september 2015 voice of the spirit

Post on 23-Jul-2016






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Monthly Publication of the Ohio State Council Knights of Columbus


KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SEPTEMBER 2015 Monthly Publication of the Ohio State Council

Brother Knights,

A little on Membership:

I cannot believe that the

Labor Day weekend

approaches and that the

Summer Season is all but

over. As we begin the

Autumn Season of this

fraternal year I would like

to thank all who work so

hard in July in August to

get our great State of Ohio

off and running with new

membership intake. All

have done a fine job.

Brothers please don't get

complacent with our

overnight success, there's

a long road ahead of us

until we reach our

membership goal of 3000

new Knights in Ohio.

Continue to recruit well in

September. Plan now and

gear up for your Council’s

Parish Drive and Ohio’s

big membership push in


Keep scheduling 1st

Degrees. Every District

Deputy is required to

schedule and conduct a 1st

Degree in his district

every month. The Web

page should be

overflowing with the

posting of degree work in

Ohio. If you schedule

them they will come.

Congratulations to the

July Membership Contest

winners and all who

brought in a new member

that month. Contest

winners should be listed

in State Membership

Director Nick Gresko’s


Remember September

brings on a new monthly

membership contest. See

State Membership

Director Nick Gresko’s

column for details.

State Council Finances:

I've had some calls on the

non-receipt of the council's

convention mileage and

per diem checks. First I

opted to authorize

payment of the all Super

Cash Bonanza Rebate

Checks during the month

of July. Secondly I then

authorize payment of all

Council Measure Up

Grant Checks during the

month of August. State

Secretary Brother Kevin

Miller has done a fine job

in transition to his new

duties and has completed

both of these tasks. Now

in September I will

authorize payment of all

the convention mileage

and per diem checks owed

to a council provided that

your council’s State Per

Capita Tax has been paid.

All convention mileage

and per diem checks will

Mission Statement We as men of the Knights of

Columbus, men of faith, are

called through Baptism to

grow and increase in faith.

We are thereby summoned

to serve as witnesses to that

faith in our daily lives, in

the lives of our families, and

in the lives of others

throughout our


Mission Objective Fostering men united in a

faith that will continue the

growth of Fr. McGivney’s

dream ensuring the spread

of Columbianism; becoming

more visible through the

good works of Charity,

Unity, and Fraternity;

creating an atmosphere

which encourages and calls

all Catholic men to serve

with their Brothers.

Check Us Out At



be sent to the Council Financial

Secretary. Thank you for being

understanding with this procedure.

It just makes sense to me to deal

with one state program at a time,

complete it and move forward.

Membership Retention:

Please take the time at your

council to review the Membership

Retention Process. The Supreme

Council has the made some subtle

changes to that process. If you are

not sure of the Membership

Retention Process as set out by the

Supreme Council please contact

either State Retention Chairman

Bill Wirtz or Michael Jordan for

that information.

There are two conditions items

that will hold up and not complete

the process of the suspension of a

member for non-payment of dues.

First the lack of a Council

Retention Chairman listed on the

Council’s Form 365 and secondly

no phone number listed on the

Notice of Intent to Suspend Form

1845. The phone call from the

Council Retention Chairman, the

District Deputy, and the State

Retention Chairman are vital to

the retention process and will not

be overlooked. It is my personal

feeling that if they became a

Knight of Columbus with the

phone number they will go out with

one too. No exceptions.

Old Web site issue:

For some reason and old version of

Brother David Helmstetter, PSD’s

Web site page has emerged. This

site is not a viable web page for

reporting your council activity

reports for the “Through Him, With

Him, In Him” State General

Program. The old “Take Up His

Cross” site will run out at the end

of this calendar year and go away.

We as a State Council have no

control over programs that may be

currently written to this incorrect

website. The key to correct

program reporting on the new

State Web site is if you don't see

my picture on the homepage you're

on the wrong site.

Football Frenzy Fund Raiser:

Your Football Frenzy Campaign

should be in full swing by now. We

need to sell as many tickets as

possible. No ticket should be left on

the table. I’m positive that 58,000

Knights should be able to sell

36,000 tickets. This year we have

made the program more of a

contest and have added some new

incentives. A diocese must sell an

increase of 10% over last year’s

sales. The #1 diocese will earn an

additional $1.oo per ticket sold.

The #2 diocese will earn an

additional $0.50 per ticket and the

#3 diocese will earn an additional

$0.25 per ticket. Remember a

State per capita increase at the

next state convention is looming.

Increased sales resulting in a

$50,000.00 increase in State

Council profits will negate a State

per capita increase at the next

State Convention. God Bless you

with your efforts. It's a win - win

situation for all of us.

Town Hall Meetings begin this


“Town Hall” meetings throughout

Ohio will begin in September with

the following meeting dates, times,

and locations. The meetings are

open form and we'll talk about

whatever might be on your mind at

evening. Meetings are open to all

1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Degree members,

one day as a Knight of Columbus

or 80 years as a Knight of

Columbus. Come and bring an

open mind, your thoughts, and

ideas and help each other become a

better Knight.

