soc'x inxs j tv;> b»k - historical papers, wits university · 3 so in affectionate memory...

Post on 20-Jul-2018






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ALBERT HAQOOTT.R.I.P.— oOo—In loving memory of QEOROB A YON.Died Deo 2bth 1957.

Aged5U yearn R.I.P.greeted by hie wife* eon and four grandchildren.

— 000-In loving aenory of My dear husband HAROLD D. WSLLXAM8 Died January 22nd 1958.

Aged 35 years8adly Biased by his loving wife and

children and mother.R.I.P.

— 0O0--B L A N K .•— 000-

In loving aenory of RHODA SOPHIA

Beloved wife of W.C. Thomas Died June 23rd 1938. Aged. 71 years



R .I .P .

— 000-

In loving memory of

SOT CECIL DILLON. B.S.M.Who passed awaay peacefully

on bth J u ly 1958* jjaan veil loved Jesu aeroy.

R.I.P.greted hyhis loving wife and children. — 0G0—

B L A N K .— 0O0—

3 S oIn affectionate memory of our dear uncle CHARLE8 ?. UflTCE.Who eparted this Hie A08TU8T 1TH 195b*At the age of 7b years

Forth in thy name 0 lord I go R.I.P.Erected hy Elsa And Iris*

— o0o~*In loving memory of L0UI8 ERNEST STEVEN8? Beloved husband of Eva gtevene Died 8«pt 17th 195b*

Aged 52 yours Beneath thy cross abiding for ever mould I rest In thy dear leve confiding and with thy preaenoe besg •

Erected by his %kring wife and ohildasm**— oOo—

In loving memory of HERBERT JAMES ISAAC Beloved husband of Ellen Louisa Died October 9th 195b* Aged 81 yeaftB R.I.P.

— oOc—In loving memory ef

BILLIAM CHELKSBeloved husband ofCAROLINES. E. Me Daniel who departed this life October 13th 195b*

Aged 73 years Jesu Mercy R.I.P.

Exacted by his loving wife Caroline*

— #()♦—In loving memory of

ny dear another SYBIL HENRYWho was called to rest on

Novmeber 7th 1956*— oOo—-



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In memory of our dear eon

BERNARD CCHQ7AKTXNE Died January *5th 1957* Aged 191k jnoare. Oive M m rest 0 lord • R.I3P.— oOo—-

In lorlng memory of CHRISTINE M. THOMAS Died Dec 25th 1967.

Aged 67 yemlsRest eternal grant unto her 0 13rd

greoted hy her son.— oOo—

In loving memory of ALBERT DOUOL-U3 THOMAS Died Her. 2nd 1957.Aged 65 yeere

greeted by hie loving wife and some.R.I.P.— 000-

In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother EVELYN MAUD "ILLIAMB Who died on 27th 1957.

Aged 7h yeerewe whpVt he like M m fom *6 shall M m as he le.

greeted by her cMldren and grandchildren and son In lex R.I.P.

— oOo—Mother

Ive got a wweetheartand I would have no otherBhe more than all theworld to meBeeauae her name to "Mother*.

— 000-

In loving memory of ROBERTBeloved husband of Gertrude Bagley Died May 10th 1957.

Aged 76 years, jesu mercy.R.I.P.

— 0 0 0 -



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In loving memory of CAROLINE SARAH Beloved wife of ARTHUR LAWRENCE Died June 1957.Aged U9 years.

— oOo—


B L A N K ,— M o —

In loving memory of WALTER H. GARDINER

Died 291& January 1969*Aged 72 years.R.I.P.

——000-In loving memory of LOUISA ANN GARDINER

Who departed this life on the

7th October 195h*Aged 66 years Rest in Peace.

— 000-

In loving memory Gf SYBIL The beloved wife of Robert Baglay who departed this life on Movember 3rd 195U.

Aged 51 yearsGracious father in thy keeping leave we now thy servant sleeping. R.I.P.

