st mary s catholic primary school 3rd june 2021 term 2 week 7

Post on 15-Oct-2021






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St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Cnr Byng and Park Street / PO Box 8007 ORANGE NSW 2800

Ph: 6362 7926

3rd June 2021 Term 2 Week 7

Our Vision With Jesus Christ as our inspiration and guide,

St Mary's Catholic Primary School Orange is a Professional Learning Community that works in collaboration with family, church and community to celebrate high levels of learning for all.

Tenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B)


Mark 14:12-16, 22-26

On the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread,

when they sacrificed the Passover lamb,

Jesus’ disciples said to him, "Where do you want us to go

and prepare for you to eat the Passover?" He sent two of his disciples and said to them,

"Go into the city and a man will meet you, carrying a jar of water.

Follow him. Wherever he enters, say to the master of the house,

'The Teacher says, "Where is my guest room where

I may eat the Passover with my disciples?"'

Then he will show you a large upper room furnished and ready.

Make the preparations for us there."

The disciples then went off, entered the city, and found it just as he had told them;

and they prepared the Passover. While they were eating, he took bread,

said the blessing, broke it, gave it to them, and said,

"Take it; this is my body." Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them,

and they all drank from it. He said to them, "This is my blood of the covenant, which will

be shed for many. Amen, I say to you, I shall not drink again the fruit of the vine until the

day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God."

Then, after singing a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. Reflection:

When we celebrate the Mass, we are not representing the Last Supper. The Mass is not a

representation; it is something else. It truly is the Last Supper; it is truly living again the

redemptive passion and death of Our Lord. It is a visible manifestation: the Lord makes

himself present on the altar to be offered to the Father for the salvation of the world”. We

hear and we say, ‘I cannot now, I have to go to Mass, I have to go to listen to Mass’. But

you do not listen to Mass, you participate in it.

Christian Leadership Awards

Harvey Finney in recognition of

“Positive View of Life”

Johan Jobis in recognition of

“Positive View of Life”

Grace Hannelly in recognition of

“Positive View of Life”

Isabella Jerome Alex in recognition of

“Positive View of Life”

Lucy Zarrella in recognition of

“Community & Common Good”

Helika Senanayake in recognition of

“Search for Truth & Wisdom”

Maggie Corben in recognition of

“Community & Common Good”

Jade Haynes in recognition of

“Positive View of Life”

Maggie Frew in recognition of

“Community & Common Good”

Matilda Pickering in recognition of

“Positive View of Life”

Lucy Wright in recognition of

“Community & Common Good”

Session 7

Next week in Peer Support the children will

discuss the importance of showing gratitude to

others. Children are encouraged to reflect on the

positive aspects of their lives,

including people. The activities will give the

children an opportunity to thank someone

who has helped them.

During the week encourage your child to

appreciate and thank people in their lives.

Christian Leadership awards are given out by our mission leaders

at significant times throughout the term.

Christmas Art Student Workshop

Last week children from Year 5 and Year 6 were

selected to participate in the Christmas Art Workshop.

The workshop was facilitated by Ms Carrie William from

St Joseph’s Primary School Molong.

The students read set texts from the Bible that related

directly to the birth of Jesus Christ. Each student

created a visual representation of the text. The Student

Workshop is designed to enhance the student’s artistic

skills and creative awareness.

Next Monday our K-6 students will be entertained and we hope, creatively

inspired by the group Mara, in a performance entitled Music in my

Suitcase. The group will share songs from many different cultures,

integrating music and dance through a fun and vibrant repertoire.

Music is often referred to as our common human language as it helps us un-

derstand and connect with others in a way that is universal. Students have

been learning some of the songs in music lessons that the band will play, so

that they can fully participate in the sessions. You have possibly heard your

child sing in Turkish and Kurdish, speak of Welsh Goats and recount the perils

of the journey of Captain James Cook on his voyage to Australia.

We look forward to sharing lots of photos of this

event with you next week.

Frequently asked questions

Where is RISE being held? St Stanislaus’ College, 220 Bentinck St Bathurst

What age is RISE aimed at? Year 6 through to Year 9.

Why such a broad age range attending RISE?

Many of our parishes don't have a Catholic secondary school, RISE has been structured to allow those

in Year 10-12 to share their faith with the younger age brackets. It allows all schools and parishes in our

diocese to be involved. There is also the added benefit of allowing peer-to-peer ministry to occur. This

model of ministry is present in all our schools and is supported and encouraged at a diocesan level. The

fourth stage of the CSYMI model is engagement with the wider church. Attending RISE is an example of

this engagement.

Where will everyone sleep?

