strahlenfolter stalking - ti - sharon rose - sharon poet - targeted individual -

7/27/2019 Strahlenfolter Stalking - TI - Sharon Rose - Sharon Poet - Targeted Individual - 1/23 Sharon Poet - Targeted Individual Index About Me Resurrecting a Dream Contact My Blog (Last updated in May 2012) My Websites: Targeted in America Poetic Publications The Heart Bud Th e more I look, th e more I see My work isn't only about me. I am merely a tiny Sample, That I use as an Example. I simply write what I experience and see With hope for all of humanity. My life's work reaches out to the Heart of humanity Through these difficult times in our troubled world. I grew up on a struggling farm in New Boston, New Hampshire, where expressing my feelings through writing poetry and lyrics came natural to me since early childhood. For as long as I can remember, I've known that I was born to share my writings. I am feeling a need to let my birth name be known. As I do this I offer a sincere apology to my father, whom I had told that I'd use a

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Sharon Poet - Targeted IndividualIndex About Me Resurrecting a Dream Contact My Blog

(Last updated in May 2012)

My Websites:

Targeted in America Poetic Publications The Heart Bud

Th e more I look, th e more I seeMy work isn't only about me.

I am merely a tiny Sample,That I use as an Example.

I simply write what I experience and seeWith hope for all of humanity.

My life's work reaches out to the Heart ofhumanity

Through these difficult times in our troubledworld.

I grew up on a struggling farm in New Boston, New Hampshire,where expressing my feelings through writing poetry and lyrics came

natural to me since early childhood. For as long as I can remember,I've known that I was born to share my writings.I am feeling a need to let my birth name be known. As I do this I

offer a sincere apology to my father, whom I had told that I'd use a

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different name with my writings. I feel that I must break this promisedue to the severity of this situation and for reasons that I can not yetshare. My birth name was Sharon LaBree. My married Name wasSharon Buck. And my pen name was Namatari.

Within the past two decades I've been thrust into so manydifficult experiences that I feel like I've already lived several lifetimeswithin this one. . .and have accumulated a lot to write about and healfrom. I've written several publications, many hundreds of poems andover seventy songs, which yearn to touch the heart of humanity.Though my writings have been interfered with and even sometimesaltered by those who stalk me, I am doing the best I can to keepthem updated.

Please read up on this so you can better understand my statementsbelow

My Personal Blog is:

I am a victim of domestic terrorism - anInnocent Targeted Individual

We are unseen victims lost beneath their lies.We are the crumbling ones put on a list to die.We are rising wounded begging for your aide,Becoming specks of dust in an evil charade.

I am a 53 year old woman/writer who has been a Targeted Individualfor over two decades and have undergone such unbelievable chains

of "organized stalking," electronic harassment's, sabotaged jobs,homes and relationships...etc., that I don't know how I am surviving

it. But one of my survival techniques has been to work at makingsense of it through looking back over the series of events that

brought me to this devastating point in my life.

Since the mid 1990s my shock and shame had prevented me fromwriting much about the most painful parts of my experiences, but

since I've realized that they are being inflicted by criminals and arenot "Meant to be" I have been letting go of the self-blame andunhealthy shame, in order to raise my broken wings into this song I

sing. . .

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As I aimed to figure out why I was beingstalked, threatened and hit with harmful

energies...etc, I began realizing that I am merelyone victim of an operation that is a serious

threat to ALL of humanity.

I am still clicking puzzle pieces together from my past. The exacttime when I was first targeted is a fuzzy area for me. I've also tried

hard to figure out why I was targeted and am still realizing moreevery day. I am being attacked with remote directed energy weaponswhile I write this, so please understand that this is the best I can do

at this point in time:

First: You should know that I have never engaged in criminal activityand am NOT even close to what anyone could call a terrorist. Whenall this started I was an average middle class woman who loved

writing and anything related to personal/spiritual growth. I used tolead support groups and do reiki and find joy through embracing allthat needed healing...etc. I was certainly not the kind of person that

my government or anyone else could classify as a threat to mycountry or to humanity.

I am not a terrorist, but the terrorists who target innocent people may

have me listed as one, in order to justify their own criminal behaviors.Such is the case with thousands of other innocent citizens.

Since giving birth to my children, I have been against childrenreceiving mandatory vaccinations, simply because it does not feelright and my gut feeling was that it does more harm than good. I

guess there are some who would not agree with my views. ..especially those who are said to be putting micro chips and

intentionally harmful substances in some vaccinations.

I have never been very patriotic. I'm not against this country I wasborn in, but I empathize with its natives and do not agree with the

arrogant "we are best" attitude. (My mother was from Canada) I havealways believed that each country has its good points and its bad

points. . .and that when each one finds the heart to share, instead ofcomparing and fighting, the whole world will become a better place to

live in. I feel the same way about religions.

Since the late 1980s I have encouraged people to open up to the useof herbs and natural healing methods instead of harmful

pharmaceuticals...etc. If the pharmaceutical companies are involvedin this holocaust, I guess they may see me as a minor threat.

