strategic plan 2015-2018 - · strategic plan 2015-2018 ... child-free...

Post on 13-Apr-2018






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Vision: Inspiring and empowering all learners for life in a global community through an innovative partnership.

Statement of Accountability to our Children: Alberton Primary School is committed to develop a collaborative community that supports learning

for citizenship and personalised learning to ensure all children develop the capacity and capabilities to be balanced and successful lifelong

learners. Students will be exposed to diverse opportunities, experiences and modes of learning to ultimately allow extensive choices throughout

their lives.

Broad Aims:

To have a safe, challenging and proactive environment where all children are actively engaged learners and children are masters of their own learning experience.

To develop resilient global citizens that foster growth mindsets who are able to successfully build and maintain positive and constructive relationships with their family, the community and themselves.

To continually improve holistic learning outcomes for all children and pedagogies for all teachers.

This plan will be seen as an active document and allow flexibility to evolve over the four years. It identifies strategies involving significant human or financial resources.


e-SMART Holistic Improvement






To review current school structures, pedagogy and practice towards improving the creative, entrepreneurial, academic, inclusive and community-oriented school culture.

Imagineering Day – Staff reps, GC rep, Critical Friend

Andrew, Janey, Cassia, Lisa B, Kim, Susan, Laura, Mandy.

October 2015

Strengths and areas for improvement will be identified from multiple perspectives.

The ‘ingredients’ for change will be highlighted.

Alberton Primary School will be operating in a manner that optimises the chances of achieving the stated outcomes for children.

Imagineering Day – Student Reps Andrew, Debbie, CPAPS reps.

Feedback – Old Scholars LFHS old scholars

Child-Free Imagineering Day - Staff All Staff

To facilitate the continued development of inspired, empowered, respectful, global and lifelong learners, in doing so expanding choices for as many children as possible now and for the future.

Development of authentic and relevant pedagogy implemented within a learning environment that operates as the ‘3rd Teacher’.

Leadership, All Staff, Governing Council

December 2018

Learning environments developing with an intentional focus on learning.

Teaching strategies continue to connect with real contexts.

Nunga Way is trialled by an increasing number of staff.

CPAPS is enabled through developed structures and training.

Children identified as having special rights have these catered for.

Build the LSC up as a sustainability and entrepreneurial centre.

Football exchanges with China; Frog link with Malaysia; AIRTime; and Penpals with UK all happening.

UniSA research project.

We have met all our children at where they are at and paved paths together to destinations they have imagined while also paving other paths to possible destinations yet imagined.

Continuing to build meaningful Choice and Voice for children through formal structures such as CPAPS; culturally empowering practice such as Nunga Way and embedded in every interaction between children and staff.

Live true to the concept of all children having rights under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, in particular ensuring some children with additional obstacles of inclusion are provided with special rights.

Significant future life options will be available in the areas of social, environmental and economic sustainability. Continue to expose our children to these concepts and possibilities for them to engage with them.

Engage our children in global connection and communication through developing and expanding our Asian Links our European Links and our U.S. Links.

Model learning through engaging in research ourselves and model possibility through searching for philanthropic opportunities to expand experiences and choices for our children.







TARGETS (2018)

Children are co-constructors in a connected and continuous pathway through their learning journey across their time at Alberton Primary School and from Alberton Primary School.

Development of integrated Preschool-Reception space called The Nest and staffing it with P/R staff teams of teacher and co-educator mirroring Magpie Group structures.

Andrew Marilyn Nest Staff

January 2015

The Nest is set up.

Children will be able to articulate the purpose of both their project work and SLP. Children who have had two years in the Nest and two in 1-7 will be able to articulate the continuity of their learning.

Children in The Nest are booking into Discovery sessions out of The Nest.

Children in The Nest have documentation of consultation.

1-7 Staff are up skilled in the documentation process for the Early Years ie Learning Stories

QA1, QA6 are exceeding national standards.

All children will have documentation of their learning journey in an online portfolio accessible to parents. This will include Learning Stories by teachers across the four years.

The RRR document is used to compare student engagement levels beginning and end of time in the Nest.