—— oOo—V AC AN T.

— oOo—EL8IE ANDREWS.Died Not. 7tL 1967. Age LL.

Wife o George A ^artwe Qone bjit not forgotten.

— oOo—

b l a n k ,—oOo—* > •



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— oO®—la loving memory of our dear filher

JAMES HCLAREBQE QEOKOE Died July 18th 19bb.Aged 96 years

0 laaib of god redeemer BlestGrant hi a thine eternal light and rest.greeted by hie laving children.

R.I.P.— aOo—


In loving memory of EMILY BEATRICE YON - Passed away Maroh 29th 19b3.At the ego of U9 years

Forth In thy name 0 lord I go Erected by hie sister 8ybll.

■— o 00-In loving memory of SABINA EMILY

BEloved wife of Charles Yon

Entered In to rest.April Lth 1955*

Aged 65 years.Rest eternal grant unto her 0 lord.

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— cOO-

— oOo—

In loving memory of CHARLES JOSEPH VON Passed away November 2bth 1962.Atthe age of 77 years Father ±n tht gracious keeping ~ Leave wa no* th# servant keeping graotedby Ms loving daughter Sybil.

— oOo—b l a n k .




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Died July 1966.

FLORENCE Beloved v.ife of I TLoebb E. Stevens

Died June lLth 1955. Aged 56 years Jesu MercyErected by her husband ani childaren.— oOo—

In loving memory of

Our dear mother and grandmother ETHEL MART GEORGE Died 15. 3. 1965.

EBected by her loving daughters and grandchildren.

•— oOe—In loving memory of WfLL21Mm GEORGE

Died June 27th 1953.Aged 65 yaara Abide with me

Erected by his loving sfcildren*

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In loving memory of LILIAN B. GEORGE Died April 21»th 1953. Aged 31 years Remeaibor her before god R.I.P.Ereotod by her lo v in g

husband and children.— -oOo—V A CA N T.

— oOo—

— oOo—io ifioficw snivel ni

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In loving memory of ALIOS ANN YON.

Who passed away on August 20th 1953*

Aged 53 years.Rest eternal grant unto her 0 lord and let light perpetual Bhine upon her Badly missed by her loving, husband and children.

— oOo—VAC AN T.

— oOo—

In loving memory of wvT.Vi BROADWAY. Died Jan 22nd 1954. Aged 76 years.AlsoHer loving sister Ellen C» peters. Died peb 2Bth 1954. Aged 84 years.

——oOo ■"V A C A N T .

A 03

— — oOo—In loving memory of

7 ROBERT DANIEL YCW Beloved husband

of RftsifcaDied July 12th 1965.

— oOo—— oOp

xC • 0 ; .• » ' * 4 ,.-i4 4 » .•: <r t ■ i tu■ y -■ > , ■ . ‘is,

iUVof '* a'" . j-,. !•n ■ ft.K*'.

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— o o—

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V A 0 A r T.

— oOo—In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother ROSINA iJ Diedflept 2bth 19bb.Aged 75 yearspool eternal grant unto her 0 loro,

greeted by her grandaon Ered.——oOo-—

In loving memory of vi.T.TOf CAivOLiHR ORKEHEBEE Beloved wife of William Qoorge oreentree. g>m departed thia life on August 3rd 1951 Aged 87 Fears

Come unto me all that aMe Trawai and are heavy laden and I will refresh you Matt. 11 verBb S»»

R.I.P.greeted by her children— aOe 1 -*»In loving memory of WILLIAM GEORGE GREHITREE

Beloved husband of Ellen Caroline oreentree

Who departed this life on 10th August 1957.Aged 73 yeare.rtCome unto me ye weary and I will give you reat

— oOo—b l a n k .— oOo—

Inloving memory of My dear wife LBHAELI1ABETH

Beloved wife of Robert R» Corker Died 3rd August 1951.Aged 53 years Abide with me.— oOo—In boving memory of

Oar dear ■ ° ^ e£T*£?Jj2Ul®* CAROL IMA It- 8Died August 29th 1951.Aged 7b years gLBERS F. ^XLX'XAMBDied apt 3rd 1955.

