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Agenda Notes for the 96th OCC Meeting to be held on 11.06.2014 Page 1


Agenda notes for 97th Meeting of the Operation Coordination Committee of SRPC

to be held at Bangalore on 11th July 2014

1. Confirmation of the Minutes of the 96th Meeting of OCC held on 11th June 2014 at SRPC, Bangalore.

2. Monthly Outage Plan

2.1 ISGS/CGS: Generating Units

a) Shut Down Proposals for July 2014/August 2014

b) Shut Down carried out during June 2014 along with reason for deviation if any.

c) Revised Annual Outage Plan for 2014-15- NTECL, Vallur.

TANTRANSCO vide letter dated 19.06.2014, had furnished their views regarding postponement of maintenance of Unit 1 of Vallur NTECL from (16.06.2014 -15.07.2014) to (16.07.2014 - 15.08.2014). Annexure 2A

d) As per Annual Outage Plan, Unit IV of Simhadri was to be under outage from 1st July 2014 to 30th July 2014. In view of the recent directives from MoP, NTPC had agreed for deferment of Maintenance till November 2014. However in case coal stock remained critical, it was informed that Unit IV may be taken out for Maintenance as per schedule. SRPC vide letter dated 25.06.2014(Annexure-2B) requested NTPC to intimate urgently the present position.

2.2 ISTS/State Sector Transmission Elements

a) The proposals for outages of Transmission lines/elements received from various utilities by 3rd of every month would be posted on SRPC website.

b) It is requested that the information may be furnished in the specified format in Excel form through E-mail to the following address. It is also requested that the date and time formats should be entered in correct excel format.

c) As per the NLDC outage procedure, the outage proposals for the subsequent month were to be submitted by 3rd of each month. Constituents to furnish the outage proposals for August 2014 by 3rd July 2014.

d) Constituents/utilities are requested to furnish the information about the shut down carried out during last month against shutdown approved and also information regarding unapproved/emergency shutdown in their respective system. SRLDC is also requested to furnish the details of shut downs availed / not availed during the previous month by various utilities against the OCC approved shut downs.

e) It was noted in 96th OCC that except KSEB, no other state had furnished the planned shutdown of the STU lines/elements for the year 2014-15. State utilities to furnish shutdown proposals for transmission elements for the year 2014-15.

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3. Operation of the Grid in July 2014 & August 2014.

a) Schedule of Hydro and Thermal Generation.

b) Details of anticipated assistance from other sources including bilateral assistance.

c) Anticipated Consumption.

d) Shortfall/Surplus if any and how the same is proposed to be met.

e) Loss of Generation due to fuel shortage- Action plan for meeting their demand and short fall by constituents.

f) Load Generation Balance in real time.

g) Submission of LGBR on on day ahead basis in specified format or submission of network data in PSSE format(.raw files)

(Item No. 12 (a), (b) , (e) & (f) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014.

4. Review of the Power Supply Position /Inflows

Constituents to furnish the reasons for deviation:

a) Actual with respect to anticipated (MW & MU) for availability and requirement.

b) Generation variation category wise with respect to MoP targets/LGBR figures.

c) Inflows to major reservoirs: Actual w.r.t. 10 year moving average and w.r.t. same month last year.(MU)

5. Issues for Deliberation

5.1 Status review of action plan of all points discussed in OCC.(Annexure-5A)

(item no 9(c) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014.)

5.2 400 kV Kolar-Hosur lines overloading:

The issue of load generation balance in Chennai area had been deliberated in a number of SRPC forums and special meetings also had been conducted on 8th May 2014 and 30th May 2014. TANTRANSCO vide letter dated 11.06.2014 had raised the following issues. (Letter copy at Annexure-5B)

1. Fixing of power flow limit at 1160 MW for 400 kV Kolar-Hosur D/C lines

2. Own generation developed to be preferred over open access market

3. UI Pattern/priority of curtailment.

4. Mysore-Kozhikode line commissioning/STOA curtailment.

The reply of SRPC on these issues were communicated to TANTRANSCO vide letter dated 16.06.2014(Annexure-5C). It was requested that TN may adhere to the decisions taken in the Meetings held on 8th and 30th May 2014.

5.3 Segregation of AUFR, df.dt and SPS relief among AP and Telangana

APTRANSCO vide letter No. CE/SLDC/SE(PP & OA)/DE-1/D.No.156/14 dated 03.06.2014 had furnished the data of Demand and Energy Consumption of

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Andhra Pradesh and Telangana for the year 2013-14 to facilitate the segregation of AUFR and df/dt relief among Andhra Pradesh and Telangana for the year 2014-15. Based on the above information, the relief for AUFR and df/dt have been segregated and communicated to APTRANSCO/TSTRANSCO (Annexure-5D) for needful action to implement the same in the respective States. It may be noted that Power Number of 209 and 222 would be considered for frequency correction for AP and Telangana respectively. Andhra Pradesh and Telangana need to apply a ratio of 0.48 and 0.52 for all other SPS Schemes. Segregation into four groups of loads as per IEGC Clause 5.4.2. was to be ensured. It was requested that the action taken/implementation status/feeders list/quantum of relief etc. may please be informed to SRPC/SRLDC.

APTRANSCO/TSTRANSCO to appraise the Status

(Item No. 7(a) (ii & iii) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014)

5.4 Sharing of infirm power from 800 MW Sri Damodaram Sanjeevaiah TPS,

Krishnapatanam of AP to Telangana state Distribution Companies.