New families have a clear understanding of the transition processes into Reception from Kindy

Transition processes in place.

An effective webpage is developed where new families can access online enrolment information, forms, policies and FAQ’s for The Nest.

All children are being, becoming and belonging during their time in the Nest and as they smoothly transition into years 1-7. Children demonstrate their capabilities, curiosity and creativity.

Children and teachers understanding how project work and student learning plans are interconnected in philosophy and approach.

Marilyn Debbie All


Discovery as a whole school approach enabling continuous transitioning of children from The Nest into the years 1-7 program.

Emma/Kirsty All

Beginning Term 2, 2015

Children’s voice is reinforced through informal consultative structures. In particular, this voice is seen through the design and development of the Preschool Outdoor Learning Areas (POLA) project.

Nest Staff December 2016

Transition structures are in place to support children moving from one space to another even when that space is off-site.

Marilyn Nest Staff MG Staff

December 2015


To create an early years environment informed by early years pedagogies.

Development of the outdoor learning space, with an initial investment through the POLA project.

Andrew Marilyn

July 2017 Successful application for the Outdoor Learning Environments Upgrade Project.

There is a plan in place to implement the project which includes a cross section of representatives from the school community.

QA1, QA3, QA5 & QA 6 are exceeding national standards.

Deep dialogue is occurring between Nest and 1-7 staff about best contemporary practice.

Shared two way practice between The Nest and Magpie groups : portfolios, book boxes, bookmaking, play based learning, shared p/D, Hub meetings

Physical learning environments 1-7 continue to evolve.

Forward-thinking structural, pedagogical and philosophical changes continue to be implemented.

QIP is a living document, reviewed regularly at Nest Meetings.

Staff are increasingly referencing research and other examples of theory and practice evolution.

There is evidence of the features of QA1, 3 and 5 being present across the K-7 school.

Programs show evidence of embedded cultural connections

Circle of Security provided as an induction for new staff.

All children are being, becoming and belonging during their time in the Nest and as they smoothly transition into years 1-7. Children demonstrate their capabilities, curiosity and creativity.

DECD/REAIE Study tour to Reggio Emilia to expand the breadth of staff with knowledge in the philosophy and practices of Reggio approach.

Emma Susan

October 2015

Emma to spend time in The Nest weekly to develop stronger links and understandings between Nest and 1-7 staff and look for opportunities.

Emma Nest Staff

Starting Term 3 2015

P-2 Hub groups exploring early years issues through dialogue and debate.

Nest and 1-2 E/M staff


Provocations put to staff to ensure staff are challenged to think and develop practice responsive to contemporary and cultural educational thought to the children’s needs.

Marilyn All


Staff professional development across the school in ‘Circle of Security’.

All teachers Term 1 2015

Address the elements identified in the QIP for the Nest then the whole school.

Marilyn, Nest Staff, Andrew

Involvement in the Reggio Prototype Project.

Marilyn, Andrew, Nest Staff, Emma

Applying for Excellence Rating for The Nest as a form of external accountability.

Marilyn, Andrew, Nest Staff


To enable our children in The Nest to ‘BE’, valuing their competency and enabling natural learning processes to flourish.

Encouraging risky play and risky tasks, with a focus on risk-benefit analysis.

Nest staff Ongoing QIP identifies benefit/risk assessments undertaken.

Dialogue between Nest staff about EYLF is regular and documented.

A range of learning opportunities is available and documented regularly.

A record of regular learning stories is available.

Staffing levels are at a minimum of standard ratios 1:13 in 2015 and 1:10 from 2016.

QA1, QA2 and QA7 are exceeding national standards.

Learning stories and Children’s Frog sites across The Nest and Years 1-3 demonstrate a diversity of experiences that children engage in.

All children are being, becoming and belonging during their time in the Nest and as they smoothly transition into years 1-7. Children demonstrate their capabilities, curiosity and creativity.

Using the EYLF as a tool for helping to identify developmental progress of children without subjecting them to testing.

Nest staff Ongoing

Providing a range of learning experiences that allow for creativity, choice and inquiry such as story tables, loose parts and construction spaces.

