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Sea Vegetables and Super Algaes

MODULE #12 - Lesson 1

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2Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 1

One of the fundamental reasons why we should be eating more sea vegetables is that they are an incredible source of minerals. This is important because a lot of plant based foods are devoid of minerals because we’ve abused our soil. Sea vegetables contain virtually every mineral found in the ocean, the same minerals found in the human body.

As an example, one tablespoon of dried sea vegetable contains up to 35 mg of iron, which is well above the recommended daily allowance (RDA) and is accompanied by vitamin C, which helps the absorption of iron in the stomach, and it’s a more bioavailable form of iron than is found in red meat.

It’s also a very potent source of iodine, up to about 30,000 times more concentrated than seawater. Iodine is an important mineral for thyroid health. The other reason iodine’s really important is most land-based vegetables and fruit lack iodine because it is one of the least abundant minerals in our food supply.

Why Sea VegetablesModule 12 - Lesson 1

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Iodine is one of the minerals that have really suffered the consequences of our farming practices over the past 50 to 75 years. Sea vegetables are probably the best source of iodine of any food on the planet. They also contain a lot of trace minerals, like vanadium, which improves insulin sensitivity. There are a lot of really amazing things with respect to minerals.

They may also play a role in lowering the risk of estrogen-related cancers, including breast cancer; really, any kind of cancer related to estrogen dominance. The reason for this is since cholesterol’s required as a building block for production of estrogen, as you know, the cholesterol-lowering effects of sea vegetables may play a risk-reducing role.

They can also modify aspects of a woman’s normal menstrual cycle so that the total accumulative estrogen secretion that occurs during the follicular phase of the cycle gets decreased. Essentially, with sea vegetable intake, you have a lower amount of estrogen in the body. As we’ve seen, estrogen dominance, whether it be in men or women, is very common nowadays because of all the xenoestrogens and all the chemicals in foods and pesticides, which all mimic estrogen inside the body.

What is a fucoidan? A fucoidan is a starchlike molecule, also known as a sulfated polysaccharide, unique due to their complicated structure and sulfur content. These also have antiviral activity, as they prevent proliferation of herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2 by blocking their binding sites in the body. These fucoidans have important anticoagulant and antithrombotic properties that bring valuable cardiovascular benefits. We’re not getting coagulation of blood; we’re not getting deep-vein thrombosis and embolisms coming through the blood. These specific polysaccharides in the sea vegetables are unique from an antiviral perspective and a cardiovascular health perspective.

Numerous studies have documented the anti-inflammatory benefits of these fucoidans. Osteoarthritis has been an area of specific interest for their anti-inflammatory benefits. They block selectins and inhibit an enzyme called phospholipases A2, or PLA2s.

This is an enzyme that’s important for the creation of omega-6 fatty acid called arachidonic acid. The reason this is important is because arachidonic acid is the building block for a wide variety of proinflammatory messaging molecules.

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If we go down the omega-6 fatty acid pathway, we get more inflammatory prostaglandins, which is not good. These fucoidans block selectins, which are types of proteins, and they inhibit an enzyme which favors moving away from that omega-6 pathway. A lot of corticosteroid medications lower inflammation by blocking this same enzyme, PLA2s, as does licorice, turmeric, and quercetin, which are obviously found in foods.

But Be CarefulSea vegetables are like sponges, they soak up everything in the sea, including heavy metals, toxins, and pollution. Arsenic seems to be the most apparent in many different types of seaweed. In fact, many countries have warned against consuming hijiki, a type of sea vegetable that contains the most arsenic of all sea vegetables. I wouldn’t recommend you eat hijiki, just because it’s so contaminated, even if it’s organic.

In general, you want to choose a certified-organic sea vegetable. There is no point to eating these health-giving foods if they’re just loaded with toxins and heavy metals, so it’s something to be careful of. The good news is that it’s very inexpensive to eat certified-organic sea vegetables, and I’ll show you some really good sources afterward.

ToxicityLet’s remember that 20% of all food-borne disease or illnesses are associated with seafood intake and half of these involve toxins from algae. If you have shellfish allergies or shellfish poisoning, a lot of this comes from specific things that are in algae.

Sea vegetables are unique in the sense that they’re not really involved in this toxicity process, other than, obviously, the arsenic in hijiki, but I want to speak specifically to something

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called harmful algal blooms, or HABs. These are also known as red tides, and this picture actually shows what this looks like.

When this happens we get unwanted changes in the sea environment in which very small one-celled algae become too plentiful. These one-celled phytoplanktons, come in the form of dinoflagellates or diatoms, are capable of producing neurotoxins like saxitoxin. These toxins then kill fish. The fish, they can’t breathe and they essentially die. And as the fish die, shellfish tend to feed on these dead fish.

