senior issue 2011

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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Class of 2011 Senior Issue


Senior WillsI, Tony Abiassi, do hereby bequeath my football wings to Kacy Clemens and Ryan Baumgartner, pre-game jam session to David Holland, the three finger salute and Koch’s dance moves Boomer White, and good times at the rodeo and “The Busch” to Mason Stewart.

I, Mousa Abou-Awad, do hereby bequeath The Captains of the Sailors to Kyle Cokinos, and Austin Pipkin, a grinder to Josh Bergren, and half of the macking company to Brett Strake.

I, Karin Abrahamsson, do hereby bequeath my sympathy, my sense of humor, and a package of card stock to Cassidy Schap, Noemis Person, Sophie Wilczs, Andrea Karpent, Taylor Vickers, Kate Mc-Mordie, Sara Peterman, and Genesis Peralta. After having adventures in French IV, I’m really going to miss you guys!

I, Jessica Anderson, do hereby bequeath Fajita Flats, Michael, 7/11 doubles, basketball games, and all my love to Sarah Sgarbi, one last year with all the parents to Reagan Schultz, a years worth of eggs and a field of flowers to take pictures in to Max Yanke, and a beautiful photo shoot to Becky Allums.

I, Arman Avasia, do hereby bequeath my Safeway ad to Caroline Sladic, my weave to Hannah Cooley and apologies to everyone I forgot.

I, Adam Bateman, do hereby bequeath the OTG to Clayton Eddy, $4.45 to Haley Brunner for the Gua-dalajara, and the game room to my brother.

I, Casey Baker, do hereby bequeath fancy shirts to Spam, ties from Catrolls to Patricia, dancing abilities to Anna and Elizabeth, yogurt to Katie Bloom, more locker room space to Haley and Farin, interventions to Marisa, and Texas Tech shirts to Chloe.

I, Lana Baumgartner, do hereby bequeath Mama Hartman, Arabic comfort food, loud music, the numbers for ordering, late night chats, and a place to crash to Ryano, a place to runaway to, walks and confidence to Kelly Walker, laughing, stress balls and my weirdness to my Yearbook babies.

I, Annemieke Bay, do hereby bequeath sketchy situations and a FAB four years to CJ, pants to Kris-tin, of course all my love to Robert Maxwell, driving skills to Holt Madden, art table doofin to Caroline Doyle and Diana.

I, Rachel Bennick, do hereby bequeath Ryan Va-lencia underpants, Callie Carson my genius, Alison Peachee all Art ever, Katie Borham my commanding presence, Kate Fester sound and giggles, Olivia Peel

the mind of an engineer, Cole Chandler my love, and all of Tech left, Luck.

I, Mia Berryman, do hereby bequeath my Ger-man skills, a dozen donuts and a southern accent to David Comer. GAPP exchange-Round 2 to Michael Bone, Becky Busmire, David Comer, and Connor Waughtal.

I, Alexandra Bigelow, do hereby bequeath morn-ing car rides in “Peace”, sibling duties, and K.P.L. to Lauren, family time to Thomas, a place to stay to Taylor Maloney, Kendall Oelfke and Patricia Rotan, phone calls and my love to all my freshman girls.

I, Sarah Blackwell, do hereby bequeath the French Horn section to Sutton and Davis, playing god to Sutton, Freebirds dates to Jordan and Suni-dhi, and overachieving to Ryan Valencia.

I, Kim Boyd, do hereby bequeath long bus rides to Katherine P, game day bag to JJ, and shadowing Abrams to Taylor.

I, Meredith Brann, do hereby bequeath my SBN-BFBC T-shirt and a place to stay in Austin to Sarah Brann, 6 am runs and UJ to Emma Sutton and Emily Snow, and spazzy moments and life chats to Annie Green.

I, Mariel Braun, do hereby bequeath Tuesday car rides to Jenson, Mac, Timothy, and Eric, radio operator job to Mac, all of my personal assistant responsibilities to Jenson, mini cinnamon altoids to Timothy and the best of luck to David!

I, Emmory Brazelton, do hereby bequeath misty eyes to Alexis, picture texts and pretty faces to Dillon, baseball snooping, a permanent blow up mattress, and husbands to Jennifer, piques and har-mony to Ryan, and A whole new world to Meredith.

I, Mary Claire Bruce, do hereby bequeath Becca Dunn all of my Disney movies and my skills at cha-rades, my little sister and warm up partner, Kendall Fitzpatrick, all of my skills at World Cup and all of the free and exciting car rides to school.

I, Kevin Brueggeman, do hereby bequeath what little German skills I have to Michael Bone and David Comer, Leader of the Lacrosse defense to Will Powell and starting Goalie to Daniel Zarzana or Andy Martin.

I, Carter Burgess, do hereby bequeath FRAT to Anthony Cokinos, the most advanced eye in base-ball to Ben Carl, hitting with Oakleys on to Beau Rathjen, T-Dog to Tyler Thibodeux, and getting in

By Arman AvasiaReporter


There weren’t a lot of things I liked about middle school, but one thing that I did appreciate was that it ended. In fact, middle school being over was probably my favorite thing about starting high school. So it’s weird to think that once I’m in college, I’ll be going to school be-cause I want to, not because I have to. Some people seem to think that now that I know where I want to go I should know what I want do or who I want to be. My friends’ parents ask me what I plan to do with my degree and long-lost relatives have started to ask me what I want to do with my life instead of condescending about my height. Which makes it hard to answer, be-cause I’m still not so sure myself.

Of course, I’ve got some goals, but they’re as vague as they are unrealistic: do something interesting somewhere else, discover a cure for cancer and then create an even deadlier disease, etc., etc. When the time comes for me to try to actually meet one of these goals I’ll probably just ad-lib it like I’ve always done and it will probably end poorly like it normally does. It’s not that I’m lazy; I just believe that you learn the most about yourself in stressful situations. And let’s be hon-est here how important is doing your math homework compared to find-ing yourself? I’ve definitely learned at least one thing through all my last min-ute scrambles to get work done and it’s that I do not learn from my mistakes.

But that’s ok. It’s just as important to accept who you aren’t as it is to accept who you are, right? And I’m not orga-nized, efficient, sensible, attentive, hard working or any other of a number of very useful, but also very boring things.

If nothing else, I’ve learned how to rationalize my faults in high school, a much more important life skill than un-derstanding derivatives. Which brings me to the most important skill I’ve learned in high school: how to fudge my way through things. It’s already proved more useful than everything else I’ve learned in high school put together. It’s what lets me make up answers to my relatives’ annoying questions, give good excuses for the stuff I didn’t do and it lets me leave high school with the happy knowledge that even if I haven’t learned much, I can pretend I learned it all.

I’ll just wing it

Hurley, and the name Zack to Josh Torres.

I, Sarah Caspary, do hereby bequeath another awesome senior trip to Sam Caspary and Kris Van Norman, fun in Rockport to Kathryn Hancock, my jeep to Ashley Kight, ice cream dates to Molly Csorba, a shoulder for Philip Carameros, the ranch to Stephen Gillaspie and Adam McCulley.

I, Vanessa Cedillo, do hereby bequeath the term “silly goose” and my “sixth sense” to Lissette, my backscratcher to Morgan, my “beep” scale to Katie Schwarz, my hatred for _____ to Sarah Park all things orchestra to Mengdi and the best of luck in high school to Madeleine C.

I, Alan “Jamal” Clayton, do hereby bequeath 45 minutes of extra practice to Brooks, Killa’s killer dance moves to Max, a comb to Kyle, and my good looks to Michael White.

I, Travis Clayton, do hereby bequeath making Darth Vader videos to Ty McGowen and “Moun-tain top” dart shots to Aaron Sunstrum, leading the school to the new Cheerleaders, leading YL and Ozone music team to Ryan Gregory and Foosball in the Chaplewood basement to the Cheer Men.

I, Christian Michael Cokinos, do hereby be-queath my baton of hardness to Anthony Cokinos, my inner frat to Kyle Cokinos, the bells, whistles, yo-yo’s and a duck to Boomer White, and her science homework back to Katherine Cokinos.

I, Diana Contreras, do hereby bequeath all my AP Biology notes and binder to Sam Ju. It will be

the taxi and going to treatment to Boomer White.

I, Katie Buschlen, do hereby bequeath bad park-ing spots to Katie Borham, our mother to Sarah Bus-chlen, slap-a-days to Kevin Colbert, being sketchy to Ryu Calderon and James Peterson, Color Guard glory to Christina Depena, big hugs to Joey Scavone and Patrick Kellener, orchestra fun to Simon Zhang and Riccardo Stella, and bananas to my guardies.

I, Shannon Butterfield, do hereby bequeath to my varsity girls my bruises, my watch, my adrenalin SOX, and my tie dyed tanks. Sorry, I’m taking my finger with me so it can be used in the future. Ali Donelson my lunch table.

I, Gabriella Caballero, do hereby bequeath my extra house key to Lauren Arocha, my tennis shoes to Deborah Bowerman and a Jason’s Deli Sandwich to Clayton Eddy.

I, Mickey Calderon, do hereby bequeath success in high school to my two younger brothers, Ryu and Taka Calderon, superstardom to Sharon Lee, run-ning and a certain blonde to Brad Weddeman, and patience to Margaret Vonderhaar.

I, Brent “Ice Man” Carlton, do hereby bequeath the TOP GUN club to Harris Pritchard, the spirit of the orb to the men’s track team, Thugz Mansion to Marin Talentino and Matthew Gladwell, the Hippies to Will Radney and foosball to the cheer men.

I, Jeff Carr, do hereby bequeath being injured to Jace Metzler, Cabo to Sam Caspary and Kris Van Norman, two more years of high school to Dillon

By Travis BonnerPhotographer


I am not much of a writer and that is why I have the position of a photog-rapher on the newspaper staff. I re-ally enjoy being outdoors were I can go fishing, play sports, take pictures of nature, and hang out with friends.

Music is also a big part of my life, es-pecially because I run my own DJ business. I listen to almost all mu-sic; it just depends on my mood.

Fishing is my favorite hobby be-cause I love being out on the water which takes me away from the busy city of Houston and the stress of school.

Just by being on the coast watching the waves crash and the sunset rise brings me to my next favorite hobby, which is taking pictures of nature, especially of the coast. The most amazing experience I ever had in my life was last summer.

I was very fortunate to have been able to go on a National Geographic expedition to Tanzania, Africa. I went with a great group of Memorial students and two teachers.

While we were there, we learned photography from famous photog-raphers and became part of the Tan-zanian culture for three weeks.

I would like to congratulate all seniors for making it this far! Now we are second semester seniors and believe me I know what senioritis is. It feels so good to fi-nally know where I am going to college. I am so fortunate to graduate from such a great high school. It has been a blast all these years at Memorial with all the cra-zy late nights for newspaper, watching our football team go to semifinals, bas-ketball with the sailors, and senior prom.

Reeling about my high school career

Senior Willscrucial in order to survive in that class.

I, Hannah Cooper, do hereby bequeath my Alias DVD’s and baking supplies to Becky Busmire, my Memorial swim caps and sweet potato fries to Danielle Yoon and my ability to stay calm to Eliza Bornman.

