joint-idp: activity report for month 34 (july 2016)...newsletter n.72 july 2016...

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So.Re.Com.THE.NET. @-NEWS n°72 – July 2016

The integrated Newsletter of the European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and Communicationof the So.Re.Com. THEmatic NETwork, and of the SoReCom Joint-IDP

So.Re.Com. Joint-IDP:

activity report for month 34 (July 2016)

As foreseen by the So.Re.Com. Joint-IDP timeline

( the following activities have

been realized and implemented during the month of June 2016:

1. Early-Stage Researchers’ 25th month of activities

2. Development of the SoReCom “A.S. de Rosa” @-library

3. Meetings of the Sapienza Supervisory Board on July 11 and 12.

4. Individual methodological training of the ESRs for learning how to useIRAMUTEQ by doing. Individual methodological training of Filomena Berardifor learning how to perform Multi Correspondence Analysis using SPAD

5. 22nd International Summer School 2016: The “methodological polytheismin the Social Representations literature and its implication in thecontemporary communication era: distinctiveness and dialogue betweenmultiple research methods (textual and image-based research sources andtools, traditional and new media-based research design, experimental andfield oriented studies), Rome, 17th -23rd July 2016.

6. Dissemination of the SoReCom Joint-IDP project information and of theintegrated scientific community belonging to the SoReCom THEmaticNETwork through the SoReCom.THE.NET.@-NEWS and the dedicated website

7. Day-to-day management of the SoReCom Joint-IDP (correspondence withpartners, management of the video-conference during the summer school,facilitating the early stage researcher’s needs, dealing with the departmentadministration and EC project officer, conference calls with the enterpriseworking on the platform, website updates, administrative management…..)

So.Re.Com. Joint-IDP Institutional News

Meetings of the restricted and integrated Sapienza

Supervisory SoReCom Joint-IDP Board

July 11 and 12, 2016

On July 11 the project leader Annamaria de Rosa and other members of the

Sapienza Supervisory Board from Rome (Bruno Mazzara, Mauro Sarrica,

Elena Bocci, Laura Dryjanska) and Sylvain Lassarre, who came from Paris,

have had a joint meeting with the SoReCom Joint-IDP ESRs’ aimed at:

I. Welcome to the new ERS’s representatives: Laura Arhiri

and Ana Tomicic

II. ESRs’ contribution in the forthcoming 2016 International

Summer Schools

III. Current SoReCom Joint-IDP research status and next steps

July 2016Newsletter N.72

The So.Re.Com Joint-IDP Activities

Following the meeting of the restricted Sapienza Supervisory Board held on July 11,

their members together with the SoReCom Joint-IDP administrative project manager had

another meeting on July 12 with the Director and two Administrative Officers of the PPSS

Department to examine and approve the lists of requests submitted by the fellows and

related expenses for participation in scientific conferences, training events and additional

secondments until the end of the ESRs’ contract.

July 2016Newsletter N.72

European/International Joint PhD

in Social Representations and Communication Training Events 2016

Day Agenda of the 22nd International Summer School


18 July 2016

h: 9:00-17:00


key lectures by the

invited speakers and

presentations by the

participants (as in the

agenda) followed by

questions and


with coffee break and

lunch at the

panoramic terrace

• Welcome Address: Relating multiple paradigmatic approaches and levels of analysis to the methodological polytheism in the social representation literature by Prof. Annamaria Silvana de Rosa and:

• Ioana Guraliuc (Romania)• Laura Arhiri (Romania)• Maryia Kukharava (Bielorussia)

• Dialogical methods for investigating social representations in various professional practices by Prof. Ivana Markova (University of Stirling, UK)

• From the use of big data to meta-analysis in urban and transportation studies in the society of algorithms by Ing. Dr. Sylvain Lassarre from non academic associate partner (IFSTTAR, Paris France)

• Methodological input from the EU project SafetyCube: a meta-analysis from mixes different types of studies (road user, infrastructure, vehicle) and applied disciplines (from medicine to epidemiology, to transportation and environmental studies) by Ing. Dr. Sylvain Lassarre from non academic associate partner (IFSTTAR, Paris France)

July 2016Newsletter N.72

European/International Joint PhD

in Social Representations and Communication Training Events 2016

July 2016Newsletter N.72

European/International Joint PhD

in Social Representations and Communication Training Events 2016

Day Agenda of the 22nd International Summer School


19 July 2016

h: 10:00-17:00


key lectures by the

invited speakers and

presentations by the

participants (as in the

agenda) followed by

questions and


with coffee break and

lunch at the

panoramic terrace

• The concept of themata ‘at the heart of social representations’: implications for single case studies by Prof. Ivana Markova (University of Stirling, UK)

• Anchoring different methodological options and research designs into various geo-cultural contexts-continents by Prof Annamaria Silvana de Rosaand:

