service excellence

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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Service Excellence TrainingService Excellence Training

By Sasongko Nugroho

Customers’ Assessment of Service Excellence Customers’ Assessment of Service Excellence ( ( Penilaian pelanggan terhadap Layanan PrimaPenilaian pelanggan terhadap Layanan Prima ) )

Aspects :Aspects :

1. Tangible2. Reliability3. Responsiveness4. Competence5. Courtesy6. Credibility7. Security8. Access9. Communication10. Understand the


1. Tangible1. Tangible

Appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel and communication materials.

Penampilan dari setiap ruangan yang diatur secara desain, tata letak, paduan warna, cahaya ,yang menampilkan kenyamanan hotel. Fasilitas dan perlengkapan alat komunikasi. Penampilan karyawan yang menarik sesuai dengan ciri khas dan konsep hotel.

2. Reliability2. Reliability

Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately.

Kemampuan staff dalam memberikan layanan prima sesuai yang dijanjikan dan dapat diandalkan juga tepat.

Willingness to help customers and provide prompt service.

Keinginan dan kesediaan staff serta cepat tanggap dalam membantu tamu dan memberikan layanan yang cepat.

3. Responsiveness3. Responsiveness

Possession of the required skills and knowledge to perform the service.

Staff yang memiliki kepiawaian serta wawasan yang diperlukan agar dapat memberikan layanan prima.

4. Competence4. Competence

5. Courtesy5. Courtesy Politeness, respect, consideration and friendliness of contact personnel.

Does the customer service have a pleasant demeanor?

Staff yang sopan, ramah,menghargai, selalu menunjukkan keramah tamahan.

Apakah staff yang berhu bungan dengan tamu memiliki perangai yang menyenangkan ?

6. Credibility6. CredibilityTrustworthiness,

believability, honesty of the service provider.

Does the hotel have a good reputation ?

Kepercayaan, integritas yang harus dijaga oleh manajemen hotel dan staff yang menunjukkan kejujuran.

Apakah hotel tsb mempunyai reputasi baik?

7. Security7. Security Freedom from danger, risk or doubt.

Is it safe for me to keep my valuable things in the safe deposit box ?

Tamu yang merasa terbebas dari bahaya, resiko dan keraguan baik secara fisiologis ataupun secara psikologis.

Amankah bila saya menyimpan barang-barang berharga didalam safe deposit box ?

8. Access8. Access Approachability and ease of contact.

How easy is it for me to talk to the senior manager when I have a problem ?

Kemudahan dalam aksesibilitas.

Bila saya mengalami kesulitan dan masalah seberapa mudah saya bisa berhubungan dengan manajer senior ?

9. Communication9. CommunicationKeeping customers

informed in Language that they can understand and listening to them.

Selalu menjaga komunikasi efektif dua arah dengan tamu dengan menggunakan bahasa yang dimengerti dan dapat memahami serta mau mendengarkan dengan baik.

10. Understand the Customer10. Understand the CustomerMaking the effort to

know customers and their needs.

Does someone in the hotel recognize me as a regular customer?

Staff yang selalu berupaya memahami akan kebutuhan tamu.

Apakah staff hotel mengenali saya sebagai tamu tetap ?

What is Service Excellence ?What is Service Excellence ?1. Recognize of

Customers’ Needs.

2. Undivided Attention.

3. Professionalism.4. Individualized

Service.5. Assure

Satisfaction.6. The host of your


Handling Guest Complaint :Handling Guest Complaint :Assure Satisfaction Assure Satisfaction

Complaints are often seen as a failure and a rather regrettable occurrence . However, when the moment arrives, we can still correct the situation by effectively handling a guest complaint and taking appropriate action.

Keluhan sering kali diamati sebagai suatu kegagalan dan kejadian yang disesalkan. Tetapi bila itu harus terjadi, kita masih bisa menanganinya dengan benar dan mengambil tindakan yang semestinya.

There are three stages to handling There are three stages to handling complaints:complaints: 1. Before meeting the

guest : Get into the right

frame of mind-think positively, not panicky.(gunakan kerangka berpikir dengan benar, berpikir positif, jangan panik)

This is an opportunity to show you care, to put things right, to help.( peluang untuk menunjukkan kepedulian, membantu)

Try to get any facts available.(mencoba mendapatkan fakta yang ada)

Act swiftly ( bertindak wajar)

2. On Meeting with guest Listen carefully to the guest’s

entire story – without interrupting.(mendengarkan dengan seksama keterangan tamu secara keseluruhan, tanpa menyela )

Do not take it personally.( jangan diambil ke hati )

Show empathy by your phrases or gestures.( tunjukkan rasa empati melalui ungkapan atau bahasa tubuh)

Use open body language.( gunakan bahasa tubuh yang sopan )

Thank the guest and apologize.(ucapkan terima kasih dan minta maaf )

Clarify any points necessary.( jelaskan poin-poin yang perlu )

3. After The Meeting :Take action

immediately or refer to those who can.( ambil tindakan dengan segera atau limpahkan kepada yang mampu )

Follow up / report.( tindak lanjuti / buat laporan )

Check back with the guest if possible.( periksa kembali dengan tamu bila memungkinkan )

What you should NEVER do when handling a complaintWhat you should NEVER do when handling a complaint ((Yang harus dihindarkan bila menangani keluhan)Yang harus dihindarkan bila menangani keluhan)

Talk down to the guest ( menganggap remeh kepada tamu )

Argue back ( berdebat )Blame others or the

guest himself ( menyalahkan staff lain atau tamunya sendiri)

Over excuses ( terlalu sering minta maaf )

Be defensive ( bersikap difensif )

Show a shy reaction( menunjukkan reaksi malu )

Benefits of ComplaintsBenefits of Complaints A chance to improve

standards.( kesempatan untuk memperbaiki standar)

See where we need to do extra training.( pelatihan apa yang dibutuhkan )

Know what guest ’s needs are.( memahami kebutuhan tamu )

Prevents unhappy feeling as guest leaves.( mencegah perasaan tidak nyaman ketika tamu meninggalkan)

Bring us closer to the guest.(hubungan dengan tamu semakin lebih baik)

Hotel Guest CourtesyHotel Guest CourtesyGreeting and Welcoming

Guest.Offering Service.Presenting Items.Making Request.Confirming Requests.Body Language.Small Talk.Saying Goodbye.Apologizing.Avoid Misunderstanding.Thanking the GuestInvite them backChecking Guest


Remember! Courtesy is the AnswerRemember! Courtesy is the Answer

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