
Post on 23-Jul-2015






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Shot: 1

Cinematography:Long establishing shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, name of film with flowers around it

Editing:Text fades away and Zarah starts to walk on the scene

Sound:Background/theme music

Shot: 2

Cinematography:Long shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake and zebra

Editing:Fade from black

Sound:Happy background music and Zarah voiceover trying to look for someone to play with

Shot: 3

Cinematography:Long shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake and Zarah upset

Editing: Sound:Happy background music and Zarah voiceover trying to look for someone to play with

Shot: 4

Cinematography:Long shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake and Zarah looking confused

Editing: Sound:Happy background music, Lee roars in the background

Shot: 5

Cinematography:Long shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake and Zarah looking happy and then walks off to find Lee

Editing:Fade to black

Sound:Happy background music and Zarah goes to find Lee to play with him

Shot: 6

Cinematography:Long two shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Zarah and Lee talking

Editing:Fade from black

Sound:Zarah asking Lee is he wants to play with her, happy background music

Shot: 7

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Zarah looking confused


Sound:Change in tempo of background music, Lee said he is practicing for a roar contest but Zarah doesn’t know what it is

Shot: 8

Cinematography:Medium shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Lee talking

Editing: Sound:Happy background music, Lee explaining what the roar contest is

Shot: 9

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Zarah talking looking happy

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Happy background music, Zarah asking if she can join in

Shot: 10

Cinematography:Medium shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Lee laughing

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Change in tempo of background music, Lee says that she can’t join in because she isn’t scary

Shot: 11

Cinematography:Long two shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Lee talking and Zarah crying

Editing: Sound:Change in tempo of background music, Lee says that she can’t join in because she isn’t scary

Shot: 12

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Zarah upset

Editing: Sound:Sad background music and Zarah saying “you never know”

Shot: 13

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Lee laughing

Editing: Sound:Sad background music, Lee laughing

Shot: 14

Cinematography:Long two shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Zarah walks away upset whilst Lee carries on laughing

Editing: Sound:Sad background music, Lee laughing

Shot: 15

Cinematography:Long shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Lee laughing

Editing:Fade to black

Sound:Sad background music fading out, Lee laughing fading out

Shot: 16

Cinematography:Medium shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Zarah upset

Editing:Fade from black

Sound:Sad background music fading to happy background music

Shot: 17

Cinematography:Long establishing two shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Zarah upset and Cody laid in lake

Editing: Sound:Sad background music fading to happy background music

Shot: 18

Cinematography:Long establishing two shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Zarah happy walking towards Cody

Editing: Sound:Happy background music, Zarah asks Cody what he’s doing

Shot: 19

Cinematography:Medium shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Cody in lake

Editing: Sound:Happy background music, Cody says he is just relaxing

Shot: 20

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Zarah happy

Editing: Sound:Happy background music, Zarah asks if Cody will play with her

Shot: 21

Cinematography:Medium shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Cody looking caught off guard

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Change in tempo with background music, Cody says he doesn’t want to play with Zarah

Shot: 22

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Zarah looking disappointed

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Change in tempo with background music, Zarah asks if he is sure

Shot: 23

Cinematography:Medium shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Cody looking happier

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Change in tempo with background music, Cody asks Zarah to look for someone else to play with her

Shot: 24

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Zarah upset

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Sad background music, Zarah says she will look for someone else

Shot: 25

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Zarah walk off upset

Editing: Sound:Sad background music

Shot: 26

Cinematography:Medium shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Cody talking to himself

Editing:Fade to black

Sound:Change in tempo with background music, Cody says “that was a close one”

Shot: 27

Cinematography:Long establishing shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Zarah walks onto this location upset

Editing:Fade from black

Sound:Sad background music fading to happy background music.

Shot: 28

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Zarah looks confused as can’t find anyone and starts to pace up and down

Editing: Sound:Sad background music fading to happy background music.

Shot: 29

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Zarah is happier as she has just found Marcel

Editing: Sound:Happy background music

Shot: 30

Cinematography:Long establishing two shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Zarah looking happy and Marcel swinging off a tree

Editing: Sound:Happy background music

Shot: 31

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Zarah happy talking to Marcel

Editing: Sound:Happy background music, Zarah asks Marcel what he is doing

Shot: 32

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Marcel talking to Zarah

Editing: Sound:Happy background music, Marcel say he is just swinging around

Shot: 33

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Zarah looking happy talking to Marcel

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Happy background music, Zarah says “that sounds like fun”

Shot: 34

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Marcel talking to Zarah

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Happy background music, Marcel asks Zarah what she is doing

Shot: 35

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Zarah looks unsure on what to say

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Change in tempo of background music, Zarah says “well, nothing right now”

Shot: 36

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Zarah looks happier

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Happier background music, Zarah asks Marcel if he will play with her

Shot: 37

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Marcel and Zarah talking

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Change in tempo of background music, Marcel asks Zarah if she can swing across trees

Shot: 38

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Zarah looking slightly upset

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Change in tempo of background music and Zarah says “erm, I don’t think so”