Nest Staff From Term 1 2015

Using Learning Stories as a personal and ongoing reporting tool and to develop staff observational skills and understanding of EYLF through its regular use.

Nest Staff Year 1-7 staff beginning to explore this process

From Term 1

Staffing the Nest to allow adequate supervision, time for constructing open learning opportunities and workshops, time for observation, time for questioning and time for building relationships.

Andrew Marilyn









Development of the Life Sciences Centre garden infrastructure & planning in readiness for 2016.

Establishing a garden sub-committee to develop sustainability plans and processes.

Simon, Penny D, Andrew, Lisa, Parent reps, Community reps

Term 2, 2015 Ongoing

Committee in place and processes for development underway.

Alberton children are a capable group of young Scientists who can positively face and successfully work through complex problems and challenges scientifically.

Children will be accessing and highly engaged in Science-based learning and working scientifically through a range of experiences.

The Science learning will be documented through Discovery, SLP and English/Maths.

Simon, Sean, Andrea, Kirsty and other E/M teachers

Initial Documents December 2016

Results in PAT-Science tests will demonstrate high levels of understanding through the exposure and engagement levels.

There will be an increased focus on Sciences in Discovery and the term focus in SLP (or equivalent) will be experienced each year.

The LSC will have children accessing it throughout the day each day.

Science learning stories will be produced describing individual and group learning.

Frameworks to engage children’s learning will be developed.

Sean, Simon, Andrea, Kirsty

December 2016

Teachers will have access to learning about the structures and resources available to them to support the learning. This will include opportunities to co-teach with Simon and Sarina.

Sean, Simon, Sarina


There will be an SLP topic with a Sciences focus at least once per year.

Sean, Debbie, All

December 2016 and ongoing

Children will have access to the LSC during lunchtimes.

Sean, Simon April 2016

Developing children’s understanding of sustainability as a key issue for contemporary Science.

Application to be a specialist school in Sustainability Sciences.

Andrew, December 2015

Successful grant

Garden utilised through anecdotal data

Community partnerships are established including PAE Council, Sarah’s Sisters Café, NRM, UniSA, Semaphore Traders, Community Composting Group

Each MG has responsibility for a different sustainable practice.

Using the LSC to promote learning of sustainability concepts.

Sean, Simon, Sarina, All staff, LSC Committee

December 2016 and ongoing Work in partnership with community,

commercial and government sectors to establish infrastructure, staffing and programs to enable authentic examples to be accessible to children.

Groups contributing to collective sustainable practices.

Sean, Each MG


Children will develop a strong understanding of the breadth of Science through integration with whole school practices in other foci, for example the social sciences and positive psychology/education. For example, children will learn the value in choosing healthy food options and understanding what these are (the science behind this concept) and where to source them.

Demonstrating the links between Sciences and other school practices e.g. the science of positive education through PERMA+.

Simon, Stewart, Sean, Sarina, Andrea, Kirsty, Niki, Nicole, All staff

December 2016 and ongoing

Children will be able to articulate the difference in the foods grown at school and those purchased in shops.

Children will choose to engage in LSC programs.

Children will be able to articulate global issues of food security and describe solutions to the growing problem.

Children making healthy food choices through a greater understanding of nutrition (physical development factors will be measurable).

Alberton children are a capable group of young Scientists who can positively face and successfully work through complex problems and challenges scientifically.

Demonstrate where food comes from and how it is sold to consumers, including demonstrating the opportunities and challenges within urban farming.

Simon, Sarina

Establishing whole school practices to provide access to healthy options for example through the whole school fruit program and modifying canteen food options.

Stewart, Wellbeing Team







TARGETS (measurable)

Develop a strategic approach to the review of mathematics pedagogy and programs.

Involvement in the Leading Numeracy Improvement Course.

Stewart Aaron

Ongoing Audit of practice conducted to get staff baseline data.

Preliminary research conducted and shared.

Explore the current site numeracy information.

Alberton children are a capable group of young Mathematicians who can positively face and successfully work through complex numeracy problems and challenges.

Research to establish potential new approaches to mathematics teaching, in particular investigating the impact of a focus on spatial awareness.