Krishnapatanam Unit I was synchronized on 31.03.2014 and since then it is injecting infirm power upto 250 MW and was being utilized by all the DISCOMs of erstwhile Andhra Pradesh till 01.06.2014. TSTRANSCO vide letter dated 18.06.2014 (Annexure-5E-1) informed that the infirm power is not being shared by APDISCOMs with TSDISCOMs from 02.06.2014 even though the infirm power was consistently stable.

As per the AP State Re-organisation Act 2014, Twelth Schedule, C.2, the existing Power Purchase Agreements with respective Distribution companies shall continue for both ongoing Projects and Projects under construction.

In the above circumstances, it was requested to advise APSLDC/APDISCOMs to share the infirm power to Telangana State Distribution Companies in the percentage ratio indicated in the G.O.Ms.No.20, Dated 08.05.2014 in line with the sharing of the infirm power injected by 1000MW Kundankulam Nuclear Power Plant.

Reply of SRLDC communicated vide letter dated 01.07.2014 in this regard is at (Annexure 5E-2)

5.5 Allocation of Power to AP DISCOMs from Generating Stations located in Andhra Pradesh /Non-scheduling of power generation by APSLDC from shared projects of APGENCO:

APTRANSCO vide letters dated 23.06.2014 & 25.06.2014(Annexure-5F) informed that net power transfer from APGENCO stations to Telangana state were indicated in Form-D despite the fact that APGENCO stations are exclusively for AP State only. It was mentioned that net power transfer from APGENCO stations to Telangana State is against Government of Andhra Pradesh instructions and 100 % power of APGENCO power may be scheduled to AP DISCOMs and APSLDC/AP DISCOMs would be absolved of the consequential commercial and regulatory issues arising out of non-implementation of the schedules by SRLDC.

TSTRANSCO vide letter dated 27.06.2014 (Annexure-5G) informed that APSLDC has not scheduled power to TSDISCOMs in respect of APGENCO hydel projects as per percentage allocations given in GO Ms. No. 20, dated 08.05.2014. It was also informed that TSSLDC is complying to the directives given the Act and accordingly power generated from Nagarjunasagar HEP had been scheduled to APDISCOMs on 25th , 26th and 27th June 2014. It was requested that APSLDC may kindly be advised to comply with SRLDCs directions and also APGENCO

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Hydel stations could be scheduled at least based on previous day generation. It may be noted that a Special Meeting was held on 24.06.2014 with participation from AP, Telengana , SRLDC, SRPC, and CEA NLDC on video conference.

5.6 TTC declared for S1-S2 corridor for July 2014 and curtailment in STOA due to revised TTC:

KSEB vide letter dated 27.06.2014 & 30.06.2014(Annexure-5H) informed that NLDC had revised the TTC for S1-S2 region as 2300 MW citing revised maintenance schedule of SRPC generating units. TTC from 28th to 30th June 2014 was fixed as 2640 MW from 2920 MW as per revision no. 28 declared on 25.06.2014. It was noted that as per OCC approved outage plan for July 2014 no major generator/transmission element shut down was planned from 1st July 2014. It was requested by KSEB that necessary corrections in the TTC fixed for July 2014 and restore the curtailed STOA to KSEB at the earliest considering as most urgent since due to failure of Monsoon, Kerala is already facing acute power shortage. SRLDC reply dated 30.06.2014 is enclosed as Annexure-5I.

Subsequently KSEB vide letter dated 02.07.2014(Annexure-5I-2) had requested for further clarification in this regard

5.7 STOA curtailment citing flow gate violation:

KSEB vide letter dated 21.06.2014(Annexure-5J) informed that all STOA transactions to S2 were curtailed from 1 to 56 block on 19.06.2014 in view of flow gate violation (more than limit of 2345 MW) and the curtailment was restored at 1000 hrs on 19.06.2014 only. It was noted that NLDC had revised the ATC/TTC for S1-S2 at 1530 hrs on 18.06.2014 due to the forced outage of one unit at Vallur and the ATC was fixed as 2625 MW. STOA quantum upto 24 MW from S1 region was curtailed besides denying their request for URS power of 75 MW from Ramagundam and Simhadri on 19.06.2014. The denial of URS/STOA curtailment resulted from delay in implementing schedule had resulted in short scheduling at least 0.75 MU during the above period. KSEB had requested for urgent corrective action in such incidents.

5.8 Corridor reserved for LTA/MTOA: KSEB

KSEB vide letter dated 25.06.2014 (Annexure-5J) informed that in the TTC/ATC declaration for August 2014, NLDC has reserved 2641MW for LTA/MTOA to S2 region in Rev. No.2 whereas the same was given as 2293 MW in Rev No.0. It was indicated by KSEB that the reason for the change was not mentioned in the NLDC website and also no change in LTA/MTOA allocation to S2 was reported by Powergrid for August 2014. With the present CGS allocation to SR constituents and the approved LTA/MTOA to S2 region (TN-500MW+150MW,KER-3MW), the net flow from S1 to S2 region, as worked out by KSEB was shown as 2484 MW. KSEB sought clarification for the allocation of Corridor for LTA/MTOA for August 2014.

5.9 Arbitrary denial of URS power from Jhajjar: KSEB

KSEB vide letter dated 26.06.2014 (Annexure-5L) informed that KSEB had requested for URS power for 26.06.2014 from Jhajjar on 25.06.2014. It was informed that the request was sent by FAX at 22:30 hrs on 25.06.2014. But the same was allocated to Telangana saying that they had applied at 21:15 hrs. It was mentioned by KSEB that on 24.06.2014, when KSEB sent URS request at 18:16 hrs for URS power from Jhajjar for 25.06.2014 the request was not considered by SRLDC indicating that the request was too early and KSEB was asked to send it again at a later time. It was requested by KSEB that a cut off time may kindly fixed to apply for Jhajjar URS at the earliest.

