social and economic development - council for development ... · 68 social infrastructure cdr...

Social Infrastructure 68 CDR October 2014 Social and Economic Development Integrated Regional Development Projects Economic and Social Fund for Development The Economic and Social Fund for Development (ESFD) contributes to social development in Lebanon and acts as a permanent institution striving for poverty reduction. The purpose of ESFD is to reach out to the underprivileged strata of the population to improve the welfare of local communities and create job opportunities for Small and Medium Enterprises. First. Job creation and income increase Component In 2013, the ESFD offered financial support to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to execute 646 projects, which led to the creation of 638 new jobs. From 2004 until the end of 2013, the ESFD financed 7,688 projects and created 5,290 jobs. The ESFD works in collaboration with five commercial banks to provide financial services to customers who were previously unable to have access to loans. A factory for the production of natural sponges in Baakline Distribution of job opportunities by Sectors and Governorates until 2013

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Social and EconomicDevelopmentIntegrated RegionalDevelopment Projects

Economic and Social Fund forDevelopment

The Economic and Social Fund forDevelopment (ESFD) contributesto social development in Lebanonand acts as a permanent institutionstriving for poverty reduction. Thepurpose of ESFD is to reach out tothe underprivileged strata of thepopulation to improve the welfareof local communities and create jobopportunities for Small andMedium Enterprises.

First. Job creation and income

increase Component

In 2013, the ESFD offered financialsupport to Small and MediumEnterprises (SMEs) to execute 646projects, which led to the creationof 638 new jobs.

From 2004 until the end of 2013,the ESFD financed 7,688 projectsand created 5,290 jobs.

The ESFD works in collaborationwith five commercial banks toprovide financial services tocustomers who were previouslyunable to have access to loans.

A factory for the production of natural sponges in


Distribution of job opportunities by Sectors and Governorates until 2013

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Business Consulting


To make it easier forindividuals and SMEs to getloans from financialinstitutions to start a newbusiness or improve andexpand an established firm,the ESFD seeks the help ofmentoring experts. Thesementors provide advice andguidance on how to create abusiness plan, prepare a cashflow forecast and fillapplications to ensure thatapplicants are in the bestpossible position to receivefunding from a bankcollaborating with the Fund.These business consultationexperts also follow up on theimplementation of thesebusiness projects.

In 2013, the ESFD relied on a

team of 16 Freelance Business

Advisors to offer Business

Consulting Services, which

contributed to the funding of

272 projects and the creation

of 232 new jobs.

Second: Local Development

and livelihood

Improvement Component

The EFSD helps 120 villages

in the most deprived regions

by mobilizing the efforts of

partners in local communities,

their elected representatives

and other local stakeholders to

achieve development.

In 2013, the ESFD, in

collaboration with its local

partners, studied around 17

projects with a value of EUR

12 million.

Since the commencement of

this Component up until the

end 2013, working groups and

local committees received

support to implement 95 local

development projects, valued

at around EUR 22.5 million.

The EFSD follows a

participatory approach in the

local development process

with emphasis on women

needs and priorities and

environment protection.

Distribution of job opportunities by Sectors and Governorates until 2013

A woman who benefited from a loan to open a beautysalon and an accessories shop in Nabatiyeh

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A.Project to Support Local

Development in North Lebanon


As part of the funding agreement forADELNORD, signed between theEU and the Lebanese Government, a

EUR 2.9 million grant was allocatedto support local development in theregions of Akkar, Hermel, andDenniyeh.

In June 2012, priority developmentprojects were identified and 9 grant

contracts were signed. Theseprojects are carried out by localcommunities. The role of the ESDFis to supervise the purchasing andprocurement processes, to ensurethat criteria and specifications areadhered to.

Projects Distribution by Sectors(2003-2013)

Projects Distribution by Caza(2003-2013)

Name of Project

North Hermel

1. Installation of potable water networks and digging wells in the

remote villages of North Hermel


29,700 315,000


South Hermel1. Provision of drinking water in the villages of Wadi El Ratl and


2. Provision of agricultural machinery and equipment to 3

agricultural cooperatives


28,200 200,000



Estimated Value

(in Euro)

Number of


Beit Younes (Akkar)1.Rehabilitation of irrigation canals

2. Provision of trash collection trucks and street cleaning vehicles

to municipalities






Beit Younes (Akkar)1. Rehabilitation of irrigation canals

2. Creation of an educational support centre at Hrar public school

3. Rehabilitation of the municipal hall


22,280 290,300




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Name of Project

Denniyeh (Denniyeh)1. Provision of drinking water in the villages of Debeel, Korhaya

and Aysamout

2. Organization of training workshops for local associations

3. Provision of equipment to a primary health care centre in


4. Rehabilitation of a playing field in Kamamin public school


15,300 194,683.33





Estimated Value

(in Euro)

Number of


Wadi Khaled (Akkar)

1. Provision of equipment to the health centres belonging to the

network of the MoPH and MoSA in Hisheh and Amayer

2. Conducting expedited vocational training and school support






Fneideq (Akkar)

1. Creation of a plant for solid waste treatment


24,400 394,000.00


Dora (Akkar)

1. Creation of sewage network and sewage treatment station




Mashta Hassan (Akkar)

1. Provision of equipment to a primary care center








B - Support to the Municipal

Finance in Lebanon


In september 2013 the ESFDlaunched a new project funded bythe EU titled Support to theMunicipal Finance in Lebanon(MUFIN) to alleviate the impactof influx of Syrian displaced onLebaneeses host communities..