Andrew Ongoing

Building capacity of teachers and co-educators in teaching Mathematics.

The Nest Staff (K/Rec) professional learning: Numeracy indicators to use for learning, Primary Maths Association (Lisa-Jane O’Connor) learning about strands and using this to drive inquiries.

Marilyn and Nest staff

December 2015

Children in the early years will demonstrate positive attitudes to mathematics and foundational skills monitored through the numeracy skills check and involvement scales.

Teachers are able to articulate the changes in their practice in mathematics teaching.

Performance development meetings and programs will reflect the new learning.

NAPLAN and PAT-M results will improve for children years 3-7.

Begin 3 year coaching cycle of staff K-7 (cycle of planning using the Australian Curriculum, co-teaching, reflection).

Debbie, Lisa, Jo, Zoe, David, Ellie, Gabby

December 2016, 2017,2018

Creative Body Based Learning through Maths – Cassia and Laura. These staff then mentoring other staff.

Cassia, Laura, Debbie, Andrew

December 2016

Opportunity for staff to attend PMA workshop series hosted at our site.

Debbie, All staff December 2016

Pedagogy or way of teaching and learning is engaging, hands on, authentic, relevant and in context.

Iain – Maths through The Arts. Moving from a number dominated teaching space to include a significant focus on spatial reasoning.

Debbie, Iain December 20188

Learning stories for groups and individuals will highlight the learning developments within authentic contexts.

Documentation of the programs and experiences will show the increase in the use of authentic contexts.

Engagement surveys will see increased numbers of children articulating the level of authenticity of experiences.

Inquiry/Project work in The Nest – begin with what children know.

Marilyn, Nest staff


Involving children in the development of financial literacy experiences to support meaning making in mathematics. In doing so, integrating with LSC demonstrating the integrated value of mathematics in life.

Debbie, Sean, Andrew, Simon, All staff

December 2016


Build a culture of children seeing themselves as Mathematicians and having a positive mindset about Mathematics. Building children’s perseverance and resilience for Mathematics.

Using language of being Mathematicians.

Debbie, All E/M Teachers

December 2016, ongoing

Every child will be able to articulate that they are a mathematician.

Engagement surveys will see more girls, particularly, identifying positively with mathematics.

MDI, EPOCH and Engagement surveys will show a greater level of self-identified resilience and perseverance.

Learning stories will identify individual improvements in perseverance.

Problem solving assessments will demonstrate the perseverance of the children.

More children will acieve in the higher bands for standardised testing.

Alberton children are a capable group of young Mathematicians who can positively face and successfully work through complex numeracy problems and challenges.

Demonstrate the clear link between the work children do in positive education with mathematics specifically.

Stewart, Debbie, All staff

December 2016, ongoing

Hub groups look at the differences in perceptions that girls have of themselves as mathematicians and devise strategies to improve the gender imbalance.

Debbie, Hub groups

December 2018

Hub groups focus on problem solving strategies and on strategies to build learner engagement in mathematics, for example authentic uses.

Debbie, Hub Groups

December 2016







TARGETS (2018)

Children are able to express themselves creatively through the Arts including the Literary Arts. They then identify as Artists, Authors and Illustrators.

Providing exposure opportunities through different lenses: Illustrator workshopping with Penny D

Penny D MP E/M Teachers

From Term 2, 2015

The range of exposure opportunities is available and documented.

There are methods developed for keeping records of the students who are accessing the opportunities and how often.

The Arts is a documented sustainable element of the essence of Alberton.

Specialist Arts staff are identified and programmed to teach either the Arts or through the Arts.

Every child will be able to articulate that they are an artist, an author and an illustrator.

Alberton children are a capable group of young Artists who can communicate powerfully through multiple visual and symbolic literacies.

Providing exposure opportunities through different lenses: Specialist Visual Arts with Iain, culminating in a community-based Exhibition with digital arts included And Ceramics through Discovery

Iain/Penny D Lisa


Providing exposure opportunities through different lenses: Specialist Digital Arts with Penny D, supported by development of SODA.

