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January Night

Lesson 2

About the Author- Premchand

Premchand was one of the most renowned and creative authors who was known for his short stories in Hindi

and Urdu. He was born on, July 31st, 1880, in a place called Lamhi near Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh.

A teacher by profession, he began his literary career as a freelancer in Urdu. He was an independent minded

patriotic soul and his initial literary works in Urdu were replete with descriptions of the Indian nationalist

movement that was building up in various parts of India. Soon he switched over to Hindi and established

himself as a much-loved author with his emotional short stories and novels that not only entertained the

readers, but also carried significant social messages. He was much moved by the inhumane manner in which

Indian women of his time were treated, and often depicted the difficulty of girls and women in his stories

hoping to create awareness in the minds of his readers. A true patriot, he quit his government job as a part

of the non-cooperation movement called by Mahatma Gandhi even though he had a growing family to feed.

Summary of the Story

January night is a story of a tenant farmer named Halku and his difficulty against zamindari system (land


The story revolves around Halku and his field which is the only source of his income as well as cause of all

his problems. He had to choose between a blanket which got along with it the insult by the landlord for not

paying the lagaan (tax) or cold January nights in the field. His wife recommended him of quitting his job of

farming and picking up the job of a hired labourer He upheld his dignity and pride by not choosing the insult

and instead choose cold chilly nights in his fields.

Halku goes back to guard his fields. He lies down over his bamboo cot with just an old shawl over him. The

situation did not devastate him and was still affectionate towards his dog, Jabra, the dog who like him left

behind all the warmth of home and followed him to protect the field. The field establishes the connection

between a dog and its master in a wonderful way. As the writer describes Halku sleeping under the shelter

of cane leaves he also meant to show the significance those crops held in his life, as a shelter.

Halku thought of collecting some mango leaves from beneath, in order to produce some fire so that he could

save himself and his dog from the cold night. The fire could also act as a shield of keeping wild animals

away from them as his own fields had turned against him in the darkness of night and transformed into scary

and dangerous bushes. The bluebuck were destroying his field, he knew there is an animal, but could not

gather the courage to get up as he had already warmed himself. It seemed that it was because of the physical

inability that the cold weather had caused to him but more of it was because of the mental effect that the

fields have had over his life. Halku kept sitting peacefully near the warm ashes.

In the morning when Munni came to the field, she saw that the whole field was ruined and trampled. At

that time, Munni’s face was shadowed with grief but Halku was content. The reason is that he will not have

to spend the cold nights in the field anymore because there were now no crops to guard.


Refer to page 27 and 28 of your English Literature Book (New Oxford Modern English)

Halku came in -----------------------------------------------------------------hugging him tight,

Halku came in and asked his wife Munni, for the money she had kept aside as the landlord had come but

Munni wanted Halku to pay the landlord only after the harvest because they had only three rupees which

Halku had saved up to buy a blanket for the cold January nights. If he gave that money to the landlord, he

would not have been able to buy a blanket to protect himself from the cold while guarding his fields. The

tenant farming is of no good for Halku. Whatever Halku harvested would go to pay up the debts and taxes.

Moreover, it did not bring any betterment for them as they had no money to feed themselves. So, Munni

wanted Halku to give up tenant farming.

He had saved the rupees from his work, pice by pice, for his blanket and now he was going to use that

money to pay the landlord because he felt that he could do without the blanket but could not stand the

landlord’s insults. Halku handed over the money to the landlord and it seemed as if he was tearing his heart

and giving it away because he was giving his hard earned money to the landlord and he would have left

with no money thereafter.

After giving the money to the landlord Halku along with his dog Jabra went to guard his fields in the cold

and chilly January night. He lay underneath the shelter of cane leaves on a bamboo cot, wrapped in an old

shawl. He and his dog kept shivering and neither one of them was able to sleep. Halku had warned Jabra of

not coming along but since he was a faithful dog, so it was hard for him to sit at home. Halku told Jabra,

that he would put some straw tomorrow so that he does not feel the cold. When they could no longer bear

the cold weather Halku softly picked Jabra and got him to fall asleep in his lap. Jabra’s body gave a bad

smell but Halku, hugged him tight. This shows Halku really loved his dog.