Aged 82 years Jobu Mercy R.I.P._-oUo— *

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I- 169.

In loving memory of ARTHUR CLLHGHAM DiedSeptember 20th 1951. Aged 71 years— oOo—V AC All T.

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—— 0O0—In loving acaory of GEORGE THOMAS AUGUSTUS

Pled October 26th 1952.Aged 70 years Also of tholr son

HKURY GEORGE AUGUSTUS Died on Active service At Breetovn August 26th 19U2JAged 32 years.

R.I.P.— oOe—

[4172 B L A N K .--oOo—

1417U. V A C A HT.

— 0 00-In loving memory ofL001w-k WILL IAMBDied February 10th 1952

Xged 78 yearsPetoe Perfect peaca.K* — 0O0 1t In loving meaory of1 BA&STT GEORGE YOUNG

Who was found drownedon Uth July 1951. Aged 57

Jesu MercyR.I.P.— oOo—

U lui. b l a n k .— 0O0—

In loving memory of PATRICK C.A. MAOGOIT.Who passed away pee lHth 19U9.Aged UU yenrs safe in the anas of Jesus greeted by hia loving wife and children.R.I.P.— 0O0—V AC AN T.


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— O0O—m loving memory of WILLIAM ROBERTS

Jfeloved husband of Mary Matilda

Died July 12th 1950. Aged 79 years.

May he rest In Peace — tOo—


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In loving memory of my dear .husband WILLIAM HERNE

Died August Sih 1950.Aged 5b /•*»R.I.P.Erected by his wife and

grandson Arholdi— oOo—In loving memory of "MAUD LOUISA

The beloved wife of Bteame R.*. O ’Connor

Died A*f. 19th 1950.Aged 5® years.

Erected by his loving fattly, eOe—

In loving men01*7 of our dear father

PERCIVAL £. I8SAC. Died Jude 29th 1950.

Aged 68 years.0 lamh of god Grant unto thine eternal rest.

B LA » K.——oOo——In loving memory cf MARY ANN MATILDA

Wife of H.R. SIM.Died 31st January 1969. Aged bO years Jeeu Meroy.

In loving memory of our dear Mother ALICE, ELlTAriLTH RICH Died oetoher let 191*8.Aged 7b yeaVB When the nigh£ *f Tollie ever we shall nee on £the shop.

eQe—y A C A N X.

3 5 ^ .

eOo— •

3 tO

greeted by her beloved ones*

— eOo—In affectionate memory of

DOROTHY o'asm.Died February 2nd 19U9.

Aged 12 years Let lignt shine upon her—-o0©~

In loving memory of WILLIAM MICHAUD YCH Died February 5th 19U9.Aged 70 yearsRest eternal grant unto him

0 Aord.— oOe—

In Aeving memayy of My dear Hushbnd HARLS3 WALTKR FRANCIS.Died F»bru*ry bth 19u9.JKBH MEKCY.

_ — eQe— _________________b l a h k .— eOo—Sacred to tho uemrry of

Belovtfd^tbBid^of B. Joshuadied 17th June 195o.Aged bl* years.•y-oOo—Sacred to the memory ofBeloved wife of H.b. « ot>hun

nied ?eb 3rd 19Ub.Aged 51 y«nrB— eOo—

B L A N K *— eOe—

gARAH BS8KX Died22nd July 1952. Heat eternal grant unto her 0 lord.



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lit loving memory of our dear father and nother

WILLIAM 2. Y-jH Died March 25th 19U6. Aged 68 yeara Also 2xia beloved wife SABINA who died Nov 22nd 1950.

Aged 75 yeare.oOo—

B L AN K.— eOo—

In loving menory of WILLIAM COLJKMAN

Died July 19th 19h6.Aged 63 yoars.

of hie 6i£8ved wife JULIA ANN.

