september 2010 enews

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September Edition


September 2010

Cowboy Fellowship News


Growing Together

Issue 16

Most Likely Not…

For this month’s newsletter, I decided to focus on two powerful passages and two of the most

critical issues facing the modern day disciple. These issues concern our brokenness and our obedience.

I am sure that all of you can recall a time in your life when your heart was broken and you felt com-

pelled to act. But did you? If you did allow yourself to be moved into action did you remain fully com-

mitted until God’s mission was complete? If you are anything like me and 99.9% of the rest of the

world, the answer is, most likely not. The following two men did however:

“When I heard these things, I sat down and wept.

For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.”

Nehemiah 1:4 (NIV)

This text calls attention to several questions that every true believer must dare to answer. First,

what breaks your heart? Nehemiah was not just moved when he heard about the plight of his country

and countrymen, he was also broken. His heart was not just touched, it ached with pain. His spirit was

not just stimulated, it was shattered. He sat down and wept bitterly over the things he had just

heard. The Hebrew text implies that this horrific news caused him to abruptly become torn and broken

before God. Have you experienced this same brokenness as you passed a homeless man on the street or

witnessed a single mother struggling to feed her children? Has your heart been shattered at the news of

children who drink contaminated water, die of hunger, or remain uneducated in third world coun-

tries? What have you seen or heard that caused abrupt and sudden brokenness in your life?

The second question is, what will you do about that which breaks your heart? Nehemiah sat

down and wept, he prayed and fasted continually for some time, through his shattered heart. He was im-

mediately moved to become spiritually involved. His spiritual involvement then led him to approach the

king for permission to become physically involved in the situation. Brokenness is worthless if we refuse

to act. Your shattered heart is God’s prompting for action. Certain cases will demand only spiritual

action such as praying and fasting for that which breaks your heart. However, at times God will de-

mand that you act physically as well. This may entail going, giving, recruiting, fundraising, leading,

serving, or even moving among other things. There is no greater tragedy in the entire world than a bro-

ken heart that is wasted when one refuses to respond with the action that God desires.

Our second example is Noah. Have you read the account of the ark and the flood in Genesis 6-8

lately? I am sure you know the story, but I would encourage you to read it again. I love the last verse in

chapter six, which reads Noah did everything just as God commanded him (Genesis 6:22 NIV). The same

statement is made again of Noah in Genesis 7:5. Considering the size and scope of this project (Building

the Ark) it is amazing that Noah did everything just as God had commanded. One commentary writes

“The list of specifications for the ark is not so much that we might be able to see what the ark looked

like but rather that we might appreciate the meticulous care Noah exercised as he obeyed God’s will.”

Lets face it, most of us are unwilling to slow down enough to allow God to break our hearts.

When we do, we are not likely to obey God and complete the mission we have been assigned. It’s too

easy to forget or we assume that someone else will complete the work God has intended for us to accom-

plish. I too admittedly have failed greatly in both of these areas in the past. There is nothing that can be

done about missed opportunities. All we can do is confess our shortcomings and move boldly ahead into

the future. We must refuse to be average, common, or normal when it comes to these two areas of our

Christian walk. The fate of the world rested on both Nehemiah and Noah in the past, and it rests upon

each of us this very day as well.

Pastor Pete

1Kenneth L. Barker and John R. Kohlenberger, eds. Zondervan NIV Bible Commentary.

Accordance electronic ed. (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994), n.p.


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Word From The Pastor

Letters For Our

American Heroes

I have 4 soldiers up on the website this week. I pray you will take the time to click on the link below

and submit a letter for each of them. It only takes a few seconds of your time. Let me introduce them

to you now:

Garnett, Eric COMMENT: Thank you so much for your support!

SPC DuQue IV, John COMMENT: From Pleasanton and will enjoy anything we send!

Gregg, James COMMENT: Would appreciate snacks, personal hygiene items, bedding

and books.

Brannon, Sarah COMMENT: In a remote area. Personal hygiene items are in short supply

as well as bed sheets/blankets, magazines, books, and

snacks. Anything would be appreciated!

Please continue to pray that all our service men and women will come home safely and soon. I

hope that you will use the link below each week. I post a new soldier (or two) every Monday.