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All of my writings, since the mid 1980s have been about healing andbringing more Love into our world - about opening and listening to

our hearts. I guess evil forces can see this as a threat.

Overall, there is no legal reason for me to be targeted. I was just anordinary woman who was raising two healthy children in a nice

country home and trying hard to do the best I could for all of us. Thefact that my children and I were not allowed to carry on with our lives,

without deceitful, intrusive surveillance and criminal interferencefeels like a knife in my soul. ITS JUST TOO HORRIBLY WRONG!

We had dreams and plans and things we needed to do with our lives.(I cry as I write this.) My life feels like it has already been mostly

destroyed and my pain runs deeper than words can even imagine.But I won't get into my feelings much here, so that I can list primary

events of being targeted.

In 1981 I saw a doctor Hamilton (in Concord, NH) during my firstthree months of pregnancy with my youngest daughter. He told meshe was dead and that, because I was not miscarrying he should

perform an abortion. At the last minute - while sitting on his table forthe abortion, I suddenly had a really bad feeling about the whole

situation and decided not to go through with it. He became angry andtold me I was just putting my own life in danger if I didn't have the

abortion. I left his office and had a healthy baby girl about 6 months

later. I now wonder if he is part of this evil depopulation plan,especially since I remembered hearing that he had also caused

complications for another mother and child and was sewed for it. Ifhe was part of the program, did he put me on the hit list? It is very


Before remembering Dr Hamilton I felt that I was probably firstseriously targeted, along with thousands of other common citizens,for the purpose of experimentation, around the time when I had two

surgeries on my spine. (One in 1985 by Dr Fairley in Concord, NHand one in 1986 by Dr. Bernini in Hanover, NH.) Both surgeries were

surrounded by unusual incidences. . .and strange things beganhappening after this time period. . .slowly becoming worse as yearswent on. (I hear that the doctors, who are involved in this holocaust,

are implanting micro-chips into unaware victims, during routinemedical procedures.)

I now believe that the criminals of this holocaust first targetedme, along with thousands of others, as random victims for

technological experimentation and a criminal and secret de-population control program. . . and that the targeting grew into

something more gruesome as I began publicly writing about

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healing the heart of humanity and started intuitively picking upon what they are doing to us.

Prior to these surgeries I'd been healthy and had never had heartproblems before, but suddenly my heart was often not beating

normal and I began feeling unusually fatigued. . .and weird thingsslowly started happening in my life.

After the first surgery my husband started treating me in ways thatwere not like him. The primary thing that now makes me fully believethat he was experiencing some sort of mind control is rememberingwhen he suddenly became sexually forceful. This was so completelyopposite from who he was that it scared me. At the time I'd thoughthe was going crazy and I wanted to protect my children and I from

his sudden strange behaviors. So I divorced him. (There were otherreasons for the divorce also.)

By around 1990 my sister also started behaving so strangely that Itold my whole family that I needed time to myself, which ended up

being a complete separation due to the confusing mess that followedmy request.

There have been many confusing and unexplainableoccurrences, which I now realize were instigated by Hitler-style

manipulations performed by the perpetrators of this holocaust. a time when none of us were aware of being targeted by

these criminals.

After this my life was slowly infiltrated with new groups of people,

whom I am now realizing included members of organized stalkinggroups. One of them had even rented a room in my home. Strangethings continued to happen, like my pick nic table being moved while

I was away from home and my oldest daughter suddenly havingspurts of uncharacteristic behavior. There were many prank phone


Around 1994 I had tried to reconnect with my family of origin, but myfather had told me that this "would not be a good idea, because

everyone was so angry" with me. It was unusual for my father tokeep me from the family, especially since he now blames me for his

not having contact with my daughters. And there was no reason, thatI knew of, for anyone in the family to be remaining so angry with me.

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I believe that both of my children and every person I was closeto, also became victims of remote electronic mind control, to

some degree.

In 1995 my own government took my Loudon, NH home anddestroyed my business through their "rights of eminent

domain." (They never compensated me for my business or lossof rental income.) This process was dragged on for over a yearand was done with shocking cruelty - with threats to shove meinto poverty if I spoke to the media after the Manchester Union

Leader took off with a dishonest article about their taking of my

home. Everyone who knew me knew that there was "somethingoff" - something wrong with this un-necessary taking of myhome, in order to move a road that did not really need moving.But nobody did anything about it. There seemed to be nothingthat could be done. Even local lawyers refused to help me. (My

name was Sharon Buck at this time.)

In the late 1990s I was referred, by a "friend," to a dentist whosuddenly cut an un-necessary deep gash into my upper gums. At the

time I thought he was just psycho and I never returned to him. But Inow believe he may have installed a micro chip.

I also had strange experiences with a doctor, which this same"friend" had recommended. . .and it appears that those medical

records have since been erased. . .as if I had never seen her. (Thiswas Dr. Deadra Margaret Fuller)

After ending a 4 year relationship, with a man who VERY obviouslytargeted and perhaps even taken over by the criminals of thisholocaust, more weird things began happening - things like a

parachute, on the instructor I was in line to jump with, suddenly notopening, doors slamming in my house in the middle of the night, my

getting sudden flares of fatigue, fevers, nausea, plants suddenlydyeing in my garden...etc.