Thursday, September 10, Norwood

Council #1162

Tuesday, September 15, Minster

Council #2158

Thursday, September 17, West

Chester Council #13608

Tuesday, September 29, Dayton

Council #500

Thursday, October 8, Bucyrus

Council #711

Tuesday, October 13, Ottawa

Council #1757

Tuesday, October 20, Holy Angels


Thursday, October 27, Perrysburg

Council #7978

Thursday, November 5, Marian

Council #3813

Tuesday, November 10, Mantua

Council #3766

Wednesday, December 16,

Columbus Area

Thursday, December 17, Kenton

Council #1597

Note: ”Town Hall” Meetings in the

Steubenville Diocese will be

scheduled during the month of

January and Cleveland “Town

Hall” Meetings will have one each

month in September through

December at a location TBD.

A thought on Degree Work:

I have attended some degree work

throughout Ohio and need to

address one observation. A 1st, 2nd,

or 3rd Degree is no place for a

Stranger, Candidate or Brother

Knight in t-shirts and shorts.

Please have the respect to the

Order and the Ceremonials to

dress appropriately. Golf or polo

shirts with Dockers type slacks are

a minimum dress that should be

worn to any one attending these

degrees. Please inform all

(Continued from page 1)

(Continued on page 3)




Bob Gilliland


Degrees. Once you

have logged into the State website at, you can

view the upcoming Degrees in your

Diocese and in neighboring Dioceses.

Click on “News & Events” in the

main menu, and then “Degrees”, and

then click on “Display Degrees” to

see the Degrees in your Diocese.

On the next screen, you can select the

type of Degree you want and any

Diocese in the State of Ohio from the

menu selection at the top of the page.

Click “Update List” to update the

displayed degrees with your selection


You will be able to see the date, time,

Diocese, location and contact

information for the degrees you

selected as well as any instructions

for the particular Degree.

All 3rd degrees are displayed in either

a Green or Yellow color (see picture).

The Green color denotes a Degree

that has been approved by the State

Ceremonial Director and a 3rd Degree

Team has been assigned to this

particular Degree. As a result of the

approval, the specific information

about the Degree is displayed. The

Yellow color denotes a pending

Degree that, just like a Council

program, is waiting approval from

Yellow the State Ceremonial Director

to both approve the degree and

assignment of a 3rd degree team to

perform the requested Degree. Once

the State Ceremonial Director

approves the Degree, it will change to

a Green color and the information

about the Degree will be seen.

Any active member of

the Council can view the Degree

schedule for the entire State of Ohio

by selecting the appropriate Diocese

in the upper left corner of the

selection menu. This way, if there is

not a particular Degree in your

Diocese, you can check a neighboring

Diocese for a nearby Degree.

If you have any problems, or need any

help, please feel free to email me at


attending degrees to dress the same.

Ohio Knights Statewide Retreat:

Please mark your calendars for the

Ohio State Council Retreat at the Sts.

Peter and Paul Retreat Centre in

Newark, Ohio. The retreat will take

place the weekend of February 5th

and 6th. A minimal fee for the

overnight event will be required.

Reservations and more information

will come to you in the near future.

Worthy District Deputies:

District Deputies please block out the

weekend of January 8th, 9th, and 10th,

for the January Mid-year Meeting.

Your presence at these gatherings is

vital to the workings of the Knights of

Columbus in the Council, the District,

and all throughout Ohio. I look

forward to seeing everyone there.

Please make arrangements and plan

to attend that weekend. More

information on that weekend will be

passed along to you this November.

In closing:

God Bless and continue to do the work

you do in Jesus name.

Dedicate everything you do for Him to

the honor and glory of God and see

what changes it will make in your life.

Vivat Jesus,

Bob Collins State Deputy

(Continued from page 2) STATE DEPUTY




STATE CHAPLAIN Fr. Edward Janoch

During the last few months there

were released some videos on the

sinful, downright evil, actions of

Planned Parenthood on the sale of

infant body parts after an abortion.

Just when you would think that

Planned Parenthood could not sink

any lower in the moral life, they fall

even lower. It has shocked some

people, but many were not surprised.

When human life is just a “blob of

cells” or some “discarded tissue”,

then the sale of these tissues/organs

is just the next step in the depravity

of this organization.

The Catechism of the Catholic

Church tells us that an abortion is

the “deliberate termination of

pregnancy by killing the unborn

child. Such direct abortion, willed

either as an end or a means, is

gravely contrary to the moral law.

The Church attaches the canonical

penalty of excommunication to this

crime against life.”

This is such a moral offense because

the Church sees life as sacred. The

Congregation of the Doctrine of

Faith, in Donum Vitae, tells us that

“Human life is sacred because from

its beginning it involves the creative

action of God and it remains for ever

in a special relationship with the

Creator, who is its sole end. God

alone is the Lord of life from its

beginning until its end: no one can

under any circumstance claim for

himself the right directly to destroy

an innocent human being.”

Human beings from the moment of

conception must be recognized as

having the rights of a person; the

inviolable right to life. Sacred

Scripture tells us that this life is

known by God for “before I formed

you in the womb I knew you, and

before you were born I consecrated

you.” Jeramiah 1:5; cf. Job 10:8-12;

Psalm ss:10-11.