Difficult words from the passage on pages 27 and 28

1. calamity-disaster

2. tenant-a person who occupies land or property rented from the landlord

3. niche-a small hollow or hole

4. hired- appointed

5. whimpering-to make low weak sounds of pain or fear

6. protracted-longer than expected

7. muzzle-the projecting part of the face, including the nose and mouth, of an animal such as a dog or



Answer the following questions:

1.Why did Munni want Halku to pay the landlord only after the harvest?

2.What was the ‘other plan’ that Halku tried? Was it successful?

3.Why did Munni want Halku to give up tenant farming?

4.Why did Halku look as though ‘he were tearing his heart out and giving it away’?


Q2. Answer the following questions.

a. What did Isabel do before she ate the bear?

Ans. Isabel washed her hands and straightened her hair before eating the bear.

b. What did the witch look like?

Ans. The witch’s face was cross and wrinkled. Her gums were with very few teeth.

c. How did Isabel deal with the witch?

Ans. Isabel did not get scared of the witch, she rather turned the witch into milk and drank her.

d. What did the giant want to do to Isabel?

Ans. The giant wished Isabel and the told her that he would grind her bones to make his bread.

e. What was Isabel doing during her meeting with the giant?

Ans. During the meeting with the giant Isabel did not scream or scurry. Isabel was nibbling a zwieback

which she always ate.

f. What did the doctor want Isabel to do?

Ans. The doctor wanted Isabel to swallow the pills he gave her after examining her so that she

recovers quickly.

g. How did Isabel deal with the doctor?

Ans. Isabel did not scream or scurry. Instead she took the pills from the doctor and calmed and cured

the doctor.



Topic:- Nibandh Lekhan

Note : Copy question in Literature notebook, copy letter in Language notebook and book

exercise in Literature book.








The money borrowed (lent or invested) is called principal


The addition money paid by the borrowed to the moneylender is called interest


The total money paid by the borrowed to the moneylender is called Amount


It is the interest paid on Rs 100 for one year


It is the time for which the money is borrowed


It is the interest calculated on the principal at a given rate of interest for any given time


S.I. = 𝑷 ×𝑹 ×𝑻


T = 𝑺.𝑰.×𝟏𝟎𝟎

𝑷 ×𝑹

R = 𝑺.𝑰.×𝟏𝟎𝟎

𝑷 ×𝑻

P = 𝑺.𝑰.×𝟏𝟎𝟎

𝑹 ×𝑻

P = principal

R = rate

T = time

S.I. = Simple interest

Example 1:Find the simple interest on Rs 20000 for 41

2 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 at 8


2 % per annum. Also find the amount

Solution : P = Rs 20000

T = 41

2 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 =


2 yrs

R = 81

2 % per annum =


2 % p.a.

S.I. = 𝑃 ×𝑅 ×𝑇


= 20000 ×17 ×9

100 ×2 ×2 = Rs 7650

A = P + S.I. = 20000 + 7650 = Rs 27650

Example 2: Find the time when simple interest on Rs 12000 at 61

2 % p.a. is Rs 2730

Solution: P = Rs 12000

R = 61

2 % p.a

S.I. = Rs 2730

T = 𝑆.𝐼.×100

𝑃 ×𝑅

= 2730 ×100 ×2

12000×13 =


2 = 31

2 yrs

Example 3: Find the rate of interest when simple interest on Rs. 1625 in 21

2 yrs is Rs. 325.

Solution: P = Rs 1625

S.I. = Rs 325

T = 21

2 =

52 yrs

R = 𝑆.𝐼.×100

𝑃 ×𝑇 =

325 ×100 ×2

1625×5 = 8%

Example 4: Rs. 14000 is invested at 4% per annum simple interest. How long will it take for the amount

to reach Rs. 16240?

Solution: P = Rs 14000

R = 4% p.a

Amount = Rs. 16240

S.I. = Amount – Principal = 16240 – 14000= 2240

T = 𝑆.𝐼.×100

𝑃 ×𝑅 =

2240 ×100

14000×4 = 4yrs

Practice Worksheet

1. Find the simple interest on Rs. 350 for 2 years at 11% per annum.

(Hint: follow example 1)

2. Find the time when simple interest on Rs. 2500 at 4% per annum is Rs. 200.

(Hint: follow example 2)

3. Find the rate of interest when simple interest on Rs. 1560 in 3years is Rs 585.

(Hint: follow example 3)

4. Find the principal when simple interest at 16% per annum for 21

2 years is Rs. 3840.