• Mihaela-Alexandra Gherman (Romania) presented by Laura Arhiri• Teresa Forte (Portugal)

• Implications of academic market-driven practices on the (mis)use of Social Representation Theory by Ana Tomicic (Croatia)

• Detecting multiple methods researching social representations in various thematic areas and cross-disciplinary domains by Prof.Annamaria Silvana de Rosa and:

• Aminat Ramazanova (Russia)• Boria De Madaria (Spain)• Monica Gabriela Panzaru (Romania)• Carlos Miguel Aguilar (Mexico)• Filomena Berardi (Italy)

• Polemic social representations on Social Change: is there no royal road for the study of social representations? by Tânia Santos (Portugal)

July 2016Newsletter N.72

European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and

Communication Training Events 2016

July 2016Newsletter N.72

European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and

Communication Training Events 2016

July 2016Newsletter N.72

European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and

Communication Training Events 2016

Day Agenda of the 22nd International Summer School


20 July 2016

h: 9:00-17:00


key lectures by the

invited speakers and

presentations by the

participants (as in the

agenda) followed by

questions and


with coffee break and

lunch at the

panoramic terrace

• Figurative language, automaticity and discourse: social representations as a bridge between cognition and social construction by Prof. Bruno Mazzara(Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)

• Intergenerational narrative of violence: trying to grasp social representations of the past by Prof. Giovanna Leone (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)

• Looking at Social Representations through critical psychology methods.Thinking Evil: Machiavellian Principles in Today's Geo-Political Context and islamophobia by Prof. Gina Philogene (Sarah Lawrence College, New York, US, CUNY, Graduate School, New York, US)

• Research tools for the Socio-Cultural Anthropology and Ethnographic Approach to the Social Representations within Urban Studies by Prof.Martha De Alba (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico)

July 2016Newsletter N.72

European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and

Communication Training Events 2016

Day Agenda of the 22nd International Summer School


21 July 2016

h: 9:00-17:00


key lectures by the

invited speakers and

presentations by the

participants (as in the

agenda) followed by

questions and


with coffee break and

lunch at the

panoramic terrace

• The Role of Media in Shaping the Social Imaginary: films as social document. The case of gender and genre in the sense making through films by Prof. Monica-Elena Mitarcă (University ‘Dimitrie Cantemir’, Faculty of Political Studies, Romania)

• Mass Media vs. Social Media from the perspective of communication studies by Monica-Elena Mitarcă (University ‘Dimitrie Cantemir’, Faculty of Political Studies, Romania)

• PhotoVoice: Participatory Visual Narrative Inquiry through Dialectic Group Processes: Application to Social Representations by Prof. Mieko Yoshihama(University of Michigan School of Social Work, USA – Japan)

• Thinking Evil: Machiavellian Principles in Today's Geo-Political Context and islamophobia by Prof. Gina Philogene (Sarah Lawrence College, New York, US, CUNY, Graduate School, New York, US)

July 2016Newsletter N.72

European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and

Communication Training Events 2016

Day Agenda of the 22nd International Summer School


22 July 2016

h: 9:00-17:00


key lectures by the

invited speakers and

presentations by the

participants (as in the

agenda) followed by

questions and


with coffee break and

lunch at the

panoramic terrace

• Integrating field studies and @-press research lines in a cross-cultural perspective by Prof. Annamaria Silvana de Rosa (Sapienza University, Rome, Italy) and dr. Emanuele Fino (the University of Sheffield, UK, EuroPhDALUMNUS)

• Social Networks as conversational space for negotiating social representations by Prof. Annamaria Silvana de Rosa (Sapienza University, Rome, Italy) and dr. Emanuele Fino (the University of Sheffield, UK, EuroPhD ALUMNUS)

• From Academia to Professional World back to Academic Context: Sharing experience as EuroPhD Alumnus by dr. Emanuele Fino (the University of Sheffield, UK, EuroPhD ALUMNUS)

International Society for Political Psychology2016 Annual Meeting

Warsaw, 13-16 July 2016The fellow Filomena Berardi and Prof. Annamaria Silvana de Rosa havepresented two contributions – realised in collaboration with dr. Elena Bocci, dr.Laura Dryjanska and Martina Latini - in the conference of the ISPP in Warsaw :• an oral presentation entitled “What works, when works?

Worldwide dissemination of the literature on Social Representationsand Politics: multidimensional identity, intergroup relations, socialmovements and active minorities and Intersection betweenMethodological Profiles and Bibliometric Impact”

• a poster entitled “What is known in the process of knowing?Exploring the global dissemination of the Social RepresentationsTheory in the thematic field of “Politics, Multidimensional identities,intergroup relations, social movements and active minorities”

July 2016Newsletter N.72

The SoReCom Joint-IDP Dissemination Activities

Among many other colleagues met during the ISPP conference, we were very pleased to meet prof. Elena Zubieta from Argentina, one of our Euro Phd Alumni ,who attended several International Summer Schools since its second edition held in Aix-en-Provence in 1996. She announced the organisation of an Alumni meeting at the ICSR in Marseille in 2016.

