small world - the watchers council€¦  · web viewstory by gencie salter, dragonwriter17, and...

Post on 30-Jul-2020






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Small WorldStory by Gencie Salter, DragonWriter17, and Susan Carr

Written by DragonWriter17, Isis, Dan Joslyn, Gencie Salter, and Xanwilbuf

Produced and Directed by DragonWriter17 Edited by DragonWriter17 and Dan Joslyn

Sound by CSRArt Direction by Emily

Artists: Emily, Isis, Zahir, and CN WintersCover Art by CN Winters

Livia/Mira Inter-Episode Video: Isis and Littlelabmouse 

TeaserFive Months after "Machinations"

Fade In:Int.Watchers Council – Giles's Office – Morning

Giles held a data pad in hand, reviewing his appointment schedule, giving it one last look before the day began. A questioning look came over his face, and he set the pad down and moved to his computer. He activated his video-comm and punched in an extension. Within seconds, the image of a female executive assistant appeared.

"Veronica Wyndham-Pryce, please," Giles requested.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chairman, but Ms. Wyndham-Price is unavailable," she informed him.

Giles frowned. "Where is she?" he asked.

"The prison hospital, sir," she replied matter-of-factly. "Visiting Mr. Rayne."

"Yes, very well," Giles responded, a hint of exasperation in his voice. "Please tell her I called."

"Yes, sir!" the assistant replied.

Giles ended the call with a testy tap on the keypad. "It's as if the woman doesn't even have a job here anymore," he fumed to himself. "She's never around, she's always there, seeing…him." He sat up straight in his chair and assumed a haughty posture. "I'll tell you what…when she gets back, I'll give her a piece of my mind, that's what I'll do."

A sudden beep from his desk jostled Giles from his annoyance. He turned in his chair and touched the answer button on his speaker.

"Yes?" he snapped.

"Ms. Lance is here to see you sir," his assistant informed him.

The chairman closed his eyes and swore under his breath. "Let her in," he said.

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Red Sector Lab – Same Time

There was music drifting out of Lex's lab in Red Sector – some thrumming beat that caused the capillaries in James's head to throb. He rubbed his thumbs over his temples as he stepped through the door. Lex stood at the far end of the shop, his back to James, rocking back and forth in time to the music. Anya was in the corner, frowning and snapping at a short, blonde woman. The few assistants clustered around Lex parted silently for James. He sighed and tapped Lex on the shoulder. Lex spun, smiling.

"James! Hey, buddy, I thought you'd left already." Lex reached up and hit the corner of a panel on the wall. The music stopped.

"Soon." James cast a look over his shoulder at Anya and asked quietly, "Any luck?"

"Oh yeah, tons." James raised an eyebrow. Lex smiled. "And by tons, I mean some. Or rather, a bit. Perhaps even a smidgen."

Lex led James to the lab's main computer terminal. He tapped a few keys, pulling up a series of files. James's eyes went wide before he pushed Lex aside and began to type.

"Hey!" Lex made an indignant noise and tugged on James's sleeve. "No fiddling! I finally got the sequence to work, and I'm not cleaning up another one of your 'oopsies', all right?"

James stepped back, holding his hands up in surrender. "Fine, fine." He glared at Lex, but a smile tugged at his lips. "But I'll have you know, I'm a genius. I've got a degree in fiddling."

"Yeah, yeah. Tell it to my research team the next time you set them back a week because you 'just had a thing you wanted to try'." His voice pitched higher in what was in no way an accurate parody of James's tone.

"Excuse me," came an annoyed voice.

Lex and James turned to look at Anya. She was sitting on the edge of a table, clad uncharacteristically in a floral sundress. Were it not for the wires snaking out of her and the computer monitor showing a steady readout of her neural activity, she might have almost appeared human. She swung her bare feet beneath her in a childish fashion.

"Excuse me," she repeated. "Isn't anybody going to ask how I'm feeling?"

James smiled as he approached her. She held out her hand, and he clasped it warmly. "Sorry, Anya. How are you feeling today?"

She grinned brightly. "Like sandpaper."

Lex groaned and shook his head. James coughed to cover a laugh and smiled indulgently. "And how does sandpaper feel, Anya?"

Anya giggled to herself then whispered, "Rough!"

While Anya collapsed in giggles, James turned to glare at Lex. "I ask you to import some of Willowgram's personality pathways, and you choose bad jokes?"

Lex shrugged, not bothering to hide his amusement. "Hey, it worked, didn't it? The groundwork is all laid out. We've unscrambled the pathways and filled in the missing bits, even if they're not really her bits. We'll be able to build her a personality base from there."

James nodded, but he didn't look happy. Anya squeezed his hand and leaned forward to lay her head on his shoulder. He sighed. "I just wish we could recover more of her original programming. It doesn't seem

fair to her to just write over who she was." A hand settled on James's shoulder, and he looked up at Lex.

"Would you rather she stay like this forever?" Lex asked. "We've got a better shot at reconstructing her personality if we don't have to work from scratch. We can worry about recovering her memories later. You know, when she's not all crazy-like."

James started to respond, but Anya suddenly sighed and whispered something against his shoulder.

"Anya? Did you say something?"

"On the right track," Anya murmured.

James glanced down at her. "What?"

Anya sat up with a clear, serious expression on her face. "You're on the right track. Don't give up, James."

James blinked and half twisted toward Lex. His mouth worked for a moment, trying to speak and failing. But Lex was already at the monitor, taking note of the sudden spike in Anya's neural readout.

"What do you mean, Anya? How are we on the right track? Do you know what we need to do?" James grabbed Anya firmly by the shoulders, forcing her to look at him. He stared into her eyes, a look of frantic worry on his face.

Anya seemed ready to answer. She smiled at him. A genuine smile, full of friendship and understanding. Far different from the maniacal grins she'd been giving him lately. Then, as suddenly as it had appeared, the clarity in her eyes vanished.

"I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, sir," she said in a strange, sing-song voice, "because I'm not myself you see."

James blinked in confusion. He turned to Lex, but his friend only shrugged in response. James shook his head and regarded Anya sadly. "Every damn time."

Stepping away from Anya, James ran a hand through his hair. He took a deep, calming breath. "Look, I've gotta go. They're expecting me at the hangar. I guess you can just turn her off while I'm gone. Maybe this trip is a good thing. It'll give me a chance to clear my head. Maybe

come up with some new ideas." He looked up to see Lex looking at him with confusion.

"What are you talking about, man? I'm going to keep working on her."

James seemed slightly taken aback by that. "Oh. Well, you…you don't have to do that. I really appreciate your help, but I know you've got your own work to get back to –"

Lex waved a hand, cutting him off. "James, we're friends. I'll keep working."

A look of such sheer relief and gratitude crossed over James's face that Lex turned away, scuffing his shoe against the table leg. Before James could say anything, Lex coughed and waved him away.

"Well, get going already! Toni's a stickler for departure times. You don't wanna get left behind."

"Right." James squeezed Anya's shoulder briefly, then hesitated before punching Lex lightly in the shoulder. Lex feigned injury and waved him off. James was smiling as he left the room.

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Giles's Office – Moments Later

The amicable look on reporter Lisa Lance's face did little to ease Giles's frown of annoyance at her presence in his office. She stood in front of his desk, outlining the details of her planned documentary on slayers.

Giles cut her off, mid-pontification. "Ms. Lance, given your track record, I'm reluctant to let you anywhere near the Council and its slayers."

"Mr. Chairman, I assure you," she assured him with a serpentine smile. "My smear-campaign days are over. My documentary on slayers will be the epitome of balanced journalism."

Giles leaned back in his chair, unconvinced.

"Face it, Councilor. You need me. Despite the current pro-slayer sentiments, the Council

needs all the good PR it can get." She sat down the chair opposite his desk. "Look, all I want to do is accompany some of your girls on a mission, get a sense of who they are and what they do. That's it."

Giles considered it while Lance waited patiently. With a sigh, he leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk.

"Very well, Ms. Lance," he reluctantly agreed. "There's a team setting out later this morning on a special mission. I believe it may be just what you're looking for."

"Excellent!" she replied emphatically, standing and shaking the hand that he never offered to her. He rose from his seat and walked her out.

"This special mission…it wouldn't happen to have anything to do with the miraculous survival of a well-known physicist at the most magical place on earth, would it?" she ventured when they reached the door.

Giles looked surprised. "How do you know about that? The press release hasn't even been –"

"That's my job, Mr. Chairman," she replied with a satisfied grin as she left the office.

After quickly closing the door behind her, Giles shook his head, a worried expression on his face.

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Transport Hangar – Later That Morning

Outside the transport ship, the mission team was finishing up the tedious process of packing metal crates and loading them into the cargo bay. As slayers came and went, Jocasta was sorting the items going into her own bag. After dropping off a crate, Katherine stopped by Jocasta.

"I can't believe we're going to Disney World," Katherine mused.

"I know. I haven't been since I was a child. I just loved the Magic Kingdom. The new one, of course." Jocasta smiled nostalgically as Livia, Janet, and Brianna joined them.

"Yeah, well…the old one ain't too magical at the moment," Livia said. "Not with a nest of nasties living in it."

Jocasta didn't seem to hear her. "The parade, the treehouse, the teacups…" She sighed happily and began to sing, "It's a small world after all. It's a small world after all…"

Katherine smiled fondly at Jocasta as Livia rolled her eyes. The commander's gaze drifted over to Lisa Lance and her cameraman, who were busy stowing their own gear into two heavy crates. Livia scowled at the reporter.

"So, what's the sitch on this 'infestation' we've got to clean out?" Mira asked as she too joined the group. She took her usual place next to Livia, who glanced at her briefly before taking a small step away, which went unnoticed by the others.

"Well, as you know," Jocasta explained, "the old Magic Kingdom was closed once the new park debuted. It re-opened some time later as a museum. Sort of a side-tour that visitors could go on if they wanted to see how things used to be in the old days."

"The old days," Katherine snickered.

"The museum didn't get a lot of traffic," Jocasta continued.

"Visiting a park that's sitting right on top of a hellmouth can dull anyone's enthusiasm," Brianna commented.

"No kidding," Jocasta said. "At any rate, a few months ago, one of the museum workers was attacked by some demons. Disney hushed it up, set up an electrified fence around the park, and then sent in its own team to clean out the place. It seemed to be only a small nest, so once they dealt with it, they felt like the problem had been solved."

"Which is why they allowed Dr. Burkle and her research team to set up camp there," Katherine added.

"So who's this Dr. Burkle anyway? I had never even heard of her before the whole shindig at the Anomalous Zone," Janet asked.

"Only the top dimensional physicist in the world," Jocasta answered, literally glowing with intellectual zeal. "I mean, have you read her Portals in a Post-Quantum World? It's…it's ground-breaking in its re-examination of quantum mechanics and –"

"Back to the story, sweetie," Katherine gently reminded her girlfriend.

"Oh. Right. Anyway, Dr. Burkle and her research team moved in for a three-month study of the hellmouth. For the first couple of days, they worked on setting up their pods, getting their equipment installed, and then…disaster."

"Demons," Mira said.

"Oh yeah," Jocasta confirmed ruefully. "Somehow a major demon infestation set in. The demons attacked and killed everyone but Dr. Burkle. She was able to survive long enough to get to a radio and call for help."

Livia scoffed. "I don't buy it."

"What do you mean?" Katherine asked.

"Number one nerd in the physics world, whose most dangerous exploit to this point has been breaking a nail on a flux spectrometer – she's the only one to escape from a horde of demons, somehow miraculously surviving while her comrades were sliced and diced?" Livia shook her head. "It doesn't track."

"You're such a cynic," Mira teased, but Livia didn't smile. Mira frowned slightly, as if wondering what was up. Then she turned back to Jocasta.

"After rescuing Dr. Burkle, Disney set up a perimeter shield and called the Council," Jocasta went on. "They're delaying making a public announcement until we get there. They want to be able to say that they've got the best on the job, and that would be you." Jocasta gestured grandly at the slayers.

"Is Dr. Burkle coming along?" Janet asked.

"I don't know," Jocasta answered. "She's in Giles's office now, probably trying to get permission to accompany us." Jocasta turned to Katherine, her face lit up with excitement. "Wouldn't that be awesome if she could come along?" Jocasta looked away, her eyes dreamy. "I'd love to talk her about her transitional particle theory and how it totally explains the fluctuations in most portals' energy signatures…"

While Jocasta babbled, Katherine glanced Brianna, who smiled and leaned over. "You might wanna watch out for Burkle," Brianna whispered. "Looks like you might just lose your girl to the mad scientist." Katherine chuckled.

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Giles's Office – Same Time

The remarkably unscathed Dr. Burkle sat in a chair across from Giles and Veronica, relating the story of her escape from the old Magic Kingdom. The physicist shifted a bit in her seat as she spoke, pausing every once and a while to glance up at her listeners. Veronica's eyes locked on Burkle sympathetically while Giles merely watched objectively. When Dr. Burkle had finished, Giles leaned forward.

"Dr. Burkle, I know this is difficult," Giles told her, "but we need to know what the slayers should be expecting, anything that might not be in your official report."

"Mr. Chairman, it is very important for the girls to be as cautious as possible," Burkle replied. "I saw several different species of demons in the attack, some of which are not even from the same dimension. I myself am lucky to be alive," she added pensively.

"Thank you," Giles said. "I'll be sure to pass on this information to the mission commander."

"Of course, the team would better benefit from my knowledge if I were allowed to accompany them to –"

Veronica cut the professor off with a lifted hand. "We understand your situation, Doctor," she said, "but it simply isn't safe to allow you back into the park until the threat has been eliminated."

"I can take care of myself," Burkle answered coolly, her meek demeanor suddenly absent. "And my work is very important to me."

"So it would seem," Giles said. "Nevertheless, there will be no civilians until the mission team gives the all-clear."

Burkle sighed but nodded stoically. "Very well."

Cut To:Ext.Cleveland Suburb – Same Time

Police tape roped off a vacant lot at the end of a quiet suburban neighborhood south of Cleveland. As a team of officers held off the curious inhabitants, a pair of detectives slipped under the tape and walked a short distance away.

An officer stood watch over a small mound covered with a tarp. When the detectives arrived, he lifted the tarp.

"Ah, damn it," one detective said as he bent down to get a closer look. Then he hung his head and ran his hand along the back of his neck.

"Is it – ?" the officer asked.

"Yep," said the other detective grimly. "Looks like we got another one."

Fade Out.

End of Teaser

Starring: Lindsay Wagner as Velika Petrova, Bonnie Hunt as Veronica Wyndam-Price, Maggie Grace as Brianna Knowles, Felicia Day as Finola

Dunn, Erin Chambers as Jenn Bailey, Ali Larter as Janet Pryde, Ziyi Zhang as Lian Soon

 Guest Starring: Katie Couric as Lisa Lance, Linda Hamilton as Sonia Petrovich, Rachel Weisz as Amelia Adams, Flick Harrison as Frank

 Act One

Fade In:Int.Council Transport Ship – Cockpit – Around Noon

"Tank vent?"


"Fuel tank?"

"Check. Cap secured."

"Loading door?"

"Umm, still open?"

Antonia glanced over at Janet and sighed. "They're still not in yet? This always happens," she muttered angrily while Janet tried to hide a smile. "We schedule departure times for a reason."

Janet nodded along, flipping through Antonia's flight book. "So, Colonel Harris said something about a possible communications problem while we're there?"

"What? Oh, right." Antonia fiddled with a few of the transport's controls. "Yeah, apparently the shielding system could interfere with our communications. Lex installed a booster which should work within the shield, but communication outside of it is going to be shoddy at best. We'll probably have to relay through the Orlando branch if we want to talk to anybody here."

"Oh." Janet looked a bit worried. "But it'll work fine inside the shield?"

Antonia huffed as she flicked a few more switches and glanced at the video screen to her left; it showed her passengers still loading the bay. She glared at the image. "It should. And if not? Well, that's what James is here for."

"Right." Janet flipped the flight book closed and leaned forward to examine a large, red button on the console. "Hey, what's this do?"

Cut To:Int.Council Transport Ship – Cargo Bay – Same Time

A crashing sound drew Livia's attention away from where she and Mira were securing weaponry. She looked over to where James was helping Lisa Lance and her cameraman. Lance stood off to the side, hands on her hips, screeching like a harpy at an overturned crate. Livia saw the cameraman roll his eyes. She shook her head and resumed packing, putting swords, crossbows and bolts, and spears into a specially-designed crate.

"Oy, that's a gick-load of sharp and pointies, innit?" came a voice with a heavy Irish accent. "You startin' a war down in kiddie-land?"

Livia turned and regarded the red-headed young woman with a steady gaze. "Like to be prepared."

"Yeah, heard that about you." The woman smiled and held out her hand as she repositioned her duffel strap on her shoulder. "Finola Dunn, Dublin branch."

"Livia Hansen." She shook Finola's hand firmly. "I heard you'd be joining us." Livia's tone took on an edge of resentment. "Been in the states less than a day and you're already pulling elite duty, you must've impressed somebody."

Finola's eyes narrowed slightly at Livia's implication. "Yeah well, what can I say? Me reputation precedes me," Finola replied coolly.

While Livia and Finola engaged in a stare-off, Mira came up and introduced herself. Finola immediately perked up.

"Ah, you're the one did all 'at field testin' of the seraphim and pushed to get suits for the other branches," Finola said. "Owe ya big time for that, don't we?" Finola gave Mira a playful punch in the arm.

"The seraphim's a great advantage," Mira agreed. "In the right circumstances, of course. Just ask Livia. She used it in the Anomalous Zone when she – "

"Why don't ya show me where to stow me bag," said Finola, cutting off Mira. Then she linked her arm in Mira's and began redirecting her away from Livia. "You know…be a dove, show the new girl around?"

"Ummm, okay," Mira answered, looking back at Livia once before complying.

As she watched the duo leave, Livia's face tightened. She clenched her jaw several times then stomped off.

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Transport Hangar – Same Time

Giles and Dr. Burkle entered the hangar and made their way over to the transport ship. When she saw them come in, Jocasta rushed over with Katherine following close behind.

"Come to see us off?" Jocasta asked.

