doesn’t Love Me, Yet

She is in the shower now. I can hear the soft sound of her radio and the water hitting her soft velvety skin. I knew that she wasn’t expecting me to be here but how could I stay away?

I love her but she doesn’t love me yet. It’s only a matter of time.

As I creep closer and closer the sound of the water hitting her gorgeous body became more distinguished. It soon sounded like a pattern.I didn’t want to scare her so I decided to find her room and wait for her in there.

As I sit on her bed as I lean agents her wall I swear I can smell her sweet pea body wash and her Dove shampoo and conditioner. I can hear her singing our song, and I soon find myself singing along. All of a sudden everything shuts off and I’m left sitting in her room all alone. I can here her start to panic and I soon decide that it would be best to leave. After all I don’t want to seem like a creeper. But as I walk out of her room I here the front door open and I now know that her boyfriend and the dogs are home. I froze as I herd her yell for her boyfriend.

“Chris, Is that you?” “Yah baby I’m home.”

“Well then stop playing jokes. You know how I feel about you scaring me.”

“What are you talking about I just got home” I feel myself get hot as I hear him getting

closer to where I am standing. My mind begins to race as I try to figure out what to do. I here the bathroom door swing open and like an Angel, my

love walked out in nothing but a towel wrapped around to cover up. She meets Chris in the hallway and they begin to talk. I don’t listen in because I’m trying to figure out a way to get out. Just as I was about to jump for the window Sarah walked into her room, I feel everything freeze as I pray she wont open the closet and see me standing there. I peek out to see her getting dressed and quickly snap my head back as not to be accused of watching her. Just when I think she is gone I here Chris enter the room. I feel my blood presser rise and I try to hide deeper in the closet. I could have sworn that I had hit something but Chris just kept on his way. I waited for what seemed hours trying to stay calm and figure out what to do. Finally I peek into the room and I don’t see anyone, so I slip out and just as I close the closet door there big germen shepherd starts barking. I quickly try to hid in hops that it will stop but its to late I here the words

“Gabby Grab, and hold” That’s when I realize that Gabby is a police dog. I try to run but can’t Gabby has me in her powerful jaws and there is nothing I can do about it. All I can do Is pray that she will kill me before he gets here to arrest me. As Chris and Sarah enter the room Sarah looks shocked to see me laying in the middle of her bedroom with a dog on my arm. Sarah finally gets Chris to let me go waited for what seemed hours trying to stay calm and figure out what to do. Finally I peek into the room and I don’t see anyone, so I slip out and just as I close the closet door there

big germen shepherd starts barking. I quickly try to hid in hops that it will stop but its to late I here the words

“Gabby Grab, and hold” That’s when I realize that Gabby is a police dog. I try to run but can’t Gabby has me in her powerful jaws and there is nothing I can do about it. All I can do Is pray that she will kill me before he gets here to arrest me. As Chris and Sarah enter the room Sarah looks shocked to see me laying in the middle of her bedroom with a dog on my arm. Sarah finally gets Chris to let me go and takes me to the hospital.

“What were you thinking?” she asks.“I just wanted to see you” I answered.

3. Desperately Dark

The water was warm enough to seemingly melt away the last of the troubles from my day, and gentle enough to sooth my thoughts into quiet submission. Though outside of the shower door I could have sworn I heard a sickening crack, and some terrible squishing sound, that was only accompanied by a low moan. I pulled back the shower curtain and glared at the closed door.

“Bill, how the hell did you get in here?” Silence.

I tried again though this time with more of a hint of annoyance.

“I wasn't planning on making you a key until next did you get in he-” I was completely cut off by the sound of him crashing into the door, and what sounded like a hand searching for the handle. I gasped and quickly retorted.

“What are you doing!? I'm in the shower don't open that!” Though the door opened anyway...and what I had seen was not my lovingly

erratic boyfriend. But something else entirely. I had little time to fully grasp the form of the creature before I had flung the curtain shut and pressed myself against the showers wall, though what I had seen was like something out of a Goosebumps book. It looked almost like a creature comprised entirely of shadow, save for the fact that it made sounds when it moved, and smelled of carrion.

I had little time to scream or struggle before I felt its cold hands upon the crook of my neckpressing into my throat. I closed my eyes, determined to force away the creature by sheer will, or shun it like a dream...though for the longest time it felt as if myeyes couldn't open.

Though by the time they finally had I found myself somewhere else entirely. The room I found myself in was dark, but I could tell by the reek of death and decay that it was hardly clean. The room spun around me as I lifted myself into a knealing position, my hands scraping down over my nude flesh to try and warm the chill that had passed over it. What I had instead done was seemingly smear whatever it was that was caked onto my body from the floors. I lifted my hand determined to see what it was that was on my finger tips before my head jerked up at the sound of the same moan it felt like I had heard only moments before.

My eyes instinctively jutted around the room desperate to fall in any recognizable shape.

Though I found none. Only the darkness, and sounds of things that felt like they were just beyond where I might have been locked. I wanted nothing more than to cry out, to beg and plead for answers, and help and relief from the pain and agony that was searing through the place on my neck where that creature...that thing had once pressed itself into.

“What the hell is happening to me...” I whimpered as I curled into myself desperate to protect myself from the outside world that was no doubtedly closing in around me.

“I just want to go home...”I continued to weep...and cry...and tell myself that all would be okay in time...that this was just some kind of horrible dream. Though it was then...that a door I hadn't noticed to be there had opened...

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