st>eyear, $1.5o issoed euery › 19190130pc.pdf · hoag la...

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St>eYear, $1.5o ISSOED EUERY TH0R5DAY cl)e Copy,5 ceni c.

J A N U A R Y 30, 1919

Devoted to the interests o f Carm el-by-tbe-Sea, Pebble Beach, Carmel H igh lands, C armel Valley

CARM EL-BY-TH E-SEA . CAL. V O L . IV , N U M . 52

H a n d l e y o u r F in a n c e s>n a business-like way. Have a bank account and pay by check, even if your business is not a largo one. An account here will relieve you of a lot of care and worry over your cash. It will free your mind of them so you can give all of it to making that business bigg. r.

I 9ine fie

B a n k o f M o n t e r e y | /Vtonter£y 5 a v . B a n k }C .V.ZN 1? U 1 L 1) 1 N G ! . 9 0 1 1 1 0 M ANAGEM ENT j

Buy a Fish

F in n a n H ad d ie

Sm o k ed S a lm o n

Boneless H e r r in g

F a t M a c k e r e l

C od fish B r ic k s


p i it i u ’ a

H. D. Lacey has announced his candidacy for Mayor of Monterey. Carmelites are wondering if Dr. W. L. Tenby will toss bis chapeau into the circle.

It is said that Rev. G. M. Dor­n-art and family will return to Garmel soon to make their home. They are now at Deal Beach, N .1

All persons interested in the completion of the Coast. Road from Carmel to San Simeon are urged to write to Governor Stephens and to members of the Legislature, ask­ing support for an appropriation to build this highway, which will mean so much to this section.

City dog licenses are now due and payable. Tags of a different shape from those in use last year are being issued by Marshal Eng lund at the City Hall.

Quite a number of Caimel by the Sea and Carmel Valley soldier boys are expected home within the next thirty days.In k f o r S - 8f H . G r e e n T r a i l i n ,f

S t a m p s a t H o l t iu m 's - The urarbld fountain sent here

■everal months ago by tbe OI\ mpic Club of Sail Fraucisco, to honor William Greer Harrison, has been taken back to the city. A com­mittee of the club, having learned that the city would uot at this time purchase the Forest Theatre prop erty, where it was desired to erect the fountain, directed that it be stored iu San Fraucisco.

.lust as re gu la r as clock* work M rs. W. 13. C an ine fo rw ard s Car in e l’e money for the Belgian c h ild ­ren. She h as 'icc e iv ed receipt for $42, January contribution .

Rev. W. G. Moffatt entertained at a stag birthday dinner in houur of Eugene Bierce oil Tuesday even­ing. Covers were laid for Pardow Hooper, Clarence Risley, Ernest Schweninger, James Wilson, and Eugene Pierce.

Miss Melba Chandler of Los AngeleH, who has been visiting the Bolle girls here, returned to Tier home last Tuesday.

11. A. Wolf, an artist who was here tor several months two yeals ago, is again in Carmel for an in­definite stay. He was recently discharged from the army with the rank of sergeant. With his mother he is occupying the Smith bungalow.

Tomorrow evening Hie enter­tainment aud dance for the benefit of the Junior Red Cross will be given at Arts aud Crafts Hall. The organization needs funds to carry out its plans to adopt a French and an Armenian child. Help them along. \

I W. W. Price, who has been so- Ijouniing here with bis family, left 1 last Thursday morning nn a motortrip to San Die, The family wiil lie here until'lnte spring.

I For the lime being, at least, [.Mother Carrington is to reside ill | Pacific Grove. However, she will I make weekly trips to Carmel.

H. W Pudan is here for two or i three wee ks. He recently suffered a rattier severe accident, and is

I here to recuperate.The Forest. Theatre Society has

received applications from Hie Arts ami Crafts Club, the Western Drama Society, Miss Jfenmiette Hoag la ini for dates in July and August.

The many friends of “ Cousin Ylolh,” Allen will be pleased to learn that she is well on the road to recovery. Her daughter, Mrs Li oil, lias In-eu attending her.

The Carmel city trustees will bold their monthly meet­ing at tbe City Hall next Tuesday evening.I l " r w a n t ijo a r b u s in e s s o n

l ' r i c e , Q u a l i t y a n t i .A s s o r t ­m e n t b a s is —H u l m a n "s ■Not a single soldier or sailor lad,

returning to Ids home iu Carmel aud vicinity has failed to get em­ploy ment at once. We’ ll not al loiv our ooys to want lor any thing.

