star wars ccg master card list

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/29/2019 Star Wars CCG Master Card List


  • 7/29/2019 Star Wars CCG Master Card List


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    qm88 Imperial Barrier C2qm89 Imperial Code Cylinder C2qm90 Imperial Reinforcements C1qm91 It's Worse C2qm92 Kintan Strider C1qm93 Limited Resources U2qm94 Local Trouble R1

    qm95 Lone Pilot R2qm96 Lone Warrior R2qm97 Look Sir, Droids R1qm98 Moment of Triumph R2qm99 Nevar Yalnal R2qm100 Ommni Box C2qm101 Overload C2qm102 Physical Choke R1qm103 Precise Attack C2qm104 Scanning Crew C2qm105 Sense U1qm106 Set For Stun C2qm107 Takeel C2

    qm108 Tallon Roll C2qm109 The Circle Is Now Complete R1qm110 The Empire's Back U1qm111 Trinto Duaba U1qm112 Trooper Charge U2qm113 Tusken Scavengers C2qm114 Utinni! R1qm115 Vader's Eye R1qm116 We're All Gonna Be A Lot Thinner! R1qm117 You Overestimate Their Chances C1qm118 Your Powers Are Weak, Old Man R1qm119 Alderaan R1qm120 Dantooine U1qm

    121 Death Star: Central Core U2qm122 Death Star: Detention Block Corridor C1qm123 Death Star: Docking Bay 327 C2qm124 Death Star: Level 4 Military Corridor U1qm125 Death Star: War Room U2qm126 Kessel U2qm127 Tatooine C2qm128 Tatooine: Cantina R2qm129 Tatooine: Docking Bay 94 C2qm130 Tatooine: Jawa Camp C1qm131 Tatooine: Jundland Wastes C1qm132 Tatooine: Lars' Moisture Farm U2qm133 Tatooine: Mos Eisley C1qm134 Yavin 4 C2

    qm135 Yavin 4: Docking Bay C2qm136 Yavin 4: Jungle U2qm137 Black 2 R1qm138 Black 3 U1qm139 Devastator R1qm140 Imperial-Class Star Destroyer U1qm141 TIE Advanced x1 U2qm142 TIE Fighter C2qm143 TIE Scout C2qm144 Vader's Custom TIE R1

    qm145 Bantha U2qm146 Lift Tube C2qm147 Sandcrawler R2qm148 Ubrikkian 9000 Z001 C2qm149 Assault Rifle R2qm150 Blaster Rifle C2qm151 Boosted TIE Cannon U1

    qm152 Dark Jedi Lightsaber U1qm153 Gaderffii Stick C2qm154 Han Seeker R2qm155 Imperial Blaster C2qm156 Ion Cannon U1qm157 Laser Projector U2qm158 Light Repeating Blaster Rifle R1qm159 Luke Seeker R2qm160 Timer Mine C2qm161 Turbolaser Battery R2qm162 Vader's Lightsaber R1

    Light Side Rarity

    qm163 2X-3KPR (Tooex) U1qm164 Beru Lars U2qm165 Biggs Darklighter R2qm166 BoShek U1qm167 C-3PO (See-Threepio) R1qm168 CZ-3 (Seezee-Three) C2qm169 Dice Ibegon R2qm170 Dutch R1qm171 Figrin D'an U2qm172 General Dodonna U1qm173 Han Solo R1qm174 Jawa C2qm175 Jek Porkins U1qm

    176 Kabe U1qm177 Kal'Falnl C'ndros R1qm178 Leesub Sirln R2qm179 Leia Organa R1qm180 LIN-V8K (Elleyein-Veeatekay) C1qm181 Luke Skywalker R1qm182 Momaw Nadon U2qm183 Obi-Wan Kenobi R1qm184 Owen Lars U1qm185 Pops U1qm186 R2-X2 (Artoo-Extoo) C2qm187 R4-E1 (Arfour-Eeone) C2qm188 Rebel Guard C2qm189 Rebel Pilot C2

    qm190 Rebel Trooper C3qm191 Red Leader R1qm192 Shistavanen Wolfman C2qm193 Talz C2qm194 WED-9-M1 'Bantha' Droid R2qm195 Wioslea U1qm196 Caller U2qm197 Electrobinoculars C2qm198 Fusion Generator Supply Tanks C2qm199 Hydroponics Station U2

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    qm200 Restraining Bolt C2qm201 Targeting Computer U1qm202 Tatooine Utility Belt C2qm203 Vaporator C2qm204 A Tremor In The Force U1qm205 Affect Mind R1qm206 Beggar R1

    qm207 Crash Site Memorial U1qm208 Death Star Plans R1qm209 Demotion R2qm210 Disarmed R1qm211 Ellorrs Madak C2qm212 Eyes In The Dark U1qm213 Jawa Siesta U1qm214 K'lor'slug R1qm215 Kessel Run R2qm216 Lightsaber Proficiency R1qm217 Mantellian Savrip U1qm218 Nightfall U1qm219 Obi-Wan's Cape R1

    qm220 Our Most Desperate Hour R1qm221 Plastoid Armor U2qm222 Rebel Planners C2qm223 Restricted Deployment U1qm224 Revolution R1qm225 Rycar Ryjerd U1qm226 Sai'torr Kal Fas C2qm227 Special Modifications U1qm228 Traffic Control U2qm229 Tusken Breath Mask U1qm230 Yavin 4 Sentry U2qm231 Yerka Mig U1qm232 A Few Maneuvers C2qm

    233 Alter U1qm234 Beru Stew U2qm235 Cantina Brawl R1qm236 Collision! C2qm237 Combined Attack C2qm238 Don't Get Cocky R1qm239 Don't Underestimate Our Chances C1qm240 Droid Shutdown C2qm241 Escape Pod U2qm242 Friendly Fire C2qm243 Full Throttle R2qm244 Gift Of The Mentor R1qm245 Han's Back U2qm246 Han's Dice C2

    qm247 Hear Me Baby, Hold Together C2qm248 Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi R1qm249 How Did We Get Into This Mess? U2qm250 Hyper Escape C2qm251 I've Got A Bad Feeling About This C2qm252 Into the Garbage Chute, Flyboy R2qm253 It Could Be Worse C2qm254 Jedi Presence R1qm255 Krayt Dragon Howl R1qm256 Leia's Back U2

    qm257 Luke's Back U2qm258 Move Along... R1qm259 Nabrun Leids U2qm260 Narrow Escape C2qm261 Noble Sacrifice R2qm262 Old Ben C2qm263 On The Edge R2

    qm264 Out Of Nowhere U2qm265 Panic U1qm266 Radar Scanner C2qm267 Rebel Barrier C2qm268 Rebel Reinforcements C1qm269 Return Of A Jedi C2qm270 Scomp Link Access C2qm271 Sense U1qm272 Skywalkers R1qm273 Solo Han R2qm274 Spaceport Speeders U2qm275 Surprise Assault C1qm276 Thank The Maker R2

    qm277 The Bith Shuffle C2qm278 The Force Is Strong With This One R2qm279 This Is All Your Fault U1qm280 Utinni! R1qm281 Warrior's Courage R2qm282 We're Doomed C2qm283 Alderaan U2qm284 Dantooine U1qm285 Death Star: Detention Block

    Control Room U2qm286 Death Star: Docking Bay 327 C2qm287 Death Star: Trash Compactor U1qm288 Kessel U2qm

    289 Tatooine C2qm290 Tatooine: Cantina R2qm291 Tatooine: Docking Bay 94 C2qm292 Tatooine: Dune Sea C1qm293 Tatooine: Jawa Camp C1qm294 Tatooine: Lars' Moisture Farm C1qm295 Tatooine: Mos Eisley U2qm296 Tatooine: Obi-Wan's Hut R1qm297 Yavin 4 C2qm298 Yavin 4: Docking Bay C2qm299 Yavin 4: Jungle C1qm300 Yavin 4: Massassi Throne Room R1qm301 Yavin 4: Massassi War Room U2qm302 Corellian Corvette U2

    qm303 Gold 1 R2qm304 Gold 5 R2qm305 Millennium Falcon R1qm306 Red 1 U1qm307 Red 3 R2qm308 X-wing C2qm309 Y-wing C2qm310 Lift Tube C2qm311 Luke's X-34 Landspeeder U1qm312 Sandcrawler R2

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    qm313 SoroSuub V-35 Landspeeder C2qm314 Blaster C2qm315 Blaster Rifle C1qm316 Han's Heavy Blaster Pistol R2qm317 Jedi Lightsaber U1qm318 Leia's Sporting Blaster U1qm319 Obi-Wan's Lightsaber R1

    qm320 Proton Torpedoes C2qm321 Quad Laser Cannon U1qm322 Tagge Seeker R2qm323 Tarkin Seeker R2qm324 Timer Mine C2A New Hope Limited (July 1996)|A New Hope Revised Unlimited (Sep. 1999)|

    Dark Side Rarityqm1 Advosze C2qm2 Captain Khurgee U1qm3 Dannik Jerriko R1qm4 Danz Borin U2

    qm5 Death Star Gunner C1qm6 Defel C2qm7 DS-61-4 R2qm8 Greedo R1qm9 Hem Dazon R1qm10 Imperial Commander C2qm11 Imperial Squad Leader C3qm12 IT-O (Eyetee-Oh) R1qm13 Lirin Carn U2qm14 Lt. Pol Treidum C1qm15 Lt. Shann Childsen U1qm16 Mosep U2qm17 Officer Evax C1

    qm18 R2-Q2 (Artoo-Kyootoo) C2qm19 R3-T6 (Arthree-Teesix) R1qm20 R5-A2 (Arfive-Aytoo) C2qm21 Reegesk U2qm22 Reserve Pilot U1qm23 Rodian C2qm24 Tech Mor U2qm25 Trooper Davin Felth R2qm26 U-3PO (Yoo-Threepio) R1qm27 URoRRuRRR U2qm28 WED15-I7 Septoid Droid U2qm29 Dianoga R2qm30 Death Star Tractor Beam R2qm

    31 Hypo R1qm32 Laser Gate U2qm33 Magnetic Suction Tube R2qm34 Tractor Beam U1qm35 Astromech Shortage U2qm36 Besieged R2qm37 Come With Me C2qm38 Dark Waters R2qm39 Hyperwave Scan U1qm40 Imperial Justice C2qm41 Krayt Dragon Bones U1

    qm42 Maneuver Check R2qm43 Program Trap U1qm44 Spice Mines Of Kessel R1qm45 Swilla Corey C2qm46 Tentacle C2qm47 Therell Be Hell To Pay U2qm48 Undercover U2

    qm49 Commence Primary Ignition R2qm50 Evader U1qm51 Ghhhk C2qm52 Im On The Leader R1qm53 Informant U1qm54 Monnok C2qm55 Ngok C2qm56 Oo-ta Goo-ta, Solo? C2qm57 Retract The Bridge R1qm58 Sniper U1qm59 Stunning Leader C2qm60 This Is Some Rescue! U1qm61 We Have A Prisoner C2

    qm62 Death Star R2qm63 Death Star: Conference Room U1qm64 Imperial Holotable R1qm65 Kashyyyk C1qm66 Kiffex R1qm67 Ralltiir C1qm68 Sandcrawler: Droid Junkheap R1qm69 Tatooine: Bluffs R1qm70 Black 4 U2qm71 Conquest R1qm72 TIE Assault Squadron U1qm73 TIE Vanguard C2qm74 Victory-Class Star Destroyer U1qm

    75 Bespin Motors Void Spider THX1138 C2qm76 Mobquet A-1 Deluxe Floater C2qm77 Enhanced TIE Laser Cannon C2qm78 Jawa Blaster C2qm79 Leia Seeker R2qm80 Superlaser R2qm81 URoRRuRRRs Hunting Rifle U1

    Light Side Rarityqm82 Arcona C2qm83 Brainiac R1qm84 Chewbacca R2qm85 Commander Evram Lajaie C1qm86 Commander Vanden Willard U2

    qm87 Corellian C2qm88 Doikk Nats U2qm89 Garouf Lafoe U2qm90 Het Nkik U2qm91 Hunchback R1qm92 Ickabel Gont U2qm93 M-HYD Binary Droid U1qm94 Nalan Cheel U2qm95 R2-D2 (Artoo-Detoo) R2qm96 R5-D4 (Arfive-Defour) C2

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    qm97 RA-7 (Aray-Seven) C2qm98 Rebel Commander C2qm99 Rebel Squad Leader C3qm100 Rebel Tech C1qm101 Saurin C2qm102 Tiree U2qm103 Tzizvvt R2

    qm104 Wedge Antilles R1qm105 Zutton C1qm106 Fire Extinguisher U2qm107 Magnetic Suction Tube R2qm108 Rectenna C2qm109 Remote C2qm110 Sensor Panel U1qm111 Cell 2187 R1qm112 Commence Recharging R2qm113 Eject! Eject! C2qm114 Grappling Hook C2qm115 Logistical Delay U2qm116 Lukes Cape R1

    qm117 Merc Sunlet C2qm118 Scanner Techs U1qm119 Solomahal C2qm120 Theyre On Dantooine R1qm121 Undercover U2qm122 Whatre You Tryin To Push On Us? U2qm123 Attack Run R2qm124 Advance Preparation U1qm125 Alternatives To Fighting U1qm126 Blast The Door, Kid! C2qm127 Blue Milk C2qm128 Corellian Slip C2qm129 Double Agent R2qm

