social media intro for small business

Post on 21-Oct-2014






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Being an evangelist isn’t about barking a pile of bullet points. Evangelism, in its truest form, is about sharing why you think something is worth following or believing in. We often miss the mark in business because even we don’t believe what we’re saying; we’re just reading off of a script, and that shows. We’re not taking the time to understand our value and our importance in the eyes of the people we’re hoping to reach, and we’re certainly not doing it on a personable level often enough. We see ourselves as job descriptions with responsibilities, instead of stewards of a company, part of the same communities we hope to build, and caretakers of the people that support our business. Humanity and business success can and should coexist.

Disciples aren’t created, either. They’re invited, and the choice is theirs. They need to feel as though you’re investing in them as much as they’re investing in you. It’s a relationship of trust and shared belief in something, not transaction. And having the benefit of those kinds of advocates for your business means a long term investment in those people over time. It doesn’t scale well, it’s lots of work, it’s fraught with the unexpected, and it’s deeply rich and rewarding when you get it right.

...Amber Naslund Radian6 @ambercadabra


Tip One: use the networking skills you already have

to succeed in social media.

Three of these people have email. Send them a


Two of these women are on Facebook. Are they your friends?

We talked on this tour, I shared about my business. She's now a customer. I was on a tour of the Amanas.

How often do you tell your friends what you are doing?

Have you asked them for referrals?

Facebook added 100 million users in less than 9 months.

If Facebook were a country, it would be the 4th largest.

The fastest growing segment on Facebook is women 55 to 65 years old.



Cornerstone Cottage

Google's name is a play on the word googol, which refers to the number 1 followed by one hundred zeroes. Google's play on the term reflects the company's mission to organize the immense amount of information available on the web.

Google's index of web pages is the largest in the world, comprising of billions of web pages. Google searches this immense collection of web pages often in less than half a second.

The basis of Google's search technology is called PageRank™, and assigns an "importance" value to each page on the web and gives it a rank to determine how useful it is. However, that's not why it's called PageRank. It's actually named after Google co-founder Larry Page

21% of twitter accounts have never posted one tweet.

Nearly 94% of all twitter accounts have less than 100 followers.

150 followers is the magic number.

Tuesday is the most active day on Twitter.

Twitter is being led by the social media geeks.

8% of web users visit Flickr

Creative Commons section is quickly replacing clip art and stock


There are more than 2 billion photos on Flickr, with 1 to 2 million

being uploaded each day.

Todays blog has evolved from the online diary – earliest of those showed up in 1994.

Why blog as a business?Create a relationship with your customers

So the media will find youBecome the expert in your fieldTo recruit customers and/or staff

Test ideas

Why would you blog?

There are four types of Linked In Users:

Savvy Networkers

Senior Executives

Late Adopters

Exploring Options

75% of U.S. Internet audience has watched video online.

The duration of the average online video is 2.9 minutes.

More than 100 million videos are being viewed each day.

50% of watchers see the video to the end.

52% of 18-34 year olds share the video with a friend.

Watch the youtube video!


In my opinion small local business that has the

ability to engage, interact and entertain has a better chance in

social media.

Keith Burtis

There are lots of social media “experts” out here who will try to tell you that Facebook MUST be used for socializing. LinkedIN MUST be used for functional, practical business stuff. Twitter is just fluff. Lots of people want to try and tell us how to use our spaces. Whatever you do, don’t listen to them.

They are missing the point.We are all responsible for creating our own spaces out here. We fill our spaces with the things we are interested in, are passionate about, things that are concrete…or sometimes we just fill them in with fun, silly stuff. Most of the time it’s a combination of those things. But the really cool part happens when we begin to let others into our spaces.Susan Murphy

"Network marketing". So many varied reactions to that phrase, from outright panic to enthusiastic passion. But we ALL do it, every day.


Just because you put up a billboard at the corner of East and South Sts., doesn’t mean anyone saw your message. That is the same with social media, it takes time and commitment.

Kneale Mann

And to find out where your customers are online, call up a few and ask them. And observe your bigger competitors for ideas.


If you’re going to spend time building these social sites, let’s presume that you want more people to contact you and interact with you through them. Print business cards with the company name, and/or the request for people to join your fan page or follow you on Twitter. Extra points if you give them a social-media-tool-only discount of some kind.


I learned today -- social media is simply talking face to face on a grand scale. I'm an evangelist for my Melaleuca work. I believe in the products. I have no problem sharing the information, asking for help and getting the work done.What if you felt that way about your own business?


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