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  • 8/12/2019 Strahlenfolter Stalking - TI - Mind Control - My Notes on Psychological Warfare Tactics -


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    PrisonPlanet Forum> Globalization and the plan for NWO> Mind Control (Moderator: Biggs) > My notes on psychological warfare tactics

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    Author Topic: My notes on psychological war fare tact ics (Read 3175 t imes)



    Posts: 1,317

    My notes on psychological warfare tactics on: May 14, 2010, 06:22:57 PM

    I just updated this today. I cover:

    * Desired effects or outcomes of psychological warfare* Attacks on the targets perceptions* Attacks on others perceptions of the target* Common psychological operations




    Posts: 1,284

    Re: My notes on psychological warfare tactics Reply #1 on: May 18, 2010, 10:14:40 PM

    perception and belief is something a TI should understand

    Belief is the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true.

    mind control has a lot to do with manipulating your belief and behavior

    there is a saying perception is reality

    The processes of perception routinely alter what humans see. When people view something with a preconceived concept about it, they tend to take those concepts and see them whether

    or not they are there. This problem stems from the fact that humans are unable to understand new information, without the inherent bias of their previous knowledge. A persons

    knowledge creates his or her reality as much as the truth, because the human mind can only contemplate that to which it has been exposed. When objects are viewe d without

    understanding, the mind will try to reach for something that it already recognizes, in order to process what it is viewing. That which most closely relates to the unfamiliar from our past

    experiences, makes up what we see when we look at things that we dont comprehend.[5]

    As far as i know most TIs did not have or had very little knowledge about mind control & electronic harassment

    I have a lot of problems with "gangstalking" and TI`s having these experiences , don`t get me wrong I know they have these experiences and suffer, I haveexperience them myself but I come to a different conclusion on how I experienced them other than via some covert group of organised individuals


    As targets walk on the street, usually at night, civilian spies/snitches will turn on their high beams. This might be flashed once or twice at targets.

    This might be used to let targets know they are being watched, however these signals might also be a way for Informants in cars at night, to communicate with their fellow counterparts.

    The foot patrols will then communicate back to the Informant in the car, using a combination of hand signals.

    I have seen this and when I first noticed this I too believed there was something to it , thought the driver was a Perp signalling , this happened to me in theearly days when I was first targeted and had not researched much and was looking for the physical proof of who/why/how so this was something thateffected me, plus having the microwave hearing effect they played the sound zappers inside car trick and I would hear abuse , laughter as these cars passedto totally convince me these cars/drivers were involved and to create fear and also to provoke some reaction from me , normal a finger to the bemuseddriver and people around me. Also to convince this was done by local people.

    but I also noticed these cars just pass you by like others cars that don't have flickery headlightsThis is what I mean by a effect of microwaves , that has been misinterpreted by TI`s in the past and a belief built around this phenomenaI believe its just a TI being in a hyper vigilant state and there eyes being light sensitive a know effect from being bombarded by microwaves .

    you might from time to time notice and be more aware of/irritated by flickery street lights, florescences or spot more lights and also have the feeling thatthese lights are signalling youor to grab your attentionagain this is not "in your mind" or part of your "imagination" or paranoia but an effectnow your belief of why and how you see this is up interpretationGangstalking sites will tell you its perp actionI myself believe its due to an effect of microwaves and being subverted to convince TI`s of being stalked and perped.

    Quote:Car Accidents

    Targeted Individuals complain about being cut off, driven off the road, and near fatal or fatal car accidents. Pedestrian targets complain about cars thatconsistently cut them off, being hit by cars, and other almost near mishaps.Now lets think about this , what are some of the effects of being exposed to RF/microwaves

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    reduced brain function,poor judgement is this not going to effect your ability to drive?

    How do other drivers react to poor/bad driving ?

    So again gangstalking sites have the magic answer, nothing happened to you ,your driving not been effected its "prep" drivers trying to cut you off.

    As for pedestrians same as the danger of wearing MP3 players and being distracted while cross roads your hearing masked/or voices , or mentally detachedfrom your surroundings.


    Electronic frequencies can be used for monitoring and tracking inside the home, and at work. It can also be used for purposes of sleep disturbance. When those conducting these covert

    investigations feel that they have psychologically destroyed the target to where they are near breakdown they will start to use these weapons. They will also use these weapons if targets

    are not going along with their harassment protocol.