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5.10 Commissioning of NTECL Vallur, 1x400 kV, 63 MVA Bus Reactor:

NTECL vide letter dated 24.06.2014 (Annexure-5M) informed that BHEL make 1x400 kV, 63 MVA Bus Reactor had been installed at NTECL Vallur and is made ready for energisation. Necessary approval/clearance to energize the same had been obtained from Authority of CEI to Government of India. NTECL requested SRLDC to issue necessary clearance for energizing the said bus reactor from 400 kV system from NTECL switch yard.

5.11 LGBR for upcoming five months

In the 96th OCC Meeting the need for having quality node wise data from the constituents (for 96 time blocks / different scenario like peak / off-peak) was emphasized before computation of ATC for optimal utilization of transmission system and requested SR constituents to submit the validated data in this regard. After deliberations, it was concluded that the provision of Node wise and block wise LGB data by states should start within three months from now. Till that time the states to furnish upcoming 5 months LGB data which would be discussed in OCC for validation. In the mean while SRLDC TTC/ATC figures along with assumptions and LGBR would be put on website/circulated for validation. SRPC had stated that the issue of real time ATC may be taken up with National Reliability Council for Electricity. TANTRANSCO vide letter dated 13.06.2014 (Annexure-5N) had requested

deliberations on ATC-TTC calculation implemented from 17.05.2014.

Constituents are requested to furnish LGBR for upcoming five months. It shall be ensured that availability was considered as per updated outage plan. Energy from units not under CoD is required to be shown separately.

5.12 PSS tuning of generators required urgently as per IEGC In view of tripping of MAPS Unit-2 on 06.05.2014, SRLDC had suggested that

to prevent such instances it is very much essential for reviewing / re-tuning of PSS of all the major generators in the region. SRPC / CTU were requested for a suitable action plan in this regard and avail the services of experts if required on urgent basis.

5.13 Supply of Coal to NTPC-Simhadri (4x500 MW)

Simhadri STPS was facing acute coal shortage with critical coal stock of less than one(1) day’s consumption. SRPC vide letter dated 16.06.2014 had taken up with CEA for improvement of coal stock position at NTPC, Simhadri.

5.14 Follow up on Petition No.302/MP/2013

The issue was deliberated in the special meeting on RGMO/MVAR held on

23.06.2014 with CERC participation. The minutes of the Meeting is uploaded at

SRPC website. In accordance with RoP on Petition No. 302/MP/2013 all SLDCs

to furnish the following affaidavit by 6th July 2014.

Report with details of RGMO/FGMO response of each generating station within their control area.

Details of having taken up the matter with respective SERC in case of lack of response of inadequate response from the generating units within their state.

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TANGEDCO and APGENCO had been directed to submit on affidavit detailed note explaining how irrigation requirement was coming in the way of implementation of FGMO/RGMO, after discussing the matter with their State Irrigation Department by 6th July 2014.

5.15 Over Loading of 230 kV Hosur-Shoolagiri line

KPTCL was planning alternate arrangements for Yerrandahally which was likely to be in place by July 2015. In the 96th OCC meeting KPTCL informed that 400 kV Mylasandra SS had been planned as part of alternate arrangement. Contract had also been awarded however there were some disputes in land acquisition. Another 66 kV line was also planned. With the commissioning of Mylasandra SS, the loading on Somanahally-Hosur would get reduced.

OCC may be appraised of the current status.

5.16 Implementation of URTDSM (PMU) project in Southern Region

Nomination of coordinators from constituents for smooth implementation of URTDSM(PMU) project in Southern Region has been received by most of the constituents.

Coordinators nomination wherever due needs to be expedited. PGCIL to get in touch LD & C Division and give clarity on O & M aspects after the implementation of PMU project.

5.17 Non-availability of NLC-TS II Real Time data

In the 96th OCC Meeting PGCIL was informed that 18 Nos. of RTUs/transducers were required at NLC II station and the procurement of spares was under progress by ULDC wing as all the spares exhausted.

PGCIL may expedite procurement and handing over the spares to NLC. NLC to

ensure real time data availability to SRLDC.

(Item No. 8(7) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014.

5.18 Usage of Bus Reactor at LANCO for Voltage Regulation

A Meeting was held at SRPC, Bangalore on 21st April 2014 regarding the usage of bus reactor at LANCO for voltage regulation. In the 96th OCC Meeting CM, SR I, PGCIL had informed that the SEM had been installed on 10.06.2014.

LANCO and SRLDC to expedite taking of the reactor into service at the earliest.

5.19 Sudden changes in Load in the SR grid

SRLDC had communicated to all the states the instances of sudden load change over under violation of the Clause 5.2(j) of IEGC and requested to take necessary measures in this regard.

(Item No. 2 (b) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014).

5.20 Upcoming LGBR and Transmission Scheme details

In the 24th SRPC meeting held on 15th March 2014 SRPC Secretariat was to present ‘Big Picture’ of the upcoming LGBR and Transmission issues. Draft LGBR

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for upcoming 5 years and the short term and long term transmission constraints in SR had been prepared by SRPC Secretariat and was available in the SRPC website. In this regard the details of Status of Transmission schemes along with forest clearance/ROW issues etc, comments on Draft LGBR for upcoming 5 years (Draft available on SRPC website), comments on Operational feedback on transmission constraints for the last quarter (January –March 2014) and future expected constraints in SR Grid submitted to CEA, CTU & CERC by NLDC were still awaited from most of the constituents.

Utilities are required to furnish the comments at the earlist.

TANTRANSCO vide letter dated 30.06.2014 (Annexure-5O) had observed the


Hosur-Salem constraints could be removed.