The creation of a human being is in

God’s Plan. He has a unique role for

this person to perform in life to

promote the Glory of God and the

Salvation of Souls. This respect for

human life is also found in the

earliest writings of the Church. In

the Didache, which was written in

the 1st Century, we read:

“There are two ways, one of

life and one of death; and

between the two ways there

is a great difference.”

“Now, this is the way of life: . . .

The second commandment of

the Teaching: ‘Do not murder;

do not commit adultery’; do not

corrupt boys; do not fornicate;

‘do not steal’; do not practice

magic; do not go in for sorcery;

do not murder a child by

abortion or kill a newborn

infant. ‘Do not covet your

neighbor's property; do not

commit perjury; do not bear

false witness’; do not slander;

do not bear grudges. Do not be

double-minded or double-

tongued, for a double tongue is

‘a deadly snare.’ Your words

shall not be dishonest or

hollow, but substantiated by

action. Do not be greedy or

extortionate or hypocritical or

malicious or arrogant. Do not

plot against your neighbor. Do

not hate anybody; but reprove

some, pray for others, and still

others love more than your own


How straightforward this message is.

The Early Church Fathers also

reminds us that the destruction of

life in the womb is against God’s

Will. In the year 228 A.D., St.

Hippolytus strongly writes in his

Refutations of All Heresies:

"Women who were reputed to

be believers began to take

drugs to render themselves

sterile, and to bind themselves

tightly so as to expel what was

being conceived, since they

would not, on account of

relatives and excess wealth,

want to have a child by a slave

or by any insignificant person.

See, then, into what great

impiety that lawless one has

proceeded, by teaching adultery

and murder at the same time!"

St. Tertullian states from his

Apologia: “It is not permissible for us

to destroy the seed by means of illicit

manslaughter once it has been

conceived in the womb, so long as

blood remains in the person.” While

St. Augustine tells us in his Sermon

126: “Therefore brothers, you see how

perverse they are and hastening

wickedness, who are immature, they

seek abortion of the conception before

the birth; they are those who tell us, ‘I

do not see that which you say must be

believed.’” This issue is not

(Continued on page 5)



something that is recent, but has

been a moral issue from the

beginning of time.

In our times, The Second Vatican

Council, in Gaudium et Spes reminds

us that:

“God, the Lord of life, has

entrusted to men the noble

mission of safeguarding life,

and men must carry it out in a

manner worthy of themselves.

Life must be protected with the

utmost care from the moment

of conception: abortion and

infanticide are abominable


How much more do we need to hear

from Christ and His Bride; the

Church, to promote and defend life?

How many more deaths and

abominable crimes must be done

before we stand up and shout: “NO

MORE!” I think that the time has

passed with almost 60 million lives

destroyed by abortion. We should

have said “NO!” on January 22, 1973

when Roe v Wade made abortion the

“law of the land.” I find this

appalling for the Declaration of

Independence declared that the

citizens of this new nation had the

“right to LIFE, LIBERTY, and the


HAPPINESS” [emphasis is mine].

As members of the

Knights of Columbus, we need to

stand for LIFE. Our moral life

requires us to do this. Our salvation

depends on it. Let us see what

activities we can plan to do during

the upcoming month of October,

which is designated as the Month for

Life. One thing that we need to do

now is to continue to pray before a

Planned Parenthood facility to pray

for the souls of the infants killed and

for those who are performing the

abortions and who support this

“crime against LIFE.”

Vivat Jesus!

(Continued from page 4) STATE CHAPLAIN

Padre Pio was born of

simple, hardworking farming people

on May 25,

1887 in



Italy. He




until his

entry to the

novitiate of



Friars at

the age of 15. Of feeble health but

strong will, with the help of grace he

completed the required studies and

was ordained a priest in 1910.

On September 20, 1918 the five

wounds of our Lord's passion

appeared on his body, making him

the first stigmatized priest on the

history of the Catholic Church.

Countless persons were attracted to

his confessional and many more

received his saintly counsel and

spiritual guidance through


His whole life was marked by long

hours of prayer and continual

austerity. His letters to his spiritual

directors reveal the ineffable

suffering, physical and spiritual,

which accompanied him all through

his life. They also reveal his deep

union with God, his burning love for

the Blessed Eucharist and Our

Blessed Lady. Worn out by over half

a century of intense suffering and

constant apostolic activity in San

Giovanni Rotondo, Padre Pio was

called to his heavenly reward on

September 23, 1968. After a public

funeral, which attracted over

100,000 mourners, his body was

entombed in the crypt of Our Lady of

Grace Church. Increasing numbers

flock to his tomb from all parts of the

world and many testify to spiritual

and temporal graces received.

On the 16th of February 1973, the

Archbishop of Manfredonia, Msgr.

Valentino Vailati, consigned the

documentation to the Sacred

Congregation of the Causes of Saints

so as to obtain the "nihil obstat" for

the beginning of the process of his

Beatification. On December 18,

1997, by the reading of the decree on

the herocity of virtues, the Holy

Father Saint John Paul II declared

Padre Pio "Venerable."