Shot: 39

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Zarah looking happier

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Happier background music, Zarah asks if Marcel could teach her

Shot: 40

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Marcel acting quite mean towards Zarah

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Change in tempo of background music, Marcel says that he can’t teach Zarah because only monkeys can swing across trees

Shot: 41

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Zarah looks quite upset and disappointed

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Sad background music, Zarah says “Oh well I just thought that…”

Shot: 42

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Marcel being mean towards Zarah and interrupts her

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Sad background music, Marcel interrupts Zarah and says that she thought wrong

Shot: 43

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Zarah upset from what Marcel has just said

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Sad background music, Zarah asks if he wants to play something else

Shot: 44

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Marcel talking to Zarah

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Sad background music, Marcel said he doesn’t want to do anything else because he is having too much fun swinging around

Shot: 45

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Zarah upset

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Sad background music, Zarah said that she’s asked everyone and no-on wants to play with her

Shot: 46

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Marcel talking to Zarah

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Sad background music, Marcel says he’s sorry but he just wants to carry on swinging around

Shot: 47

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Zarah is upet

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Sad background music, Zarah says “ok…nevermind”

Shot: 48

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Zarah walks away upset

Editing: Sound:Sad background music

Shot: 49

Cinematography:Long shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location, Zarah walks away

Editing:Fade to black

Sound:Sad background music

Shot: 50

Cinematography:Long establishing shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Zarah walks on upset

Editing:Fade from black

Sound:Sad background music

Shot: 51

Cinematography:Medium close up, straight on view

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Zarah is upset and starts talking to herself

Editing: Sound:Sad background music, Zarah says “I’ll never find anyone to play with. I’m going to be on my own forever”

Shot: 52

Cinematography:Long shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Zarah is crying

Editing: Sound:Sad background music, Zarah crying

Shot: 53

Cinematography:Long two shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Gabby walks on

Editing: Sound:Sad background music, Zarah crying

Shot: 54

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Gabby starts talking to Zarah

Editing: Sound:Happier background music, Gabby says hi to Zarah

Shot: 55

Cinematography:Medium close up, straight on view

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Zarah starts talking back to Gabby but quite upset still

Editing: Sound:Happier background music, Zarah says hi back

Shot: 56

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Gabby looks confused

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Change in tempo of background music, Gabby asks if Zarah is alright

Shot: 57

Cinematography:Medium close up, straight on view

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Change in tempo of background music, Zarah says how she doesn’t have anyone to playwith

Shot: 58

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Gabby looking confused

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Sad background music, Gabby says “Aww don’t your friends want to play with you?”

Shot: 59

Cinematography:Medium close up, straight on view

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Zarah upset

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Sad background music, Zarah says “Well I don’t really have any friends”

Shot: 60

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Gabby smiles at Zarah

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Happier background music, Gabby says “Well I could be your friend if you want me to”

Shot: 61

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Zarah turns towards Gabby and smiles

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Happy background music, Zarah says “Really? You would do that for me”

Shot: 62

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Gabby continues talking to Zarah

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Happy background music, Gabby says of course she would and that she doesn’t want Zarah to be sad

Shot: 63

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Zarah talking to Gabby

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Happy background music, Zarah says that it is very nice of her and asks for her name

Shot: 64

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Gabby responds to Zarah

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Happy background music, Gabby says her name

Shot: 65

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Zarah talking to Gabby

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Happy background music, Zarah says its nice to meet her and tells her her name

Shot: 66

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Gabby talking to Zarah

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Happy background music, Zarah says that it is going to be the start of a good friendship

Shot: 67

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Zarah agrees with Gabby

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Happy background music, Zarah says “yeah me too”

Shot: 68

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Gabby and Zarah talking

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Happy background music, Gabby asks what she wants to do

Shot: 69

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Zarah and Gabby talking

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Happy background music, Zarah says she wanted to play in the lake

Shot: 70

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Zarah and Gabby talking

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Happy background music, Gabby says let’s do that then

Shot: 71

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Zarah and Gabby talking

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Happy background music, Zarah says ok

Shot: 72

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with rocks, Zarah and Gabby walk to the lake

Editing:Shot reverse shot, fade to black

Sound:Happy background music

Shot: 73

Cinematography:Extreme long establishing shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Zarah and Gabby walk on and see all the other animals

Editing:Fade from black

Sound:Happy background music

Shot: 74

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Gabby talks to Zarah

Editing: Sound:Happy background music, Gabby says “Oh it looks as if other animals are here. Shall we go and introduce ourselves?”

Shot: 75

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Zarah and Gabby talking

Editing: Sound:Change in temp of background music, Zarah says “Actually, I already know them but none of them wanted to play with me, they were all busy doing something else.”

Shot: 76

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Zarah and Gabby talking

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Happy background music, Gabby says “Well, it looks like they aren’t busy now so let’s go and see if they want to play with us now.”