The rainfall in Carmel for the season, from September 12 to Jan nary 27 lias reached a total of 13.21 inches. I‘ or the same period last year the fall wt.s 1.75.

Mrs. E. A. Kliiegel has as guests Mrs. George K. Stone and Miss Lydia Alter bury of Berkeley.

Mrs. E. K. Norwood is here for a brief visit, combining business aud pleasure. Miss L. V. Pratt accompanies her.

Mr. aud Mrs. James Worthing* ton motored over the Scveiitean- Mile Diive last Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Rev. YV. G. Moffat, Clarence ltisley and Pardow Hooper. After the drive Lhe party look tea at Del Monte.

Mr. aud Mrs William C. Watts will be at home to llieir friends on Saturday atternoous alter l o u i o ’clock.

Latest Records, al! makes, at Palace D rug Go., Monterey. Pianos for re n t . adv

The lifleeu-inouths-oJd sou of Mr. and Mrs Dave Tomasmi of Carmel Valley, who was a victimo f the influenza, was laid to rest inthe Catholic ceuiel.ary at Mouleiey ou Tuesday.

I W h i le You A re R e g u la r ly j

Em p lo yed—and can save a lit t le m oney every m onth, w hy not |prepare for the in. jev itab le ‘ rainy d a y ’ by h av ing an ac- jcount w ith the |FIRST N A T IO N A L jBANK ? j

A ll funds so in ) vested now w ill be­come a safeguard against I lie uitCvr* jta in ty of tile lilt tire j

J PER CENT PA ID On IntfcTeJtt accounts

I isst j|N< 1111 H D i l

I > c i i i k }M O N T E R E V . ( ’ A I.

11inlet II. S. G o v e rn - ! ment Supervision -

A W h a l e of a W h a l e

The writer of this article did uot see the massive whale at Moss Beach, but many Qtrjnelites did. Michael Williams Was there when the monster was lauded, and wrote au excellent account of the event for the Examiner. Louis Sleviu was on hand with liis camera aud

| lias on sale some excellent pictures of the affair. Several other parties drove over on Sundav ami saw portions of the big tiwli. It was then being cut up.

“ How big is lie?” was asked an Italian fisherman at Monterev. He hesitated a while, then said "You know Custom House-a ? — well, about so long— 70 feet-; he weigh GO toil ; mueh-a oil, much a meat.”

The establishment of this whal­ing station at Mosh Beach is in the iiatine’of history repeating itself. T lie-e are well authenticated re­cords and other evidences to show that at one time there was a whal­ing station at Point Lobos. Visi tors there may vet see the mounted skeleton of a great whale.


IN T H E JU STICE ’S COURT * of Monterey Township, County of Monterey. State of California.

F. S. Schweninger, Plaintiff, vs. | Clara von Ende, Defendant.

The People of the State of Cali fornia send Greeting to: Claravon Ende, defendant..

You are hereby direeted to ao pear before me at my office, at Colton Hall, Monterey City, in said Township, and answer tlie | complaint in an action entitled as | above, brought against you in the Justice’s Court of Monterey Town- j ship. County of Monterey, State of California, within five days after the service 0 1 1 j’Ott of this sum­mons—if it is served within the city and county, township or city in which this action is brought; but within ten days if it is served out of said township or city but iu tlie county in which the action i3 brought, and within twenty days if served elsewhere.

And you are hereby notified that iiuless you so appear and answer as above required, the said plain­tiff will take judgment for any money or damages demanded in the complaint, as arising upon contract, or plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint.

Given under my hand this 29th da\ of October, 1917.

E R N E ST MICH AEL1S, Justice of the Peace of said Town­

ship.Endorsed :Silas W. Mack, Attorney for Plain­

tiff.Date o f first publication Decem ber

19, 1918.Date o f last publication February

13, 1919. *

Experiences of a Carmel “ Y ” Man in France

Perrv Newberry Writes interesting Account of His Work and Observations

I ) a y - I g h t H g l 1 i nd 1 <> w

Tides at C a r m elLow Ft. H IflH Ft.