The steps taken in the process of

Padre Pio's beatification are the


March 20, 1983, the

Diocesan Process was begun

January 21, 1990, the aforesaid

process was closed

December 18, 1997, the reading of

the decree on the herocity of the virtues

December 21, 1998, the publication

of the decree on the miracle

Sunday, May 2, 1999, Saint Pope John

Paul II declared Padre Pio Blessed.

The Beatification ceremonies in

Rome, Italy were host to more than

one million pilgrims. Here in the

USA, Our Lady of Grace Chapel and

Padre Pio Spirituality Centre

(National Centre for Padre Pio) was

host to over 20,000 pilgrims from as

far as California, Canada and Guam.

Saint Pope John Paul II canonized

Padre Pio of Pietrelcina a Saint on

June 16, 2002 in one of the largest

attended liturgies ever in the

Vatican's history. The Pope

remarked that Padre Pio's

spirituality and suffering are a

valuable model for modern times.

The Pope reemphasized his message

at the end of the canonization liturgy

by announcing Padre Pio's feast day,

September 23rd, is an "obligatory

memorial" in the church's general

liturgical calendar.






Nick Gresko

“Inspector Membership”

State Membership Director

John Brown

New Council Development

William Wirtz

Retention Director (West)

Michael Jordon

Retention Director (East)

Raymond Darr

Ceremonials Director




Richard Chunnic


Jerome Nowesnick


George Jones


Thomas Offenberger


James Collins


Dave Bender


What is a Church


The Knights of Columbus

designates time each year

when every council is

encouraged to conduct a

Church drive. All councils are

being asked to conduct a

church drive in each parish they serve in October during Columbus Day weekend

(October 10-11) or any weekend in October. The church drive may be the most

effective way of presenting our message to fellow parishioners as well as to recruit

new members. If you have not ordered your church drive materials from

Supreme now is the time!!!

This is a time to tell our story of faith in action with emphasis on fraternal care

and charitable works.

Prepare yourselves:

Meet with the pastor and inform him of your intentions and secure his


Place an insert in your parish bulletin/s notifying the parishioners of

the upcoming drive.

Order recruitment brochures, posters and flyers from the Supreme

Council Supply Department (Allow 4 – 5 weeks for delivery)

Develop or update the council’s brochure and make adequate copies.

Prepare an effective and concise pulpit talk to be given within the time

frame allowed.

Contact and schedule members to assist with recruitment activity and

do not forget to invite your field agent to attend.

Identify teams to call on prospects or schedule an information night,

and then schedule at least two first degree opportunities for the new


During the scheduled weekend:

Set up information tables, place posters and flyers at all entrances of

the Church

Personally hand out prospect cards to everyone as they enter the

church or have cards and pencils available in each pew of the church.

Have a council member give a presentation to the parishioners and

ASK them to join the Knights. Ask the Mass celebrant your pastor to

give his words of endorsement.

Schedule plenty of brother Knights to hand our material and mingle

with the crowd

Schedule brothers to work, do not rely on those who happen to show up

for Mass that day. Hand out material, mix with the parishioners and

collect prospect cards.

Follow-up after the weekend drive

Within 48 hours make personal contact with every prospect.

Set up an appointment to meet with him and his spouse at their home

or inform them of the scheduled information night.

Offer transportation and refreshments if holding an information night.

(Continued on page 7)



Information night

Be organized, have an adequate number of brochures, explain

benefits of being a member, share council activities, have field

agent speak about fraternal benefits, have chaplain/pastor give

his endorsement, show film such as “Experience of a Lifetime”,

call on dignitaries for comments.

After program, assist each prospect with the completion of a Form #100. Inform them of First Degree

dates. Have snack and refreshments available upon conclusion of your meeting.

Offer transportation and refreshments if holding an information night.

The First Degree

Conduct a First Degree no later than two weeks after your informational meeting.

Offer transportation.

Prepare degree certificates.

Inform them of the next meeting date and time, upcoming activities and how they can be involved

with your council.

(Continued from page 6)

4 MORES: MORE Knights

bring MORE hands & hearts,

to raise MORE funds and to

evangelize, doing GOD’S good

works helping MORE people

in need!


OHIO For two straight months we have been positive with

membership recruitment. Brother Knights what do you

have planned for the next two months to keep this trend

up? Inspector Membership is expecting huge numbers

the next few months!!! Inspector also wants to thank all

of the Brother Knights and Councils for their hard work

when it comes to membership for the first two months!!!

FORM 450 & 450C ARE LIKE GOLD!!! District Deputies please make sure within two days of

holding a degree in your District the Form 450 is turned

in. Grand Knights and Financial Secretaries the Form

450C should be sent in within two days of doing a degree.

This is extremely important because this allows us to

track if Supreme actually processed your Form 100’s! If

you took the time to bring in a new member the State

Membership Team wants to make sure you get credit for

your work and effort.

FORM 100’S

Within two days of a degree any Form 100’s should

be emailed to the Supreme Council at or to Supreme is able to

process the Form 100 much quicker this way and you

have a receipt that they were sent in your sent mail.

Plus this saves your council the cost of a stamp every

time new members are brought in.