The estimated budget of thisproject is 16 Million Euros. Theproject targets municipalities inlocal communities in NorthLebanon and Bekaa that is hostinga high number of displaced.

The project seeks to improve thelevel of quality of services offeredby these municipalities within thepotable water, wastewater

treatment and solid wastemanagement sectors. Below is alist of projects implemented.

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Local Community Project

Kaa Provision of trash collection vehicles to

the Municipality

17,700 176,000

Majdel Anjar Installation of drinking water network 12,500 155,000

Estimated Value

(in Euro)

Number of


Gaza Establishment of station for drinking

water refinement

26,500 315,000

Souairy Installation and rehabilitation of drinking

water network

12,500 155,000

Dalhamieh Purchase of solid waste containers and trucks 8,700 186,850

Hermel Installation of sewage network and

refinement station

36,500 2,750,000

Bar Elias, El Marj

Kab Elias

Establishment of solid waste treatment


166,500 3,146,000

Saadnayel Rehabilitation of water distribution network 34,000 880,000

Local Community Project

Tripoli Digging and installing of artesian well in

Kobbeh and Bab el Tebaneh

185,394 462,000

Badawi Provision of trash collection vehicles 44,000 103,000

Estimated Value

(in Euro)

Number of


Menieh Provision of trash collection vehicles 100,000 324,450

Kfartoun Rehabilitation and installation of an

artesian well

7,500 148,500

Akroum Provision of drinking water 5,920 250,000

Qonnieh Rehabilitation of an artesian well and

expansion of the drinking water

distribution network

2,350 225,000

Mouhamara Rehabilitation of an artesian well and

expansion of the drinking water

distribution network

41,500 462,000

Shaile Rehabilitation of 2 artesians wells and linking

them to the village drinking water reservoir

2,020 410,300

List of Bekaa Projects

List of North Projects

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Main Orientations of the Fund

in 2014

In addition to the current projectsthat are carried out by the ESDFthrough its two main components:Job creation and localdevelopment, the Fund willcontinue – through the MUFINProject signed with the EU- toprovide support to municipalitiesin the regions hosting hugenumbers of Syrian refugees with aEUR 16 million grant.

The Fund will also play a role inboosting the local economy in thevillages overfilled with Syrianrefugees through theimplementation of “RELOC”, aproject that will be signed with theEU, to implement productiveagricultural projects of a value ofEUR 7 million, which will lead tothe creation of new jobs.

The Fund will also make efforts tocooperate with the World Bank to

implement projects in the Fund’s2014 work plan.

Project for Innovative

Partnership to Promote

Interregional Communication

through Local Development

(ART GOLD1 Lebanon)

Since the launching of the ARTGOLD (AGL) Programme inSeptember 2006, as part of theART global initiative, UNDPcontinues, in partnership withCDR, to implement thisProgramme in order to achievebalanced and sustainabledevelopment in four regionscharacterized by high povertyrates and raging socio-economicproblems. These regions are:

1. North Lebanon (Threedistricts): Akkar, Minyeh-Danniyeh and Tripoli.

2. South Lebanon (Five districts):Marjeyoun, Bent Jbeil,

Nabatieh, Sour and Hasbaya.

3. Bekaa (Five Districts):

Rashaya, West Bekaa,

Baalback, Hermel and Zahle.

4. Beirut Southern Suburbs

(Baabda District):

Municipalities of Chiyah, Borj

El Brajne, Furn El Chebak,

Ghobeiry, Haret Hreik and El


In the beginning of 2013, the AGL

phase II was launched by UNDP

and CDR, for a period of 36

months (2013 to 2015). New

financial contributions were

secured from the EU, the Italian

government and the Principality

of Monaco in addition to

contributions from NGO’s and

European decentralized

cooperation institutions.

The AGL three-year total budget

(2013-2015) amounts to US$ 3,9

million distributed by regions as


Distribution of ART GOLD project budget by regions (2013-2015)

1) ART: Appui aux Réseaux Territoriaux [Support to Territorial Networks] – GOLD: Governance and Local Development

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The total budget ofART GOLD since ithas been launchedin 2006 up until2013, amounted toUS$ 17,6 milliondistributed asfollows:

Major achievements of ART

GOLD Lebanon in 2013:

In 2013, the ART GOLDProgramme has made significantaccomplishments across varioussectors, in partnership with localagencies and authorities in thetargeted regions.

First: Main achievements across

different sectors:

1. Social sector (Youth):

• A social and cultural center forthe youth created and equippedin the village of Kawkaba in theSouth of Lebanon. The projectwas funded by “Les Amis duLiban A Monaco” and managedby the Lebanese Association forCommunity Development andDialogue. The center creates afriendly and cooperativeenvironment where youngpeople can engage incoordinated recreational and

social programs that also attractyoung people from neighboringvillages (Ebl el Saqi, Hasbayaand Marjeyoun).