Mysore-Kozhokode was necessary for reducing Salem-Udumalpet loading in future.

5.21 Demand Forecast to be displayed at SLDC website

In the 93rd OCC Meeting it was noted as desired by MoP and as per decision taken in the Special meeting held on 18th January 2014 at Hyderabad, SLDCs were to carry out block-wise demand forecast and make arrangements to ensure that forecasted 15 minute demand graph with the portfolio management be displayed along with the actual graph (demand met from various sources and load shedding) in each 15 minutes block. In the 95th OCCM constituents had raised the apprehension about displaying the block wise demand along-with portfolio management in public domain. Username and password could be shared with concerned officials to view this information. It had been suggested that apprehensions, if any, in this regard could be raised by Senior Management appropriately.

5.22 Low Voltage and UV Relay

In the earlier OCC Meetings the following was noted :

SRLDC had expressed concern about the low voltages in Bangalore area. It was requested that urgent action be taken to improve the voltages in Bangalore area by taking capacitors at sub transmission and distribution level, optimal rearrangement of loads to decrease line loadings etc.

The following were noted in 96th OCC Meeting

KPTCL had informed that tenders were floated for procurement of 500 MVAR Capacitor banks for which budget provisions was also made.

TANTRANSCO had informed that 1005 MVAR capacitor installation at distribution level was under various stages of installation.

KSEB had informed that a proposal for a scheme to implement UV relays had been prepared and put up to their higher management.

After deliberations, it was concluded to identify the list of feeders that may be suitable for physical regulatory measures by SRLDC in case of consistent low voltage situation at specific nodes since there was delay in implementation of Under Voltage Relays which was IEGC mandated provision. This interim measure of physical regulation may be implemented

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till installation of sufficient capacitors / UV relays. SRLDC agreed to submit the identified feeder list within a month.

SRLDC had furnished 220 kV stations in low voltage pockets of Southern Region(Annexure-5P). All the constituents were requested to give action plan for installation of UV relays by 26.06.2014 else physical regulations may be taken up for system security. KPTCL vide letter dated 19.06.2014 had taken up this issue with all the Transmission Zones of KPTCL(Letter copy at Annexure-5Q)

(Item No. 13 (c) &(d) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014).

5.23 Low Voltages and High MVAR drawal at Udumalpet:

SRLDC vide letter dated 20.06.2014(Annexure-5R) informed that during past few days the voltage at Udumalpet area was decreasing. The MVAR drawal were also very high. A study was conducted to alleviate the measures.

TANTRANSCO to expedite on the action taken in this regard.

5.24 KKNPP Related Issues.

Special Meeting was held on 12th March 2014 at SRPC Bangalore to deliberate

on the issues related to KKNPP. The following issues were discussed.

Implementation of SPS during Tripping of ATS:

KKNPP vide letter dated 06.06.2014 had informed regarding the manual reduction of generation of KKNPP at 50 MW/Min.. It was pointed out that the scheme of 50MW/min reduction may not be adequate to ensure the unit survival. It was once again requested that KKNPP/NPCIL review the scheme.

• Auto reclose with 11/2 Breaker scheme.

SRLDC stated that A/R scheme needs to be implemented before CoD of unit. KKNPP had informed all the possible efforts would be put to ensure the A/R scheme.

• Hot line link between KKNPP and SRLDC:

KKNPP had informed that approval for hotline link to SRLDC had been received and the same would be commissioned shortly.

• SCADA Inputs to be ensured from KKNPP:

Regarding the pending SCADA input to SRLDC, alternate method was being studied by KKNPP and they would revert back.

• Spurious generation of SPS signal at KKNPP.

SR II, PGCIL had informed that they had completed the modifications.

• Interpretation of Capability Curve(limiting MVAR absorption to 100 MVAR)

KKNPP had stated that the issues had been taken-up with concerned and they would revert back soon.

• Status review of changing GT tap position at Kudankulam NPP corresponding to 400 KV & Review of absorption / injection of MVAR.

KKNPP had stated that the issues had been taken-up with concerned and they would revert back soon.

(Item No. 8(4) & 13 (f) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014)

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5.25 Collection of data regarding Power Supply to Rural Areas

CEA vide letter dated 09.04.2014 had informed that in the Meeting held at MoP

on 09.04.2014 it had been decided to collect the data invariably from DISCOMs

in a simplified format. SRPC vide letter dated 11.04.2014 enclosing CEA letter

dated 09.04.2014 had requested that the data in this regard in the enclosed

format may please be arranged to be communicated to SRPC Secretariat at the

following E-mail addresses:

Data to be communicated by first week of the month for previous month.

5.26 Review of SPS operation in respect of 765 kV Raichur-Sholapur line

In the earlier OCC meetings it was noted that SPS for Raichur-Sholapur line had operated for overloading of Warda-Parli line in WR and SPS needed to be reviewed. The SPS which had acted (flow threshold violation, dp/dt, SPS due to line imp.) and its source (i.e. Sholapur/Raichur, Wardha & Parli) were not discernible. The source and type of signal initiation was needed to be ensured to SRLDC/Constituents. The proposed revisions/modifications suggested by NLDC in respect of Raichur-Sholapur SPS had been discussed and approved in the 31st Meeting of PCSC. It was noted that SPS in SR had been implemented while SPS implementation/modifications in other regions were pending. SRLDC/NLDC/PGCIL to coordinate with other regions to complete the same. SPS modification could not been implemented at Raichur on scheduled date (09.06.2014)

In the 96th OCC Meeting SRLDC had stated that synchronizing facility was

required at Raichur end of 765 kV Raichur – Sholarpur line to avoid delay in

restoration of vital inter-regional link, separate synchronizing facility had to be provided for both the lines by PGCIL at both ends and requested SR I, PGCIL to appropriately take up the issue. PGCIL had informed that the process for providing the synchronizing facility had already been initiated and taken-up with the manufacturer.