By the end of 2001 most of my pets were suddenly either deador missing. One daughter had been suddenly hospitalized with

an unexplainable neurological problem, which effected her

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speech and motor skills. My other daughter was beingbrainwashed by a perpetrator through chat rooms on the

internet and secret late night phone calls. The chief of police inAndover, NH was connected to this and had ripped into me in

public parking lot - trying to make it look like I was the criminaland that I was wrong for hiring a private investigator to help

save my daughter who had gone to meet this man and wasmissing for nearly 24 hours.

My healthy dog had suddenly died of a strange illness thatsounds like some of the reports I now read on the remote ability

to effect internal organs. The vet said her spline had beentwisted, but that there was no physical explanation for it.

I think these criminals probably shifted me from the experimentlist to the 'kill quickly' list, in 2001 after I shared a precognitive

dream I'd had about drugs or poisons being put into theConcord, NH public water supply. I'd shared this dream out of

concern and with the hope that the criminal act could beprevented. I had even called the public water supply to report

my concerns. I hadn't realized that this was just a small part of amuch larger plan and that the criminals would come after me. (Inow see how this was a threat to those who were actually doing

this in MANY cities. It is now being proven that fluoride isharmful and that there have been reports in 2008, that mood

altering drugs were found in public drinking water. It is said thatanti depressants help HAARP and its supporting technologiesto perform successful mind control on unsuspecting victims.)

In may of 2001, when my home burned down in a suspiciousfire, ironically there were two other fires on the same night,

which deterred the fire marshal from doing more investigatinginto what REALLY happened to my home. The process to put

out the fire was suspicious, said the fire marshal. The fireseemed to have been put out and then re-started. . .destroying

my writings and thousands of dollars, which I had been in aroom next to the one where the fire had started and had been

contained to.

(These primary events are all sourrounded by countless other painfulincidences, which are too many to list here.)

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In the years following the fire I felt numb and weak and couldn't thinkstraight....beyond what normal shock would induce. I traveled a lot,

which I guess saved me from some of it. But I now realize that I wasbeing inconspicuously stalked and sabotaged each time I tried tomeditate, write or pick up the pieces of my already shattered life. .

.even in Peru, Nova Scotia and Hawaii.

In December 2001 I took off to hibernate and heal in an "AdirondackShack" I purchased in the upstate NY wilderness. But my

desperately needed respite was repeatedly interrupted by variouspeople.

In August 2002 my youngest brother was suddenly killed in amysterious vehicle accident, shortly after I had re-connected

with my family of origin. (This was my only family member whohad welcomed me back with open arms) Many people knew thatthere was something suspicious about my brother's "accident"but as people aimed to figure it out my cousin suddenly died ofa heart attack. (Coincidence or another distraction from criminalactivity?) I know the answer, especially since the investigators

tried switching into investigating my sanity after I expressedthat I did not think my brother's death was an accident.

In 2003, my father received some sort of email or letter, which hewas extremely upset with me about. He never told me what it said,

but he obviously thought it was from me. At the time I thought it wassomething my sisters had jealously done, in order to come between

my father and I. I now feel sure that the perpetrators wereresponsible for whatever was written to hurt my father and once

again destroy my relationship with him.

Through the summer and fall of 2003, my sister kept leavingmessages on my phone which stated things like, "come home

Sharon we just want to get you the help you need..." These weredelivered in a tone that was so obviously sick and psychopathic that I

began feeling scared, not only for her, but for myself.This theme of me suddenly becoming "mentally ill" began with the police officers whom I'd asked to investigate my brother's death.

Somehow they had convinced my family that my brother's death was a accident and that I had a mental problem for thinking otherwise. At the time I had not been aware of the extent of the targeting and how

it includes parts of law enforcement agencies. These events now have me convinced that my brother was indeed murdered by these

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criminals, with a remote directed energy weapon that made him go unconscious as he drove his four wheeler over an embankment and into a river. Medical reports say that he was unconscious BEFORE

he hit the water. He did not drown.) Also,Myrl, a victim and perpetrator of this holocaust, had brought up a weird sinerio about a

brother suddenly dieing just a couple days before my brother's death.

I have since realized that is a common tactic of the most evil parts of this operation - they actually let us know what they are going to do. a cat playing with a mouse before the final strike!

My last conversation with my father was so distressing that I criedand prayed through the next night for answers and had a dream,

which showed him being a petophile. Because I trusted my dreams Ithought this must be true, especially since he'd seemed threatenedby my habit of looking at and healing the past...etc. Words can not

express the grief I felt in the following days. I think I cried harder thanI ever had. I loved my father and didn't want to think this of him. But itseemed to explain some of his unusual behaviors. (I was not aware

of the remote mind control technologies at this time.)

Now that I hear about how the criminals who target us havetechnologies (Like "HAARP Weapon") that can actually remotelyproject dreams into people's heads and effect their thinking and

belief system with subliminal messaging while they are asleep, I amthinking that this dream may not have been a real dream, and that

the vague memories which followed it, may have also been projectedinto my head by them.