Jan 30 4 :0fi P - 0.9 9:03 a 5.631 4:41 P —0.9 9:45 a 5.6

Feb 1 5:17 P - 0.8 10:27 a 5.52 5 :53 P - 0.5 11 :15 a 5.23 6:09 a 1.3 12 :04 P 4.4 7 :05 a 1.0 1 :02 P 4. (5 8:05 a 0.7 2 :1 2 P 3..»

E IG H T H LE TTE RSay it was in the Pine Cone.

B ig R e d u c t io nJ Ii Paul’s Furniture Store

•■•it. Pacific Grove announces a 15 per cent reduction in ail i.'i.oleum and linoleum, to pre- v ii oil this week —three days tnotv. Take advantage of this money-saving sale. adv

Aubepierre, France, December 10. 1918.

Back in S O S , which means beds, roofs, windows and civilized life, also a big “ Y ” hut and lots to do No fun. just work. I ’d trade every comfort here to hear the shells whiz over and burst or a Jerry plane on a night bombing raid.

Shave every other day, now, altho I have established a reputation which saves me from many of the fril s and (urbishings of the officers and men. I am nn eccentric as to uniform and boots. Buttons off or mud on are excusable in me.

I am billited in a large bright room, alone A bed with white sheets- a little stove, a writing desk,

jbuieau, washstand, a n d several chairs And there's a woman to look after everything. A pleasa-nt, comfoitable room, with my captain and lieutenant in adjoining rooms.

The ” Y ’ ’ hut is a large barracks with dirt floor and oiled paper win­dows. There are benches and ta­bles, and I have had built a stage

: and fireplace. I have also wired it j and have electtie lights. We put on three to six shows a week, some

| with local talent, some sent to us.I have three men detailed to me,

i a cashier, a bookkeeper, a ware house man. bes des a detail man to clean me up every morning It is like running a business and I ’ m the manager. It is hard work, and I neve, did like business anyhow. However, I can stand it for the bal­ance of our stay.

I eat at officers mess and would much prefer to buck the mess line with the boys. I ’ m losing touch with my friends of Supply company. Heard today that Bib Hawkins was in the hospital threatened with pneumonia Think of me not know­ing that Bill was sick!

But I have 1500 boys to look af­ter now, beside, tne officers. They all know me and I know about ha.f of them by name. When they get

j into trouble they send for me They show me their photos of ma, pa, wife, baby and girl, and read me extracts from their home iet'.ers.

This a beautiful French village outside the threat of war. Houses are whole, tho old There is glass

fin ttfe window-frames The tile roofs are all on, and the stone side­walks are not shell shattered Most of the men. except the very old.

'are still in the army, but there are plenty of healthy peasant women in wooden shoes

The winter is some colder than California, but similar, rain inter­mingled with sunshine. It seldom

; snows here —too far south. Plenty of magazines to read, ail from one to tfiree months old We take the

j Paris edition of the New York Her- ! aid, so get some news live — rf the outside world.

But believe me, I either want real war or peaceful Carmel. This intermediate business of squads right and mess-kit inspection makes no appeal to me. I want- to get home.

sell your furn iture to R U D O L P H N ew M onterev

N e w si t e m sTelephone It uenis>

and Advertisem ents m ay be g iv en the Pine (tone by phone. 602 W 1.

f i m i n c L ad ie s T a i lo r in g U U W I I S , H(1(| D re s s m a k in g done ;d M ad am P h i l l ip s , 309 E igh teen th street. Pacific G ro v e , and satisfaction gu aran teed .

T v n i ' s t (*es' res copying J r work; m ornings

preferred; machine requ ired Applv “ G. ” Box 19. Garniel P. O



Tenth Annual Production, "re s t Theatre. Carm el, Julv

3. 4. 5.

Notieef ^ R D I N A N C E N o . 12 and O rd i­

nance N o . 16, am ending Sec. ° f O rd inance N o . 12, p rov ides

that any person o w n in g , or h av in g charge , care o r con tro l o f any d og , w h o shall perm it o r a llo w sam e to run at large upon the streets w iih - i 1 'h e co rporate lim its o f C arm el- by -th e -S ea , must have such dog registered and p roperly tagged ; all d ogs that w e re registered b e fo re the first day o f Ju ly , 1918, m ust be r egistered at once fo r the vear 1919

Cost o f registration and penalties fo r n on -registration are defined in O rd in an ce N o . 16, bee. 8.