5.27 Taking all available Inter-Regional lines into service Upper Sileru- Balimela line had been tested with two units of Balimela in

service. APTRANSCO had expressed concern that it had taken more than ½ hour for exchanging the code and for Odisha SLDC to take necessary action. Minimizing the code exchange time was necessary. SRLDC assured for review of the process & would take-up with NLDC / ERLDC for quick exchange of codes.

KPTCL had agreed for closing the Chikkodi – Mudsinghi / Tandlade – Kolhapur

line in the Special TCC Meeting held on 08.05.2014. A meeting was held on rejuvenation of Chikodi-Kolhapur (Talandage & Mudshungi) held on 12th June 2014.

Status update

(Item No. 6 (b) & (c) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014).

5.28 Tripping of MAPS Unit due to sudden dip in Grid Frequency

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On 22.05.2014 at 1308 hrs both the units of MAPS went on House Load operation due to sudden dip in grid frequency resulting in loss of 230 kV Grid supply. MAPS vide letter dated 06.06.2014 had requested for discussion on this issue in the 96th OCC meeting. After deliberations, OCC had recommended that a committee consisting of members from SRPC, SRLDC, MAPS and TANTRANSCO could be formed to study the incident. The Committee met at TANTRANSCO office on 25.06.2014 and studied the issue and Minutes are available on SRPC website. The recommendations are enclosed at (Annexure 5S).

5.29 Compiled Telemetry status – Utility wise- as directed by Ho’ble Commission

Vide order dated 19.12.2013 on Suo-moto petition No. 56/5M/2013 Hon’ble

Commission had directed all the utilities to provide the required telemetry within six months of this order. Progress of compliance in this regard by various utilities w.r.t. the report submitted on 25.09.2013 was compiled and submitted to Hon’ble Commission in March 2014 furnished by POSOCO, a copy of the same was forwarded to SRPC. 3 months time schedule given by Hon’ble CERC was getting over. In the 96th OCC Meeting it was requested that necessary action to communicate the status of the pending field inputs as well as action plan/action taken to rectify the same may please be furnished within 15 days.

5.30 Implementation of RRF Mechanism

In the 91st OCC Meeting provisions of CERC Order dated 07.01.2014 in respect of Petition No. 356/SM/2013 were noted.

Forecasting and scheduling of Wind Generation was to continue and the data needed to be preserved.

5.31 GRM operations of Talcher-Kolar Link

KPTCL had informed that third set of reading was yet to be taken. Forum had suggested that all the testing should be completed at the earliest and KPTCL should revert back with the recommendation within specified timeframe.

Status update.

5.32 Pollution Mapping

Training for all the coordinators had been completed and fitting of insulators was under progress by all the constituents.

In the meeting at NTECL, Vallur it had been agreed to put more number of dummy insulators in that area to assess the pollution levels more accurately.SR I, PGCIL and TANTRANSCO were requested to take appropriate action.

5.33 Transmission Line Patrolling Protocols/ Guidelines

Transmission Line Patrolling Protocols/ Guide Lines has been furnished to CERC vide letter dated 21.05.2014. Communication has been sent to constituents vide letter dated 21.05.2014 for implementation/necessary action.

Transmission Line Patrolling Protocols/ Guide Lines are to be followed. Categorization of the lines has to be done and monthly compliance report of the Patrolling is required to be furnished to SRPC/SRLDC.

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5.34 NPC/Implementation of Enquiry Committee

5.34.1 Implementation of measures to prevent Grid Disturbance

A. Third party Protection Audit:

CERC Petition No. 146/MP/2013 with I.A 36/2013

Status on Phase I(01.05.2014) & Phase II (01.09.2014) activities.

It was noted that as per CERC order, phase-I activities were to be completed by 01.05.2014 and phase-II activities were to be completed by 01.07.2014 time schedule and the status was to be communicated to SRPC/SRLDC bimonthly. It was decided that a separate meeting would be held in this regard in which all the constituents were to come up with specific details like tendering, time schedules etc.

Constituents to indicate the break-up details of individual activities involved in a particular recommendation with target time schedule of completion.

(Item No. 7 (g) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014).

B. Reactive Power Planning

Utilities to furnish schemes relating to Reactive Power Planning including at distribution level. The time schedules for implementation would also be indicated.

C. Ensuring proper functioning of UFRs and df/dt relays

Status of the additional identified loads which were to be implemented

Status of additional loads to be identified and implemented

Status of SCADA mapping and the action plan to achieve 100 % mapping.

Non compliance under Clause 1.5 of IEGC for the period 01.05.2014-10.05.2014 was taken up with constituents vide letter dated 22.05.2014

(Item No. 7 (a) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 27.05.2014).

D. Islanding schemes

All the works relating to islanding schemes were completed.

5.34.2 Reporting the Status of implementation of the recommendations of the Enquiry Committee

Status as on last day of the month to be forwarded by 3rd day of the following month, and that as on 15th of the month to be forwarded by 17th of the month All the constituents were requested to furnish timely status updates.

5.34.3 Review of Zone 3 Philosophy

The issue had been deliberated in Protection Sub-Committee Meeting held on 21st November 2013 and settings for critical 400 kV lines had been finalized for implementation.

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5.34.4 Ring Fencing of Load Dispatch Centers

The status report on this was to be submitted every month to the NPC Secretariat. The report had not been received from any of the SLDCs/Transcos. It was requested to kindly send the status updates in a timely manner.