In some cases we end up eating these shellfish along with the neurotoxins inside them. Cooking does not destroy these toxins. It’s found in lobster, oysters, clams, and a lot of these shellfish are very small, so they can’t actually eat fish so they eat large amounts of phytoplanktons. Something to keep in mind.

Certified Organic Sea VeggiesWith sea vegetables you want to look for the USDA Organic or the organic emblem on these packages. Essentially, there are two ways that manufacturers certify something or a sea vegetable as organic. The first is through a farming process. Just like with fish, you have farmed fish and you have wild fish. In this case the sea vegetables are farmed in a process called aquaculture or mariculture, which involves a closely monitored, contained water environment for the sea vegetables so they know exactly what’s coming in and out.

And then there’s wild-harvested where we have the sea vegetables in regions where ocean waters are better protected against contaminants. Those are the two ways that manufacturers are able to show the USDA that their products have little to no toxins. That’s what you definitely want to look for in a sea vegetable. I recently went through my pantry and noticed I had a couple different brands of sea vegetables that didn’t have the USDA Organic so I’ll be throwing those out.

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Common Sea Veggies

We’re going to look at a couple different types of sea vegetables including: kelp, Kombu, nori, arame, dulse, and wakame. These are very easy to find in most health-food stores. I will also show you what I believe is the best retailers of vegetables. You can order actually directly from their Web site.

KelpEverything I’m going to tell you about kelp and everything else here, they all cross over and they all have very similar benefits, but I’ll just run through them. Rich in vitamins, A, B, E, D, and K. Main source of vitamin C and rich in minerals like iodine, which I mentioned earlier.

The amount and quality of the proteins found in kelp is comparable to animal proteins. It’s a brown marine plant. You have brown sea vegetables, red sea vegetables, and green sea vegetables, no health-benefit difference; it’s just the way they’ve kind of classified them.

What’s really cool with kelp is that it actually contains something called sodium alginate, which is an element that helps remove radioactive particles and heavy metals from the body. It is a nice chelating agent and detoxification agent for the body. They also rejuvenate the gastrointestinal health or gastrointestinal tract and aid digestion. They’re kind of like aloe. Kelp also works as a blood purifier, relieves arthritis stiffness, and promotes adrenal, pituitary, and thyroid health. Again, a very wide range of benefits, as you’re going to see with pretty much all of these.

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KombuKombu is a decongestant for excess mucus and helps normalize blood pressure. It has an abundant amount of iodine, vitamins B, C, D, and E, calcium, magnesium, potassium, silica, iron, and zinc.

It’s a meaty, high-protein seaweed, higher in natural mineral salts than most other seaweeds so it is really good in soups or anything simmering for a while. If you’re making soups or stews or anything in a Crockpot, you can throw in some kombu and you’re just going to absorb all those minerals from the kombu into the fluid, into the end product and that’s one of the best strategies I would recommend anyone use in respect to adding sea vegetables into their diet.

You can actually chew on this stuff like beef jerky I sometimes do if I’m getting a bit of a salt craving. I’ll take some kombu or kelp, and I’ll just suck on it like beef jerky. It’s such a great way to satisfy that salt craving while actually giving you some amazing minerals.

Here’s another cool thing. Adding a strip of kombu to your bean pot naturally takes away the gas-producing properties from the beans. If you’re making a chili with beans, throw in some kombu, and it will reduce the gas from those beans.

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NoriYou’re probably most familiar with nori because it’s found in sushi. Nori is a red sea plant with a sweet, meaty taste. When dried, it contains nearly a 50% balanced assimilated protein and higher. It’s really, in terms of protein content, higher than any other sea plant, so really, really cool in respect to that. Its fiber makes it very, obviously, suitable for sushi wrapping. It’s full of carotenes, minerals like calcium, iodine, iron, and phosphorus. The thing I like most about nori is it’s the most accessible sea vegetable to use on a daily basis. You can use to replace bread if you wanted to make a wrap, for instance. I have a lot of recipes in my various programs with nori as the wrap. You get the beautiful benefit of all these minerals and protein, and it’s obviously much better than using a whole-wheat wrap.

ArameNext, we have arame, which kind of looks like this hair. It’s one of the ocean’s richest sources of iodine. Herbalists use arame to help reduce breast and uterine fibroids, adhesions, and, through its fat-soluble vitamins and phytohormones, to normalize menopausal symptoms. That’s obviously very nice and attractive for menopausal women. Trace minerals and vitamins promote soft, wrinkle-free skin, shiny hair, and prevents hair loss.

