september 12th, 2021

Post on 12-May-2022






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St. Augustine’s Church - 619 Banner St.

St. Mary’s Church -1019 Banner St.

Parish Office - 308 West 10th St.

September 12th, 2021

Divine Mercy Parish Mission Statement:

Our mission is to be a living sign of God reflecting the Divine Mercy of Jesus Christ.

Divine Mercy Parish Office 308 West 10th Street Schuyler, Ne 68661

Phone: 402-352-3540 Fax: 402-352-5971

E-mail: Web: divinemercyschuyler .com

Pastor: Fr . Jairo E. Congote

Retired Pastor: Fr . Ger ry Gonder inger

Deacons: Danny Hastings , Paul Doerneman

Librado Maiz, Pablo Tovar

Bookkeeper Secretary: Patr icia Gonzalez

Secretaries: Yenny Delgado & Sue Heavican

DRE: Renee Blum

CFF Secretary: Adriana Alarcon

Facilities Mgr.: Deacon Danny Hastings

Maintenance: Jim Gonsior

Mauricio Rocha

Rosary Crusade: Carol Hastings

Mass Hours

St. Augustine’s Monday Eng. 7:00 a.m. (Comm. Serv.)

Sp. (No Mass) Wednesday Eng. 7:00 a.m. Sp. 8:15 a.m.

Thursday Sp. 5:00 p.m. Friday Eng. 7:00 a.m.

St. Mary’s Tuesday Eng. 12:10 p.m. Sp. 5:00 p.m

Thursday Eng. 12:10 p.m. Friday Sp. 8:15 a.m.

Weekends St. Augustine’s - Saturday Eng. 5:00 p.m.

Sunday - Eng. 8:00 Sp. 9:30 & 11:00 a.m.

St. Mary’s - Saturday Sp. 6:30 p.m. Sunday Eng. 10:00 a.m. Sp. 1:00 p.m.

Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00 pm St. Augustine’s and 6:00 pm St. Mary’s



From Fr. Jairo

I love to watch movies about trials. Some of my favorites come from the various Law & Order television shows. If witnesses answer an attorney’s question by saying that someone else told them about the event in question or that they overheard someone talking about the event, the opposing attorney most often will object, “Hearsay!”

In the Gospel Jesus asks his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” Their various responses offer hearsay testimony. Jesus goes deeper and asks, “But who do you say that I am?” What is their firsthand experience? Peter answers: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Rather than hearsay Peter’s response is a bold and strong statement of fact as Peter experienced Jesus. Based on the strength of his answer, Jesus calls Peter the rock, the foundation, on whom the church would be built. The Apostles are the foundations on which the church has been built. Saints were for their day and time what Jesus was for his, the Word made flesh.

By putting on Christ in baptism, we promised to live Jesus, as Saint Francis de Sales would say. We promised to be for our day and time what the saints were for theirs and Christ was for his. Our words, deeds, and attitudes make Jesus present in our world today.

Our witness gives people a concrete experience of Christ and answers the question Jesus put to the disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” When we feed Christ’s flock with his compassion and love, people can say, “In you we see Christ.”

When we offer what we have to a sister or brother, whether healing, listening, or the truth of the Gospel as we understand it, people can say, “In you we see Christ.” When we are willing to sacrifice and give ourselves totally to another like spouses do to one another, or parents do for their children, or children do for their parents, or ministers, lay and ordained, do for the people of God, people can say, “In you we see Christ.”

Like that breakfast conversation with Peter after the Resurrection, Jesus offers us the gift of reconciliation and renews our ability to make his presence known. Like Paul, Jesus heals us of our blindness so that we turn to him in our need and see his unconditional, merciful love in our midst. When we are for our day and time as Jesus was for his, we offer firsthand testimony that we have seen the Lord. Our witness is anything but hearsay when we tell the story of our experience of Jesus Christ who has rescued us from the power of sin and death and promised to bring us to God’s heavenly reign.

Grow close to Christ in prayer. Tell the story

of how he has changed your life like Peter and Paul did. Stand on their apostolic foundation, feed Christ’s lambs, and run the race that will give glory to God forever and ever. Amen.