PROACTIVE RETENTION Michael Jordon & William Wirtz,


There are many definitions of

“retention”, but unless you are

holding your water or building a

wall we believe the following

meaning applies to what we should

do as Knights.

Our “retention” relates to “the fact

of keeping something in one's

memory” or “the act or power of

remembering things.” Why use this

version? Let’s just say “retention”

is not all about the Form 1845

process. We strongly recommend

we all be more proactive, so as to

lessen the need for the Form 1845.

Let’s make contact with our

Brothers by any means necessary to

ensure they are not forgotten, to

help them to feel needed and

respected, and to impress upon

them how they are valued members

of our fraternity. Put your

Retention Committee into action

throughout the entire fraternal


Please allow the Holy Spirit, and

our Through Him, With Him,

and In Him program, guide our

hearts and our actions for the next

two years. Embrace the Retention

Activities Program and get creative

with your efforts to reach out to all

our current members.

For questions and assistance please

don’t hesitate to contact the Ohio

State Council Retention Directors.

Michael Jordan

State Retention Director East

2325 Innwood Drive

Austintown, OH 44515-7317


William Wirtz, Jr.

State Retention Director West

2221 Vienna Parkway

Dayton, OH 45459



MISSION #3 Parties, Cookouts and More

Summer is coming to end as Labor

Day approaches. There will be

parties, cookouts, fantasy football

drafts and more. What a perfect

time to get out and talk about the

Knights of Columbus to your

friends and recruit.

Inspector Membership is

challenging all of us during this

end of summer celebration to go

out and recruit some

members. Yes, there are

incentives provided you accept

your mission. Watch the video

below and read the flyer - send out

to all of your council

members. Challenge yourselves to

take it to the next level - and we

are not talking about just

hamburgers and hot dogs either.

Firecracker 4

July Membership Program Winners

3 councils that bring in 4 new members will each win $100.00

1. Council #478 Steubenville Diocese

2. Council #2050 Toledo Diocese

3. Council #3410 Cleveland Diocese

2 DDs whose districts bring in 8 new members will win $100.00


1. DD #40 Andrew Colgrove Columbus Diocese

2. DD #56 Anthony Offenberger Steubenville Diocese

5 Proposers will win $50 each

1. David Neuzil Cleveland Diocese

2. Terry Welch Steubenville Diocese

3. Robert Powell Cleveland Diocese

4. Leroy Golembiewski Cleveland Diocese

5. Eric Rutkowski Toledo Diocese



The World Meeting of Families

will be held September 22-25. We

should keep these participants in

our prayers for a successful

gathering. This would be a great

time to bring your Councils

families together for a prayer

service and honoring the Families

that do so much in your Council.

Supreme Council continues to

honor families with the “Family of the Month”, now would be the time to submit a

worthy family in this program.

By now, councils should have all there Chairman’s in place and completing plans for

the programs this coming year. Reporting these programs is also part of the activity

that was held. As you report these activities on line remember to write them down

on the Star Council checklist to keep track of the activities on the #SP form.

The Directors and I are always available to assist you with Programming questions

that may arise in the Council. Remember to hold monthly meetings to review the

progress of your planned activities, and to check on the activities that have been

reported. This meeting should be held by the end of the month before reports are due.

God Bless,

Bob Walsh

General Program Director





Robert Walsh

General Program


Gary Anderson

Culture of Life

Jeff Kiliany


Stewart Vetter


Tom Buehner


Mike Nau


Tom Forsthoefel





Joe Mackos

Vocations & Round


Harding Christ

Editor “Buckeye


Marty Schumacher


Robert Gilliland


Jim Maslach

Social Media


There is never a dull

moment in the pro-life

movement! Just two days

prior to my drafting of this

article, the Center for

Medical Progress (CMP)

released the seventh in its

series of undercover videos

of top Planned Parenthood

officials callously

discussing their diabolical

work of harvesting and

selling baby parts and

organs. Can anything be

more hideous? Yet, the

majority of Americans in

recent polling still believe

Planned Parenthood

deserves ongoing funding.

That, brother knights, is

symptomatic of the

darkness and hardness of

soul of so many people in

our nation today. CLICK

HERE to view CMP's


Knights of Columbus

around the state of Ohio

and across the nation have,

in one voice, let our

politicians and legislators

know that we demand an

end to this genocide.

Congratulations and my

deepest gratitude to all

who have stood up for the

little innocents. But we

cannot let up now. With

the release of every

successive video-they seem

to become more grotesque

with each release-the

general public is beginning

to wake up to the horrors

and deception of that most

despicable and murderous

organization known as

Planned Parenthood.

Please continue to keep the

heat on them through

letters to the editor,

Internet posts, in group

discussions, among your

friends and acquaintances,

by continued contact with

your state and national

elected officials, and, most

importantly, through

ongoing prayer. Prayer and

fasting may be the only

way to cure such grave evil

and hardness of heart.

For a list of your U.S.

senators and

representatives by zip

code, CLICK HERE. To

find your Ohio

representatives by zip

code, CLICK HERE for the

Ohio Senate and CLICK

HERE for the Ohio House

of Representatives.