In January and February 2004 I had a nasty run in with one of theseperpetrators, in California. This man even had secret rooms in his

homes - rooms that contained children's bunk beds and computers.After I left I had a dream that he "had tried to plant a chip in my body,

in order to control me sexually..." I did not understand what thismeant at the time. It is now more than obvious.

The targeting hit severe levels in 2005, as I tried to take off with apublication , which focused on healing the past and bringing moreLove into humanity, but also contained prophetic dreams about

horrible disasters killing masses of people. (I now see how this was athreat to criminals who planned to orchestrate such disasters)

Within the seven issues of "The Personal Journal" I also wrote a"Pretentious Fiction" story called "Heights of Wisdom", whichincluded a statement, by a woman named. "Wisdom", about a

dark/evil leader who pretended to be working with God, but is reallyevil and causes mass destruction in the world. It also included a

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comment about an evil men's group, which politicians belong to. (My

intuitive side often comes out in my writings, although I had notrealized how much until recently.) Within this publication I alsostarted sharing my precognitive dreams, which kept showingdestructive storms and masses of people being harmed or in clouds coming over us...etc.In June of 2005, when I first started putting out the "forewarnings ofDisasters" my sister suddenly exploded into a public slander, on the

internet, trying to declare me insane - paranoid and evil. This wasextremely unusual, at the time, not only unusual that she'd do such a

thing, but also unusual in the fact that EVERYONE who knew meknew I was the opposite of paranoid...etc. I had traveled all over the

USA, Canada, Peru and Hawaii, ALONE. . .and never locked mydoors and left keys in my cars...etc. I was well known as being "TOO

trusting" and fearless. (My sisters actions with this, as well as her

weird phone calls in the previous two years, lead me to believe thatshe is the one who had a mental problem, because I was not awareof the remote mind control technologies that were being used on


The most obvious organized stalking, threats and weird phone callsstarted up in the end of 2005. Prior to this, I'd just thought I washaving a lot of bad luck. This is when I realized something was

horribly wrong. But I assumed that it was some sort of local occult

that was against my writings. . .and I continued perceiving many ofthe things they'd do as spiritual experiences, because I as not aware

the existence of HAARP Weapon and its supporting satellitetechnologies. . .or of what criminals were doing with them.

As I wrote and distributed "The Personal Journal", I wasconstantly hit hard. I struggled with periods of severe pain in

my head, dizziness, nausea, hair loss and numbness...etc. Ithought I may be becoming terminally ill and put more focusinto my writing. . .in an effort to complete my life's work. As I did

this around 7 of my printing machines suddenly stoppedfunctioning properly. My computers kept crashing. My whole

neighborhood was suddenly gone in a flash flood, from anunusual concentration of rain, which formed a lake behind a

"plugged culvert"... (four of my neighbors were killed!)

Directly after the flood, a journalist and her husband zoomed into "help" me, because I no longer had a home to go to. When I

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got to their home my vehicle was boxed in so that I could notleave without them moving their own vehicles. (There was

plenty of room for this to not have to be this way) While I wasthere I was drugged and raped and lost over a week of time..

.and was brainwashed into thinking that my neighbor's deathswere my fault. After I got away from them I was receiving

threatening phone calls. An untruthful article was written aboutme in the Keene Sentinel News paper, the media and radio wereslandering me. . .etc. (My legal name was Namatari Neachi at

this time.)

When I later reported the rape to their local police chief, nothingwas done about it and the tire on my car suddenly went flat

while I was in the police station talking to the chief.

Since the summer of 2005, many people, whom I didn't even know,suddenly started treating me rudely everywhere I went. Even my own

children began turning against me in ways that were confusing andnot like them. And I continued to feel physically ill, although I'd spentthousands of dollars on medical testing in 2003, which came up withnothing wrong with me. I'd ended up in emergency rooms on severaloccasions. . .with sudden loss of depth perception, blurred eye sight,

hearing loss, nausea, severe pain in my head and loss ofbalance...etc.

In 2006 I was lured to Alexandria Bay, NY by one of theseperpetrators and nearly lost my life on more than one occasion, whileI was there. It turned out that David grew up in this area where there

exists a large base for an extremely satanic occult. (This man isassociated with Bill Clinton who also owns an island in this area) Thehell I went through while being stranded there could fill a whole book!

Since 2005 I have also been receiving cryptic threats and whatappears to be repeated attempts to kill me in ways that would looklike a natural death or an accident. Among other things, brakes on

two of my vehicles seemed to have been tampered with to the pointof complete loss of brakes, while driving. (This happened twice within

one year) My vehicles have been tampered with a lot.

Shortly before January 18, 2006 I publicly declared that the Lupus,which I'd just been told I had, was caused by harmful energy that

was being directed at me from a satanic occult. I felt this truth to thecore of my soul. (Everyone thought I was nuts, but I wasn't that far

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off, even though I did not know it was being done through secret

technologies like HAARP.) After publicly sharing this I was attackedwith directed energy so severely that it nearly put me back in the

hospital. This sort of pattern continued to the point of causing me torefrain from writing about it on the web.

