society for the care of minors

Post on 04-Apr-2016






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Centre for Unaccompanied Minors Address: 48, Isavron St. Exarchia 11475 Αthens GR Τel: +30 210 3813290


SOCIETY FOR THE CARE OF MINORS Centre for Unaccompanied Minors, Isavron 48, Exarchia Athens 11475 | tel: 210.3813290




The purpose of the Society is the provision of welfare, care and support to 17 unaccompanied teenagers and children from countries affected by war and natural disasters.

Each foster person acquires a residence and work permit, as well as the necessary training and help so as to easily integrate into Greek society, in case the family reunification cannot be completed.

The aim of the organization is to cover the needs of guests in line with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, relevant laws and agreements of the European Union and any relevant recommendations and guidelines of the European Commission.


The Institution was established on 25.08.1924 by Decision No. 3709 of the Court of First Instance in Athens with the name "Protection of women and children in detention ". The establishment of the Association, as well as the opening of a foster house one year later, was an initiative of the National Council of Greek Women, with the first major donor being Emmanuel Benakis. In 1972 the Association changed its name to the current “Society for the Care of Minors” while accordingly adjusting its purpose and services provided (No 1986/25.04.1972 Decision of the Court of First Instant in Athens).

In 2003 the scope and activities of the Society for the Protection of Minors in Athens was integrated into the Society for the Care of Minors.

Since 1980 the Centre for Unaccompanied Minors is housed in a privately owned house in Exarchia in Athens at Isavron No 48.

For the first years following its establishment the Centre’s aim was the provision of care and support for mothers and children and lone teenagers facing problems with the law. The Centre provided preventative and social rehabilitation services to juveniles in need or those recently released from prison thus supporting the work of the Juvenile Judge and the Juvenile Court first established in Greece in 1938.

Over time the work and activities of the Society have been adjusted in order to meet specific social needs with specialized, up-to-date and quality services which respect human rights and provide a family type environment.

To date over 2500 young people of different nationalities and social needs have passed through the centre. In recent years up to seventeen unaccompanied minors from countries affected by manmade and natural disasters have been accommodated.

The valuable work of the Society for the Care of Minors has received constant and much valued support from several distinguished individuals. To mention a few, Amalia and Egli Psaltis, Emmanuel

Benakis, Angeliki Kalogeropoulou, Janet Constantinides plus others, not mentioned here, whose input has also been much appreciated.

The Centre for Unaccompanied Minors is a Qualified Institution in the Sector of Secondary Social Care (Decision No. 10048/17.10.2011 of the Region of Attica).

It is also certified as a "Non-Governmental Organization with expertise in managing irregular migration issues" (Document Ref No. 11.3/285- 24/01/2014 of the Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection).


The Society’s Administration Board is comprised of seven members who are elected to a three-year term.

The Board members are not remunerated for their services.

Current Board members:

Chairperson: Sofia Konstantellia

Vice Chairperson: Konstantinos Giannopoulos

Secretary: Victoria Gaitanou

Treasurer: Ioannis Aretaios

Second Treasurer: Fanny Georgara

Members: Eleni Vasileiou, Theodosis Tsigginos

Society for the Care of Minors

Organization chart

Administrative Board

Finance Officer Social Service Personnel

Auxiliary Staff

Social Service Coordinator


Membership fees, donations and sponsorships constitute the main sources of funding.

Since 2009 the main part of the Centre’ s costs is covered by the European Refugee Fund with the support, supervision and control of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, which also monitors the quality of the services provided.

During the last years, the annual cost per person hosted mounts to 9.518€


The Society for the Care of Minors collaborates with other organizations and public services in order to cover the guests’ nutrition and housing needs, as well as to provide children with psychological and social support, legal assistance, educational support, recreational and educational opportunities and vocational counseling, in view of them becoming independent adults.

In this sense, the Society is building up partnerships through either informal or formal networks of collaborators, both being equally important for its operation.

An informal network includes neighbours, friends, citizens who offer services or goods (eg job positions, medical tests, clothing, school material, furniture, food, etc.) for the welfare of children.

