session 7: using national grids - marquette universityintroductionteragridopen science gridother...

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Introduction TeraGrid Open Science Grid Other Resources Conclusion

Session 7: Using National Grids

Craig A. Struble, Ph.D.

July 15, 2010

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Introduction TeraGrid Open Science Grid Other Resources Conclusion


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Introduction TeraGrid Open Science Grid Other Resources Conclusion

TeraGrid Resources

Large parallel computers

Research clouds based on Nimbus

Distributed computing resources on Condor

GPU cluster

Visualization cluster

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TeraGrid Resource Locations

Indiana University










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Introduction TeraGrid Open Science Grid Other Resources Conclusion

TeraGrid Champions

Assist in

Getting access

Proposal development

Finding help

Finding appropriate resources

Marquette has 3 champions

Xizhou Feng

Lars Olson

Craig Struble

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User Portal

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Introduction TeraGrid Open Science Grid Other Resources Conclusion

Resource Allocations

Startup/Education Allocation

30,000 - 200,000 Service Units (SUs)No request deadlines2 weeks after submission

Research Allocation

200,000 - Unlimited SUs4 deadlines: Jan 15, Apr 15, Jul 15, Oct 154 starts: Apr 1, Jul 1, Oct 1, Jan 110 page, 15 page proposal

Most NSF-funded projects are eligible for TeraGrid allocations.

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Open Science Grid

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Introduction TeraGrid Open Science Grid Other Resources Conclusion

Gaining Access

“OSG does not currently support individual researchers. Rather,users of the OSG are required to band together into VirtualOrganizations (VOs).”

Join the general OSG VO

Join an existing VO(

Create a new VO

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Introduction TeraGrid Open Science Grid Other Resources Conclusion

Using OSG

Depends on VO you join.

Condor and Globus tools are common queuing systems.

Can set up local submission nodes for your team’s use.

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OSG Resources

Much more integrated than TeraGrid

Hadoop and other large storage file systems

Primarily for distributed, high-throughput jobs

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A cloud provides a flexible environment for developing applicationsthat run on many machines you don’t own. Usually, a sharedstorage system is provided by a cloud provided for largestorage/analysis needs. Some clouds let you choose the operatingsystem to run, as if you do own the machines.

Microsoft Azure

Available to NSF funded projects

Amazon EC2

Has educational program for $100 credit

Shameless Plug: Clouded Computational Science will be offered inFall 2010 and will cover using clouds.

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More Resources

caGrid (


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Introduction TeraGrid Open Science Grid Other Resources Conclusion


MUGrid is a bridge to national grid resources

National grid resources are larger and more specialized

TeraGrid is better suited for large, parallel style jobs

OSG is better suited for large, distribute, high-throughput jobs

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Introduction TeraGrid Open Science Grid Other Resources Conclusion

Get Started

Practice using MUGrid

Contact Xizhou, Lars or Craig for help with TeraGrid

Contact Craig for help with OSG, BOINC, or other resources

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