• A train the trainer program inAkkar. It hosted Lebaneseprofessional soccer trainers whoexplained soccer techniques andarts. Under this program, theItalian Puglia region offeredsport clothing to 6 soccer teamscomposed of 90 young playersand secured the cost of theirsoccer training.

• A soccer field rehabilitated andequipped in Halba (Akkar-NorthLebanon), managed by theEnvironmental ScoutOrganization in Lebanon, to hosta soccer tournament that gatherparticipants from 4 neighboringvillages (Halba, Meniara,Cheikh Taba and Jdeidet elJoume). The project benefitedaround 3500 persons and was

funded by Les Amis du Liban AMonaco.

2. Local Economic Development

Sector (including agriculture):

2.1 Local Economic Development

Agencies (LEDAs):

In 2013, ART GOLD continued tooffer support to Local EconomicDevelopment Agencies in the fourtargeted areas of the Programmeto help them in achieving self-sustainability within a period notexceeding 3 years, by adopting apartial support strategy. Below aremapped out the main activitiesachieved in this context:

• Appointment of the humanresources of the Local EconomicDevelopment Agencies(LEDAs) in the North, Bekaa,and Beirut Southern Suburbs(BSS) and preparation of theoperating manual of the BSSLEDA which was officially

Distribution of ART GOLD project budget by donors (2006-2013)

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launched in December 2013.

• In September 2013, a three-dayworkshop brought together thestaff of the Local EconomicDevelopment Agencies(LEDAs) of the four regions.The purpose of the workshopwas to inform LEDAs staff aboutthe principles and concept ofLEDAs and to provide them withinsight into internationalexperiences in this field. Also,the technical managers of theLEDAs participated in thesecond World Forum on LocalEconomic Development held inBrazil. The Forum enabled atruly effective sharing ofinnovative policies and practicesin different thematic areas withinthe field of local economicdevelopment.

• A packaging center rehabilitatedand furnished with equipment inTyr, to support farmers andfarmers’ cooperatives in Tyr andthe neighboring villages. Thisinitiative is implemented by theSouth LEDA and the relevantcooperatives in coordinationwith the Ministry of Agriculture.The inauguration of thepackaging center is scheduledfor 2014.

• Provision of support tofishermen cooperatives in Ouzaiport/Beirut Southern Suburbs: InJuly 2013, the Programmeinvited an Italian expertsdelegation who was mandated toconduct a survey on fish stock,types of fish sold in the Lebanesemarket and fish selling price.The delegation conductedinterviews with no than 40fishermen to assess and upgrade

their fishing techniques.

2.2“Enhancing Economic and

Social Development in North

Lebanon” Project, funded by

the Government of Italy: thepurpose of the project is toimprove the economic and socialconditions of farmers who havebeen under a lot of strain due tothe exacerbation of the Syriancrisis and the closure of thenorthern borders. The project alsoaims at improving the level ofprimary health care services inWadi Khaled-Akkar. The teamhas completed all preparatorywork for this project, and theagreed activities are scheduled for2014.

3. Tourism Sector:

• In 2013, the Municipality ofMarseille in partnership withART GOLD offered financialand technical support to the AlFayhaa Union of Municipalities,to encourage historical andarcheological tourism. A GISApplication was created toenable visitors and tourists usingsmart phones to look into thehistory of historical sites on thedistribution map in the three AlFayhaa cities (Tripoli, El Minaand Baddawi). 25 archeologicalbuildings and sites were selectedto be included in the GISApplication that offers maininformation in Arabic, Englishand French when scanning thecode affixed on the entrance ofthe site. The project duration is 2years (2013 – 2014).

4. Health Sector:

Strengthening primary health care

in Ghobeiry/Beirut SouthernSuburbs (BSS) Municipality: TheMunicipality of Ghobeiry lackshealth care services due to highpopulation density. To tackle thisproblem, the Municipalityestablished a new primary healthcare center in partnership withART GOLD Programme andItalian Tuscany Region. Thecenter was equipped and themedical staff trained. The range ofservices offered by the Center wasenlarged to cater for five publicschools attended by no less than4000 students.

Within the same context, thecooperation continued with Lazioregion to train more than 30 healtheducators from beneficiary publicschools and 6 coordinators fromthe Ministry of Public Health onthe use of “School-based OralHealth Education Manual” whichhas been previously prepared. Allthese activities were conducted incollaboration with the Ministry ofEducation & Higher Educationand the Lebanese University-Faculty of Dental Medicine.

5.Governance Sector:

• Social survey of familylivelihood conditions in Furn ElChebak/Southern Suburbs ofBeirut: The purpose of thesurvey is to collect and analyzedata on family livelihoodconditions in the region of FurnEl Chebak and Beirut SouthernSuburbs, in order to formulate astrategy for the municipality toimplement projects that respondto local community needs.