(Continued on page 11)



Councils across the Buckeye State

are in high gear planning their bus

trips to the March for Life 2016 in

Washington, D.C. The 43rd March

steps off around 1:00 pm on Friday,

January 22, 2016, preceded by the

big rally at noon. If your council is

interested in sponsoring a bus, now

is the time to make it happen. The

March for Life website is chock full

of important and useful information

such as a downloadable trip

planner, Rally and March

information, Conference and Expo

details, and much more. CLICK


The March for Life is Culture of

Life Activity #48 on pages 65 and

66 of the General Program Book.

Please note that it is a Supreme

Featured Program, meaning if

your council meets the Featured

Program requirements to the letter,

this activity will max out the

Culture of Life state program as

well as fulfill the Culture of Life

component of the Columbian


For last minute details and Ohio

locations for the September 12

National Day of Remembrance

for Aborted Children event going

on nationally and across Ohio, visit

the website by CLICKING HERE,

or see pages 66 and 67 for Activity

#50 in the program book. The fall

40 Days for Life campaign runs

from September 23 through

November 1. You can get details at

their website by CLICKING HERE,

or under Culture of Life Activity

#47 on pages 64 and 65 of the

program book.

The Respect Life Program from the

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

(USCCB) begins anew each year on

Respect Life Sunday, the first

Sunday in October, which this year

falls on October 4, and is a part of

Respect Life Month. The program

is highlighted in liturgies and

marked by special events

throughout October. The USCCB

Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities

publishes new materials each year

to call attention to numerous

human life issues. The packet

contains everything your council

and parish needs to observe Respect

Life Month by sponsoring valuable

and beneficial events and activities

during the month.

To order the free 2015-2016 Respect

Life Program packet, call toll free

now at 866-582-0943 or visit the

website by CLICKING HERE.

Activities conducted in observance

of Respect Life Month in October

may be submitted as a Council

Choice, either Activity #53 or #54.

Let's keep those life-saving

ultrasound machines coming for

deserving pregnancy care centers!

They are the best antidote to the

poison of Planned Parenthood and

other abortionists. We're nearing

our 30th machine here in Ohio-

placing us at an astonishing #6 in

the country-but more are needed!

This is also a Supreme Featured

Program provided your council

meets the requirements exactly as

outlined by Supreme. More details

on the Ultrasound Initiative,

Activity #45, are on pages 62 and

63 of the program book.

And finally, brothers, remember to

visit and bookmark our Ohio State

Council Facebook page by

CLICKING HERE. It is updated in

real time with the latest Culture of

Life news, as well as a wealth of

other timely, and important State

Council and Supreme Council

updates to benefit your council.

(Continued from page 10)


The tour is over. I have asked

at each diocese how many

parish base council we have.

The response by the show of

hands in attendance is over 100

councils. And yet, I have only

received 1 council to report a

round table. WHY? All you

need to do is fill out the form

enter parish base council grand

knights name and mail it to

supreme or scan in the

computer and email supreme,

and copy me.

Every council should take the

time to file a form whether

you’re a parish base council or a

home base council. I’m sure

that your members are active

within their parishes and

probably many sit on a parish

council. These are the members

that would be a good candidate

for the round table.

Please see the for that I have

sent along print it off fill it out

send it in.

You don’t need a hole list of

names 1, 2 or 3 would be great.

Hope to be seeing your form


Double-click the form to the

right to access.



FAMILY Stewart Vetter

Have you planned your fraternal

night? Maybe you don’t know what

it is or why it’s important. A

fraternal night is an opportunity to

bring several services and

representatives together

in front of your members

for end of life planning.

You definitely want to

invite your Knights of

Columbus insurance field

agent. Ask him to speak

about the differences

between types of

insurance, long term care

products, estate planning,

and what happens when

he gets a form 100 about a

member’s passing. Many

of us aren’t sure how

insurance and death

certificates and filings

work after your spouse dies and it’s

better to be educated before it

happens then to try to juggle all

these things while grieving the love

of your life.

You could invite a local attorney to

discuss wills, estate planning,

probate court, etc. He should also be

prepared to discuss estimated costs

for some of these things. Many of

our Brothers don’t prepare because

they fear the cost will be excessively

high or they don’t realize that a few

simple things now can save their

grieving spouse many headaches


Ask a local funeral home if they

would like to send a representative

to discuss pre-planning memorial

services and costs associated. Pre-

planning can be a huge relief to a

grieving family and to the deceased.

Have you ever asked your wife

where she wants to be buried? Have

you told her where you want to be

buried? Do you want buried at all?

Does she want to be cremated and

sit on the mantle until you pass too?

Do you want an open casket? Do

you want a viewing at all? These

are important issues that can all be

discussed and preplanned.

Maybe you invite a local financial

planner to discuss

retirement and financial

preparedness. Though our

insurance agents are

amazing and have the

same skills as most

financial planners, there

are products they don’t

offer (401K, 503C, IRA,

etc.) and having another

financial professional

present gives someone to

speak to those products.

