speaking class 4

Post on 13-Aug-2015






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Speaking Class 4

Step-Up Level 2

Video Podcast “Tales”

1. How do you find out what’s happening in the world?

2. Do you always believe what you see or read in the news?

3. When is it OK to tell a lie?4. Tell me about a time you told a


different sources reading the news on the internet general day-to-day talk go on the internet look at a range of web sites distinguish between what’s fact and

what’s opinion. be a little bit biased be tinged with self-interest tell a lie ≠ tell the truth; tell a white lie grab attention misleading critical consumer

Entertainment Questions 1. Do you think there is too much violence in movies? Does it affect children?

2. Do you think that films should be more educational?

3. What are the different types/genres of films you can watch?

4. What is your favorite movie soundtrack?

5. Are you addicted to watching movies?

6. Are there any kinds of movies you dislike? If so, what kinds? Why do you dislike them?

7. Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction books? How about movies?

8. If a book has been made into a movie, which do you prefer to do first, see the movie or read the book? Why?

9. What is the best movie you have ever seen? Who was in it? Why did you like it? Who was the director?

10. What is the scariest movies you have ever seen? What's the funniest? What's the most romantic?

11. Which do you prefer, to watch movies or to read books?

12. Do you like foreign films that are dubbed in your mother tongue or do you like watching the film in its original form?

13. What kind of movie would you like to star in? Why?

14. Have you ever fallen asleep in the middle of a film? Why?

Word Formation Games act -

educate -

perform -

entertain -

certify -

behave -

predict -

support -

expect –

direct –

revise -

Paraphrasing and Word Formation

Speaking Activity

“The Woman Who Disappeared” by Philip Prowse (Chapters 7,8)

1. Where did Lenny go immediately after talking to Suzy? What did he find out?

2. Did he manage to find Benny Greep’s flat? Can you describe it?

3. Where was Benny and what was he doing? How did he identify him?

4. Who called the police? What did Lenny do before that? What did the police think about the murder? What did they do?

5. How did Lenny feel about the arrest? Was he angry or upset? Why/Why not?

Modern Family Episode 8 “Great Expectations”

1. How does the episode start? Which special occasion have Phil and Claire got? Have they got presents for each other?

2. Why does Claire say: “I am so screwed!” What is the problem? Which present did Claire finally give to Phil? Was it a success? Why/ Why not?

3. Where are Cameron and Mitchel going? Why are they so excited about it? Is everything going as they expected? Why not?

4. Where is Lily going? Who is going to babysit Lily? Why does Jay think that Lily is deaf?

5. What is Jay’s night? What do they usually do there?

6. Do the children like the event? Who doesn’t? Why not?

7. How does Alex make fun of Luke in the episode? How does he behave as a result?

8. Why is the episode called “Great Expectations”?

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