In 2013, around 8723 residentialand economic units (shops, clinics

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etc….) were surveyed as part ofthe survey that the municipalitylaunched in 2012, through themunicipal social office and incooperation with ART GOLDProgramme. The analysis of thesurvey’s findings and the issuanceof the results are scheduled for2014.

6. Education Sector:

• “Support to Public SchoolStudents” project: This projecttargeted four public schoolslocated within the area of theMunicipality of ElMreyjeh/Beirut SouthernSuburbs (Tahwitat El GhadirPublic School, El Laylake PublicSchool, El Ghadir Public Schooland Borj el Brajne PublicSchool). Activities focusedmainly on conducting 17 extra-curricular courses that benefitedaround 200 intermediatecertification students.

• A study on school dropout rate inEl Mreyjeh/Beirut SouthernSuburbs: Within the frameworkof the initiative designed toreduce the drop out of childrenaged 8-14 years old – and afterART GOLD Programme trainedthe staff of the social municipaloffice of the Municipality of ElMreyjeh on collecting data, incollaboration with stakeholdersin all five targeted public schools(Tahwitat El Ghadir PublicSchool, Laylake Public School,El Ghadir Public School, Borj ElBrajne Public school) – thepersons in charge of this surveycontinued the data collectionprocess in 2013. The analysis ofthe findings and the issuance ofthe final report are scheduled for2014.

Second: ART GOLD succeeded

in securing additional funding

to implement the following


1- ENPI Projects:

a. “Live Your Tour” project for

the development of sustainable

tourism: “Live your Tour” (2013-2015) is implemented in the Bekaaby the Union of Baalbeck and DeirEl Ahmar Municipalities, theUnion of Chouf El SouayjaniMunicipalities and the AmericanUniversity of Culture andEducation (AUCE). The project isdesigned to promote twogeographical areas that haveattractive tourist features, whichare Chouf and Baalbeck/Deir ElAhmar. Besides Lebanon, “Liveyour Tour” involves threeMediterranean countries, Italy,Spain and Tunis.

In this context “Live your tour”

carried out the following

activities in the Bekaa:

• A technical committeecomposed of seven subjectmatter experts in the tourismfield in Lebanon formed, to

provide technical support andguidance during the projectimplementation phase.

• Five workshops on strategicplanning and tourism dynamicsattended by representatives ofUnion of Municipalities,Municipalities and local entitiesin Baalback and Deir el Ahmar.The workshops led to thedefinition of the vision, missionand strategic objectives aimed atpromoting Baalbeck and Deir AlAhmar as leading rural touristdestinations in the Middle East.

• A study on the tourism status inLebanon that covered Small andMedium Enterprises and tourismagencies, in partnership withmunicipalities and incollaboration with the Ministryof Tourism. The final report ofthe findings of this study isscheduled for the end of 2014.

• A three-day workshop onstrategic planning that gathered13 program volunteers andsocial workers.

b. Local Agenda 21 in

Territorial Planning in Energy

and Waste Management: Theproject is implemented in theSouth of Lebanon from 2013 to2015 in partnership with theUnion of Municipalities of JabalAmel. Below are outlined themajor accomplishments of LocalAgenda 21:

Training Session on Strategic


Training Session on Strategic Planning

Sour Public Hospital

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• Five representatives of the Unionof Municipalities of Jabal Amelattended a workshop on thebasics and objectives of LocalAgenda 21 in Mallorca – Spain,in 3- 11- 2013, and a workshop inJordan in November 2013.

• UNDP staff participated to thesecond meeting of the SteeringCommittee in Mallorca, Spain inApril 10, 2013.

• An observatory located in abuilding belonging to the Unionof Municipalities of Jabal Amelfurnished with equipment,satellite images and geographicalinforrmation systems.

• A specialized expert wasmandated to conduct a study onenergy resources and wastemanagement in order to shape aregional plan that includes 16villages from the Union ofMunicipalities of Jabal Amel.

c.Inclusive Governance of

Sustainable Costal Metropolis

(MEDSEATIES): The project’saim is to empower targeted localauthorities in the multi-leveldecision-making processes relatedto environmental, economic andurban management of coast cities.The project is implemented in sixmetropolitan areas from 5Mediterranean countries:Aqaba/Jordan, Tripoli/Lebanon,Thessaloniki/Greece, Genoa/Italy,Marseilles and Toulon/France.The Project duration is 1 years(2014-2015). In 2013, thepreparatory phase of the Projectwas completed and the work planwas defined and discussed withthe Donor.

d.Territorial networking for


building and local development:

a cross border experience linkingLebanon, Jordan, France, Italy.The project is implemented inBeirut Southern Suburbs for aduration of two years (2012-2014)in partnership with the Federationof Municipalities of Zgharta, Tyr,and Jezzine, Greater MadabaMunicipality, the regions ofTuscany and PACA in Italy,OXFAM/Italy and ARCI . Theproject aims at promotingnetworking between partners toachieve economic development.The project launched its activitiesby conducting a study on theleather-manufacturing sector inBeirut Southern Suburbs toidentify the needs and problemsfaced by this sector incollaboration with the BeirutSouthern Suburb LEDA.

e. Supporting Dry Land

Development: a project fundedby the UN Dry Land DevelopmentCenter, whose purpose is a) tosupport women cooperativesinvolved in agro-food processingin the South of Lebanon andBekaa in order to improve theireconomic situation and b) to focuson renewable energy. The projectduration is two years (2013-2014).A questionnaire was prepared tosurvey 11 women cooperatives inthe South and the Bekaa, to assesstheir situation and define theirneeds.