Since then I have noticed these sorts of patterns happening a lot.The attacks worsen when I write about what they are doing or when Iintuitively hit on a truth that these perpetrators do not want the public

to know about. (In fact, since I added this statement, I amundergoing another severe attack.)

In 2006 I learned, through the stalkers shoving it in my face, that mywritings were being plagiarized. One of my songs became a hit sung

by Tom McGraw and later. . ."The Shack" had obviously taken offwith ideas and even names out of The Personal Journal. Thecriminals seemed to be doing this to hurt me, to anger me. .

.obviously to intentionally making one of my fears come true. (Therehave been many other similar incidences)

In the spring of 2007 I borrowed money to escaped that area andrented a small cabin in the coast of Maine where I printed the first

issue of "Sharon's Bud." I felt I did not have much longer to live andtried pouring my heart into a batch of writings for humanity. I didn't do

a very good job of it, but it was the best I could do at the time.

In 2008, while I was producing the second issue of "Sharon'sBud," my youngest daughter was attacked by what soundedlike a demonic invasion. Her description of this sounds the

same as what Targeted Individuals experience with V2Kexperiences. She had been and still is a good healthy person

and this was not normal for her. This was an isolatedexperience, which terrified her and made her feel so ashamedthat she made me promise not to tell anyone, but I am telling itfor the sake of her own future safety. (It is the secrecy aroundthese criminal attacks, which enable them to continue.) In that

same year she also suddenly woke with bruises in the shape offinger prints on the inner part of her upper arm. I believe she

was drugged and raped.

Also in 2008 I sent a letter to my aunt, who was a Canadian Nun(I was wanting to go see her about this targeting stuff)and after

a month of no response, I find out (through the internet) thatshe has suddenly died right around the time when she'd have

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gotten my letter. This also happened in 2006, when I was aboutto go see my Aunt Francis. She suddenly died before I could get

to her. And in 2001, when I was about to purchase land from,and go live near, my friend Jim...he suddenly died of a heart


There are several times when I had been drugged and do not knowwhat happened to me. I am certain that I was drugged and rapedwhile working for Central Refrigerated. The large trucking companies

seem to be crawling with perpetrators who are involved in this -perhaps because of military involvement! I believe that many military

personnel are victims of complete mind control and have becomeperpetrators.

Many of the vehicles that stalk me have veteran license plates -especially the more aggressive ones. One of them actually shot

something into my tire on a highway. . .forcing me off the road.Batteries in my vehicles are often suddenly drained, somehow. Myphone has sometimes been disabled before they surround me. And

the list goes on. . .

I believe that my oldest daughter has been severely targeted onmany levels also. . .to the point of her mind being adverselyeffected. Aside from the sudden attack that hospitalized her,

when she was around 16 years old, she also experiencedsudden unusual numbers of deaths of friends - one that was too

strange to not have been instigated by an evil outside force -Her friend's mother suddenly murdered her own grandchildrenand then herself. (She was NOT a person who could have done

such a thing on her own accord!!!!) (My daughter had a hardtime dealing with death and was suddenly thrust into more thanmost 80 year olds experience. This daughter also found another

friend dead in his apartment. . .and was suddenly hit withhaving to face nearly a half dozen other deaths of people she

was close to. She is also victim of remote directed energyweapons and has all the physical symptoms. . .the unusual

weight gain, rashes, head aches, hair loss, swollen gums...etc. -all the same symptoms that I'd had in the beginning of the worst

part of the energy part of this. The perpetrators have repeatedlytold me that they are going to kill her! As far as I know, it lookslike they have been aiming to do just that and already have hersurrounded with perpetrators. (One of her friends (and Boss)

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has Lupus and is an obvious target and her husband works forthe CIA. Coincidence? I think not.)

In December 25, 2009 I ended up in the Portsmouth, NHemergency room with symptoms that mimicked a mild case of

anthrax exposure. This suddenly started when I breathed insomething that was placed in my room at a rooming house, in

York Maine where two military boys had moved in directly after Ihad.

The hospital refused to run tests or help me. I remained in a lotof pain and having a hard time breathing and was suddenly

coughing up huge globs of mucus that had little back dots in it.

This was not normal! I had not had a cold or been ill prior to thisattack. I tried calling several different places for help. Butironically, someone else in the same area had an anthrax

exposure, directly after this happened to me (supposedly from araw hide drum) and officials would not listen to me, because

they were suddenly flooded with phone calls - an anthrax scare.(I believe these criminals are good at using distractions to hide

their criminal activities.) These sorts of things shave alsohappened with many police departments. When I go to report

something, the department I am heading for, is suddenlyflooded with other calls and can not help me. . .and then the

attacks against me get even worse.