Giles smiled. "Yes," he replied. "And to introduce you," he added, motioning at Dr. Burkle.

Jocasta smiled excitedly and held her hand out. "Hi! I'm Jocasta. I'm a big fan of your work."

Dr. Burkle took Jocasta's hand, gave it a light shake, and then held it for a moment as she studied the redhead carefully. "Have we met before?" she asked curiously.

"Oh, um, no," Jocasta said, pulling her hand back. "I'm flattered, but I don't think so."

Burkle continued to stare for a while before finally nodding. "Sorry. I must be mistaken then."

"I don't suppose I have to tell you to be careful," Giles told Jocasta.

Burkle returned to staring once Jocasta turned away. Katherine eyed Burkle suspiciously.

"No, Daddy," Jocasta replied sarcastically. "I'm all growed-up now." Giles and Jocasta shared a warm grin. "Anyway, we'd better get on board before Toni pops a gasket."

Jocasta and Katherine gave a final wave to Giles and Burkle, then headed toward the ship.

Cut To:Int.Council Transport Ship – Troops Bay – Later

In the troops bay, Jocasta and Katherine sat side by side, securely belted into their respective seats as the transport ship bumpily rose through the clouds. Jocasta held Katherine's hand in a white-knuckled grip and didn't release it until the ship had settled smoothly into its cruising altitude.

"Sorry," Jocasta said, as if just realizing that she had been crushing her girlfriend's hand.

Katherine grinned. "No problem. Glad to lend a hand." The grin turned into a lopsided smirk.

Jocasta rolled her eyes. Brianna did the same, adding a that-was-lame snort.

Cut To:Int.Council Transport Ship – Troops Bay – Same Time

At the end of the row across from Lance, Livia sat sulking. Next to her was Jenn Bailey, a young but enthusiastic slayer who was on her first away mission.

"Ohmygod, this is so exciting!" Jenn said for the umpteenth time. "I still can't believe that I got picked to go!"

"Yeah, me either," Livia mumbled under her breath.

"I mean, I even get to sit next to Livia Hansen," Jenn said with stars in her eyes. "The Council's number-one slayer."

"Oh, goodie. I'm famous," Livia replied.

"The hero of the AZ Battle…sitting next to me." Jenn gave a small squeal of delight before continuing. "I thought for sure you'd be sitting with Mira. I mean, everybody knows you two are like that." Jenn raised her hand and held her two first fingers tightly together.

"Hey!" Livia barked in an annoyed voice. "Mira's great and all, but we're not joined at the hip. Got it?"

"Okay!" Jenn agreed instantly.

Having heard the exchange, Mira leaned forward and looked down the row at Livia, who met her eyes briefly before quickly glancing away. Mira's expression became hurt and confused. She shook her head and leaned back. Finola looked on with interest from Mira's left.

"What was that all about?" Janet asked from Mira's other side.

"Beats me," Mira grumbled, folding her arms across her chest.

Cut To:Int.Council Transport Ship – Troops Bay – Same Time

Jocasta unbuckled her seatbelt and rose to her feet. She bent over and removed a duffel bag from under her seat. After unzipping it, she pulled out Willowgram's mobile emitter and handed it to Katherine. Jocasta secured her bag once again and buckled herself back into her seat.

"What's that?" Finola asked.

Jocasta took the emitter from Katherine and turned it on. "This is Willowgram," she said proudly as the six-inch redhead materialized. "She's our very own Miss Know-It-All. Isn't that right, Willow?"

"Darn tootin'!" Willowgram chirped.

Finola looked at the smiling hologram and then at Jocasta, then repeated the action. "You made your 'ologram look like ye-self?" the Irish slayer asked, raising her eyebrows.

"She's not based on Jocasta," James interjected. "She's based on Willow Rosenberg. The Willow Rosenberg."

"Who just happens to be Jo's great great great grandmother," Katherine added.

"I think you got one too many 'greats' in there, but close enough," Jocasta said.

Finola frowned. "'at'd be like talking to ye-self all day."

Jocasta and Willowgram looked at each other. "At least it'd be fascinating conversation," they said simultaneously. Then they both pointed and exclaimed, "Jinx!" before bursting into laughter.

Brianna leaned over to Finola. "Okay, even I thought that was weird."

"Seriously," Jocasta said after ending her laugh, "Willow's got access to all of the Council's accumulated knowledge – digitized libraries, slayer field reports, watcher chronicles, and most importantly, the journals of Willow Rosenberg herself."

Finola gave an impressed nod then shrugged. "Not too keen on all that readin' me-self, 'cept for magic, o' course."

"A lot of the magic training we've implemented among the slayers has come from Willow's databases," Katherine confirmed.

"Which is why Rayne and Pantelles wanted access so badly," Mira pointed out.

"How have you been doing since the attack?" James asked the hologram.

"Pretty good, all things considered," Willowgram replied. "According to my self-reparation protocols, my security algorithms have regenerated, and almost all of my functions have been restored. Multi-interfacing is still down, but that's only temporary."

"Speaking of interfacing," Janet interjected, directing her gaze at Jocasta and Katherine, "how are you two lovebirds doin' with the whole nest-sharing thing? You haven't started arguing over how to hang the toilet paper, have you?"

As Jocasta and Katherine smiled happily at one another, Finola's eyes widened in shock. "You mean…you two are…? Watcher an' slayer…all cozy-like in the same 'ouse?" Finola crossed her arms and scoffed disapprovingly.

Jocasta bristled. "You got a problem with that?" she said evenly but with a hint of a challenge.

"Well…yeah," Finola said sarcastically.

Lisa Lance pulled a data pad from her jacket and turned toward the conversation, her eyes shining hungrily.

"Why?" Brianna asked Finola.

"Because it's…it's just not right, now is it?" Finola answered.

"I agree with Finola," Jenn announced loudly. "Council regulations clearly say that – "

"Jenn, can it!" Livia said sternly. "Jo isn't Katie's watcher, so no harm, no foul, got it?"

"You are so right," Jenn replied, changing her tune in brown-nosing fashion. "I should've seen that. You are so smart." Livia looked like she was going to be sick.

"So Ms. Rosenberg and Ms. Allison are in blatant violation of the Council's own anti-fraternization rules?" Lance asked as she scribbled several notations into her data pad. "Why doesn't Chairman Giles put a stop to it?"

"They're not in violation of anything," Livia told Lance coldly. "End of discussion."

"Of course," Lance agreed with a smile of apparent compliance as she put away her data pad.

Livia closed her eyes and groaned, leaning her head back against the wall. "God, this flight is taking forever!"

"Actually, we're making pretty good time," Jenn reported after glancing at her watch. "Not like some of the flights I've been on." Jenn giggled. "This one time, at Christmas, we were going to see my grandmother and…"

Livia began slowly banging her head against the wall as Jenn rambled on.

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Red Sector Lab – Same Time

"Anya! Would you…would you just stop?"

Anya huffed and stretched her legs. She was lying on Lex's worktable, panels open and wires hooked up. She wiggled her toes and gave a harried sigh. "But, you're doing it wrong."

Lex threw his arms up and stomped around the table to his computer. "I am not doing it wrong! I know exactly what I'm doing!"

"Sure," Anya snorted.

Lex waved a screwdriver at the android. "You always gotta make this harder than it needs to be, don't you?"

"I do not!" Anya protested.

"I am going to fix you if it's the last thing I do," Lex vowed. "Which, given the fact that I'm about two seconds away from committing seppuku, it probably will be."

Anya sighed again and stretched her arms above her head, jiggling the wires attached to her skull. "Accessing protocols," she announced mechanically before suddenly switching to a casual tone of voice. "You know, we could just broil the potatoes." Then she sat up and looked at Lex curiously. "What are we doing now?"

"Well, we're not making pot roast, that's for sure." Lex pulled open a panel on Anya's leg and stuck the screwdriver in.

Anya suddenly seized all over and then went still. Lex looked up to see what the problem was and regarded her face with confusion. Her left cheek twitched uncontrollably, causing her eye to wink spastically.

"Huh. Wasn't supposed to do that."

"Wasn't supposed to do what? What have you done to me? Why is my face twitching?" Anya growled out of her mostly closed and occasionally twitching mouth. "You incompetent excuse for an engineer! You're supposed to be fixing my brain, not giving me epileptic fits!"

Lex couldn't hold back an amused smirk. "Now, now, you watch your mouth or I might be inclined to take my time fixing this particular problem."

Anya growled and winked and growled and winked again. Lex chuckled and looked up at the television screen on the wall. The news was on, showing a worried-looking reporter standing in front of a cordoned-off section of shops, surrounded by police tape. The sound was off, so Lex couldn't hear what the story was about. It didn't look too important, so he turned back to Anya.

"All right, Miss Annoyance McTwitcherson. Let's see what we can do about that nasty tic." Lex grinned as he waved the screwdriver in her face. "And then we're going to try interfacing you with my computer again. And don't download anymore songs, okay?"

Anya smirked. Or, rather, her lips twisted into something attempting an approximation of a smirk. Then, she began to sing quietly.

"It's a small world after all…" she sang in a voice hiccupped by her tic. "It's a small world after all…"

"Oh my God, shut up!"

Cut To:Int.John West's House – Afternoon

Still in his pajamas, John happily watched his two children, Michelle and Michael, chase each other around the living room. First Michael was the pursuer and Michelle the prey. Then with a pair of squeals the roles were instantly reversed. John smiled then directed his eyes back toward the hallway.

"Are you ever going to be done in there?" John called to the back bedroom.

Darrin walked out of the hallway, freshly and neatly dressed. He struck a pose and said, "Not all of us enjoy looking like slobs."

John snorted. "Oh please, I am so much prettier than you."

"You wish," Darrin answered before moving into the kitchen.

Just then Michael and Michelle raced by the end table, brushing a lamp and setting it to teetering.

"Kids," John said, rising from the couch to stop the mad dash. Before he could get to them, the phone rang.

"Could you get that?" Darrin called from the kitchen.

"I'm on it," John called out.

He took a moment to separate Michelle from Michael, as she had him pinned against the couch. He tossed her lightly onto the couch, where she immediately started to bounce. John smiled and approached the video phone. He punched the answer button.

"This is an outrage, John!" came the bellowing voice of his sister.

He visibly resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Hello Kim," he replied unenthusiastically.

"I'm being serious. There is no way they can do this!" she practically screamed at him.

"Do you want explain to me what you're talking about?" he asked calmly.

"Christine was called as a slayer. And if you think that my daughter is going to be putting herself in danger, daily, especially after all that's been going on at that Council lately, you are out of your mind!" Kim barely stopped to take a breath as she ranted at the top of her voice.

"What does Christine think?"

"What do you think she thinks? She's scared out of her mind. She doesn't want to go." Kim visibly started to calm and finally sighed. "I'm worried about this, John. Isn't there something you can do?"

"I honestly don't know, Kim," John said, sitting in the desk chair. "But I promise…as soon as I get in to work today, I'll talk to Chairman Giles, find out what I can."

Kim thought about this then nodded resignedly. "Thanks," she told him. Then she shrugged and added, "Sorry I yelled."

John chuckled. "No you're not."

Kim looked appalled then snickered. She quickly sobered and said, "Call me later?"

"You bet," John assured her.

With a blip, Kim's image disappeared from the screen. John leaned heavily against the table top and sighed.

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Giles's Office – Later That Afternoon

Giles looked up at the sound of a soft knock on his door. It opened slowly and John West popped his head inside.

"Do you have a moment, Mr. Chairman?" he asked.

"Of course," Giles replied, gesturing for him to sit. "Please, come in."

"I have a bit of a problem," John said, sitting in the chair and folding his hands. "My niece, Christine, was called as a slayer. My sister called me this morning, furious. She says Christine doesn't want to join."

"I see," Giles said with a nod.

"I'm not up on all the activation protocols. Can you tell me…what are her options? Does she have to serve?"

"All newly-activated slayers are required to go through an initial orientation and training period, to help them understand their powers as well as the responsibilities and the dangers that come with them, namely the fact that they may be targeted by demons because of these powers."

John nodded. "And after that? If a slayer decides that the Council isn't for her…she can leave?"

"Yes, that is her right, although refusals to join the Council happen very rarely. The Council takes very good care of its slayers. It offers a generous salary, for the girls and their parents, free schooling, superior medical insurance." Giles leaned forward. "Allow me to be frank, John. It is your niece's right to refuse to become a part of the Council, but…I would strongly advise her against it."

John ran his hands over his head and massaged his neck, then looked back up. "I'll pass your advisement along to my sister. She won't be glad to hear it, but…"

"If you'd like, I could talk to her," Giles offered.

"No," John replied quickly. "No, I'll take care of it." He stood and thanked Giles before leaving the office.

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Slayer Gym – Same Time

All around the gym the slayers were divided into pairs, practicing a new maneuver. Or at least they were supposed to be. Some were standing around talking loudly. Others were merely going through the motions, not really putting their all into the exercise.

"Come on, ladies, you can do better than that!" Lian shouted, though her voice barely made it above all of the talking.

"Just because Livia isn't here doesn't mean you get to be so bossy," Cassidy replied.

Lian turned to Cassidy and glared. "Well, I am the boss, so technically, it does," she sternly informed the slayer.

"Oh lighten up, will you?" Eva complained. "One Livia is bad enough. We don't need another one."

"Fine," Lian snapped. "Be sloppy. And when you end up as monster mash, I'm gonna say I told you so."

The slayer rolled her eyes and went back to sparring with her partner. Lian watched the slayers for a moment, then pulled her phone from her pocket and dialed a number. She waited anxiously for someone to pick up but got voice mail instead.

"Amy, it's Lian. I've been trying to get a hold of you all day." She sighed and ran her hand loosely though her hair. "Call me when you get this message, okay?"

She ended the call and just stood there looking at her phone.

"What's up Lian?" Cassidy asked.

"Nothing. I just…I can't get a hold of my sister."

"Ah, chill out," Eva said. "She probably just got sick of you bossing her around."

Lian rolled her eyes but cast a worried look into the distance.

Cut To:Int.Council Transport Ship – Same Time

"That there is Inferno's Tower," Antonia said, pointing to her left from the cockpit. Janet strained a bit to see, but noticed the tall building that looked like it was on fire. "Next to that is the Dino-Venture. Oh, and that one over there is my favorite, the Rockin' Rolling Coaster. Been on that one about twenty-seven-million times at least."

Janet laughed as she shook her head. "Been here a lot, I take it?"

Antonia nodded. "When I was growing up, we'd come down here every summer and stay for a week. Family tradition," she stated in a mocking tone as she rolled her eyes. "Not that I minded. After all, the new Space Mountain – you know, the one that lets you fly – it sealed my decision to become a pilot. Ooooh, I've been dying to check that out," Antonia said in an excited tone.

Janet followed her eyes to see a large dome-shaped dark red sphere with smaller red-dome areas as well. "What is it?"

"Mars Colony Park. It has this new 3-D flight simulator that you don't even need the glasses for," Antonia replied.

Janet glanced over at her with one eyebrow raised up as she tried not to let out a laugh.

"I know, I know, my inner Mickey Mouser geekdom is showing," Antonia stated to the slayer, who finally let out the laugh she had been holding in.

"Your secret is safe with me," Janet said as she leaned closer out the window.

Janet leaned over to take a closer look at the Disney estate when she took in a sharp breath. Below her was the former Magic Kingdom; it was in near ruins, bleak-looking, and surrounded by a very pale blue shield.

"Wow," Janet finally said as she looked back at the pilot. "Makes you wonder how the most 'magical place on earth' could look so scary."

"Well, when you build a park directly on top of a hellmouth, that's what you get," Jocasta said, entering the cockpit with Katherine.

Antonia turned around and gave her cousin a brief wink. "Hey Jo, remember that time you threw up all over my dad?"

Jocasta let out a weak laugh as Katherine looked on. Then she shrugged. "What can I say? I have a weak stomach for flying," the redhead replied to the unspoken question.

Jocasta peeked out the window at the Magic Kingdom as Antonia settled in for a landing. Absently, Jocasta began to hum "It's a Small World," as she'd done numerous times already since they'd left Cleveland. With the barest hint of annoyance, Katherine rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Jo," Antonia commanded, "stop it."

"Or what?" the watcher asked.

Antonia activated the ship intercom. A soft crackle of static went through as she drew in a breath. "Or I'll tell everyone what really happened at the teacups."

Jocasta's face went pale.

In the transport bay, the other passengers looked expectantly at the intercom speakers.

"Okay," Jocasta squeaked.

Antonia grinned then reached over to a keypad on her left. She flew through a sequence of commands. "Perimeter shield strength is good. Initiating remote deactivation for landing," she announced over the intercom. "Stand by for touch-down."

Cut To:Ext.Council Transport Ship – Cockpit – Moments Later

"There's an Orlando slayer that will be meeting us here," Jocasta told Katherine and Janet as she activated her data pad. "Her name is…" Jocasta scrolled through a page on her pad. "Mac."

"MacWhat?" Janet asked.

"Don't know," Jocasta replied, looking puzzled.

"Has she been inside the park?" Katherine asked.

Jocasta shook her head. "Only immediately after the attack to see if there were any other survivors. Disney didn't want another soul in there till we could arrive."

Katherine and Janet nodded their heads, agreeing with the strategy.

"She and her team will meet us on Main Street," Jocasta added.

"Which is where we are just about to be…" Antonia interjected. The aircraft made a soft thump as Antonia completed the landing. The pilot glanced over at Jocasta with a grin on her face. "How was that, cuz? Barely a bump on that one."

"Thank you," Jocasta said in a voice heavy with sarcasm.

As Antonia chuckled and started going through her post-flight checklist, Jocasta and Katherine and Janet eased out of the cockpit. Soon Antonia's voice could be heard over the intercom: "Okay, ladies and gentleman, thank you for flying AirAllister. On your right, you'll find Tourist Trap Canyon. Behind you, the ever popular Hellmouth Express…"

Cut To:Int.Council Transport Ship – Troops Bay – Moments Later

As Jocasta and Katherine gathered their bags, the rest of the passengers were doing the same. At the end of the row, Jenn was practically bouncing with anticipation.

