security on future city

Post on 24-May-2015






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This is my slide about security on future city


Security on future city

• They not only need to patrol in the street or the city but also in the cyberspace because of this technology developed era.

Role of police:

• In the future, there will be millions of intelligent surveillance system installed in every corner of the city

Intelligent Surveillance system:

• The surveillance camera can also Identify the target and retrieve his information from the database.

Face recognition system:

• By using those system, searching people become easy

• These kind of system can help the police during inspection.

Rader system:• In the future people will live in a fully

wired world• Every parts of the city are equipped

with radar system as well. It can automatically detect you by your personal code if you are identify by the surveillance camera.

• It is a small gadget implanted in the building structure or street.

• No one can hide form the police. Even you hide in the ditch, the police can find you because of the radar system, it can send the signal to the police.

• Other than this purpose, it also can use to find the missing person.

The Beyond ProVision Scanner:

• Provison scanner is apply in the airport everyone must scan by this scanner before they enter the airport.

• This can prevent any banned object being bring into the airport and make sure the safety.

• It special features are it can scan your heartbeat and bran as well

• The computer can make the judgement as well

• Every banned object will be detected for sure

• If the person is suspected he will be suspected and do the second check up

Emergency alarm:

• It is not just an alarm which only will ring if the theif broke into your house, it can also receive the announcement from the authority if something emergency happen.

• Thus if there is any disaster coming, the resident can get ready to leave or evacuate.

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