Labor Day was celebrated a few days ago. This day is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday serves as a tribute to the contributions American workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and wellbeing of the United States. As we consider the significance of Labor Day, let's take some time to appreciate the essential workers who have kept our country going through the COVID-19 pandemic, especially those in health care and public health, law enforcement and public safety, food and agriculture, energy, transportation and logistics, public works, information technology, critical manufacturing, financial services, and national security. Upcoming Important Saint Feasts September 14th, Tuesday, THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS: Early in the fourth century, Saint Helena, mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine, went to Jerusalem in search of the holy places of Christ’s life. She razed the second-century Temple of Aphrodite, which tradition held was built over the Savior’s tomb, and her son built the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher on that spot. During the excavation, workers found three crosses. Legend has it that the one on which Jesus died was identified when its touch healed a dying woman. The cross immediately became an object of veneration. At a Good Friday celebration in Jerusalem toward the end of the fourth century, according to an eyewitness, the wood was taken out of its silver container and placed on a table together with the inscription Pilate ordered placed above Jesus’ head: Then “all the people pass through one by one; all of them bow down, touching the cross and the inscription, first with their foreheads, then with their eyes; and, after kissing the cross, they move on.” To this day, the Eastern Churches, Catholic and Orthodox alike, celebrate the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on the September anniversary of the basilica’s dedication. The feast entered the Western calendar in the seventh century after Emperor Heraclius recovered the cross from the Persians, who had carried it off in 614, 15 years earlier. According to the story, the emperor intended to carry the cross back into Jerusalem himself, but was unable to move forward until he took off his imperial garb and became a barefoot pilgrim.

Continued ………….

Students in Mr. Baeza’s 8/Conf. class and one of their parents will meet during class time (7:30-9) on September 15th. This is mandatory for the student and one parent to get information needed for their preparation for Confirmation on May 22, 2022.

Pick Up of Students after classes: Students must be picked up by an adult (not an older sibling, friend etc.) unless other arrangements are made with the CFF staff. If your child lives close enough to walk, you must notify CFF staff to give your permission before the child will be dismissed without an adult. Dismissal times are: 5:30, 7, 8:45 or 9pm. Parents should arrive to pick them up at least 5 minutes before.

For students in CFF Levels 1-6 (Social Hall basement) & St. Mary’s Social Hall (Mr. Baeza’s 8/Confirmation: Parents (or other adult picking child up) will park in the church parking lot or street side parking places then go and wait outside in the yard south of St. Mary’s Church. Please, do not wait right in front of the doors. Students will be brought outside by a volunteer and go to the adult picking them up. Students will not be allowed to go to cars. Students not picked up within 5 minutes will be taken to the office and their parents will be called.

CFF Level 9/Conf. (at St. Mary’s Basement): Students will remain in their seats until their parent/other adult comes to get them. Parents/other adults will enter the south, lift/elevator door, get their student and together they will exit out the sacristy door.

Students with classes at St. Augustine’s Hall: Upon dismissal, students will be waiting by the west/main door for their ride. Cars will enter from 7th

street driving south & lining up to pick up their student at the curb by the west/main door.

Upcoming Important Saint Feasts (Continued)

September 15th, Wednesday, Our Lady of Sorrows :

This name given to

our Blessed Mother,

focuses on her intense

suffering and grief

during the passion and

death of our Lord.

Traditionally, this

suffering was not

limited to the passion and death event; rather, it

comprised the seven sorrows of Mary, which were

foretold by the Priest Simeon. When Jesus gives the

beloved disciple to Mary, we are invited to

appreciate Mary’s role in the Church: She

symbolizes the Church; the beloved disciple

represents all believers. As Mary mothered Jesus, she

is now mother to all his followers.

Thank you to the family of

Linda A. Sucha for the beautiful

donation of the stone bench, in her memory, placed in

between the two entrances of St. Mary’s Church.