In Feb of 2010 I was living in my car and writing "Out of theDark"/"Into the Light" while being constantly harrased by organized

stalkers. In this book I tried and failed to figure out who was targetingme. . .who was paying these people to come after me. I had not yet

understood what was happening.In 2010 and 2011 I aimed to resurrect "Sharon's Bud" into "The Heart

Bud" and printed two issues of this publication. . .againstunbelievable odds. Through this process I was hit with one obstacleafter another. . .and THREE of my largest sponsors suddenly had

disasters happen to them within a couple weeks of its printing. Onewas held at knife point in a robbery. One had water pipes suddenly

burst above his shop. And one was suddenly hit with unusaul

physical injuries.

You may call this a "coincidence" but I know its not. Can you

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immagine what it feels like to know that if I do the work I wasborn to do, people I care about and people who support me will

be harmed, tortured, or attaked???!!! And these criminals tellme it my fault - that if I write the harm they do is my fault. In myheart I know that if I don't continue with my work they will stillbe harming and destroying people. So I try to continue, but its

hard. . .not only to know that they will be hurting other peoplefor it, but also because they keep successfully preventing mywritings and even altering them in ways that can make people

not trust or believe me...etc.

In the spring of 2011, I was yanked off the floor in a departmentstore and rushed to the hospital, due to a sudden attack of

severe vomiting, inability to see properly or stand up or walk. Atfirst I had assumed it was from the water I drank just before this

event. But I now feel that it was probably due to a remoteelectronic attack to my brain.

Summer of 2011: I had begun sharing some of my experienceswith John Dedakis - a CNN news writer. . .and then suddenly his

son was found dead. Another "coincidence" or anotherdistraction from the public finding out about this? I think it wasmurder. I'd even had a dream prior to this, which showed that"someone who is close to someone I know suddenly dies..."

But I have no way of proving it. (Was that dream projected intomy head to warn of what they would do if I continued talking to

John? Very possibly.) But I didn't understand that until now.

In August, 2011 I was roped in by a "Private Investigator" womanwho offered to help me, but ended up being a perpetrator who luredme to her home, set off gun shots in the middle of the night and then

tried to convince me that it was D.Z. She'd told me that all thestalking and terror in my life would end if "we eliminate DZ. . .". My

response was shock. And she persisted, "If you can't do it, I'll do it foryou. I became a Private Investigator so I could take out these guysand beat them at their own game. Don't you want this to end? Don't

you want it over? Don't you...etc?" She drilled me for a long time,

trying to convince me that all my troubles would be over if D.Z. is"done in." or "eliminate." (This is when I first began finding out thedeeper truths about the whole "Targeted Individual" process and thatI had already been a victim of it for a very long time without realizing

the full scope of it.)

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Since I raced away and reported this woman to the police, I havebeen through literal hell, with constant around the clock gang

stalking, threats, being drugged, being shot with lasers, (almostconstant!) what feels like, high pitched pain inducing scans of my

brain...etc. (Far worse than in previous years.) There even seems tohave been a few attempts to abduct me.

Police did nothing to help me. Loudon police did not even file areport on this incident, which started in their town. A Milford, NH

police officer proved to be a criminal part of this harassment. Insteadof helping me he terrorized me, literally. And other police

departments gave me such a runaround that it was obvious theywere not going to do anything about to help me.

In the Fall of 2011 I had just gotten a driving job and had expressed tosomeone that I was going to fix my RV as soon as I got enough money saved.

(The electrical system, brakes and motor had all been destroyed, within acouple days, in 2009.) Within a couple weeks, I got a call from a police officer,who informed me that my RV was just found to have the rear picture windowsmashed out of it. Then my job was sabotaged and the company I worked fortried, and may have even accomplished, sabotaging my Class A license with

false DAC reports. (There have been many events like this in the past


I feel that the only reason I am still here is because I've kept on themove or have been sleeping and living in my vehicle under Walmartand bank surveillance cameras as much as possible. And becauseGod seems to be taking care of me in ways that are even shocking


I feel that every person, whom I had been close to, becamevictims of mind control, especially the family members whom I

had been closest to, even though they are not all aware of it.This has become VERY evident in their uncharacteristic (even

cruel) behaviors toward me. They are decent people who wouldbe here for me if they were not being heavily influenced to do

otherwise. I am 200% sure of this. I continue finding forgivenessfor their inability to stand with me in this brutal fight.

Recently I had tried to re-connect to some of my old friends (theones who were real) and have been shocked to find that theyhave been severely targeted without even being aware of it. One

has completely lost her memory and thinks she must have

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"fallen and hit her head" and has spent years trying to regainsome sense of control over her brain. Whatever is controllingher now seems extremely dark. My closest friend had lost her

memory of me and now has an aneurysm. . .and her wholefamily had been hit with death and heart attack...etc., in 2005,

when she tried to re-connect with me.

Another friend knew we were being targeted, but also thought itwas being done via spiritual channels and by the man whom wewere both associated with at the Concord, NH Yoga Center. She

demonstrated unusual levels of fear, anxiety at the merementioning if his name...etc. This man is definitely a high level

perpetrator in this holocaust. . .and is associated with an Xpresident of the USA.(He's the one who had lured me to UpstateNY in 2006, where I nearly died.)Another friend who had been a

vibrant reiki practitioner is suddenly in a wheel chair and seemsto not be the same person she used to be. Most of my friends

will not even answer my phone calls, although nothing had everhappened between us to justify this. I am sure that if I wanted to

do more digging there would be even more shocking finds.