In the Performing Arts Centre at Stannies. Stretcher beds will be provided and participants will sleep in

classrooms and the hall area. Males and females will be in separate areas with supervision and security

provided overnight.

Who will be there?

Participants (Year 6- Year 9 students)

Youth Team (Year 10- Year 12 students)



Hand Hygiene is one very effective

way to control the spread of

infection and germs. Always wash

your hands with soap and

water, or using an

alcohol based hand rub.


The child will need to be sent home

immediately if head lice are detected.

Children can attend school if effective

treatment begins before the next day at

the education or care service.


Children should be away until there

has not been a loose bowel

movement for 24 hours.


Children should be away until there has

been no vomiting for 24 hours


We have had a confirmed case of Chicken Pox at our school.


We have had a confirmed case of Hand, Foot & Mouth at our school

Term 2 Calendar



Mon 31-May-21 Tue 01-Jun-21

Wed 02-Jun-21

Thurs 03-Jun-21

Fri 04-Jun-21 Pupil Free Day - Teachers Professional Development Day



Mon 07-Jun-21 Musica Viva

Tue 08-Jun-21

Wed 09-Jun-21 Year 6 Confirmation Retreat

Thurs 10-Jun-21 Year 6 to Canberra

Fri 11-Jun-21 Year 6 to Canberra Year 2 Assembly 12:30pm



Mon 14-Jun-21 Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

Tue 15-Jun-21

Wed 16-Jun-21

Thurs 17-Jun-21

Fri 18-Jun-21 Year 4 Assembly 12:30pm Laps for Life REPORTS GO LIVE



Mon 21-Jun-21 Tue 22-Jun-21 Netball Cup - Orange

Wed 23-Jun-21

Thurs 24-Jun-21

Fri 25-Jun-21 Last Day of Term 2

Parents are invited to attend their children’s assemblies

in the school hall

Please save the date

Southern Region Athletics 23rd July 2021 - Blayney

From the Principal:

Dear parents and carers, Over the past month it has been my great privilege to meet new families seeking enrolment at St Mary’s for their child for Kindergarten 2022. During the interview I always ask parents what their expectations are of us… other than a great education of course! Overwhelmingly most new parents say that they are seeking a Catholic education that teaches strong values. Like these parents, we all want our children to grow up to be solid, loving and kind citizens who contribute to their families and to their communities by living lives of meaning and fulfilment. The things that matter most are the things we always come back to. Speaking of things that matter, Ben Benton, our wonderful Aboriginal Education Worker, has been able to secure $2000 of funding from Cadia Community Partnership, to help our students establish an edible indigenous garden at school. Ben works throughout the school with all of our identified ATSI students to assist them with their learning and connect them to culture. During National Reconciliation Week he has assisted teachers to provide wonderful lessons and reflections on 20 years of work in Australia towards Reconciliation. He is now turning his attention to Naidoc Week activities, the theme of which this year is Heal Country. Our teachers are currently immersed in writing/finalising Semester One reports. As advertised to you, the reports will go ‘live’ on Friday 18 June. As is normally the case, you are invited to arrange an interview with your child’s teacher in the following week or early next term if you would like further information about the reports. As you know, teachers are always happy to meet with parents at any point throughout the year as required and appointments are arranged through the office. Our Student Representative Council has been very active this term and they have asked for a fundraiser for cancer research on Friday 18 June. They are calling it Laps for Life which is their own version of Relay for Life. It’s wonderful that our students show such care and concern for people in need. Further information about the day is included in this newsletter. Have a wonderful weekend with your families. Gayle Stratton

Thought for the week:

Happiness is the new rich. Inner peace is the new success.

Health is the new wealth. Kindness is the new cool.


When we follow teacher directions we are being respectful. Everyone deserves to be respected. When we include others and play fairly, we are being responsible. Everyone can play. Everyone has a turn. Everyone is included. Everyone is valued.

This week our focus has been -

We will include others and play fairly

The points will be combined with next weeks because of

the staff development day

Spelling Bee

Last week we were beautifully represented at the Diocesan Spelling Bee.

Congratulations to Lucas, Emma, Mia and Leah for

their fantastic spelling efforts.

CWA Public Speaking

St Mary’s was proud to put forward these engaging young public speakers to represent us at CWA Public Speaking. Congratulations to Joelin, Ada,

Jordan & William on this wonderful achievement.

6 Blue News





Christmas Art Competition: Last week on Thursday, a group of talented students were selected to participate

in the Diocesan Christmas Art Workshop. They had to recreate an image based on a scripture passage

chosen during class on the birth of Jesus. The St. Mary’s students were accompanied by the Catherine

McAuley students. It was a great opportunity for the students who were involved. By Bonnie Shore, Grace Kemp, Luke Prevett, Denisse Olano.

