social development intiative

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Social Development Intiative is a revolutionary model of philanthropy that might potentially help billions of people and eradicate most of the pertinent issues of today's world such as Poverty, Hunger, Lack of healthcare, Lack of Education, Climate Change etc.


Social Development Initiative

Our Motto

Empowering Individuals in Designing their Destiny

Our Mission

Eradicating Poverty to eliminate global hunger, lack of healthcare by providing practical education.

Our Vision

To create a world without poverty where individuals can reach their true potential.

Current Global Issues



lack of healthcare Diseases Lack of Education

Global Warming

Climate Change

The Vicious Cycle



Lack of healthca



Lack of Education

Our Solution

Self-sustaining, profit generating school

SDI Academy

Features of Our School

Teachers: Apart from a few professional full time teachers, most of our teachers would be the current University student in the third world countries who are talented yet unable to support themselves and are in need of financial aid.

Our Students

Students: Needy orphan students in the third world

counties who would otherwise go illiterate and

be exploited for child labour in harsh conditions.

Teaching Resources

Resources of established educational institutions

Khan Academy (partner)Provide direct training to our teachers to teach them on how to use Khan Academy’s tools effectively. Online TutorialsVideo LessonsAlison.comOther e-learning portals and databases

How will SDI Academy solve the problems??


For teachers(Talented & Poor University students):

- Allow them to continue their studies despite being financially crippled. - Would be provided with necessary vocational courses such as English speaking courses, IELTS, Driving, IT courses, leadership courses etc. - Opportunities (Loan/scholarship) to pursue higher studies in the future.

For Students

- Equipped with academically necessary knowledge of international standards for admission into renowned universities in the future . - Learn necessary skills and knowledge ranging from agriculture to computer programming that are needed in their daily life as well as help SDI Academy to generate profit from their various commercial activities.


SDI academy would have its own hi-tech farm that would consist of poultry farm and paddy field to produce food sufficient not only for its students and staff but also to sell them in the market and export them overseas.

We would also donate portion of our produce to the regions in Africa where the problem of hunger is most pertinent.

Lack of healthcare

SDI Academy would work with hospitals to receive free health checkup for our students and our students would also donate blood regularly for the patients to reduce the scarcity of rare blood type in the blood bank.

SDI academy would also work with Doctors w/o borders to set up mobile clinics and use its nursing students as medical assistant to provide affordable medical care for everyone and cater to a large number of patients across the country.

Climate change

SDI Academy would partner with various logging companies to plant trees. The students and staff would be taking care of the plants and once the plants are ready to be cut, the logging company would sell it and the profits would be shared with SDI academy that would fund for future projects.

The students would work on Research & Development of devices and methods to reduce the environmental damages.

would also campaign to raise awareness about climate change.

To be able to do all that Successfully…

We require a huge start-up funding to kick-start the entire system of self-sustaining school.

We are currently working on in providing quality services and products at an extremely affordable prices so as to benefit a large community yet obtain a sizeable amount of revenue that can be channeled to the start-up fund for our very own campus.

That would only be possible with the kind help of sponsors who would provide us with the materials or resources required in order to minimize cost increase start-up fund.

Current Projects

Services: Conversational English Course

Currently we are holding conversational English courses for a large number of Bangladeshi foreign workers who are living in Singapore, at the same time, at an extremely affordable price to generate start-up fund.

We hope to be able to expand this program for all the different nationals, living in Singapore, who possess limited command in English and with the help of The United Nations and other relevant organizations, we would be able to engage most of the expats residing in Singapore to provide our service and hence benefit them with our affordable quality services while at the same time also generate revenues to fund our project in the third world countries

Upcoming Projects…

Products: Selling Affordable Stationeries

SDI Academy is planning to sell affordable quality stationeries i.e Pen bought directly from the producing countries to eliminate middle man cost so as to able to sell it at an extremely affordable price yet be able to generate profit to be able to channel it towards the start-up fund.

Currently we are in the process of liaising with Saint Andrew’s Village that comprises of St Andrew’s Junior school, St Andrew’s Secondary School as well as St Andrew’s Junior College with the total student population of about 5000 students to become our model for the project and we hope to be able to conduct our fund raising drive by March 2014.


Looking at our success model of St Andrew’s Village we then hope to be able to replicate this in all the other 18 Junior Colleges in Singapore by June 2014.

After that we hope to be able to replicate this into all the 151 Secondary Schools in Singapore.

And hopefully with the kind help, support and donations of everyone we would be able to start the construction of our first SDI Self-Sustaining school campus in Bangladesh between December 2014-March 2015.

Why Bangladesh?

Bangladesh would be our very first model country for the testing ground of this project as Bangladesh has one of the lowest literacy rates in South Asia.

Another advantage of starting our project from Bangladesh would be that Bengali is one of the languages that Khan Academy’s lessons are available in. So we would require minimum effort with their teaching resources.

Our Thoughts…

Providing the Bridge for everyone to be able to shine…

Our Hope for the Future…

We believe that following this model of self-sustaining educational system in all the Third world countries in future with the collaboration of the UN, we would successfully be able to eradicate poverty along with all the pressing concerns of the world that we face today.

We hope that if United Nations along with other good will investors can join us in our effort to eliminate poverty then we will be able to accomplish our goals within a decade.

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