The real goal of a fraternal

night is to get spouses and

families talking about

plans for the future. This

is a great opportunity for our

brothers, our ladies, and our

families to be educated about events

that are best planned and prepared

for. None of us like to think about

the end but as men it is our job to

make sure we have cared for our

families and eased the stress on our

grieving loved ones. Tempest

Fugit, Memento Mori

There are several requirements you

need to work on in September.

They are summarized below and

listed in the District Deputy Manu-

al. Remember the monthly reports

are due by 11:59PM on the 5th of

every month. We need a 100% on-

time turn in. Also these reports are

to be done on line. The link will

either be on the website or sent out

by your Diocesan Coordinator. If

you are having trouble contact your

diocesan coordinator for assistance.

The numbers for this report should

be for AUGUST ONLY. Do not in-

clude your July totals in this report.

September Requirements

1. District Membership Plan of

the District and of your coun-

cils to be sent to the Diocesan

District Deputy Coordinator

2. Contact all your councils

and get the total number of

Measure- Up Rulers needed.

Send the total number you

need for your district to the

State Warden.

3. Follow up with your Grand Knights

to be sure they have appointed a

Round Table Coordinator for each

parish they have. (Supreme Report

Form 2629) Due by September 1st

4. Get councils to order the Soccer

Challenge Kits.

5. Submit the Su-

preme Form 450 for all

Degrees in your district to Supreme,

the State Membership Director and

to the District Deputy Director.

6. Turn in September DD

Monthly Report to your coor-

dinator and District Deputy

Director on or before October


7. Make sure all of your councils

have turned in Forms 185,

365, and the council audit.

Keep up all the good work you do.

George Metz



I am most happy to report, that 61 Councils in

Ohio achieved the Star Council Award for the

2014 - 2015 Fraternal Year. What an

accomplishment! We exceeded our quota by four

councils. Great job, Grand Knights, General

Agents and Field Agents!

As part of my State Deputy Incentive Program

from last fraternal year, each Grand Knight will

receive a $100 check from the State Council for

achieving the Star Council Award. Please

remember the Supreme Council Incentive: all

councils achieving the Star Council Award will

have their Supreme Council per capita for 2015-

2016 credited for all members paying dues. You

will likely receive a notice that your per capita tax has been credited. Supreme will also award each council with

the Star Council Award plaque and each Council Grand Knight, General Program Director and Membership

Director will receive a special lapel pin in recognition of your council’s achievement.

Here are the 61 Councils in Ohio that achieved the STAR COUNCIL AWARD:

In addition, six District Deputies achieved Star District and they will receive a check for $100 from the State

Council. Great job!

State Family Activities Director, Mike Saine achieved the highest participation in all our six service programs

during the last program year and he will receive a check for $100. In addition, we had a special District Deputy

Incentive and DD 46 Keith Dunnigan will receive a check for $100. Great job to all our District Deputies!

Thanks, again, to everyone for the dedication and commitment to our goals and objectives from last fraternal year.

Now is the time to re-dedicate our efforts for our new State Deputy Robert Collins and to his “Through Him, With

Him and In Him” State Program!

God Bless,

Ken Girt

Immediate Past State Deputy

637 2280 5239 11354 13813 14457 15043 15793

1056 2565 5559 11445 13984 14502 15056 15824

1234 2640 5628 11550 14093 14714 15401 15901

1597 3123 5801 12359 14155 14834 15447 15905

1641 3698 5899 12772 14282 14882 15458 15942

1757 3724 10941 12939 14344 14962 15533

1801 4733 11216 13429 14345 14995 15569

2158 5128 11224 13608 14406 15009 15614

William Donohue, DD 21 Rodney Anderson, DD 43

William Reinhard, DD 37 Ronald Ginnetti, DD 51

Brett Gissel, DD 41 Denver Mossing, DD 56




My Brother Knights, 2

months into this year's

program and reports are

due soon. Remember,

Forms are a critical part of

programming as well as

an important

communication tool for all of

us as we continue the

journey into this

Fraternal Year.

As we continue to compose the new 2015-2017 State Directory and

get it ready for publication, If your council has any roster changes

throughout the year especially in regards to your Grand Knight

please submit the changes or additions on the appropriate form

185 to Supreme and a copy to the State Council.

Administration Forms are a requirement and their timing of

submittal is critical for Star council and Special Program awards

in the individual State Programs. Administration Forms should

be submitted to the proper Supreme address and copies whether

paper or electronic should be submitted to the State Forms

Chairman based on the Table below:

Please utilize the Table above and the Forms Checklist provided

in the General Program book on page 30. This checklist is an

excellent tool to help you succeed this next year.

Copies should be sent to the State Forms Chairman:

Richard Royle

13942 Olde Orchard Rd.

Strongsville, Ohio 44136-8342

My phone is 216-210-5247 and via email at



Form Title Form Due Date

185 Report of Council Officers July 1 2015

365 Service Program Personnel August 1 2015

1295 Semi-annual Council Audit

Report August 15 2015

1728 Annual Survey of Fraternal


January 31


1295 Semi-annual Council Audit

Report, (December Report)

February 15


SP7 Columbian Award July 30 2016

I’m the guy who asked to join your


I’m the guy who paid his dues to join.