A u gu st Eng lund , L icense C o llec to r

January 23, 1919.

Report of Treasurer of theArts and Crafts Club of *

Carmel for the. Vear 1918

C A R |V1 E LaBy-the-Sea A I I R A C I I O N S

Glass-hottom Boats.

Library and Readingroom

Fishing and Swim m ing in I ho Garm el R iver.

Public Tennis Oourt

Visit Ih e historic Mission

Good M oving Picture show every Saturday evening.

Picnic at Pehble Beach, Point Lobos. Carmel Highlands.

Visit the Forest Theatre

Bowling Alley

Beautiful Walks. Drives


ReceiptsClub dues Membership fees - Gash from plays

given by club - Rent of hall - Cash from-readings

R. C. knit, fund - Cash from enter-

tainm’ts. Arm en­ian Relief Fund -

( 'ash from concert- Commissions from

Sum. Art School-

Total .

!,n r first Bttsrment l)e/><,rt-nient this side o f Sun Brun­ei son Hoi num’s-

Disbursements$ 145.50 Donation Armenian

27.50 Relief Fund - - $ 10.00Cash entertainmnt

591.25 Ar. Relief Fund - 24.5040.25 DorlSiti’ 11 R.C. knit­

ting fund 37.5037.50 Donati’n W ar Vic­

tory Fund - - 26.00Half net receipts

24.50 concert for R. C. 62.00174.55 Purch L ib ’v Bonds 100 00

Paid taxes - - - 33 6512.10 Paid insurance - - .83.25

Chairs for hall - - 149.10$1053.15 Mi seel, expenses —

repairs, setting /chairs, etc. . 432.84

" Total - - - $ 896.84

A fine assortment of V a len - : tines and Easter Cards are I now on display at the B lue Bird Tearoom and G ift Shop.

( A d v . )


Senator E. S. R igd o n is a mem- I her of tli-* following Senate com­mittee,^; Agriculture (c h a irm a n ). County Government, Fish a n d (jaum, Finance, Insurance, Mines and Mining, Oil Industries, Re construction, Roads and H igh ­ways.

Both Harry aud Otto Laclunntid have returned to civilian pursuits. They arrived trom the East thie week. They were both L ieuten­ants in Uncle Satn’s Air Army.


D r. G ra c e A n d e r s o nO ST E O PA T H IC P H Y S IC IA N

Underwood Apts, Monterey tiedn.larhours. H ) to 12. 2 too

Others ho ap oo in tm en tPhone 179 J

J. H . B E C K , M . I ). Office at Carmel - by - Ihe Sea

Pharmacy, Carmel. Cal.

D r . A . M . D e e b oLicensed

Chiropodist and Masseure Hotel De! Monte

Will be in Carmel every Satur­day and Sunday

Make appointments a f Pine Cone office

D r . L. E. ClavD E N T IS T

Ordwary Bldg, cor. Alvarado and Franklin sts., Monterey

Hours 9 to 5

The// n i l t r o .d e w h e re a s s o r t ­

m e n t s a r e b e t t e r a n d p r i c e s

le s s , a t H o l m a n ’s.



C f l R J V ! E DB y - th e - S e aA T T R A C T I O N S *

Glass-bottom Boats.

L ib ra ry and Readingroom

Fishing and Swimming in tbe Carmel River.

Public Tennis Court

Visit tlie historic Mission

Good Moving Picture show every Saturday evening.

Picnic at Pebble Beach, Point Lobos, Carmel Highlands.

Visit the Forest Theatre

Bowling Alley

Beautiful Walks, Drives

Red C r o s s N o te s

Carmel Chapter’s latest ship­ment was made up of 2 pair socks, I sweater, 1)40 handkerchiefs.

H ■■ ■ HThere are 20 handkerchiefs miss

i')g of Carmel’s workroom quota, the member who has same will please return same at once.