Died July 25th 1957.Aged 77 years

greeted by their children.— oOo——B L A N K .— oOo—

In loving nenory of AMSLIA PLATA Died sept 1st 19h6.

Aged 69 ysuB R.I.P.— oOo—

B L A N K .— oOo—

IN loving nenory of WILLIAM E. GRAHAM Died Oot bth 19hb.

Aged hO yo rsRenembored by M b wife and eone

R.I.P.— oOo— ___

In loving nenory of MALTDfABeloved wife of Arthur a . Lawrence

died 8spt 9 th 1970.Aged h6 years

Erected by her husband and Rex.— 000-In loving nenory of KVA A0NB8 CHAPMAN Departed this life

are— eOo—

3 b 2 .

U A H ,— ouo—

Hi loving memory of -IR&5K OBOHOB

Infant daughter of 0 A B |eorge

Born 2bth July 1951* m August 15th 1951.


■ ■

Died 17th August 1951.Aged 7 months*— aOo—B L A N K .— 0Q0—In loving memory of tty dear husband FRJiDKRICK BSSKX

Died August 2l*th 19 UL.Aged Ub yores.

0 lamb of god redeemer Blest grant him thine eternal rest*

— 0O0—B L A H S .— 0O0—In loving memory of SARAH Aid

Beloved wife ofW.H. Augusstus

Died 15th oct 19W*.Aged ba years

Thy will hedone*R.l.P.— #0*—In loving memory of


Aged S3 yeafe R.l.P.ThiB stone is erected by his

Step daughter Ada*

— o0o“

3 t a

In loving memory of our dear nother

CHRIS'IN A M. B88KX. Diod Oct ^1 yearsB.I.P.

— oOo—In loving nsnory of DABHNK HAYES

Born 2nd July 19U2.Died let June 19U7*

Qod hen taken her away To hex-home to rest How we cii8b her Yet we iuknw Y ih e t he doeo is beet

greeted by hferloving Eieter Irio.— eOo—B L A N K .— o 0 e——

Inloving nemory of our nother SARAil L. MLLIAM8

Died June 30th 19b0.Aged 83 years Jesu Mercy


In lovingueaory of HENRY J. WILLIAMS

Died HOveober 9th 19Ww Aged J2 years

Safe into the arse of Jesus into heavens guide 0 recieve ay soul st last.

— 0O0--B L A N K .— 0O0—

In loving memory of of oy dear husband BAZBTT SAMUEL LiXKJ

Died February 2nd 19U5*Aged fc>9 yearsRest eternal grent unto her 0 lord

greeted by his wife and sag.— 000-

In loving memory <£JENNETT DOROTHY

Daughter of H.&D. young Died April 21st 19U5*

Aged 6i yearsLoving shepherd of thy sheep Keep thy lamb in safety keep Nothing can thy power with­standNone can pluck me from thy hand — 0O0—


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B L A N K .— oOo—

In loving memory of HEATHnR MARY

beloved wife of HERBERT ETTA THOMAS Died Aug 14th 1942.

Aged 13 years

In lovingemcoory of WILLIAM 8L0AHK

BEloved husband of HARRIET PLUKE

Died Hob 19th 1942. Aged 4b years.


B L A H K.— -oOo—MH.

H. SHSKTUI.Engineer officer 8.8. "City of Cairo* 20th December 1942.

Aged 48 yearsloving denary of BERT

He gave his life for his country.

“••Os­in loving memory of our dear mother

CAROLINE LOUISA HENRY Died sept 14th 1958. Aged b 2 y e a r e

Erected by her daughters R.I.P.

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In loving memory of GKOKGK H8RM£H KaWEY Bled January 7th 19L2.M e 4 56 years. '

— 0O0—In loving memory of W.A. JSUIJMJH.

