social media and seo

Post on 25-Dec-2014






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Combining Social Media with SEO.


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Combining Social Media with SEO

Start building more meaningful relationships online today!

“It’s not what you know, but who you know”

Building relationships online is becoming extremely crucial in creating a brand and presence on the web.

Improve customer satisfaction interact with unsatisfied customers learn from feedback.

into online networks and keywords, key phrases found in user-generated content, which can help to boost natural search results about the person, product, and or business.

listening to customer complaints & engaging in dialog.

Increase your brands awareness

Gain insight…

Even the most skeptical people in business are having a change of heart.

The growth in Social Media is nothing short of phenomenal…

When we think of social media marketing, Facebook and Twitter usually go hand-in-hand.

Fan us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter

Social Media is being taken seriously.

There are now…more than 500 million people on Facebook

And a whopping 145 million on


There are over 150 mobile operators in 50 countries working to deploy and promote Facebook mobile products Mobile.

Verify Facebook Statistics:

Facebook Statistics

Like Facebook…,

Marketers viewed Twitter as a primary source for generating traffic.

As such, most marketers reported using Twitter to send users to marketing Web pages….

and they seemed to be pleased with the results…

•It’s Quick and Easy & FREE to post to. •Drive traffic by linking to Web pages, photos, and videos. •Ability for cross posting announcements to Facebook.•Potentially improve customer service interaction. •Invite Twitter users who tweet positively about a brand to do…

Benefits of Twitter

•Improve customer satisfaction•Increase your brands awareness •Learn more about your competitors •Save money•Reduce internal & marketing costs •Improve natural search results

What are your goals….

There are significant benefits from combining search engine optimization and social media marketing tactics.

• Increased social network discovery via search.

• The ability to attract links for improved SEO.

Did you Know…?

No Search Engine Marketing campaign is complete without SEO.

The purpose of SEO is to make your site better for both search engines and users.

would you spend additional money on advertising, or paid placement…,

If you haven’t made SEO your first step in promoting your site…?


More & more companies today are charged with improving performance

with fewer resources.

There’s allot of noise out there….

Do you find yourself thinking…

Do you feel lost & confused with your online,or Social Media Marketing…?

How do I get started, what’s my next step, I want to learn more…?

How to make the most out of combining SEO insights with social media marketing tactics…?

Wouldn’t the task of online marketing be easier on you, if you understood

A roadmap to help you identify the Audience you’re after, the measurable Goals you’re trying to reach,

A strategy that sets the stage for the tactics you’ll use to execute your game plan.

The most successful people online

have a plan…, a Roadmap.

We’ll work closely with you to identify your most important business goals.

To develop a tactical strategy, and detailed success criteria, including interim measures.

What can you expect…?

The Tools of the Trade, Processes,Guidelines and SO much more….

An increase in targeted search engine referral rates to your Web site, as high as 40% - 70% and up to 25% on average for new clients.

You can expect…

We’ll share with you…

Connect with potential clients & customers via Social Media tools such as

Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Convert qualified traffic into leads and customers.

Establish yourself as the leader in your industry,

In order to fulfill your unique business needs, we offer customized service packages, at competitive pricing for any budget.

What will it cost me…?

Your Competitors & your Clients

Are already using Social Media & SEO.

Are YOU?

Connect with Get Social in the City from one of our social media profiles…


Contact us today and get your


FREE no-obligation consultation.

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