"Isn't this exciting, Livia?" Jenn asked. "Big mission. Disney World. Getting to work with a whole new team of slayers. I just love meeting new slayers."

Livia quirked an eyebrow before shrugging. Her eyes landed on Mira for a moment, who was helping Finola with her stuff. "Yeah sure, whatever," Livia responded, her eyes never leaving Mira.

Jenn's smile faded for a moment as she briefly glanced in the direction Livia was staring at. She saw Mira and Finola laughing about

something. "Is everything okay with you guys?" she asked, looking back at her leader with more sympathy.

"What?" Livia said, a little confused as she turned to Jenn. Then she waved nonchalantly. "Yeah, yeah, of course it is. Just spacing…" Livia turned to face the group. "All right, ladies, let's get to the cargo bay. That gear ain't gonna move itself!"

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – Main Street USA – Moments Later

"Come on, girls!" Livia shouted. "Get the lead out!"

Mira carried a large crate over to the grav-lift and set it down. On her way back to the ship for another load, she stopped by Livia. Finola was only a step or two behind.

"There's a lot of gear, girl," Mira chided Livia lightly. "Just chill."

" 'Course it'd go a right bit faster if somebody'd quit standin' 'round supervisin' all day," Finola shot over her shoulder as she passed by.

When Livia glared at the retreating Finola, Mira gave her friend a light squeeze on the shoulder. "Loosen up, Liv. We're at 'the happiest place on earth'."

Livia turned her glare to Mira, who was taken aback by its intensity. She pulled her hand away. She looked intently at Livia, as if searching for an explanation, then turned and walked away.

"Yeah, real happy," Livia muttered under her breath as she watched Mira walk away.


Livia turned at the sound of her voice being called. She saw Jocasta walking toward her, accompanied by a taller woman. The woman was wearing a leather vest peppered with various patches and badges and pins. Her bare arms were covered with colorful tattoos. Her hair was jet black, spiky but with her bangs long and swept to the side. Livia could almost smell the butch from where she was standing.

When the duo arrived, Jocasta pointed at Livia. "This is Livia Hansen. She's the head of our slayers back at the Cleveland office." Jocasta

then gestured at the tall butch woman. "Livia, this is Mac. I'm sorry," she asked the Orlando slayer, "is that short for something?"

Mac raised an eyebrow as her lips thinned in a frown. She didn't answer the question posed to her but merely glared in response.

"O-O-Or not," Jocasta said instantly, shaking her head. "Anyways, this is Mac. She's the head slayer of the Orlando branch. You two will be working closely together on this mission."

Livia extended her hand, but Mac didn't take it. "Don't know why HQ felt the need to send y'all down here."

" 'Cause Disney wanted the best," Livia replied firmly. "And that's us."

Mac's upper lip lifted in a semi-snarl as she scoffed. Finally, she said, "We should head out. That way down Main Street. Your girls ready?"

Livia placed a hand on her hip as she took in Mac one more time. "Lead the way, Mac."

Mac just shrugged and started walking, giving her Orlando slayers a wave to move out.

"Let's move it, ladies," Livia shouted as the Cleveland crew revved up their grav-lifts and began heading towards Main Street. The Orlando slayers carried packs on their backs as they did the same.

Jocasta let Mac move ahead alone and fell back to walk next to Katherine and Janet. "Rollin', rollin', rollin'…get those grav-lifts rollin'…" Jocasta sang playfully as Katherine navigated the cumbersome lift.

"Oh god," Janet groaned, rolling her eyes.

"Hush," Katherine said to Janet. "At least she's not singing 'It's a small world' anymore."

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – Cinderella's Castle – A Little Later

As the Cleveland group parked the grav-lifts in front of Cinderella's Castle, Jocasta and Livia met with Mac in the center of the semi-circle of five bio-pods.

"Are these the pods left behind by Dr. Burkle's group?" Jocasta asked.

Mac nodded. "They're clear, though. No attacks happened in them. Burkle and her team got hit elsewhere."

"How many in your team again?" Jocasta inquired.

"Four slayers, two medics."

Jocasta thought for a moment, then said, "Why don't you guys take those two pods over there, and we'll take these three over here?" Mac gave a small nod.

"We can put the Cleveland slayers here in the center one, maybe the armory next, and – " Livia began.

"Ahhh, you probably don't wanna do that," Mac warned.

"Why not?" Livia asked.

"Better to put the armory in the center one," Mac added.

"Why?" Jocasta asked.

" 'Cause ain't nobody gonna wanna sleep in that one," Mac answered. Mac walked off to her slayers, directing toward their assigned pods.

Livia and Jocasta exchanged a worried look.

Cut To:Int.Disney World – Burkle's Pod – Later

Katherine opened the pod door. "Ready?" she asked Jocasta, with a teasing smirk on her lips.

"Yes," Jocasta responded, rolling her eyes, as she pushed her girlfriend through, nearly stumbling on top of her.

"Hey that isn't…"

Both girls stopped in the middle of the room, taking it all in. The plastic walls of the pod were completely covered in scribble. Words, some in sentences, paragraphs, some off on their own, surrounded by crude drawings. It was like a literate version of cave paintings.


"Yeah, I see it too, Katie," Jo responded in a soft voice. She took a few steps closer towards the wall, narrowing her eyes at what she was seeing.

"Krv…dplr…plz," Jocasta sounded out, reading a nearby section. "I guess the good doctor is not a big vowels fan." She turned to see Katherine cocking her head to the side. The slayer walked toward another section of the wall.

"All gone, all gone, all gone," the blonde read. "Find my way home." She paused. "What does it mean?" Through the lowly-lit dome she saw her girlfriend shrug.

"I-I-I'm not sure." Jocasta turned her gaze back towards her wall, scanning over the images again and again.

"Whatever it is…" Jocasta started as her eyes fell onto a particular drawing.

A brief outline of an ancient knight mounted on a brown horse was drawn in crayon. He was fighting a blue figure in brown clothing. Next to this image was a rough sketch of Earth and directly below this was a dark, circular pit, perhaps catacombs or tombs. Jocasta sighed.

"…it can't be good."

Fade Out.

End of Act One

 Act Two

Fade In:Ext.Disney World – Lance's Interview Tent – Same Time

As the Orlando slayers hovered nearby talking among themselves, Lance eyed the group curiously. She pulled her data pad from her pack and walked over with confidence in her stride and a smile on her face. She stepped in front of the Orlando leader and looked her straight in the eyes. The petite reporter had to look up since the slayer was several inches taller than she was.

"Mac, right?" Lance began. "I'm Lisa Lance."

She held out her hand for a friendly shake, but Mac just stared at her and crossed her arms. Lance cleared her throat and withdrew her hand.

"I'm here doing a documentary on slayer operations," Lance explained. "I had intended to focus primarily on the Cleveland branch, but since we're here…" She hesitated when the towering slayer didn't seem to be warming to her. "You know, since I'm here and you're here, I thought maybe I could finagle a few of you Orlando gals into participating as well."

Mac leaned down and glared hard. "Gals?"

"Well, um, girls, I mean," Lance corrected nervously as she took a step back. "Ladies, uh, women, no…slayers."

Mac's team closed ranks around her, forming a single glaring mass of unhappy slayers.

"Never mind," Lance squeaked before scurrying back to her tent.

Cut To:Int.Disney World – Cleveland Slayer Pod – Later

In their makeshift barracks, the Cleveland slayers finished stowing their gear and then suited up for patrol. Janet, Brianna, Finola, and Jenn finished first and went outside, leaving Livia and Mira alone.

Both were being deliberately slow in their preparations, each one stealing an awkward glance at the other when possible. When Livia finally finished getting ready, she headed toward the door.

"I'll see you outside," Livia said as she passed Mira.

"You gonna tell me what's up, or am I just supposed to guess?" Mira called after her.

"What?" Livia replied in feigned ignorance.

Mira gave Livia a you-know stare.

"Nothing," Livia insisted. "Nothing's up."

"Something's definitely up," Mira countered seriously. Then she lightened her tone and crossed her arms. "Okay…what'd I do? Come on, tell me. We'll yell, we'll rant, we'll hash it all out – "

"Nothing. You didn't do anything."

Mira looked exasperated and then a little hurt. "Then why do I feel like you're holding me…out here?" Mira held her arms out straight in front of herself as if holding someone at arm's length. "Hell, sometimes it's more like this." She gave an imaginary shove.

Livia hung her head for a moment then looked back up. "I'm not."

Mira looked at Livia long and hard. Then she held up her hands in apparent surrender. "Okay. Fine." Mira angrily snatched up her gear and pushed past Livia. Within seconds, she was out the door.

Livia's shoulders slumped, and she sighed heavily, running her hand through her hair.

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – Lance's Interview Tent – Moments Later

When Lance heard the door to the slayer barracks bang open, she motioned to her cameraman to follow her. He snatched up his portable and hurried after her.

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – Outside The Cleveland Slayer Pod – Moments Later

As Mira stormed down the steps from the pod, Lance caught up to her and stood in her path.

"Ms. Fitzgerald, I was wondering if we might – " Lance began before getting shoved aside by Mira, who walking on by without so much as a word.

Lance looked at her cameraman and let out an appalled huff. The cameraman just shrugged. Just then, the door to the slayer pod opened again, and Livia came outside. Undeterred by her earlier failures, Lance smiled and approached.

"Ms. Hansen, I'd like to get started with some pre-mission interviews if – "

Livia stopped Lance with an upheld hand then leaned close to whisper fiercely at her. "Look, I know Chairman Giles gave you the all-clear to be here, but that doesn't mean I have to talk to you. I got a job to do, and I can't do it if I'm sittin' around here makin' small talk with you. If you can catch my slayers off-duty or on-break, then fine, but otherwise, stay outta their way…and mine."

At that, Livia stepped around the reporter and headed for where her slayers had gathered next to the Orlando team. As Livia walked off, Lance gave another indignant huff.

"Strike three," said her cameraman, earning him a scorching glare from Lance.

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – Outside the Slayer Pods – Moments Later

Livia stepped onto a supplies crate and whistled loudly to quiet the group of slayers before her. Jocasta and James brought up the rear.

"All right everybody, listen up!" Livia ordered. "We'll work in two-man teams on grid assignment."

"Mac, divide your group in half. I want one team covering Tomorrowland and Toontown. I want the other team monitoring the full perimeter, particularly around the shield walls. See if there're any holes or gaps in the shield."

Mac nodded solemnly then started pointing out slayers in her team, divvying up the assigned task.

"Janet, you and Mira have Frontierland."

Mira crossed her arms tightly and refused to look at Livia.

"Got it," Janet said quickly.

"Katie and Bri, I want you two working with Finola since she's new on the block. You've got Fantasyland and this area here. Take turns checking on the transport ship and the group here at the castle."

Finola gave a playful nudge to both Brianna and Katherine. "Fantasyland," she said, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

"Get your mind out of the gutter," Brianna complained. "This is Disney World, for goodness' sake!"

"What about me?" Jenn interjected.

"You're with me in Adventureland," Livia replied.

Jenn clapped her hands excitedly. Livia then turned to the non-slayers in the bunch.

"Jo, James, I need you guys checking on the shield console at the base of the castle. Make sure it's working properly. We can't afford for any demons to get out of here, not with thousands of tourists just a few miles away."

"If there's a problem, we'll find it," Jocasta replied. Livia then turned back to her slayers.

"Be careful out there," Livia warned. "We're not using our seraphims or our heavy blasters because of the dangers of interacting with the interior of the shield, so it's mainly traditional weapons and small-range stuff. Don't take any unnecessary chances, and don't try to be a hero. We're not really sure what we're going to encounter, so if you need help, call for backup." When she noticed a few worried

expressions, Livia added, "Don't worry. Whatever's out there, we can handle it."

As the slayers started dispersing, Livia called them back. "Oh, one more thing," she said. "As you know, Lisa Lance is here to conduct interviews for her Council-sanctioned documentary." Livia snorted at that. "Anyway, in between your patrols, stop in and give her a few moments…if you can. If you can't, don't sweat it. Job first, got it?"

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – Shield Console – Moments Later

James grabbed his tool kit and headed for the shield console at the base of Cinderella's Castle. Jocasta followed, with Willowgram's mobile emitter tucked under her arm. As James activated the maintenance interface, Jocasta set the emitter on the console and turned it on. Within seconds, Willow's image materialized, although it was a bit faded and static-ridden.

"Hello, my name is Willow, and I'll be your server today," the hologram announced with a smirk.

Jocasta snorted, but James didn't even notice. He was already mesmerized by the shield program loading on the monitor.

"What do we got?" Jocasta asked.

James's hands flew over the keys, moving the program through multiple menus. He hit the Enter key with a satisfied smack and turned to Jocasta.

"I've got the self-diagnostic routine running now," he said. "Should take it a few seconds to – " The console started beeping. "Wait…" James looked at the screen with a worried expression.

"What is it?" Jocasta asked.

"Problem," James said. "The shield's fluctuating."

"It wasn't fluctuating when we came in," Jocasta commented. "Toni said it was fine."

"Maybe it's an intermittent phenomenon," Willowgram offered.

"Let me check the logs," James said. After a moment of looking, he added, "Yep, it's happening at irregular times, but with increasing frequency."

"How bad are the fluctuations?" Jocasta asked. "Enough for something to get out?"

"If the 'something' was in the right place at the right time…yes," James replied.

"What's causing the fluctuations?" Jocasta inquired.

"The problem seems to be in the shield generator," James explained. "The only way to fix it is by direct access at its location."

"And that would be…?"

James pointed at the screen as he changed it to a different image. "Right here, directly underneath the castle, in the tunnels below."

"But that means it's…"

"…right above the hellmouth," James confirmed.

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – Lance's Interview Tent – Moments Later

Lisa Lance looked at her watch and then at her babbling interviewee before sighing deeply. She looked at her cameraman and rolled her eyes.

"Being a slayer is, like, the coolest thing," Jenn rattled on, oblivious to her audience's bored expressions. "I mean, I've got, like, superpowers and stuff, and I get to be a hero on a daily basis. Oh, oh! I so have to tell you this." Jenn actually stopped to take a breath. "This one time, when I first joined the Council – "

"Thank you!" Lance interrupted desperately. "Thank you, Ms. Bailey. I'll, um, get more from you later, okay?"

Jenn's smile drooped into a disappointed pout.

"Jenn! Get your ass out here!" boomed Livia's voice outside the tent.

Jenn's face instantly lit back up, and she hopped from her chair and ran outside.

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – Lance's Interview Tent – Moments Later

Janet squirmed uncomfortably in front of the camera. "Is this okay?"

"You're fine," Lisa Lance's voice told her.

"I'm not…real good at this," Janet sighed, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear.

"Let's start off easy," Lance said. "How old were you when you found out that you were a slayer?"

"Thirteen," Janet said succinctly.

"And…how did you feel about that?"

"I was…excited, I guess."


Janet shook her head. "I dunno. I mean, I grew up in a little town in North Dakota. It was pretty much this or work at the Wendy King, so…"

"What do you think of it now?"

"It's…okay, I guess."

"Could you elaborate on that?" Lance was beginning to sound a little annoyed.

"Hey Janet!" The blonde slayer looked off to her left towards Mira's voice. "Let's go," she heard Mira say.

"Sorry," Janet said with a shrug, then summarily got up and walked off.

"Damn taciturn slayers," Lance grumbled.

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – Teacups – Later

"This joint's a wee bit of a kip, innit?" Finola idly clapped her hands together as she followed Katherine and Brianna through Fantasyland. Brianna giggled. "What?" Finola asked testily.

"You said 'wee'," Brianna managed to say between laughs. "You're like an angry leprechaun!" The blonde slayer descended into giggles again.

"Yeah, well, this leprechaun's got 'erself a sword 'ere," Finola warned. "Me favorite since I was knee-'igh. I named 'er Rose, and I'm real sharp with 'er." Brianna quieted down immediately.

"So, Dublin branch, huh?" Katherine asked, changing the subject. "Mind my asking what brings you to Cleveland?"

"Needed a change," Finola said, "and I wanted a bit of a challenge. I mean, we're busy enough. St. Patrick mighta drove the snakes out o' Ireland, but 'e didn't drive out the demons, now did he? 'sides…I wanted a go at the ol' 'ellmouth."

"Every slayer's dream," Katherine noted ironically.

"Leave it to the yanks, though, t' build an amusement park over one of the bloody things," Finola said.

The trio stopped at the edge of the nearest attraction. "I mean, what's the point of this gammy contraption?" Finola asked. A gabled roof shaded several over-sized teacups big enough for humans to sit in. The surrounding fence was rotten and starting to fall over.

"Oh, I know this," Brianna said. "You would get in the cups, and they'd spin, right?"

"Sounds like a recipe for barf," Katherine noted. The group set off across the floor between the teacups.

Finola walked a little bit ahead of the others. "There's nothin' 'ere," she said loudly.

Katherine put a hand on the Irish slayer's shoulder. "Careful. Plenty of places to hide around here."

"Like where?" Finola asked.

Katherine pointed over Finola's shoulder, where a gray, furry demon with horns was rising from its hiding place in the nearest teacup.

"Bugger," Finola sighed, pulling her sword from its leather scabbard at her waist. The demon tried to jump on her, but she deftly swiped it with the weapon, and the demon fell to the ground with a squeal. Then the creature was silent.

"Are there more?" asked a wary Brianna as she pulled out her kama, gripping the pair of sickle-like weapons tightly in her fists.

"Probably," Katherine told her. "Do you believe me now?"

"It's a fair play," Finola admitted.

"Am I supposed to understand what comes out of your mouth?" Brianna asked.

"Ask me swizz."

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – Adventureland – Same Time

"So I told her, I was like, 'I'm going to Florida with Livia,' and she was like, 'No way,' and I was like, 'Yes way,' and then she – "

Livia sighed and turned to Jenn. "Do you ever shut up?" she asked, her rudeness alleviated only slightly by the tiredness in her voice.

Jenn gave this some serious thought for a moment, then brightened. "No," she grinned.

"Right," Livia said, her voice even. "Perfect."

The pair walked down a thin wooden path between thick groves of trees so well-preserved that they might have been artificial.