I, Cailey Cotner, do hereby bequeath Club F.A.C.E.

to Maddy Campbell and Lauren Hackworth and silence in the locker room to the remaining varsity soccer girls.

I, John Cotton, do hereby bequeath the Sailors to Mason and Clayton, macking skills to Henry, wash-ers to Brett, no to Jack, Tyler, Phil and Brock, disco to Mason, lifts to Woody, open to Scottie, my neck-roll to Boomer and all my lady friends to Patrick.

I, Kyle Cunningham, do hereby bequeath FRAT to Anthony Cokinos.

I, Lauren Davis, do hereby bequeath all of my Chem II wisdom to Jen Rivero, and a place to sleep in my dorm next year to Taylor Phillips.

I, Katie de Alvarez, do hereby bequeath accents and Arnold Palmer to Taylor, return her closet to Caroline, ice cream and Hush to Mason, and a bar of dark chocolate and gerbils to Reagan, adventures to Hannah and Stephanie, and puppy duty to Ben.

I, Kate Denninger, do hereby bequeath a wonder-ful time during their remaining high school years to Kiki Schwartz and Alexa Van Keuren.

I, Tess Dennis, do hereby bequeath a strawberry face, “late night” 10 pm, “good, good”, and Millie to Nick, Double D bras and visits to me to Kelsey “Monster” Smith, pipes and hippies to Emily Pitt-man, coolness to Carol, and a ride home to Russell Frank.

I, Mary Caroline Dillon, do hereby bequeath awkward pictures and senior boys to Hannah and

You won’t get itBy Tess Dennis

News Editor


I burst out with an uproarious laugh attack at pretty much everything. You come along with a joke and I’ll giggle no matter how un-funny it may be. Eye laugh at corny (cornea?) jokes, at British yucks, at silly faces, at dirty references especially, at funny song lyrics.

I am constantly entertained. That’s why, as I sit here trying to write this senior column, nothing comes to mind except the moments that I was laughing. Admittedly there are many. No words come to me except those that are a reminder of how much fun I have had with my friends and family, those memories that will make me giggle forever.

Sterett- Everything. Shoot it! Volleyball, peace to dat. Veggie sandwich? Birthday let-ters. Dog walking. Nothing could come be-tween us, except that last scoop of chocolate ice cream or that dsigusting hot chocolate I threw away! Getting dumped together, wait that’s just me. Bike riding in the rain. Motor scooters. The Lakehouse. You have been my childhood, we grew up together, I love you.

Makenna- You’re going to be a famous musician and we’ll still be best friends. Do-ing pretty much everything at your house. Dealing. CLOOBS, tattoos and brown-ies. Tannie and ciggie. DUCK? I love you.

Matt(hew)- We’re going to hell to-gether three times over. The woods. Cuffs, daddy, dares. Strawberry parfait. Beach trip, sans DVD player because you know how we are with borrowing things. Sleepover. Classy night, ironic huh? Camp-ing, that cashew. Hott, hot, sorry. You’ve made me lazy. You mean the world to me. Chest hair. Letters. Forever. Five hours!

Amy- Friday afternoon ritual at Maken-na’s? Check. I always know you’ve got my back at one o’clock on a Sun-day. Eye contact in Spanish? Gag. YOU GOTTA PEE? I love you; you’re beau-tiful, amazing, hilariously insane.

Core Four- Kelsey sucks. Mug shots. Waffle House. Equality. Playing ping pong at Sara’s palace. FLAMINGOS.

Consuelo- Did I do that? Seventh grade party. You’re PERFECT FOR ME. Memo-rial Park walks. You’re my complete oppo-site. I’m sorry I corrupted Andrew. PICK-LE. I’ll always love you Constance Renee.

Matthew- You gave me just a gum wrapper! It’s okay, you were social-ly awkward then. You’re hot stuff now. You’re my only across-the-border ami-go. Prom dates..wait..! Bear fight?

Chase- Mexican wildebeest. The dark room ;) Your inappropriate comments. Remem-ber that time we threw the cake? Shhh. Para-sailing. Hey have you heard this new song..!

To my family- Thank you so much for everything you have done for me, for family dinners. I will miss y’all.

And so, as I’m leaving the city and the people that remind me of so many side-splitting moments, and heading some-where unsullied by my tasteless, dirty hu-mor, I can do nothing more except laugh.

Casey, cappuccino and M&Ms to Ryan, CJ, and Stephanie, rides to the carpool crew, and tapioca to Simon and David.

I, Simone Donnelly, do hereby bequeath the soprano section to Abbie Walker, training for the zombie apocalypse to Marissa Maize, loving argu-ments to Angel Brown and Jessica Watts, chivalry to Abe Blanco, and amazing handwriting and sarcasm to Ryan Valencia.

I, Liz Douglass, do hereby bequeath Michael from Fajita to Sarah Sgarbi, my heart to tootermac, an awesome lil sis to Meggie, driving lessons to Tyler Moehlman, senior men’s night and sharpies to Nick Perlick, a wedding to Pattie, and a pot of gold to Rob Maxwell.

I, Cameron Ellerbeck, do hereby bequeath jet skis to Rob Maxwell, the TV room to Tucker Sauer, the path to Josh Bergern, Kerville to Trip Brown, saltines to Travis Helms and George Callaway, and quarters to Jace Metcler.

I, Kristy Eng, do hereby bequeath togas to next year’s basketball team, my iPod and Febreeze to Laurel and Dakota, my basketball locker to Marga-ret, future dibs to Ellen and Kelly, oatmeal blueberry crumble to Caitlin, cream cheese icing to Camille, and the Dougie to Lus.

I, Lexi Fink, do hereby bequeath fried cookie dough and most other foods to Alexis Labarba.

I, Madeline Fogel, do hereby bequeath THE wallet and maternal love to my children, a trundle in 307 to Kirby, charge of the alien to Hannah, Maggie, and Cheyenne, legal pads, the Presidency, and the best year ever to Katie McArthur, Todd to the Board, and my heart to Memorial.

I, Sterett Marie Frank, do hereby bequeath a home away and captain powers to Caroline, itchy carpet to Nick, hairspray to Audrey, donuts and centi to Margo, my pants and selfies to Taylor Pocket, a good excuse to Blair, Laurent and a ride home to Katalina, a kiss to Laurent, and all my girls to Russell.

I, Kyle Frazier, do hereby bequeath the Great White Kong to Cody and Clay, the “two foot rule” to Cullen Zander, and Kirk to Madison Kerington.

I, Amy Fry, do hereby bequeath the right to in-vade/stalk Madeline Fogel’s house and take any-thing you want from her room to Kirby Smith and Hannah Ochs, LLYC second half, my Nikes, v necks, and chacos to Kelsey and Kirby Smith.

I, J. P. Fultz, do hereby bequeath fratting to An-thony, Tokyo to Beau, Huggies to Diaps, 2nd base to Aaron and Kiles, and hooks to Driver.

I, Shannon Gaw, do hereby bequeath my Alabama pride to Meegan Barr, my dancing skills to Sierra

Gaw, my cat Bert to Melanie Gaw, my sass to Em-malie Ferazzi, my car to Bonnie Diehl, and my best friend Karen Burd would like to bequeath her Chief Ranga status to Haley Bruner.

I, Brooke Gentry, do hereby bequeath dreads, letters, kinder, fourteen to Ellen, posing to Mason, Carter to Rachel, costumes and average men to Kirby, a hand to sit on to Claire, J-mart to Ciac-cio, making friends jealous with texts from Todd to execs, and Memorial to Ali.

I, Theo Gerome, do hereby bequeath my spot at UT to J.D. Phillips, the saxophone section to Dil-lon Larberg and Kevin Graham, control of Dillon Larberg and Kevin Graham to Jordan Bendy and Jimmy Yeh, and my awesomeness to Alex Gerome-use it wisely!

I, Mariah Giblin, do hereby bequeath my lacrosse kilt and J. Crew to Tricia Curry, late night South-well’s, Value Village trips, monkeys, and Ke$ha to Adair Odom, DIVA moments and parties in my dorm to Kirby Smith, a date to prom to Ty McGow-en, and a bed when they visit to the lacrosse girls.

I, Connie Gilbert, do hereby bequeath my job to Amy Fricks, high tennis rank to Lauren Bender, senioritis and dance moves to Elizabeth Williams, my cheerleading abilities to the varsity tennis team, and A&M visits to Charlotte McDermott, stank face to Michael Cisarik, and Ozone/YL to every under-classman.

I, Sam Gillaspie, do hereby bequeath my goal of being “salt and light” and loving people as God would at Memorial High School to Stephen Gil-laspie, and I give the weight of being “the senior BA linebacker” and angering Coach Vaughn off to Jack Weir.

I, Caroline Glendinning, do hereby bequeath nothing to my sister Emily.

I, Zach Gottesman, do hereby bequeath Goatse to Sarah Haley, and “Entertainment!” by Gang of Four to Kyle Schuller.

I, Mary Greer, do hereby bequeath Boomie the boom box to Lanie Russo so she can continue to dance by herself in the locker room, Second Baptist boys to Emily Donnan, and Sarah Palin’s Alaska to Reagan Porter and Fitzy.

I, Sebastian Gupta, do hereby bequeath my de-bate skills to James Fan.

I, Brandy Gutkowski, do hereby bequeath my German dictionary to Abbie Walker, my cooking skills to Jordan Bendy, my socks to my sister, and middle names to Kate “reckless” Fester (and knee braces).

I, Erin Hall, do hereby bequeath all the licky licky potstickers in the world to Becca Dunn, my nerd day

A whole new worldBy Chase HudsonCo-Sports Editor


Walking into my first day of high school with my sister at my side and enough friends to barely count on two hands was a little less than over-whelming. I wasn’t too surprised when upper-classmen laughed at me as I navigated the halls with my school map, but what I found most de-moralizing was feeling out of place even with the hundreds of other scared little freshman. Af-ter barely surviving all the way to lunch, I saw my sister Kristin with friends swarming to her side. Kristin has always been the epitome of perfection-she’s always had more friends than she can keep up with, she dated one of the start-ing pitchers for the varsity baseball team, and she didn’t have to drink to be “popular,” one of the words that dominated my sense of self-worth. Whatever made her so happy and so well liked was something I hoped I would find fast.The fourth Monday of the the school year came

after what seemed like an entire year, and my sister encouraged me to join her at some bible-beating club called YoungLife that she was leading. I care-lessly accepted but only because I knew a lot of other freshman that I probably wouldn’t care about would be going, and I took almost every opportu-nity to make a few extra friends. Little did I know that I would make the group of friends that I spent almost every Monday and Wednesday with for the rest of my high school career, and even my room-mate for my first year at the University of Texas.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that Young-Life was my sanctuary, where I would go to make life-long friendships. I felt so safe with the people that went and I loved every second of it, but I still felt a rigorous thirst for something I was missing in my life. I started to experience what I thought was serious adversity and hardship (I pursued one girl after another and failed miserably every time, and I destroyed my hopes for being a vale-dictorian after making a B in freshman English). I called myself a Christian because I thought that by studying hard and avoiding partying every weekend made me better than those around me, and I couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t like my sis-ter. The summer of my junior year provided me the answer to this perplexing annoyance of mine.