Women of Divine Mercy News:

The Women of Divine Mercy will hold their monthly meetng at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, September 14 at St. Augustine’s Hall. All women of the parish are invited to attend. The OACCW will be holding their annual convention on September 27, 2021 from 9 am to 3 pm at Divots Conference Center, 4200 West Norfolk Ave., Norfolk, NE 68701. Registration will be from 7:30 am - 9 am. NO Late Registrations. Cost is $25 by September 20th, which needs to be mailed to: Ann Kurpgeweit, 50444 852nd Road, Ewing, NE 68735. The guest speaker will be Sharon Doran, of Seeking Truth Catholic Bible Study Ministries.

St. Isidore Bazaar, Sunday, Sept. 12th 11 am - 6 pm Roast Beef and Sausage Dinner 10 am - 2 pm Live Entertainment, Auction & Raffle.

Prayer Service for Healing, Sept. 27th, 7:00pm St. Mary’s Parish, Norfolk, NE

(More information for these events are on the flyers in the back of church.)

Readings for September 13th - September 18th

Monday: 1 Tim 2: 1-8 / Lk 7: 1-10

Tuesday: Num 21: 4b-9 / Jn 3: 13-17

Wednesday : 1 Tim 3: 14-16 / Jn 19: 25-27

or Lk 2: 33-35

Thursday: 1 Tim 4: 12-16 / Lk 7: 36-50

Friday: 1 Tim 6: 2c-12 / Lk 8: 1-3

Saturday: 1 Tim 6: 13-16 / Lk 8: 4-15

Sunday: September 19th

1st: Wis 2: 12, 17-20

2nd: Jm 3: 16 - 4: 3

Gospel: Mk 9: 30-37

Mass Intentions September 11th-September19th

Saturday, September 11th: (A) 5:00 PM † Mark Connealy & Bob Marsh. Sunday, September 12th: (A) 8:00 AM † Mike Tasler & Ron Hulsey. (M)10:00AM † Gerhard & Martha Huisman. Monday, September 13th: (A) 7:00 AM Communion Service Tuesday, September 14th: (M) 12:10 PM † Herbert Vogel. Wednesday, September 15th: (A) 7:00 AM † Bernard Kavan. Thursday, September 16th: (M) 12:10 PM † Julius Pelan. Friday, September 17th: (A) 7:00 AM † Carolyn Korecky. Saturday, September 18th: (A) 5:00 PM † Mayme Viglicky. Sunday, September 19th: (A) 8:00 AM † Donnette Jedlicka. (M) 10:00AM Divine Mercy Parishioners.


St. Augustine’s Church Wednesday from 6-8 PM and at

St. Mary’s Church Thursday from 1-4:30 PM

and Friday from 9 AM - 5 PM

Holy Hour of Prayer:

The Knights of Columbus will host a Holy Hour for Vocations on Thursdays from 7-8 PM at St. Mary’s Church. There will be a Homily and Devotional Prayers.

Lectors, EMHC’s, Altar Servers, & Ushers:

Saturday, September 18, 5:00 pm (SA)

Lector: Jim Viglicky EMHC: Mel Bailey Deacon: Paul Doerneman Altar Servers: Ryan & Kendra Muhsman Ushers: Leander Rerucha & Collin Dietrich

Sunday, September 19, 8:00 am (SA)

Lector: Sara Bailey EMHC’s: Jill Ruskamp & Art Bailey Deacon: Paul Doerneman Altar Servers: Bo Hernandez Ushers: Art Bailey & Al Jakub

Sunday, September 19, 10:00 am (SM)

Lector: Renee Blum EMHC: Renee Blum Deacon: Paul Doerneman Altar Servers: Colton Perin & Andrew Harding Ushers: Ann Ladwig & Sue Heavican

RCIA – Right of Christian Initiation for Adults, is a process of prayer and study to become a member of the Catholic Church. For more information, contact Deacon Paul Doerneman at (402) 615-4179. Classes will be starting September 12th at 11:15 am in the basement of St. Mary’s office.

“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.”