    130 Grimtaash C2qm131 Houjix C2qm132 I Have A Very Bad Feeling

    About This C2qm133 Im Here To Rescue You U1qm134 Let The Wookiee Win R1qm135 Out Of Commission U2qm136 Quite A Mercenary C2qm137 Sabotage U1qm138 Sorry About The Mess U1qm139 Wookiee Roar R1qm140 Youre All Clear Kid! R1qm141 Clakdor VII R2qm142 Corellia R1

    qm143 Death Star: Trench R2qm144 Dejarik Hologameboard R1qm145 Kashyyyk C1qm146 Ralltiir C1qm147 Sandcrawler: Loading Bay R1qm148 Yavin 4: Briefing Room U1qm149 Yavin 4: Massassi Ruins U1qm150 Gold 2 U1qm151 Red 2 R1qm152 Red 5 R1

    qm153 Red 6 U1qm154 Tantive IV R1qm155 Y-wing Assault Squadron U1qm156 Incom T-16 Skyhopper C2qm157 Rogue Bantha U1qm158 Bowcaster R2qm159 Jawa Ion Gun C2

    qm160 Lukes Hunting Rifle U1qm161 Motti Seeker R2qm162 SW-4 Ion Cannon R2

    Hoth Limited (November 1996)Hoth Revised Unlimited (October 1998)

    Dark Side Rarityqm1 Admiral Ozzel R1qm2 AT-AT Driver C2qm3 Captain Lennox U1qm4 Captain Piett R2qm5 FX-10 (Effex-ten) C2qm6 General Veers R1qm7 Imperial Gunner C2qm8 Lieutenant Cabbel U2qm9 Probe Droid C2qm10 Snowtrooper C3qm11 Snowtrooper Officer C1qm12 Wampa R2qm13 Deflector Shield Generators U2qm14 Electro-Rangefinder U1qm15 Portable Fusion Generator C2qm16 Probe Antennae U2qm17 Breached Defenses U2qm18 Death Mark R1qm19 Death Squadron U1qm20 Frostbite C2qm21 Frozen Dinner R1qm22 High Anxiety R1qm23 Ice Storm U1qm24 Image Of The Dark Lord R2qm25 Imperial Domination U1qm26 Meteor Impact? R1qm27 Mournful Roar R1qm28 Responsibility Of Command R1qm29 Silence Is Golden U2qm30 The Shield Doors Must Be Closed U1qm31 This Is Just Wrong R1qm32 Too Cold For Speeders U1qm33 Weapon Malfunction R1qm34 Target The Main Generator R2qm35 A Dark Time For The Rebellion C1qm36 Cold Feet C2qm37 Collapsing Corridor R2qm38 ComScan Detection C2qm39 Crash Landing U1qm40 Debris Zone R2qm41 Direct Hit U1qm42 Exhaustion U2

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    qm43 Exposure U1qm44 Furry Fury R2qm45 He Hasn't Come Back Yet C2qm46 I'd Just As Soon Kiss A Wookiee C2qm47 Imperial Supply C1qm48 Lightsaber Deficiency U1qm49 Oh, Switch Off C2qm50 Our First Catch Of The Day C2qm51 Probe Telemetry C2qm52 Scruffy-Looking Nerf Herder R2qm53 Self-Destruct Mechanism U1qm54 Stop Motion C2qm55 Tactical Support R2qm56 That's It, The Rebels Are There! U2qm57 Trample R1qm58 Turn It Off! Turn It Off! C1qm59 Walker Barrage U1qm60 Wall Of Fire U1qm61 Yaggle Gakkle R2qm62 Hoth U2qm63 Hoth: Defensive Perimeter C2qm64 Hoth: Echo Command Center

    (War Room) U2qm65 Hoth: Echo Corridor U2qm66 Hoth: Echo Docking Bay C2qm67 Hoth: Ice Plains C2qm68 Hoth: North Ridge C2qm69 Hoth: Wampa Cave R2qm70 Ord Mantell C2qm71 Stalker R1qm72 Tyrant R1qm73 Blizzard 1 R1qm74 Blizzard 2 R2qm75 Blizzard Scout 1 R1qm76 Blizzard Walker U2qm77 AT-AT Cannon U1qm78 E-web Blaster C1qm79 Infantry Mine C2qm80 Probe Droid Laser U2qm81 Vehicle Mine C2Light Side Rarityqm82 2-1B (Too-Onebee) R1qm83 Cal Alder U2qm84 Commander Luke Skywalker R1qm85 Dack Ralter R2qm

    86 Derek 'Hobbie' Klivian


    qm87 Echo Base Trooper C3qm88 Echo Base Trooper Officer C1qm89 EG-4 (Eegee-Four) C1qm90 FX-7 (Effex-Seven) C2qm91 General Carlist Rieekan R2qm92 Jeroen Webb U1qm93 K-3PO (Kay-Threepio) R1qm94 Major Bren Derlin R2qm95 R-3PO (Ar-Threepio) R2

    q95M R-3PO (Ar-Threepio) Pqm96 R5-M2 (Arfive-Emmtoo) C2qm97 Rebel Scout C1qm98 Rogue Gunner C2qm99 Romas "Lock" Navander U2qm100 Shawn Valdez U1qm101 Tamizander Rey U2qm102 Tauntaun Handler C2qm103 Tigran Jamiro U1qm104 Toryn Farr U1qm105 WED-1016 'Techie' Droid C1qm106 Wes Janson R2qm107 Wyron Serper U2qm108 Zev Senesca R2qm109 Artillery Remote R2qm110 Echo Trooper Backpack C2qm111 Hoth Survival Gear C2qm112 R2 Sensor Array C2qm113 Bacta Tank R2qm114 Disarming Creature R1qm115 Echo Base Operations R2qm116 Evacuation Control U1qm117 Frostbite C2qm118 Ice Storm U1qm119 Tauntaun Bones U1qm120 The First Transport Is Away! R1qm121 Attack Pattern Delta U1qm122 Dark Dissension R1qm123 Fall Back! C2qm124 I Thought They Smelled Bad

    On The Outside R1qm125 It Can Wait C2qm126 Lucky Shot U1qm127 Nice Of You Guys To Drop By C2qm128 One More Pass U1qm129 Perimeter Scan C2qm130 Rug Hug R1qm131 Under Attack U1qm132 Walker Sighting U2qm133 Who's Scruffy-Looking? R1qm134 You Have Failed Me For The

    Last Time R1qm135 You Will Go To The Dagobah

    System R1qm136 Hoth U2qm137 Hoth: Defensive Perimeter C2qm

    138 Hoth: Echo Command Center(War Room) U2qm139 Hoth: Echo Corridor C2qm140 Hoth: Echo Docking Bay C2qm141 Hoth: Echo Med Lab C2qm142 Hoth: Main Power Generators U2qm143 Hoth: North Ridge C2qm144 Hoth: Snow Trench C2qm145 Ord Mantell U2qm146 Medium Transport U2

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    qm147 Rogue 1 R1qm148 Rogue 2 R2qm149 Rogue 3 R1qm150 Snowspeeder U2qm151 Tauntaun C2qm152 Anakin's Lightsaber R1qm153 Atgar Laser Cannon U2qm154 Concussion Grenade R1qm155 Dual Laser Cannon U1qm156 Golan Laser Battery U1qm157 Infantry Mine C2qm158 Medium Repeating Blaster Cannon C1qm159 Planet Defender Ion Cannon R2qm160 Power Harpoon U1qm161 Surface Defense Cannon R2qm162 Vehicle Mine C2

    The Empire Strikes BackIntroductory2-Player Game (Unlimited with 1996)

    Dark Side Raritym2 AT-AT Driver Hoth, Fm19 Imperial Trooper Guard Premiere, Fm90 FX-10 (Effex-Ten) Hoth, F

    m10 Imperial Commander ANH, Fm11 Imperial Squad Leader ANH, Fm24 LIN-V8M (Elleyein-Veeateemm) Premiere, Fm14 Lt. Pol Treidum ANH, Fm17 Officer Evax ANH, Fm10 Snowtrooper Hoth, Fm11 Snowtrooper Officer Hoth, Fm43 Restraining Bolt Premiere, Fm59 Ket Maliss Premiere, Fm36 Cold Feet Hoth, F

    m76 Counter Assault Premiere, Fm45 He Hasnt Come Back Yet Hoth, Fm46 Id Just As Soon Kiss a Wookie Hoth, Fm59 Stunning Leader ANH, Fm63 Hoth: Defensive Perimeter Hoth, Fm66 Hoth: Echo Docking Bay Hoth, Fm67 Hoth: Ice Plains Hoth, Fm68 Hoth: North Ridge Hoth, Fm150 Blaster Rifle Premiere, Fm155 Imperial Blaster Premiere, Fm79 Infantry Mine Hoth, Fm160 Timer Mine Premiere, F

    Light Side Rarity

    m85 Commander Evram Lajaie ANH, Fm87 Corellian ANH, Fm87 Echo Base Trooper Hoth, Fm88 Echo Base Trooper Officer Hoth, Fm90 FX-7 (Effex-Seven) Hoth, Fm58 Leia Jedi Pack, Fm180 LIN-V8K (Elleyein-Veeatekay) Premiere, Fm98 Rebel Commander ANH, Fm188 Rebel Guard Premiere, F

    m97 Rebel Scout Hoth, Fm102 Tauntaun Handler Hoth, Fm111 Hoth Survival Gear Hoth, Fm200 Restraining Bolt Premiere, Fm226 Sai-torr Kal Fas Premiere, Fm123 Fall Back! Hoth, Fm131 Houjix ANH, F

    m125 It Can Wait Hoth, Fm253 It Could Be Worse Premiere, Fm127 Nice Of You Guys to Drop By Hoth, Fm275 Surprise Assault Premiere, Fm137 Hoth: Defensive Perimeter Hoth, Fm139 Hoth: Echo Corridor Hoth, Fm140 Hoth: Echo Docking Bay Hoth, Fm141 Hoth: Echo Med Lab Hoth, Fm144 Hoth: Snow Trench Hoth, Fm151 Tauntaun Hoth, Fm314 Blaster Premiere, Fm157 Infantry Mine Hoth, Fm324 Timer Mine Premiere, F

    Dagobah Limited (April 1997)Dagobah Revised Unlimited (Dec. 1999)|

    Dark Side Rarityqm1 4-LOM Rqm2 Bossk Rqm3 Captain Needa Rqm4 Comm Chief Cqm5 Commander Brandei Uqm6 Commander Gherant Uqm7 Commander Nemet Uqm8 Corporal Derdram Uqm9 Corporal Vandolay Uqm10 Dengar Rqm11 IG-88 Rqm12 Imperial Helmsman Cqm13 Lieutenant Commander Ardan Uqm14 Lieutenant Suba Rqm15 Lieutenant Venka Uqm16 Warrant Officer M'Kae Uqm17 Zuckuss Rqm18 Bog-wing Cqm19 Dragonsnake Rqm20 Mynock Cqm21 Sleen Cqm22 Space Slug Uqm23 Vine Snake Cqm24 3,720 To 1 Cqm25 Awwww, Cannot Get Your Ship Out Cqm26 Bad Feeling Have I Rqm27 Bombing Run Rqm28 Broken Concentration Rqm29 Corrosive Damage Rqm30 Failure At The Cave Rqm31 Field Promotion Rqm32 Flagship R

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    qm33 He Is Not Ready Cqm34 I Want That Ship Rqm35 Knowledge And Defense Cqm36 Location, Location, Location Rqm37 Lost In Space Rqm38 Much Anger In Him Rqm39 Precision Targeting Uqm40 Rogue Asteroid Cqm41 Shot In The Dark Uqm42 Sudden Impact Uqm43 The Dark Path Rqm44 There Is No Try Cqm45 Visage Of The Emperor Rqm46 A Dangerous Time Cqm47 Apology Accepted Cqm48 Close Call Cqm49 Control Uqm50 Defensive Fire Cqm51 Fear Cqm52 Frustration Rqm53 HoloNet Transmission Uqm54 Imbalance Uqm55 Lando System? Rqm56 Res Luk Ra'auf Rqm57 Shut Him Up Or Shut Him Down Uqm58 Something Hit Us! Uqm59 Take Evasive Action Cqm60 Those Rebels Won't Escape Us Cqm61 Uncertain Is The Future Cqm62 Unexpected Interruption Rqm63 Voyeur Cqm64 Anoat Uqm65 Asteroid Field Cqm66 Big One Uqm67 Big One: Asteroid Cave or Space

    Slug Belly Uqm68 Dagobah: Cave Rqm69 Executor: Comm Station Uqm70 Executor: Control Station Uqm71 Executor: Holotheatre Rqm72 Executor: Main Corridor Cqm73 Executor: Meditation Chamber Rqm74 Raithal Uqm75 Star Destroyer: Launch Bay Cqm76 Avenger Rqm77 Executor Rqm