On June 26, 2010, I decided that continuing to try to make it on my own wasn’t going to cut it. As I sat with my YoungLife leader on a moun-tain during my week at Wilderness Ranch, I de-cided to give my life to Christ. I unveiled the secret to Kristin’s source of joy and satisfaction, and while I understand that I’m not safe from hardship forever, I will never walk alone again.

Senior Willsoutfit and my parking spot to Cara Hall, my locker room lunch spot to Devon Rubbo, and all of my leg-gins to Lauren Matthews.

I, Jonathan Hardin, do hereby bequeath my kick to Travis, my procrastination skills to Charlie, my ability to multi task to Reagan and Emily, Coach Jones to Carlos, the ice bath to Mitch, and my music to Russell.

I, Colleen Harrison, do hereby bequeath Mr. L. Johnson to Abbie Walker, Maryssa Maize and ev-eryone in choir, Color Guard to Abbie Walker, Halie Rathmell and all the Guard Girls, and the Santa Barbara trip, tournaments, carb dinners to the Lax girls, Adair Odom and Paige Summers.

I, Jason Heckler, do hereby bequeath sweet shoulder pads to Brett Strake, kick returner to David Holland, tight punts to Tyler McCloskey, and a new leg to Jace Metzler.

I, Abby Heidt, do hereby bequeath pregame bath-room runs to Ajita Sen.

I, Marshall Bard Heins II, do hereby bequeath a “reality check” to Henry Vaughan (he is a sopho-more), my lax flow to Matthew Adler, my Teenage Dream legacy to Ty McGowen, “The Crew” to Aaron Sunstrum, and a hug and Tyler Killion to Will Pow-ell.

I, Sarah Henkel, do hereby bequeath Jenny Karnes my spot on varsity so she can go to Hawaii (I hate you and good luck!), and my volleyball locker to Bailey Henkel (good luck next year lil’ sis!).

I, Katherine Hepler, do hereby bequeath light up cups and cops to Claire Gundlach, ferris wheel and boxers to Shivitz, “FLEESH” to Myanks, my uncle’s house to Brooks Taylor, baseball skills and swings to Ryan Doyle, party buses to Laura Lee, your own bed to Shelby Hoyt, and jam sessions to J.P. Butera.

I, Troy Hepper, do hereby bequeath the parents and their repetitive stories to Holly, the sphere to Jay Thompson, captainship and the swim team to Cameron Kato, the water polo team to Harris Pritchard, and Coach Mauss to Andrew Wheeler.

I, Jordan Herington, do hereby bequeath my love and bed at Ole Miss to Madison, Meg, Sarah, and Reagan, family gatherings to Michael, Rain Tree to Madison and Reagan, Kirk to Cody and Clay, and

midnight movie premiers to Allyson and the Poujol family.

I, John Herrin, do hereby bequeath a trip to Texas Roadhouse we never took to Zach Patton, just one deer to Dylan Shofner, my cousin Rob (incoming freshman) to Caroline and Grace, and the hill to Stephen G.

I, Kelly Herrin, do hereby bequeath keys to lock Kramer out to Jack Langley, a bed in my dorm to K-Cock, dance moves to Kyle Cokinos, my dating book to Alexia Karpen, schnooks to Alyssa Hicks, and my sass and Ellie’s pep talks to Maddie Stew.

I, Francesca Herro, do hereby bequeath a lovely three more years to Daher Herro, Daher Herro to Wade Burchett, Kai Jones, and Mac Wasmuth, a place to stay in Austin for Sarah Sgarbi, Alexia Karpen, and Kathryn Hancock, and Barrett’s road-side assistance to Kailey O’Brien.

I, Caroline Hickey, do hereby bequeath free ac-cess to my closet, tractors on Beinhorn, quality time with James, laugh attacks, freedom from driving, and all my love to Kate (a.k.a. “Caroline’s friend”), a wonderful rest of high school to my FYL girls, and my poms to the new Varsity.

I, Luke Hillin, do hereby bequeath my seat to Woody Hillyer, the key to Coach Bermel’s heart to Ryan Baumgartner and Patrick Christie, and my shoes to Aaron Ruzinsky (although he probably already stole them).

I, Ellie Hinson, do hereby bequeath a place to stay for Katherine Cokinos, Maggie Pipkin, and Kend-all Oelfke, YoungLife rides to Molly Csorba, a ride home to Ashley Kight, and Kyle and Max to each other.

I, Demi Hodam, do hereby bequeath a years sup-ply of fiber one bars for Elizabeth, Avatar for Scott,

and my parking spot, my Oklahoma shirts, and the honor of taking care of Nuggie to Connor.

I, Buc Howard, do hereby bequeath football pants to Pat, hands to, the Cowboys to Kacy, hurdles to Willy T., Lamb, Robbie, and C-Mac, FIFA to C. Hodam, Orange stairwell to Kirgan, hat tricks to Big Joe, and the Rocky Theme Song to my FYL men.

I, Shannon Hoyt, do hereby bequeath Mr. San-

Facebook lifeBy Blake Keeling



You’re thirty and still checking Facebook. You now have well over 2,000 friends be-cause you never bothered to de-friend the people you haven’t talked to since high school. You still stalk their pages, look at their ever emerging wedding and baby pictures. Read their statuses that have evolved from “OMG! Wrst day evr.” To “I didn’t have a good day at work today. I’m going to relax with a bubble bath.”

See the subtle change? I’m honestly scared of that future. Watching other people’s lives that I no longer am a part of move forward in front of my eyes on a computer screen. I’ll know when Mary Helen gets that job promotion she wanted, when Mr. McCardle finally gets hitched, and when Arman puts his plan in mo-tion to take over the United States (and fails because he posted it as his status).

I’m honestly not sure anymore what I’m going to do with my life. I know what I want to do, but all the things that go on in between my plans are unseen. I don’t know whether I’ll graduate at the top of my class in college (unlikely), where I’ll go for graduate school (which I will panic about), or what having a regular income and the work that entails will be like for me. But apparently when I find out, my Facebook friends will too. I can’t honestly say if that’s good. Half of them will be strangers who will know details about my life post-them and vice versa.

We’re going to grow old, and before I know what happened they’ll have made a “Deceased” status, if you haven’t used or deleted your account in six months, you shall be assumed to be dead. That number will grow, but I won’t see the end of all the people I’m connected with, because I wll join that number.

The thought depresses me. I don’t know what puts me into such a

somber mood about all of this. Maybe it’s graduating, and the fear that en-compasses that. Leaving the people I know and meeting new people. I’ll start an entirely new life, as an inde-pendent person. An independent adult.

Being that person, and watch-ing all of these people become their own person will be one of the weird-est things I’m going to go threw in life. All while I Facebook stalk them.

chez to Reagan Shivitz, winged peace signs to Laura Lee, Galveston snuggling to Claire Gundlach, candy phone to Shelby Hoyt, the sammy song to Lauren Reischman, all-American cheer to Kyle Cokinos, and Big Cease to Max Yanke.

I, Chase Hudson, do hereby bequeath YoungLife music to Ryan Gregory and Meredith Miller, Mat-tie and other feet loffs to Holly Hepper and Bailey Tsuru, Big Red to Caroline Doyle, and a place to stay for Thomas and James Whitehead.

I, Sierra Jacob, do hereby bequeath all the nest-ing in the world to Becca Dunn, big erasers to Ryan Moritz, pom-poms to Steven Sykes, and a great

freshman year to my brother Devin.

I, Nicole Jacobs, do hereby bequeath skadoosh to Hannah Johnson and the track girls of XC to Stephanie Hillin, Casey Klein, and Hannah Johnson.

I, Kyle Jenkins, do hereby bequeath fishing to Michael Boyd and beating William in tennis to the Whitehead twins.

I, Becca Johnson, do hereby bequeath dance par-ties and cookies to the soccer girls and my room, a place to stay at UT, and the opportunity to sing at the top of her lungs whenever she wants to Megan.

I, Christina Jones, do hereby bequeath my sanity to all future Markettes, my granola bars to Sa-mantha, and all my ghetto dance moves to Molly Schmidt.

I, Blake Keeling, do hereby bequeath the right to short jokes and French toast Sunday mornings to Ryan Valencia, super editor powers to Carson White, the ability to go insane on Late Night to fu-ture editors [insert names here], the life as my eter-nal and lovable fishy to Jacob Leblanc, the ability to make a paper bleed to Callie Carson, and my eternal love and apology to anyone I’m forgetting.

I, Sara Khan, do hereby bequeath the Khan Legacy and a place to stay to Mariam, the Anvil to Carson and Kelsey, being a FOB to Ayesha Mirza, turtles to Shanzeh, black clothing and St. Agnes to Caroline Sladic, the Apocalypse to Kimberly Landa, every-thing I can’t remember to Kirby, Emmalee, Emma and the rest of staff, and the Bottle Lab to Bonnie.

I, Amna Khan, do hereby bequeath rockin’ turtlz to my lil’ sis Shanzeh, jam sessions and senioritis to Ayesha, and the stress of junior year, my car, and my love to Mariam.

I, Annie Kight, do hereby bequeath all my love to the freshman girls, a place to stay next year to Chan-dler O’Brien and the empty house to Ashely Kight.

I, Tyler Killion, do hereby bequeath sideline *K*illers to Jared Brow, the Ball Theory to Mason Meador and Rachel Wyatt, and a parking space in my driveway to Danielle Killion

I, Jena Kim, do hereby bequeath my cooking skills

to Lauren Daufel, my cupcake ring to DeeDee, weird morbid drawings to that Russian boy, my baking skills to Casie Chen, chai tea recipe to Dani Faith, and my senioritis to Clint Kim and Brandon Simon.

I, Jacob Kim, do hereby bequeath my ability to vomit after every interval to the Cross Country fel-lows, Tolentino!

I, Aubrey Kirkpatrick, do hereby bequeath “mag-ic” to Christiana; Reign over Bridlewood to Casey; POMS and Voss to Meredith; twelvers and courtyard walking to Madison; Ohio to Amy; Christiana to Jennifer; Codang skills to Cameron and Alex; fishing at the lake to Brett, Ryan and Kacy.

I, Mary Helen Klingen, do hereby bequeath a bag of barbeque chips to Diana Matlock, all my power and authority as assistant editor to Emily Snow, and A lunch to Carson White.

I, Rachel Nicole Koehn, do hereby bequeath the Markettes to Patricia Perrin and Samantha Scio-neaux; Tuesday mornings to Lauren Ammerman; one-a-week hugs to Shannon Fulton; SIFAT’s mis-sion to Carson White and Spencer Muncey; silliness to Anna Stephens, Katie Bloomfield, Elisabeth Lyles, and Amy Douthit; and beastliness to Lisette Ochoa.

I, Shane Taylor Kruger, do hereby bequeath my good looks and ability to mack to Jenson Braun and my lacrosse flow to Josh Eberhart and Cameron Crawford.

I, Matthew Lane, do hereby bequeath CAPS to Mason Stewart and Jack Weir, and Deep Sea Fish-ing to Max Yanke.

I, Emily Lange, do hereby bequeath the H3, the power to sing, and my closet to Katherine Lange, my sneaky ways and my prayers to Maggie Pipkin, the street of Tyne Court to Lindsey Burr. My comedian ways to Sarah Brann, and my little sister to Nicole Wood.