    I think this has more too do with being targeted with microwaves in the being , remember they are invisible and odourless what would you start noticingwhen being hit with these? how would it effect you daily life/routine plus how they covertly try to get you publicly react and then legally carted of viapolice,mental health and social serves .

    most TI`s have the feeling/belief of being gangstalked in the beginning of there targeting

    We See What We Wish To See- video

    Some say: "Perception is reality." Now, Cornell University psychologists prove we indeed sometimes see what we wish instead of what's really there.

    also TI`s are undautably go through a disturbing traumatic expereceis how does that effect us

    Psychology of Trauma & Distress; Helping People Overcome

    I think this could explian why TI`s from time to time have emotional outburts but sometimes can be seen by others as personal attacks

    There is a lot of usefull video on the

    could RF/microwaves plus the trauma effect us and give us cogitative problems like memory loss which manifests itself as the belief of things being movedstolen hidden behind our backs?




    Posts: 1,284

    Re: My notes on psychological warfare tactics Reply #2 on: May 19, 2010, 07:21:18 AM


    Boiling frog

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    Close up of a frogs head, its eyes and nose sticking up over the surface of the water.

    A submerged frog

    The boiling frog story is a widespread anecdote describing a frog slowly being boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold

    water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability of people to react to significant changes that

    occur gradually.[1] According to contemporary biologists the premise of the story is not literally true; an actual frog submerged and gradually heated will jump out.[2][3] However, a

    variety of 19th century research experiments suggested that the underlying premise is true, provided the heating is gradual enough.[4]

    again I think this is most apt to what is happening to us if they zapped us with full power DEWS not only would we noticed straight away but also otherswould.....they could not get away with leaving a smoking boots and a sticky mess on the floor....or if we suddenly dropped dead people would say WTF???and investigate make us publicly adversely react, quit job, make absurd accusations , act like a typical stereotypical nut job grandiose /persecutorystatements, fall out/accuse love ones,friends ,family ect...get us known to the police and labelled mental ill , then if we drop dead ect....people are not goingto bat an eye lid....ay it was a shame. he was a nice bloke that went a bit weird....maybe its for the best he's at peace now.....

    also if they gradually turn on this tech how would it effect our perception/belief off what's happening around us??




    Posts: 1,317

    Re: My notes on psychological warfare tactics Reply #3 on: May 19, 2010, 08:22:05 AM

    Electronic harassment plays an important role in 21st century psychological operations & psychological warfare. There's the "voice of god" used againstignorant villagers that lots of US military servicemen know about, but it goes way beyond that. For example the intelligence gathering made possible byadvanced surveillance technologies is important, as I'm sure you know.

    The issue is one of the next ones I'm going to tackle.

    And yes, I imagine that if the E/H were turned off, a lot of targets would be in much better shape psychologically. Fat chance of that happening withoutsome arm-twisting.




    Posts: 1,284

    Re: My notes on psychological warfare tactics Reply #4 on: May 19, 2010, 11:22:06 AM

    going of my own experience I know that when I first got targeted I felt somthing, sense of being watched and something trying to comunictae to me but Iust could not figure out from who why or how, I thought there were bugs in my house , suspected niebours were spying on me.....basicaly from what I newabout things and how people reacted my knowledge base.

    I am was just flicking through the TV channels and came to a Ghosting program "TAPS" they were talking about EMF detectors and how EMF can makepeople feel watched and uneasy and have been found in hunting location and many believe are the cause of ghosts. I just clicked that being hit with thesemicrowaves/RF could actule trigger these feelings/beliefs in TI`s....when you feel like this you do natural look for the source , i.e somebody spying on you, acurtian move, or sometime of hinden camera you don`t say its a side effect microwaves/RF EMF

    i i l i i i l l - i i l l i l

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    However, a theory in the medical community is that exposure to high EMFs, or even prolonged exposure to low-moderate EMFs, may interfere with the bodys natural electrical system.

    Just as a power surge can disrupt the electrical system in your home and cause things such as your lights to flicker, so can a disruption in the bodys system cause little flickers and

    bobbles, producing a variety of symptoms.

    Reported symptoms of high or prolonged EMFs include headaches, anxiety, a feeling of being watched or not alone, depression, fatigue, sleeping disorders and nausea, and there have

    even been reports of hallucinations and suicide.