5.34.5 Implementation of CEA Regulations

In 23rd SRPC Meeting held on 26th October 2013, the following had been noted:

TCC had suggested that CEA be kindly requested to send its Officers to the RPC forum to help improve awareness of the Regulations through Workshops, Seminars etc.

Chairperson, SRPC had opined that increased awareness could be created in this Workshops, during which the experts go into issues threadbare.

5.34.6 Number of Stages for AUFLS

All four stages(49.2, 49.0, 48.8 & 48.6 Hz) of UFR in the region had been implemented in SR.

5.34.7 Methodology for determination of quantum of load for AUFLS in different regions

Based on the communication received from CEA vide letter dated 6th August 2013. State-wise Break-up of the UFR quantum has been communicated for implementation.

5.34.8 Implementation of Demand Management Scheme (IEGC 5.4), Grid Security Expert System and Demand Estimation

CERC vide order dated 20.02.2014 had observed monitoring of parameters for 6 months before considering the GSES scheme.

5.35 Present Generation level at RTPS Unit VIII

In the earlier OCC Meetings KPCL informed ESP related works were going on and the unit was likely to achieve full load by July 2014.

5.36 Energy Generation data Management from Renewable Energy Sources

Energy Generation from RES connected to Grid is being collected by CEA

from SLDCs. Action taken to w.r.t. minutes of the Meeting held on 8th November 2013.

All constituents were requested to initiate appropriate steps in this regard.

Status update.

5.37 Upcoming Generating Stations

a) KKNPP b) Krishnatpatnam JV c) Third unit of NTECL d) NLC II Exp. e) Mettur Stage III

(Item no 11 (a) & (b) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014)

Agenda Notes for the 97th OCC Meeting to be held on 11.07. 2014 Page 13

5.38 Islanding Scheme: Priority for Railways in the matter of Restoration of Supply

Four Special meetings had been held in this regard on 23.07.2013, 23.09.2013,

22.11.2013 & 12.02.2014. Minutes of the meeting held on 12.02.2014 are

available at


KPTCL had furnished the draft Operating Procedure to Railway/BMRCL for comments. The communication in this regard by KPTCL is at Annexure-5T

5.39 Evacuation Lines Mettur Stage II and North Chennai Stage II

The issue regarding over loading of lines of Kolar - Hosur and SV Chatram-Puducherry lines, load generation balance in Chennai area and associated transmission/generation evacuation issues had been deliberated in various forums of SRPC. Decisions taken in the Special TCC Meeting held on 08.05.2014 and Special meeting held on 30.05.2014(in which CEA and CTU had also participated) were needed to be adhered.

TANTRANSCO/PGCIL had informed about the status/ commissioning dates of

transmission elements as below:

Tiruvalam-Melakottiyur(PGCIL): July 2014.

Pugalur-Kalavindapttu(TANTRANSCO) : Almost complete. PGCIL bay works by month end.

Mettur-Singarpettai-Tiruvalam(TANTRANSCO): Work awarded stage.

Almathy-Tiruvalam (TANTRANSCO): July 2014.

Tiruvalam SS and downstream system (TANTRANSCO) : Would revert back.

TANTRANSCO and PGCIL were to ensure that the projects are expedited and

there is no further delay.

(Item No. 11(b) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014)

5.40 Reconciliation of schedules within the same shift by Regional Entities.

(Item No. 13(a) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014)

5.41 Over loading of 400 kV/765 kV lines

Over loading of Kolar-Hosur & Hiriyur- Nelamangala .

(Item No. 7(e) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014)

5.42 Charging/Sychronising of elements without intimation to SRLDC.

It was noted in the 96th OCC Meeting that Hoody ICT was charged by KPTCL without exchanging code from SRLDC. KPTCL informed that the switching was done on emergent basis and SLDC had communicated to SRLDC immediately after the operation. SRLDC pointed out that Charging/Synchronising of elements without intimation to SRLDC should not be done except in case of emergencies as defined in IEGC.

KPTCL to submit the detailed report in the specified instant on immediate basis.

5.43 Invoking congestion in real time system operation.

Agenda Notes for the 97th OCC Meeting to be held on 11.07. 2014 Page 14

(Item No. 13(c) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.201 5.44 Providing DC Current Blocking Devises for 3rd 500 MVA ICT at Hoody

station and for 1st , 2nd & 3rd ICTS in 400 kV Nelamangala Station. KPTCL vide letter dated 12.06.2014 (Annexure-5U) had requested Powergrid

SRTS II to kindly make arrangements to provide DC Current Blocking Devices for 500 MVA, 3rd ICT at Hoody substation and for 1st , 2nd & 3rd ICTS in 400 kV Nelamangala Station at PGCIL.

6.0 Grid Frequency

6.1 High frequency

a) High frequency excursions, Violation 5.2 (j) of IEGC.

b) Under Drawal by Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and Telengana.

c) Status review of implementation of staggered load change over within the constituents, as per the decision of 23rd SRPC Board meeting, moderating own generation, surrendering of ISGS power in advance and other actions by Regional Entities to avert high frequency excursion.

d) Summary of deviation statement of each ISGS when frequency was >50.05 Hz..

(Item No. 2(a) (b) & (c) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014.

6.2 Low Frequency

a) Summary statement of different violation messages issued by SRLDC to each constituent as per new IEGC Amendment (Till 23.06.2014)

b) Summary statement of zero crossing violation messages issued by SRLDC to each regional entity constituent as per new IEGC Amendment (Till 23.06.2014)

c) Over Drawal & Low Frequency Messages issued by SRLDC.

d) Status Review of implementation of ADMS.