    78 Hound's Tooth


    qm79 IG-2000 Rqm80 Mist Hunter Rqm81 Punishing One Rqm82 TIE Avenger Cqm83 TIE Bomber Uqm84 4-LOM's Concussion Rifle Rqm85 Bossk's Mortar Gun Rqm86 Dengar's Blaster Carbine Rqm87 IG-88's Neural Inhibitor R

    qm88 IG-88's Pulse Cannon Rqm89 Proton Bombs Uqm90 Zuckuss' Snare Rifle RLight Side Rarityqm91 Son of Skywalker Rqm92 Yoda Rqm93 Bog-wing Cqm94 Mynock Cqm95 Nudj Cqm96 Space Slug Rqm97 Vine Snake Cqm98 Astromech Translator Cqm99 Droid Sensorscope Cqm100 Han's Toolkit Rqm101 Landing Claw Rqm102 Luke's Backpack Rqm103 Portable Fusion Generator Cqm104 Rebel Flight Suit Cqm105 Retractable Arm Cqm106 Anger, Fear, Aggression Cqm107 Asteroid Sanctuary Cq107M Asteroid Sanctuary Pqm108 Asteroids Do Not Concern Me Rqm109 At Peace Rqm110 Descent Into The Dark Rqm111 Do, Or Do Not Cqm112 Encampment Cqm113 Flash Of Insight Uqm114 Grounded Starfighter Uqm115 Hiding In The Garbage Rqm116 Ineffective Maneuver Uqm117 Never Tell Me The Odds Cqm118 No Disintegrations! Rqm119 Obi-Wan's Apparition Rqm120 Order To Engage Rqm121 Polarized Negative Power Coupling Rqm122 Quick Draw Cqm123 Reflection Rqm124 Report To Lord Vader Rqm125 Rogue Asteroid Cqm126 Rycar's Run Rqm127 Scramble Uqm128 Smuggler's Blues Rqm129 Stone Pile Rqm130 The Professor Rqm

    131 Wars Not Make One Great

    Uqm132 What Is Thy Bidding, My Master? Rqm133 Yoda's Gimer Stick Rqm134 Yoda's Hope Uqm135 Away Put Your Weapon Uqm136 Blasted Varmints Cqm137 Closer?! Uqm138 Control Uqm139 Effective Repairs Rqm140 Egregious Pilot Error R

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    qm141 Found Someone You Have Uqm142 I Have A Bad Feeling About This Rqm143 Jedi Levitation Rqm144 Levitation Uqm145 Light Maneuvers Rqm146 Lost Relay Cqm147 Moving To Attack Position Cqm148 Recoil In Fear Cqm149 Shoo! Shoo! Uqm150 Starship Levitation Uqm151 They'd Be Crazy To Follow Us Cqm152 This Is More Like It Rqm153 This Is No Cave Rqm154 Through The Force Things You

    Will See Rqm155 Tight Squeeze Rqm156 Transmission Terminated Uqm157 Tunnel Vision Uqm158 Visored Vision Cqm159 We Can Still Outmaneuver Them Rqm160 We Don't Need Their Scum Rqm161 WHAAAAAAAAAOOOOW! Rqm162 Yoda Stew Uqm163 Yoda, You Seek Yoda Rqm164 You Do Have Your Moments Uqm165 A Jedi's Strength Uqm166 Domain Of Evil Uqm167 Great Warrior Cqm168 It Is The Future You See Rqm169 Size Matters Not Rqm170 Anoat Uqm171 Asteroid Field Cqm172 Big One Uqm173 Big One: Asteroid Cave or Space

    Slug Belly Uqm174 Dagobah Uqm175 Dagobah: Bog Clearing Rqm176 Dagobah: Jungle Uqm177 Dagobah: Swamp Uqm178 Dagobah: Training Area Cqm179 Dagobah: Yoda's Hut Rqm180 Raithal RCloud City Limited (November 1997)|

    Dark Side Rarityq1 Boba Fett Rq2 Captain Bewil Rq3 Chief Retwin Rq4 Cloud City Engineer Cq5 Cloud City Trooper Cq6 Commander Desanne Uq7 E-3P0 Rq8 Imperial Trooper Guard Dainsom Uq9 Lando Calrissian Rq10 Lieutenant Cecius Uq11 Lieutenant Sheckil R

    q12 Tibanna Gas Miner Cq13 Trooper Jerrol Blendin Uq14 Ugloste Rq15 Ugnaught Cq16 Binders Cq17 Carbonite Chamber Console Uq18 Interrogation Array Rq19 Mandalorian Armor Rq20 Ability, Ability, Ability Cq21 Abyss Uq22 All Too Easy Rq23 Bounty Cq24 Carbon-Freezing Uq25 Dark Deal Rq26 Despair Rq27 Forced Landing Rq28 I Am Your Father Rq29 I Had No Choice Rq30 Imperial Decree Uq31 Mostly Armless Rq32 Restricted Access Cq33 Special Delivery Cq34 The Emperor's Prize Rq35 Vader's Bounty Rq36 Vader's Cape Rq87 We're The Bait Rq38 Weather Vane Uq39 Epic Duel Rq40 Aiiii! Aaa! Agggggggggg! Rq41 Atmospheric Assault Rq42 Blasted Droid Cq43 Brief Loss Of Control Rq44 Cloud City Sabacc Uq45 Dark Strike Cq46 Double Back Uq47 Double-Crossing, No-Good Swindler Cq48 E Chu Ta Cq49 End This Destructive Conflict Rq50 Flight Escort Rq51 Focused Attack Rq52 Force Field Rq53 He's All Yours, Bounty Hunter Rq54 Heart Of The Chasm Uq55 Human Shield Cq56 Levitation Attack Uq57 Point Man Rq

    58 Prepare The Chamber

    Uq59 Projective Telepathy Uq60 Release Your Anger Rq61 Rite Of Passage Cq62 Shattered Hope Uq63 Shocking Revelation Cq64 Slip Sliding Away Rq65 Sonic Bombardment Uq66 Surprise Rq67 This Is Still Wrong R

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    q68 TIE Sentry Ships Cq69 Trooper Assault Cq70 Weapon Levitation Uq71 Weapon Of An Ungrateful Son Uq72 Why Didn't You Tell Me? Rq73 You Are Beaten Uq74 Bespin Uq75 Bespin: Cloud City Uq76 Cloud City: Carbonite Chamber Uq77 Cloud City: Chasm Walkway Cq78 Cloud City: Dining Room Rq79 Cloud City: East Platform (Docking Bay) Cq80 Cloud City: Incinerator Cq81 Cloud City: Lower Corridor Uq82 Cloud City: Security Tower Cq83 Cloud City: Upper Plaza Corridor Uq84 Clouds Cq85 Obsidian 7 Rq86 Obsidian 8 Rq87 Slave I Rq88 Cloud Car Cq89 Boba Fett's Blaster Rifle Rq90 Cloud City Blaster CLight Side Rarityq91 Captain Han Solo Rq92 Cloud City Technician Cq93 Cloud City Trooper Cq94 Kebyc Uq95 Lando Calrissian Rq96 Lobot Rq97 Princess Leia Rq98 Tibanna Gas Miner Cq99 Treva Horme Uq100 Trooper Utris M'toc Uq101 Wiorkettle Uq102 Bionic Hand Rq103 Cyborg Construct Uq104 Lando's Wrist Comlink Uq105 Access Denied Cq106 Advantage Rq107 All My Urchins Rq108 Beldon's Eye Rq109 Chasm Uq110 Civil Disorder Cq111 Crack Shot Uq

    112 Dismantle On Sight


    q113 Frozen Assets Rq114 Haven Rq115 Hero Of A Thousand Devices Uq116 Hindsight Rq117 Hopping Mad Rq118 Leia Of Alderaan Rq119 Uncontrollable Fury Rq120 Weather Vane Uq121 Ambush R

    q122 Armed And Dangerous Uq123 Artoo, Come Back At Once! Rq124 As Good As Gone Cq125 Blaster Proficiency Cq126 Captive Fury Uq127 Captive Pursuit Cq128 Clash Of Sabers Uq129 Cloud City Sabacc Uq130 Computer Interface Cq131 Courage Of A Skywalker Rq132 Dark Approach Rq133 Dash Cq134 Desperate Reach Uq135 Dodge Cq136 Fall Of The Empire Uq137 Fall Of The Legend Uq138 Gambler's Luck Rq139 Glancing Blow Rq140 Higher Ground Rq141 I Don't Need Their Scum, Either Rq142 Impressive, Most Impressive Rq143 Innocent Scoundrel Uq144 Into The Ventilation Shaft, Lefty Rq145 It's A Trap! Uq146 Keep Your Eyes Open Cq147 Lift Tube Escape Cq148 NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Rq149 Off The Edge Rq150 Old Pirates Rq151 Out Of Somewhere Uq152 Path Of Least Resistance Cq153 Protector Rq154 Punch It! Rq155 Put That Down Cq156 Rendezvous Point On Tatooine Rq157 Rescue In The Clouds Cq158 Shocking Information Cq159 Smoke Screen Rq160 Somersault Cq161 Surreptitious Glance Rq162 Swing-And-A-Miss Uq163 This Is Even Better Rq164 We'll Find Han Rq165 Wookiee Strangle Rq166 Bespin Uq167 Bespin: Cloud City Uq

    168 Cloud City: Carbonite Chamber

    Uq169 Cloud City: Chasm Walkway Cq170 Cloud City: Guest Quarters Rq171 Cloud City: Incinerator Cq172 Cloud City: Lower Corridor Uq173 Cloud City: Platform 327 (Docking Bay)Cq174 Cloud City: Upper Plaza Corridor Cq175 Clouds Cq176 Bright Hope Rq177 Redemption R

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    q178 Cloud Car Cq179 Cloud City Blaster Cq180 Luke's Blaster Pistol RJabbas Palace Limited (April 1998)|

    Dark Side Rarityq1 Abyssin Cq2 Amanaman Rq3 Amanin Cq4 Aqualish Cq5 Bane Malar Rq6 Barada Rq7 Beedo Rq8 Bib Fortuna Rq9 Chevin Cq10 CZ-4 Cq11 Ephant Mon Rq12 EV-9D9 Rq13 Fozec Rq14 Gailid Rq15 Gamorrean Guard Cq16 Giran Rq17 Herat Rq18 Hermi Odle Rq19 J'Quille Rq20 Jabba The Hutt Rq21 Kithaba Rq22 Klaatu Rq23 Malakili Rq24 Murttoc Yine Rq25 Nikto Cq26 Nizuc Bek Rq27 Nysad Rq28 Ortugg Rq29 Pote Snitkin Rq30 Quarren Cq31 Ree-Yees Rq32 Salacious Crumb Rq33 Skrilling Cq34 Taym Dren-garen Rq35 Thul Fain Rq36 Trandoshan Cq37 Vedain Rq38 Velken Tezeri Rq39 Vizam Rq40 Weequay Guard Cq41 Weequay Hunter Cq42 Weequay Marksman Uq43 Weequay Skiff Master Cq44 Whiphid Cq45 Wittin Rq46 Wooof Rq47 Yuzzum Cq48 Bubo Uq49 Rancor Rq50 Jet Pack U

    q51 All Wrapped Up Uq52 Cane Adiss Uq53 Den Of Thieves Uq54 Hutt Bounty Rq55 Information Exchange Uq56 Quick Reflexes Cq57 Resistance Uq58 Sandwhirl Uq59 Scum And Villainy Rq60 Well Guarded Uq61 Abyssin Ornament Uq62 Bantha Fodder Cq63 Dune Sea Sabacc Cq64 Hidden Weapons Uq65 Hutt Smooch Uq66 Jabba's Palace Sabacc Uq67 None Shall Pass Cq68 Torture Cq69 Trap Door Uq70 Twi'lek Advisor Cq71 Wounded Wookiee Uq72 Jabba's Palace: Audience Chamber Uq73 Jabba's Palace: Droid Workshop Uq74 Jabba's Palace: Dungeon Uq75 Jabba's Palace: Entrance Cavern Uq76 Jabba's Palace: Rancor Pit Uq77 Jabba's Sail Barge: Passenger Deck Rq78 Nal Hutta Rq79 Tatooine: Desert Cq80 Tatooine: Great Pit Of Carkoon Uq81 Tatooine: Jabba's Palace Uq82 Jabba's Sail Barge Rq83 Skiff Cq84 Antipersonnel Laser Cannon Uq85 Dengar's Modified Riot Gun Rq86 Double Laser Cannon Rq87 Gamorrean Ax Cq88 Mos Eisley Blaster Cq89 Thermal Detonator Rq90 Vibro-Ax CLight Side Rarityq91 8D8 Rq92 Ardon "Vapor" Crell Rq93 Artoo Rq94 Attark Rq

    95 Aved Luun

    Rq96 B'omarr Monk Cq97 Baragwin Cq98 BG-J38 Rq99 Chadra-Fan Cq100 Devaronian Cq101 Droopy McCool Rq102 Elom Cq103 Florn Lamproid Cq104 Garon Nas Tal R