Click Here

Love in His name,

Sue Johnson

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Covered Facility Fundraising Thermometer Phase One Goal

Building Update The latest update on the progress of our phase

one building goal is as follows: From August 1st through August 31st you donated $15,372.39 towards the project! We still need an additional $122,398.61 to reach our goal of $950,000.00 to start phase one. We continue to make progress and we are almost there! Be encouraged and don’t stop now! Continue to pray and before you know it that 1st phase will be com-pleted!

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ACOM Report for September

It has been a great summer for ACOM and Cowboy Fellowship.

We are ready to gear up for the Fall events. For ACOM the main focus is

planning for the 4th Annual Fall Festival,

October 31, 2010; 5:30 to 8:30 at Jourdanton City Park. This is the larg-est Fall Festival celebration for the county. It is a safe place for families to

bring their children for some old fashioned school carnival type activities. We will have 2 dunking booths, a large roping area, dart balloon pop, bow

and arrow shooting, a large toddler play area, and multiple face painting booths to name a few of the events.

Of course the main focus of the event is to follow Matthew 28:18-20 and

Mark 16:15 that tells us to go out and make disciples and to spread the

good news of Christ Jesus. We like to use this event to show the commu-nity how much fun Christians can have and to take the opportunity to tell

them about how Christ will change their lives if only they will give Him the chance.

Needless to say these events take a ton of volunteers. We need help in

many areas. If you are interested in helping or setting up a booth of your own please contact Leslie, ACOM’s team leader at 210-626-0145 or or ACOM’s co–leader, Leta Delcourt, at

Church or by phone at 210-559-5368 or email at .

WE pray we will see you there. God Bless.

Luke 12:11-12

*The following are reoccurring

events that take place each

week/month at the same time

unless otherwise denoted:

Church Services - Saturday

Night @ 7:00 PM ; Sunday: @

10:45 AM

Discipleship Classes - Every

Monday _ Starts Sept. 13th

Children’s Play Group Every

Tuesday from 10 - 11:30.

Adult High School - Begins

Sept. 7th and continues until

May ~ Every Tuesday @ 6:30

CAMO - 2nd Tuesday of each

month ~ Lone Star Lodge 6:30

CFY R.E.A.L.M. - Every

Wednesday @ 7:00 unless

otherwise noted.

2nd Saturday Clean Up @ 8:00

Breakfast Provided

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Every 3rd Saturday

@ Stage Stop - 8:00 AM

Please Go To Our Website For

Times And More Information!


AHS Begins 6-8 PM

Portable A


CFY 7:00 PM


Living Hope 6:30

3 4 Baptisms Potluck


Baptisms Potluck


Labor Day Office Closed


Play Group 10:00 AM

AHS Be-gins 6:00 PM

8 9

10 11

2nd Saturday Clean Up


Angel Food Orders Due


Discipleship Classes 6:30 PM


CAMO Meeting 6:30 PM


Women’s Bible Study Portable D 6:30 PM



Ladies Riding Club -6:30 PM

CAMO Fishing Tournament

Captain’s Dinner

7:00 PM


Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

CAMO Fishing Tournament


Saddle Up 6:00 PM

20 21 22 23

24 25

Angel Food Pick Up

CAMO Dove Hunt - 1 PM


27 28 29 30

Helping Hands

10:00 AM

Schedule Of Events

September 2010

I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Isaiah 6:8

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Women’s Bible Study ~ Fall 2010

The new session of the WBS will begin on Wednesday, September 15, 2010

from 6:30-8:30 in Portable Building D at Cowboy Fellowship. We are studying

Becoming a Woman of Simplicity by Cynthia Heald. The following is and excerpt

from the preface of the book: ‚As you explore this whole idea of simplifying your

life, you will discover that God wants you to know His perfect peace, to choose

the ‚best‛, and to live in the present. You will find Biblical principles that will

teach you to live simply and purely in devotion to Christ so that you can say with

the psalmist, ‘I have calmed and quieted myself, like a weaned child who no

longer cries for its mother’s milk. Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within

me.’ (Psalm 131:2) Blessings as you join me in becoming a woman of simplicity.‛

There are women who are new Christians and women who are mature Chris-

tians in this study. Please do not let it keep you away if you have never done a Bi-

ble Study or if you think you don’t have enough Biblical knowledge to come.