I, Madison Langley, do hereby bequeath the house and lake house to Jack, Phillip, Ryan, Josh, Michael, and David; my love and a bed at Ole Miss to Madison, Katherine, and Chandler; an on-call big sister to Ashley and Nicole; tight/fratness and movie titles to Kyle Cokinos; laughs, dance moves, and smiles to Life Skills.

I, Jose Laurel, do hereby bequeath leadership of the “C” men to Aaron Ruzinsky.

I, Krupali Laxmidas, do hereby bequeath Memo-rial Angels in Disguise to Julie and Vianney, senior slacking myth to Juniors and Memorial to the rest of ya’ll; because college here we come! Everything else to Kaveet, my brother.

I, Daniella Lee, do hereby bequeath bike rides to Danielle Killion; cheerleading to Carina Wolk, Con-nor Waughtal, Steven Sykes and Nick Dennis; my art skills to Lauren Ammerman; my cotillion dress to Meegen Barr; good times and a fantastic Senior year (maybe some of my clothes) to Kirstie Lee.

By Sara KhanAssistant Editor

Cue the Vitamin C; we’re done!


Middle school has been on mind these days. I have no idea why – middle school was pretty much a black hole and hardly something I want to remember. I’ve been hard pressed to find a reason for these unpleasant recollections, un-til finally it occurred to me: maybe it’s that one big stage of my life is about to end. As crazy as it sounds, high school is ending and will soon be in the past – just like middle school. But, just like middle school (unfortunately, in that case) the time spent here (28 classes or 720 days or 5040 hours of it) will never be forgotten. Person-ally, I’m happy about it – I have too many good memories here at MHS to let it fade in the past:

Freshman year: Freshman study hall. Sleep-ing, “doing homework,” being bothered by Sameen as I tried to sleep, and borrow-ing boring books from the one and only Ra-chel Koehn made this class the only peaceful time in the chaotic vortex that was 9th grade.

Sophomore year: World History AP with the unforgettable Ms. Katie Haworth. Despite her con-stant, mysterious absences and the periodic “ele-phant candle” talks, Ms. Haworth still managed to make WHAP my most anticipated class. After all, in what other class did we ever watch Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and manage to equate it with education (Mughal=Muggle)? That, the Sat-urday AP prep sessions, hypothesizing as to where Ms. Haworth kept going, and meeting a bunch of awesome people (Lana, Rachel, Emily, etc.) and enemies (Christine Jeong. Enough said) have made this my fondest memory from sophomore year.

Junior year: English III AP. English has always been my best subject, but mixing it with an un-fortunate amount of PWC and torturous essays about tone and diction was enough to test even my mettle. Luckily, this balanced out with having Ra-chel (she clearly can’t go a year without me), Bec-ca, and the Pattersons there to listen to my daily rants and suffer my constant insertion of lyrics from “Party in the USA” in my essay rough drafts.

I can’t pin down a certain class for senior year, though. Practically every class, from desperately trying to understand Crime & Punishment in Mc-Cardle’s English class to pretending to speak Span-ish (“Por supesto” y “Siempre” son las solas cosas que te necesitas para hablar Español) with Señora and the gang in Spanish V to yelling at Arman and Ted (some may know him as “Tess”), listening to Kimberly (finally spelled it right) and the rest of the juniors’ problems, and faking being an editor in Newspaper, had memorable moments and truly great times. High school’s ending; nothing can stop it. But who says the memories have to go with it?

Senior WillsI, Allie Lovell, do hereby bequeath the Avalon to my sister Marilyn.

I, Eric Lynn, do hereby bequeath Tacos a Go Go and tissues to Rob Hogan, Snake eyes and a War-riors DVD to David Comer, 3 gallons of orange juice and the Kool-aid to Daniel Zarzana, higher socks and Cheetos to Dylan Betts.

I, Molly McConn, do hereby bequeath a place to stay to Taylor Maloney; the Ball to Rachel and Mason; my closet to Kendall Oelfke; Slim Thug CDs to Ryan Baumgartner; Marshall Heins and cold goldfish to Macy Livingston; and my poms to my JV girls, Bryce, and Kate Hickey.

I, Kirby McDaniel, do hereby bequeath look-ing pretty to Mason Meador, Wilderness to Kelly Wilson, “showing off” to Olivia, my “trick shot” to Laurel, Cardwell to Jennifer Taylor, mass texts to Madison Miller, a clock to Ellen Anderson, Luby’s to basketball, and Mom & Dad to Davis.

I, Rebecca McGlothlin, do hereby bequeath the street to Trey Dixon, Mrs. Todd to Erin Morris, next year’s math class to Bonnie Diehl, stalking and a fantastic senior year to Carson White, and a place to stay to all of the above!

I, Sarah McReynolds, do hereby bequeath a national anthem solo to Kelsey Moreland, clogs and jorts to Ellen, Chachi, and Claire, and a hypotheti-cal ball to the FACE to volleyball, and a whole new world to Becky Allums.

I, Sarah Marks, do hereby bequeath a union of our brothers to Caroline Doyle, sly times at lunch to Diana Loliou, and to both my dirty paintbrushes, a place to stay in Boulder, and the strength to follow in Rachel’s footsteps.

I, Mackenzie Meador, do hereby bequeath Mon-tana to Mason, a permanent spot on my dorm room floor to Elizabeth, Rachel, Annie, Amy, Jennifer, Meredith, Ashley, Samantha, and Mason, all my clothes to Mason, sensitive boys to Kendall, and my family to Ben and Scott.

I, Morgan Meador, do hereby bequeath the ten-nis team to Lauren, Alexia, and Rose, a place in my dorm to Madison Claer, Montana to Scott, Chauf featuring to Willie, Grant, and Nick, my tennis clothes to Annie Whitehead, and boy talk to Alexia.

I, Batool Mehdi, do hereby bequeath my dance and singing skills to Kelly Walker, my skills in the art of Spanish language to Nate Kelly, my Lancome perfume to Julie Chong, my Victoria’s Secret lip gloss and my “dignity” to Nadine Sabir, my clothes to Elhaym Mehdi, and my Cheetos to Neda Te-haville.

I, Samantha Mehr, do hereby bequeath my Nick-elback CDs to Peachee, rides to and from school to Kai, the new multitools she already owns to Katie, being the coolest person on campus to Ryan, bad words to Kate, the light closet to Callie, “giant...” to Aamir, and love to anyone I forgot!

I, Ethan Miller, do hereby bequeath my pink sailor tux to Boomer White and Thugz Mansion to Martin


I, Emma Miertschin, do hereby bequeath attrac-tive engineering guys to Nikki and Michelle, Chem II parties to Cailey, Sarah, Katherine, and Ariel, studying skills to Leslie, perseverance to my brother, Travis, and all my love and soccer memories to the Mustang soccer girls.

I, Del Mixon, do hereby bequeath foosball in the Chapelwood basement to upcoming Cheermen, per-sonal hygiene to Ty McGowen, director’s status to Aaron Sunstrum, list of great ideas to Casey Klein, classy wardrobe to Harris Pritchard, and swimming secrets of Michael Phelps to Cameron Kato.

I, Lauren Mohn, do hereby bequeath watch-ful eyes over Harrison to Ashley Kight and Nicole Wood; sister drama to Michael Saragusa; and the most amazing senior year ever to Taylor Maloney.

I, Karla Morales, do hereby bequeath my awe-some English teacher, Ms. Ammon, to the Class of 2012!

I, Colleen Morgan, do hereby bequeath my mean streak to Mel Gaw, my diva attitude to McCall Montz and Hannah Hodo, Sally to Cole, and my ability to pretend like I’m listening but not be to my baby brother.

I, Claire Nebeker, do hereby bequeath a ride home with strangers to Jenson Braun and good luck to future AP Physics C students.

I, Jamie Nettles, do hereby bequeath my dancing moves to Shaun Duffey and Carter Smith, my im-mune system to Travis Reed and my title as number 1 Duke fan to Roy Smith.

I, Ross Nossaville, do hereby bequeath my Lunar Lites to Travis Jolly and my violin faking skillz to Ryan (Dewey) Calderon.

I, David Nowlan, do hereby bequeath trying new things to Cole Chandler, listening to music in the morning to Lauren Nowlan, never leaving her house to Alexis Labarba, Lauren Nowlan to Rob Hogan, Mike to Sophie Phifer, and loving Black Swan to Dillon Larberg.

I, Ben Orlean, do hereby bequeath my drum to Joey Scavone and David Oh, my PI uniform to An-

By Mary Helen KlingenAssistant Editor

I promise8

A wise friend once told me that children and adults with special needs are not here for us to teach them, but for them to teach us. And the more I think about the past four years, the more I realize she is so right. High school was all about me. From day 1 freshman year, my future was on the line. I spent my days worrying about grades, ex-tracurriculars, and SAT scores. But I feel like I missed something. High school is more than all of those things I sought so hard to achieve. The more time that I spend with those who have special needs, I get it. For while I was stressing about grades and worrying about playing time, and spending hours applying for scholarships and colleg-es, there was one student I knew at MHS who just wanted a bag of barbecue chips.

Throughout my four years in high school, I wish that I would have spent more time with Diana. Although she faces severe ob-stacles every day, the countenance on her face would tell you different. What all has Diana taught me? Everything. Even though I spend my days studying poetry and cal-culus, and I can tell you what the second law of thermodynamics means, all of that pales in comparison to what Diana has achieved. Diana gets the important things in life. I look at her and see a woman who is courageous through setbacks, caring towards others, and strong in weakness. Diana is more perfect than I could ever be. She did high school with the right atti-tude, and I will continually learn from her.

I once asked Diana if there was anything she wanted me to bring her at school the next day. She told me she wanted a bag of barbeque chips. I replied “I promise Di-ana, I’ll bring them tomorrow.” When I came by her room in lower floor green hall and handed her a snack sized bag of bar-beque chips, the smile that looked back on me told me that Diana’s right about everything, all you need in life is a bag of barbeque chips, and you’ll be just fine.

9drew, and blanket to Mrs. Spradling.

I, Dani Ostrowski, do hereby bequeath aquaphor and donuts to David Comer, a winning game of Super Smash to Daniel Zarzana, “AWESOME” times and a new car to Michael Bone, my German speak-ing abilities to Becky Busmire, and Advil, food, and sleep to next year’s yearbook editors.

I, Josephine Overton, do hereby bequeath Mr. Frausto to Katherine Smith, Chandler O’Brien, and Adam Mrlik, the carnival rides at the rodeo to Madison Stewart, the next two years at MHS to Kacy Clemens, and a place to crash at my house on the weekends to Nick Perlick.

I, Ava Pacheco, do herby bequeath L’ Homme Run, Pizza Party, a fear of arms, doors, and back-packs to Alison Peachee; less homework, Justin Beiber, and pre-annotated books to Lorenzo Pa-checo; and lots of sass and a hug to Rachel Littman.

I, Sarah Page, do herby bequeath my Inventer- en-gineering projects to Nate Kelly, my double stuffed Oreo-shaped crying animal to Martin Tolentino, Nicholas the Nikon and khaki pants to Kevin Pi-sters, and my heart to Sam Gibson.