"So why do they call it the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse, anyway?" Jenn asked. "I mean, I don't think they have trees like this in Switzerland. Not that I've ever been there. I mean, I hear it's nice.

There's mountains, and skiing, and the European shrine to the victims of the…but that's less happy. I like mountains and skiing. Do you like skiing?"

Livia looked like she was in pain. "I don't know."

"Of course," Jenn agreed quickly. "You wouldn't. You're so busy saving the world and stuff. Wow, that must be exciting." The pair began to climb up a thin, rickety-looking set of wooden stairs. "This is my first trip with the world-saving unit. Did you know that?"

"Is that what they call us?" Livia asked.

"Uh-huh," Jenn said. "You and Mira and – "

"It's not always me and Mira!" Livia snapped.

"Right, 'course not." Jenn nodded vigorously. "I just mean, you two are always doing stuff together…but not now." Jenn's brow furrowed.

"Well, then it's obviously not 'always'," Livia pointed out.

"Are you sure there's nothing going on with you two?" Jenn asked, but Livia did not reply. The pair had just reached the top of the stairs and were now standing on a wide wooden platform. In front of them was the ruined remains of the Treehouse.

"You know, for an amusement park, this place is not that amusing," Jenn observed. "I am not amused," she stated matter-of-factly. "I'm trying to be amused, but – "

Livia raised a finger to her lips, gesturing for Jenn to be quiet. For once, her companion obeyed. "You hear that?"

"Hear what?" Jenn asked quietly.

A blue-ish ball of fur suddenly shot out from a nearby tree, zoomed past the girls, and disappeared into the foliage on the other side of the platform.

"What was – ?" Jenn began, before being cut off when another ball of fur flew right into her face, sending the slayer sprawling

backwards. A demon alighted on a nearby picnic table, looking like a monkey with wings and red eyes. A whole flock of monkey demons then flew straight at the slayers from all directions.

Livia punched one right out of the air with her bare fist, sending the demon spiraling downwards into the undergrowth. Another tried to grab onto her arm, but Livia shook it off.

Jenn pulled a grenade from her belt and threw it straight up into a flying group of demons. It exploded among them with a loud bang and an orange burst of flames. Innards and tree remains rained down on the two slayers.

Livia looked incredulous. "You used a grenade on those things? Directly over our heads?!"

"Flying monkeys," Jenn replied with a shudder. "They were always the part of The Wizard of Oz that freaked me out, okay?" Jenn shrugged. "Anyway, I thought it was a good shot."

Livia pinned a surviving demon to the platform with her sword. "Maybe it was, at that." She managed a little bit of a smile. "But from now on, I get to carry the grenades, okay?"

Jenn grinned. "Okay." She turned just in time to dodge another assault by a monkey demon.

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Giles's Conference Room – Same Time

Veronica and Velika sat on either side of Giles at the conference table. They all listened intently as two police detectives – one older and balding, the other young and somewhat handsome – offered their reports on the recent murders of young women.

"There have been four most recently," the older detective detailed. "And according to what Commander Petrova has shared with us, all four were recently called as slayers."

"Two more are missing," the younger detective added, "but there's no indication that either of these girls were slayers."

"So it could be a coincidence?" Giles asked.

The older detective shrugged. Velika didn't seem convinced. "A remarkable coincidence, if it is."

"And their cause of death?" Giles inquired.

"Undetermined," the younger detective said grimly. "They were tortured prior to death, though."

"So their deaths don't, on the surface, appear to be of supernatural or demonic origin?" Giles asked.

The older detective shook his head. "Still, we thought we'd better let you know what was going on." Giles nodded his agreement.

"Did the girls have anything in common?" Veronica asked. "Friends? Activities?"

"As of now, we just don't know much at – " The detective was cut off by the shrill sound of his phone ringing. He pulled it from his pocket and walked a few feet away to answer it. "Yeah," he said simply. He listened a few moments, then said, "All right. We'll be right there."

The older detective approached the table. "I'm afraid we have to go," he told Giles and the others. "They found another girl." The younger detective immediately rose to his feet and gathered his belongings.

"I'd like Velika to accompany you," Giles asked the detectives, "if that's all right."

"Of course," they both replied with a nod before rushing from the room, followed closely by Velika.

Cut To:Ext.Cleveland Suburb – Moments Later

Velika's frown deepened as she stood over the body of a dead young woman. She sighed and bent at the knees to get a closer look. She put her hand on the girl's shoulder and gently rolled her.

The light from a streetlight illuminated the girl's face, and Velika swallowed hard. She stood slowly.

"It's Amy Soon," Velika said, identifying the girl to the nearby detective. "She's the sister of one of my slayers." Velika passed her hand through her hair and sighed sadly.

Cut To: Ext.Disney World – Splash Mountain – Same Time

Mira and Janet walked down a wide path, under a huge arch sign that read "Splash Mountain".

"I don't know," Mira was saying, "I wasn't that impressed."

"Not impressed?" Janet was incredulous. "Did you see the Joston special she pulled on that Raynir demon?"

"That was not Jessica Wells," Mira said. "That was her stunt double. And did you see the ending? You cannot launch a missile by hacking into a website."

"That's not the point…" Janet began before stopping in her tracks. "What is that?" She pointed to a small dinosaur-like creature scurrying at the side of the path. "Some kind of iguana?"

"It looks like a reject from the Dino-Venture over at the new park," Mira said.

"It's kinda cute," Janet said, taking a few steps closer to the creature.

"Sure, if you go for the whole scaly lizard-thing look," Mira quipped.

Janet took another step forward. "Hello…" she reached out one hand towards the tiny dinosaur.

Without warning, the creature tried to bite Janet's hand off. Teeth that looked too long and sharp for its relatively small mouth snapped at air as Janet just barely pulled back in time. The small reptilian demon jumped forward, causing Janet to stumble backwards onto her behind. It looked like it was about to slash the slayer's stomach open with its small, spiky tail when Mira brought the hilt of her sword down on the creature's head, knocking it senseless.

"Okay, so…not so cute then," Janet said, accepting Mira's hand to help get to her feet.

"Next time be more careful," Mira said as the pair continued around a bend in the path. "You never know what we'll find around the next…corner."

The pair stopped in their tracks as the path came to a sudden end. In front of them lay a wide, stagnant stream, where once a log ride had flowed freely. Both banks of the stream were covered with dozens of eggs, hollows dug in the dirt, each filled with several eggs that might be called chicken-like were it not for their large size. Around the nests and over various decrepit-looking animatronic animals crept several more of the small dinosaur-like demons with spiky tails. A few noticed the pair of slayers and growled.

Then, from the distance came a long, loud roar, the sort of sound that can only come from a massive pair of lungs.

"I think I hear mommy calling," Mira said.

The two slayers looked at each other in resignation. "Looks like we're gonna be here a while," Janet sighed.

Fade Out.

End of Act Two

 Act Three

Fade In:Ext.Disney World – Splash Mountain – Resume

"If we die, I'm telling the Powers That Be that it was your fault!" Janet yelled.

She and Mira were back-to-back, swords at the ready, teetering on an animatronic statue of Brer Bear from Song of the South. The pair was surrounded by about twenty of the small, spiky-tailed baby dinosaur demons.

"How is this my fault?" Mira asked, desperation in her voice.

"I don't know," Janet shouted back, "but I sure as heck ain't telling them it was mine."

"What if we told them neither of us was at fault?" Mira slashed at one of the demons that tried to take a bite of her leg.

"What if they question us separately?" Janet tossed over her shoulder. "How can I be sure you'll stick to the – "

At that moment, both slayers were blown off the bear by a nearby explosion. Several of the demons were blown to pieces as well. The rest immediately bolted, scattering into the underbrush. Mira fell face-first in the dirt.

"Okay, I thought I told you to give me the grenades!" Livia's voice chastised.

"I'm sorry," Jenn said, "I musta forgot. Hey, it worked though! They're all running away." She held the belt, one grenade remaining, out for Livia to grab. Her superior snatched it away, hitching it around her own waist.

"Yeah," Livia agreed, "for now. They'll be back."

"Livia?" Janet asked, getting to her feet.

"And Jenn!" the younger slayer chirped.

"You didn't think we weren't gonna come when you called for backup, didya?" Livia asked.

"Based on past experience?" Mira cricked her neck as she stood up. "I refuse to answer the question."

"At least that's…" Janet began before a loud thump cut her off. The ground shook with the sound. Frustrated, Janet stomped on the ground. "Oh, come on! Are you serious?"

"What's that?" Jenn wanted to know, her eyes and posture suddenly on full alert. There was another loud thump, then another.

"That sounds like Mommy," Mira said, brandishing her sword. Another thump.

"Mommy?" Livia did not sound happy.

"How many grenades you guys got left?" Janet asked edgily.

"Just the one," Jenn replied.

"Better make it count," Mira said.

Just then a giant lizard somewhat resembling a Tyrannosaurus Rex crashed through some nearby trees into the clearing by the log-flume stream. A long, spiked tail balanced out a torso larger than that of an elephant. Small, relatively useless arms were made up for by a huge mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth, each as long as a slayer's forearm.

"Katie, are you out there?" Livia asked into her comm link. "Some backup would be really nice right about now." There wasn't any immediate answer. "Crap! They must be tied up with their own crisis."

Mira turned to Jenn. "I'll take right-side, you take left."

"No!" Livia interjected. "You hit the wings and keep trying the comm link," she told Mira. "I'll take right."

Mira looked very unhappy and started to object, but Livia turned and pointed to Janet. "And you…distract Momma."

"What?" Janet asked, but by the time she looked around, all three girls were some distance away. Stunned, the lone slayer looked up at the advancing creature. "Oh sh – "

Mommy let out a deafening roar.

Janet took a deep breath. "Hey ugly!" she yelled, waving her arms. "You wanna eat me? I'm yummy! Low on fat and cholesterol, with a high number of anti-oxidants! They lower your risk of cancer!"

The huge demon took off towards the slayer, its high speed belying its large size.

Janet's eyes widened for only a second. Then she ran as fast as she could in the opposite direction, occasionally jumping over shrubs or fake rocks that were in her way. Still, Mommy continued to gain on her. "Okay, we've got the distraction covered," she muttered under her breath. "Now if we could only get some cover for the distraction…"

Jenn popped out from behind some artificial red rocks and threw her sword at the beast. It was a good throw, directly into the side of the dino-demon. However, the sword merely glanced off the creature's thick hide. With a look similar to what a human might get when buzzed by a mosquito, Mommy turned in Jenn's direction.

"Sweet sassy molassy!" the young slayer exclaimed, a frightened look flitting across her features. Then she ran as well. "Positive energy, Jenn," she told herself. "Positive energy. You're not gonna die if you just keep up the positive energy…"

Janet grabbed onto one of the spikes of Mommy's tail, hacking ineffectively with her sword. She let out an incoherent yell, the slayer's blonde hair flying around her face before she was tossed off into the dirt. She rolled some distance to soften the blow.

The long legs of the dino-demon propelled the creature forward at amazing speed in pursuit of Jenn. When it looked like it might be about to catch the girl, a small rock hit the demon in the nose. Livia sprinted across Mommy's path, and the creature immediately changed directions to follow her.

"Katie! Katie, where the frick are you?" Behind a statue of Brer Rabbit that had once bounced up and down, Mira was yelling into her link. She glanced over her shoulder, between the statue's ears, and saw Livia running for her life. Mira's jaw set. "Screw this." She ran out from her hiding spot.

As Mira pulled her sword from its scabbard, Jenn pulled up alongside her. Both girls were in a full sprint. "We can't get through its skin," the younger girl panted. "It's like my grandmother's carrots." Mira looked confused. "The sword," Jenn explained. "It's useless." Mira seemed to consider this, then returned her sword to its place without breaking stride.

"Some day, huh?" Jenn continued. "My first run with the world-saving unit, and we're all gonna die."

"We're not gonna die," Mira said shortly, her eyes fixed on the creature's pursuit of Livia.

"You're right, you're right," Jenn agreed. "Livia'll think of something. I mean, she got out of the Anomalous Zone. This is nothing compared to that, right?" Mira didn't say anything. Jenn figured out that the pair were going directly toward Mommy and slowed down. "Right?" she called after the other girl.

"Hey!" Mira yelled at the dino-demon. "Over here, you big hunk of beef jerky!"

The creature noticed her but continued to follow Livia. Mommy was about to catch her prey, but Livia didn't start to look concerned until she saw Mira running towards her.

"Mira!" she called. "No! Get outta here!"

The other girl ignored her. Mira even put on a burst of speed, hitting her stride like a cheetah. She let out a long, wordless yell, cutting between Livia and Mommy. The creature changed direction yet again, this time following Mira.

Livia came up short. "No," she nearly whispered. "Nonononono. MIRA!"

Mira ran straight towards the side of the old, slow-flowing log flume, Mommy in hot pursuit. When she reached the bank, she veered left to run along it. The slayer glanced over her shoulder. "C'mon, c'mon…"

Straight ahead, the ground seemed to end. The stream flowed directly over a cliff. Once, there had been a ramp down which visitors had ridden. It had since been dismantled, and all that was left was a sheer drop. Mira ran straight towards the edge, and Mommy continued to follow.

Livia tried to catch up to the pair, but was starting to breathe heavily. "Mira, what are you doing?"

Just before the edge of the cliff, Mira skidded to a stop. Mommy tried to do the same, but her great weight did not stop so easily, and the dino-demon tumbled over the cliff.

Mira teetered on the edge, flailing her arms in a desperate attempt to regain her balance. Just as she seemed about to fall, Livia caught her friend's arm and pulled her back onto solid ground.

"Thanks," Mira said.

"No problem. You need to stop getting yourself almost killed," Livia admonished.

"I had everything under control," Mira defended. Both girls quickly turned their heads at the sound of Janet and Jenn screaming, then took off towards the source of the sound.

The two girls stopped short when they found their colleagues. They were surrounded by the remaining snapping baby versions of the dino-demons. Janet was trying to keep them back with her sword, while a babbling Jenn was empty-handed and resorting to kicking at the creatures.

"This is almost as bad as this time I was fighting these Granoth beasts in the sewers back in Cleveland," Jenn said mid-fight. "They just kept trying to…" Janet's brow furrowed in annoyance.

"What do we do?" Mira asked.

"I have no clue," Livia replied.

A whistle cut off the small growls of the baby demons, as all involved tried to figure out what had made the sound. Finola stepped out from behind a bush, holding a red, dripping hunk of meat about as big as her head. "'ere, lovelies," she called, holding the meat at arm's length as she took two long steps backwards. The Irish slayer then tossed the meat over her shoulder and stepped out of the way as the baby demons ran past her.

Mira and Livia walked up to Janet and Jenn from one direction while Katherine, Brianna, and Finola walked up from the other. "Where were you guys?" Mira asked.

"Sorry," Brianna said. "We kinda had our hands full getting here."

"That won't keep them for long," Livia observed, looking directly at Finola. The red-haired girl only smiled as she glanced over at the mini-dinos fighting each other over the meat.

"Wait for it," Finola told them. "Three, two, one…" With a great noise the meat exploded, the resulting fire-ball destroying the remaining demons. Finola was the only one of the group not to flinch.

"What the hell was that?!" Livia asked angrily.

"Grenade," Finola said. "Found it on the ground."

"That was the last one!" Livia shouted.

"Excuse me for saving your arses!" Finola replied, taking a threatening step forward.

"And what took you so long, Finola?" Livia asked, taking a step forward herself.

Mira laid a hand on her friend's arm. "Whoa, Livia, calm down. What's up with you?" She turned to look at Finola. "Good job."

"Thanks," Finola replied, without breaking her stare-down with Livia.

"Good job?" Livia exclaimed. "Maybe in Dublin they have endless grenades, but here in the States we call that screwing up royally."

Finola looked like she was about to slug Livia in response, but at that point Katherine and Brianna stepped in, dragging the Irish slayer away bodily.

"It's okay, she's a bitch to everybody," Katherine explained to Finola.

"I heard that!" Livia fumed.

"God, what is wrong with you today?" Mira asked her. "What's your problem with Finola? And me?"

"Finola and you?" Livia asked. The corner of her mouth twitched. Someone who wasn't Livia might have read it as anger. "You know what? I'm the one in charge here, and I don't have to explain myself to anybody."

"I'm speaking as your friend, Livia," Mira said, "not as a slayer."

"Well, too bad, because right now you still have to be a slayer," Livia replied. "Janet, you and Mira keep patrolling. The rest of us are heading back to the castle to check in."

"Yay!" Jenn chirped, oblivious to the tension in the air. "I'm hungry."

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – Frontierland – About An Hour Later

With a growl, Mira threw a horned demon with blue fur through the front window of what had once been a gift shop. She let out a long, incoherent bellow as she leaped through the shattered remains of the window into the shop, her sword in hand. The wet sound of something slicing through flesh could be heard clearly and repeatedly.

Janet slowly walked up to the window, looking into the shop. She winced with every new slicing noise. After an extended period of this, Mira climbed out through the window, her face, arms, and clothes covered in green blood.

"Are you okay?" Janet asked.

"Fine," Mira said testily, ineffectually trying to clean her blade off on her sleeve.

"You seem a little…crazed."

"Yeah, well, it's going around," Mira replied. Stone-faced, she walked away, leaving Janet standing outside the gift shop looking concerned.

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – Lance's Interview Tent – Same Time

"So, you're not from the Cleveland area?" Lance asked her next interviewee.

"Um, that's right," Katherine said nervously. She shifted in her chair and tried to look around the camera that was facing her.

Lance, who sat to the right of the camera, gave the blonde slayer an encouraging nod to continue. Outside the tent, directly behind Lance and her cameraman but several hundred feet away, Brianna and Finola and Livia were engaging a small gang of demons.

"I, um, I moved to Cleveland a couple of years ago," Katherine said while stealing a peek at the action in the distance. "After my watcher died."

Lance immediately perked up. "You lost a watcher? How did he die?"

Katherine stopped looking outside the tent. She met Lance's eyes briefly, then dropped her gaze to her hands. "She was killed…by a vampire."

"Were you with her when it – ?" Lance asked.