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The one thing I want you to understand is that with respect to beautification, anti-aging, having beautiful skin, really healthy hair and nails, all of that comes down to minerals and protein. That’s really what it’s all about. There’s obviously some essential fatty acids, but, really, the key to all levels of health, I believe it’s not so much that we are deficient in protein or fat or carbohydrates, but it’s really this mineral imbalance that so many of us don’t even know we have.

It’s not your fault; it’s just based on the food supply that we’re exposed to, which is so devoid of nutrition. And even multivitamins. I mean, yes, there are decent multivitamins out there, but if you can incredible amounts of minerals and vitamins through sea vegetables, which is a natural source, which has not been processed or manufactured, then, in my book that’s pretty much the best mineral multivitamin that you can possibly find. If you want really beautiful skin and all other sorts of health improvements, this is the way to do it.

DulseDulse is rich in iron, protein, and vitamin A. supremely balanced nutrient. 300 times more iodine and 50 times more iron than wheat. Tests done on dulse show activity against the herpes virus, has purifying and tonic effects on the body, yet its natural balanced salts nourish as a mineral without inducing thirst. I’ll often add dulse into soups. I’ll even grind it in the coffee grinder if I don’t have any kelp on me.

You can grind kelp in a coffee grinder, and sprinkle it on your salads, your soups, different things like that to get a very under-the-radar form of sea vegetables in. You can do that with dulse, you can do that with kelp, you can do that with all these that don’t need to be soft first, to be kind of softened. You can just kind of let it sit in your mouth for some of that satiation, for that saltiness. Actually, after a workout as well, because when you work out, you obviously lose a lot of salt through sweat. This stuff is fantastic.

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WakameI have an amazing wakame soup in I think it’s in Eating for Energy. This is a wicked sea vegetable. This one needs to be softened to really enjoy. It’s also known as alaria. It’s a high-protein, high-calcium seaweed with carotenes, iron, and vitamin C. Are you starting to see the trend here? Widely used in the Orient for hair growth, luster and skin tone.

Where to Get ThemI get my sea vegetables from a company called Main Coast Sea Vegetables, and as far as I’m concerned, they are the best. Their Web site is, and this is what their packages look like; very distinct packaging, so if you see that at a health-food store, you’ll know that it’s them. The cool thing is that these little logos, which are a little bit blurry here, these are basically to certify that it is all organic. Most of their stuff is organic and a lot of it is raw as well, which is really cool.

How To Select, Store and EatHow to select them other than getting them through them, store, and eat them? As I said, they must be certified organic, which Main Coast Sea Vegetables are. Raw is preferable; some of them toast their nori sheets, which is fine if you don’t have another option. Look for sea vegetables that are sold in tightly sealed packages; they should be in a Ziploc bag. If they have any moisture in them you should avoid them.

You want to store sea vegetables in a tightly sealed container or some type of Ziploc bag. Keep it at room temperature and they can stay fresh for at lest several months. They stay good for a long time. There’s really no expiration date.

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Many types of sea vegetables require soaking for five to ten minutes before adding them to your dish. For instance, wakame would be one of them; arame would be another one. I remember trying to use arame once, and I forgot to soak it. It wasn’t good. The packaging will tell you how to best prepare it. The cool thing is that if you’re soaking wakame or you’re soaking arame, then you can use that water afterward because it’s now leached out some of the minerals into that water. You can use that water for soups or anything else you want to use it for.

And, as I mentioned earlier, you can use nori, dulse, kelp flakes; you can throw those into a coffee grinder or a Vitamix and just blend it all together one at a time, or you can do, actually, all of them together and pulverize them so they become like a powder, and you just put them on top of salads and other dishes as a replacement to salt.

Those are the sea vegetables I’d recommend. These are things that you should be incorporating into your diet on a daily basis; very simple to do. They just enhance the flavor of everything you eat.

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Super Algaes

Next, we’re going to move on to super algae, because this stuff, this is powerful.

Meet The PlayersSpirulina, chlorella, E3Live, or the actual strain is called aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA), and we’ll look at marine phytoplankton, the base of the food chain of this planet.

SpirulinaSpirulina is a type of blue-green algae that has many health benefits. I’m not going to be able to cover all of them because that would take us hours. It’s an amazing super food.

It is probably the highest source of protein I’ve come across personally, and even in comparison to sea vegetables, spirulina has the highest amount of protein: 60% complete protein, which means it has all the amino acids that you’d fine in steak, for instance. Ten times the beta-carotene of carrots and highly bioavailable iron.