The designated members of the Recruitment Board 2016 of the

European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and

Communication were:

• Prof. Annamaria de Rosa (University of Rome, Italy)

• Prof. Giovanna Leone (University of Rome, Italy)

• Prof. Martha De Alba (Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana,


• Prof. Andrei Holman (Univesity of Iasi, Romania)

• Prof. Lilian Negura (University of u-Ottawa, Canada)

After having discussed the evaluation of the candidature dossiers on a

meeting on July 7 and held the interviews with the candidates on July

8, the Recruitment Board has selected the following candidates for

the a.y. 2016-2017:

1. Shiella Cahig Balbutin (Philippines, supported by Sapienza


2. Jessica Breau (Canada, supported by SSHRC)

3. Valeria Cuevas (Mexico, supported by CONACYT Grant)

4. Nathalie Plante (Canada, supported by uOttawa)

5. Federico Czesli (Argentina, supported by CONACYT Grant)

6. Razvan Dobrea (Romania, supported by University of Iasi)

As welcome in the program the candidates selected were allowed to

attend the 2016 International Summer School through the web-video

conference system. All of them have provided later excellent evaluation

of the training scientific event.

July 2016Newsletter N.72

European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and

Communication: outcome of the selection for a.y. 2016-2017

European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and Communication

Recruitment Board 2016

The So.Re.Com. THEmatic NETwork Editorial Activities

Upcoming Book 2016

We are pleased to announce the new

Book edited by prof. Lilian Negura (u-Ottawa, Canada)

”L'intervention en sciences humaines,

L'importance des représentations”

July 2016Newsletter N.72

The volume contains chapters of many renowned and promising

scholars in social representations.

The outline of the book is included in the following two pages.

The So.Re.Com. THEmatic NETwork Editorial Activities

Upcoming Book 2016

Outline of the 1st and initial 2nd parts of the book

edited by prof. Lilian Negura (u-Ottawa, Canada)

”L'intervention en sciences humaines,

L'importance des représentations”

July 2016Newsletter N.72

The So.Re.Com. THEmatic NETwork Editorial Activities

Upcoming Book 2016

Outline of the 2nd and 3rd parts of the book

edited by prof. Lilian Negura (u-Ottawa, Canada)

”L'intervention en sciences humaines,

L'importance des représentations”

July 2016Newsletter N.72

For more information see:


The So.Re.Com. THEmatic NETwork Activities

Upcoming International Events 2016

We are pleased to announce that the

13th International Conference on Social Representations

"Epistemologies of everyday life”

will take place in Marseille

(Palais du Pharo /, France,

from the 14th to 17th of September 2016,

The scientific program is now available at the link:

July 2016Newsletter N.72

The So.Re.Com. THEmatic NETwork Activities

Upcoming International Events 2016

We are pleased to announce that the

EASP Small Group Meeting in Honor of Serge Moscovici

will take place in Paris, France

from the 17th to 18th of November 2016

Organizers: Juan A. Pérez (University of Valencia); Nikos Kalampalikis

(University of Lyon); Saadi Lahlou (London School of Economics); Denise

Jodelet (EHESS); Thémis Apostolidis (University of Aix-Marseille)

Contact: Juan A. Pérez:

The meeting aims to bring together junior and senior researchers to discuss

theoretical aspects of Moscovici’s work, his conceptual contributions, and the

impact of his findings on of social psychology. The meeting is therefore open to

participation beyond the circle of past Moscovici’s collaborators. Applications

from PhD students are particularly welcome. We will examine how Moscovici’s

contributions can help to face the contemporary challenges of our discipline, if it

wants to have societal impact: Rising tensions between communities, the

necessity to help individuals change to more sustainable behaviour; new digital

systems for social networking, increased intercultural contacts through

globalization, emerging forms of collective intelligence (e.g. Wikipedia), etc..

July 2016Newsletter N.72

July 2016Newsletter N.72

The SoReCom Joint-IDP


European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and Communication

SAVE DATES in your Agenda

PROFESSORS AND EXPERTS belonging to the So.Re.Com. Joint-IDP

Partner Organisations from the Academic and Private Sectors are strongly

invited to SAVE THE ABOVE DATES IN THEIR AGENDA to participate actively

in the Training Scientific Events and in the coordination Meetings of the

Supervisory Board.

POTENTIAL APPLICANTS interested in participating in one or more of the

planned events are INVITED TO APPLY by sending the application form to be

downloaded from the web site and send it via e-mail to:

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