I, Lauren Patterson, do herby bequeath Kate Fester my place in theater, Becca Dunn Memorial’s spot at Pines, Tristen Patton my talent of pincurling. Alexis LaBarba garden gnomes, and Cole Chandler Oreos.

Odom. Cleats to Ryan Massey. Lisp to Erica Moon. Packaging peanuts to Ellie Hopper. Framed picture of Scott and my dance moves to Lax juniors. Creepy Office Max guys to Cheyanne Hughes.

I, Jaclyn Puoujol, do hereby bequeath sista love to Kiki Schwartz, Lizzie and Lannie Russo. Family trips to Annie Schwing. Nutella to Adam Mrlik. Reach out to Alexis Labarba. All my love to my sister/best friend Allyson Poujol. Marriage to Allyson to Sam Caspary.

I, Alexandra Price, do hereby bequeath to Cal-lie: a Jamaican version of Lisa its your birthday, to Remli: a world with ponies that eat rainbows and poop butterflies, to Rachel: Vlad, the cookie making bunny.

I, Kelli Rainey, do hereby bequeath ayche to Trudy, Daddy, Pappa B and a place to stay to Jen-nifer Millard.

I, Robert Reese, do hereby bequeath Preston Fleck my ability to party hard.

I, Crystal Anne Reyna, do hereby bequeath all bottles of Nutella and Gaby Canta to Michelle Hong; Southwell’s ketchup smilies to Charles Lai and James Fan; brownies to Kevin Colbert; pokes to Mi-chelle Vu; and snazzy ribbons to Vanessa Hidalgo.

I, Lauren Riddle, do hereby bequeath my scary movies, mangos, and grandma’s necklaces to Rachel Gleaves; my hair to Kathleen Hammett and Mad-eline Webb; my means of transportation to Katie Dundas and Jane Lee; and my cookies to Elizabeth Lyles.

I, Harrison Robinson, do hereby bequeath perms, my blackmail photos and fatherly advice to

I, Emily Patterson, do herby bequeath the flute section to all juniors in it, cookies to Jordan Bendy, a million insults to Cole Chandler, colorful tank tops to Fallon Blikenstaff, and Disney obsession and perfect hugs to Lauren Harns.

I, Tanya Peifer, do herby bequeath mustang suits at state, fun rides with Jimmy and Bobby, jelly belly runs and general mischief to Caleigh Geiser. Tiny fingered finger -painting to Danielle Yoon. Bragging rights to Carson White. Cassikins to Shannon Peifer.

I, Alexa Perlick, do hereby bequeath Courtney Guest a place to stay at UT, the gweed to Jace Metzler and Roy Smith, alarm controller to Nicolas Perlick, Nabsa to Aleena Madni, all pearls to David Holland and my love to Courtney Guest and Nicolas Perlick.

I, Kelsey Pipitone, do hereby bequeath Steve to S-Jay, Colleen and Haley. Fancy pants shirt to Adair

Kirby Smith; awkward moments to Kelsey Smith; headbands and winks at Junior Girls to Elizabeth Williams; green puffins, angry gnomes, and whis-pering toucans to MHS.

I, Matt Roland, do hereby bequeath late night jam seshes and “boat mode” Carl to Phillip Carameros; a short cheerleading career to Nick Dennis; White Trash playlist and Third Eye Blind to Yanke; “Maybe Just One” to Pipkin; and Caroline, Sarah, and Mea-gan to Stephen Gillaspie.

I, Harris Rome, do hereby bequeath Beau the one that got away; Lizzie a bright future; Boomer, my mustache; Clayton dead surfer cans; Keegs memo-ries; Kyle my captain’s suit; Zach post game work-outs; Kacey warm tummies; Walker 0-8; Lauren an only child life; Ben sarcasm.

I, Allie Russo, do hereby bequeath Lizzie and Lanie late night phone calls and smiles; Casey, Coco, Linds, HJ, Shivz a place to stay; Pipkins carpool;

By Tanya PeiferOpinions Editor


At the beginning of my junior year I de-cided it would be a good idea to get a whiteboard for my door so I could at-tempt to keep myself organized. De-spite all of my best intentions, the pret-ty pink whiteboard’s main function was to serve as decoration with squiggles and smiley faces drawn all over it. It wasn’t until recently that my mom decided to start writing inspirational quotes. Some of them are pretty ran-dom and aren’t exactly motivating. For example, she once wrote “It’s better to be the hammer than it is to be the nail.” However, when searching for a topic to write this column about I walked past my bedroom door and read her latest gem of wisdom “Embrace change, it challenges you and makes you better.” Seems like a pretty appropriate state-ment for any high school senior and ris-ing college freshmen doesn’t it? Many of the changes that I will soon be facing are quite welcome. It will be easy to bid adieu to the constant reign of humidity here in Houston. I’ve been anticipating my departure from the rules and regulations enforced by my parents since I first read a Harry Potter book and learned of the magic of dor-mitory living. However, fear follows closely be-hind all of that anticipation. I may claim to be looking forward to attend-ing a snow covered campus, but the truth is I’ve never had any experience with that white, fluffy stuff those people on the news describe as blistering and unbearable: snow. Next year I will be the crazy girl from Texas who wears flip flops when it’s thirty degrees outside. In a lot of ways an acceptance letter from a college is like my own personal owl from Hogwarts (it’s about time they got that to me.) I’m thrilled to leave my familiar closet bedroom from under the stairs, but at the same time I worry about being introduced into an entire world that I’ve just learned about. The things that I look forward to the much are also the parts of college that I fear the most. It’s natural to dread having to change the patterns that you’ve already established for yourself, but as my door clearly states, change is what we need.

Senior Wills10

Thank God for Facebook

Rachel and Emily my closet; soccer mamas dance parties and chocolate; Lala, Mill, Kath, Lamar, Emo lots of pocket fun.

I, Matthew Salazar, do hereby bequeath my brother for tutoring lessons to Lauren Bigelow.

I, Hayley Sauer, do hereby bequeath an iPhone charger, being the favorite child, and Christmas card pictures to Tucker; crackers and lots of water to George and Travis; jet skis to Rob; Hunt, Texas for Trip; and a place to stay for Annie Katherine and Maggie

I, Emily Samuels, do hereby bequeath the nick-name fish to Julia Chong to do with it whatever she pleases.

I, Stephanie Schiller, do hereby bequeath my Pictionary skills to Robbie Valach; My beauty to Anna Stephens; my ghettoness to Katie Bloomfield; my California love to Elizabeth Lyles; my “looks’ to Lisette Ochoa; my hawtness to Patricia Perrin; my brains to Sarah Wey; my chillness to Alyson Lem-mer.

I, Jillian Seymour, do hereby bequeath to Donald, permission to wear the skittle jacket for another year and the courage to go through with it. To Aly-son, camp memories and Danish curse words. To Seth, all my weirdness, all my love.

I, Alex Shaffer, do hereby bequeath my books on dashing swords man to Zanoth, my E6 file to Mi-chael Lam, my Sax reeds to Micheal Rubenstein.

I, Luke Shaffer, do hereby bequeath good times to Keagan Droxler and the crew, early mornings to Cullen Zander, car chases to Josh Torres and the hallways to Matt Vogel.

I, Emily Shuchart, do hereby bequeath athletic training to Kat Githens, biology to 7th period, mom and dad to Steve and Mr. McCardle to his next victims.

I, Sammy Sinclair, do hereby bequeath gaining weight to Lauren Nowlan, dirty dishes to Reid Wil-son, and staying beautz and perf to Alexis Labarba!

I, Stephanie Skolnik, do hereby bequeath She’s the Man, Paramore and random dance parties to Sarah Skolnik, Cabo and my parking spot to Erin Kriendler, my family and house to Kathleen Slat-tery, Ixtapa and the tree house to my adopted sister Caroline Doyle.

I, Cade Skeete, do hereby bequeath the Sailors flag to Austin Pipkin.

I, Alex Somoza, do hereby bequeath to Ryan Massey hacky-sacks and mash ups, to Kelley Dickey stracks mixes, to Paige Summers loud hellos to underclassmen, to the McDonald triplets late night kidnappings, to Adair Odum lax bros and defeats over Kinkaid, and more fun memories to all my lax girls.

I, Julianne Staine, do hereby bequeath Marshall

Heins to Ash, sisterly love to Jen, a place to stay to Mason, and John Mayer, my red bow, Ezra, being stallin and gas money to come to Austin daily to Rach.

I, Madeline Stewart, do hereby bequeath boy talks to Brianna, sweat and long hours to the Mar-kettes.

I, Kelli Stienke, do hereby bequeath my cheerlead-ing skills to the tennis team, nothing to Kirby Smith, my parenting skills to Annie, Mason and Amy, Spain to Hannah and Elizabeth, A place to stay for anyone cool enough to visit Baylor!

I, Brad Strake, do hereby bequeath C. A. P. to Jack Weir and Mason Stewart, offensive tech with Coach Burmel to Ryan Baumgartner and Patrick Christie, my amazing lacrosse skills to Henry Vaughan, the Strake legacy to Brett.

I, Wayne Taylor, do hereby bequeath Army and the parents to Jennifer, lunch with Koch to David, Diamond Cutters to Beau and Katherine, Cardwell to Davis, a kiss to Ben, A.K. to Walker, the backfield to Boomer, and nine routes to Hammer.

I, Elaine Thomas, do hereby bequeath my clothes to Leah and the cupcakes to Joey :)

I, Kristen Trapnell, do hereby bequeath my goalie gloves to Grace Miller, all 8 seasons of Full House to Lauren “Bobby” Hackworth to help with identity crisis, my portion of “Just Strawberries” to Kaeli Rivers, tiny cleats and my loud cheering voice to Konstantinos Champe Amarantos.

I, Sarah Troutner, do hereby bequeath Jewce to Sam Gibson, after Homecoming party to Cody Bird-well, macking skills to Jenson Braun and a yamaka to Yaush.

I, Makenna Van Liew, do hereby bequeath Alexis Labarba food and venting sessions, Caroline Sladic and Bailey Tsuru my closet, Adam Mrlik gossiping and fashion blogs, and Kimberly Landa my futon when she comes to Cofc to visit me.

I, Barrett Von Blon, do hereby bequeath the art of whining to the Whitehead twins; playing noth-ing but football during tennis to Russell Frank; the spirit of cheer to Stephen Sykes and being cynical to Todd McCardle.

I, Kathleen Wahl, do hereby bequeath good advice to Selma, Emily and Kimberly, love for green to Sarah, awkward glances to my twin, golf skills to Haley, SJay, Erica, Colleen, gummy bear, etc. and everything else to my sister, Sharon.

I, Trenton Walker, do hereby bequeath nothing to Will Mueller.