Third: Decentralized

Cooperation Partnerships:

In 2013, ART GOLD Programmeorganized many delegations toand from Lebanon to share bestpractices and experiences andprovide technical support in manyfields such as primary health care,

preservation of fish resources, andlocal economic development.Below, a brief summary of themain delegations:

• Two delegations composed ofexperts from the Italian ResearchCenter in Sicily, to providetechnical support to fishermen atthe Port of Ozai in BeirutSouthern Suburbs.

• Two delegations of experts fromTuscany Italy to strengthen theconcept of primary health care inBeirut Southern Suburbs andstudy the possibility ofextending the geographicalframework to include otherregions such as Wadi Khaled inNorth Lebanon.

• A delegation of experts fromLazio in Italy, to providetechnical support and training toteachers and health supervisorson the use of the “School-basedOral Health Education Manual”in collaboration with theMinistry of Education & HigherEducation and the Ministry ofPublic Health.

• A delegation of experts from theCity of Marseilles to providetechnical support to the ITdepartment of the Union of Al-Fayhaa Municipalities in Tripoli(North Lebanon), to create aspecial computer program thatlocates tourist areas in the city ofTripoli.

Fourth: Main orientations of the

Programme in 2014:

• Pursuing the projects that werelaunched in 2013, whilecontinuing to support theLebanese host communitiesaffected by the Syrian crisis andalleviating the repercussions of

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the crisis on the poorestcommunities.

• Promote the DecentralizedCooperation Partnerships tolearn from international bestpractices and experiences relatedto local development and allsectors.

• Continuing to support the LocalEconomic DevelopmentAgencies (LEDAs) in the fourregions to strengthen theirparticipation in boosting theeconomy of the areas where eachLEDA operates and to ensure thesustainability of theirinterventions.

f. Regional Development

Program in Akkar – Phase II

The CDR and UNDP continuedtheir efforts to implement thesecond Phase of the RegionalDevelopment Program in Akkar,aimed at supporting thedevelopment process in Akkarregion, in particular in WadiKhaled.

Main achievements in 2013:- Providing support to Wadi

Khaled Focus Group: Within theframework of promoting thelocal development of WadiKhaled, and following theelection of new municipalcouncils in the Wadi Khaledregion in May 2012, the projectteam re-formed the localdevelopment committee that wasestablished in 2010 and becameknown as Wadi Khaled FocusGroup. The committee iscomposed of heads ofmunicipalities, representativesof the villages that do not havemunicipalities, andrepresentatives of civil societyorganizations.

In partnership with the UNDP

“Peace Building in Lebanon”

project, workshops were

conducted to develop the

capacities of the municipal

councils’ members in the

following areas:

- Administrative and financialmunicipal management,

- Local developmentmethodologies,

- Conflict mitigation andmanagement.

- Shaping the Wadi Khaled localdevelopment plan: In August2013, the Programme teamcarried out an assessment toupdate the economic and socialdata in Wadi Khaled to identifythe changes that took place inthat region as the result of theSyrian crisis and the influx ofSyrian refugees to Lebanon. Theassessment covered 22 villagesand residential agglomerationsin Wadi Khaled. Based on thefindings of the assessment, aneconomic and social area profileof Wadi Khaled was elaborated.The Programme continued incollaboration with local actors toshape the development projectsproposed during the sectorialmeetings (education, agriculture,health, youth, women andinfrastructure) to tap fundingresources for these sectors andensure their sustainability.

- Pursuing the implementation ofprojects approved by theProgramme in 2012: theProgramme team pursued theimplementation of projectsapproved by the Wadi Khaledfocus group, with someinterruptions caused by theincidents that heightened thetensions at the Lebanese-Syrianborders and the road blockages

experienced in the North ofLebanon region in 2013. Thissituation resulted in delaying theimplementation of the soccerfield project in the village ofMajdel/Wadi Khaled located onthe Lebanese- Syrian borders.

Assessment of the economicsituation in Wadi Khaled: InAugust 2012, the consultingcompany selected by theProgramme to assess theeconomic and social situation inWadi Khaled started itsassignment. In the last quarter of2013, the company submitted asituation analysis report andsuggested a mid-and-long termlocal development plan for WadiKhaled.

The strategic objectives of the

Wadi Khaled local development

plan, which was vetted by the

majority of Wadi Khaled actors


Objective 1: Increase anddiversify income sources andcreate job opportunities byevaluating and benefiting from theexisting economic, natural andcultural resources.

Objective 2: Upgrade the physicalinfrastructure and services ofpublic utilities in order to improvethe economic environment in theregion, reduce householdexpenditures and protect naturalenvironment.