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    q105 Geezum Rq106 Ghoel Rq107 Gran Cq108 H'nemthe Cq109 Ishi Tib Cq110 Ithorian Cq111 Jess Rq112 Kalit Rq113 Kitonak Cq114 Klatooinian Revolutionary Cq115 Laudica Rq116 Leslomy Tacema Rq117 Loje Nella Rq118 Max Rebo Rq119 Oola Rq120 Ortolan Cq121 Palejo Reshad Rq122 Princess Leia Organa Rq123 Pucumir Thryss Rq124 R'kik D'nec,Hero Of The Dune Sea Rq125 Rayc Ryjerd Rq126 Rennek Rq127 Saelt-Marae Rq128 Sergeant Doallyn Rq129 Shasa Tiel Rq130 Sic-Six Cq131 Snivvian Cq132 Tamtel Skreej Rq133 Tanus Spijek Rq134 Tessek Rq135 Vul Tazaene Rq136 Yarkora Cq137 Yoxgit Rq138 Worrt Uq139 Arc Welder Uq140 Hidden Compartment Uq141 Holoprojector Uq142 A Gift Uq143 Bargaining Table Uq144 Bo Shuda Uq145 I Must Be Allowed To Speak Rq146 Projection Of A Skywalker Uq147 Sandwhirl Uq148 Ultimatum Uq149 Yarna d'al' Gargan Uq150 Artoo, I Have A Bad Feeling About ThisUq

    151 Blaster Deflection


    q152 Choke Cq153 Corellian Retort Uq154 Don't Forget The Droids Cq155 Dune Sea Sabacc Uq156 Fallen Portal Uq157 Jabba's Palace Sabacc Uq158 Jedi Mind Trick Rq159 Ke Chu Ke Kukuta? Cq160 Life Debt R

    q161 Mandalorian Mishap Uq162 Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes Uq163 Revealed Uq164 Skull Uq165 Someone Who Loves You Uq166 Strangle Rq167 The Signal Cq168 Unfriendly Fire Rq169 Weapon Levitation Uq170 You Will Take Me To Jabba Now Cq171 Jabba's Palace: Audience Chamber Uq172 Jabba's Palace: Entrance Cavern Uq173 Kiffex Rq174 Kirdo III Rq175 Tatooine: Desert Cq176 Tatooine: Hutt Canyon Uq177 Tibrin Rq178 Skiff Cq179 Mos Eisley Blaster Cq180 Vibro-Ax CSpecial Edition Limited (November 1998)

    Dark Side Rarityq1 2X-7KPR (Tooex) Cq2 Ak-rev Uq3 Anoat Operative Cq4 Barquin D'an Uq5 Boba Fett Rq6 Boelo Rq7 Brangus Glee Rq8 Chyler Uq9 Corporal Grenwick Rq10 Corporal Prescott Uq11 Corulag Operative Cq12 Dantooine Operative Cq13 Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith Rq14 Dodo Bodonawieedo Uq15 Eriadu Operative Cq16 Gela Yeens Uq17 Greeata Uq18 Iasa, The Traitor Of Jawa Canyon Rq19 IM4-099 Fq20 Jabba Rq21 Kashyyyk Operative Uq22 Kessel Operative Uq23 Kiffex Operative Uq24 Lobel Cq25 Lobot Rq26 Lyn Me Uq27 Makurth Fq28 Nal Hutta Operative Cq29 Nebit Rq30 Niado Duegad Uq31 Ord Mantell Operative Cq32 OS-72-10 Rq33 Outer Rim Scout R

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    q34 R2-A5 Uq35 Raithal Operative Cq36 Rappertunie Uq37 RR'uruurrr Rq38 Rystll Rq39 Sandtrooper Fq40 Sergeant Major Bursk Uq41 Sergeant Major Enfield Rq42 Sergeant Merril Uq43 Sergeant Narthax Rq44 Sergeant Torent Rq45 Swoop Mercenary Fq46 Sy Snootles Rq47 Umpass-stay Rq48 Ur'Ru'r Rq49 Krayt Dragon Rq50 One-Arm Rq51 Rock Wart Fq52 Sarlacc Rq53 Womp Rat Cq54 Floating Refinery Cq55 Homing Beacon Rq56 A Bright Center To The Universe Uq57 A Day Long Remembered Uq58 Alert My Star Destroyer! Cq59 Bantha Herd Rq60 Blown Clear Uq61 Cloud City Occupation Rq62 Come Here You Big Coward! Cq63 Desilijic Tattoo Uq64 Destroyed Homestead Rq65 Dreaded Imperial Starfleet Rq66 Firepower Cq67 First Strike Uq68 Imperial Propaganda Rq69 Jabba's Influence Rq70 Kuat Drive Yards Rq71 No Bargain Uq72 Oppressive Enforcement Uq73 Planetary Subjugation Uq74 Pride Of The Empire Cq75 Rebel Base Occupation Rq76 Rendili StarDrive Rq77 Return To Base Rq78 Secret Plans Uq79 Sienar Fleet Systems Rq

    80 Strategic Reserves


    q81 Tarkin's Bounty Uq82 Tatooine Occupation Rq83 A Real Hero Rq84 All Power To Weapons Cq85 Blast Points Cq86 Coordinated Attack Cq87 Counter Surprise Assault Rq88 Flawless Marksmanship Cq89 Heavy Fire Zone C

    q90 Hunting Party Rq91 I Can't Shake Him! Cq92 In Range Cq93 Jabba's Through With You Uq94 Jabba's Twerps Uq95 Masterful Move Cq96 Overwhelmed Cq97 Put All Sections On Alert Cq98 Relentless Pursuit Cq99 Sacrifice Fq100 Short-range Fighters Rq101 Surface Defense Rq102 Tauntaun Skull Cq103 They're Coming In Too Fast! Cq104 They've Shut Down The Main Reactor Cq105 Trooper Sabacc Fq106 Watch Your Back! Cq107 Cloud City: Casino Uq108 Cloud City: Downtown Plaza Rq109 Cloud City: Interrogation Room Cq110 Cloud City: Port Town District Uq111 Cloud City: Upper Walkway Cq112 Cloud City: West Gallery Cq113 Coruscant Rq114 Coruscant: Docking Bay Cq115 Coruscant: Imperial City Uq116 Coruscant: Imperial Square Rq117 Dagobah Uq118 Death Star: Detention Block

    Control Room Cq119 Desert Fq120 Executor: Docking Bay Uq121 Fondor Uq122 Forest Fq123 Jungle Fq124 Kuat Uq125 Rendili Fq126 Spaceport City Fq127 Spaceport Docking Bay Fq128 Spaceport Prefect's Office Fq129 Spaceport Street Fq130 Swamp Fq131 Tatooine: Jawa Canyon Uq132 Tatooine: Krayt Dragon Pass Fq133 Wakeelmui Uq134 Carbon Chamber Testing / My

    Favorite Decoration

    Rq135 Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi /

    Their Fire Has Gone Out Of TheUniverse R

    q136 Imperial Occupation / Imperial Control Rq137 ISB Operations / Empire's Sinister

    Agents Rq138 Ralltiir Operations / In The Hands Of

    The Empire Rq139 Bossk In Hound's Tooth R

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    q140 Death Squadron Star Destroyer Rq141 Death Star Assault Squadron Rq142 Jabba's Space Cruiser Rq143 OS-72-1 In Obsidian 1 Rq144 OS-72-2 In Obsidian 2 Rq145 Sentinel-Class Landing Craft Fq146 TIE Defender Mark I Fq147 Vader's Personal Shuttle Rq148 Vengeance Rq149 Combat Cloud Car Fq150 Dewback Cq151 Dune Walker Rq152 Flare-S Racing Swoop Cq153 Patrol Craft Cq154 Ronto Cq155 URoRRuR'R'R's Bantha Rq156 Wittin's Sandcrawler Rq157 Disruptor Pistol Fq158 Dr. Evazan's Sawed-off Blaster Uq159 Feltipern Trevagg's Stun Rifle Uq160 Intruder Missile Fq161 Ponda Baba's Hold-out Blaster Uq162 SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons CLight Side Rarityq163 Alderaan Operative Cq164 Anoat Operative Cq165 ASP-707 Fq166 Ben Kenobi Rq167 Bothan Spy Cq168 Bothawui Operative Cq169 Bren Quersey Uq170 Bron Burs Rq171 Camie Rq172 Clak'dor VII Operative Uq173 Colonel Feyn Gospic Rq174 Commander Wedge Antilles Rq175 Corellia Operative Uq176 Debnoli Rq177 Droid Merchant Cq178 Elyhek Rue Uq179 Firin Morett Uq180 General McQuarrie Rq181 Grondorn Muse Rq182 Harc Seff Uq183 Hol Okand Uq

    184 Incom Engineer


    q185 Joh Yowza Rq186 Kashyyyk Operative Uq187 Ketwol Rq188 Kiffex Operative Uq189 Kirdo III Operative Cq190 Lieutenant Lepira Uq191 Lieutenant Naytaan Uq192 Lieutenant Tarn Mison Rq193 Major Palo Torshan R

    q194 Melas Rq195 Moisture Farmer Cq196 Neb Dulo Uq197 Princess Organa Rq198 R3-A2 Uq199 R3-T2 Rq200 Ralltiir Freighter Captain Fq201 Ralltiir Operative Cq202 Ryle Torsyn Uq203 Sergeant Edian Uq204 Sergeant Hollis Rq205 Soth Petikkin Rq206 Tawss Khaa Rq207 Thedit Rq208 Theron Nett Uq209 Tibrin Operative Cq210 TK-422 Rq211 Uutkik Rq212 Wookiee Fq213 Yavin 4 Trooper F

    q214 Scurrier Fq215 Portable Scanner Cq216 Wrist Comlink Cq217 Cloud City Celebration Rq218 Corellian Engineering Corporation Rq219 Coruscant Celebration Rq220 Docking And Repair Facilities Rq221 Down With The Emperor! Uq222 Draw Their Fire Uq223 Entrenchment Rq224 Goo Nee Tay Rq225 Heroic Sacrifice Uq226 Hoth Sentry Uq227 Imperial Atrocity Rq228 Incom Corporation Rq229 Koensayr Manufacturing Rq230 Legendary Starfighter Cq231 Maneuvering Flaps Cq232 Mechanical Failure Rq233 Meditation Rq234 Nick Of Time Uq235 Rebel Fleet Rq236 S-foils Cq237 Scrambled Transmission Uq238 Slayn & Korpil Facilities Rq239 Tatooine Celebration Rq

    240 The Planet That It's Farthest From

    Uq241 Uh-oh! Uq242 Weapons Display Cq243 Wise Advice Uq244 All Wings Report In Rq245 Antilles Maneuver Cq246 Balanced Attack Uq247 Darklighter Spin Cq248 Desperate Tactics Cq249 Direct Assault C

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    q31 Crossfire Rq32 Early Warning Network Rq33 Empire's New Order Rq34 Establish Secret Base Rq35 Imperial Academy Training Cq36 Imperial Arrest Order Uq37 Ominous Rumors Rq38 Perimeter Patrol Rq39 Pinned Down Uq40 Relentless Tracking Rq41 Search And Destroy Uq42 Security Precautions Rq43 Well-earned Command Rq44 Accelerate Cq45 Always Thinking With Your Stomach Rq46 Combat Readiness Cq47 Compact Firepower Cq48 Counterattack Rq49 Dead Ewok Cq50 Don't Move! Cq51 Eee Chu Wawa! Cq52 Endor Occupation Rq53 Freeze! Uq54 Go For Help! Cq55 High-speed Tactics Uq56 Hot Pursuit Cq57 Imperial Tyranny Cq58 It's An Older Code Rq59 Main Course Uq60 Outflank Cq61 Pitiful Little Band Cq62 Scout Recon Cq63 Sneak Attack Cq64 Wounded Warrior Rq65 You Rebel Scum Rq66 Carida Uq67 Endor Uq68 Endor: Ancient Forest Uq69 Endor: Back Door Uq70 Endor: Bunker Uq71 Endor: Dark Forest Rq72 Endor: Dense Forest Cq73 Endor: Ewok Village Uq74 Endor: Forest Clearing Uq75 Endor: Great Forest Cq76 Endor: Landing Platform (Docking Bay) Cq

    77 Endor Operations / Imperial Outpost


    q78 Lambda-Class Shuttle Cq79 Speeder Bike Cq80 Tempest 1 Rq81 Tempest Scout Uq82 Tempest Scout 1 Rq83 Tempest Scout 2 Rq84 Tempest Scout 3 Rq85 Tempest Scout 4 Rq86 Tempest Scout 5 R

    q87 Tempest Scout 6 Rq88 AT-ST Dual Cannon Rq89 Scout Blaster Cq90 Speeder Bike Cannon ULight Side Rarityq91 Captain Yutani Uq92 Chewbacca Of Kashyyyk Rq93 Chief Chirpa Rq94 Corporal Beezer Uq95 Corporal Delevar Uq96 Corporal Janse Uq97 Corporal Kensaric Rq98 Daughter Of Skywalker Rq99 Dresselian Commando Cq100 Endor Scout Trooper Cq101 Ewok Sentry Cq102 Ewok Spearman Cq103 Ewok Tribesman Cq104 General Crix Madine Rq105 General Solo Rq106 Graak Rq107 Kazak Rq108 Lieutenant Greeve Rq109 Lieutenant Page Rq110 Logray Rq111 Lumat Uq112 Mon Mothma Rq113 Orrimaarko Rq114 Paploo Uq115 Rabin Uq116 Romba Rq117 Sergeant Brooks Carlson Rq118 Sergeant Bruckman Rq119 Sergeant Junkin Uq120 Teebo Rq121 Threepio Rq122 Wicket Rq123 Wuta Uq124 Aim High Rq125 Battle Plan Uq126 Commando Training Cq127 Count Me In Rq128 I Hope She's All Right Uq129 I Wonder Who They Found Uq130 Insurrection Uq