I, Travis Waltmon, do hereby bequeath the Waltmon name to John Waltmon, the word hard to Anthony Cokinos, the word frat to Kyle Cokinos, all my playing time and catches to Patrick Christie, Ryan Baumgartner, and Kacy Clemens, and senior

Facebook: It has defined high school. From switching to Single to In a Relationship, posting pictures from the weekend festivities, or writing a heartfelt status including lyrics from your fa-vorite song, that special social networking site has been the friend that has somehow connected us all together, whether it be a good or bad thing. I remember the summer before I en-tered freshman year and first signed on to I created my account, post-ed a tight macbook profile picture flashing a peace sign, edited my about me information, and joined the Memorial High School Network.“Oh, I am so in,” I thought to myself as I friended every high schooler I knew. It wasn’t long be-fore I was receiving messages from freshman at Memorial saying, “Um excuse me, you aren’t in high school yet. You can’t get a Facebook. You are not part of this world yet.” And I never understood the reasoning behind those warn-ings until I walked on the campus the first day. My Facebook minifeed is just like the scene at the end of Mean Girls where everyone turns into tigers and lions and starts growling at each other. Students put on a good front in the hallways, but Facebook is where everyone reveals their true feelings. During my high school career, I have seen some pretty scandalous pictures, some “oh-no-she-didn’t” wall posts, and some hateful statuses directed towards a certain someone, where they defi-nitely do not even attempt to keep it a secret. So, as we all realize how Facebook can get the best of us some times, next time you sign on, go through some hilarious pictures from fresh-man year with your friends, check your friend-ship page with a person you’ve lost touch with, write on someone’s wall that you are proud of them, write an obnoxious all caps status say-ing- “CLASS OF 2011 WE DID IT,” because we did. And as pathetic as it may be, we wouldn’t remember half the memories or be able to look back on them, we wouldn’t be able to keep in touch with the friends that we are leaving be-hind next fall, and we wouldn’t have an entire social networking site to record every single thing we did for the past four years of our lives. And now, 94 photo albums (plus the 6 that will include grad parties and graduation) 3,624 tagged pictures, and too many status updates to admit out loud later, I am finally moving on from the high school bubble. I will be retir-ing the Memorial High School Network to be a part of the College of Charleston Class of 2015 Network. I will be creating message threads with my closest friends so we can always keep each other updated on our new collegiate lives. I will be updating my status next year inform-ing the Facebook world what sorority I pledge. And every once in a while, I’ll look through some old high school pics to get me through some hard times. Thank God for Facebook.

By Makenna Van LiewPhotographer

year to Mason Stewart.

I, Casey Waters, do hereby bequeath the training room to Ben Graber, magenta to Haley Braner, the awesome nature of my name to Kacy Clemens, seeds to Miles Roeder, the computer to Kylee, leftovers to Trent McGuinness, and “doing it” to Jace Metzler.

I, Erica Wellen, do hereby bequeath seconds from Blue Bell Creamery to Jenson, lacrosse skills to Agi-ta, and means of transportation to Eric Simmons.

I, William Whitehead, do hereby bequeath my car, having to live with my brothers by herself, and my cooking abilities to my sister, my room to one of my brothers (which WWIII will decide), and the key to my success in school to no one.

I, Alessandra Wike, do hereby bequeath French class and skits to Lisa Ellis, the homework monster, What Not To Wear, and Madame’s clock to Rachel Moore, Sunday adventures, Billy Elliot, The Lion King soundtrack and philosophical walks to Katie Bloomfield.

I, Mollie Williams, do hereby bequeath a dance with my hiphop star to Sarah Song, awkward smiles to Casey Klein, Simon’s spare time next year to Da-vid Oh, blueberry muffins, Sunday strolls at Memo-rial Park, disco pogo fun, Wednesday night fajitas, and my heart to Chao.

I, Mills Witmer, do hereby bequeath my bedroom at the Smith’s, and Mariska Hargitay to William, all my love to Trina, a place to stay in Oxford to Chandler, and all my things classy and expensive to Adam.

I, CC Wood, do hereby bequeath my kisses to Kacey, a place to stay to Maggie and Kakki, my love to Ashley and Chandler, accounting class to Brooks, waffles to Regan Howard, a rip stick to Holt, and my

By Jaclyn WorbetsPhoto Editor

11parents and the favorite child position to Nicole.

I, Jaclyn Worbets, do hereby bequeath an angry bird and a plane ticket to Canada to Bailey Tsuru, Stone’s “brain ball” to Kimberly Landa, Kelly Slater’s surf board to Kyle Cokinos, and the “penfork” to Tyler McCloskey and Lauren Dannemiller.

I, Will Woodruff, do hereby bequeath all of my amazing, superior, and humble qualities to my un-derclassmen friends.

I, Richard Wyatt, do hereby bequeath being the favorite to Rachel, running FCA to Scott, the joys of sleevelessness to Auti Pip, UT fanaticism to the little Skrilliams, and the wearing of the horse head to Ty.

I, Victoria, the Great, Younger, do hereby be-queath Sara Peterman my spot in the back row of a certain elective (oh! Plus the weight that comes with it). To Danielle Killion, I leave lane 4 and all of the 100s you’ll ever need; remember to spend each in 13 seconds.

When I first came to America half way through sophomore year, I was mov-ing away from my friends and fam-ily in Canada; I wasn’t sure what to ex-pect from the great state of Texas. I was familiar with the stereotypes of rid-ing horses to school, and “y’all” being used in every other sentence but there was so much more to know. Moving to a new country was a wonder-ful experience, but it was a roller-coaster ride of emotions as well. When we move to another country we take our emotions with us. It is easy to believe that the new beginning will easily take away our exist-ing emotional problems, however for me, this wasn’t the case. We take our emo-tions with us. Everything was different; from the lingo, the social norms, the phys-ical environment and of course the food. When you move, you don’t know any-one, nobody knows you and you can lose your sense of being significant. This con-stant feeing of being alone became over-whelming and ate away at my confidence. Living in another country is without a doubt, a growing experience. Each day I drew on different aspects of myself which I did not realize were even there. I have amazed myself with what I have dared to do in Texas and instead of focusing on the difficulties of being alone in an unfamiliar country, I noticed how I was expanding and growing as a person. When I moved here, I felt I had an excellent opportunity to meet new people. The behavior of people varied from one country to another and it was interesting meeting and understand-ing everyone. My respect for people and places increased more and I began seeing the world with an open mind; I began to appreciate the differences and similarities of both cultures and the ways of living. Especially since I’m returning to Can-ada for college next year, I am incredibly grateful to have experienced a seperate life in the states because the real beauty of a place can only be seen by living there.

Oh, Canada!


Memories“Watching Holes, Superbad and Beauty

and the Beast in Freshman study hall with the people who would become my best friends for the next four years.” - Dani Ostrowski “Nothing beats being in the student section for the end of the football game that decided we were going to San Anto-nio. Mustang pride reached a whole new level.” - Brooke Gentry “Sam Gillaspie ordered me the ‘Steak Dianne’ at freshman Homecoming. I was in the bathroom for the next two hours after that..” - Kelly Herrin “One day we walked into the yearbook room and there was a stuffed baboon sitting in Ms. Hartman’s chair! A real live, now dead, once frolicked around Africa until shot down, baboon! It was quite surprising and really scary!” - Shelby McPherson “Cailey eating it in a puddle freshman and sophmore year.” - Erin Hall “Riding my bike to school with a group of friends and stopping at Shipley’s for breakfast.” - Mackenzie Meador “Getting my car filled with Packing Peanuts.” - Jamie Nettles “When Travis Waltmon was writing a letter to a congressman, he addressed the let-ter Dear Travis Waltmon.” - Carter Bur-gess “Stratford putting dog poop in our dug-out before we played them in baseball. We still won...” - J.P. Fultz “My favorite memory was definitely Battle of the Bands this year. I most remember the surprise after hearing our name called.” - Theo Gerome “Pranking Ms. Cole.” - Barret Von Blon “Last semester in a particularly boring extracuricular class, my classmates coerced me into turning on the farting app on my iphone. However, I mistakenly

pressed the ‘long and nasty’ instead

of the briefer normal fart. An obnox-iously loud, synthetic farting sound thus ensued for about 60 seconds. Whoops!” -Jillian Seymour “When Ms. Foley was chewing on the end of the overhead marker and then realized the cap wasn’t on and her mouth turned blue...” - Lesley Nebeker “This one time I got a higher grade on a chemistry quiz than Gene Hu. I felt really, really intelligent for the rest of the week.” -Samantha Mehr “My favorite memory is when I opened my Texas A&M acceptance letter and know-ing all of my hard work paid off.” - Katie Buschlen “The week we got off for Hurricane Ike sophomore year.” - Kirby McDaniel “Watching Chelse Peepeetone explain-ing to her mother on the phone that she needed $1250 to pay two ‘gangstas’ that she pulled over for on Westheimer to fix the front of her car.” - Sarah Henkel “The University of Houston cross coun-try meet where we had a raging dance party in the middle of the field.” - Sterett Frank “In my sophomore WHAP class, I heard a beautiful British voice. I, drawn to the voice, looked around for the source of this music. Then, I saw it. It was the most exquisite creature I’d ever laid my eyes on: Sara Khan.” - Lana Baumgartner “When Zach played The White Stripes on 60s day at DISC.” - Arman Avasia “Playing pranks on Craig Vieth.” - Sarah Page“When the football team beat Cypress Woods. The best game I have ever seen! I cried!” - Hayley Sauer “My favorite memory was making school history for the girls varsity soccer team. We made it to the third round of playoffs, which was the region quarterfinals.” - Mary Clare Bruce



Allegheny CollegeEve Pferdehirt

Air Force AcademyJames Rushing

Appalachian State UniversityCarol Anne Oxman

Austin Community CollegeReid CaramerosRyley CatonKelly KuniHarrison Robinson

Auburn UniversityJonathan HardinAllie LovellBrandon Winborn

Babson CollegeMike Winter

Baruch CollegeNichole Foster

Baylor UniversityAmy FryJ.P. FultzDavid HeischDemi HodamJonathan JoudeCameron LongerBryan MattinglyMackenzie MeadorMorgan MeadorMason MulloyKelli StienkeBrad Strake Victoria Younger

Birmingham-Southern CollegeLauren Patterson

Blinn CollegeKim BoydJohn HerrinTyler Killion

Boston UniversityChristopher Vartian

Bridgton AcademyBen Orlean

Brigham Young UniversityOliver Moore

Brown UniversityMichael Reichmann

California Polytechnic State UniversityAndrew Sanford

College of CharlestonKayla GibsonAlex SomozaMakenna Van Liew

Colorado School of MinesKate DenningerAdam Inurria

Colorado State UniversityKyle FaigJackson Miller

Cornell UniversityGene HuTanya Peifer

Dallas Baptist UniversityCasey Waters

Dartmouth CollegeKathleen Wahl

Duke UniversityBradley CurranAnnie Wang

Elon UniversityAlessandra Wike

Galveston CollegeChristian Cokinos

Georgetown UniversityJoyce Lee

Harvard CollegeTheo Gerome

Houston Community CollegeBrad SteaneLindsey White

Indiana UniversityMeiqi Feng

Kansas State UniversityKara Roberts

Kenyon CollegeHannah Cooper

Louisiana State UniversityJohn Martin BairdKaren ByrdCameron EllerbeckCharlie HurleyHayley SauerSammy SinclairChristine Stoika

Loyola Marymount UniversityStephanie Schiller

McGill UniversityMJ Robbana

Mississippi CollegeMary Helen Klingen

Missouri University of Science and TechnologyErica Wellen

Navarro CollegeLauren Bottoms

New York Institute of TechnologyEman Said

New York UniversityNicole JacobsWan-Teak JohTrenton Walker

Oregon State UniversityLesley Nebeker

Penn State UniversityTroy Hepper

Pepperdine UniversityEthan Miller

Rhodes CollegeMariah GiblinRoss Nosaville

Rice UniversityCarter BurgessChristine JeongShelby McPhersonEmma MiertschinRachel MoodyTommy Wilkinson

Rollins CollegeEmily Glisten

Sam Houston State UniversityJordan Hickerson

Jared Kruger

St. Edward’s UniversityKrupali Laxmidas

St. Mary’s UniversityColleen Morgan

Skidmore CollegeArman Avasia

Southern Methodist UniversityKevin BecherAnalise RiddleMollie Williams

Southwestern UniversityEmily Patterson

Stanford UniversityWayne Taylor

Stephen F. Austin State UniversityEmily Samuels

Sul Ross State UniversityKevin Brown

Syracuse UniversityKarin Abrahamsson

Texas A&M - College StationStephen ArbuckleJay BettisMariel BraunKatie BuschlenBrent CarltonJeff CarrAlan ClaytonDrew FaithCameron FrankSterett FrankBrooke GentrySam GillaspieCaroline GlendinningBrandy GutkowskiColleen HarrisonKatherine HeplerLuke HillinShannon HoytDaniella LeeKent MotamediHunter NewtonZack OgleDani OstrowskiKatherine OtisSarah PageKelsey PipitoneBrian Rabenaldt

...I sound my barbaric yawp.”-Walt Whitman

“Over the Rooftops of the World...