Objective 3: Protect naturalresources and improve the qualityof the environment.

Objective 4: Strengthen planningcapacities of the municipalcouncils, enable them to providestrategic services and build

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organizational and technicalcapacities of the financialadministration.

Objective 5: Improve the access tobasic education and healthservices.

Coordination with other parties:As the result of the serious strainsthat the Syrian crisis is putting onWadi Khaled with the presence ofmore than 25,000 refugees,international entities are directingan emerging focus toward thisregion. To rally around this focus,the Programme played a role inthe facilitation of communicationamong representatives of WadiKhaled cluster of villages,international and Lebanese entitiesand the central UNDP team, tofacilitate the surveying processaimed at weighing the impact ofthe crisis on the Lebanese hostingcommunities in Wadi Khaled andAkkar.

The Programme also contributedto shaping a number ofinterventions that lead to thecreation of jobs opportunities inWadi Khaled, interventions thatfall under the framework ofUNDP activities, among which:- A project to transport rainwater

and build a mini-football in thevillage of Hisheh.

- A project to transport rainwaterthrough 450 meter long pipes inAmayer.

- Equipping a laboratory andcreating a blood bank in ElSalam Hospital in Qobeyat.

- Equipping the developmentservices center in Halba Akkarwith a dental clinic.

- Provision of scientific labequipment to seven publicschools in Akkar.

- Consolidation of the foundationsof Fneideq public school, whichwas threatened of collapsing;Rehabilitation of Meshmeshpublic vocational school.

- Installation of new drinkingwater pipes in Bezbina, addingthree rooms to the publickindergarten and equipping itwith audio-visual equipment andfurniture.

- Provision of a trash collectionvehicle to Khat PetrolMunicipality (Wadi Khaled).

- Installation of a sewer pipingsystem in Amayer, used by 6villages in Wadi Khaled.

- Provision of trash bins to theMunicipality of Halba and atrash collection vehicle toBebnin Municipality.

Joint Projects with UN

Organizations working in


First: Support to the

Implementation of the

Millennium Development Goals-


The CDR and UNDP signed the“Support to The Implementationof The Millennium DevelopmentGoals” project on 24/07/2008. Theproject aims at helping theLebanese government implementpolicies and activities thatcontribute to the attainment ofMDGs by 2015, as agreed byLebanon and the countries of theworld. The project involves aswell several activities designed toassist the Lebanese government,communities and civil societyorganizations, in participatingefficiently to the attainment of theMDGs.

Main achievements in 2013

1-Developing Public Policies

Based on the findings andrecommendations of the CapacityAssessment that covered fivepublic administrations andinstitutions, that directly influencethe indicators of the 1st MDG,related to reducing very highpoverty rate, the project offeredsupport to the NationalEmployment Office in order toestablish a Lebanese EmploymentFund. These publicadministrations and institutionsare: the Administration ofPlanning and Programming at theCDR, the National EmploymentOffice, the Planning andDevelopment Authority andSocial Services Directorate at theMinistry of Social Affairs, theDirectorate General ofAdministrations and NationalCouncils at the Ministry ofInterior and Municipalities, aswell as the Directorate ofResearch and Coordination at theMinistry of Agriculture.

The purpose of this initiative is toactivate the role of the NationalEmployment Office to strengthenthe opportunities to find decentand productive jobs, which leadsto fair and equitable growth for themost affected groups. This supportwill enable the NationalEmployment Office to seek thehelp of experts to define theorganizational and structuralprocedures related to theestablishment of the EmploymentFund and strengthen the capacitiesof the Office staff to perform theirassigned tasks.

The main achievements’ of thisinitiative in 2013:

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- Elaboration of the draft lawsgoverning the NationalEmployment Office and theEmployment Fund;

- A training seminar, attended by14 employees from the NationalEmployment Office. Theseminar gave the attendeesinsight into communicationmethods, and the objectives ofdecent jobs and their relatedindicators within the scope of theMDG.

- Equipping the EmploymentFund Office.

2 - Communication and Advocacy

In 2013, the Project prepared the“Lebanon MDG Report 2013”, thecountry’s national report outliningthe progress in, and mainchallenges to, the achievement ofthe eight MillenniumDevelopment Goals (MDGs)).This report comes at a criticalpoint in time for Lebanon, inparticular with the presence ofhuge numbers of Syrian Refugees.It comes also less than two yearsbefore the 2015 deadline forattainment of the MDGs. TheReport outlines Lebanon’sexperience and the main lessonslearned in order to contribute tothe formulation of a new post-2015 development agendaIn this context, the Media forDevelopment project which waslaunched, in partnership withFrance Press for training, France24, and the French Embassy inLebanon pursued its activitiesaimed at promoting the conceptsof peace and development bydeveloping the capacities ofjournalists working for Lebanesemedia channels (print, audio andvisual). The implementedactivities are summarized as

follows::• Technical training for media-

working-people: a series oftraining workshops wereorganized and attended byaround 45 journalists who workfor Lebanese media channels.The workshops covered variousissues such as environmentalsustainability, gender equalityand poverty reduction.