My writings have been being tampered with - altered or erased since2001. All of the accounts I open on the web to share my

experiences, seem to tampered with.

In the Fall of 2011 I had just gotten a driving job and had expressedto someone that I was going to fix my RV as soon as I got enough

money saved. Within a couple weeks, I got a call from a policeofficer, who informed me that my RV was just found to have the rearpicture window smashed out of it. Then my job was sabotaged andthe company I worked for even tried, and may have accomplished,

sabotaging my license with false DAC reports.

I am still under around the clock surveillance by organized stalkinggroups and am being almost constantly scanned and/or tortured withRemote Directed Energy Weapons. I have undergone severe levels

of psychological harassment and tortures. It also seems like I amperiodically attacked with chemicals and drugs. Some bring on

sudden light headedness and vision impairment. Some burn mylungs. Some create sudden burning rashes on my skin - like when

something was put in my shoes. Sometimes something is done thatmakes me feel like my skin is being bitten by bugs, although there

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are no bugs - (This recently happened TWO TIMES, just after I gotan email offering "remedies for bed bugs.") There are no bed bugs.But in the past I've had two homes repeatedly infested with unusual

accumulations of fleas. Another time something was put in myshampoo, which made my hair and skull feel. . .indescribably

strange. Another time, lice was put in my shampoo. (Most of this waspart of the tortures they put me through near Alexandria Bay, NY in

2006 and 2007 winter.)

My writing business was forced into bankruptcy in 2007. Other jobs Itry to get since then are quickly sabotaged one way or another. Eachtime I try to take off with a new publication I am hit hard by organizedstalking groups and remote electronic attacks. And the list goes on. .


People are now saying that the capabilities of remote mindcontrol with HAARP or satellites or whatever...did not exist until


MIND CONTROL AND ELECTRONIC INVASIONS SINCE ATLEAST THE EARLY 1990S. I THINK EVEN SINCE 1985 OR 1986.And evidence is beginning to surface to show that these crimes

were happening by the 1970s. (My mother died in 1977 of anunusual double strain of leukemia.)

YES, some of my experiences may be "coincidence" but certainlyNOT many of them.

I have changed my name twice and have moved a lot and thesecriminals still find me. It appears that I am under constant satellite

surveillance. . .and am being tracked somehow. I feel that they mayhave put microchips in my body.

If you are thinking I am insane, at this point, you should knowthat I wish that were the whole truth, because insanity would be

a heck of lot easier to deal with than what I have had to face,endure, experience and witness.

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At this point I have already lost almost everything that is important tome. My life has already been mostly destroyed. It is not "courage"that drives my pen, it is anger at the injustice and cruelty toward

humanity, people I love and I. I write because there is nothing else I

can do about this.In my heart I feel that the Truth will be shown at some point in time.

There is so much more to this than I list here. This is a minutefraction of the past couple decades. My story is truly

unbelievable. It could fill a few books. My fight to survive this,on emotional, mental and physical levels, has been long and

more difficult than words can even begin to express.

I didn't know I had so much inner strength. Each time I reach the endof my rope I somehow bounce back. My faith has carried me througha lot of it. But I don't know how much longer I can survive it, which is

why I am writing this. I hope it helps to validate at least one otherTargeted Individual. . .and helps them to realize that they are notcrazy - that. . .the only COMPLETE insanity in ALL our situations

exists in the satanic Hitler's who perform such cruelty and in thosewho just let it happen and do nothing to stop it.

I think my most painful loss is that of my own two children and thedreams I'd had of becoming a grandmother and being there for themin ways that my grandparents never could be for me. And the other

most painful thing has been the stalker's threats to harm my children,if I keep speaking out or writing about this. Their last threats barkedout, "You know what will happen if you don't stand down" and "Your

daughter will understand when she goes through it."

I am still writing, because they've already severely hurt my childrenand I beyond complete repair, and I feel, in my heart, that hope fortheir future can only exist if this horrible "Targeting" and torturing of

innocent people is completely exposed and then stopped. I think thecriminals will keep on killing unsuspecting people even if I stop

speaking out so there is no point in stopping.

I also feel that writing this may protect my children, because if the

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perpetrators do anything to them after I speak out about it, it justproves me right. If they leave my children alone, it just makes me

look insane. I'd rather look "insane."

I wrote the following sarcastic song on 7/11/2011 as I cried and drove and sang while being stalked by military puppets.


I pray for a world of peace Love for those who are in need

No one left alone to bleed I dream. I dream. I dream.

Must be because I am insane.

I see rich people filled with greed Stealing from those who are in need -

Controlling this crumbling country.I see. I see I see.

Must be because I am insane.

I see people fighting for their lives Darkness turning day to night

People thinking its alright.I cry. I cry. I cry.

Must be because I am insane.

Occults bleeding hearts and souls Hiding things that we don't know

Evil aiming for control.I know. I know. I know.

Must be because I am insane.