Penny D Ongoing

Providing exposure opportunities through different lenses: Performing arts (Dance/Drama) with Cassia and Kim, culminating in Wakakirri; and (Music - Choral) with Jo culminating in Festival of Music

Cassia Kim Chris Iain Parents Jo


Providing exposure opportunities through different lenses: Working towards Music through Musica Viva & Instruments for Change from 2016.

Andrew Contracts by October 2015

Exposure to the Arts in The Nest, supported through the Studio.

Nest Staff Ongoing

All children develop their capacity to write creatively and technically.

Whole school P-7 approach to Bookmaking and Writer’s Notebook PD – Teachers – Lisa Burman.


October 2016

A plan is in place for all teachers to access mentoring.

Individuals will rate in the middle to upper progress rates for year 5 and 7 NAPLAN when they have accessed the program for at least a year preceding the tests.

Alberton children are a capable group of young Artists who can communicate powerfully through multiple visual and symbolic literacies.

Whole school P-7 approach to Bookmaking and Writer’s Notebook. Lisa B coaching – Untrained teachers

Debbie October 2016


Whole school P-7 approach to Bookmaking and Writer’s Notebook. ‘Coached’ Teachers sharing with group

Debbie October 2016

Continuum for Book making developed and shared.

Projects have occurred involving at least the listed Artists in Schools.

Children will articulate both their joy and success in writing.

Children’s written works will be published.

Median Writing NAPLAN scores will have significantly (14+ pts) improved in years 3, 5 and 7.

Develop a scope and sequence (6traits continuum) to plan for and monitor children’s progress with bookmaking

Debbie, Laura, Kim, Danielle, Emma, Marilyn

August 2016

Exposure to literary artists, Jerry, Sally, Janeen and Cheryl.

Andrew Debbie Stewart

December 2016

Children demonstrate an understanding of The Arts as a vehicle for communication and diverse cultural celebration.

Involvement of Artists in Residence and involving students in community projects with Artists. Focus on work with Jerry, Sally, Janeen and Alison.

Andrew Debbie

December 2015

Children are able to explain the story they are trying to tell in their book making, visual, digital and performing arts.

Children will reflect on the story of their Wakakirri performance and their WOMAlberton foci.

Children who have attended for the period of the Strategic Plan will be able to articulate the Arts they have been involved in and their role as tools for communication

A plan for staff to begin working with Lisa B established with a Reading focus.

Debbie December 2015

The Arts is integrated into Maths and English as a tool for developing improved outcomes in these forms of cultural communication.

Iain Penny D


Visual and performing arts enabled as communication tools for children who are pre-writing.

Iain, The Nest staff

From Term 1

SLP topic focussing on celebrating cultural diversity through the Arts (multimodal), culminating in WOMAlberton.

All staff Term 3 & 4

To be better able to demonstrate achievement and progress across the Arts including the Literary Arts and progress across the curriculum resulting from The Arts integration.

Explore ways to draw out the correlation between the Arts and other academic results through our own tools and through world leading research.

Andrew Iain Penny D Cassia Kim

December 2016

Establish the research showing correlations between the Arts and E/M results.

Dialogue about how to best demonstrate Arts outcomes.

All staff will, over time, be able to

Our Arts ‘results’ will be acknowledged in External Reviews as meaningful and valuable for our children. Develop methods of presenting Arts

achievement. Iain Penny D

December 2016


A common language of Arts process is shared through the ‘Studio Model’.

Kim Cassia

articulate the value of the Arts in its own right and value for improving other outcomes.

Median Literacy and Numeracy NAPLAN scores will have significantly (14+ pts) improved in years 3, 5 and 7.



Relationship with yourself, others and the community






Improvement in the holistic health and wellbeing of all children.

Strengthen the student voice through staffing release for Staff Advisers to enable regular CPAPS Ministry meetings

Emma Andrew Staff Advisors

Ongoing CPAPS meetings will occur a minimum of twice per term and minuted. To support this, MG meetings will occur fortnightly.

All children will be able to articulate their place in having voice conveyed and heard within the school, particularly those not in CPAPS.

All children will register improvements in Fitness test results from Term 1 to Term 4 each year from 2016.