• Awareness and AdvocacyCampaigns: Under thesupervision of UNDP, awarenessand advocacy campaigns wereconducted by the trainedjournalists, to emphasize on therole of media in development.These campaigns served as aplatform to enhancecommunication between themedia people and the societycomponents (youth, students,universities and others).

3 - Main orientations in 2014

- Pursuing all activities aimed atcreating the “LebaneseEmployment Fund” inpartnership with the NationalEmployment Office.

- Launching the Phase II of the“Media for Development”Project and pursuing theperformance of a number ofworkshops expected to gather anumber of Lebanese mediapeople and representatives oflocal civil society organizations.

- Launching the “Lebanon MDGReport 2013”, with theparticipation of the stakeholdersin public administrations andinstitutions and civil societyorganizations.

Second: Enhancing Capacity forSocial DevelopmentThe “Enhancing Capacity for

Social Development” project isjointly implemented by the UnitedNations Development Program(UNDP) and the Ministry ofSocial Affairs (MoSA). Thepurpose of the project is to offerthe necessary support to MoSA toshift from a Ministry of socialaffairs to a Ministry of socialdevelopment and promote itsleading role in the improvement ofthe quality of life of localcommunities and groups fromdisadvantaged backgrounds.Lebanon is witnessing a sharprising influx of refugeesrepresenting a burden weighingheavily on the Lebanese hostcommunities and competing foralready limited social services,employment and other economicopportunities. To tackle this issue,the Lebanese Host CommunitiesSupport Project (LHSP) wascreated as part of the EnhancingCapacity for DevelopmentProject. The LHSP aims atincreasing and sustaining stabilityin the areas affected by the Syriancrisis through improvinglivelihoods and providing basicsocial services. The project willalso contribute to strengtheningthe capacities of the MoSA’s andlocal civil society actors in orderto set priorities, mitigate conflicts,settle disputes, provide servicesand create jobs in the mostaffected areas.

A steering committee was formedto provide strategic direction forthe LHSP and ensure thatadequate mechanisms are in placeto select and implement projects.

This committee is formed byrepresentatives of the followingentities:

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- The Presidency of the Council ofMinisters

- The Ministry of Social Affairs- The Ministry of Education and

Higher Education- The Ministry of Public Health- The Ministry of Interior and

Municipalities- The Council for Development

and Reconstruction- The World Bank- The European Union- UNHCR- UNDP

Main achievements in 2013

With the financial support ofUNHCR, the LHSP implementedprojects in different sectors asfollows:


Projects aimed at supportingprimary health care centers andhospitals by equipping them withnecessary laboratory and x-rayequipment and supplies. Bysupporting health centers, healthservices become available to bothLebanese and Syrians at reducedcosts.


a) Projects aimed at providingnecessary laboratory and ITequipment to public schools

b) Projects aimed at rehabilitating

a number of schools to increaseschool enrolment capacity

Water management:

People living in isolated remoteareas are faced with waterscarcity, they do not obtain waterin sufficient quantities to cater fortheir daily needs. To tackle thisproblem, the LHSP installed waterpipes and provided vehiclesequipped with water reservoirs totransport water.

Waste management:

Due to the increasing number ofSyrian refugees that mademunicipalities unable to handlehuge quantities of accumulatedtrash, the LHSP providedmunicipalities with waste bins andtrash collection and transfervehicles and installed orrehabilitated sewer networks.

Income generating projects:

a) Provision of new equipmentand materials to women foodassociations to increase theirproductivity and improve thequality of their products.

b) Creation of a vegetable marketin the Village of el Marj(Bekaa).

c) Promotion of forestationactivities in the Bekaa, through

the cultivation of more than40,000 of almond trees, pinetrees, olive trees and vinegrapes.

Social projects:

The aim of these projects is toencourage social activities thatgather people from different socialbackgrounds and to ensureentertainment opportunities forthe youth. Activities included therehabilitation of public gardensand sport fields and the creation oftheatres in the Bekaa and theNorth.

Social cohesion projects:

The aim of these projects is topromote interaction andcommunication between Syrianrefugees and Lebanese hostcommunities through awarenesscampaigns targeting publicschools students in the Bekaa andthe North.

Infrastructure Projects:

a) Rehabilitation of internal roadsto facilitate students’ access toschools and employees’ accessto the workplace.

b) Cleaning and rehabilitation ofsewer networks, in particular inAkkar.

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The following table offers a summary of these projects.

Sector Number of



Number of



Education 15 24,246 15,679 615,712

Total cost


Number of


Health 14 329,545 66,538 677,663

Infrastructure 4 159,000 23,828 439,120

Water Management 9 175,800 46,000 205,267

Waste Management 44 1,938,960 433,192 1,757,326

Income generating


16 8,645 3,380 1,104,500

Social affairs 4 42,500 19,200 114,842

Social Cohesion 2 116 24 40,190

Total 108 2,678,812 607,841 $ 4,954,620

Mains orientations of LHSP in


- Conduct a needs assessment: byadopting a participatoryapproach and developing acomprehensive plan that targetthe most affected localcommunities (about 48 villagesdistributed as follows: 9 inMount Lebanon, 16 in theBekaa, 15 in the North and 8 inthe South).