MARK 8:34

Living a stewardship lifestyle means not only being responsible for my own life, but for the lives of others as well. We realize that our gifts are not

intended for ourselves, rather they are meant to be shared with others. “Taking up my cross” means doing things when someone else needs me and not when it’s convenient for me.

Exciting News! Our parish has determined it is time for a new pictorial church directory. Our date(s) for photography will be October 26th – 30th and November 2nd – 6th. We are in need of volunteers to help with this project. Please call the parish office to help with this project.

Readings for September 13th - September 18th

Monday: 1 Tim 2: 1-8 / Lk 7: 1-10

Tuesday: Num 21: 4b-9 / Jn 3: 13-17

Wednesday : 1 Tim 3: 14-16 / Jn 19: 25-27

or Lk 2: 33-35

Thursday: 1 Tim 4: 12-16 / Lk 7: 36-50

Friday: 1 Tim 6: 2c-12 / Lk 8: 1-3

Saturday: 1 Tim 6: 13-16 / Lk 8: 4-15

Sunday: September 19th

1st: Wis 2: 12, 17-20

2nd: Jm 3: 16 - 4: 3

Gospel: Mk 9: 30-37

Mass Intentions September 11th-September19th

Saturday, September 11th: (A) 5:00 PM † Mark Connealy & Bob Marsh. Sunday, September 12th: (A) 8:00 AM † Mike Tasler & Ron Hulsey. (M)10:00AM † Gerhard & Martha Huisman. Monday, September 13th: (A) 7:00 AM Communion Service Tuesday, September 14th: (M) 12:10 PM † Herbert Vogel. Wednesday, September 15th: (A) 7:00 AM † Bernard Kavan. Thursday, September 16th: (M) 12:10 PM † Julius Pelan. Friday, September 17th: (A) 7:00 AM † Carolyn Korecky. Saturday, September 18th: (A) 5:00 PM † Mayme Viglicky. Sunday, September 19th: (A) 8:00 AM † Donnette Jedlicka. (M) 10:00AM Divine Mercy Parishioners.


St. Augustine’s Church Wednesday from 6-8 PM and at

St. Mary’s Church Thursday from 1-4:30 PM

and Friday from 9 AM - 5 PM

Holy Hour of Prayer:

The Knights of Columbus will host a Holy Hour for Vocations on Thursdays from 7-8 PM at St. Mary’s Church. There will be a Homily and Devotional Prayers.

Lectors, EMHC’s, Altar Servers, & Ushers:

Saturday, September 18, 5:00 pm (SA)

Lector: Jim Viglicky EMHC: Mel Bailey Deacon: Paul Doerneman Altar Servers: Ryan & Kendra Muhsman Ushers: Leander Rerucha & Collin Dietrich

Sunday, September 19, 8:00 am (SA)

Lector: Sara Bailey EMHC’s: Jill Ruskamp & Art Bailey Deacon: Paul Doerneman Altar Servers: Bo Hernandez Ushers: Art Bailey & Al Jakub

Sunday, September 19, 10:00 am (SM)

Lector: Renee Blum EMHC: Renee Blum Deacon: Paul Doerneman Altar Servers: Colton Perin & Andrew Harding Ushers: Ann Ladwig & Sue Heavican

RCIA – Right of Christian Initiation for Adults, is a process of prayer and study to become a member of the Catholic Church. For more information, contact Deacon Paul Doerneman at (402) 615-4179. Classes will be starting September 12th at 11:15 am in the basement of St. Mary’s office.

“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.”

MARK 8:34

Living a stewardship lifestyle means not only being responsible for my own life, but for the lives of others as well. We realize that our gifts are not

intended for ourselves, rather they are meant to be shared with others. “Taking up my cross” means doing things when someone else needs me and not when it’s convenient for me.

Exciting News! Our parish has determined it is time for a new pictorial church directory. Our date(s) for photography will be October 26th – 30th and November 2nd – 6th. We are in need of volunteers to help with this project. Please call the parish office to help with this project.

For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • Divine Mercy, Schuyler, NE A 4C 02-0333

1401 Rd 11 402-606-7180




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