small business websites overview - · an overview of tools you can use to build a...

Post on 16-Jul-2020






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Instructor: Kevin Niemi

1Copyright 2017 KNMG Solutions

An overview of tools you can use to build a

successful business presence online

� The Big Picture - why are websites important?

� Creating a website◦ Platforms and costs

� Content Creation

� Security


� Questions

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Web 2.0

Mobile Devices

Search Engines

World Wide Web


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� Internet◦ connected computers sharing information

◦ equivalent to roads and traffic rules

� World Wide Web◦ a set of rules, languages and softwares

◦ allows people to download and view files from another computer

◦ jump to other files easily (clicking hyperlinks)

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� Search Engines◦ People struggled to find websites

◦ Search engines use computers to scan webpages, remember keywords, follow links to new pages and create a database of what they find

◦ Users enter desired keywords, and results appear showing websites that seem to match

◦ Made websites accessible to the general public

◦ If a website wasn’t ‘indexed’, it can’t be found

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� Search Engines◦ Controlling whether/how people find websites gives Search Engines significant power

◦ Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to increase “ranking”

◦ Google now processes over 40,000 searches per over 40,000 searches per over 40,000 searches per over 40,000 searches per secondsecondsecondsecond (3.5 billion per day)

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� Physical Devices◦ Desktop Computers

◦ Laptop computers

◦ Tablets

◦ Smart phones

◦ Wearable Devices

� Trend◦ More tablets and smart phones than computers

◦ “Always connected” technologies

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� Web 1.0◦ Static websites

◦ one way communication of information

� Web 2.0◦ Web applications – software you access through the internet

◦ Collaborative – 2 way communication

◦ Experiential – mimic ‘real life’ experiences

◦ Connection and Engagement – build communities and have conversations

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� Web 2.0◦ Social media sites

� Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest

◦ Website/blogging platforms

� WordPress, Tumblr

◦ Software as a service (SaaS)

� Google Apps, Dropbox, Canva

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� What do the online interaction trends look like today?◦

� What does this all mean for today’s entrepreneurs and businesses?

� Activity◦ Brainstorm affects of technology on business

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� “Always connected” technologies and culture

� Instant, real time information gathering

� Search for products or services as needed, when needed

� Technologies make facts and figures facts and figures facts and figures facts and figures easy to find and compare◦ Prices, quantities and calculating ‘value’ is simple

◦ Instantly find the best price for a desired product

◦ Know more about a desired product than the salesperson

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� Information overload, Analysis paralysis◦ Too many options or providers◦ Difficult to figure out the ‘right choice’◦ More purchases from faceless and unknown merchants

� Backlash trend◦ Ethics, connections and personal priorities becoming strong ‘differentiating factor’◦ Consumers look for an ‘x’ factor that simplifies a decision and makes them feel happier about the choice

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� People are easily able to search online for information about products or businesses before they buy

� Having a web presence is the only way for your business to participate in this activity

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◦ Having an online presence is critical for small business today

◦ “I don’t want to learn to write code.” No problem.

◦ “I don’t have $5000 to spend on a website.” You don’t need to when you’re just starting.

◦ Prototype today. Pay a professional later.

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� A website needs a host computer◦ Connected to the internet

◦ Configured to receive page requests and respond

◦ Technically, this could be any computer connected to the internet

◦ Realistically, it is complicated to set up and you don’t want to run a business website on a computer in your house

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� Services that will host for you◦ Free

� Simple to start, but somewhat restricted in what you can do

◦ Paid

� Offer more power and privileges, and no advertising

◦ The good news is you can start free, and then grow as you need more power or flexibility

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� Wix and Weebly◦ Easiest to use

◦ Drag and drop interface

◦ Free or low monthly fee

◦ Proprietary systems

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� WordPress◦ Very popular and very customizable

◦ Open source

◦ Can be professionally developed

◦ Takes some dedication to learn

◦ Free or low monthly fee

◦ Can be self-hosted

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� Squarespace◦ Proprietary system

◦ More expensive

◦ Drag and drop interface

� Shopify◦ Shopping/ecommerce specific

◦ Provides catalog, shopping cart and checkout functions.

◦ Meant to integrate into a larger website

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� Wix◦ Great starting platform for newbie

◦ Free to try out

◦ Free for website with small advertizing and bad domain name


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� Wix◦ Can pay a monthly fee to get a custom domain name and remove the Wix branding

� Roughly $10 US/month

◦ eCommerce site will become more expensive

◦ Wix takes a cut of every transaction on top of credit card fees

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�◦ Offers free platform to create a basic website with blog

◦ Great ‘admin’ interface to be able to add and change content

◦ Very popular platform with lots of flexibility to grow and adapt with business growth

◦ Significant documentation and strong user community to ask questions and get help

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� 2 different ways to have a WordPress site

◦ – run by Automattic

� The company that created WordPress software (Automattic) has their own host servers, and will let you create a website to run on them for free or pay for premium upgrades

� You are restricted to only using themes and tools that are tested and approved by Automattic

� Easier to get started, and less complicated to maintain

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� 2 different ways to have a WordPress site

◦� Provides the WordPress server software free to anyone (open source)

� Can install and run software on your own server, or on a host you rent through another company

� You are able to install and run any themes and tools

� More difficult to run

� Requires expertise (web designer) to set up and maintain


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� To have a professional develop a WordPresssite◦ Cost is roughly $1,000 - $5,000 (depending on complexity). Initial fee.

◦ $100/year for hosting

◦ Budget $300/year for professional maintenance (upgrading software and plugins)

� E-Commerce can be set up and the cost per transaction is only the credit card fees

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� Important to plan ahead for content, so you’re ready when opportunities arise

� There are many tips and tricks articles you can find with topic ideas. Here are some examples:◦ New contract with client (respect confidentiality)◦ Major accomplishments or milestones

◦ Sales or promotions◦ Participation in local events, trade shows, etc

◦ Donation to charity

◦ New product launch◦ New employee hires

◦ Events, open houses or seminars you are hosting◦ Piggyback on current news article with ‘opinion editorial’

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� Even starting a brand new business, you can plan for the following key ‘newsworthy’ events:◦ New hires◦ New equipment purchases◦ Finalizing product or service offerings◦ Office opening (grand opening)◦ Official website launch◦ First month anniversary◦ First client or contract◦ First testimonial◦ First contest or promotion

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� Have a plan/map created identifying all the stories you want to create over the next 6-12 months

� Invest the extra effort to have a picture that goes along with the story◦ Visuals catch much more attention than text only

� Proofread and grammar check◦ People will judge based on these things

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� Use language that connects to your audience◦ Be professional (no swearing or slang) but otherwise write at the level of the audience and use terminology they would expect and be familiar with.

� Have a personality◦ This is the chance to build your brand and establish a voice that your audience can relate to.

� Don’t sell◦ People will share your success and excitement, but they don’t want to help you push products or services

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� Using a hosted platform like Wix or means they do most of the security for you.

� Contact form spam◦ If you have a contact form on your website, you will likely get spam messages submitted. Don’t click on any links in emails that come from your site.

� Always try to keep your platform up to date if you have a self-hosted Wordpress website

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� Create your website using language your customers will use and search for

� Link to reputable resources (other websites) when it is natural within content

� Create social media accounts that link to your website

� Develop relationships with reputable sources who can put links on their sites to your website.

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� Set up your Google Business Listing (free)◦

◦ Shows on maps

◦ Dominates direct searches (sidebar info)

◦ Allows reviews

◦ Significantly increases Google search ranking

� Submit your website to Google Search◦

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Thank you for having me today!

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