    Michael Persinger, Professor of Psychology at Laurentian University, Ontario, Canada, has his own theory regarding EMFs and ghosts. In his book, Hauntings and Poltergeist s, Dr.

    Persinger theorizes even weak EMF exposure can stimulate a persons temporal lobe and thus produce a sensation of not being alone or being surrounded by unseen beings.

    I not saying TI`s are hallucinating its more a form of basic conditioning feel being watched anxiety you look around, if you look out the window andsee a neighbour in there garden, somebody walking there dog, a noise f rom next door you natural assume these stimuli are linked.

    plus I think this tech is based on/use RADAR so they have a birds eye view of the areaI think they are sitting in a control center witha sim like view of our life trying to manipulat us and or enviorment/situation to thier advantage and our





    Posts: 1,317

    Re: My notes on psychological warfare tactics Reply #5 on: May 19, 2010, 05:18:37 PM

    Not everybody's campaign is the same.

    I wouldn't be writing about mind-invasive attack experiences in the first person if the sensations hadn't been quiteunmistakable, going well beyond "gee, Ifeel like I'm being watched!"

    I guess they're not using that stuff on you... as far as you know.




    Posts: 1,284

    Re: My notes on psychological warfare tactics Reply #6 on: May 19, 2010, 11:37:50 PM

    no dude I have now synthetic telepathy 24/7 ,forced speech, the body objects get shoved were the sun don't shine, interrogation ,electronic possession,virtual truama , thoughts/mental images ,dream manipulation pushed/beamed ect....

    plus I get the so called perp and gangstalk stuff but I just ignore it as most of the time its just from an altered mental state.

    I was talking about the first month of my attack/targeting ....its six years later

    you soon stop worrying caring about perps when you get remotely thrown about like something out of the exorcist in your own home and shocks to yourheart ect..




    Posts: 1,284

    Re: My notes on psychological warfare tactics Reply #7 on: May 21, 2010, 12:36:25 AM

    this is so hard to explian this without falling into a trap of sounding like you have a Persecutory or grandiose delusion.

    probadly part of there tactics....make you sound like you have Persecutory delusionQuote

    Persecutory delusions: These are the most common type of delusions and involve the theme of being followed, harassed, cheated, poisoned or drugged, conspired against, spied on,

    attacked, or obstructed in the pursuit of goals. Sometimes the delusion is isolated and fragmented (such as the false belief that co-workers are harassing), but sometimes are well-

    organized belief systems involving a complex set of delusions ("systematized delusions"). A person with a set of persecutory delusions may be believe, for example, that he or she is

    being followed by government organizations because the "persecuted" person has been falsely identified as a spy. These systems of beliefs can be so broad and complex that they can

    explain everything that happens to the person.

    Read more: Delusions - functioning, withdrawal, examples, person, people, brain, mood, Description, Types

    then if that does not work hit you with more tech and make you sound like you have a grandiose delusionQuote

    Grandiose delusion: An individual exaggerates his or her sense of self-importance and is convinced that he or she has special powers, talents, or abilities. Sometimes, the individual may

    actually believe that he or she is a famous person (for example, a rock star or Christ). More commonly, a person with this delusion believes he or she has accomplished some great

    achievement for which they have not received sufficient recognition.

    Read more: Delusions - functioning, withdrawal, examples, person, people, brain, mood, Description, Types

    Remember there is no mental health test like a blood sample or test for a chemical imbalance ....a psychiatrist just listen too you, then diagnoses you basedon what you said, family/yours history (medical/mental health) and what others have said




    Posts: 1,317

    Re: My notes on psychological warfare tactics Reply #8 on: May 21, 2010, 12:50:37 AM

    Quote from: Deca on May 21, 2010, 12:36:25 AM

    this is so hard to explian this without falling into a trap of sounding like you have a Persecutory or grandiose delusion.

    I'm focusing on drawing attention to the whistleblower-eradication and TBMC (human slavery & pedophile rings) aspects of targeting, because that's prettycredible, and the general public has an interest in it. The corruption the Prison Planet crowd knows about wouldn't have been able to grow out of control if"they" hadn't gotten so good at getting rid of whistle-blowers and other key witnesses. And TBMC is something the readership here is highly aware of, and isopposed to.

    The MKULTRA/Monarch people are getting hit with all the DEW's and psychological warfare tactics other TI's are experiencing. Once their stories get out,that opens the door for the rest of the TI's.


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