1 he Pine C,one has a well equipped job printing plant. 1 1 ices arc fair.

b u y' our Kurnillire ;*t

R U D O L P H ’S N ew Monterey

C a r m e l P i n e C o n ePU B L IS H E D W E E K L Y

E S T A B L IS H E D FEBRUARY, 1915 Entered as aeaonil-class matter Feb­ruary 10, 1015, at tbe post office atf ’armel, California Unroll 3, 1879.

under tbe Aet of

W . E. OVEH STH EKT, Editor and Publisher PH ONE (1 0 8 AV I


J A N . 3 0 , 1 9 1 9

Official Paper of the City


*Perhavs nothing else g iv e s a man more pure jo y than to ha ve some choice m orsel o f his 'fo it treasured in the m em ­ory o f a n o th er.- A lbert P . Terhune.



R ese rve Y o u r V et diet

Because, in the administra­tion and conduct -o f the vast undertakings o f the Y. M .CA ., certain indi viduals and sect ions of the organization have made mistakes, it is not the part of wisdom, nor is it charitable, to condemn the entire body.

It is true that in the hurry and confusion incident to the gathering together of men to minister to the needs of the soldiers mistakes were made.Often the wrong man was selected for a job; again, in many cases, the right man was not available.

Charges of gra ft we take no stock in. Every dollar con- tributed, says John R. Mot.t, I1"11 P i,le Cone, has been accounted fo r -a n d we believe him.

The inquiry to be undertaken by the W ar Department will clear up many things. Not­withstanding interviews given out by discredited preachers and anonomous letters sent to the editor of this paper, we re­fuse to condemn the whole organization.

T H E JU STIC E ’S COURT of Monterey Township, County

of Monterey, State of ( ’alifornia.Edna E. Hiraehv (mibstilnted for

Thomas H. French, Plaintiff, vs. Clara von Ende, Defendant.

The People of tlie State of Cali fornia send Greeting to : Claravon Ende, defendant.

You are hereby directed to ft!) pear before tile at, my office, at Colton Hall, Monterey City, in said Township, and answer Ihe complaint in an action entitled as above, brought against von in the Justice’s Court of Monterey Town­ship. County of Monterey, State of California, within live days after Ihe service on you <>f this sum­mons if if is served within the city and county, township or citv in which this action is brought; but within ten davs if it is served out of -aid township or city but. in tlie, county in which the action is brou gh t , ami within twenty days if s h i v , d elsewhere.

And you are hereby notified that unless you so appear and answer ;is strove required, tlie said plain liif will take judgment for any money or damages demanded in Ihe complaint, as arising upon contract, or plaintiff will apply to Ihe court for the relief demanded in ilie ecmtplaint.

(liven under bv hand this 17th day ot December, 1918.

E R N E ST M [CH A E LIS , Justice of tlie Pence of said Town

shipEndorsed :Silas W . Mack, A I torney fo r P la in ­

tiff.D ate o f first publication Decem ber

19, 1918.D ale o f last publication February

13, 1919.

Lost something? Put an Ad

Christian Science ServicesSunday, / / A.M.

Sunday Schoo, 9:45 A. M. 11 ednesday, 8 P. M.

Church E d ifice — Monte Verde Street, one block north o f Ocean A-venue

1̂1 Saints p̂is<;opalS E R V I C E S A T 8 A. M * A N D 4 P. M . E V E R Y S U N D A Y E X C E P T S E C O N D S U N D A Y I N M O N T H , W H E N O N E S E R V I C E I S H E L D A T // A , M .

Sunday School 10 A .M .



S c h w e n in g e r ’sG R 0 C E R Y

B e s t G o o d s I „ F r e s h G o o d s |

R ig h t P r ic e s IF re e A u t o D e l iv e ry

B ig R eductionJ. K. Paul’s Furniture Store

at Pacific Grove announces a 15 per cent reduction in all Linoleum and linoleum, to pre­vail all this week— three days more. Take advantage of this money-saving sale. adv

P o o r BillA s the various weekly and

monthly publications, contain- articles extolling tbe virtues o f Theodore Roosevelt, come to hand, one is reminded of “ B ill” Stone’s attack upon the Colonel in the United States Senate some months ago.

W riters seem to vie with each other in setting forth Mr. Roosevelt’s uncompromising Americanism. Yet Senator “ Bill” said that Roosevelt was the best ally the Kaiser had in

America.I f Stone were alive today

he would feel about as big as a


GROVE LAUNDRYp a c i f i c g r o v e

Id( ‘̂ ’Oiir wagon makes regular oil I In to ( 'annul. PH O NE 488.