Formally organized networks involve state agencies (National Center for Social Solidarity, Judicial and Police Authorities, Hospitals, Schools ...), NGOs (eg Medical Intervention, Ecumenical Refugee Program Human Support Center etc.) and other organizations sharing common with the Society vision. In terms of organized networks, the partnership conditions are set through written, joint agreements or imposed by legal obligations of the network participants.

The Society also aims at establishing partnerships for the implementation of European Projects or any other activities carried out in Greece or abroad, which could offer a higher level of expertise, educational and research opportunities, etc.


The Society’s work and activities focus on boys, unaccompanied minors who have moved away from their homes and families because of war or serious mass disasters. In many cases these children are victims of trafficking and torture.

The hosted children have filed or intend to file a request for international protection before the competent Greek authorities, under the Geneva Convention of 1951 relating to the Status of Refugees and the respective European and national legislation.

Accommodation is not permitted to juveniles who, though they meet the criteria mentioned above, are in need of specialized care due to sanitary reasons (infectious diseases commonly transmitted).

According to Article 6 of the Decision No 573/2007/EC of the European Parliament, the Target Groups shall comprise of the following categories:

(a) any third-country national or stateless person having the status

defined by the Geneva Convention and who is permitted to reside as a

refugee in one of the Member States;

(b) any third-country national or stateless person enjoying a form of

subsidiary protection within the meaning of Directive 2004/83/EC;

(c) any third-country national or stateless person who has applied for

one of the forms of protection described in points (a) and (b);

(d) any third-country national or stateless person enjoying temporary

protection within the meaning of Directive 2001/55/EC;

(e) any third-country national or stateless person who is being or has

been resettled in a Member State.


The Board appoints the Social Worker and the Psychologist responsible for the entry procedures. In case there is no personnel with the second specialty a Board Member with relevant specialty is appointed.

After the referral from the competent authority, the followingdocumentation is required in order to examine the entry request:

o Recent Medical tests/certificates for the general healthstatus and for infectious diseases

o Personal history that includes information with regards theentry conditions into the Greek territory and the legal statusof the young person.

Next phase: The interested person visits the Centre and meets with the welcome team who informs him about the Centre’s operation. If the Board agrees, also, with the entry, the entrant receives full information and signs hospitality agreement.

For the last years the referrals of the children are made through the National Centre for Social Solidarity (EKKA).


All foster children receive the following services:

A. Housing, food and holistic integrated daycare

Accommodation is provided in two, three or four bedded rooms. Drawn up and monitored by a nutritionist, the children’s daily diet is in accordance with their age, activities and cultural characteristics.

B. Social counseling and psychological support

With the help and support of the Centre’s social worker, the children manage to handle the grief of leaving their home and families, as well as to build closer relations with the other people in the Centre and, finally, to better integrate themselves in the Centre and the host country. With the children’s constant involvement and collaboration, the social worker is applying various methods of social work (ie based on individuals, groups or communities), with the basic method being the provision of detailed information to the hosted children.

Psychologists and specialized experts provide their services and support in cases of children with specific psychological needs

C. Legal advisory and information

One of the Centre’s main concerns is to ensure the legal residence of the children in the host country. For this purpose, children are informed about all procedures concerning their cases, as well as the basic legal provisions that have to be followed, in order to ensure a safe living within the Greek society.

D. Health Care

Integrated health care includes periodic check-ups, vaccinations, dealing with chronic diseases or emergency cases. For each child a personal medical file is kept in the Centre, which contains all his medical records, tests and results and is safeguarded as a document containing sensitive personal data.

E. Education

All children attend school, preferably a school with intercultural education curriculum, in accordance with their specific characteristics (age, level of understanding of Greek language). Additionally, volunteers help the children with their studies and preparation of homework. Any further or particular training or education follows the preferences and skills of each child. The Centre is closely working and cooperating with schools and teachers on a regular basis.

G. Integration

Based on data collected for each guest, an Individual Integration Plan is formed, in which the teenager himself is actively involved, as well his family members in certain cases (eg. when planning a family reunification), regardless of where they reside. The Individual Integration Plan is a tool of planning all individual activities (ie education, sports, personal interests, career orientation, family reunion, legal documentation, health issues and records etc.). Each Plan is formed in full respect of the person’s origin, personal will and participation and in accordance with the principles of information and responsibility for the benefit of the foster children (Articles 1,2,12, 13,17, 4 & 5 of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child)

All guests are taking part in activities helping them to better understand Greek culture, institutions, social norms and attitudes, in order to easier integrate themselves into the Greek society.