    131 That's One

    Rq132 Wokling Rq133 Deactivate The Shield Generator Rq134 Careful Planning Cq135 Covert Landing Uq136 Endor Celebration Rq137 Ewok And Roll Cq138 Ewok Log Jam Cq139 Ewok Rescue Cq140 Firefight C

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    q141 Fly Casual Rq142 Free Ride Uq143 Get Alongside That One Uq144 Here We Go Again Rq145 I Have A Really Bad Feeling About This Cq146 I Know Rq147 Lost In The Wilderness Rq148 Rapid Deployment Rq149 Sound The Attack Cq150 Surprise Counter Assault Rq151 Take The Initiative Cq152 This Is Absolutely Right Rq153 Throw Me Another Charge Uq154 Were You Looking For Me? Rq155 Wookiee Guide Cq156 Yub Yub! Cq157 Chandrila Uq158 Endor Uq159 Endor: Back Door Uq160 Endor: Bunker Uq161 Endor: Chief Chirpa's Hut Rq162 Endor: Dense Forest Cq163 Endor: Ewok Village Uq164 Endor: Great Forest Cq165 Endor: Hidden Forest Trail Uq166 Endor: Landing Platform (Docking Bay) Cq167 Endor: Rebel Landing Site (Forest) Rq168 Rebel Strike Team / Garrison DestroyedRq169 Tydirium Rq170 YT-1300 Transport Cq171 Chewie's AT-ST Rq172 Ewok Glider Cq173 Speeder Bike Cq174 A280 Sharpshooter Rifle Rq175 Blastech E-11B Blaster Rifle Cq176 Chewbacca's Bowcaster Rq177 Ewok Bow Cq178 Ewok Catapult Uq179 Ewok Spear Cq180 Explosive Charge U

    Exclusive Foil Cards

    Dark Side RarityqF1 Biker Scout Trooper VRqF2 Elite Squadron Stormtrooper VRqF3 Early Warning Network SRq

    F4 Hot Pursuit SRqF5 Main Course SRqF6 Endor: Landing Platform (Docking Bay) VRqF7 Speeder Bike VRqF8 Tempest 1 URqF9 Tempest Scout 4 VR

    Light Side RarityqF10 Chewbacca Of Kashyyyk SRqF11 Daughter Of Skywalker SRqF12 General Solo UR

    qF13 Threepio URqF14 Paploo VRqF15 Endor Celebration SRqF16 Ewok And Roll VRqF17 Endor: Ewok Village VRqF18 Ewok Glider VR

    Death Star II Limited (July 2000)Dark Side Rarity

    q1 Battle Deployment Rq2 Fighter Cover Rq3 Fighters Coming In Rq4 Intensify The Forward Batteries Rq5 We're In Attack Position Now Rq6 Admiral Chiraneau Rq7 Admiral Piett XRq8 Baron Soontir Fel Rq9 Captain Godherdt Uq10 Captain Jonus Uq11 Captain Sarkli Rq12 Captain Yorr Uq13 Colonel Davod Jon Uq14 Colonel Jendon Rq15 Commander Merrejk Rq16 DS-181-3 Uq17 DS-181-4 Uq18 Emperor Palpatine URq19 Janus Greejatus Rq20 Lieutenant Endicott Uq21 Lieutenant Hebsly Uq22 Lord Vader Rq23 Major Mianda Uq24 Major Rhymer Uq25 Major Turr Phennir Uq26 Moff Jerjerrod Rq27 Myn Kyneugh Rq28 Royal Guard Cq29 Sim Aloo Rq30 Combat Response Cq31 Desperate Counter Cq32 Emperor's Power Uq33 Endor Shield Uq34 Flagship Operations Rq35 Inconsequential Losses Cq36 Insignificant Rebellion Uq37 Leave Them To Me Cq38 Mobilization Points Cq39 Overseeing It Personally Rq40 Royal Escort Cq41 Something Special Planned For Them Cq42 You Cannot Hide Forever Uq43 Your Destiny Cq44 That Thing's Operational Rq45 Force Lightning Rq46 Imperial Command Rq47 Operational As Planned C

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    q48 Prepared Defenses Cq49 Rise, My Friend Rq50 Young Fool Rq51 Death Star II Rq52 Death Star II: Capacitors Cq53 Death Star II: Coolant Shaft Cq54 Death Star II: Docking Bay Cq55 Death Star II: Reactor Core Cq56 Death Star II: Throne Room Rq57 Gall Cq58 Mon Calamari Cq59 Sullust Cq60 Bring Him Before Me/Take Your

    Father's Place Rq61 Accuser Rq62 Black 11 Rq63 Chimaera Rq64 Dominator Rq65 Emperor's Personal Shuttle Rq66 Flagship Executor Rq67 Judicator Rq68 Obsidian 10 Uq69 Onyx 1 Rq70 Onyx 2 Uq71 Saber 1 Rq72 Saber 2 Uq73 Saber 3 Uq74 Saber 4 Uq75 Scimitar 1 Uq76 Scimitar 2 Uq77 Scimitar Squadron TIE Cq78 Scythe 1 Uq79 Scythe 3 Uq80 Scythe Squadron TIE Cq81 The Emperor's Shield Rq82 The Emperor's Sword Rq83 Thunderflare Rq84 TIE Interceptor Cq85 Visage Rq86 Concussion Missiles Cq87 Darth Vader's Lightsaber Rq88 Force Pike Cq89 Heavy Turbolaser Battery Cq90 SFS L-s7.2 TIE Cannon Cq91 Superlaser Mark II ULight Side Rarity

    q92 Capital Support Rq93 Combined Fleet Action Rq94 Concentrate All Fire Rq95 I'll Take The Leader Rq96 Taking Them With Us Rq97 Admiral Ackbar XRq98 Captain Verrack Uq99 Colonel Cracken Rq100 Colonel Salm U

    q101 Corporal Marmor Uq102 Corporal Midge Uq103 First Officer Thaneespi Rq104 General Calrissian Rq105 General Walex Blissex Uq106 Green Leader Rq107 Green Squadron Pilot C

    q108 Grey Squadron Y-wing Pilot Cq109 Karie Neth Uq110 Keir Santage Uq111 Kin Kian Uq112 Lieutenant Blount Rq113 Lieutenant s'Too Vees Uq114 Lieutenant Telsij Uq115 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight URq116 Major Haash'n Uq117 Major Olander Brit Uq118 Major Panno Uq119 Nien Nunb Rq120 Ten Numb R

    q121 Tycho Celchu Rq122 Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader Rq123 Close Air Support Cq124 Honor Of The Jedi Uq125 I Feel The Conflict Uq126 I'm With You Too Rq127 Launching The Assault Rq128 Let's Keep A Little Optimism Here Cq129 Menace Fades Cq130 Squadron Assignments Cq131 Staging Areas Cq132 Strike Planning Rq133 Strikeforce Cq134 Superficial Damage Cq135 The Time For Our Attack Has Come Cq136 The Way Of Things Uq137 Twilight Is Upon Me Rq138 Your Insight Serves You Well Uq139 Anakin Skywalker Rq140 Critical Error Revealed Cq141 Head Back To The Surface Cq142 Heading For The Medical Frigate Cq143 Insertion Planning Cq144 Our Only Hope Uq145 Rebel Leadership Rq146 You Must Confront Vader Rq

    147 Aquaris

    Cq148 Home One: Docking Bay Cq149 Home One: War Room Rq150 Mon Calamari Cq151 Sullust Cq152 There Is Good In Him / I Can Save Him Rq153 A-wing Cq154 B-wing Attack Squadron Rq155 B-wing Bomber Cq156 Blue Squadron 5 U

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    q157 Blue Squadron B-wing Rq158 Defiance Rq159 Gold Squadron 1 Rq160 Gray Squadron 1 Uq161 Gray Squadron 2 Uq162 Green Squadron 1 Rq163 Green Squadron 3 Rq164 Green Squadron A-wing Rq165 Home One Rq166 Independence Rq167 Liberty Rq168 Luminous Uq169 Masanya Rq170 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Rq171 Nebulon-B Frigate Uq172 Red Squadron 1 Rq173 Red Squadron 4 Uq174 Red Squadron 7 Uq175 Tala 1 Rq176 Tala 2 Rq177 A-wing Cannon Cq178 Concussion Missiles Cq179 Enhanced Proton Torpedoes Cq180 Heavy Turbolaser Battery Cq181 Luke's Lightsaber Rq182 Orbital Mine C

    Preconstructed Starter Deck (with 2000)Dark Side Rarityq6 Corporal Drazin Endor, Fq10 Elite Squadron Stormtrooper Endor, Fq11 Lieutenant Arnet Endor, Fq12 Lieutenant Grond Endor, Fq22 Reserve Pilot Endor, Fq24 Sergeant Tarl Endor, Fq28 Battle Order Endor, Fq46 Combat Readiness Endor, Fq79 Dark Maneuvers Premiere, Fq88 Flawless Marksmanship Special Edition,Fq51 Ghhhk ANH, Fq90 Imperial Reinforcements Premiere, Fq54 Monnok ANH, Fq67 Endor Endor, Fq68 Endor: Ancient Forest Endor, Fq69 Endor: Back Door Endor, Fq75 Endor: Great Forest Endor, Fq

    76 Endor: Landing Platform (Docking Bay)

    Endor, Fq126 Kessel Premiere, Fq138 Black 3 Premiere, Fq146 TIE Defender Mark I Special Edition,Fq74 Victory-class Star Destroyer ANH, Fq80 Tempest 1 Endor, Fq81 Tempest Scout Endor, Fq83 Tempest Scout 3 Endor,, Fq150 Blaster Rifle Premiere, F

    q77 Enhanced TIE Laser Cannon ANH, Fq160 Intruder Missile Special Edition,FLight Side Rarityq91 Captain Yutani Endor, Fq92 Chewbacca of Kashyyyk Endor, Fq94 Corporal Beezer Endor, Fq95 Corporal Delevar Endor, Fq96 Corporal Janse Endor, Fq86 Derek Hobbie Klivian Hoth, Fq99 Dresselian Commando Endor, Fq105 General Solo Endor, Fq119 Sergeant Junkin Endor, Fq125 Battle Plan Endor, Fq232 A Few Maneuvers Premiere, Fq134 Careful Planning Endor, Fq130 Grimtaash ANH, Fq131 Houjix ANH, Fq91 Steady Aim Special Edition,Fq267 Take The Initiative Endor, Fq166 Bespin Cloud City, Fq158 Endor Endor, Fq159 Endor: Back Door Endor, Fq164 Endor: Great Forest Endor, Fq165 Endor: Hidden Forest Trail Endor, Fq166 Endor: Landing Platform (Docking Bay)

    Endor, Fq289 Tatooine Premiere, Fq308 X-wing Premiere, Fq309 Y-wing Premiere, Fq175 Blastech E-11B Blaster Endor, Fq321 Intruder Missile Special Edition,FReflections II: Expanding the Galaxy (Jan. 2001)

    Dark Side Rarityq1 Black Sun Fleet Pq2 Arica Pq3 Captain Gilead Pellaeon Pq4 Dr Evazan & Ponda Baba Pq5 Grand Admiral Thrawn Pq6 Guri Pq7 Jabba's Prize Pq8 Kir Kanos Pq9 Prince Xizor Pq10 Snoova Pq11 The Emperor P

    q12 Vigo Pq13 Sunsdown & Too Cold For Speeders Pq14 There Is No Try & Oppressive

    Enforcement Pq15 Abyssin Ornament & Wounded

    Wookiee Pq16 Alter & Collateral Damage Pq17 Control & Set For Stun Pq18 Dark Maneuvers & Tallon Roll Pq19 Defensive Fire & Hutt Smooch P

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    q20 Evader & Monnok Pq21 Ghhhk & Those Rebels Won't

    Escape Us Pq22 Ommni Box & It's Worse Pq23 Sense & Uncertain Is The Future Pq24 Sniper & Dark Strike Pq25 Agents of Black Sun / Vengeance Of

    The Dark Prince Pq26 Stinger Pq27 Virago PLight Side Rarityq28 No Questions Asked Pq29 Artoo & Threepio Pq30 Chewbacca, Protector Pq31 Corran Horn Pq32 Dash Rendar Pq33 LE-B02D9 Pq34 Luke Skywalker, Rebel Scout Pq35 Mirax Terrik P

    q36 Owen Lars & Beru Lars Pq37 Talon Karrde Pq38 Mercenary Armor Pq39 Obi-Wan's Journal Pq40 Do, Or Do Not Do & Wise Advice Pq41 Alter & Friendly Fire Pq42 Control & Tunnel Vision Pq43 Houjix & Out Of Nowhere Pq44 Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes & Out Of