"No," Katherine replied quickly. "But I should have been." Katherine's attention was once again drawn to Livia and the others fighting the demons. "Excuse me," Katherine said, jumping from her chair to go aid the others.

Lance raised her hand to object to Katherine's abrupt departure, but she was too late to stop the slayer. When the reporter turned around to see what Katherine was running toward, she saw the skirmish still ongoing. She gave her cameraman a smack on the shoulder.

"Get your portable," Lance demanded.

When she and the cameraman turned back around, they found Jenn right in front of them, grinning widely.

"Are you ready for more now?" Jenn asked enthusiastically.

Lance and her cameraman groaned.

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – Lance's Interview Tent – Moments Later

Lance sat with her chin resting in her hand. She blinked slowly a few times, then sighed heavily. In the chair before her, Jenn was going strong.

"And so then I told her, like, 'No way does Chad like you better than me,' and she was like, 'Oh yes he does," and I was, 'Shut up, you lying bitch," and she was like, 'Make me, you freak,' and then…"

While Jenn rambled on, Lance leaned over to her cameraman, Frank. "Shoot me now," she whispered. "Please."

Just then, Lance saw Finola, Katherine, and Livia returning from dealing with the demons. Lance seized the opportunity.

"Thank you, Ms. Bailey," Lance said, cutting off Jenn once again. "I think it's time to share the spotlight a bit, don't you think?" Lance leaped up to snag Finola for her interview.

Jenn put on a big pout. "But I didn't finish telling my story," she whined.

Cut To:Ext. Disney World – Lance's Interview Tent – Moments Later

Finola plopped into the interviewee chair, breathing a little hard. She pulled out a cloth and started wiping down her sword.

"I'm a bit knackered after that," the redhead said with a smile. "You ready for a chinwag then, eh?"

"Um, yes," Lance replied.

Just then, Finola's stomach gave a loud growl. "Ack, I've a mouth on me. I could eat a farmer's arse through a blackthorn bush!"

"Right," Lance said, a confused look on her face. "I understand that you're new to the States?"

"Yeah, just got 'ere as a matter o' fact," Finola said. " 'Cross-branch training,' they said, so I said, 'Sign me up!' "

"So how do you like things so far?"

"It's feckin' brilliant! I love it!" Finola answered excitedly. "O' course, some folks here didn't exactly roll out the welcome wagon, you know what I mean?"

The redhead cut her eyes over to Livia, who was standing to the side, watching the interview. Livia just crossed her arms and glared.

Cut To:Int.Cleveland Suburb – Dark Basement – Same Time

In a dark basement a young woman struggled vainly to break free from the bonds that keep her chained in a large

cage – one of many that lined the far wall. A thin strip of light illuminated the stairway and the concrete at the foot of the stairs. She immediately stopped moving and let her arms go limp.

She looked across the room where a disorderly lab of sorts was set up. She started to shiver when she heard footsteps. "Please," she begged her captor, and not for the first time. "Please, let me go. I swear, I swear I won't tell anyone." She started to struggle again, tears falling down her face. "Please let me go."

Her kidnapper did not respond, instead dumping an unconscious girl on the floor of the cage next to hers and slamming the door shut. As she looked at the woman in the cage next to hers, she began to sob harder.

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Giles's Conference Room – Later

Giles looked gravely at his command staff. John, Lex, and Travers sat across from Veronica and Velika at the conference table, and their mood seemed to match that of Giles.

"The police have shared with us all of the information that they have been able to gather," Giles reported. "It seems that the first four victims were all part of the pre-Council program for newly-called slayers and were nowhere near ready to be placed into active duty. This newest girl however…" Giles looked to Velika to continue.

"Amy Soon," she confirmed. "Amy was the sister of one of our active slayers, Lian. But there's no evidence that she herself was a slayer. She's not even marked as a potential."

Giles opened his mouth to speak, but visibly hesitated. When all eyes were on him, he let out a low sigh and said, "That isn't altogether true."

Fade Out.

End of Act Three

 Act Four

Fade In:Int.Watchers Council – Giles's Conference Room – Resume

"What do you mean?" John leaned forward in his chair. Giles glanced to his right, at Travers, who looked sternly back at him, then to Veronica, who nodded slowly.

"There is a database of girls who are likely to be called as slayers. It contains records on every female born in the country in the past 100 years," Giles said. "It's called the Registry."

"Excuse me?" Lex wore a look of confused shock. "There's a what now?"

"Every foreign branch of the Council has its own Registry," Veronica explained. "It tracks all females from birth through the age of thirty, recording basic biographical details as well as significant life events. Special attention is paid to slayers and relatives of slayers, but the idea is to pinpoint any other girls who could be potentials."

"The existence of the Registry is known only to the High Command and to other senior councilors," Travers added, his tone indicating his displeasure with Giles's decision to share information about the Registry.

"Why didn't the Council tell me about this?" Velika asked, agitated. "I would think that such a thing would fall in my territory. I mean, we have the list of potentials, but something like this, it's – "

"How could you keep something like this from us?" John cut in.

"It wasn't personal, John," Giles replied.

"You had access to the knowledge that my niece was going to be called as a slayer and you didn't tell me? You don't call that personal? The Council could have protected her."

"We had no prior knowledge of anything, I assure you." Giles began to run his fingers along his temples. "The Registry is far from an exact science. At best, it's a list of 'maybes'."

"So, is it possible that the guy who's killing these girls somehow got access to this Registry?" Lex questioned.

"It's entirely possible," Veronica agreed. "All of the victims were listed in the Registry; it's the common thread for all of them."

"All personnel with access to the Registry must be questioned," Giles said.

Travers grumbled at that. "Is that really necessary? Surely you don't believe that anyone on the High Command is involved. It's preposterous!"

"As preposterous as resurrecting the 314 project?" Giles coldly pointed out, referring to Tyrell's failed coup.

Travers' eyes narrowed, but he didn't respond. Giles turned back to Lex and John.

"We'll need a full-scale security scan on the network," Giles said. "Contact Jo down in Orlando and tell her that we'll need James back as soon as possible." Lex and John nodded.

Giles then glanced at each person present. "Anything else?" he asked. When no one spoke, Giles dismissed the meeting.

One by one, everyone left until Travers and Giles were left alone. When the door closed, Travers sighed. He leaned back in his chair and turned to face Giles, his arms folded.

"Do you think it was wise to tell them?" Travers asked.

"I don't see how I had a choice," Giles replied. "Young women are being murdered. The Registry could very well be the key to solving this case."

"And if the public finds out about the Registry, then what? Do you think we can afford another scandal on the news net? After your debacles

with that Lance woman and that spectacle at the Anomalous Zone, it's a wonder we can get any slayers signed on at all!"

"Our enrollment rate has suffered a bit," Giles admitted, "but not enough to cause alarm."

"The refusal of any slayer to serve should cause alarm," Travers countered.

"Yes, yes, I'm well aware of your standing on the issue," Giles said. "You would have us conscript them like – "

"And why shouldn't we? Slayers are born to serve; that is their purpose," Travers said. "And do we not provide our slayers with generous benefits for that service? An enviable salary, free room and board, top-of-the-line insurance, state-of-the-art medical care, elite schooling…"

"It's not right to force them to serve," Giles insisted.

"And that is where you and I disagree," Travers said. "Don't think for a minute that I've abandoned my proposal to require slayers to serve. It may be stalled in committee at the moment, but I will see it passed." Travers rose to leave.

Giles got up from his chair and stepped in Travers' path. "These girls are not machines; they aren't tools!" he argued angrily. "They are human beings. It's bad enough that we intimidate the unwilling slayers and their families into compliance, but your recommendation…it's unthinkable. Financial penalties against the families? Possible incarceration for the slayers themselves? Stripping slayers of their powers via forced drug regimens?"

"You know very well how dangerous it is to allow unsupervised slayers into the populace! They put the lives of all around them at risk, not to mention the fact that many of these 'free' slayers have abused their powers in the commission of criminal acts!" Travers shouted. He calmed himself a bit then said, "The power of the slayers must be kept under control."

"And that's what it's really about, isn't it?" Giles responded. "The power."

Travers merely scowled.

Cut To:Int.Council Transport Ship – Moments Later

Antonia had a wireless joystick resting on her lap and a pair of virtual reality glasses on her head. The sounds of laser bursts and screaming ship maneuvers could be heard emanating from the tiny headphones folded down over her ears from the glasses. The pilot leaned hard left as she jerked the joystick in that direction.

"Die, scum, die!" she called out as she began hammering the rapid fire button. Multiple laser blasts soon resulted in a huge explosions. "Yes!" she said, pumping her fist several times. "Good-bye Level 12, hello Level 13…"

Before Antonia could start the next level, she was interrupted by a call signal on her computer console. She carefully removed her VR glasses then punched the answer button on the console.

"Whatever you got to say, it better be good," Antonia said as she set aside the joystick, not looking at the screen yet.

"Hey honey!" Lex greeted happily over a very static-y link.

Antonia instantly changed her tune and smiled widely at the camera atop the monitor. "Hey…I wasn't expecting to hear from you."

"What can I say? I simply couldn't bear the separation," Lex teased.

"Yeah right," Antonia replied. "You're checking up on me, that's what you're doin'." She pointed accusingly at the screen, which went snowy then cleared somewhat.

Lex put his hand on his chest as if appalled. "I'm shocked you would suggest such a thing," Lex said, his voice a little hard to distinguish through the static. "I guess the booster isn't working too well. Link's kinda nasty."

"It's working pretty good inside the shield," Antonia said. "We ran checks on the comm links twice, and no problems there. But calling outside the shield? That's been the iffy part. I checked in at the Orlando office, and it was pretty much like this."

"So how are things going at the most demon-y place on earth?"

"Well, I'm manning the fort here at the ship, the slayers are on patrol, Jo and James are geekin' out over the shield console. You'd be right at home there, I'm sure. Lance is – "

"Oh! Oh! Memory coming back now," Lex interrupted. "There really was a reason why I called."

"You mean other than just wanting to bask in the glow of my personality?"

"I'm afraid so," Lex said. "We've kinda got a situation here, and we need – " With a screech, Lex's image disappeared, leaving a softly buzzing white screen.

"What the hell?" Antonia complained. She tried a few commands on the keypad. Nothing. She gave the monitor a bang. Still nothing. "Stupid shield," she grumbled.

Suddenly, she heard a scuffling noise above and behind her. She whipped around but didn't see anything. She took a step, looking all around her.

"Hello? Anybody there?" she called out.

There was no response. She turned back to the console, listening intently. She heard nothing. Just as she began to sigh in relief, she saw a creature scuttle across the front of the ship. She gasped in alarm and stepped away.

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – Shield Console – Same Time

James and Jocasta were huddled over the shield console, examining the shield generator's specifications, while Willowgram looked on with interest from atop her mobile emitter.

"What if we installed a flux compensator right here at this junction?" Jocasta suggested.

"That would work, but only on the one side," James replied. "We would need another one here so that the whole shield would be covered."

Willowgram's expression changed from curiosity to worry. "Uhhh…guys?"

"What is it, Willow?" Jocasta asked, not taking her eyes off the screen.

"Speaking of cover…you might want to take some," Willowgram answered.

"What?" Jocasta asked as she and James stood up and turned around.

Before they could even take in the sight before them, they were set upon by a horde of small, dog-sized demons. The creatures scrambled over them, clawing and snapping, overwhelming the two humans by sheer numbers.

Jocasta belted out a quick incantation, which flung the demons off her in one big burst. She turned to James and spoke a different spell, which allowed her to knock the demons from him one at a time. The horde was not deterred, however, and came back for more.

"Livia, this is Jo, we are under attack at the shield console!" There was no answer. "Damn it! Why isn't she answering? Okay…any slayer who hears this, we are under attack at the command center!" As the demons approached once again, Jocasta readied herself to cast again. "Stay behind me, James," she ordered.

James didn't comply, though. Instead, in a panic, he dashed over to a nearby crate where a pair of kama sat, left behind by a slayer. He scooped them up then ran back over in front of Jocasta.

"James!" Jocasta warned.

James ignored her and began flailing the kama in front of himself in a series windmill-like swoops, all the while screaming like a villain in a bad karate movie. The demons actually seemed taken aback by this for a moment.

"Since when do you know kung fu?" Jocasta asked in surprise.

"Since right now….aaaahhhh!" James started to freak out as the horde got over its momentary hesitation and attacked en masse.

Jocasta started to cast, but got interrupted when six demons jumped on her at once. She went down screaming.

Just then, Lisa Lance and her cameraman ran over, ready to record the action. Lance issued a few orders to Frank, who instantly activated his portable. When he started filming James's ineffectual slicing and dicing, Lance smacked him on the arm.

"No, no…get the watcher being mauled, you idiot!" Lance corrected.

Just then, the demons hanging around on the outside of the melee noticed Lance and her cameraman. They growled and moved in their direction. The two humans froze.

"Oh sh – " Lance began before the demons rushed them.

Frank dropped his portable camera as both he and Lance ran screaming away, a set of demons hot on their trail.

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Giles's Conference Room – Moments Later

Lex entered the conference room to find Giles sitting in his chair massaging his temples.

"All this giving you a headache?" Lex asked.

"Indeed," Giles replied.

"Well, I hate to add to your pain, but…we've lost contact with the Orlando team."


"I was on the comm with Toni when boop! the link just went down," Lex explained. "The booster I installed was working okay at first, but I guess it just konked out."

"Should we have the Orlando branch check on the team?" Giles asked in a concerned voice.

"I don't think so," Lex answered. "Nothing out of the ordinary seemed to be going on from what Toni said. We just can't get James back here in a flash."

"Very well," Giles replied. "I guess we're going to have to do this without James."

"Don't worry, G-Man," Lex teased. "One Lex Harris plus one John West equals at least half a James Wells."

Giles couldn't help but smile.

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – Shield Console – Same Time

A tattered and bleeding Jocasta and James were huddled in front of the shield console, a force field keeping the dog-sized demons at bay. Cowering behind them, peeking from behind the shield console, were an equally battered Lisa and Frank.

"Katie! Can you hear me?!" Jocasta said frantically into her comm link, grimacing with the strain of maintaining the barrier.

"Why aren't they answering?!" Lance demanded in a panic. "Isn't it their job to save people?"

"I'm sure that they're….yyyaahhhhh!" Jocasta jumped when a figure suddenly rushed into the fray, scattering demons. It was Brianna.

The blonde slayer ripped through the crowd with her sword, taking out demons left and right. Within seconds, the ground was littered with the dead and dying, and the few remaining creatures were running off squealing.

When the coast was clear, Jocasta released the barrier and embraced Brianna gratefully. "Oh thank god you came," she told the slayer. "I was beginning to think no one had heard me calling."

"You were calling on the link?" Brianna asked.

"Yeah, you didn't hear me?" the watcher asked. Brianna shook her head. "Then how did you know we were in trouble?"

"I didn't," Brianna said. "I came back for my kama."

She pointed at James, who had stood up, but was darting his eyes back and forth, clutching the pair of sickle-like weapons tightly in his fists. She tried to take the kama from him, but he refused to let go.

"Gimme those, you twit!" Brianna demanded.

"No, I need them!" James insisted uselessly as Brianna yanked the weapons from his grip. "You've got a sword, and I've got nothing. Nothing but a-a-an exhausted witch a-a-and a static-y, bodiless hologram."

"Hey!" Jocasta and Willowgram said simultaneously.

"Don't worry," Brianna said, stowing her kama in her belt. "Those critters won't be coming back."

"I wonder why our comm links aren't working," Jocasta said.

"Maybe it's the shield interference," James suggested. "Maybe Lex's booster went ka-blewy. He's good at making things go ka-blewy, you know."

"Oh god!" Jocasta exclaimed worriedly.

"What?" Brianna asked.

"The ship! Toni's there all by herself!" Jocasta answered.

At that, Jocasta and James and Brianna rushed off toward the transport ship.

"No! Don't go!" Lance cried from her hiding place behind the console. "Don't leave us here!"

As Willowgram rolled her eyes, Brianna called over her shoulder, "You're on your own, News Gal. Report on that!"

Cut To:Ext.Council Transport Ship – Moments Later

As the trio approached the ship, they found it overrun with another pack of the dog-sized demons. The communications dish was lying on its side as demons skittered across the top of the ship. Suddenly, they heard a commotion on the other side of the transport.

Blaster burst. Squeal.

"I said…"

Burst, burst. More squealing.

"Get. The Hell. OFF MY SHIP!!!"

When Jocasta and the others arrived at the far side, they found a scratched-up and very angry pilot systematically eradicating the demons attacking the transport. Cut down to just a handful within minutes, the stragglers scurried off the ship and headed for cover on the sides of Main Street. Antonia ran after them, still shooting, until Jocasta caught up to her and carefully re-directed her back to the transport.

"Those little bastards," Antonia complained, looking over her shoulder at them retreating. Then she looked back at the transport and pointed. "Did you see what they did to my ship?!"

Jocasta grinned and said with mock seriousness, "Yes, I saw. Bad, bad, naughty demons."

Antonia shot a deadly glare at her cousin.

Realizing that the blonde was still armed, Jocasta stopped grinning, cleared her throat, and changed the subject. "So…dish is down, huh?" Jocasta said. "I guess that explains why our comm links weren't working."

Antonia relaxed a little. "Yeah, I was talking to Lex, and then blip, down it went. I didn't realize until a bit later what caused it." They stopped and looked up at the demolished communications device. "Oh…Lex was about to tell me something before we got cut off, something about 'a situation' up there at HQ."

Jocasta shook her head. "HQ is gonna have to take care of itself. We've got our own problems to deal with."

Cut To:Int.Disney World – Bio-Pod – Later

Inside one of the pods left behind by Burkle's crew, Jocasta and the others sat around a table discussing their situation. Willowgram's mobile emitter sat on the table in front of Jocasta.

"So, w-w-we have no communications at all?!" Lance said in a panicked voice.

"For the third time, yes, we have no communications," Jocasta said sternly.

"You've got to do something!" Lance said, seemingly on the brink of hysteria.

"We are doing something," Jocasta growled through clenched teeth. Lance wasn't comforted. She rocked in her chair, a frightened look on her face.