- Implement interventions thatrespond to the priority needs thatwill be identified in the light ofthe needs assessment conductedin full cooperation with the localadministrations and the relevantgovernmental institutions.

Women’s issues/Citizen’s issues

• Population and development


The Population and Development

Program is part of the current

cycle of cooperation program

signed between the UNFPA and

the Lebanese Government for the

2010-2014 period. It aims at

strengthening policies and the

institutional framework to develop

and implement strategies aimed at

alleviating poverty and achieving

just economic development. It

also aims at developing capacities

in using available information to

include population factor,

reproduction and gender equity in

development strategies, and to

introduce monitoring andevaluation processes at thenational, sectorial and local levels,through a variety of activitiesdetermined on a yearly basis. Thisprogram is implemented incollaboration with the Ministry ofSocial Affairs and the UNFPA.

In 2013, the Program continued itsefforts to build the capacities ofthe Ministry of Social AffairsUnits responsible for the inclusionof the population factor in theMinistry’s development programsand plans at central and locallevels, through the developmentservices centers.To follow up with the staff of thedevelopment services centers who

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participated in previousworkshops, ART GOLDorganized a third trainingworkshop in June 2013 onadvocacy, to improve theparticipants’ skills in supportingand advocating for causes andissues related to population anddevelopment, in the field in whicheach of them works.

• Lebanon’s participation in the

International Conference on

Population and Development


As the 20-year anniversary of thelandmark 1994 Cairo InternationalConference on Population andDevelopment (ICPD) is celebratedin 2014, a global review of theICPD and its goals was launched,to identify ways to respond to theopportunities and challenges oftoday’s world and come up withnew recommendations.

Within this context, a conferencetook place in Cairo in June 2013,to review the implementation ofthe Program of Action of theInternational Conference onPopulation and Development inthe Arab Region, set its beyond2014 Agenda and place theConference clause at the heart ofthe UN post-2015 developmentagenda. The conference gatheredhigh-level experts fromgovernments and civil society, UNorganizations, as well as membersof parliaments and youth andwomen representatives, from theArab region.

This Regional Conference servedto present the regional results ofthe Global ICPD Survey, in whichLebanon took part.

An official delegation representedLebanon at the RegionalConference on “DevelopmentChallenges & PopulationDynamics in A Changing ArabWorld” which was convened bythe UNFPA Arab States RegionalOffice in collaboration andcoordination with the UNEconomic and Social Commissionfor Western Asia, the UNEconomic Commission for Africa,the African Union and the Leagueof Arab States. The Conferencehosted a great number of youthrepresentatives – among whomtwo from Lebanon - to expresstheir views and ideas.

• The “gender network”

program in public institutions

and administrations:

The National Commission forLebanese Women worked ondeveloping a strategy for gendermainstreaming in publicinstitutions and administrations,by promoting the role of relevantstaff members in ministries andpublic administrations to be focalpoints. This strategy incorporatesthe following:

a) Strengthen cooperation with thegender network.

b) Expand the network andinstitutionalizing itsorganization and work.

c) Develop the capacities ofgender network members andbenefitting from theirprofessional potential.

d) Promote the post and role ofgender network memberswithin their administrations.

e) Work on raising the awarenessof public institutions andadministrations to include the

gender factor in their programsand policies.

Also, the National Commissionfor Lebanese Women worked onexpanding the network of genderfocal points to include additionalpublic institutions andadministrations. It updated anddeveloped its database on thisnetwork, and in cooperation withthe UNOHCHR, organized aseries of workshops on deepeningthe knowledge of networkmembers on the concept andrequirements of gender issues.The cooperation will continuewithin this framework inaccordance with the programplanned by the NationalCommission for LebaneseWomen.

• Developing national capacities

for dealing with natural

disasters and mitigating

damages by virtue of the Hyogo


The National Commission forLebanese Women cooperated withthe UNDP and the Presidency ofthe Council of Ministers’ NaturalDisaster Management Unit toimplement the Hyogo Agreementfor Disaster Risk Reduction. Inthis context, a Hyogo work planwas developed (2005-2015) tourge the state to institutionalizenational work to face naturaldisasters and reduce damages. It isimportant to note that the NationalStrategy for Women in Lebanonincluded among its objectives“protecting women and girls incases of emergencies, armedconflicts, wars and naturaldisasters.” Therefore, theCommission intended to add the

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gender dimension in the nationalplans, as well as other studies,documents and programs arisingfrom implementing the Hyogowork plan.

In this context as well, theLebanese government adopted aspecial program for developingnational capacities for dealingwith natural disasters andmitigating damages in cooperationwith the UNDP. The programembraced activities targetingwomen to take into considerationthe needs of women whenstudying and detecting naturaldisasters, as well as developingrelief and aid programs forvictims. This would increase thecontribution of women in bearingdirect responsibility for facing andpreventing disasters. It is worthyto note the CDR’s participation inthis type of activities, as well as itsmembership in the nationalcommittee to develop anemergency plan to face all sorts ofdisasters.