    Somewhere Pq45 Out of Commission & Transmission

    Terminated Pq46 Path Of Least Resistance & Revealed Pq

    47 Sense & Recoil In Fear Pq48 Shocking Information & Grimtaash Pq49 Sorry About The Mess & Blaster

    Proficiency Pq50 The Bith Shuffle & Desperate Reach Pq51 Yoda Stew & You Do Have Your

    Moments Pq52 Watch Your Step / This Place Can Be

    A Little Rough Pq53 Outrider Pq54 Pulsar Skate P

    Tatooine Limited (June 2001)|Dark Side Rarityq1 Aurra Sing Rq1A Aurra Sing Rq2 Daroe Rq3 Darth Maul Rq3A Darth Maul Rq4 Gamall Wironicc Uq5 Ghana Gleemort Uq6 Gragra Uq7 Lathe Uq8 Pit Droid C

    q9 Rachalt Hyst Uq10 Sebulba Rq10A Sebulba Rq11 Sith Probe Droid Rq12 Watto Rq12A Watto Rq13 Maul's Electrobinoculars C

    q14 A Million Voices Crying Out Rq15 Fanfare Cq16 His Name Is Anakin Cq17 I Will Find Them Quickly, Master Rq18 I'm Sorry Rq19 Ni Chuba Na?? Cq20 Quietly Observing Uq21 Watto's Box Cq22 We Shall Double Our Efforts! Rq23 You May Start Your Landing Rq24 You Want This, Don't You? Cq25 Boonta Eve Podrace Rq26 If The Trace Was Correct U

    q27 Hit Racer Uq28 Join Me! Uq29 Lightsaber Parry Cq30 Pit Crews Uq31 Podracer Collision Uq32 Sith Fury Cq33 Start Your Engines! Uq34 There Is No Conflict Cq35 Vader's Anger Cq36 Watto's Chance Cube Uq37 You Swindled Me! Uq38 Tatooine: Desert Landing Site Rq39 Tatooine: Mos Espa C

    q40 Tatooine: Podrace Arena Cq41 Ben Quadinaros' Podracer Cq42 Dud Bolt's Podracer C

    q43 Sebulba's Podracer Rq44 Teemto Pagalies' Podracer Cq45 Maul's Lightsaber R

    Light Side Rarityq46 Caldera Righim Cq47 Deneb Both Uq48 Grugnak Uq49 Jar Jar Binks Rq50 Loci Rosen Uq

    51 Obi-wan Kenobi, Padawan Learner Rq51A Obi-wan Kenobi, Padawan Learner Rq52 Padm Naberrie Rq52A Padm Naberrie Rq53 Qui-Gon Jinn Rq53A Qui-Gon Jinn Rq54 Shmi Skywalker Rq55 Threepio With His Parts Showing Rq55A Threepio With His Parts Showing Rq56 Yotts Orren U

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    q57 Brisky Morning Munchen Rq58 Don't Do That Again Cq59 Great Shot, Kid! Rq60 I Can't Believe He's Gone Cq61 Keeping The Empire Out Forever Rq62 The Camp Cq63 The Shield Is Down! Rq64 What Was It? Uq65 Boonta Eve Podrace Rq66 I Did It! Rq67 A Jedi's Concentration Cq68 A Jedi's Focus Cq69 A Jedi's Patience Cq70 A Jedi's Resilience Uq71 A Step Backward Uq72 Changing The Odds Cq73 Either Way, You Win Uq74 End Of A Reign Rq75 Entering The Arena Uq76 Eventually You'll Lose Uq77 Jedi Escape Cq78 Losing Track Cq79 Neck And Neck Uq80 Podrace Prep Uq81 Too Close For Comfort Uq82 You'll Find I'm Full Of Surprises Uq83 Tatooine: City Outskirts Uq84 Tatooine: Mos Espa Cq85 Tatooine: Podrace Arena Cq86 Tatooine: Podracer Bay Cq87 Tatooine: Slave Quarters Uq88 Anakin's Podracer Rq89 Eopie Cq90 Qui-Gon Jinn's Lightsaber Rq90A Qui-Gon Jinn's Lightsaber RUnaligned Game Aides Rarityq91 Tatooine Dark Side Card List Cq92 Tatooine Light Side Card List Cq93 Tatooine Rule Card (1 of 3) Cq94 Tatooine Rule Card (2 of 3) Cq95 Tatooine Rule Card (3 of 3) C

    Coruscant Limited (September 2001)|Dark Side Rarityq1 Aks Moe Rq2 Baskol Yeesrim Uq3 Chokk Uq4 Coruscant Guard Cq5 Darth Maul, Young Apprentice Rq5A Darth Maul, Young Apprentice Rq6 Daultay Dofine Rq7 Destroyer Droid Rq8 Edcel Bar Gane Cq9 Gardulla The Hutt Uq10 Grotto Werribee R

    q11 Jawa Cq12 Keder The Black Rq13 Lott Dod Rq14 Neimoidian Pilot Cq15 Nute Gunray Rq16 Orn Free Taa Cq17 P-59 R

    q18 P-60 Rq19 Passel Argente Cq20 Rune Haako Rq21 Security Battle Droid Cq22 TC-14 Rq23 Televan Koreyy Rq24 Tey How Uq25 Tikkes Cq26 Toonbuck Toora Uq27 Tusken Raider Cq28 Yade M'rak Uq29 Yeb Yeb Adem'thorn Cq30 Accepting Trade Federation Control U

    q31 Allegations Of Corruption Uq32 Battle Order & First Strike Rq33 Begin Landing Your Troops Uq34 Do They Have A Code Clearance? Rq35 Drop! Uq36 Enter The Bureaucrat Uq37 Establish Control Uq38 Imperial Arrest Order & Secret Plans Rq39 Mind Tricks Don't Work On Me Uq40 Motion Supported Uq41 Our Blockade Is Perfectly Legal Uq42 The Phantom Menace Rq42A The Phantom Menace R

    q43 They Will Be No Match For You Rq44 This Is Outrageous! Uq45 Wipe Them Out, All Of Them U

    q46 You Cannot Hide Forever &Mobilization Points R

    q47 Alter Uq48 Control Uq49 Dioxis Rq50 Imperial Artillery Rq51 Kill Them Immediately Cq52 Lana Dobreed Uq53 Little Real Power Cq54 Masterful Move & Endor Occupation Rq

    55 Maul Strikes Rq56 Neimoidian Advisor Uq57 No Civility, Only Politics Cq58 On The Payroll Of The Trade Federation Cq59 Sense Uq60 Short Range Fighters & Watch Your Back! Rq61 Squabbling Delegates Rq62 The Point Is Conceded Cq63 They're Still Coming Through! Uq64 Vote Now! R

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    q65 We Must Accelerate Our Plans Rq66 Blockade Flagship: Bridge Rq67 Coruscant Cq68 Coruscant: Docking Bay Cq69 Coruscant: Galactic Senate Cq70 Malastare Uq71 Naboo Uq72 Naboo: Battle Plains Cq73 Naboo: Swamp Cq74 Naboo: Theed Palace Courtyard Cq75 Naboo: Theed Palace Docking Bay Cq76 Naboo: Theed Palace Throne Room Cq77 Tatooine Uq78 Tatooine: Marketplace Cq79 Tatooine: Mos Espa Docking Bay Cq80 Tatooine: Watto's Junkyard Cq81 My Lord, Is That Legal? / I Will Make

    It Legal Uq82 No Money, No Parts, No Deal! / You're

    A Slave? Uq83 Droid Starfighter Cq84 Maul's Sith Infiltrator Rq84A Maul's Sith Infiltrator Rq85 Trade Federation Battleship Uq86 Trade Federation Droid Control Ship Rq87 Battle Droid Blaster Rifle Cq88 Laser Cannon Battery Uq89 Naboo Blaster Cq90 Naboo Blaster Rifle CLight Side Rarityq91 Captain Madakor Rq92 Captain Panaka Rq93 Coruscant Guard Cq94 Depa Billaba Rq95 Freon Drevan Uq96 Graxol Kelvyyn Uq97 Gungan Warrior Cq98 Horox Ryyder Cq99 Jawa Cq100 Ki-Adi-Mundi Uq101 Liana Merian Uq102 Lieutenant Williams Uq103 Mace Windu Rq103A Mace Windu Rq104 Mas Amedda Uq

    105 Master Qui-Gon R

    q105A Master Qui-Gon Rq106 Murr Danod Rq107 Naboo Fighter Pilot Cq108 Phylo Gandish Rq109 Plo Koon Rq110 Queen Amidala, Ruler Of Naboo Rq110A Queen Amidala, Ruler Of Naboo Rq111 Ric Oli Rq112 Sab R

    q113 Sach Uq114 Sei Taria Uq115 Senator Palpatine Rq115A Senator Palpatine Rq116 Supreme Chancellor Valorum Rq116A Supreme Chancellor Valorum Rq117 Tendau Bendon U

    q118 Yan Uq119 Yarua Uq120 Yoda, Senior Council Member Rq120A Yoda, Senior Council Member Rq121 A Tragedy Has Occurred Uq122 A Vergence In The Force Uq123 Another Pathetic Lifeform Uq124 Ascertaining The Truth Uq125 Battle Plan & Draw Their Fire Rq126 Credits Will Do Fine Cq127 I Will Not Defer Uq128 Insurrection & Aim High Rq129 Plea To The Court U

    q130 Secure Route Uq131 Security Control Uq132 The Gravest Of Circumstances Uq133 Thrown Back Cq134 We're Leaving Cq135 You've Got A Lot Of Guts Coming Here Rq136 Your Insight Serves You Well &

    Staging Areas Rq137 All Wings Report In & Darklighter Spin Rq138 Alter Uq139 Are You Brain Dead?! Rq140 Baseless Accusations Cq141 Control U

    q142 Free Ride & Endor Celebration Rq143 Inconsequential Barriers Cq144 I've Decided To Go Back C

    q145 Might Of The Republic Rq146 Mindful Of The Future Cq147 My Loyal Bodyguard Uq148 New Leadership Is Needed Cq149 Odin Nesloor Uq150 Rebel Artillery Rq151 Reveal Ourselves To The Jedi Cq152 Sense Uq153 Speak With The Jedi Council Rq154 Stay Here, Where It's Safe Cq

    155 Vote Now! Rq156 We Wish To Board At Once Rq157 Coruscant Cq158 Coruscant: Docking Bay Cq159 Coruscant: Galactic Senate Cq160 Coruscant: Jedi Council Chamber Rq161 Malastare Uq162 Naboo Uq163 Naboo: Battle Plains Cq164 Naboo: Swamp C

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    q165 Naboo: Theed Palace Courtyard Cq166 Naboo: Theed Palace Docking Bay Cq167 Naboo: Theed Palace Throne Room Cq168 Tatooine Uq169 Tatooine: Marketplace Cq170 Tatooine: Mos Espa Docking Bay Cq171 Tatooine: Watto's Junkyard Cq172 Plead My Case To The Senate / Sanity

    And Compassion Uq173 The Hyperdrive Generator's Gone / We'll

    Need A New One Uq174 Naboo Defense Fighter Cq175 Queen's Royal Starship Rq176 Radiant VII Rq177 Republic Cruiser Cq178 Naboo Blaster Rifle Cq179 Naboo Security Officer Blaster Cq180 Panaka's Blaster RGame Aides Rarity

    q181 Coruscant Dark Side Card List 1 Cq182 Coruscant Dark Side Card List 2 Cq183 Coruscant Light Side Card List 1 Cq184 Coruscant Light Side Card List 2 Cq185 Coruscant Rule Card (1 of 3) Cq186 Coruscant Rule Card (2 of 3) Cq187 Coruscant Rule Card (3 of 3) C

    Reflections III (November 2001)|Dark SideRarityq1 Bib Fortuna Pq2 Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter Pq3 Jabba Desilijic Tiure Pq4 Lord Maul Pq5 Thok & Thug Pq6 Stormtrooper Garrison Pq7 A Useless Gesture Pq8 Allegations Of Corruption Pq9 Battle Order Pq10 Come Here You Big Coward Pq11 Crossfire Pq12 Do They Have A Code Clearance? Pq13 Fanfare Pq14 Leave Them To Me Pq15 No Escape Pq

    16 Oppressive Enforcement Pq17 Resistance Pq18 Secret Plans Pq19 There Is No Try Pq20 We'll Let Fate-a Decide, Huh? Pq21 Weapon Of A Sith Pq22 Wipe Them Out, All Of Them Pq23 You Cannot Hide Forever Pq24 You've Never Won A Race? Pq25 Colo Claw Fish Pq26 Conduct Your Search P

    q27 Energy Walls Pq28 Fear Is My Ally Pq29 Opee Sea Killer Pq30 Prepare For A Surface Attack Pq31 Sando Aqua Monster Pq32 The Hutts Are Gangsters Pq33 They Must Never Again Leave This City P

    q34 Where Are Those Droidekas?! Pq35 Deep Hatred Pq36 Blow Parried Pq37 Dark Rage Pq38 Force Push Pq39 No Match For A Sith Pq40 Qui-Gon's End Pq41 The Ebb Of Battle Pq42 Through The Corridor Pq43 Unsalvageable Pq44 Blockade Flagship: Hallway Pq45 Naboo: Theed Palace Generator Pq46 Naboo: Theed Palace Generator Core P

    q47 Let Them Make The First Move / AtLast We Will Have Revenge P

    q48 Blizzard 4 Pq49 Aurra Sing's Blaster Rifle Pq50 Maul's Double-Bladed Lightsaber P