(Item No. 1(a), (b) (c) & (d) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014)

7. Voltage Profile

7.1 Low Voltage

a) Low voltage at Bangalore, Trichur, Palakkad, Udumalpet, Cochin, Trivandrum & SV Chathram Substations

b) Action to avert low voltage profile. Messages and letters issued by SRLDC.

c) Details of Capacitors installed in June 2014. Details of the healthy/faulty capacitors to be furnished.

d) Installation of under voltage Relays in SR. Status

(Item No. 3 (a), (b) ,(c), (d) & (e) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014)

Agenda Notes for the 97th OCC Meeting to be held on 11.07. 2014 Page 15

7.2 High Voltage

a) High voltage at Vijayawada, N’Sagar, Hyderabad, Gooty, Karnool, Kammam, Vemagiri, Srisailam, Hiruyur, Guttur, Kaiga and Narendra.

b) Messages and Letters.

c) Review of recommendations as per MVAR capability testing report SR

d) Status review of implementation of tap change as per Special Meeting held on 23.06.2014.

e) Status review of Shifting of Hoody line reactor to Guttur S/S

f) Status review of commissioning of Bus Reactors, Line Reactors and SVCs as agreed in the Standing Committee meeting. Status of commissioning of Bus Reactors at Raichur, Vemagiri, Guttur, Kaiga etc.

(Item No.4 (a), (b), (c), (d) (e) & (f) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014)

8 System Security Measures

8.1.1 Tripping details for all the schemes for the month of June 2014 to be furnished.

8.1.2 All tripping related information would be uploaded in SRLDC web based program. FIR would be furnished within 10 to 20 minutes of the incident. Non furnishing of tripping analysis, EL and DR printouts within 24 hours in line with IEGC/CEA regulations by the SR regional entities. CERC Order on Petition No. 146/MP/2013

(Item No. 7 (c) & (d) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014)

8.2 U/F & df/dt Relays Scheme

Status review of AUFR, df/dt and Automatic disconnection of Radial feeders.

Load availability in the identified feeders where AUFR is implemented.

Status of segregation of feeders of AP and Telengana as per IEGC.

Status review of mapping the AUFR and df/dt feeders at SLDC as per CERC order no. 263/MP/2012.

(Item No. 7 (a) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014)

a) As per clause 9 (2) of CEA (Grid Standards) Regulations, 2010, all constituents shall submit a detailed report of operation of UFR/ Operation at different frequencies to SRLDC and SRPC on daily basis.

b) States to furnish Substation details (address along with contact person mobile/phone numbers) where UFR& df/dt were installed. List of feeders connected to the relays along with their loads should also be furnished.

8.3 Status Review of Automatic Demand Side Management Scheme

KSEB vide their letter dated 20.05.2014 has informed that ADMS has been implemented . Details of the scheme awaited.

Status update on ADMS by Tamil Nadu(Petition No.250/MP/2012)

Agenda Notes for the 97th OCC Meeting to be held on 11.07. 2014 Page 16

Status update on ADMS by AP, Kar & Puducherry

(Item No. 7(a) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014)

8.4 Status Review of Automatic Load Disconnection Scheme for overdrawing constituents (IEGC clause 5.4.2(c).

(Item No. 7(a) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014.

8.5 Status review of action for grouping of loads (IEGC clause 5.4.2 (e))

8.6 Declaration of availability and healthiness of various control, monitoring and Protection equipments/defense mechanism Schemes in SR on monthly basis by all Regional entities.

Item No. 7 (f) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014).

9. Special Protection Scheme

9.1. Status review of SPS in Southern Region.

(Item No. 7 (b) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014)

9.2 Over Loading of 400 kV transmission lines-Kolar-Hosur & Hiriyur-Nelamangala.

9.3 Heavy Under Drawal by Tamil Nadu on 30th May 2014 and 1st June 2014.

(Item No. 7 (e) & (h) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014) 10.

10. Status of Contingency Plan by TN to overcome variability of wind generation.

As per the final CERC order dated 22.02.2014 in respect of the Petition No. 120/2011, CERC had directed TANTRANSCO to take necessary steps to implement automatic demand side management scheme to deal with the emergency situations such as sudden variation of wind generation or forced outages etc. and submit the monthly progress report to SRLDC and SRPC in this regard.

TATRANSCO also had to submit monthly progress report to SRLDC and SRPC in this regard.

However, the monthly reports in this regard are not being received from TANTRANSCO. The matter had also been discussed in several Meetings including the 24th SRPC Meeting held at Chennai.

It is requested that necessary action may please be arranged urgently to comply with the orders of Hon’ ble Commission.

11. SCADA & Communication Issues

a) Pending SCADA field inputs under ULDC scheme.

b) Status review of standby data channel from 400 kV S/s (SR-I & SR-II)

c) Reliable / Dedicated internet communication for system operation by SR constituents. Constituents are requested to furnish the status.

d) Stand by data channel from NTECL Vallur to SRLDC & Voice Communication going out of order. NTECL Vallur/PGCIL to give the update.

e) CTU to revert back regarding communication arrangements for enabling Talcher-II data directly to SRLDC.

Agenda Notes for the 97th OCC Meeting to be held on 11.07. 2014 Page 17

f) Non availability of data in real time – NLC II Stage I & II

g) Frequent interruptions of communication link/ICCCP of constituents.