Ivy League SchooLS:

MoSt PoPuLar out-of-State: University of Mississippi (11)

MoSt PoPuLar PrIvate SchooL: Baylor University (12)

MoSt PoPuLar In-State: University of Texas (55)

...I sound my barbaric yawp.” Brown University (1)Cornell University (2)Dartmouth College (1)Harvard College (1)

“Over the Rooftops of the World...Robert ReeseMatthew SalazarEmily ShuchartMadeline StewartKristen TrapnellJulie WilhelmWill Woodruff

Texas A&M - GalvestonSamantha MehrRana Shammas

Texas Christian UniversityAdam BatemanMia BerrymanKyle FrazierBrandon FreyChristina JonesAnnie KightLauren MohnHarris RomeRyan SigmanTravis WaltmonC.C. Wood

Texas State UniversityTaylor Orlando-GulledgeBobby Hartsoe

Texas Tech UniversityCasey BakerSlater DavidsonLauren RiddleCade Skeet

Trinity UniversityLauren DavisNicola HillBlake KeelingKatelyn Underbrink

Truman State UniversityAva Pacheco

Tulane UniversityEric Lynn

United States Marine CorpsLuke Shaffer

University of AlabamaGarrett FittsShannon GawSierra JacobMarshall LaguartaRoss LaguartaCary LathamWilliam McCarthy

University of ArizonaHarrison Devlin

University of ArkansasCasey BowermanTravis Clayton

University of California - BerkeleyCailey CotnerZach GottesmanSara Khan

University of California-DavisYoo Jin Kim

University of Colorado- BoulderSarah MarksNatalie McAninchJackson MillerClaire NebekerPierre Poupeau

University of GeorgiaLiz DouglassJason HecklerSarah McReynoldsTaylor RobinsonMatt Roland

University of Houston Mousa Abou-AwadMiki CalderonSimone DonnellyJustin GonzalezSameen KhanJena KimChristian LeeLukas MedhusBatool MehdiArmin MesgarpouranKarla MoralesHenry NguyenManuel Perez

University of IowaSarah Blackwell

University of MichiganAzad Barazi

University of MississippiTony AbiassiJessica AndersonJordan HeringtonMadison LangleyDel MixonDavid NowlanJosephine OvertonKelli Rainey

Barrett Von BlonLexi WinfreeMills Witmer

University of MissouriRachel Koehn

University of OklahomaRebecca McGlothlinHarris NikkelGreg RochnaAlex ShafferSarah Troutner

University of San DiegoSebastian GuptaJacy Luedde

University of South CarolinaKevin Brueggman

University of South FloridaMiles Birman

University of Texas at ArlingonSydney Hampton

University of Texas at AustinMomin AhmadLana BaumgartnerAustin BakerAnnemieke BayDavid BaysRachel BennickAlexandra BigelowMeredith BrannEmmory BrazeltonSarah CasparyJohn CottonKyle CunninghamKatie de AlvarezMary Caroline DillonLexi FinkMaddie FogelChris GawConnie GilbertMary GreerMichael GuentherMarshall Heins IIAbby HeidtSarah HenkelKelly HerrinFrancesca HerroCaroline HickeyJon-Jon HillEllie HinsonClaire HoganBuc HowardChase HudsonKyle Jenkins

Becca JohnsonYasmine KhairandishAubrey KirkpatrickDaniel KleinShane KrugerEmily LangeBen MantorMolly McConnKirby McDanielKeyon MohebzadAlexa PerlickJaclyn PoujolYawen RenAllie RussoEmily SalesChris SchroederStephanie SkolnikJulianne StaineElaine ThomasLaura Jane WashburnWilliam Whitehead Richard WyattAdrianna YauwKatherine Yauw

University of Texas - San AntonioBritton AndersonVanessa CedilloKarine CombeDiana ContrerasKristy EngCaroline Elise JohnsonJaime MartinezCrystal ReynaYoungern SongSteven Toll

University of TulsaChloe Moore

University of VirginiaJamie Nettles

Vanderbilt UniversityErin HallThomas Kruse

Wake Forest UniversityTess DennisAlexandra Price

Washington and Lee UniversityMary Clare Bruce

Wellesley CollegeJillian SeymourSusannah Shoemaker


Austin Baker

Loud music is silence for me.

Bradly Curran

Kate Denninger

Not all who wander are lost.

Chris Gaw

There is always something to learn.

Theo Gerome

Still no superpowers, time-travel...dissapointed.

Gene Hu

Yasmine Khairandish

Don’t know which way to go...

Joyce Lee

Silence is as free as speech.

Emma Miertschin

Study. Then don’t worry, be happy.

Molly McConn

Here’s the link to my blog.

The University of Texas

Duke University

The Univeristy of Texas

Colorado School of Mines

Harvard College

Cornell University

The University of Texas

Georgetown University

Rice UniversityThe University of Texas

I always give more than what’s asked.

Valedictorians in six words...


Running towards future, holding onto past.

Yasmine Khairandish

Don’t know which way to go...

Emma Miertschin

Molly McConn

Oliver Moore

Chris Schroeder

Money, power, zeal, fame, girls, me.

Jillian Seymour

Miles to go before I sleep.

Susannah Shoemaker

Starbucks is the key to success.

Wayne Taylor

I have done much. Never enough.

Yawen Ren

Annie Wang

Blessing: never ending to do list.

Tommy Wilkinson

I care greatly about unimporatnt things.

Kathleen Wahl

Knows better, but believes the impossible...

The University of Texas

Georgetown University

The University of Texas

Wellesley College

Wellesley College

Stanford University

The University of Texas

Duke University

Rice University

Dartmouth College

Brigham YoungUniversity

We do not need no education.

I always give more than what’s asked.

Me? I’m just a happy nerd.


Rebecca Johnson

Keyon Mohebzad

Rachel Koehn

Alessandra Wike

Buc Howard

Jon-Jon Hill

Erin Hall

Katie de Alverez

Hannah Cooper Kenyon College

University of Texas

Vanderbilt University

University of Texas

University of Texas

University of Texas

University of Missouri

University of Texas

Elon University



There’s always that kid in every grade that we just recognize as the class clown, who can be counted on to crack a joke every period and make everyone laugh. Or maybe, it’s the drama queen. The future president of the

world. The person we’ll someday call “boss.” These reputations have grown over knowing each other for four years, or eight, or for some of us even twelve. So take a look, Class of 2011. The students listed here, chosen for their talents or personality or just pure smarts, represent the sheer individuality and uniqueness of our class. These are our legacies.

best smileEllie Hinson David Heisch

Molly McConn Marshall Laguartachanged the most since 9th grade

Kirby McDaniel Travis Claytonchanged the least since 9th grade

Mariah Giblin Brent Carltonmost talkative

Aubrey Kirkpatrick Austin Gates

biggest flirt

Analise Riddle Toby Gilbertprettiest eyes

best bromanceJose Laurel & Himself

Madison Langley Reid CaramerosMOST CAREFREE

Sara Khan Arman Avasiashould have dated



There’s always that kid in every grade that we just recognize as the class clown, who can be counted on to crack a joke every period and make everyone laugh. Or maybe, it’s the drama queen. The future president of the

world. The person we’ll someday call “boss.” These reputations have grown over knowing each other for four years, or eight, or for some of us even twelve. So take a look, Class of 2011. The students listed here, chosen for their talents or personality or just pure smarts, represent the sheer individuality and uniqueness of our class. These are our legacies.

Annie Wang Theo Geromebest person to take your sat

Taylor Robinson Eric Lynnmost fashionable

Rachel Moody Michael GuentherCutest couple

Victoria Younger Harrison Robinsonmost dramatic

Josephine Overton Travis Waltmonmost attractive Maddie Fogel JD Phillips

most school spirit

Kelly Herrin Christian Cokinosmr. & mrs. facebook

Caroline Hickey Brad Strakememorial mom & dad

Maddie Stewart Ben Mantorunderstated beauty

prettiest eyes

By Sara KhanOnline Editor


MOST mischievousLiz Douglass Jason Heckler the worldSarah Caspary Dylan Droxler

Bachelor & BacheloretteJessica Anderson Greg McKonkey

MOST artistic

...disover a cur e for cancerYawen Ren Gene Hu

...trip at graduation

Sterett Frank James Rushing...fight for our country

Lexi Fink Ethan on broadway ...write a novel

Lana Baumgartner Del Mixon presidentJillian Seymour Barrett Von Blon

Sarah Henkel Devin Jupiter


Lauren Mohn Kevn Brown the world

...trip at graduation

...become a professional athleteAllie Russo Wayne Tayor themselves out of a ticketAlexa Perlick David Bays

...write a novel president

...come home every weekendJaclyn Poujol Harris Rome

...become a youtube starCaroline Johnson Michael Pyndus

Jordan Herington Christian on a reality tv show

Katie de Alvarez Buc Howard...own a fortune 500 company

...make someone laugh

Tess Dennis Colin Culpepper...come back and teach at mhs

Makenna Van Liew Chase Hudson...get a record deal

...join the peace corpsKate Denninger Leighton Gilbert

Kelsey Pipitone Jacob Kim



Favorite Teachers

Todd McCardle Sharon Ammon

Marilyn ToddElizabeth Spradling

Oh, sweet revenge! Sweet, sweet revenge. Where to begin – there are so many to choose from. 1.) The first day on the job, we all went out to lunch at Taste of Texas. All the new teachers started sharing stories about where we grew up, and it was discovered that McCardle and I grew up 20 minutes apart. We spent the entire time talking in our worst Cajun accents and comparing stories. I laughed so hard that at some point, I’m pretty sure I blew Diet Coke out of my nose.

2.) Spradrilla. Don’t ask.