(Hint: apply the formula of Principal)

5. Find the rate of interest when Rs. 1200 amounts to Rs. 1320 in 2 years.

Hint: follow example 4)

6. Find the time when Rs. 1250 amounts to Rs. 1950 at 16% per annum.

(Hint: follow example 4)

Answer of Worksheet 14

(1) Rs. 114, 15%

(2) Rs. 200, 8%

(3) Rs. 4200, 7%

(4) Rs. 12000

(5) Rs. 400

(6) Rs. 450

(7) Rs. 8000




Khalji Dyanasty (1290-1320)

The Khalji dynasty was established by Jalal-ud-din Firoz in 1290. In 1296, Jalal-ud-din’s nephew

Ala-ud-din murdered him and proclaimed himself sultan.

Ala-ud-din Khalji(1296-1316)

Ala-ud-din Khalji was the ablest ruler of the Khalji dynasty.

Conquests: Ala-ud-din established a vast empire. He conquered Gujarat, which gave him access to

its ports. Foreign trade through these ports ensured the import of horses for the army. Ala-ud-din

also conquered Ranthambhor, Marwar, Mewar and Malwa. According to legend, he attacked

Chittor, the capital of Mewar, to capture Padmini, the beautiful queen of Mewar’s ruler Ratan Singh.


Ala-ud-din sent his commander Malik Kafur to bring the rich states of the Deccan under his control.

By 1313, the Yadavas of Devagiri, thr Kakatiyas of Wrangal, the Hoysalas of Dwarasamudra and

Pandyas of Madurai had all accepted Ala-ud-din’s overlordship. For a brief period, Ala-ud-din ruled

almost whole of India, with Malik Kafur as his vice-regent(deputy).

Mongol raids: Ala-ud-din built new forts and repaired old ones along the north-western frontiers. His

able generals drove back the Mongol raiders, who raided India several times during his reign.

Ala-ud-din’s policies and contributions: Ala-ud-din was the first Delhi sultan to maintain a well-

equipped standing army. He paid his soldiers in cash and supplied them with imported horses of good

breed. The horses were branded with the royal insignia to prevent theft. A detailed description of

each soldier was kept to prevent substitution.

Ala-ud-din had land reassessed and fixed new rates of revenue. Surplus grains were stored in

granaries to meet natural crises like famines and floods. Ala-ud-din fixed the prices of all items of

daily use. Weights and measures were standardized, and cheating was severely punished. These

measures benefited the people.

Ala-ud-din built a new city called Siri and a reservoir called Hauz Khas, now in Delhi. He also built

a madarsa(Muslim educational institution, also called madatsa) and the Alai Darwaza to the Qutb

group of monuments at Mehrauli, Delhi. The renowned scholar and musician Amir Khusrau adorned

his court.

Tughluq Dynasty(1320-1412) The Tughluq dynasty was started by Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq in 1320.

Ghiyas-ud-din was a just and efficient ruler. He suppressed revolts and repelled a Mongol invasion.

Muhammad-bin-Tughluq (1325-51)

In 1325, Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq was succeeded by his son Jauna Khan, who took the title

Muhammad-bin-Tughluq. Ibn Batutah, a traveller from Tangier, North Africa, has left an interesting

account of Muhammad-bin-Tughluq’s reign.

Muhammad-bin-Tughluq had received education in literature, religion and philosophy. He composed

verses in Persian and Arabic. He laid stress on merit, and even raised people of humble origins to

high positions. This offended many of the nobles, who refused to cooperate with him. Muhammad-

bin-Tughluq made grand plans, but they were never carried out properly.

Shift of the capital Muhammad-bin-Tughluq decided to shift his capital to a place safe from Mongol

attacks. He chose Daulatabad in the Deccan. He built a road to help officials and nobles from Delhi

to shift to the new capital. But, when he realized that the north-western frontiers could not be

controlled from Daulatabad, he shifted the capital back to Delhi. This caused heavy financial loss and

great hardship to the people. After shifting back to Delhi, the sultan lost control over the Deccan,

where the Vijayanagar and Bahamani Kingdoms arose.

Campaigns Muhammad-bin-Tughluq planned a military campaign in Central Asia. But, he failed

to carry it out after spending heavily on the arrangements. He undertook an ill-planned campaign in

Tibet, which caused a heavy loss of life.