"I've got a question," James said. "How come Willow's here?"

Willowgram looked appalled before spluttering, "Because…because…I happen to be very useful! I, um, have data and stuff, and well…I know things."

"No, I mean why is your signal getting through when no others seem to be?" James clarified.


"Why are you still here?" Jocasta asked. "I mean, how come you're still connected to your CPU back home?"

"Sheer force of personality?" the grinning Willow offered.

"Who cares why she's connected…can't she just call for help for us?" Brianna asked.

"Sorry, no can do," Willowgram answered. "My multi-tasking abilities are still down. Alas, I can be in only one place at a time." She sighed in disappointment.

"Well, what about the communications dish?" Antonia asked. "I helped Lex put it in. Maybe I can fix it. I'd probably have to cannibalize some of Lance's equipment, but – "

"What?!! " Lance demanded, suddenly not so hysterical after all. "You're not touching my equipment! Nobody touches my equipment!"

"Well I guess that explains your three divorces," Frank said, rolling his eyes. Then he handed over the key to the crates containing the network's remote broadcasting equipment. "Help yourself," he said.

Lance gave him a scathing, you-are-so-fired glance.

"We still need to fix the shield generator, too," Jocasta pointed out. "The last thing we need is for a gang of those demons to start showing up at the other parks."

"I can work on that," James said, "but I'm gonna need some help."

"I'll help," Frank offered.

"I'll go with you," Brianna added. "If you're gonna be down in the tunnels above the hellmouth, you're gonna need a slayer."

"I'll help Toni, then," Jocasta said with a nod before rising from her chair.

"What about me?" Lance asked.

"You can…" Jocasta thought for a moment. "Honestly, I don't care what you do. Just stay out of the way."

As Jocasta scooped up Willowgram's mobile emitter and led the group in exiting the pod, Lance just stood there looking shocked.

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Red Sector Lab – Same Time

Lex, John, and Velika worked at a cluster of computers in the corner of the lab. Velika frowned at her screen.

"My god," Velika said in awe as she glanced up and down the Registry. "I didn't know something like this was even possible. The sheer magnitude of the data they've collected…it's mind-boggling!"

"Here it is," Lex said, pointing at his screen. "Everyone who's accessed the Registry most recently."

"We'll have more luck if we divide the list up between us," John suggested.

Lex nodded and began a series of commands on the keypad. Within minutes, he had the divvied-up list transferred to three data pads. He handed out the pads to John and Velika. "Let's go," he said.

Cut To:Int.Disney World – Small World – Same Time

"It's different in 'ere," Finola said, poking at a glass window behind which were arranged several dolls dressed to reflect various cultures. "It's…"

"Not falling apart?" Katherine supplied. Finola nodded. "Yeah, this was part of the museum tour, so they kept it a little nicer."

They approached a large kiosk covered with explanatory signs about the exhibit. Finola spotted a red button in the center of one of its panels. She reached out to press it, but suddenly Katherine was next to her, grabbing Finola's arm to stop her.

"Don't…press that," Katherine warned. Finola's brow furrowed in confusion, but she did as she was asked, withdrawing her hand.

"A wee bit high-strung today, aren't we, Bird?" Finola asked.

"I just don't need to hear that song right now," Katherine defended. "When I was – "

Finola held up a hand. "Be wide."


"Thought I 'eard something."

The Irish slayer looked around, then quickly and quietly stole towards a nearby corner. Katherine followed. The pair glanced around a glass case containing dolls in sombreros. In the next room skulked two large, slimy demons. Each had a set of jagged, sharp teeth set into a huge mouth below two wide, yellow eyes. They had legs but seemed to slither rather than walk, leaving a trail of slime wherever they passed. Currently, both demons were curiously examining the African display. The slayers quickly pulled back and sank to the ground.

"I can't figger it," Finola whispered. "Even with the 'ellmouth, the demons 'round 'ere aren't exactly your garden-variety."

"There's gotta be some sort of nastiness going on," Katherine agreed. "Above and beyond, I mean."

"You think we should ring for backup?" Finola asked.

"You think we can't handle it?" Katherine challenged.

"All I know's I'm bleedin' deadly with Rose, 'ere," Finola replied with a grin, unsheathing her sword.

"'kay, then," Katherine nodded, and the pair stood up and ran around the corner.

Cut To:Int.Disney World – Small World – Moments Later

Finola flew backwards into the kiosk. Sparks flew as the redhead collapsed to the floor. The jolt to the device seemed to trigger its sound system, causing the ride's famous song to play.

It's a world of laughter,A world of tears.It's a world of hopesAnd a world of fears.

"Bollocks," Finola groaned, attempting to get to her feet. Katherine, who was slowly backing away from one of the demons, growled in annoyance. Then the other creature slowly came up alongside its companion, backing Katherine into a corner.

"No, no, no," she said, great determination in her voice. "Not like this."

There's so much that we share That it's time we're aware It's a small world after all

One of the demons pounced. Enraged, Katherine leapt forward to meet it, pounding the creature between the eyes with her sword. The other demon tried to attack as well, but found itself held back by something.

Finola was hanging desperately onto the creature's slimy tail. "'at's right, ya bucket of snots," she crowed, "your arse is mine!"

There is just one moon And one golden sun And a smile means Friendship to ev'ryone

"Can you shut that off?" Katherine shrieked, continuing to slash at her demon's face.

"Sorry, can't," Finola replied through gritted teeth, trying to climb up her demon's slime-covered tail. "Bleedin' contraption's banjaxed."

Katherine took a flying leap onto her demon's head, but slipped in the slime covering its skin and nearly slid off entirely. Regaining her balance, the slayer plunged her sword downwards into the creature's brain. With an otherworldly growl, the demon shuddered and died.

Finola's demon bucked wildly, sending the Irish girl flying through a glass window. She rolled through the nearest display case, sending dolls dressed like Swiss maidens flying everywhere. "Bleedin' typical," Finola remarked, pulling a flattened cow figure out from under her behind.

Though the mountains divide And the oceans are wide It's a small world after all

Katherine tried to attack the remaining demon, but was batted away with a paw and sprawled on the floor across a dark, slimy trail. Finola leapt out of the display case onto the creature's back. She landed awkwardly, smacking her face against the demon's back and barely managing to keep from sliding off completely. The Irish slayer hung on for dear life with one arm as the creature tried to turn its head and bite her.

"If I could get me-self a bit of 'elp, that'd be brilliant," Finola managed. With her free hand, Finola managed to swing her sword at the demon's face. However, it got lodged between the creature's long teeth, and she lost her grip. The sword clattered to the ground below the demon's chin.

"'at's me Rose, ya gack!"

It's a small world after all It's a small world after all It's a small world after all It's a small, small world

Katherine sliced a long gash in the demon's side. The creature squealed loudly. It bucked in pain, sending Finola rolling hard into the wall. She stayed on the floor, not moving. Katherine thrust her sword into the demon's neck. It died with a final growl. She heaved a sigh of relief, until the song from the kiosk began again.

It's a world of laughter,A world of tears.It's a world of hopesAnd a world of fears.

Katherine made her way over to Finola. "Are you okay?" she asked her.

"Bloody lovely," Finola groaned, getting to her feet. "'e just lamped me out of it."

Katherine nodded shortly, then shot a disturbed look at the kiosk that Finola had been thrown into. She walked over to it. She stared at it for a long moment.

There's so much that we share That it's time we're aware It's a small world after all

With a feral growl, Katherine brought her sword over her head and slammed it down into the box. The song didn't stop; instead, it skipped to the chorus and stayed there.

It's a small world after all It's a small world after all It's a small world after all It's a small, small world

Her eyes unfocused, Katherine pulled the sword back and repeated the action.

It's a small world after all It's a small world after all It's a small world after –

With the third blow, the kiosk's song ceased. But Katherine didn't stop her rampage, hitting the box again and again.

"No. More. SINGING!!!" she screamed, punctuating each word with another swing.

Cut To:Int.Disney World – Pirates of the Caribbean – Same Time

"Is that singing?" Livia asked as she and Jenn walked down an underground tunnel.

Jenn made an indignant sound and put her hands on her hips. "I was talking!"

Livia rolled her eyes. "Maybe that's the problem. Shut up and listen."

The two slayers moved silently through the tunnel. Jenn stopped every now and then to look sadly down at her shoes, which were quickly becoming covered in an unidentifiable muck. However, she managed to keep quiet. Soon, the faint melody grew louder. The slayers stopped and flattened themselves against either side of the tunnel. The singing grew louder and louder; whatever was singing was definitely heading toward the girls.

"It sounds like…is that a drinking song?" Jenn asked.

"Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum." Livia grinned at Jenn, who grinned back.

"This is the coolest job ever," Jenn whispered.

The slayers drew their weapons. Around the corner in front of them, shadows of figures began to creep up the walls.

Fade Out.

End of Act Four

 Act Five

Fade In:Ext.Disney World – Pirates of the Caribbean – Resume

Jenn ducked as a barrel went flying over her head. She slipped on a large patch of mud and fell on her rear. A vampire charged her, but slipped on the same patch and fell face first on top of her. He exploded in a shower of dust. Disgusted, Jenn scrambled to her feet. She dusted herself off and groaned as she looked down at her stake, which was dripping with mud.

"Eww! Well, that's just…great."

She looked around for Livia and found her in the midst of a group of vampires. The vamps were dressed to impress, fully decked out in period pirate garb. The undead swashbucklers swarmed around the slayer, swinging swords and knives and, apparently, pistols. One of the vampires moved forward to confront Livia.

"Whatcha gonna do, vamp?" Livia taunted. "Huh? Something like this?"

As Livia punched the attacking vampire, Jenn casually wrenched the antique gun out of another vamp's hand as he aimed at Livia. She pistol-whipped him, then dropped the gun and reached for one of the discarded swords. She decapitated the startled vampire and tried to reach Livia.

The senior slayer was holding her own. Snarling, she sent a tall vampire with an eye-patch flying through the air, then turned on a dime to stake another. She moved like she was dancing, twisting and twirling until all that was left was a tornado of dust around her. Jenn staked Mr. Eye-patch as he got to his feet and lunged for Livia's back.

"Having fun?" Jenn laughed.

Livia decapitated a vampire dressed as a wench. She grinned maniacally at Jenn.

"I'm just gettin' started."

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Red Sector Lab – Later

"Looks like we've narrowed it down considerably," John commented, tossing his data pad onto a nearby table.

"I've got a few left," Lex said. "And one in particular really stands out."

"Who is it?" Velika asked, leaning over his shoulder.

"Amelia Adams." Lex pointed to her name on the list. "She was a slayer."

"Was?" John questioned.

"She's inactive," Velika replied.

"You know her?"

"Oh yes," she said. "She took the loss of her powers very badly. With time, however, she got over it. She works in the Council's physical plant now, I believe. Shipping and receiving department, if I remember correctly."

"That's right," Lex confirmed. "And, according to the computer records, she's been doing a lot of hacking lately…directly into the Registry."

"We should talk to her immediately," Velika replied. "I'll arrange for a couple of guards just in case things get – "

"Can I go?" came the extremely loud and excessively cheery voice.

"Gee-yah!" Lex jumped. When he turned, he saw Anya smiling pleasantly at him. He composed himself. "Anya."

"I want to come," Anyabot insisted. "I want to help interrogate the potentially-evil ex-slayer."

"Yeah, I'm thinking maybe that's not the best idea," Lex replied.

"Now wait just a minute," Anya said, putting her hands on her hips. "I know how to make cake, and I have valuable insights to offer, and if need be, I can stare at her sternly and – "

Anya suddenly froze in place, her rant abruptly cut off. Lex smirked slightly and held up a remote control.

"You gotta love stand-by mode," he said. He turned back to Velika and John. "Shall we?"

Cut To:Int.Disney World – Haunted Mansion – Same Time

"Why does this girl have snakes coming out of her head?" Janet asked. "What's the point?"

She and Mira looked up at one of several grotesque paintings that lined the walls of a gothic hallway. "I think it's supposed to be creepy or something," Mira said.

Janet shook her head, turning to walk down the hall. "Is it me or is the old Disney World really lame?"

"Maybe to you," Mira replied, "but people had to entertain themselves somehow in the days before CGI."

"I don't need CGI," Janet said defensively. "I like to watch baseball."

"Yeah, so you can say things like 'I could jump twice that high'."

"Well, it's true! I'm telling you, one of these days a slayer's gonna rip that league a new…" Janet was cut off when all the lights suddenly went out, plunging the hallway into total darkness.

"Oh, fudgemuffins," sighed Mira's disembodied voice.

"Did you just say 'fudgemuffins'?" Janet asked.

Before Mira had a chance to respond, the pair were illuminated by what seemed to be a flash of lightning. Somewhere one could hear the sounds of floorboards creaking. The general theme could be described as spooky.

"Well, this is a little better," Mira said. "At least now we can find our way out." The lightning flashes continued on a fairly regular basis, lighting both slayers in a strobe-like fashion. Mira glanced back in the direction she and Janet had come. "Um…where's the door?"

"I don't remember it raining outside," Janet said nervously.

"It's not," Mira told her. "It's part of the effects from back when this place was an attraction."

"I gotta admit," Janet said, "the Diz knew their stuff back in the day."

"C'mon," Mira began, "let's get – " She was interrupted by a long, loud howl, made either by something in pain or something eager to cause some.

"I-I-Is that part of the effects?" Janet asked.

"I don't think so," Mira replied. The pair stood still for a moment, their eyes flicking around, taking in the fleeting glimpses they got of the surrounding paintings.

"It's probably the Orlando girls," Mira eventually decided. "They're trying to make the Cleveland big-shots look like scaredy-cats." She raised her voice. "Nice try, but you're not gonna get us that easy!"

"Let's keep going," Janet reasoned. "This was a ride, right? It's gotta end sometime."

"Okay," Mira agreed. "You first."

As the pair walked off down the hall, a pale, ghoulish face could be seen momentarily peeking out from a nook in the wall. The next time the lightning flashed, the face was gone.

Cut To:Int.Disney World – Haunted Mansion – Later

"Okay, now I'm really confused," Janet said. "Since when is there a graveyard in the middle of Disney World?" She and Mira walked between the comically titled tombstones of a ghostly graveyard, stars twinkling in the night sky. Gnarled faces could be seen in the bark of nearby trees.

"We're still indoors," Mira told her, pointing straight up. "Check it out, the stars are never that bright."

"But the building was not this big!" Janet exclaimed. "I saw it! I even remember thinking it was kinda small for a mansion."

"I think there's an explanation, but I don't have it," Mira said. "Just pretend you're in a Jessica Wells movie, and start accepting things that don't make sense." Janet just frowned as the pair neared the front gate of the cemetery. There stood statues of a grave-keeper and his dog. "Look, let's just keep following the tracks, eventually they'll – "

A very, very ugly, demon leapt out from behind one of the gate-posts. Its eyes were sunken into its face, its upper lip curled back to reveal rotten teeth, its torso scarred and distorted.

The demon pushed the startled Mira into the side of the gate. She hit her forehead and fell to the ground. Then it leapt onto Janet, pinning the slayer to the ground between the tracks of the ride. Janet's sword flew out of her hand and fell nearby between rows of headstones.

Janet head-butted the creature to loosen its grip and scrambled backwards on all fours. She stretched one hand out behind her, searching for her weapon. The demon leapt forward again. Janet tried to hold it off with her legs, but the creature just grabbed both of her feet and flipped the slayer over, sending her further down the path.

The demon jumped onto Janet's prone form, holding her shoulders and legs to the ground with its hands and feet. The blonde slayer's eyes widened as she got a close-up look at the demon's distorted grin. Janet screamed as loudly as she could. The demon only sniggered.

Mira smacked the demon with something in the back of the head, knocking it unconscious. Janet hurriedly threw the demon's limp form off herself.

"Gee-yah!" she shuddered in disgust. Then Janet noticed the animatronic dog in Mira's hands. "Thanks. New pet?"

Mira nodded, putting the statue down. "I think I'll call him Spot. Nice scream, by the way."

"I was just getting into the ride," Janet replied. Mira raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. "Can we get out of here?"

"You got my vote there," Mira agreed.

Cut To:Ext.Council Transport Ship – Later

Antonia and Jocasta were perched atop the transport trying to repair the communications dish. The two women were surrounded by various tools and parts. Willowgram and her mobile emitter sat on top of a tool box, watching the proceedings. Antonia was lying on her back, her head stuck behind the dish itself.

"Sonic screwdriver," the pilot called out.

"Got it," Jocasta replied, smacking the tool smartly into Antonia's hand.

"Is it fixed yet?" came a voice from below.

Jocasta leaned over the edge and saw Lisa Lance standing there. The redhead groaned and rolled her eyes and went back to what she was doing.

"Oh yeah, it's been fixed for over an hour," Jocasta replied loudly, the sarcasm heavy in her voice. "We're just up here having tea and crumpets now."

"A simple 'no' would have sufficed!" Jocasta heard Lance shoot back before stomping off in a huff.

"We are so gonna make Giles pay for this when we get back," Antonia said.

"Oh yeah…" Jocasta agreed.

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Physical Plant – Same Time

Amelia wrung her hands together nervously. She found the eyes of three rather stern-looking officers of the Council staring at her. Two armed slayer guards were in the background.

"Ms. Adams, I am going to be quite frank with you," Velika stated. "We have evidence that you have been hacking into the Council's Registry."

"The what?" Amelia asked, feigning ignorance.

"Don't play the fool with me!" Velika warned. "You know exactly what I'm talking about!"

Amelia just looked down at her hands.

"This is a very serious crime," Velika said. "Slayers have died, and if you are involved in this, you'd better start talking now, before another girl dies, or so help me, I will bury you!"


"Yes Ms. Adams?"

"It wasn't me," she finally blurted out. "I swear, it wasn't me."

"It wasn't you what?" Lex prompted.

"I didn't kill those girls, I swear. I just got her the lists, that's all!"

"Her who?" John asked pointedly.