Science Design and Make:

Two weeks ago Six Blue had a design and make project about designing earthquake-proof buildings. The

equipment that we could use included raw spaghetti sticks, toothpicks, plasticine, straws and mini

marshmallows. It was challenging and hard at times when our buildings collapsed. We were all on the edge

of our seats watching in anticipation as our fragile buildings were rocked for a total of eight seconds.

Most of the buildings survived the test. By Adam Pawsey, Isabelle Perkins, Daniel Moloney, Anthony Clarke-Randazzo and MJ Libuneo.


We are preparing to make the sacrament of Confirmation.

In our Religion lessons we have learned that Baptism, the Eucharist and Confirmation are the three

sacraments of initiation. This week we have started learning about the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit which are:

Courage, Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Reverence, Right Judgement and finally, Wonder And Awe. By Reece Edgerton, Aidan Wilson, Charlie Hook and Cooper Long.

Maths Trust Program: In Mathematics, a group of Year Six students were entered into the Australian Maths

Trust, Newton Competition. In this, we have 7 chapters covering different topics and challenging competition

questions at the end of each chapter. These questions will give us a head start on high school math and give us

extension work. It's been very challenging and confusing at times but it has also been a fun to get involved.

The runner of the program, Anne Walton, has been very supportive and has helped us with a zoom meeting

every week. Overall, it's been a great experience so far and I am looking forward to what's to come. By Oscar Tracey.

Information Report: This term we’ve been learning about the structure of an information report, this includes

an introduction, three body paragraphs and a conclusion. We chose our own topics for an information

report. Some examples are Snow Leopards, Japan, Bees, A day in the life of Dakota, Dogs and many

more. Later on in the day we got to present our reports to the class,we all had a great time writing and

presenting them! By Carly Bruce, Olivia Thorp, Jamie Buttriss, Joshua King and Dakota George.

Touch Football

Last week, Cleo Graystone, Macy Maunder, Edward Hiney, Zavier Felice, Reece Edgerton and Harry Miller travelled to Port Macquarie to play

touch football in the Diocese of Bathurst team. Congratulations to Harry Miller who was selected in the Polding Team

which will play at the NSW PSSA State Championships in Werrington in August.

Congratulations to our St Mary's Under 12's Rugby League team

who participated in the 'Independent & Catholic Primary Schools

Challenge'. It was the first time the boys played together, although

we did not proceed to the next level the boys played with

great courage and strength. Congratulations!!


















KB Braxton Balchin Audrey Challinor Pios Jnr Chiro Harvey Finney Roger Day-Gorham Kael Valdez Barclay Max Meldrum Amber Mackenzie Maleah Hare Declan Baldock

3B Travis Chapman Zana Bishop Mikaili Elliott Anishvar Heyshankaran Logan Benson

KG Lara Soley Elzita Tony Oscar Weily Jacob White Samuel Cole

3G Helika Senanayake Leo Clarke-Cima Jessie Taylor Rose Morgan Kate Elliott

KO Georgie Pearson Joanna Ranju Hudson Reiss Hannah Vogler Finnegan Leslie

4B Rose Staniforth Ryan Anderson Nicholas O’Dea Georgia Maurice Jude Graystone

1B Matthew McGovern Isabelle Burford Irene Jacob Vidula Liyanage Fiona Rajeesh

4G George Bouffler Lachlan Jones Ella Mason Clancy Simmons Mason White

1G Vincent Eves Jack Howarth Harry McGrath Toby Miller Blayke Woods

5B Lochlan Thwaites Jacqueline Whittaker Angus Feeney Ollie Scoins Phoebe Edwards

2B Ivy Michell Asher Varipano Lucas Geo Henry Bonney Madeline Gouge

5G Mia Collins Xanthie Curran Emily George Phoebe Wong Joshua Xuereb

2G Lachlan McClymont Imogen Perkins Ryan Olano Eloise Flitcroft Macey Shirvington

6B Daniel Moloney Oscar Tracey Carly Bruce Cooper Long Joshua King Isabelle Perkins

2O Baxter Curran Mia Scoins Max Schwenke Charlotte Nicholson Maddi Meldrum

6G Cleo Graystone Ewan Armstrong Fergus May Stephen Wright Isobel Nathan

6O Jake Mulhall Emily Gorham Shaylee Holmes Oscar Cudars


Kindergarten FRIDAY



Year Three FRIDAY

Year Four FRIDAY

Year Five FRIDAY


Pupil Free Day


4th June 2021

14th June 2021

The Queen’s Birthday

Public Holiday

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