st. nicholas school october 2014 volume 7, issue 1 the...

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St. Nicholas School

The Chatterbox

October 2014

Volume 7, Issue 1

Special points of


Welcome Back 1

Booster News 2

Gold Club & Principals

Award Winners 3

November Calendar 4

Preschool 5

Kinder & 1st Grade 7

2nd Grade 9

3rd Grade 11

4th Grade 13

5th Grade 15

8th Grade 17

Middle School News 18

Gold Club Winners 11

Welcome back to parents, students, staff and friends! The

Welcome Back Breakfast was a perfect way to start the first day of

school. We enjoyed a cup of coffee and a bite to eat while we caught

up with old friends, and the students chatted up a storm with

classmates they hadn’t seen in a while!

We are excited to be back. This will be a year of learning,

growing and building memories to last a lifetime.

Thank you to Mrs. Renee Wasylyn for organizing the event

and to all the Booster parents who helped! It was wonderfully set-up

and everything tasted so yummy.

St. Nicholas School

Page 2 The Chatterbox Volume 7, Issue 1

Friday, October 31st we will have

a Halloween Costume Parade

for all grades at 8:30-9:15 a.m.

Bring your cameras to record

your children parading around

and showing off their exciting


Later, the Boosters will host a

spooky good time at the

Halloween Fair! Don’t forget to

purchase tickets for all the games

and activities! You may also

purchase lunch for your child by

completing the order form and

attaching payment.

It’s almost that time of year again,

when we get to bring our entire

family to Family Night! Saturday,

November 15th, we will be hosting

our annual Family Night Fundraiser!

Everyone is welcome, so bring your

relatives, and let’s make it a fun-

filled night. It will take place in the

Ballroom from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Further details will be forthcoming

as the date approaches.

We wanted to take a moment to thank

all the parents who signed up for the

Booster Membership! We appreciate all

the help we can get. For those who

haven’t, it’s never too late! Remember,

when you do, you get special discounts

and treats at select events! Also a

special thank you to all the parents who

signed up to be a “Room Parent” for

each classroom.

Needed! Parent Volunteers for the

Halloween Festival! Contact Carrie St. John

Book Fair Arriving Soon!

Order online Oct. 26-Nov.15

Visit the Book Fair in the Savalas Room

Nov. 4-7

Page 3 The Chatterbox Volume 7, Issue 1

Gold Club Winners Principal Awards

September 2014



1 Francesca Fadin Sydney Hall

Daniella Jimenez Harper Williams

Christina Nikolopoulos Nohra Peera

2 Nancy Azzam Dean Kost

Eleni Langermann Junear Mansour

Toula Mitsopoulos Angelo Saroukos

Dimitri Savas Akoni Tokuda

Alexa Ulchenko

3 Kailey Jimenez Keith Lokmagozyan

Elisa Milkie Sofia Nikolopoulos

Katherine Pappas

4 Mannat Chadha Maya Darghali

Jazelle Decastro Alexsi Harris

Mia Kost Paris Pappas

Victoria Popescu Mia Saad

Alexander Saroukos Michael Taylor

Ryan Younan

5 Athena Bacoulis Giselle Nunez

Georgia Psihalopoulos

Sandra Taylor Madison Teopaco

6 Karen Abagi Daniella Hanna

Hailey Huffman Molly Jenkins

Verena Mansour Matthew Saad

Constantine Pappas Julian Nunez

Stavros Psihalopoulos Rami Saad

Markella Savas Faith Stevens

Alexandra Turley Nina Wasylyn

Ryan Wielage

8 Aiman Hamati Athena Rethis

Gerardo Serrano Alex Younan

September 2014



K Thomas Kirchner

Tiffany Ford-Zdenek

1 Francesca Fadin

2 Eleni Langermann

3 Keith Lokmagozyan

Markela Psihalopoulos

Briana Zdenek

4 Alexsi Harris

Paris Pappas

Aarya Riasati

Ryan Younan

5 Madison Teopaco

6 Markella Savas

8 Nicholas Andrews

Anthony Ethnasios

Page 4 The Chatterbox Volume 7, Issue 1

November 2014

November 2012



2 3


Sales now thru 12/5




5 6

Report Cards


7 8

9 10

Speech and Hearing Screening


No School

Veteran’s Day






6:30-8:00 pm






6-10 pm







17 18


Make-up Day









25 26


11:30 am




No Daycare


No School

Thanksgiving Day


No School


BOOK FAIR Tuesday-Friday 2:30-5:30 pm Savalas Room

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Preschool Field Trip to Underwood Farms

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Kinder & 1st Grade Field Trip to Underwood Farms

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2nd Grade Language Arts

By Alexa Ulchenko

By Eleni Langermann

Page 10 The Chatterbox Volume 7, Issue 1

2nd Grade’s Young Author of the Month:

Andrew Columbis

One Halloween Night

One Halloween night, I went trick or treating with my friends. We walked up

to a house and all of a sudden a zombie jumped out! It chased us! My friends said,

“Let’s get out of here!” I said, “I will fight the zombie!” And that’s what I did. When

the zombie was gone, a ghost, Frankenstein, a goblin, a vampire and the boogieman

all came after me! I fought them all and won! They left and we went trick or treating

again. I was the hero of Halloween night.

By Toula Mitsopoulos

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“Friendship” by the 3rd Grade

By Dorian Darghali

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By Keith Lokmagozyan

By Sofia Nikolopoulos

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Halloween Poems by the 4th Grade

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Page 15 The Chatterbox Volume 7, Issue 1

5th Grade Social Studies

Fifth graders have learned that the early Native Americans of the Southwest, like their Anasazi ancestors, lived in pueblos. Did you know that the expression “up the ladder” and “down the ladder” meant “to enter a house?” Look for future installments of our American History Through Pictures series.

By Alexi DeFolsom

By Brooke Bermudez

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By Michael Hutchison

By Alek Milkie

Page 17 The Chatterbox Volume 7, Issue 1

8th Grade Science

The 8th Grade has begun

studying the structure of atoms. The first two rows of the Periodic

Table have been memorized,

and our 8th Grade students have displayed their mastery of

this subject matter by creating models on our SMART Board!

(Garrett Jenkins pictured at right, Dominick Milkie pictured


Page 18 The Chatterbox Volume 7, Issue 1

Student Council

Congratulations to the 2014-2015

Student Council Members!

Nicholas Andrews

Angela Bacoulis

Anne Curtis

Gabriella Guidi

Marina Milicevic

Maksym Wasylyn


Grade Class Representatives

Constantine Pappas

Markella Savas

These 8th

grade scholars have set high goals as a voice for the students. Their campaign speeches

included promises of opening the student store during home games, adding more fellowship events, and

monthly themed free-dress days. Their speeches were polished, their campaign signs were zany, and they

displayed that rare combination of serious leadership and sophomoric humor that I have come to enjoy.

In addition, the newly elected Council Members voted for two 6th

grade students to serve as Class

Representatives on the Council. They will be leaders-in-training with a voice, but no vote. What a wonderful

way to learn while serving!

Please pray that the St. Nicholas Council will continue to demonstrate strong leadership skills, grow as

scholars, and become admirable role models for our school community.

Sheree Spraglin, Principal

Middle School Halloween Dance

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