I’m the guy who stood up in front of you and

promised to be faithful and loyal.

I’m the guy who came to your meetings and no

one paid attention to.

I tried several times to be friends, but they all

had their own buddies to talk to and sit next to.

I sat down several times, but no one paid any

attention to me.

I hoped very much that someone would have

asked me to take part in a fund raising project

or something, but no one saw my efforts when I


I missed a few meetings after joining because I

was sick and couldn’t be there.

No one asked me at the next meeting where I

had been.

I guess it didn’t matter very much to others

whether I was there or not.

The next meeting, I decided to stay home and

watch TV.

The following meeting, I attended, but no one

asked me where I was for the last meeting.

You might say I’m a good guy or a “good family

man” who holds a responsible job and loves his

community and country.

You know who else I am? THE GUY WHO


It amuses me how the heads of organizations

and the members discuss WHY the

organization is loosing members.

It amuses me to think that they spend so much

time looking for NEW members when I was

there all the time.

All they need to do was make me feel needed,

wanted, and WELCOME!






27, 2015

Over the past thirteen years,

Ohio State councils have sold

over 165,000 tickets earning

councils over $500,000 in rebates

from the Football Sweepstakes

program. These are rebates that

councils may use to pay expenses

that they choose to

cover from their


Last year there was

a nearly 5%

increase in tickets

sales and a 15%

increase in rebates

to participating

councils. This is a

“Win-Win” situation

for councils – a win

- where $1000 is

awarded to weekly

winners and a win -

where councils will

receive rebate

proceeds. And you

get all of this - 10

weeks of excitement

for only $10.00 a


Once again, the basic incentives

will remain the same as in

previous years, so over $125,000

in rebates can be earn, simply by

selling these football sweepstakes

tickets. The bottom line is that

the more tickets sold the larger

the rebate to your council.


bonus rebate of an extra $1.00

per ticket will be given to all

councils in the diocese that show

greatest increase in sales –

minimum of 10% increase over

2014. A bonus rebate of .50 for

the diocese that has the second

greatest increase in sales, and an

extra .25 for the diocese with the

third greatest increase in sales.



The 2015 sweepstakes involves

the last 10 weeks of games played

by the National Football League

this season – games that will be

played between Nov. 1 and Jan.

3. Donations are $10.00 per

ticket. There are 32 NFL teams

and each ticket has four different

teams each week No other ticket

has the same teams in any given


A total of $1,000 in prizes is

awarded each week to ticket

holders with the four teams that

score the most – or the least –

number of points in that given

week of games. The scores from

the previous week’s games are

used for teams that are not

scheduled to play on any given

week. It makes no

difference whether teams win or


Total prizes awarded for the 10

weeks are $10,000.00. A winners’

list will be posted on – Password

is going to your ticket number.

Tickets that are sold can be

turned in any time

before October 27,

which is the final

deadline. Sold

tickets, and money,

are to be sent to:

PSD Gary

Eckstein, 1498

River Trail Drive,

Grove City, Ohio

43123. You also

may contact me at

614-679-4238 for

additional tickets.

Winners will be

notified and paid

automatically each

week by the Ohio

State Council.


participants must

print legibly their

name, address,

telephone number, and name and

number of the selling council, on

the ticket stub. The stub, and

$10, is turned in. The participant

keeps the rest of the ticket.




I have chosen “Providing needs for Catholic Education” as the theme of the 2015 Matching Funds

Program. Your council’s contribution to the fund will assist in strengthening the Catholic Education efforts

in every Catholic school, in every religious program, and in every RCIA program of your diocese

The Matching Funds Program will run from September 1, 2015 through November 15, 2015. The Ohio

Charity Foundation, Inc. of the Ohio State Council is matching the first $25,000 donated to this year’s


My goal for the 2015 Matching Funds Program is $70,000 combined with a100% participation of our Ohio

councils. I would hope that all councils across this great state will contribute as generously as they have in

past years.

There are several ways to fund your council’s donation to the Matching Funds Program:

Donate a portion of your Super Cash Bonanza Charity Ticket rebate

Host a council fundraising event with proceeds earmarked for the fund

Pass the hat for donations at council meetings

Ask your members to make a personal pledge to the Matching Funds Program.

Here are several ideas for a successful campaign within your council:

Appoint a chairman

Set a goal of at least 10% higher than last year

Contribute early in the campaign so that your donation will be matched

Send your council’s donation to me, Bob Byers, between September 1 and November 15, 2014.

The Matching Funds 2015 Contribution Form is printed on the back of this letter for your convenience.

All awards will be presented to the District Deputies at the January mid-year meeting for distribution to the

Councils. The following is a list of this year’s awards:

The highest donation overall by a council

The highest donation by a council in each diocese

The highest donation per member by a council in each diocese

The highest donation by a chapter, an assembly, or a squires circle will each receive an award

For those district deputies with 100% council participation in their districts.

Please pray for the success of this year’s Matching Funds campaign. In advance, may God bless you for your

work for religious education and for “Providing needs for Catholic Education”.

Thank you.


Mark Siracusa

State Advocate

2015 Matching Funds Chairman


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