setting up a representative office in singapore

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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Setting Up a Representative Office in Singapore

A presentation brought to you by


Types of Structures in Singapore

• The economic development of Singapore has led to an increasing number of foreign companies setting up operations here.

• Among the types of structures available for registration for foreign entities are branch offices, subsidiaries and representative or liaison offices. 


What is a Singapore Representative Office?

•  The representative office is a structure with no legal status.

• A Singapore liaison office is not allowed to engage in any commercial activity in Singapore.

• Our Singapore lawyers can provide you with a detailed definition of the liaison office.


Why Set Up a Liaison in Singapore?

• Representative offices are suitable for companies wanting to have a permanent establishment in Singapore and benefit from the city-state’s double tax agreements.

•  Since 2012 foreign enterprises may register liaison offices for a maximum period of three years after which the status of the company must be changed and registered with the Singapore Trade Register.


Services Offered by a Liaison Office in Singapore

• The Singapore liaison office is only allowed to carry out activities with a non-commercial purpose, such as:

marketing and feasibility studies;

customer support activities;

act as a contact point between the parent company and business partners in Singapore.


Setting Up a Representative Office in Singapore

• Foreign companies are subject to several conditions in order to be allowed to open representative offices in Singapore:

the company must be registered for at least three years in its country of origin;

it must have a minimum sales return of 250,000 US dollars;

it must have a maximum number of five employees.


Documents for Opening a Singapore Liaison Office

• When starting a liaison office in Singapore, the parent company must submit the following the documents:

a prescribed application form duly completed;

the parent company’s certificate of incorporation;

the foreign company’s last annual report and audited accounts;

a declaration stating to comply with the Terms and Conditions regulating representative offices in Singapore.


Other Requirements for a Liaison Office in Singapore

• The Singapore representative office must renew its status every year and must bear the name of the parent company.

• If the liaison office will employ Singapore citizens or bring any staff member from the parent company, employment visas will be required for the foreign employees.


Assistance in Opening a Liaison Office in Singapore

• The documentation related to opening a representative office must be filed with International Enterprise by a professional or by a law firm in Singapore.

• If you need assistance in setting up a liaison office in the city-state, do not hesitate to contact our Singapore lawyers.


Thank you for your attention!

For more information, please contact us at:

+ 852 8191 3385


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