Taxation To meet the expenses of the army, the sultan increased land tax in the Ganga Yamuna

Doab. Many farmers rose in rebellion. They were crushed, but large areas were laid waste, resulting

in a famine. The sultan had to provide six months’ supplies from the royal granary at cheap rates.

Peasants had to be given loans to restore cultivation.

Token currency Muhammad-bin-Tughluq was impressed with the paper currency introduced in

China. So, to overcome a shortage of silver in India, he introduced bronze token coins of the same

value as silver coins. The Sultan, however, failed to check forgery of the bronze coins. The value of

currency fell sharply, and heaps of bronze coins were discarded on the streets of the capital. Trade

suffered as foreign merchants stopped business. The sultan had to withdraw the token currency and

pay genuine gold coins in exchange for the forged coins. Thus, the experiment caused a heavy loss to

the treasury.

Muhammad-bin-Tughluq’s unsuccessful experiments lowered his prestige. Revolts broke out in many

parts of his empire and provinces began to break away. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq died in 1351.


1) Short questions:

a) Why was there a famine during the reign of Muhammad-bin-Tughluq ?

b) Mention one advantage that Ala-ud-din Khalji got by conquering Gujarat.

2) Long questions:

With reference to the reign of Ala-ud-din Khalji, answer the following questions:

(a) What steps did Ala-ud-din take to defend and expand his empire?

(b) Write about Ala-ud-din’s economic measures.

3) Assess the following experiments made by Muhammad-bin-Tughluq.

(a) Shifting of the capital (b) Intoduction of a bronze token currency



A. Answer the following questions in brief :

Q1. What are topographical maps?

A1. Topographical maps are large scale multipurpose maps representing information regarding physical and

cultural features.

Q2. Name the important elements of a topographical map.

A2. Colours , scale , conventional signs etc. are some important elements of a topographical map.

Q3. What is significance of blue colour in a toposheet ?

A3. Water features or water bodies that contain water are shown in blue. A light blue colour shows a lesser

depth whereas dark blue colour shows deeper areas . Even the means of irrigation like wells, tanks etc. are

also shown by blue colour.

Q4. Name any two features which are shown in red on toposheet .

A4. The two features which are shown in red on toposheet are as follows :

1. All types of settlements

2. Temples

Q5. Name any two colours which help us to infer about the occupation of the people on a toposheet.

A5. The two colours which help us to infer about the occupation of the people on a toposheet are as follows


1. Yellow

2. Green

Q6. Define contour line.

A6. Contour lines are imaginary lines joining places having the same height.

Q7. Define scale.

A7. Scale is the ratio between a distance measured on a map and the corresponding distance on the Earth.

B. Answer the following questions in detail :

Q1. Analyse the significance of various colours used in toposheets.

A1. The significance of various colours used in toposheets are as follows :

1.BLUE : Water features or water bodies that contain water are shown in blue. A light blue colour shows a

lesser depth whereas dark blue colour shows deeper areas . Even the means of irrigation like wells, tanks

etc. are also shown by blue colour.

2.RED : All types of settlements are shown in red colour along with other details like roads , huts , temples

, etc.

3.YELLOW : If large part of map is covered by the yellow wash this indicates cultivable land.

4.BROWN : Brown colour is used to represent contour lines. Contour lines are imaginary lines joining

places having the same height.

5.GREEN : Green colour represents vegetation, forested area , orchards, trees and scrubs. If large part of

the toposheet is covered by green colour, this indicates lumbering or animal rearing may be the main

occupation of the people.

Q2. Explain the various types of scales used in toposheets.

A2. The various types of scales used in toposheets are as follows :

1. Linear scale : This is the easiest method of describing a map scale. It is usually written on maps as

1 cm to 10 km or 1 inch to 50 miles. The value on the left - hand side of the statement always

indicates the map distance.

2. Representative Fraction : In this method the map scale is expressed as a numeric ratio. The

numerator represents the map distance and it is always expressed as a unity. The denominator represents

the corresponding ground distance, i.e. , one unit on the map is equivalent to a number of units on the


R.F = Distance on the map

Distance on the ground

Both the numerator and the denominator are expressed in the same unit of measurement and therefore it is

a dimensionless fraction.