"Sonia. Sonia Petrovich." Amelia looked at her hands again and took a deep breath. "When I lost my powers, I didn't know what to do. I didn't feel like I belonged anywhere, to anyone, and I just wanted to get that back." She closed her eyes tightly and sighed. "Sonia said she could do it, she could find a way. But she needed access to the Registry." Amelia looked up and saw angry, disappointed faces staring at her. "That's why I hacked into the Registry. I never meant for anyone to get hurt. I just…I just wanted to get my powers back."

Velika took a step closer to Amelia and got right in her face. "You are going to tell me everything you know about Sonia Petrovich. And then you are going to be placed under arrest. Are we clear?"

Amelia swallowed noticeably and nodded.

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – Adventureland Jungle – Same Time

As Livia and Jenn rounded the bend on their way from the Pirates of the Caribbean to the Jungle Cruise, the two slayers were rehashing their favorite moments of the battle with the vampire-pirate-wannabes. For

once, Jenn was managing to be un-annoying, and Livia actually seemed to be enjoying herself.

Suddenly, they heard a screeching roar behind the trees up ahead of them. Their smiles fell away, and they dashed off to investigate.

When they came around the curve in the walkway, they skidded to a halt. Before them stood a much larger version of the mother demon they had encountered in Splash Mountain.

"Uh-oh," Livia said. "Looks like Daddy's home."

"And he's not alone," Jenn pointed out.

Well over a dozen adolescent demons scurried about their father's feet, hissing and snapping. Daddy lowered his head and looked hard at the two slayers. He twitched his spiky tail once or twice, then let out another deafening roar.

Livia instantly activated her comm link. "Attention all slayers, this is Livia. I need backup at the Jungle Cruise. Now!" Livia listened intently but got no response. "What the – ?" Livia gave her link a smack. "What's the matter with the damn comm link?"

Daddy and his teenagers started charging in Livia and Jenn's direction.

"Off the path!" Livia ordered Jenn, and the two of them hopped off the walkway and headed for the brush.

Cut To:Int.Disney World – Tunnel Beneath Cinderella's Castle – Later

Brianna led the way as she and James and Frank descended a set of stairs into the tunnel system below the castle. The huge tunnel was dank and dirty, not having been used for some time. Footprints from those who had installed the shield generator were still visible in the years' worth of grime on the tunnel floor.

At a sudden creak and clank, James jumped and clutched his tool kit close to his chest. "What was that?"

"Nothing," Brianna assured him.

"I-I-I changed my mind," James said. "I don't wanna work on the shield generator."

Brianna gave a scoff. "Well, we're already down here, so you're just gonna have to deal."

James took a deep breath. "Picture happy things. A lake, candy canes, bunnies…"

The trio kept moving down the tunnel and eventually came to a junction where the generator was housed. James and Frank immediately went over to the console and started to work. Brianna glanced down the three remaining passages before returning to the middle one.

"I'm gonna scout ahead," Brianna said.

"Okay," James answered.

Cut To:Int.Disney World – Tunnel Beneath Cinderella's Castle – Moments Later

"James!" came Brianna's voice from the center tunnel. "James!"

James left his work at the generator and went to the tunnel's entrance. "What?"

"You need to come see this."

James and Frank crept down the passageway until it widened. There they found Brianna looking at something intently. It was a ring of stones interspersed with other mystical objects.

"What is it?" Frank asked.

"Looks like a magic circle of some kind," Brianna said.

"Could be a portal," James added. "And if so, that's what's interfering with the shield."

"What should we do?" Frank asked.

"Destroy it, that's what!" Brianna answered before heading for the nearest stones.

"Brianna, no!" James called out, stopping the slayer.

"What?" Brianna said, annoyed.

"Look," James said, pointing at the ring.

The ring had begun to glow, and a vibration could be felt in the ground and in the air. Brianna stepped back from the ring.

"We need to get out of here!" James said. "We need to get Jo!"

At that, the three of them rushed from the room, retreating back the way they had come.

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Red Sector Lab – Same Time

John sat in front of the database and pulled up the Council's records on Sonia Petrovich. Velika took a seat next to him as Lex re-activated Anya.

"How dare you!" the android shouted. "That was extremely rude! All I wanted to do was help, and you turned me off!"

"I put you in stand-by mode," Lex replied. "I did not turn you off."

Anya narrowed her eyes at him and crossed her arms. "It was still rude," she muttered under her breath.

"Well, now that you're re-activated, how about you help us with some research?" Velika suggested.

Anya's anger seemed to fade. She smiled and nodded. "All right," she said, moving past Lex, still looking at him through narrowed eyes. She stood at the database with John and Velika. Lex followed.

"It says here," John scrolled down Sonia's extensive profile, "that Sonia was never allowed to be a slayer."

"Why not?" Lex asked.

"She was considered highly unstable, so her powers were suppressed via required drug therapy," John continued.

"That happens occasionally," Velika confirmed.

"Sonia tried to circumvent the requirement by…oh my."

"What?" Lex asked.

"She cut the dosage implants from her body and disappeared. She turned up a few months later, arrested on assault charges. She beat up a man for 'trying to look into her brain'."

"I've seen brains before," Anya announced. "Nothing to write home about," she added with a shrug.

John looked back at Anya for moment, then turned back to his screen. "The Council took Sonia into custody and locked her up until her thirtieth birthday. Deeming her to no longer be a threat and having already served the maximum for the assault charge, the Council released her."

"Let the crazy person out, that's a good plan," Lex commented.

"Anyway, she hasn't been since," John finished. He leaned back in his chair and shook his head. "How are we ever going to find this girl?" he asked.

"She has to be somewhere," Lex replied. "It's impossible for her not to leave some kind of trail." He turned to Velika. "The bodies were all found around the same area, correct?"

She nodded. "Yes."

"That means she has to be close. Right?"

The room sank deeply into silence at the prospect of searching such a vast area. Finally, Velika folded her hands together and let out a deep sigh.

"I need to brief my girls," she said, standing and leaving the room.

John and Lex exchanged a worried look.

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – Outside Haunted Mansion – Same Time

Janet slammed a plain green door behind her, taking a moment to catch her breath. The door was the only break in the long wall of a large, non-descript building. It looked like it might have been a warehouse.

"Who knew Disney World was that creepy, huh?" Mira asked, waiting nearby. Both girls were somewhat disheveled, their clothes wrinkled and their faces dirty. They looked exhausted.

Janet nodded. "How did we get here?" she wondered.

"Don't ask me how this place works," Mira replied. "Maps are apparently useless." She pressed the button on her comm link. "Base, this is Mira." There was no answer. "This is Mira, do you copy?"

"Nothing?" Janet asked. Mira simply nodded. Janet tried her own link. "Base, this is Janet, do you copy?" The blonde slayer shook her head.

"Toni's probably just fiddling with the wires," Mira reasoned. "I'm sure the comms'll be back up soon. Anyway, Livia said to stay out here."

Janet looked unsure. "Maybe we should head back, just to be sure," she suggested.

Mira sighed. "I am really hungry."

Janet was trying to smile, but it was only half working. "You are a slayer, are you not?"

"Exactly," Mira agreed. "Screw Livia! I need to eat."

The pair began to walk back towards the castle, in somewhat better spirits.

"So, you were really freaked out in there, weren't ya?" Mira smiled.

"Hell yes," Janet replied. "Scariest theme park ride I've ever – "

A screeching roar in the distance cut Janet off. After a shared look, the two slayers immediately ran in the direction the sound had come from.

Fade Out.

End of Act Five

 Act Six

Fade In:Int.Watchers Council – Red Sector Lab – Resume

Lex swore and fidgeted in his seat. "This is taking forever," he said as he continued to navigate through the mainframe much too slowly for his tastes. "There's too much information here. We're running out of time, and it could take all day to find anything."

"How about," Anya suggested, "instead of crawling along at a snail's pace, trying to find this woman, you let me zip through the mainframe. It'll probably take half as much time as you're wasting right now."

Lex gaped at Anya, while John looked equally surprised. "Anya…are you… back?" he asked.

"Hey, my brain might be fried, but I still know more than the two of you put together when it comes to the computer system. James taught me everything he knows."

Lex and John exchanged a concerned look.

"Chop-chop, gentlemen! Time's a-wastin', girls are dyin', a crazy woman's roaming freely…"

"You can say that again," John commented.

"Okay! Chop-chop, gentlemen! Time's a-wastin'…"

Lex merely groaned.

Cut To:Int.Cleveland Suburb – Dark Basement – Same Time

Sonia stood at a counter full of lab equipment, examining a beaker's contents. She smiled and set the beaker down then glanced at a data pad. There was a ring at the door to the basement. Sonia pressed a button on the wall. The ring was replaced by a buzz, and the door could be heard opening. Soon footsteps were heard descending the stairs.

Sonia turned her attention to her subject, a young girl lying on a gurney, strapped down with bonds strong enough to withstand a slayer's strength. The girl's pleas to be let go had ceased, so Sonia reached for the girl's wrist. She felt for a pulse, but found none. Sonia swept a rack of test tubes off the counter, the glass exploding into shards against the wall.

"Damn it!" Sonia cursed.

"You lost another one?"

Sonia turned and huffed in annoyance as a gang of vampires entered her basement lab. She reached into a drawer and pulled out a data pad and handed it to the leader.

"Collect another subject," she instructed sternly. "And don't drink from this one. You weakened the last one drinking from her. I need her strong." The vampire nodded and ordered his gang back up the stairs.

Sonia turned from the counter and looked intently at the cages behind her. Inside one, a girl whimpered in fear and backed up against the wall. Sonia smirked and approached the cage, running her fingers along the bars.

"Your turn," she sing-songed to the girl, who responded by bursting into tears.

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – Adventureland Jungle – Moments Later

When Mira and Janet arrived, they saw a path of destruction through the trees and shrubbery around the Jungle Cruise. They followed it in and found Livia and Jenn on top of a rock formation, fending off the horde of dino-demon teens while Daddy snapped at them from below.

"Over there!" Mira yelled, pointing to a possible path up the rock formation.

Then she and Janet swept around to the far side and starting climbing. At a screech from above them, they sank against the rock, just as a wounded demon came plummeting down past them. After a quick look down, they sped up their climb and finally reached the top.

Livia and Jenn had thinned the horde to about twelve, but were getting worn down by the creatures' swift and coordinated attacks. Just when they would swat back two of the demons on one side, two or three more would attack from the other side.

Mira and Janet blindsided the attackers, quickly taking out the two demons nearest them, forcing the horde to regroup.

"Is your comm working?" Livia called out to Mira.

"No," Mira called back.

"We need backup," Livia said as she whacked at a lunging demon. "These guys are too strong and too fast, not to mention Daddy Dearest down there. Head back to base command and – "

"Hell no!" Mira shot back. "I'm not leaving you here where you can be dinner for dino-demons! We can finish off the little ones together and then – "

"Mira, I am giving you a direct order to get your ass back to command!"

"Write me up if you want, but I'm not going anywhere!"

Livia growled in frustration and turned her focus back to the attacking demons.

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Slayer Command – Same Time

Velika stood up straight with her hands folded behind her back. She stood in front of the gathered slayers, who stared back at her, listening intently.

"As of now, we know that the inactive slayer, Sonia Petrovich, has kidnapped and killed at least five girls. We believe that she is targeting slayers, potential slayers, and their families in an attempt to somehow restore her lost powers."

Velika could not help but steal a glance at Lian. The slayer stared back at her commander, eyes fierce but empty. Velika continued, "At this point, I am looking for volunteers to form a strike team to retrieve any girls she may have captured and to subdue the kidnapper."

"I'll volunteer ma'am." Lian was the first to step forward. Velika nodded.

"Me too." Lian's head jerked to the side as she watched Cassidy step forward. Eva followed close behind her, as did countless other slayers who had been training with Lian only days before.

"Very well," Velika said, when the amount of girls was sufficient. "Prepare yourselves. We'll leave as soon as Colonel West and Colonel Harris can provide a location. That is all."

As she walked from the room, she stopped just long enough to offer Lian a reassuring smile and to clasp her shoulder. Lian smiled the best smile she could manage under the circumstances and left to join her team.

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – The Enchanted Tiki Room – Moments Later

Having killed or beaten back most of the adolescent dino-demons, Livia and Mira and Jenn and Janet had wound their way through the Jungle Cruise, temporarily losing Daddy in the process.

As they came out of the brush and onto the paved walkway, it was clear that all four had seen better days. All were bruised and bleeding, but Janet was in the worst shape. She looked like she'd been mauled by one of the demons; she was barely conscious and was being carried between Jenn and Mira.

Livia ran over to the Enchanted Tiki Room, which was currently boarded up, and kicked open the doorway.

"Bring her in here," Livia commanded, and Jenn and Mira did just that. "Jenn, you stay with Janet and keep trying the comm. Mira and I will try to lead Daddy away and toward command, where hopefully we can get some backup. If nothing else, I'll get Toni to ram the son of bitch with the transport."

Jenn nodded in compliance. Then Livia and Mira went back outside the Tiki Room, closing the door behind them. They looked around but saw no immediate sign of Daddy. They moved away from the building toward the big sign at the entrance to the Tiki area.

Cut To:Ext.Council Transport Ship – Same Time

Antonia made a final adjustment to the repaired dish then stepped back. She looked over at Jocasta, who held a switch in her hand that was hard-wired into a cable.

"Okay," the pilot said with a nod, "let's see if it works."

Jocasta nodded back then flipped the switch.

Cut To:Int.Disney World – The Enchanted Tiki Room – Same Time

While keeping pressure on one of Janet's worst wounds, Jenn tried her comm link again for the umpteenth time.

"Command, this is Jenn, we need backup at the Tiki House." Jenn waited for a moment before repeating her message, her voice choking a little on the last one. "Please…is anybody there?"

After a long wait, a voice finally came over the comm. "Jenn, this is Jo. Was that you?"

"Colonel Rosenberg, thank god!" Jenn answered. "Janet's hurt bad, and Livia and Mira are out there alone! We need help!"

Cut To:Ext.Council Transport Ship – Same Time

As he and Frank and Brianna ran up to the transport, James called out to Jocasta. "Jo! Jo! You'll never guess what we found!"

Jocasta looked over the edge of the transport and saw the three below. "Brianna, did you just hear Jenn's call?"

"Yeah, I'm on my way," Brianna said before taking off again.

"Be careful!" Jocasta called out. Then she turned to James and Frank. "So, what'd ya find?"

"The source of the infestation," James said ominously.

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – The Enchanted Tiki Room – Moments Later

When they got to the sign, Livia and Mira stopped and scanned their surroundings.

"Are we really goin' with a slap-and-run?" Mira asked.

"You got a better idea?" Livia countered.

"Maybe," Mira said. "I figure this critter's like Smaug."

"What? Like the air over Cleveland?"

"No, not smog. Smaug the Dragon. You know…Tolkien, classic fantasy writer, wrote Lord of the Rings?" Livia's expression was blank. "God, don't you ever read?"

"Look, I don't have time for a literature lecture! What's your point?"

"Smaug was armored all over, no weapons could penetrate his skin," Mira explained. "But he had one weakness, one spot that wasn't armored, and it was under his belly. I figure maybe this guy's the same way. If we could stab at his underbelly, maybe we could take him down."

"Well okay then, I'll just ask Daddy Dearest to rear up real good and stand real still while we get a good skewer in," Livia replied sarcastically.

"You wouldn't have to ask him if you'd use magic," Mira replied just as sarcastically.

"Magic?" Livia asked with a bit of uncertainty in her voice.

Mira was now dead serious. "You know how you and the MTs are working on how to modify the barrier spell?" Livia nodded. "What if, instead of using it like a battering ram, you used it like a…a clamp? Just wrapped it around him and held him up with it?"

Livia seemed to be considering this. "You know, Rayne did something like that when we found him going after Katie last year."

"You wouldn't have to hold him forever," Mira said. "Just long enough for me to get under and – "

"No," Livia said.

"Just like that?" Mira answered angrily. "You're not even listening!"

"It's too dangerous," Livia insisted. "I'm not gonna – "

A roar followed by thudding steps interrupted Livia's refusal. When the two slayers looked up, Daddy was thundering towards them.

"Lead him away from the hut!" Livia ordered, drawing her weapon.

"It's too late for that!" Mira replied, pulling her sword. "Do it, Livia! It'll work!"

Livia hesitated. The demon was nearly upon them.

"Do it!" Mira pleaded.

Livia dropped her sword, lifted both hands, and spoke the incantation. Just as Daddy started to bring his head down to attack, he met an invisible shield that repelled him, making his head snap back. He attempted to step back but found his head caught in something he couldn't see. He tried to pull away.

Livia's face tightened into a grimace as she struggled to hold the huge beast in her force field. "I can't hold him!" she called out to Mira.

"It'll only take me a second," Mira replied, quickly moving into position under the monster to make the killing blow.

"Mira, no! I can't…"

Livia groaned in pain as Daddy started to tug harder in his effort to free himself. She gave one final outcry and fell to her knees as the beast finally overpowered her shield and pulled free.

Livia cried out to Mira, but the warning came too late. Just as Mira sank her sword into him and began to move away, the demon came down on her, raking his front claws down her back. Mira screamed and went down. Livia cried out for Mira again.

While Daddy thrashed about, raging at the sword in his gut, Mira was on her hands and knees, trying to crawl away. When she was clear of the demon, she got to her feet and stumbled toward Livia, who was just now standing herself.

Mira grinned slightly at Livia and said, "See? I told you it would – uhhhnn!"

Mira's words were cut off as a spike suddenly thrust through her body and out her stomach, courtesy of the demon's tail. Mira looked at the bloody spike with amazement.

"MIRA!" Livia screamed.

Fade Out.

End of Act Six

 Act Seven

Fade In:Ext.Disney World – The Enchanted Tiki Room – Resume

Mira groaned and reached weakly for the spike jutting from her body. She had no further time for reaction, however, because Daddy snapped his tail again, sending the slayer flying several yards away. Her body hit the ground hard, rolled, and then stopped when she came to a large fake rock. Mira was left lying facedown and unmoving.

As the dying daddy demon lurched away, bleeding profusely, Livia ran to Mira and kneeled beside her. "Oh god…Mira," she said when she saw Mira's ravaged back.