This study is about creating and developing a bond with your fellow sisters in

Christ. We hope you will join us. Please sign up at the back of the sanctuary or

contact Leslie at 210-626-0145 or Colossians 2:2-3

(NIV) ‚ 2My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love,

so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they

may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, 3in whom are hidden all the treas-

ures of wisdom and knowledge.‛

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Build The Village


Wanted to catch you up on the summer activities at Choimim, Kenya. First, the summer has been very busy with a large

number of volunteers traveling to Choimim. We have been blessed with medical, sports, construction, evangelism,

discipleship, and teaching teams this year! The efforts of so many have been a tremendous blessing for the church,

Noel Academy, the Children’s center, the schools and the community at large.

The medical team held several programs including a health clinic and first aid training along with biblical discipleship

and instruction shared with hundreds of community members from the village at Choimim.

The evangelism teams were blessed to have many opportunities to share Christ. We thank God for the privilege to

witness so many professions of faith.

VBS teams worked in numerous schools acting out dramas, crafts and face painting and engaging the students in

games of soccer. It was humbling to watch how intently the children were watching the faithfulness of Christ acted

out. We sure look forward to eternity where we might know the impact of our efforts.

Women’s ministries – what a summer for the women of Choimim! There were several opportunities for the women

to fill the church classroom and gain exceptional instruction and experience the encouragement, service and love from

other Christian women from the states. Truly each woman involved was blessed by those special ministering opportu-


Construction efforts this summer – wow – you had to watch out this summer for the amount of work that was getting

done by the volunteer teams! Moving sand, rock, mixing concrete and filling footings just to name a few activities. Our

construction team worked tirelessly and amazingly to help get our third school building well on it’s way to completion.

In summary, this was a truly a fantastic year for our volunteers and a tremendous blessing to both those who minis-

tered and to those who were ministered to. Thousands of children heard the gospel in their schools, many adults ac-

cepted Christ Jesus as their personal Savior as a result of home-to-home evangelism and many of the church members

of Community Baptist Church were greatly encouraged and strengthen in their personal faith in Christ Jesus.

Please keep the prayers coming, thanking God for everyone who has helped minster in Kenya this year and for those

new believers who will join our fellowship in Choimim. Additionally, we want to ask if you will continue to pray for the

sponsors for Noel Academy and the Children’s Center and children. We have been blessed this summer with a new

van, funding to finish the second children’s house, funding that will help us complete the third house (which will be

used as a community house for the children of Noel Children’s Center) and for the financial commitment to complete

the third school building. PRAISE OUR LORD, this will nearly complete phase 1, only short of a dining hall for the chil-

dren at Noel Academy.

God willing, the construction will be completed by April 2011 in Choimim.

For 2011, we are excited to announce a new ministry opportunity, the establishment of our second BTV project in Mo-

soriot, Kenya. We’ll share more details concerning this work soon. We’ll be praying that you and your church will con-

sider this new harvest potential in 2011.

Thank you again for partnering with us and for your prayers,

Desiring to glorify our Savior,

Damon, Randa, James and the BTV Team

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Ministry Updates

Sign Your Children up for Discipleship Kids!

Discipleship Kids is for babies through Sixth Graders whose parents are involved in the Discipleship Program. It’s not just another Children’s Church hour. DKids goes beyond the Bible stories your children hear in Children’s Church and focuses on how they can be more like Jesus everyday! Having your children involved in both Children’s Church and DKids will help to make a strong connection between Bible truths and how they live their lives. Your kids will experience Bible lessons in a fun and exciting way through games, music, videos, and drama! Plus, we’ll have cool theme nights like Pizza Night, Wear Your Cowboy Hat Night and Backwards Night! You won’t want your kids to miss out on all the fun taking place at Discipleship Kids! Volunteer to serve or sign up your whole family for Discipleship at the back table!

College Care

The college Fall semester is upon us! Please sign up your college stu-dents at the table at the back of the sanctuary. There will be a clip board with COLLEGE CARE MINISTRY on it. The student can ei-ther be your child, grandchild or someone you would like the church to stay in touch with, and send an encouragement to, throughout the semester. We need all addresses, phone numbers and birthdays. Col-lege students tend to move to different colleges, dorms or apartments often, this is why we need to update addresses each semester. Ques-tions, call 830-277-1508 or email

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CALL KEVIN POTTS AT 210-372-3580



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ving G

ait C


Women’s Riding Group

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