H. Family Reunification

Based on each guest’s family history and up-to-date information, family reunification with members residing in Greece or in another member state is pursued, according with the relevant Greek and European legislation and procedures.

All foster children are enjoying the right to frequently communicate with members of the closer or extended family, when possible.

Family reunification is completed for approx. 4-6 hosted persons per year.

I. Vocational Guidance, Training & Rehabilitation

Vocational guidance is one of the Centre’s main priorities for the hosted teenagers, taking into consideration their qualifications, preferences, as well as the opportunities each time offered.

Despite the extremely difficult employment and job research conditions in recent years, more than 90% of the young people who leave the hostel manage to find a working position with the help of our Social Service staff.

I. Individual and group entertainment and sports

The recreational activities are planned by the social workers together with the children, and take place with the valuable contribution of volunteers. Such activities include music and cultural events, theatre performances and sporting events. On an individual basis, the children are enrolled in gyms, practice yoga, take part in football / basketball / volleyball teams, or they learn to play musical instruments, dance, painting or performing.

K. Individual and Group Counseling

Individual consultation of each child with the social worker is taking place on a regular basis.

All the children take part in a weekly meeting under the guidance of the social worker, where issues of sharing, living together and communication concerns are raised and discussed.

On a non regular basis and depending on the childrens’ needs and interests, the children participate in cooperative working groups under the guidance of a volunteer psychologist.


The Centre hosted 21 minors, aged 8 - 18 years, coming from different countries and belonging to various vulnerable groups (victims of torture, trafficking or other kinds of abuse etc.).

All children were enrolled in school and followed extracurricular activities (reinforcement teaching of Greek, English, German and Norwegian languages), Arts (Art therapy, Theatre, Painting, learning of musical instruments, Cinema, Museum visits), Fitness (Yoga, Dance, Gym, Football, Karate, Table Tennis, Swimming) and recreation (other outdoor activities). Moreover, a group of psychological and social support operated in the Centre and a separate semiautonomous apartment for a certain period of time.

A group of nine volunteers actively and substantially supported the work and activities of the Centre throughout the year. Eight hosted persons left the Centre in 2013; one of the two who became adults was reunited with his brother in a European country and the other acquired a work permit and found a job with the help of the Centre’s social workers, while the rest six children were reunited with their families in Germany, Norway and Belgium.


The implementation of European projects, with or without the participation of national authorities, is a key sector of the Centre’s operation, since it is the main source of financial funding during the last years. Moreover, European projects provide the Centre with the opportunities of updating its scientific work, exchanging expertise and educational activities, as well as offering certified qualitative services.

Projects are implemented by the Society alone or as a partner, a preferable practice for a more fruitful outcome.

Over the last three years the Society has been participating in several projects of the European Refugee Fund, with the Ministry of Health & Social Solidarity (and nowadays the Ministry of Labour) being the competent National Authority (respective codes of the approval decisions: P2a/G.P.8902-2008/2009, P2a/G.P. 62458 - 2009, P2a/G.P. 54040-2010, P2a/G.P.33674-2011, 2012SE09320005-2012-2012 2012SE09320003).

Certified public accountants are responsible for the supervision and certification of the proper conduct of the financial scope of the European Programs.

For the year 2012 the Society participated as assistant partner in the interstate project: «Minor rights-Access to Justice for children at risk of social exclusion», launched by the European Commission and implemented in Italy, Spain and Greece with "SAVE THE CHILDREN - ITALY”, being the leader partner.

For the year 2013 the Society participated as assistant partner in the project: «CLAIM Child Law: Action for an Innovative Methodology. Promoting the Rights of the Child », launched by the European Commission and implemented in Italy, Spain and Greece with “SAVE THE CHILDREN- ITALY” being the leader partner.