There will be improvements in MDI results from the baseline cohort in 2014 to 2018.

Individual Student Plans will show continual progress in health and wellbeing factors.

Individual children will show attendance improvement.

QA3 is exceeding national standards.

External agencies will continue to work within the school – programs will be delivered.

The Nest has implemented a play-based approach.

We will develop wellbeing information management systems (Fitness, emotional, values/beliefs).

Alberton children are a healthy group of young learners who have achieved this positive health intentionally. Developing a more consistent

approach to the collection and USE OF Fitness Testing Data.

Aaron Michael

December 2016

Mindfulness coaching trials in years 6 and 7 with Tina Gibson.


Term 1-4 2015

Developing learning environments to de-institutionalise them and create inviting and conducive atmosphere.

All staff February 2015

Youth Education Program developed and implemented for year 6/7 students in conjunction with external agencies such as SAPOL.

Stewart July 2015

Girl Guides & Boys Bizz programs provided to support the social development of selected students.

Stewart July 2015

Implementation of more natural environment incorporating loose parts to encourage risky play & risky tasks.

Marilyn Nest staff


Positive Education professional development provided for all staff including increasing capacity of our key models, Kim and Stewart.

Kim Stewart

December 2015

Ensuring there is choice in children’s learning opportunities across K-7.

All staff, Andrew Ongoing


Improvement in the holistic health and wellbeing of all children as defined by PERMA Plus: Positive Emotion Engagement Relationships Meaning Accomplishment Resilience Sleep Exercise Nutrition

All staff will engage in Positive Education training including Techworks or a modified version facilitated by Dr Bev O’Brien.

All staff, Stewart July 2017 There is strong growth in positive psychology and reduction in vulnerability from entry data in the AEDI/AEDC, from the 2015 to 2018 census.

MDI Data is comparably strong in all aspects compared to the state and previous results, year to year.

Baseline data in EPOCH (or equivalent) starts strongly, then improvements in overall PERMA+ measures as reflected in the data collected from 2016 to 2018.

There is strong Involvement data for individual children in The Nest.

Partnership Engagement Survey data demonstrates improvements in children’s engagement across 3-7.

Teachers are using strategies taught in building PERMA+ and are using the appropriate strategies as determined by analysis of data provided through EPOCH or equivalent measure.

Alberton children are a healthy group of young learners who have achieved this positive health intentionally. Work with SAHMRI to become a

model school, in doing so accessing resourcing, in particular measurement tools and research support.

Wellbeing Team Baseline – April 2016 Ongoing

Set up a core committee to lead in the implementation of embedded culture. Inclusion of staff, parents and children.

Stewart, Niki, Rikki-lee, Nicole

July 2016

Focus particularly on ‘nutrition’ from the ‘plus’ in 2016. Integrate LSC produce throughout the school, including the Canteen.

Wellbeing Team, Ina

December 2016

Use data to inform the implementation of strategies to be used by educators (e.g. mindfulness or cultivating gratitude) who have been trained in the facilitation of those strategies through Dr Bev O’Brien and SAHMRI staff.

Wellbeing Team, All staff

Jan 2018

A child’s holistic learning outcomes in their ‘class’ environment is enhanced through the development and maintenance of strong relationships.

Structures support close relationships between staff and children, including: Pods Program. Maintaining Multiple Staff Member Teams in Magpie groups. Start Up Weeks. ‘Together’ events (eg Book Week, Beach Day etc.)

All 1-7 staff Ongoing Pods program is implemented with a degree of consistency while allowing for flexibility.

Children will be able to articulate that their pod person is a ‘go to’ safe person.

Staff will be as connected to classes as much as possible so relationships can be formed within the class environment.

Psychological injury statistics for staff significantly reduced compared to baseline data.

Special Rights Staffing trialled to be class based to reinforce the academic learning development of students whilst also providing better ratios of staff to children.

Leadership All Staff

Term 3 & 4 2015








Development of digital reporting infrastructure and planning in preparation for 2016 whole-school implementation.

Install Frog VLE system via Civica Andrew July 2015 Frog installed.

Initial training group trained.

Frog being utilised by first wave of staff.

