somersby snippets · “worthy daily living” 1 school calendar somersby snippets t e r m 4 w e e...

Post on 11-Oct-2020






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“Worthy Daily Living” 1



Somersby Snippets

2 7 / 1 1 / 1 2 T E R M 4 W E E K 8

840 Wisemans Ferry Road . SOMERSBY, NSW 2250

Phone: 0243 72 1233 Fax 0243 72 1254

Email :

School Security

Number In the event of anything

suspicious you may see on

passing please phone

1300 880 021

The community acknowledges the

traditional custodians of the land on which the school is located.

November 30 Surf day

December 3 Swim Scheme Starts

December 6 GHS GATS Day

December 12 P and C Dinner

Black Sesame

December 14 Swim Scheme Ends

December 17 Presentation Day & BBQ

December 19 Year 6 Farewell

Movies @ Avoca

December 20/21 Staff Development

days No Students


Year 5 Leadership Speeches On Wednesday 12

th December, our Year 5 students who would

like the opportunity to be a Year 6 Leader in 2013 will be giving their leadership speeches at a special assembly. The assembly will be held at 9am due to the swim scheme being in the afternoon. Parents are invited to attend. We look forward to hearing from our Year 5 students and know that they will take on the responsibility with pride and enthusiasm. Notes A reminder that all permission notes handed out to students can also be found on the school‟s website. If you have misplaced a note they can be printed off and handed in. ‘S Factor’ Our traditional „Somersby Idol‟ has been replaced this year with „S Factor‟. This is a chance for Year 6 to show their organisational skills by running the event, and for our students to showcase their talents to the rest of the school. Students are busily preparing dances, songs and various other performances and will be auditioning over the next two weeks. Year 6 will choose the acts that will perform in the grand final, to be held in the last week of term. PBL Thank you for the great response we had to our PBL survey last week. All families who returned their surveys went into a draw for a box of chocolates. Congratulations to Janine Fischer for winning. Over the coming months there will be more surveys to fill out and more chocolates to win. Apart from the chance to win a prize, completing these surveys allows us to gain valuable information and gives you the opportunity to have your say. Movie Day On the students‟ last day, Wednesday 19

th December we will be

taking all students to the movies to celebrate the end of the year.

We will be going to the Avoca Beach Theatre to see Madagascar

3. The school won a bus voucher so there will be no cost for the

“Worthy Daily Living” 2

P & C Contact information


Nicki Ward 0417 721 435

Uniform Shop

Open every Tuesday

from 8:30am—9:15am

0407 039 479

Chantelle Singh


Thankyou to Pia and the

parent volunteers for

holding such a great

canteen all year.

Canteen will resume on

Friday 01/01/2013

Swim Scheme note

and money last day


Book Club last day to

order 30/11/12


Unexplained absences

on your child’s report

doesn't paint a great

picture! . If you would

like a print out of your

child’s absences please

come into the office and

we can help you rectify


Quote of the Week

A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work. John Lubbock

Did you Know? Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite!

Office News

bus and the school will be subsidising part of the day. The cost will

be $5 which includes transport, movie and an ice-cream. A

permission note will be sent out next week.

Kirsty Squires


Erina Fair School Christmas Tree Decorating Competition

On Monday, Nicole, Mitchell and Mrs

Cranstone travelled to Erina Fair to

decorate the Somersby tree in the

Erina Fair Christmas decorating

competition. We took decorations

that every student made and filled the

beautiful 6ft white Christmas tree.

We decorated our tree in a Sun Smart theme - we hope to get the importance of slip, slap, slop, seek and slide across to everyone that walks past. The trees will be on display for over a month and open to the public to vote for their favourite tree. Voters will be asked to make a gold coin donation with their nomination with all proceeds raised going to the Cancer Council, the nominated charity for 2012. The three schools with the highest num-ber of votes will also receive a $300 book pack of their choosing! Let's go Somersby!

Pet Safety Workshop Today K/1C and 2/3K were visited by Wendy from the Responsible Pet Ownership Education Program and her pet dog Hailey. They showed us how to deal with an angry dog and taught us the safety rules when patting dogs. The program was thoroughly enjoyed by all, especially Hailey who loved all the attention.

Jade Cranstone

Year 5/6 News The current week‟s homework will be the last for the year. Thank you parents for encouraging and supporting your children in this regard. A reminder that students attending K.M.H.S. in 2013 need to return lunch orders for their orientation day next Wednesday, by this Friday. Our free choice projects are due this week. Students will present their efforts during the coming weeks. Due to popular demand, Year 6 will be performing ”Snow White” at the Presentation Day Assembly. Hopefully costumes are still available.

“Worthy Daily Living” 3



January 29 SDD

no students

January 30 Students


February 21 School


March 11 Zone swim


April 12 Last day

Term 1

April 29 SDD no


April 30 SDD no


May 31 Zone Cross


June28 Last day

Term 2

July 15 SDD no


July 16 Students


August 23 Zone




Years 5/6



11-12 Yr 4 camp

October 8 All return

December 18

End of

Term 4 for


SURFUN DAY Year 1 Places for this Friday‟s SURFUN DAY are being offered to Year 1 students. A note was sent home yesterday and will need to be returned by tomorrow (Wednesday). Swimming Scheme Swimming scheme commences next week. Please ensure all clothing is labelled. Year 5 Leadership Speeches Year 5 students who wish to be a school leader in 2013 will be presenting their speeches on Wednesday, 12th December at 9.00am. The speeches will outline their reasons for wanting to become a school leader and what they will do for the school. Students are encouraged to work with their parents on this project. Band Mr Paul would like any students from 2013‟s Years 3,4,5,6 who are interested in joining the band program to see him this Thursday at 9.00am. Mr Paul will provide students with information to take home to discuss with parents.

Neil Mitchell P&C News P&C dinner - Wednesday, 12th December The P&C will celebrate the end of another successful year with dinner at the Black Sesame restaurant at East Gosford at 7pm on Wednesday, 12th December. The meal will be BYO alcohol, and the banquet will cost $27 per person. Even if you don‟t attend P&C meetings, you are welcome to join the social evening. To RSVP your attendance, please email Presentation day BBQ - Monday, 17th December The P&C will hold a barbecue following the presentation morning. If you would like to help, please contact Leanne Jones on 4372 1503. Minutes from previous meetings Minutes from previous P&C meetings are available on the school website. For sale Official Somersby school bag: good condition, used for one term only. $20. For information, phone Theresa on 0466 239 219.

“Worthy Daily Living” 4

Robyn’s Ridiculous Riddles

Here are the answers to

last fortnight’s

What am I’s.

What goes up and down stairs

without moving? Carpet

What can you catch but not throw? A cold

What goes around the world but stays in a

corner? A stamp

What goes up but never down? Your age

What question can you never answer „yes‟

to? “Are you asleep”?

Now try your luck with these riddles!

What can run but never walks, has a mouth

but never talks, has a head but never weeps,

has a bed but never sleeps?

If a rooster laid a brown egg and a white egg,

what kind of chicks would hatch?

What book was once owned by only the

wealthy, but now everyone can have it? You

can‟t buy it in a bookstore or take it from the


Are your family and medical details up-to-date?

This time of year brings an increase in the number of students coming to the office requiring medical or first aide assistance. Bee stings, ant bites, over heating from running at lunch, hay fever / allergies from pollens and asthma attacks brought on by heat or exercise. If your child has a medical condition or allergy please make sure the school is aware of the necessary

treatment. If medical intervention is required (ventolin, epipen, antihistamine) please ensure the prescription is up-to-date and that there is ample sup-

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