    Light Side Rarityq51 Chewie, Enraged Pq52 Horace Vancil Pq53 Lando Calrissian, Scoundrel Pq54 Leia, Rebel Princess Pq55 Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight Pq56 Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Master Pq

    57 Sio Bibble Pq58 Yoda, Master Of The Force Pq59 A Close Race Pq60 A Tragedy Has Occurred Pq61 Aim High Pq62 Another Pathetic Lifeform Pq63 Battle Plan Pq64 Do, Or Do Not Pq65 Don't Do That Again Pq66 He Can Go About His Business Pq67 Let's Keep A Little Optimism Here Pq68 Only Jedi Carry That Weapon Pq69 Ounee Ta Pq70 Planetary Defenses P

    q71 Ultimatum Pq72 Wise Advice Pq73 Your Insight Serves You Well Pq74 Your Ship? Pq75 A Remote Planet Pq76 An Unusual Amount Of Fear Pq77 Armament Dismantled Pq78 Colo Claw Fish Pq79 Echo Base Sensors Pq80 Energy Walls P

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    q81 Ewok Celebration Pq82 Lando's Not A System, He's A Man Pq83 Opee Sea Killer Pq84 Sando Aqua Monster Pq85 Weapon Of A Fallen Mentor Pq86 Inner Strength Pq87 Clinging To The Edge P

    q88 Darth Maul's Demise Pq89 Desperate Times Pq90 Diversionary Tactics Pq91 Fall Of A Jedi Pq92 Jedi Leap Pq93 Strike Blocked Pq94 Naboo: Theed Palace Generator Pq95 Naboo: Theed Palace Generator Core Pq96 We'll Handle This / Duel Of The Fates Pq97 Han, Chewie, And The Falcon Pq98 Jar Jar's Electropole Pq99 Obi-Wan's Lightsaber Pq100 Qui-Gon's Lightsaber P

    Theed Palace Limited (December 2001)|Dark Side Rarityq1 Nothing Can Get Through Our Shield Rq2 The Deflector Shield Is Too Strong Rq3 3B3-1204 Uq4 3B3-21 Uq5 3B3-888 Uq6 3B3-10 Uq7 Battle Droid Officer Cq8 Battle Droid Pilot Cq9 Bok Askol Uq10 Captain Daultay Dofine Rq11 Darth Maul With Lightsaber Rq12 Darth Sidious Rq12A Darth Sidious Rq13 Infantry Battle Droid Cq14 Nute Gunray, Neimoidian Viceroy Rq14A Nute Gunray, Neimoidian Viceroy Rq15 OOM-9 Uq16 OWO-1 With Backup Rq17 Rayno Vaca Uq18 Rune Haako, Legal Counsel Rq18A Rune Haako, Legal Counsel Rq19 Sil Unch Uq20 SSA-1015 Uq

    21 SSA-306


    q22 SSA-719 Rq23 Tank Commander Cq24 Activate The Droids Cq25 After Her! Rq26 At Last We Are Getting Results Cq27 Droid Racks Rq28 Fighters Straight Ahead Uq29 Naboo Occupation Rq30 Open Fire! C

    q31 Senate Hovercam Rq32 Cease Fire! Cq33 Drop Your Weapons Cq34 Halt! Cq35 Master, Destroyers! Rq36 Rolling, Rolling, Rolling Rq37 Take Them Away Cq38 There They Are! Uq39 This Is Not Good Cq40 Trade Federation Tactics Uq41 We're Hit, Artoo Cq42 Blockade Flagship: Docking Bay Uq43 Naboo: Theed Palace Hallway Uq44 Invasion / In Complete Control Uq45 Blockade Flagship Rq46 DFS-1015 Uq47 DFS-1308 Rq48 DFS-327 Cq49 DFS Squadron Starfighter Cq50 Trade Federation Landing Craft Cq51 AAT Assault Leader Rq52 Armored Attack Tank Uq53 Multi Troop Transport Uq54 Single Trooper Aerial Platform Cq55 TT-6 Rq56 TT-9 Rq57 AAT Laser Cannon Uq58 Droid Starfighter Laser Cannons Cq59 Energy Shell Launchers Cq60 STAP Blaster Cannons CLight Side Rarityq61 I'll Try Spinning Rq62 Let's Go Left Rq63 Artoo, Brave Little Droid Rq63A Artoo, Brave Little Droid Rq64 Boss Nass Rq64A Boss Nass Rq65 Captain Tarpals Rq66 Corporal Rushing Uq67 Dams Denna Uq68 General Jar Jar Rq68A General Jar Jar Rq69 Gungan General Cq70 Gungan Guard Cq71 Jerus Jannick Uq

    72 Lieutenant Arven Wendik

    Uq73 Lieutenant Chamberlyn Uq74 Lieutenant Rya Kirsch Uq75 Mace Windu, Jedi Master Rq75A Mace Windu, Jedi Master Rq76 Officer Dolphe Uq77 Officer Ellberger Uq78 Officer Perosei Uq79 Panaka, Protector Of The Queen Rq79A Panaka, Protector Of The Queen R

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    q80 Queen Amidala Rq80A Queen Amidala Rq81 Qui-Gon Jinn With Lightsaber Rq82 Rep Been Uq83 Ric Olie, Bravo Leader Rq84 Royal Naboo Security Officer Cq85 Get To Your Ships! Cq86 Gungan Energy Shield Cq87 It's On Automatic Pilot! Cq88 Naboo Celebration Rq89 Senate Hovercam Rq90 Steady, Steady Cq91 They Win This Round Rq92 We Didn't Hit It Cq93 Wesa Ready To Do Our-sa Part Cq94 Ascension Guns Uq95 Big Boomers! Cq96 Gimme A Lift! Rq97 No Giben Up, General Jar Jar! Rq98 Take This! Cq99 We Don't Have Time For This Rq100 Wesa Gotta Grand Army Cq101 Whoooo! Cq102 Blockade Flagship: Docking Bay Uq103 Naboo: Boss Nass's Chambers Uq104 Naboo: Otoh Gunga Entrance Uq105 Naboo: Theed Palace Hallway Uq106 We Have A Plan / They Will Be Lost

    And Confused Uq107 Bravo 1 Rq108 Bravo 2 Uq109 Bravo 3 Uq110 Bravo 4 Uq111 Bravo 5 Uq112 Bravo Fighter Rq113 Fambaa Cq114 Gian Speeder Cq115 Kaadu Cq116 Amidala's Blaster Rq117 Booma Cq118 Captain Tarpals' Electropole Cq119 Electropole Cq120 Proton Torpedoes CGame Aides Rarityq121 Theed Palace Dark Side Card List C

    q122 Theed Palace Light Side Card List C

    Premium (February 1996 January 2001)| Premiere Introductory 2-Player Game [P2P]

    (February 1996)

    Free Jedi Pack [JP] (April 1996)

    Rebel Leader Pack [RL] (April 1996)

    The Empire Strikes BackIntroductory 2-PlayerGame [E2P] (March 1997)

    Official Tournament Sealed Deck [OTSD] (May 1998)

    Enhanced Premiere [EPP] (November 1998)

    Enhanced Cloud City [ECC] (December 1999)

    Enhanced Jabbas Palace [EJP] (January 2000)

    Third Anthology [3A] (June 2000)

    Jabbas Palace Sealed Deck [JPSD] (October 2000)

    Reflections II: Expanding the Galaxy (January 2001

    Dark Side Rarityq1 4-LOM With Concussion Rifle ECC, Pq2 Boba Fett with Blaster Rifle EPP, Pq3 Bossk With Mortar Gun EJP, Pq4 Chall Bekan OTSD, Pq5 Darth Vader with Lightsaber EPP, Pq6 Dengar With Blaster Carbine EJP, Pq7 IG-88 With Riot Gun ECC, Pq8 Jodo Kast EJP, Pq9 Mara Jade, The Emperor's Hand EJP, Pq10 Mercenary Pilot JPSD, Pq11 Mighty Jabba JPSD, Pq12 Motti JP, P

    q13 Stormtrooper Cadet OTSD, Pq14 Tarkin JP, Pm15 Vader P2P, Pm16 Veers E2P, Pq17 Crush The Rebellion ECC, Pq18 Dark Forces JP, Pq19 Forced Servitude OTSD, Pq20 Hutt Influence JPSD, Pq21 No Escape JPSD, Pq22 Power Of The Hutt JPSD, Pq23 Any Methods Necessary ECC, Pq24 Gravity Shadow JP, Pq25 Tarkin's Orders OTSD, P

    m26 Vader's Obsession P2P, Pm27 Walker Garrison E2P, Pq28 Corulag OTSD, Pm29 Death Star: Docking Control

    Room 327 P2P, Pq30 Eriadu JP, Pm31 Hoth: North Ridge (6

    thMarker) E2P, P

    q32 Jabba's Palace: Lower Passages JPSD, Pq33 Tatooine: Desert Heart JPSD, Pq34 Tatooine: Tusken Canyon OTSD, Pq35 Court Of The Vile Gangster / I Shall

    Enjoy Watching You Die EJP, Pq36 My Kind Of Scum / Fearless And

    Inventive JPSD, Pq37 Set Your Course For Alderaan / TheUltimate Power In The Universe 3A, P

    q38 This Deal Is Getting Worse All The Time /Pray I Don't Alter It Any Further ECC, P

    q39 Black Squadron TIE OTSD, Pq40 Boba Fett In Slave 1 ECC, Pq41 Dengar In Punishing One ECC, Pq42 Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser OTSD, Pq43 IG-88 In IG-2000 EJP, Pq44 Obsidian Squadron TIE OTSD, P

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    q45 Zuckuss In Mist Hunter EJP, Pm46 Imperial Walker E2P, Pq47 Racing Skiff JPSD, Pq48 Mara Jade's Lightsaber EJP, Pq49 Stun Blaster JPSD, P

    Light Side Rarityq50 Arleil Schous OTSD, Pq51 Boushh EJP, Pm52 Chewie E2P, Pq53 Chewie With Blaster Rifle ECC, Pq54 Han JP, Pq55 Han with Heavy Blaster Pistol EPP, Pq56 Lando With Blaster Pistol ECC, Pq57 Lando With Vibro-Ax JPSD, Pq58 Leia JP, Pq59 Leia with Blaster Rifle EPP, Pm60 Luke P2P, Pq61 Luke with Lightsaber EPP, Pq62 Mara Jade & Corran Horn & Talon

    Karrde (Oversized) Reflections II, Pq63 Master Luke EJP, Pq64 Obi-Wan with Lightsaber EPP, Pq65 Palace Raider JPSD, Pq66 Prisoner 2187 3A, Pq67 Rebel Trooper Recruit OTSD, Pq68 See-Threepio EJP, Pq69 Tedn Dahai JP, Pq70 A New Secret Base 3A, Pq71 Echo Base Garrison 3A, Pq72 Faithful Service OTSD, Pq73 For Luck JP, Pq74 Ounee Ta JPSD, Pq

    75 Seeking An Audience JPSD, Pq76 Underworld Contacts JPSD, Pq77 It's A Hit! OTSD, Pm78 Lone Rogue E2P, Pm79 Run Luke, Run! P2P, Pq80 Corulag OTSD, Pm81 Death Star: Level 6 Core Shaft

    Corridor P2P, Pq82 Jabba's Palace: Antechamber JPSD, Pq83 Tatooine: Hutt Trade Route JPSD, Pq84 Tatooine: Jundland Wastes OTSD, Pq85 Agents In The Court / No Love For

    The Empire JPSD, Pq86 Massassi Base Operations / One In

    A Million 3A, Pq87 Quiet Mining Colony / Independent

    Operation ECC, Pq88 You Can Either Profit By This... /

    Or Be Destroyed EJP,Pq89 Artoo-Detoo In Red 5 3A, Pq90 Gold Leader In Gold 1 RL, Pq91 Gold Squadron Y-wing OTSD, Pq92 Lando In Millennium Falcon ECC, Pq93 Red Leader In Red 1 RL, P

    q94 Red Squadron X-wing OTSD, Pq95 Z-95 Bespin Defense Fighter ECC, Pq96 Z-95 Headhunter OTSD, Pq97 Luke's T-16 Skyhopper JP, Pq98 Racing Skiff JPSD, Pm99 Rebel Snowspeeder E2P, Pq100 Stun Blaster JPSD, P

    Game Aide Rarityq101 Hyperoute Navigation Chart JP, P

    Preview Cards (May 1997 July 1998) First Anthology [1A] (May 1997)

    Second Anthology [2A] (July 1998)

    Dark Side Raritym5 Boba Fett 1A, PVm52 Sarlacc 2A, PVm34 Flagship Operations 2A, PVm69 Jabba's Influence 1A, PV

    m141 Death Star Assault Squadron 1A, PVm83 Thunderflare 2A, PV

    Light Side Raritym174 Commander Wedge 1A, PVm112 Mon Mothma 2A, PVm254 Hit And Run 1A, PVm148 Rapid Deployment 2A, PVm170 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser 2A, PVm312 X-wing Assault Squadron 1A, PV