For the years 2013 and 2014 the Society participated as assistant partner in the project NET FOR U - NEeds Tackling and NETworks Tracing FOR

Unaccompanied minors’ integration ( The project was implemented in the frame of the programme for the Integration of Third Country Nationals, funded by the D.G. Home Affairs of the European Commission. The partners of the project were from Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, Belgium, France, and the leader partner was Istituto Don Calabria from Italy. In Greece, the partner was the Organisation The Smile of the Child with whom we collaborated.


Participation in the Transnational Research Project: «Reviewing social auditing practices to combat exploitative brokering in Southern Europe», implemented in several European countries with the overall coordination of the University of Coimbra (Portugal), and the coordination of the Institute for the Child’s Health in the national level.


The Society for the Care of Minors considers Voluntary Work as a service of great altruism and solidarity among people, especially when this concerns minors, who are deprived of their families.

Since its establishment the Society relies on the voluntary work and the generous sponsorship of many sensitive citizens.

The Society has gained valuable experience due the cooperation with the volunteers, who are usually, trained and long term collaborators and provide high standard services.

The fields where the volunteers provide their services are the following:

Learning of Greek Language

Learning of other foreign language

Homework and reinforcement support

Sports and leisure

Artistic education (drawing, music, constructions, designing etc)

Accompanying the children in outdoor activities

Daily care during holidays

Job hunting for young person hosted at the Centre


Anyone who wishes to join the Society’s Volunteers Program- in accordance with the international standards and the decisions of the Board -must meet the following criteria:

- The volunteer is a mentally healthy adult with a clean criminal record and is not suffering from a contagious disease (eg. tuberculosis)

- The volunteer expresses a healthy attitude and behavior towards the foster children and fully respects their needs and rights (eg. (s)he is not possessed by feelings of compassion towards them, (s)he sets the limits and expresses respect and interest, etc.)

- The volunteer is constantly available for the dates and time (s)he is committed

- The volunteer is open to training and collaboration with the social worker

- The volunteer holds a degree or relevant experience in the field of services (s)he wishes to offer or/and work on (expertise not necessary for all fields of services)

The volunteer is requested to submit the following documents:

• Application form

• CV

• A copy of Personal ID

• A Copy of Criminal Record

• A Letter of Recommendation (Required)

• A Medical Certificate that he/she is not suffering from an infectiousdisease

• A copy of university degree or any relevant document (if available)

The volunteer is then requested to collaborate with and informed by the Centre’s social worker in regard of the Centre’s principles, policy and operation, as well the foster children’s rights and needs. The volunteer expresses his/her incentives and availability etc.

When cooperation is achieved by both sides, the volunteer request is handed to the Board for approval. Once a positive decision is issued, the respective Cooperation Agreement is signed by both sides.

The volunteer is then following a training course, on an individual or -preferably - on a collective basis, which focuses on the specific needs of the respective target group of children (e.g. teenage behavioral patterns, multicultural origin, consequences of loss and mourning, integration etc.)

The following stage is including the offer of direct services in favour of the children, with the support and supervision by the competent social worker.

Cooperation may be interrupted by both sides for reasons usually related to discontinuation of emergency or availability.

Volunteers maintain good and close relations with the Society and the Centre and continue to assist its work depending on their availability.

SOCIETY FOR THE CARE OF MINORS Athens, …/ … / 2014 ISAVRON 48, ATHENS, 11475 TEL. 210.3813290 e.mail:



Name and Surname:


Telephone number:


Date and Place of Birth:

I wish to offer voluntary, unpaid work in favour of the children hosted at the Centre run by the Society for the Care of Minors.

I wish, in particular, to work and collaborate in the following field(s):

o Teaching of Modern Greeko Teaching of another foreign language

- please indicate the language(s): …………………o Studying and preparation of homeworko Sports and Recreationo Art Workshops (Painting, Music, Handicraft,

Graphic Design…)o Accompanying the children in outdoor activitieso Accompanying and fostering the children in

holidays and excursionso Job search in favour of a foster persono Other ……………………………………………………………..

Do you have any volunteering experience? YES…….. NO………

I am available the following days and times: Days:……………………………………………………………. Times:…………………………………………………………………..

Name and Signature of Applicant

SOCIETY FOR THE CARE OF MINORS Centre for Unaccompanied Minors, Isavron 48, Exarchia Athens 11475 | tel: 210.3813290


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