When Mira coughed, Livia gently turned her over and leaned her up against the fake rock. Mira's shirt was soaked in blood where the spike had exited her abdomen. Livia pulled a large bandana from her pocket, balled it up, and pressed it against the wound.

Mira's face was tensed in pain as she drew in shallow and ragged breaths. She looked into Livia's eyes and opened her mouth as if to speak, but no words came out.

"Don't try to talk, just hang on, okay?" Livia encouraged.

Mira tried anyway, but soon slowly stopped struggling, and her eyes fluttered shut.

"No!" Livia said frantically as panic crept into her voice.

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – The Enchanted Tiki Room – Same Time

Near the entrance to the Tiki area, Katherine and Finola arrived on the scene. They ran over to the daddy demon, who was now on the ground, his sides heaving as he slowly bled out from the wound Mira had given him. They circled him, weapons drawn.

Once they were satisfied that he was no longer a threat, they ran on toward the Tiki Room itself.

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – The Enchanted Tiki Room – Same Time

Livia's eyes filled with tears as she stroked Mira's face.

"Mira, no…you hang on, now. Don't you leave me, you hear?" Livia commanded. "That's an order."

Mira was unresponsive.

"Oh god, Mira…please don't go, please…"

Livia leaned over and gave Mira a desperate and lingering kiss.

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – The Enchanted Tiki Room – Same Time

Katherine and Finola rounded the bend and came to a stop. They quickly scanned the area and found Livia and Mira about ten yards away. They both froze when they saw Livia kissing Mira. Their eyes widened.

"Well, that certainly explains a few things," Finola commented with a smirk.

Katherine smacked Finola on the arm and pointed at her harshly. "Watch it!" she warned. "Go find Jenn and Janet," she ordered.

Without another word, Finola left for the Tiki Room. Katherine headed in Livia's direction.

Cut To:Ext.Disney World – The Enchanted Tiki Room – Same Time

After the kiss, Livia kept her eyes closed and leaned her forehead against Mira's.

"Please don't leave me," Livia whispered. "I love you. So much."

When Livia opened her eyes, she found Mira's eyes open as well and staring right into hers. Livia pulled back in surprise. Mira's expression was one of total shock. Livia opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"Livia!" came Katherine's voice from several yards away.

Livia turned toward the sound and saw Katherine jogging towards her.

"Are you guys okay?" Katherine asked, pretending that she'd just arrived.

"Um, no…Mira's hurt, bad, she's…"

Katherine kneeled down next to them, putting a reassuring hand on both of them. "It's okay," she said. "The medics are on the way."

Neither Livia nor Mira would look at Katherine or each other.

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Red Sector Lab – Same Time

"Come on, come on," Lex urged.

"I am going as fast as I can!" Anya snapped, scanning the database.

"For all we know, the crazy woman has more slayers stashed away. They can't afford to wait." Lex sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He found his forehead damp with sweat. He wiped it away and whispered, "Please, go faster."

"I sympathize but – " Anya stopped talking and moving.

Lex eyed her, shaking her a bit. "Anya? Anya!"

She still didn't move. Twenty seconds later, after being shaken and yelled at repeatedly, Anya began speaking again, as if she had never stopped, " – I really am going as fast as I can."

"Anya, what just happened?"

"Do you want to talk, or do you want me to find the location?"

Anya replied snarkily, beginning to gain speed as she flipped through information.

"Can't you do both?" Lex asked.

"Downtown clear. University Circle…" Anya announced. "The Cavaliers broke their nine-game losing streak with a surprising 97-96 win over the Washington Wizards…"

"Damn it!" Lex swore. "Come on Anya," he said to her. "You can do this. I know you can do this."

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Red Sector Lab – Moments Later

Anya screamed. Lex winced and turned to look at the monitor. The android's neural readings were going wild. It would be impossible to imagine what she was seeing, linked into the mainframe without the proper interface to ground her. He stabbed fruitlessly at his keyboard while Anya kept up a steady stream of babble. Lex didn't bother to interrupt her anymore. When his comm beeped, he slapped it absently.


West's voice filled his ear. "They found another one. 2600 block of Main, South Collinwood."

"Thanks." Lex grimaced as he switched the comm off and quickly input the new information into the computer. Anya twitched in response.

"Pizza. Pizza. Chinese. Delivery until ten. Euclid, Euclid. Geometrical objects and integers. Too much, too much. Head to the Library."

"Wait, wait? Euclid?" Lex sat up straighter and stared at the disoriented android. "Euclid Park? Come on, Anya, please," he pleaded. He got up from his chair and cupped her head in his hands, staring into her frantically darting eyes. "We're so close. Just a little more. Where in Euclid Park?"

"Four times five is twelve, and four times six is thirteen, and four times seven is – oh dear! I shall never get to twenty at that rate!" Anya ranted, yanking her head out of his hands and tossing it back and forth. Her hair smacked Lex in the face. Suddenly, she lurched off the table and screamed. Lex stumbled backwards and fell onto his backside, gaping at her.

"Fifteen!" She cried. "1520 St. Clair Avenue, Euclid Park!"

As Anya collapsed back onto the table, Lex leaped to his feet and hit his comm link. "Commander, she's in Euclid Park. 1520 St. Clair Avenue."

Static answered him before Velika's voice came on. "Acknowledged."

Lex hurriedly began typing commands as Anya continued to twitch on the table. He severed her link to the mainframe and began the process of putting her into deep stand-by.

"Just hang on, Anya," he said soothingly. "I'm going to put you to sleep, and when you wake up, I'll have all the damage repaired. And if I don't, well, I won't be around for you to yell at me anyway, because James will have killed me."

He glanced up at her, watching her body sag, and her eyes drift closed. She was murmuring quietly to herself. Lex approached cautiously and leaned close to hear her.

"There is just one moon and one golden sun, and a smile means friendship to every – " Anya turned to look at Lex and smiled. "I did good?"

"Yeah." Lex hesitated a moment, then gently brushed a lock of hair away from her eyes. "You did great. Thank you."

Chuckling softly, Anya closed her eyes. Lex checked the monitors. Seeing everything as it should be, he sank into his chair and leaned his forehead against the computer.

Cut To:Int.Cleveland Suburb – Dark Basement – Moments Later

The door of the basement burst open, sending shards of wood spraying across the steps. A group of about ten slayers rushed down the stairs only to be met by a gang of vampires.

"Stop them!" Sonia shouted. She picked up some kind of device and retreated to the back of the room, intent on following through with her experiment.

As the slayers moved into position around the gang, Lian kicked the vampire closest to her in the face. He reeled back, knocking a few

others down with him. He was back on his feet shortly, ready to attack when he exploded into dust. Behind him stood Cassidy, smirking. Her victory was short lived, however, as another vampire grabbed her by the shoulders. She elbowed him in the face, and they began to fight. Soon the room was filled with the shouts and clashes of the slayer-vampire skirmish.

Mid-battle, Lian looked to the back of the room and saw the girl on the gurney, chained down, with Sonia standing over her on the far side of the gurney. In the crazed slayer's hand was a small metal rod attached to the end of a cable coming out of the device she had brought over.

As Sonia held the sharp object over the girl's chest, Lian's face flushed, and she felt her blood rise. She rushed forward, knocking three vampires out of her way, throwing them back to her team, who dispatched them quickly.

"Get the hell away from her!" Lian yelled, causing Sonia to look up.

They both froze for a moment, their eyes meeting in a long stare. Then Sonia glanced about her, as if evaluating her situation. She was trapped behind the gurney, with a very angry slayer blocking her path. In a split second, Sonia shoved the gurney forward and directly into Lian, forcing the slayer back and pinning her against the counter behind her.

"Stop her!" Lian shouted, but she could see that her team was busy fighting off the remaining vampires.

Lian pushed the gurney away and ran as fast as she possibly could to cut off Sonia's attempt to run up the unguarded basement stairs. She tripped her up just in time, causing Sonia's head to hit the bottom stair with a loud crack. As Sonia lay groaning on the floor, Lian approached her, standing directly above her and pointing her weapon in her face. She stared down at Sonia, forcing her to meet her eyes. Her weapon began shaking in her hand. Sonia looked afraid.

"Sonia Petrovich," Lian said, "you are under arrest."

She stepped away as two slayers handcuffed Sonia and led her up the stairs. Lian turned quickly and walked across the room, to where the girl still lay upon the gurney. She felt for a pulse.

"Come on," she whispered, her voice breaking and her eyes tearing up. "Please."

There was a pulse, but it was faint. "We need a medical transport," she told Cassidy, who had come to stand beside her. The other slayer nodded and stepped away, activating her comm link.

The girl's head tilted to the side, and she moaned softly. Lian ran her hand over the top of her head and said, "It's okay. You're going to be okay."

Cut To:Series of ShotsDisney World – Same Time

– The medics getting Mira and Janet on stretchers at the Tiki Room

– Mira and Janet being taken inside the mobile ER of the transport ship

– Jocasta and Katherine hugging tightly, each relieved that the other was okay

– James and Frank repairing the shield generator

– Jocasta, Katherine, and Finola using magic to destroy the mystical portal

– Jocasta shaking hands with Mac and the other Orlando slayers

Cut To:Series of ShotsCouncil Transport – Mid-Flight

– Antonia in the cockpit flying the transport

– Orlando medics in the mobile ER taking care of Mira and Janet

– Jocasta and Katherine leaning against one another and holding hands

– Lisa Lance looking shell-shocked, holding her small pack against her chest

– James and Frank exhausted but managing a small smile at each other

– Finola sound asleep in her seat, mouth wide open, snoring

– Jenn looking lost, as if she needs someone to talk to

– Brianna moving to sit next to Jenn and reaching out to pat her on the arm

– Livia staring off into space, seemingly deep in despair

Cut To:Series of ShotsWatchers Council – Transport Hangar – Later

– The transport bay doors slowly opening while Giles waits

– Two Council medical teams rolling gurneys up to the ramp

– Finola, Katherine, Jenn, and Brianna carrying Mira and Janet out onstretchers and transferring them to the gurneys, while the Orlando medicswalk alongside

– Livia walking out alone, watching the transfer

– Lisa Lance and her cameraman coming down the ramp, a look ofrelief on their faces

– Jocasta and James walking out together then seeing Giles

– Giles waving Jocasta over to talk

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Transport Hangar – Moments Later

Giles pinched the bridge of his nose tightly. He held his glasses limply in one hand as he watched Mira and Janet being rolled away by the medical teams.

"Was anyone else hurt?" he asked.

"Everyone has a few bumps and bruises here and there," Jocasta reported. "But for the most part, everyone else is fine."

"The mission was a success then?"

She nodded. "The majority of the infestation has been taken care of. James has repaired the shield generator, and the portal that the demons had set up has been destroyed. The Orlando branch can

handle the rest of it, but we should probably send a follow-up team in a couple of weeks, just to be sure."

"Very well," Giles said, nodding in acceptance.

"So, how have things been around here?" Jocasta inquired.

"We've had an interesting turn of events here as well," he replied. "We can share stories at the meeting later."

"Sounds good," Jocasta replied. "But right now, I hear a long hot shower calling my name."

Cut To:Int.Lex's Apartment – Living Room – Later

Antonia entered the living room, carrying two steaming mugs. She was clad in a fluffy, red bathrobe and her wet hair lay flat against her head. She handed a mug to Lex, who appeared equally fresh and clean. They snuggled together on the couch, sipping from their mugs in silence.

"That's quite a story," Lex finally said. "I still think you're making up that part about the pirate vampires, but other than that…"

Antonia giggled and smacked his shoulder. "Dork."

"Hey!" Lex protested. "That's Colonel Dork to you, missy. And how about a little appreciation for the man who helped capture a dangerous criminal?"

Sighing, Antonia took his mug out of his hands and put them both on the end table. Then she wrapped herself around him, giving him a big kiss on the cheek. "My Lex, savior of the slayers. I am so proud of you."

Lex gently stroked his finger over her cheek and looked at her with love in his eyes. "Sap."

She squealed and smacked him again. They wrestled briefly, laughing and kissing. The ring of the phone interrupted their play. Lex kissed Antonia on the forehead before getting up to answer it.

"Don't go anywhere," he said, pointing a finger at her. She winked at him. He picked up the phone. "Hello?"

Antonia watched Lex's face fall as he listened to the call.

"Yeah, okay. Thanks for calling, John. Yeah, I'll see you later." He hung up and just stood there for a moment, a blank expression on his face.

"What's wrong?"

Lex crawled back onto the couch and laid his head in Antonia's lap. She stroked his hair. "She's dead."

Antonia's eyes widened. "Who's dead?"

Lex sighed. "Sonia Petrovich. The crazy kidnapper woman. Apparently, she managed to get a weapon off one of her guards. She injured two of them and then jumped out of the transport. They fished her out of the river about half an hour ago."

They sat silently for several moments, Antonia running her fingers through Lex's hair. He closed his eyes and curled closer to her.

Finally, he sighed and said quietly, "I can't believe she's just…gone. I mean, she never even went to trial. They didn't even have the chance to lock her up, to punish her. She's never going to pay for what she did to those girls."

Antonia drew Lex into a sitting position. She put her hands on either side of his head and pulled him in for a gentle kiss. When they parted, they leaned their foreheads together.

"She was a sad, unstable person," Antonia said. "If she's not paying in this life, she's paying in another one."


"Cross my heart." Antonia smiled and Lex smiled back at her.

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Giles's Office – The Next Day

Dr. Burkle entered Giles's office, and at a gesture from him, she sat in the chair in front of his desk.

"I understand your team has returned," Burkle said with her arms crossed and a serious look on her face.

"Yes, they have," Giles replied evenly.

"May I ask what happened?"

"I will have the final copy of the report delivered to you after all concerned have been debriefed."

When Giles didn't offer more, annoyance flashed in Burkle's eyes. "Mr. Chairman, I believe I have been very patient," she said. "But now I really must insist that you permit me to return to Orlando to finish my work."

"Doctor, I appreciate your frustration. However, there is still a great deal of work to be done. The facility is not completely safe yet and may not be for some time. It may be a long while before we can allow you to return."

"I don't believe you do appreciate the situation, Mr. Chairman. What I am doing is very important, and I can not sit here and wait for your permission to return. And quite frankly, I don't understand why you and your people are trying to sabotage my work!"

"I assure you, no one is trying to sabotage anything," he replied, in an attempt to soothe her. "As I told you, "I will give you the full report as soon as it's ready, and I promise you that you will be notified immediately when it is safe for you to return to the Magic Kingdom." Giles crossed his arms in a that's-final pose.

After glaring for a moment, Burkle finally let out a low sigh and nodded in acquiescence. "As you wish," she said calmly before standing and leaving the room.

Giles frowned, confused by the professor's sudden change in demeanor. He continued to stare after her, even once the door had closed.

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Slayer Command – Same Time

Livia sat down at Velika's request and tried not to squirm as her commander took her seat behind her desk.

"I've read your report, Livia. Do you have anything else you wish to add?"

Livia shook her head. "No ma'am."

"Anything…off the record?"

Livia didn't respond at first. Then she merely shook her head once again. Velika's eyes narrowed, as if she suspected that there really was more to the story. Then she lightened her tone.

"Well, given the circumstances, I'd say you and your team did remarkably well," Velika said. "You are to be commended."

"Yeah, tell that to Janet and Mira," Livia muttered.

"Dr. McClelland says they're both going to be just fine," Velika said reassuringly.

Livia just shrugged.

"Now, onto another matter entirely," Velika told Livia. "Lisa Lance tells me that you were less than cooperative in Orlando."

Livia snorted. "That what she said?"

"Actually, she called you 'a belligerent bitch' who blocked her every effort to – "

"I did not block her from doing anything!" Livia interrupted angrily, jumping to her feet. "She – "

"Sit down, Livia!" Velika commanded, silencing the irate slayer. Once Livia had sat back down, Velika continued. "I know you hate the fame that came with your victory over Hubris, but the fact of the matter is…you're the best PR we've got right now. Enrollment refusals are up. Parents and potentials are balking at the thought of what life as a slayer entails. We need you to put a positive spin on things."

"By cooperating with that snake of a reporter who's burned us more times than she's helped us?"

"Yes," Velika answered. "And by participating in a new PR campaign being developed as we speak."

Livia groaned. "There's not gonna be another action figure, is there?" Velika shrugged noncommittally, causing Livia to groan again. "The last one didn't even look like me!"

"Be that as it may," Velika continued, "whether you like it or not, Livia, you are the new poster child of the Council, and I want to see only your very best effort in this project. Do I make myself understood?"

Livia glared at Velika for a moment then looked down at her hands. "Yes ma'am," she answered unhappily.

Cut To:Int.Watchers Council – Slayer Gym – Later

With slayers working out in the background, Livia stood in front of Lisa Lance and her cameraman. Livia fidgeted with her hands as she waited for the reporter's next question.

"What would you say is the best thing about being a slayer?" Lance asked.

"Well, it's fun, for one thing," Livia said with a big smile. "I mean, what other job can you have where you get to kick ass on a regular basis and get paid for it?"

Lance chuckled then said, "And you're saving the world, too."

"Exactly," Livia agreed amiably. "I mean, I feel honored to have been chosen as a slayer. I've got these powers for a reason, and I intend to use them. Put the hurt on evil, ya know?"

"What about the friendships you've developed?" Lance prompted. "They're one of the good parts about the job, aren't they?"

"Oh, um, absolutely," Livia said, though not as convincingly as her previous statements.

Flash To:– Livia and Mira arguing outside the Tiki Room.– Livia and Mira fighting the daddy dino-demon.– Mira getting skewered.

Livia shook her head and continued, "The bond between slayers is like…the strongest thing in the world." Livia looked down at her hands. "It's all about sisterhood and trusting each other in the field…"

Flash To:– Livia kneeling next to the injured Mira.– Livia kissing Mira.– Mira looking shocked.

Livia still didn't look up. "Slayers have to be completely open with each other," she continued. "They can't…they can't have any…surprises, not out in the field…"

Flash To:– Livia standing outside Mira's infirmary room.– A nurse going inside and Livia getting a glimpse of Mira.– Livia walking off, having decided not to go in.

Livia's voice became slightly choked, and she looked up at the reporter, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. " 'Cause that would be bad."

Fade Out.



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