Tenth Annual Production, Forest Theatre, Carmel, July 2, 3, 4, 5.

MIMIIilltllC3MIMIIIIIII(]MINIIIHttOHIIIIItllllt lllllllllllllOfllllllllttK

1 for Information §jj As to Property 1= =P s

I In end About Is =

C A R M I-: LA I >1 >lt 10?-'-

Carm el ! D eve lopm en t 1

C o m p a n yJMMIINIIIiailllllllHllCJIMIIUItlliaillllllMlliriHIIUIIIIIICSliNUIMiHr


Ben L e id ig Hardware, Household Goods, Agent Florence

and Perfecti jn Stoves, Hotpoint AppliancesH e a d q u a r t e r s f o r Hull tine and Fishing outfits

For Sale or Rent l <rRet W 0-

story home— Three bedrooms, ser­vants' room, garage, workshop, lib­rary. large living loom, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, extra toilet down stairs, large grounds. lawn, flowers: electric lights, private gas plant; furnished or unfurnished: close in In$ti ire at Pine Cone office

La P laya A n iv s lsBerkeley Mr and Mrs T Wilson 1

Harrington. yKansas City, Mo Mr and Mis {

J M Daniels and souSan Francisco— Dr and Mrs H ,

M Sherman. Mrs Lawrence Strauss. Mrs Chas I, Lewis, Miss M Lewis. Mrs E L Baldwin. L'eut Frederick R Sherman

New York— Mr aud M s s *> W j Henderson

Seattle— Mrs V M Crosbv St Louis — Mr and Mrs F.dward

Hart Jr.-Sa i Diego — Mr and Mrs Edwin

W Tuttle.

Artificial E y* s P e rfec tly M atched and Perfectly Fitted at the

Hare - Harkins OpticalC O M P A N Y

M akers of Pei feci G lasses

>17 A L V A R A D O . M O N T E R E Y

A Notable Book,Y R IC E X P R E S S IO N OF-' A N E A R L Y -V A N IS H E D R A C E

A VOLUME of particular interest of these two, which open ami closeto Carmeiites is “ The Path

on the Rainbow.” the book of Indian poems edited by Geo W. Cronyn.

In general, of course, ail that pertains to the life of the early in­habitants of our country is worth while, and to all readers of poetry the first authentic collection of In­dian verse and interpretations is of value. When the book contains fourteen poems by Constance Skin-

the book Such a poem'as Miss Skinner’s “ Autumn Dawn” (Plent- Salia-Kwi), is alone worth the cost of the book, which, by the way, is remarkably well printed, on excel­lent paper i a rare thing these days). and bound in a rich cover of black and gold

Mrs. Austin’ s “ Song for the Pass­ing of Beautiful Women” is a fine and very human interpretation from the Paiute, and the “ Song in Time

Dreadnought Tirest iV A R A N T E H D 5<MH) M ILE S

IC-il l i i Lived ;ilidViicmfin ( t ip TrcHil

S T U A R T A. W O R K H A K D W A R E

Pacific Grove. California

C A R M K I R E M I \ C O .



ner, author of the first play given In | q( D lressjon>. has a haunting qnal- our Forest Theatre as well as h e r : ■ Her of the Hilts” isessay on I ne Indian as Poet, I re^0lent ot the stern beautv of earth and eight poems by Mary Austin, j and that mif,ht have be{,n. author of ‘Fire” and ‘The Arrow . , . .M ak er,” as well as an introduction Mrs. Austin s introduction, like by her, Carm el should surely be Miss Skinner’ s conclusion to the glad of this book from the press of j book, shows a true knowledge of Boni & Liveright. the up-to-date , Indian life and character, and a publishers of the Modern Librarv keen insight into the mind of the

To the lo ver of poetry the original abmiginal man and woman-as ex-Indian songs should be of great in- pressed in their songs and dances terest, being as they are the lyric Miss Skinner has struck a sureexpression of a nearly vanished race; chord in her song of the old chief but ro the general reader the parts who watches the progress of the of the book which will give the greatest pleasure are the interpreta-

i tions by Constance Skinner ami Mary Austin, and the prose essays

he household Wood supply





Hd. R om a rid ia( ’ A R M E I,

conqnerer and the passing of his own race with a feeling that perhapssomething big and fine is lost in the m a rch of civilization:



Feb. I —Geraldine Farrar in “The Devil Stone.”