All 1-7 children will have at least a basic Frog footprint.

Staff will be producing learning stories to the minimum expectation at least.

Every child will have at least a minimum number of learning stories available in hard copy or in their Frog environment.

Children will have an understanding of their holistic learning achievements through accessible reporting and they will be involved in the production of reporting to their families.

All children & parents will be receiving individualised continuous reporting through digital media that can be accessed when suitable for them

Alberton children are a capable group of ‘Digital Natives’ who can positively face and successfully work through complex problems and challenges with the aid of contemporary technologies.

Training a preliminary group of teachers in Frog.

David, Claire, Ellie,

Laura, Aaron, Jo. July 2015

Trial group share their initial experiences with Frog with broader staff to determine best use options for reporting. Specifically also explore the crossover potential for Learning Stories in The Nest.

David, Ellie, Laura, Aaron, Jo.

July 2016

Further training in Frog for all teaching staff (including co-educators).

Andrew December 2016

All staff will be exposed to informal professional learning in the production of learning stories outside or inside the Frog environment.

Andrew, Marilyn, Andrea

July 2016

All teachers will equitably produce learning stories each term. Overall learning stories tallies for individual children will be managed by leadership. Co-educators K-7 will contribute to learning stories.

Leadership Ongoing

Preparing infrastructure and planning for children seeing themselves as global citizens through the use of information technologies to bring the world to them.

Creating a link between a Penang school and APS via Frog.

Andrew, David (Liz and PK)

March 2016

School link developed.

Initial communications between schools to establish base relationships.

Dialogue amongst staff about how best to use the tool including broadening its use.

Children will articulately describe themselves as global citizens and give examples of how they are connecting with children internationally.

Further exploring the use of Twenty First Century Fluencies as a planning tool for SLP.

All, David December


Children will develop a greater access to and understanding of how learning is interconnected via a focus on biotechnology in the Life Sciences Centre.

Application to be specialist school in Sustainability Sciences to provide resourcing and focus in the biotechnology field. Other strategies will be determined based on the resourcing options.

Andrew December 2015

We are successful with our application.

Remaining indicators to be determined based on resourcing options.

Alberton children are a capable group of twenty first century learners who can positively face and successfully work through complex problems and challenges.

Preparing a plan for purchasing adequate hardware & infrastructure for school-based personal devices for all year 1-7 children and access for children in The Nest.

Current hardware audit Andrew (Arron) February 2016

Hardware audit conducted.

Partner organisations established with key directions for 2016 and beyond.

There will be a minimum of 1:2 machines to children in term 2, 2016.

All machines will be secure and have charging practices and infrastructure in place.

Reduced frustrations will be noted through the help desk and directly to IT staff due to the better and faster access.

The engagement levels of children across the school will improve.

Information technologies will be seen as a purely constructive and trusted tool in the support of learning and reporting on learning.

Remove all computing hardware that is over 5 years old.

David (Arron), Vicki

Initial cull – February 2016 then ongoing

Working with philanthropic enterprises to source hardware and internet connectivity for sustainable programs.

Andrew Ongoing

Purchase 35 laptops through the ACE scheme and 40 Chromebooks outright to build up stocks ready to contribute to a replacement scheme. Purchase charging and security stations for each Magpie Group.

Andrew (Arron) April 2016.

Upgrade wireless system and change internet provider to enable easy and fast access to the internet and ‘cloud’.

Andrew (Arron) April 2016

Acronym Explanations PERMA = Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment ‘Plus’ = Resilience, Sleep, Exercise, Nutrition EYLF = Early Years Learning Framework QIP = Quality Improvement Plan AEDC = Australian Early Development Census (was AEDI – Australian Early Development Index) RRR = Respect Reflect Relate Document LSC = Life Sciences Centre NB:CPAPS Ministries to be included as they identify their areas of involvement.

NQF = National Quality Framework QA1 = Educational Programs and Practice QA2 = Children’s Health and Safety QA3 = Physical Environment QA4 =Staffing Arrangements QA5=Relationships with Children

QA6 =Collaborative Partnerships with Families and Communities

QA7 = Leadership and Service Management

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