There are people trying to silence me

In a world that we think is free.Things I wish I could not see.

I flea. I flea. I flea.

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Must be because I am insane.

I pray for a world of peace Love for those who are in need

No one left alone to bleed I dream. I dream. I dream.

Must be because I am insane.

In short, the past several years of my life, especially since Istarted publicly sharing my writings, have been filled with a depth of

difficulty that is nearly unbelievable. I've been repeatedly hit bypeople whos aim is to knock me down. I've struggled to hold onto my

Faith through invasions of my homes, vehicles, email accounts,phones, body, brain, computers...etc.; Through being targeted and

ridiculed by ill intending members of the media: through beingplagiarized, slandered, harassed, stalked and even forced to fight for

my life on a few occasions: through homelessness and suddendeaths of the only family members whom I could turn to for help...etc.

Its taken a few divine interventions to just keep me alive thus far.Through this turmoil my writings have veered into a fight for justice -

a fight for my life and a fight to save humanity.

There are many writing projects I'd like to complete, when I getthe time and peace I need, in order to work on them without

interference. Four CDs of my songs and a series of children's booksare still waiting in the wings of my dreams. . .as well as a few new


I've done my best to continue my work in ways that I can, butseem to be shoved two steps back after each step I take forward. I

need a miracle. I really do!

Through the past few years I've been feeling too tired andoverwhelmed to do a good job with my writings, while also struggling

to navigate the obstacles and turmoil others throw into my path,which has also left me homelessness in a world that sometimes

seems too cruel, greedy and heartless to stand back up in. I'm sorryto be so blunt. Its just that I've experienced so much of the dark sideof humanity, in the past few years, that it has crushed my previous,

naive perceptions. I've found the humility to ask for help over andover again, and have gotten too much of the opposite.(However, Istill feel/see the good in humanity, most of the time, although I've

been forced to face some of the greedy, dark and even evil parts ofit.)

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They say that God never deals us more than we can handle? I'mnow feeling that this is not true. I can deal with the poverty I've been

cast into. And I can deal with the losses and painful situations I'veneeded to heal from. But having to deal with people stalking me, and

even trying to kill me, has proven to be too much for me to handleeffectively. Its just been too much!

I feel like I need at least a three year retreat in peaceful, safesolitude, in order to fully regain my balance, strength and health. Butwith no respite in sight I do my best to survive and continue my work.

Through the past few years I've taken on several temporary jobs,which have added to my distress more than relieving it. (I've beenshocked by how people are treated in the types of jobs that areavailable to me in our struggling economy.)

In the summer of 2010 I began working on gathering the hopethat wrote "Embracing Feelings" in 1999; the inspiration, whichstarted "The Personal Journal" in 2004; the strength that created"Sharon's Bud" in 2007; the courage that wrote "Out of theDark"/"Into the Light" in 2010; and the Wisdom that is growing frommy own mistakes and experiences with these publications. . .so that Icould begin building them into "The Heart Bud" into what my life'swork was meant to be - a ray of help for the Heart of humanity.

There have been two printings, thus far. But it appears that thosewho stalk me remove my publications from distribution centersalmost as soon as I put them there. . .and my primary advertisers arealso being targeted.

Lately, I'm also wondering if what I'm doing, at this time, is goodenough to make a positive shift in our troubled world. I keep pluggingalong, because I'd feel like even more of a failure if I didn't. But I'mstarting to feel like a hypocrite, because I'm no longer doing much ofthe healing work I write about.

When I look at the scope of what I've been through in the past fewyears, my mind can form a good excuse for feeling so tied up, but myheart knows that I need to be in a better place within myself. . .inorder to continue my work. But I need protection from those whoattack me in order to regain my balance. Its a catch 22.

I need help. I am in desperate need of protection from remoteelectronic attacks.

Through the past few years I've deeply prayed,

Dear God by Sharon R. Poet

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Yes. I hear the dreams you speak.But I need more help.

I'm still weak.Let me rest a while.

Please.Inside the Love

You have for me.Let me gain

The strength I need To patch these holes

Where I still bleed.Please.

I am in deep need of monetary help Please help me.

Sharon R. PoetPo Box 383

Mont Vernon, NH 03057

Thank you.

P.S. In past years I had often avoided having to explain the confusing details of being targeted

by summing it down into simple statements like, "I lost my home in a fire" or "My

neighborhood got wiped out in a f lood." Both the fire and flood were surrounded by extenuating

cercumstances that have felt too difficult to fully explain. People who did not know all the

details, (which are even more than I list here) sometimes assumed that I was exagerating. But

the REAL Truth is that what happened to me was so much worse than just houses lost in a fire

or a flood. If I had a choice between only losing homes or undergoing what I've had to endure

I'd choose the loss of homes without hesitation. The rows of deaths, rapes, threats, stalkings

and electronic tortures and invasions into my body and properties and loved ones...have been

indescribably worse than the loss of any physical property could possible even begin to be.

Perhaps one day they'll See.

Targeted in America Poetic Publications The Heart BudIndex About Me Contact

Copyright by Sharon Poet with all rights reserved