social studio: network learning/values-based education

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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How can social media promote learning for sustainability?


Social StudioCollaborative learning for sustainable futuresJenni BarrettLecturer & Course Leader, Masters in Architecture, UCLan

Illinois Institute of Technology

the architecture studio?

27% students live in parental home(8% in 1984, NUS)

£9,000annual cost of tuition fees(undergraduate)7years to qualify as an architect(UK)

Keith Tasker & Brooke

Jenni Barrett

Social Studionetworked learningvalues-based education

Well, it’s been an interesting exercise, if sometimes for me a slow process (slow blog = a slog?), but all things must end. Since starting this blog about drumming in a band I’ve improved individually as a drummer and, hopefully, collaboratively as a team member. Together we’ve written new songs, broadened our style, decided on a new band name and had fun. I feel I know a little more about teamwork, myself, the others in the band and fellow community members from our reflective

blog. When we set this task of reflective thinking through a blog, using tags I was a little concerned in how I would be able to achieve this task with not being in a practice. However by just taking a step back and perhaps looking at the tags from a different angle I used my experience in life and the different work I have done to respond. The success of completing this diary has been an achievement with the added bonus of learning/ hearing the views from other team members also it has provided food for thought in the future.   The biggest sense of success and achievement for me personally at work was an open night in Blackburn, we had a presentation to the local residents, councillors, highways and planner about a planning application for 200 new houses. I had designed the scheme in 3D an animated a video walk through and fly over of the whole site, this was left on loop on a projector onto a wall in the local town hall, everyone loved it, and the company where impressed with my work, I felt that I had been able to bring something new to the office with my skills.

blog: team


…the issue of being aware and designing accordingly to try and be sustainable is a very approachable thing to do when designing and almost setting your own individual boundaries….

blog: eth

ics ….so we have a dilemma, we all ask ourselves should fracking be allowed or not? Especially in this current climate, where a lot of protest and gathering are taking place to shut the idea down….

…my approach will probably form a synthesis between what I believe and know to be right and the utilitarian notion of that which will please the majority of the people. Again I think everything hangs in the application of balance to the scheme, finding the correct combination of ingredients that allow people to feel ownership and pride in where they live, whilst keeping affordability and adaptability to a maximum…..

…I feel one of the duties of an architect is to resolve problems and not to present the means by which problems arise…




Social Studionetworked learning values-based

Jenni BarrettLecturer & Course Leader, Masters in Architecture, UCLan

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