Shot: 77

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Zarah and Gabby talking, Zarah is weary

Editing:Shot reverse shot

Sound:Happy background music, Zarah says “Yeah ok then”

Shot: 78

Cinematography:Extreme long establishing shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Zarah and Gabby walk towards the other animals

Editing: Sound:Happy background music

Shot: 79

Cinematography:Medium close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Gabby introduces herself to the other animals

Editing: Sound:Happy background music, Gabby introduces herself and Zarah and asks if they want to play with them

Shot: 80

Cinematography:Medium shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Lee is mean at answering back to Gabby

Editing: Sound:Change in tempo of background music, Lee says “Well for starters I don’t know what she is doing here because we made it perfectly clear that all of us were busy”

Shot: 81

Cinematography:Medium shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Cody being mean to Zarah

Editing: Sound:Sad background music, Cody says “Yeah, and second of all you two aren’t cool enough to hang out with us.”

Shot: 82

Cinematography:Medium shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Marcel being mean to Zarah

Editing: Sound:Sad background music, Marcel says “Yeah that’s right go away”

Shot: 83

Cinematography:Extreme close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Zarah is very upset and talks to Gabby and begins to walk away from everyone

Editing: Sound:Sad background music, Zarah says “See I told you Gabby, come on let’s just go somewhere else”

Shot: 84

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Gabby stops Zarah from leaving and confronts the other animals

Editing: Sound:Background music stops and there is silence, Gabby says “NO! STOP! We’re not going anywhere!”

Shot: 85

Cinematography:Extreme long shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Gabby is shouting at the other animals who look very shocked

Editing: Sound:Silence, Gabby says “How dare you talk to us like that?”

Shot: 86

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Gabby talking to the other animals at what they have done wrong

Editing: Sound:Silence, Gabby says “Zarah here just wanted someone to play with and all of you just made excuses not to play with her.”

Shot: 87

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Gabby talking to the other animals

Editing: Sound:Silence, Gabby says “You don’t realise how upset Zarah was when I found her.”

Shot: 88

Cinematography:Extreme long shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Gabby talking to other animals who look shocked

Editing: Sound:Silence, Gabby says “But it doesn’t matter now because I am going to play with her and we are going to have so much fun that you will be asking us if you play with us.”

Shot: 89

Cinematography:Medium shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Gabby has stopped talking, Marcel looks shocked and is speechless

Editing: Sound:Complete silence, no dialogue

Shot: 90

Cinematography:Medium shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Gabby has stopped talking, Cody looks shocked and is speechless

Editing: Sound:Complete silence, no dialogue

Shot: 91

Cinematography:Medium shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Gabby has stopped talking, Lee looks shocked and begins to talk back

Editing: Sound:Silence, Lee says “I…I don’t know what to say?!”

Shot: 92

Cinematography:Medium shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Marcel is upset with himself and is very apologetic

Editing: Sound:Silence, Marcel says “Me neither…I’m sorry Zarah”

Shot: 93

Cinematography:Medium shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Cody is upset and apologetic

Editing: Sound:Silence, Cody says “Yeah me too…I should have played with you. I was mean.”

Shot: 94

Cinematography:Extreme long shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, all animals are upset

Editing: Sound:Silence, Lee says “We all should have”

Shot: 95

Cinematography:Close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Zarah responds to the other animals

Editing: Sound:Silence, Zarah says “It’s alright everyone I just wanted someone to play with”

Shot: 96

Cinematography:Medium shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Marcel asks if Zarah wants to play with them now

Editing: Sound:Silence, Marcel says “Well if your offer is still open can we play with you please?”

Shot: 97

Cinematography:Medium shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Cody agrees with Marcel

Editing: Sound:Silence, Cody says “Yeah, can we? It would make up for our bad behaviour”

Shot: 98

Cinematography:Close up, two shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Gabby and Zarah talk to each other

Editing: Sound:Silence, Gabby says “It’s up to you Zarah. They do seem pretty sorry though”

Shot: 99

Cinematography:Extreme long shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Zarah forgive the animals and they are all happy

Editing: Sound:Happy background music fades in, Zarah says “Yeah you can play with us”

Shot: 100

Cinematography:Medium shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Lee says thankyou to Zarah

Editing: Sound:Happy background music, Lee says “Thankyou Zarah”

Shot: 101

Cinematography:Medium shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Marcel thanks Zarah

Editing: Sound:Happy background music, Marcel says “Thankyou”

Shot: 102

Cinematography:Medium close up, two shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Zarah thanks Gabby

Editing: Sound:Happy background music, Zarah says “ThankyouGabby”

Shot: 103

Cinematography:Medium close up, two shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Gabby and Zarah talking

Editing: Sound:Happy background music, Gabby says “What for?” and Zarah says “for sticking up for me”

Shot: 104

Cinematography:Extreme close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Zarah talking to Gabby

Editing: Sound:Happy background music, Zarah says “I’ve never had a true friend like you before”

Shot: 105

Cinematography:Extreme close up

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, Zarah and Gabby talking

Editing: Sound:Happy background music, Gabby says “Me neither. Come on then let’s go and have some fun”

Shot: 106

Cinematography:Extreme long shot

Mise-en-scene:Jungle location with lake, all animals happy

Editing:Slow fade to black

Sound:Happy background music fades out

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