Died 9th Jan 1963 Violet.Rest Btcrnnl grant unto him 0 lord— oOc—

B L A N K .— 0C0— *

In loving memory of our parentsLYDIA WILLIAM8 Died Mar 9th 19U3*

Aged 56 years Also nor husband JAMAS WILLIAMS Died sept 21|th 19 U3.

Aged 60 years.*~“O0o*~

V A C A N T .

— o Co­in loving memory of

our deer Beloved eonLT QB H F U D X u m u a wHLflBNHT CHRISTOPHER JOHN HOBSON Died March 2l*th 19(6

Aged 17AM months suffer little children to

In loving memory of KEVIN ARTHUR ANDREWS

Age 20 months Died June 22nd 1957* Son of Rose and Qeorge Andrews.


V A C A N T .

— 0O0—

3 b b

In lovingmemory of BRIAN PATRICK Beloved eon of

Marguerite and Mormon Buckley Died 7th July 1957.Aged 15 Donthe

Safe in the anas of Jesus*— eOo—B L A N K .

— 0C0—In i-cnbruce of DORA YUM

Died May 29th 1959*Ag«’d bj yeare R.I.P.

— 0C0—In loving memory of SURAH A1H BROOM

Died oct 27th 1962.Aged 79 year**

Reat-otenial grant untohim 0 lort*— «Oo—


FREDERICK K. YOU MO. Died D°e - 1939*Aged 51 years.— 0O0—

In loving memory of FRANKLIN PITSRB

Died 31ot January I960* Aged 59 years

Peace Perfect Peace*— 0O0—

In loving memory of BLENOR LOUISA PETERS Died 29th October 1966

Aged <3b yearsThy will be done*— 000-In loving memory of our dear mother HARRIET MOYCE Died February lhth 19U0*Aged 65 years Jc bu Mercy



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V A C A N T .

— oOo—

In loving memory of our dear sister

LOUISA SARAH BDRCHILL Died 22nd June 1940.

Aged 70 yeats— oOo—V A C A N T .

— oOo— V A C A N T .

— »Oo—In loving memory of OERAXD 7. WILLIAMS

BEleved non of L0UI8A BARQO Silled by a fall of focfcd ?eb. 14th 1?3S.

Aged b years.— oOo—V A C A NT.


In loving memory of DAVID CHAELhfl BSNJAUtN.Bied April lttth 1938. Age 13 years

AlsoELIZABETH rDied Mar 10th 1, 93 years,

— a 00-In loving memorji of

CECIL XAMB THOMAS Died JUhe 4th 1938.

Aged 23 years.— oGs—

I n lovingmemory ef KDEN JAMES THOMAS Died Juno 17th 1932.Aged 7b years greeted by his widow.

— oOo—

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In loving memory of my dear mother BETSY ELIZABETH THoMAS Died sept 30th 1961.Aged 96 years

I heard the voice of Jesus say come unto me and rest.

R.I.P.— oOo—In loving memory

ofQESBQE FRANCIS Uy loving husband and father who departed this life Aged U9 years Sheeted by his loving vife and eon.

Jesu Mercy.S.I.P.

In loving memory of ALXTHA MAY BOBS Died 10th Oct 19U2.

Aged U months

3 tS .

In loving memory of our dear parents JOSEFS RICHARDS

Died August 193#* Aged 52*AndANNIE RICHARDS

Died 23th May 19U2. Aged 57 years RESTING IN PEACE.— oOo—

V A C A N T .

— 000-

In loving memory of R0BERTPHILSP8 AlsoHis beloved wife

LOUISA Sled Aug 11 19&9* Aged 3h years

Erected by their children and Grandchildren.—— oOo—

Collection Number: AB2073 CPSA Diocese of St. Helena, Registers, 1680-1986

PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive Location:- Johannesburg ©2013


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This document is part of the archive of the Anglican Church in Southern Africa and is held at the Historical Papers Research Archive, Johannesburg, South Africa.

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