    Reflections Foil CardsDark Side Rarity

    qR1 4-LOM VRqR2 Admiral Ozzel VRqR3 Bane Malar VRqR4 Bib Fortuna VRqR5 Boba Fett (Cloud City) SRqR6 Bossk VRqR7 Darth Vader URqR8 Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith SRqR9 Dengar VRqR10 DS-61-3 VRqR11 General Veers SRqR12 Grand Moff Tarkin SRqR13 Greedo VR

    qR14 IG-88 VRqR15 IT-O VRqR16 Jabba VRqR17 Jabba The Hutt SRqR18 Lando Calrissian SRqR19 Lobot VRqR20 Salacious Crumb VRqR21 Tonnika Sisters VRqR22 U-3PO VRqR23 Zuckuss VR

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    Star Wars

    Customizable Card Game Complete Card List

    Not endorsed or sponsored by LucasFilm Ltd. or Decipher, Inc. Page 27

    qR24 Rancor VRqR25 Wampa VRqR26 Expand The Empire VRqR27 Visage Of The Emperor VRqR28 Commence Primary Ignition VRqR29 Epic Duel VRqR30 Presence of the Force VR

    qR31 Slip Sliding Away VRqR32 The Circle Is Now Complete VRqR33 Death Star SRqR34 Avenger VRqR35 Black 2 VRqR36 Bossk in Hounds Tooth VRqR37 Conquest VRqR38 Death Squadron Star Destroyer VRqR39 Devastator SRqR40 Executor SRqR41 IG-2000 VRqR42 Mist Hunter VRqR43 Obsidian 7 VR

    qR44 Obsidian 8 VRqR45 Punishing One VRqR46 Slave I SRqR47 Stalker VRqR48 Tyrant VRqR49 Vader's Custom TIE SRqR50 Vengeance VRqR51 Blizzard 1 VRqR52 Blizzard 2 VRqR53 Blizzard Scout 1 VRqR54 Jabba's Sail Barge VRqR55 Boba Fett's Blaster Rifle VRqR56 Vader's Lightsaber SRq

    R57 Superlaser VR

    Light Side RarityqR58 2-1B VRqR59 Artoo VRqR60 Ben Kenobi SRqR61 Biggs Darklighter VRqR62 Braniac VRqR63 C-3PO (See-Threepio) SRqR64 Captain Han Solo SRqR65 Chewbacca SRqR66 Commander Luke Skywalker VRqR67 Dutch VRqR68 Han Solo SR

    qR69 Lando Calrissian SRqR70 Leia Organa SRqR71 Lobot VRqR72 Luke Skywalker URqR73 Obi-Wan Kenobi SRqR74 Oola VRqR75 Princess Leia VRqR76 Princess Leia Organa SRqR77 Princess Organa VRqR78 R2-D2 (Artoo-Detoo) SR

    qR79 Red Leader VRqR80 Son Of Skywalker SRqR81 Tamtel Skreej VRqR82 TK-422 VRqR83 Wedge Antilles VRqR84 Yoda SRqR85 Landing Claw VR

    qR86 Coruscant Celebration VRqR87 Death Star Plans VRqR88 Haven VRqR89 Lightsaber Proficiency VRqR90 Mechanical Failure VRqR91 Reflection VRqR92 Revolution VRqR93 Uncontrollable Fury VRqR94 What Is Thy Bidding, My Master? VRqR95 Attack Run VRqR96 All Wings Report In VRqR97 Skywalkers VRqR98 It Is The Future You See VR

    qR99 Cloud City: Downtown Plaza VRqR100 Cloud City: Guest Quarters VRqR101 Dagobah: Yoda's Hut VRqR102 Death Star VRqR103 Death Star: Trench VRqR104 Rendezvous Point VRqR105 Millennium Falcon SRqR106 Red 2 VRqR107 Red 5 VRqR108 Redemption VRqR109 Spiral VRqR110 Tantive IV VRqR111 Rogue 1 VRq

    R112 Rogue 3 VRqR113 Anakin's Lightsaber VRqR114 Obi-Wan's Lightsaber VR

    Reflections II Foil CardsDark Side RarityqR1 Fighters Coming In VRqR2 4-LOM With Concussion Rifle SRqR3 Admiral Piett SRqR4 Baron Soontir Fel SRqR5 Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle PqR6 Boelo VRqR7 Bossk With Mortar Gun SRqR8 Chall Bekan VRqR9 Commander Igar VRqR10 Darth Vader (Japanese) PqR11 Darth Vader With Lightsaber SRqR12 Dengar With Blaster Carbine SRqR13 Djas Puhr SRqR14 Emperor Palpatine URqR15 IG-88 With Riot Gun SRqR16 Janus Greejatus VRqR17 Jodo Kast SRqR18 Lord Vader UR

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    Star Wars

    Customizable Card Game Complete Card List

    Not endorsed or sponsored by LucasFilm Ltd. or Decipher, Inc. Page 28

    qR19 Mara Jade, The Emperors Hand URqR20 Moff Jerjerrod SRqR21 Myn Kyneugh VRqR22 Outer Rim Scout SRqR23 Sim Aloo VRqR24 Bad Feeling Have I VRqR25 Lateral Damage VR

    qR26 Scum And Villainy VRqR27 Sienar Fleet Systems VRqR28 Force Lightning SRqR29 Trample SRqR30 Walker Garrison SRqR31 Vaders Obsession VRqR32 Death Star (Japanese) SRqR33 Death Star II SRqR34 Death Star II: Throne Room VRqR35 Executor : Holotheater VRqR36 Executor : Meditation Chamber VRqR37 Hoth: Wampa Cave VRqR38 Kiffex VR

    qR39 Black Squadron TIE VRqR40 Boba Fett In Slave I SRqR41 Chimaera SRqR42 Dengar In Punishing One SRqR43 Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser SRqR44 Flagship Executor SRqR45 IG-88 In IG-2000 VRqR46 The Emperors Shield SRqR47 The Emperors Sword SRqR48 Zuckuss In Mist Hunter SRqR49 Imperial Walker (Japanese) SRqR50 Tempest Scout 1 SRqR51 Darth Vaders Lightsaber SRq

    R52 Mara Jades Lightsaber SR

    Light Side RarityqR53 Capital Support SRqR54 Admiral Ackbar SRqR55 Arleil Schous VRqR56 Brainiac (Japanese) SRqR57 Chewie With Blaster Rifle SRqR58 Chief Chirpa SRqR59 General Calrissian SRqR60 General Crix Madine SRqR61 Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol PqR62 KalFalnl Cndros SRqR63 Leia (Japanese) SR

    qR64 Leia With Blaster Rifle PqR65 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight URqR66 Luke With Lightsaber SRqR67 Melas SRqR68 Obi-Wan With Lightsaber PqR69 Orrimaarko SRqR70 See-Threepio SRqR71 Tawss Khaa VRqR72 Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader SRqR73 Wicket SR

    qR74 Bacta Tank SRqR75 Echo Base Operations SRqR76 Frozen Assets VRqR77 Goo Nee Tay VRqR78 Kessel Run SRqR79 Mantellian Savrip VRqR80 Order To Engage VR

    qR81 Dont Get Cocky SRqR82 Gift Of The Mentor SRqR83 Run, Luke, Run VRqR84 Lone Rogue VRqR85 Smoke Screen SRqR86 Kiffex VRqR87 Yavin 4: Massassi Throne Room SRqR88 Artoo-Detoo In Red 5 SRqR89 B-wing Attack Squadron SRqR90 Blue Squadron B-wing VRqR91 Gold Leader In Gold 1 VRqR92 Gold Squadron 1 SRqR93 Gold Squadron Y-wing SR

    qR94 Green Squadron A-wing VRqR95 Home One SRqR96 Independence SRqR97 Lando In Millennium Falcon SRqR98 Liberty VRqR99 Red Leader In Red 1 VRqR100 Red Squadron 1 SRqR101 Red Squadron X-wing SRqR102 X-wing Assault Squadron SRqR103 Z-95 Headhunter VRqR104 Rebel Snowspeeder (Japanese) SRqR105 Lukes Lightsaber SR

    Reflections III Foil CardsDark Side RarityqR1 Battle Deployment VRqR2 Arica SRqR3 Aurra Sing (AI) SRqR4 Brangus Glee VRqR5 Captain Gilad Pallaeon SRqR6 Darth Maul (AI) SRqR7 Darth Maul, Young Apprentice (AI) URqR8 Destroyer Droid SRqR9 Dioxis VRqR10 Dr. Evazan (Japanese) VRqR11 Dr. Evazan & Ponda Baba SRq

    R12 Grand Admiral Thrawn SRqR13 Grand Moff Tarkin (Japanese) VRqR14 Guri SRqR15 Lott Dodd SRqR16 Mercenary Pilot VRqR17 Mighty Jabba VRqR18 Nute Gunray SRqR19 P-59 URqR20 P-60 SRqR21 Prince Xizor SRqR22 Sith Probe Droid VR

  • 7/29/2019 Star Wars CCG Master Card List


    Star Wars

    Customizable Card Game Complete Card List

    qR23 Snoova SRqR24 TC-14 SRqR25 Vigo SRqR26 Watto (AI) SRqR27 After Her! SRqR28 Disarmed VRqR29 Naboo Occupation SR

    qR30 Ominous Rumors SRqR31 Power Of The Hutt VRqR32 The Phantom Menace (AI) SRqR33 You May Start Your Landing VRqR34 Boonta Eve Podrace VRqR35 Gravity Shadow VRqR36 I Have You Now VRqR37 Imperial Artillery SRqR38 Imperial Command VRqR39 Maul Strikes SRqR40 Rolling, Rolling, Rolling SRqR41 The Circle Is Now Complete (Japanese) VRqR42 Trample (Japanese) VR

    qR43 Vote Now! VRqR44 Tatooine: Desert Landing Site VRqR45 Sebulba's Podracer SRqR46 Maul's Sith Infiltrator (AI) SRqR47 Stinger SRqR48 Virago SRqR49 Maul's Lightsaber VRqR50 Vader's Lightsaber (Japanese) VR

    Light Side RarityqR51 Artoo & Threepio SRqR52 Captain Panaka VRqR53 Chewbacca, Protector VRq

    R54 Corran Horn SRqR55 Dash Rendar SRqR56 Jar Jar Binks VRqR57 Lando With Vibro Axe SRqR58 Luke Skywalker (Japanese) SRqR59 Luke Skywalker, Rebel Scout SRqR60 Mace Windu SRqR61 Master Qui-Gon AI SRqR62 Mirax Terrik SRqR63 Obi-Wan Kenobi (AI) SRqR64 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Japanese) SRqR65 Owen Lars & Beru Lars SRqR66 Padm Naberrie (AI) SRqR67 Palace Raider VR

    qR68 Prisoner 2187 VRqR69 Qui-Gon Jinn (AI) URqR70 Ric Oli VRqR71 Shmi Skywalker VRqR72 Supreme Chancellor Valorum VRqR73 Talon Karde SRqR74 Threepio With His Parts Showing (AI) URqR75 Wedge Antilles (Japanese) SRqR76 Yoda, Jedi Council Member VRqR77 Obi-Wan's Journal SR

    qR78 A New Secret Base VRqR79 Brisky Morning Munchen VRqR80 Echo Base Garrison VRqR81 Seeking An Audience VRqR82 They Win This Round SRqR83 Boonta Eve Podrace SRqR84 I Did it! VR

    qR85 End Of A Reign VRqR86 Gimme A Lift SRqR87 Harvest SRqR88 Rebel Artillery VRqR89 Rebel Leadership SRqR90 Vote Now! VRqR91 Coruscant: Jedi Council Chamber VRqR92 Anakin's Podracer SRqR93 Outrider SRqR94 Pulsar Skate VRqR95 Queen's Royal Starship VRqR96 Radiant VII VRqR97 Amidala's Blaster SR

    qR98 Anakin's Lightsaber (Japanese) SRqR99 Obi-Wan's Lightsaber (Japanese) SRqR100 Qui-Gon Jinn's Lightsaber (AI) SR

    Tournament Promotional Foil Cards |Dark Side RarityqT1 Darth Maul With Lightsaber PqT2 Battle Order PqT3 Imperial Arrest Order PqT4 Imperial Decree PqT5 Alter (D) PqT6 Sense (D) PqT7 Ghhhk P

    qT8 Monnnok PqT9 Dark Maneuvers PqT10 Imperial Barrier PqT11 Masterful Move PqT12 Twi'lek Advisor PqT13 You Are Beaten PqT14 Imperial-class Star Destroyer P

    Light Side RarityqT15 Qui-Gon Jinn With Lightsaber PqT16 Battle Plan PqT17 Insurrection PqT18 Alter (L) P

    qT19 Sense (L) PqT20 Grimtaash PqT21 Houjix PqT22 Clash of Sabers PqT23 It Could Be Worse PqT24 Rebel Barrier PqT25 The Signal PqT26 Snowspeeder PqT27 Corellian Corvette P

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