C. Fill in the blanks with correct word \ words :

1. A light blue colour shows a water body with lesser depth.

2. If a large part of toposheet is covered by the yellow wash that indicates cultivable land.

3. Brown colour is used to represent contour lines.

4. All types of settlements are shown in red colour.

5. Green wash on a toposheet indicates forest area.



TOPIC:- TISSUE ( cont…..)

**Note:- Please refer to the matter given in previous worksheets and chapter 1 of your book.

Q1. Find the odd one out and give reason for your reason.

a) Collenchyma, Xylem, Sclerenchyma,Parenchyma.

b) Cyton, Axon, Dendrite, RBCs

c) Striated muscles, Unstriated muscles, Neuron, Cardiac muscles.

d) Tendon, Ligament, Squamous epithelium, Bone.

Q2. Differentiate between:

a) Tendons and ligaments

b) Striated and unstriated muscles

Q3. Give reason:

a) Apical meristem is present at the tip of the shoot.

b) Blood acts as a important transport vehicle in animals.

c) Bone play a very important role in the human body.

d) Parenchyma are generally located in the soft regions of plants.

Q4. Draw the diagram of Neuron, Parenchyma, Collenchyma and Schlerenchyma. ( please refer to fig

1.5,1.6,1.7 and 1.14 in your books)

Q5. How do we classify meristem tissue?

Q6. Write the functions of the following systems in our body:

a) Digestive b) Respiratory c) Nervous

Q7. Write any two characteristics of cardiac muscles.

Q8. What is the nature and structure of sclerenchyma?


Answer key of work sheet 14 ( Chemistry) Class 7

Q 1. Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass.

Eg.Book, table, chair and air.

Q 2. The molecules are held together by a force called intermolecular force of attraction.

Q3. Solid – Ice

Liquid – water

Gas – water vapour

Q4. Gases do not have fixed volume as liquids because in case of gases the molecules are far apart from

each other as the intermolecular force of attraction is very weak so they have the tendency to occupy the

entire space available.

Q5. Shape of solids is fixed because the molecules are so tightly held that they cannot move away or close

to each other whereas in liquids and gases the molecules are held loosely so they do not have a fixed


Q6. Solid is non compressible because the intermolecular space is very small in solids but gas is

compressible to a large extent because of large intermolecular space between the molecules.

Fill in the blanks 1) Volume. 2). Mass. 3) Three

T/ F. 1) False. 2) False





1. COBOL Common Business Oriented Language

2. DHTML Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language

3. DVD Digital Video Disc

4. FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access

5. EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

6. IM Instant Messaging

7. MPEG Moving Picture Expert Group

8. PAN Personal Area Network

9. SFTP Simple File Transfer Protocol

10. VPN Virtual Private Network

11. XSL Extensible Stylesheet Language



Wide Interactive Network Development for Office

Work Solution

13. ATA Advanced Technology Attachment

14. ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network

15. AJAX Asynchronous Java script and XML



1. Dr. George Schubert

Developed the world’s first public video telephone



Niklas Zennstrom and

Janus Friis Founders of skype


An Wang and Jay

Forrester Inventors of RAM

4. Shawn Fanning

Creator of Napster, the first massively popular peer-to-

peer file sharing system.


Chad Hurley and Steve

Che Founder of Youtube

6. Marc Andreessen

Co-founder of Ning, a company that provides a platform

for social networking websites

7. Ramu Yalamanchi Founder of Hi5


Tom Anderson, Chris

Dewolfe Founder of Myspace social networking website

9. Tim Berners Lee Inventor of WWW

10. Michael Saul Dell Founder and CEO of DELL

11. Krishna Bharat Creator of Google news

12. Vinod Khosla Co-founder of Sun Microsystems

13. Douglas Engelbart Inventor of computer mouse

14. Adam Osborne Developed first portable computer

15. Gary Stark Weather Inventor of Laser printer


[Make sure you copy it in your computer notebook and learn it.]



1. Ctrl + Plus sign To insert Row

2. Ctrl + Minus sign To delete Row

3. Shift + F11 To insert new worksheet

4. Ctrl + ’ (apostrophe) To copy the formula from the cell above

5. Ctrl + Shift + ” (quotation mark) To copy the value from the cell above

6. Ctrl + ; (semi colon) To enter date

7. Ctrl + : (colon) To enter time

8. Ctrl + 9 To hide the selected Row

9. Ctrl + Shift + 9 To unhide the Row

10. Ctrl + 0 To hide the selected column


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