Feb. 8 — Katblyn Williams in “ The W:hisDering Chorus.”

Feb. 15 Mary Pick ford in ‘ ‘Amarilly. ”

Feb. 22—"Douglas Fairbanks' in “ Reaching for the Moon.”

Order Y o u r 1919 -Stationery and Printing* N o w

at the PINF. C O N E PRESS

P r o p e r t y t r a n s a c t i o n s

' H ert t ia s I ch ie f ere the coining c f ihe ‘white man; /N ow is hrs village spread f-om this sea beyond my sight.His canoes are floating 'tillages:They go by ewith a great noise and a black smoke.Hts deeds are m igh ty : they leap w ith roaring clouds and thunder * ires In to She blue qu iet m orn ing and the w h ite m oon-skyYet have I heard no sound mightierTran the sun shattering the night On thy stone shoulder, Cavil a no;Yet have I seen no sight more wonderful and fa ir Than the coming o f the light.ViHien Day. the silver-w inged gull, down-swooping finds the sea:Yet have I known no thing stieeter, stronger,Than the smell o f piney winds and blue rippling sea -tia ter»And the kindness o f Kunae-Kia, the liv ing One,W^aking the heart o f the old chief To another dawn o f life . "

■ t i l l - It H - ■ H M — M M .-

I Cl imax F u r n i t u r e Co.Ire Dig Store in M onterey on Franklin Street

3 1 5 , 0 0 0 S T O C K



Eco n o m y S a t i s f a c t i o nG R E E N 1 R AW ING STA M PS

Decree quieting litle: E. \Y. -Jack, plaintiff, vs. J. L. Has­kins, adm. estate o f Thos. 0. Smith, defendant. East 55 ft o f Lots 17 and 19 Blk A. Add N<>. 1, Carmel-by-the-Sea.

Deed: Rose J DeYoe to Aug­ust Deutseh. Lots 2 and 4, R lk FF. Carmel-by-the-.sea.

(rood shoes fo r the whole f n m - ilh ot H olm an ’s.

-till nn«

POINT LOBOSA H A 1 .1 >.% !■:

D e lic io u s a n d A p p e t i z in g \sK Y o u r ( i r o c e r fo r It

A B i g T im e

‘ 'The day s of old.The days of gold.The dais of ’ id ”

Were vividly re enacted at the spacious Poke residence last Sat urday night by a throng of Carmel

•young folks and their friends, at- lired i i ihe picluresque costumes of tin- period. Long knives, six sinkMeis. -purs, soft shirts and bandana handkerchiefs were much in evidence. A tvpical mining town bo did a thriving husines- in soda pop ami ginger die— everv laxly “ likeied tip.’ ’ About the walls were posted -igiis. some of which iead : * ;

•fo ir util, your spurs before von gallop on this floor.”

“ Grammar school for bova be­tween 1 and opens Monday.

“ I he sky is the limit.”“ JoOOO reward for Bill Overstreet

for libeling ‘ The Private Secte- tary’ cast.”

“ Don’t flirt with Ihe spiders! This is no bug house."’

"Beware of tht> Vampire of Car­mel Gulch ”

The following was tbar :Bonnie Hale, Grace Wickham.

Katharine Cooke, Jeannette Hoag- land, Mabel Morrell, Mr and Mrs Herbert Heron, Mr. and Mrs (K. Van Riper, Mi. and Mrs. W. I*. Overstreet, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Criley. Mr. and Mrs. Jan es W or­thington. Mrs. Frances Montgom­ery, Mrs. Zonia Yaselioff, Mrs. Andrew Stewart, Mrs Philip Wil son, Mrs. J. N. Hilliard, Marion. Eliot and Richard Boke. S a d ie Van Brower, Pardotv Hooper, W

; G. M> ffat. Clarence Risley, Lang I ley Howard, James \V ilsoii. E. V | Hedg es, K. W . Mali), Gordon Davis, Ernest Schwgniager. Geo J. Seideneck, Talbert Josselyt,. . Helen and Hilda Hilliard. Eliza-

| beth aud Maryan Hopoer.

M U R R A Y ’S

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