(Item No. 8 of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014)

12. Physical and Cyber Security/Crisis Management Plan/Black Start Procedure

12.1 Status update on Crisis Management Plan(C&DMP) of Power Sector is to be furnished every quarter. The information regarding Cyber Security was to be furnished to Chief Engineer, DPD, CEA, Sewa Bhavan, New Delhi-110066. Report on Physical Security, other Mock Drills for CMP, Mock Drill for Black Start Restoration was to be furnished Chief Engineer, DMLF, CEA, Sewa Bhavan, New Delhi-110066. A copy of the reports was to be sent to SRPC Secretariat ( and The practices being followed in respect of Cyber Security/Physical Security/CMP/Mock Drills w.r.t. Black Start was also required to be communicated.

CEA, vide letter dated 26.11.2013 had enclosed MoP letter dated 21.11.2013 regarding Security of power installations and status. The following information in this regard may please be furnished to Member(GO & D),CEA , New Delhi with a copy to SRPC for onward communication to MoP.

Standard Security guidelines for power installations and the status of implementation including Cyber Security.

Systematic up gradation and modernization of security systems and procedures.

Coordination and liaison with local police and intelligence units.

12.2 Updated list of Nodal Officers for Disaster Management. Constituent to update the list (if any change).

12.3 Mock drill of Black Start Restoration Procedure completed during June 2014.

12.4 Development of Mock exercise procedure for individual Stations/Systems.

12.5 Status Review of BSRP for individual states including Railway Portion.

12.6 Status review of data submission by Railways and constituents.

(Item No.9 (a), (b), (c) & (d) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014)


a) Analysis of RGMO / FGMO performance in SR in some specific instances

b) Status Review of RGMO / FGMO implementation in SR. Updated information w.r.t. RGMO/FGMO in the specified format.

c) RGMO status of new units like North Chennai TPS Stage II and MTPS Stage III.

d) Status Review of effecting Changes in RGMO settings as per IEGC amendment by the generating units in SR.

e) Action Plan of all generators to ensure actual performance of RGMO as per declared performance.

Agenda Notes for the 97th OCC Meeting to be held on 11.07. 2014 Page 18

f) A meeting was held with CERC representation to discuss on RGMO/FGMO related issues on 23.06.2014 at SRPC Bangalaore. Minutes of the meeting is at Annexure- 12 A.

(Item No.5(a), (b), (c) & (d) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014)

14. LGBR & Outage Planning.

a) Status Review on development of load forecasting tools by SLDCs as per IEGC Clause 5.4.2.

In this regard the following may be noted from the Order dated 19.12.2013 on

Petition No. 249/250/251/MP/2012

“We direct all STUs/SLDCs of the Northern Region, Southern Region and

Eastern Region to forecast their demand and make adequate arrangements to

avoid dependence on Unscheduled Interchange for meeting their demand or for

injecting short term surplus power, irrespective of the frequency”

(Item No. 12(d) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014.

b) Outage deviation report for the period April –June 2014: Constituents are requested to furnish the reasons for outage deviation w.r.t. the planned outages which is to be communicated to CERC.


a) Status review of prolonged outage of grid elements in SR & Realistic Action plan for revival of the prolonged outage is awaited from some of the constituents. Monthly reports are required to be submitted to Hon’ble CERC in this regard.(CERC Order on petition no 146/MP/2013).

b) Review of Alternate/reliable Auxiliary Power Supply arrangement for HVDC Bhadravathi – PGCIL agreed to revert back after discussion with WR.

(Item No.6 (a) & (d), of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014).

16. Constituents/Generators are also requested to furnish the following


a) ATC/TTC calculation by SLDCs. Submission of LGBR on day ahead basis as per format enclosed.

(Item No. 12 (c) & (f) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014)

b) Minimum/Maximum Demand Ratio of Constituent States. Information and measures adopted may please be shared.

c) Forced outages of thermal units.

d) Status of Srisailam/Kadamparai pump mode operation.

e) Installed Capacity in MW as on 30.06.2014.

Agenda Notes for the 97th OCC Meeting to be held on 11.07. 2014 Page 19

f) Submission of details of new elements to be provided on monthly basis in the agreed format.

(Item No. 10 of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014)

g) Load Shedding in MW & MU carried out during June 2014 on daily/hourly basis.

h) Capacity in MW of Wind Mills/Renewable (Category wise) added in June 2014 by State Sector and Private Sector - to be furnished separately.

5 Generation in MU of Wind Mills/Renewable (Category wise) in June 2014 by State Sector and Private Sector - to be furnished separately.

6 PLF & PAF of Thermal & Nuclear Power Stations.

7 Details of Energy Exchanges by the states (including embedded IPPs/CPPs) through Power Exchanges.

8 Constituents may apprise the OCC of surplus power available, if any.

9 Power Grid /States to furnish progress of the transmission schemes and ATS for upcoming Generating Stations.

10 Progress of works of generating units to be commissioned in 2014-15 and also coming up in future.

11 Details of Power Cuts on Industries, Load Shedding and Power supply to Agriculture Sector may please be furnished in the Proforma prescribed by CEA vide their letter No. 1/AI/COR/GM-2004/3405 dated 23.11.2004.

12 Loss of generation due to coal shortage/technical problem needs to be furnished for onward transmission to NLDC by 1000 hrs on daily basis.

(Item No. 12(a) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014).

13 Variable cost of ISGS: Previous month data could be furnished by Generators in the monthly OCC meetings. It is required to furnish the entire digits of energy charges as billed by the Generating Station.

14 Coal Stock Position to be submitted on monthly basis by Generators (States/ISGS).

15 The coal shortage issue and sharing of coal availability as per the CERC order dated 23.07.2013.

(Item No. 13(b) of enclosed SRLDC letter dated 26.06.2014)

17. Any other point with the permission of the Chair.

18. Date and Venue of the Meeting.


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