Teachers come into our lives and proceed to educate and change us. Our memories of them are all at once painful (because of classwork) and endearing (for those moments where they make you laugh). Those same teachers have special moments with each other too. They usually consist of talking about us or themselves - with hilarious results.

Every year, my students enlist Ms. Ammon to help them carry out a prank on me. Two years ago, she pulled me out of my third period class (there were 38 students in that class) because there was an emergency downstairs, and she needed my help. Well, being the obedient, however gullible, person I am, I consented. Upon my return to the classroom, one of my prized pictures (specifics are removed in case my kids this year get any ideas) in the classroom was missing. The students took the poster and

The Sprad: So many mem-ories, so many laughs...

To categorize Mrs. Spra-dling as a Physics teacher would be a grave oversim-plification: sure, she knows her away around a circuit board, but that pales in comparison to her equally “electric” personality. What clever use of language and quick wit: I think she and Tina Young could go on the road together. They might not be “Winning” like Charlie Sheen, but they’d have crowds roaring!

Always known for her creatively decorated class-

hid it in the ceiling. I pretend-ed not to notice and forced Ms. Ammon to tell me where it was. I took it down, hung it up and pretended the incident never happened. When the kids returned the next day, all 38 of them walked in with this dumbfounded, betrayed expression on their face. One finally had the nerve to ask me how I found out. I pretended that I had no clue, until the kids started turning on each other, trying to find out who snitched. For three or so days, all of the kids in the class absolutely hated

each other for ruining what they thought was the ultimate prank. I quickly reminded them that I’m too elusive for their feeble minds.

The English Department at MHS is one big happy family. We have such great camaraderie, and I’m quite certain that it is because of our fearless leader, Ms. Ammon. If you’ve ever spent more than two minutes with her, you know how captivating she is. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for her.

room, this year presented quite a challenge. Liz spent hours framing and hanging inspirational quotes for her students to enjoy. Imagine her surprise when she returned the next morning, only to find the majority of them on the floor, shattered into pieces. It became an epic battle to see which would be stronger: the walls of MHS or the will of the Sprad. Bet you can guess who won!

In addition to her wit and creativity, Liz is known for the ways she reaches out beyond the blackboard: PB&J Fridays, the Gordie

Club, and the Senior Advice Booklet.

Thanks, Liz: you leave us with laughter, great memories, and three great legacies!

I love it when Mrs. Spradling “controls” the husband’s credit card! The purse, the boots, the pair of shoes - Russell just didn’t realize what he had pur-chased for Liz’s birthday, Mother’s Day, or whenever he “messed up” - lovingly referred to as the “PINK FUND”! Wish I had learned that trick earlier in life.

Usually when I report to school, I am joined by teachers toting books and hauling files with one exception. The first year that I met Marilyn Todd, she arrived at MHS with paint charts and fabric swatches. I knew from that first moment that

we would become fast friends. Marilyn Todd has literally changed the face of Memorial High School one room at a time. Any student who pauses for a few moments in the hall is in danger of having a wardrobe change and a coordinating daily

calendar placed in his hands. “Bless you

Marilyn Todd and the paint brush you have hidden in your cabi-net.”

Every time I see my work husband that is what he calls me. Spradrilla? What is that – a combo of Spradling and Godzilla? Seriously? I can’t repeat in polite conversation what I call him in reply.

3.) The man has a throne in his room. He CLAIMS it is because there is nowhere else to store it. LIES. I think he just likes sitting on it. All I know is, if I was Stu Co spon-sor I wouldn’t keep a throne in my room.

4.) Substituting Rob Pat-tinson’s pic for his in this issue. That’s right McCardle

– Spradling wins again! WHY do you insist on going up against the master? You lose, EVERY TIME.

5.) All jokes aside, Toddy Mac is one of the best teach-ers I know. He eats, sleeps, and breathes his subject, and he LOVES his kids fiercely. If you’ve been in his class, you know you were lucky. If I went back to High School, I know whose class I’d want to be in Senior year.



A farewell address from your Student Body PresidentDear Mustangs,

I love you. I love you and I love Me-morial High School. I’ve been given a page to write my closing remarks as my last act as President. I could try to be “professional” or “presidential,” tell you about my experiences in this position, or try to give you advice in your remaining time here or your next step. But you’ll figure it out. It’s not that I don’t care; I want the world for all of you, but you’ve been given that opportunity and now you get to go through and find it out for your-self.

Underclassmen- you have one or two or three more years left at this high school, and I am so excited for you. Surprisingly though, I’m not jealous. I thought I’d have to be dragged out of this place kicking and screaming, or pulled off of the front columns, but I feel okay about it. A ting of nostalgia, but I am okay. I’m at peace because I could not have asked for anything more in these four years. I will for-ever be grateful to everyone who was a part of my high school experience. To the principals for their zeal and dedication and compassion for each student, to coaches and sponsors for taking an absurd amount of extra time to make every sport and fine art and club here an incredible experi-ence, and at the very heart of it all, to the teachers for filling our minds and inspiring us and preparing us for the future, thank you. The future, col-lege. Seniors, remember freaking out about that last semester? I will just speak for myself, but whenever I tried to think about which college I wanted to go or picture where I would end up

it wasn’t good. I pictured myself ba-sically crawling to class with a hand-ful of textbooks, alone and crying in the snow under gray skies in a castle. I don’t cry and none of the colleges I applied to are located in Siberia, so it just didn’t make sense.

It’s so easy to think about college in theory, but actually imagining myself there led to despair. In theory, I want-ed to go and create a life for myself somewhere else and meet new people and friends and share things with them. But I was unable to picture that life without the friends I have now. I alternated between the dream that we were all going to McCardle College and the delusion that Waco was a sub-urb of Austin and College Station was another name for campus and that Nashville was accessible by a 20-min-ute rollerblade ride from downtown. Clearly thinking about college did crazy things to me. A portion of those nerves and anxieties may be unavoid-able but the breakdowns are not nec-essary.

Now, I do not mean to say the work in getting there is not necessary. The stress is not. I feel very passionately about trying your hardest academi-cally. Trying to learn for the sake of knowledge and understanding, for discipline and perseverance, for peace of mind later, and because you’re wasting your time and talent by not. But listen, you are going to college. If you want that, you are going to go to a college and it will be a great and challenging and fun experience. So stop freaking out when you get one bad test grade. Do your homework, but you are going to mess up chemis-

try quizzes, pre-cal will trick you, and you could bomb a history quiz be-cause you fell asleep in your textbook taking notes. But I don’t want to hear the “I’m not going to get into blah blah Idolized University,” when Mrs. Foley returns an organic chem quiz. I mean, look, you may not get into Stan-ford. Unless you can hit a grand slam while rushing 300 yards while finding the rate at which a semi-spherical/prism 2-centimeter ice cube melts at standard temperature and pres-sure, you are not guaranteed a spot. But it’s going to be okay. I know that doesn’t help because right know you don’t know what and where “the right place” is, but I can tell you that there are around 500 seniors that are pretty excited about the amazing experience they are going to have in the next four years. And not all of those seniors are following the little plan they made for themselves before they were old enough to go to college.

Juniors, you’ve made it through a year that rivals Dante’s journey through the nine circles. Congratu-lations. Take heart, ahead of you is what I hope will be the best year of your life so far. You will have to work hard first semester, but that should come pretty naturally by now. Each year as you find out what those things are, you get to do more and more of what you love. This position in Stu-dent Council has most likely been my favorite part of high school. It may have also been the hardest. Once you can decide it, whatever you are doing, is what you want to do, it’s not such a burden anymore.

I’ve decided to attend the University

of Texas at Austin and I could not be more excited about it. I can’t wait to live, to actually live with other stu-dents, in Austin. I cannot wait for the billions of classes and subjects and professors I’m going to get to explore. I cannot wait for all of the people in Austin and at UT- the weirdness, the greatness, the newness. I am so excit-ed. I haven’t even started there, and I’d probably already tell you it is the greatest university on Earth. But you know what, I don’t really think it mat-ters where you go. UT, A&M, UVA, Georgetown, Ole Miss- I think they have more similarities than differ-ences. They’re all colleges, filled with college kids. And this is why I think I’m finally okay with graduating. The things I’ve loved so dearly are not lim-ited to MHS. Community and friend-ship and intellectual pursuit and love and spirit are not confined in these brick walls or bound in the courtyard. We get to take them with us wherever we go- to UT or to Michigan or to Col-lege of Croatia- we take them with us. It is not only at Memorial that I get these things, but because of Memo-rial that I’ve got to experience them in such a grand way. And now I can hon-estly say that I put everything I have into this school. Just like the school isn’t a prison to the good things we experience in high school, it doesn’t suck the life and heart and soul out of us. I put my heart into Memorial High School, and now I get to walk into a world full of opportunities to do it all again.

Sincerely,Maddie Fogel

“...when I found out that I won 1st and 3rd place for sports stories for UIL.”-Chase Hudson

“Mary Helen and I were having a laughing fit while walking out of newspaper late night - I don’t remember why - but we were carrying a lot of stuff. It was raining, Mary Helen was carrying an umbrella, backpack, and my government book. I was carrying boxes, my backpack and the cooler. Nothing was funny, but we were delusional and laughing. Mary Helen dropped my government book in the mud and we just laughed harder. We picked it up, then promptly dropped it again. I finally got us and our stuff into my car when Mr. McCardle turned around and said, “My car is gone.” We were still laughing. “ - Blake Keeling

“We went to Russo’s for an editorial “luncheon.” When the pizza came out, Carson decided to shake the pizza to try and make the slice come up, banging the metal tray against the stand, all the while sipping her drink. All of a sudden the pizza flew off and fell on the floor. The restaurant was silent because of the banging the metal disk made on the floor. The bus boy glared at her and we’ve given her a hard time ever since. We got a free pizza out of it though.” - Tanya Peifer

“It was Blake and her boyfriend’s 400 day anniversar y on the day of our late night and Blake had forgotten about it. So Carson and I decided to go to the dollar store and buy gifts for Blake’s boyfriend since she was up at school working on the paper. All in all, it was a crazy car ride consisting of lots of Ke$ha and balloons flying out the window. And Carson let me keep the ball we had gotten for him, and it is still in my car till this day.“-Mary Helen Klingen

“I Enjoyed The times we harassed Sara [Khan]. All of them.”-Arman Avasia

Staff Memories

“After getting yelled at by one of the head editors last year for “the lack of diversity” in our holiday DPS in Thunder, Mary Helen and I were seeking quotes and desperately racially profiling everyone we could, looking for people who potentially could fulfill our diversity quota. It wasn’t until we saw a Jewish kid in a yarmulke that we knew we had our guy...people hearing us yell “GET THAT KID IN A YARMULKE!” and a few seconds later watching us sprint past after him probably got the wrong idea, though.”-Sara Khan

“When Arman, Chase and I went to Chase’s house to let his dogs out before late night. It was right before the English poetry test and Chase kept asking us questions about what was on it. In Chase’s hallway there was a religious sonnet in a frame and Arman and I convinced Chase that the sonnet was on the test. He began to research the poem immediately.” -Tess Dennis

“Making Mr. McCardle redo the whole layout for this page to fit in my favorite memory. Oh and also when it was anyone’s birthday in Newspaper. We got cake; it was awesome.”-Makenna Van Liew


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