It is also a great source of GLA, gamma-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acids, which is rarely found in food. It is helpful for your skin and for a lot of different things. It also provides EPA and DHA. No toxic effects known in humans but may contain microcystins, which are toxins based on cultivation and exposure to other allergies.

You want to use a high quality brand, I use NewGreens. They have capsules, as well as powder. I use the powder form, which basically looks like this, at the bottom of the screen. I add it to my smoothies. It has a very, very distinct fishy, sea type of flavor, so if you don’t like that flavor, I wouldn’t recommend getting the powder; you’d probably want to go with the capsules.

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Health BenefitsIt’s got some amazing health benefits. There’ve been a lot of studies on blood lipid improvements. There hasn’t been an extensive amount of research with humans; a lot of this stuff has been done with animals but there are a number of studies that have been done with humans, and they, for the most part, show very favorable results.

For instance, with blood lipid, blood fat, in rats, total cholesterol level in serum lowered. HDL cholesterol levels increased while LDL cholesterol level was suppressed. Blood and liver triglycerides were also suppressed in this one study out of Japan. This is great since we want more HDL, less LDL, and lower triglycerides.

In a human study involving 30 patients, dosages of 4.2 g/day, which might be two tablespoons or so if you’re doing the powdered form. So, 4.2 g/day for 30 days led to the following results. Total serum cholesterol and LDL cholesterol were lowered; HDL cholesterol increased concurrently.

A lot of the research on sea vegetables and algae comes out of Japan because they’ve been using them for the longest amount of time. These are common foods in Asian cultures. The sea vegetables are; the algae probably have been used, I would say, more so in Asia at least the Japanese area more so than they have been in North America historically. Now we can import and that’s an awesome thing.

The blue pigment from spirulina is very powerful. In an extracted form and given orally to lab mice that had been injected with liver-tumor cells, the survival rate increased significantly versus controls who were not given this blue pigment. The lymphocytes, one of the immune cells, activity increased in daily injection of a small dosage accelerated normal cell functions to prevent malignant growths.

It’s also been found that spirulina inhibits carcinogenesis in hamsters due to its high levels of vitamin A specifically in its beta-carotene form. The anticancer benefits of vitamin A have been almost exclusively found in relation to beta-carotene, not in its formed version retinol, which is often found in liver and stuff

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like that, more of animal products. It’s this preformed beta-carotene which has some kind of properties that are the real benefit in terms of anticancer protection from vitamin A.

Spirulina’s been effective in lowering the blood glucose levels in a fasting and fed state; very similar to apple cider vinegar, along those lines. In a double-blind crossover study, which is pretty much the gold standard for what you want to look for, they found that supplementing the diet with 2.8 grams of spirulina three times a day, roughly 9 grams of spirulina per day, over four weeks resulted in statistically significant reduction in body weight in obese outpatients. Pretty cool, right?

ChlorellaChlorella is perhaps the most researched algae. It’s a single-cell green algae. It’s about 45% protein, 20% fat; 40% of that is EPA. 25% carb, 5% fiber, and 10% minerals, including iron and vitamins, including folate and B12, which is also good for vegans.

It’s the most concentrated source of chlorophyll of any food; we’ll just leave it at that. That’s pretty amazing. Chlorophyll, we know that it’s helpful for blood purification, energy, and a lot of other things. Here’s the real benefit of chlorella. It’s an amazing chelator of heavy metals. Because of its ability to bind with mercury, lead, and cadmium, as we’ve seen are three big heavy metals that are very common in the human body, chlorella has become increasingly popular as a heavy metal detoxifier. Studies demonstrate that it has superior ability to safely draw toxic metals that accumulate in the gut and intestinal tract. That is a big reason to start considering chlorella.

What’s funny is, actually, before putting this information together, I’ve actually never used chlorella. As I started to research this more and more, I was like, “Why on Earth have I not tried this yet?” I ordered a bunch and I will be using chlorella on a daily basis.

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DetoxificationYou can do a food-based cleanse, like our Total Wellness Cleanse, and that’s going to really help cleanse your body of a lot of toxins and unnecessary fat, but if you want to take things to the next level and really go deep to get rid of these heavy metals like mercury and lead and arsenic and cadmium, things like chlorella and cilantro, a very potent chelator of heavy metals as well.

There was a three-year double-blind metal detox study done in Russia, and they looked at 350 metal foundry workers because in this area, there were more than 20 natural compounds used in trials to remove heavy metals from people, workers who’d been exposed to very high levels of four main metals antimony, lead, cadmium, and arsenic.

The experimental group using chlorella plus cilantro eliminated all heavy metals, including mercury, and with no reported side effects. Like blue-green algae, like spirulina, clinical studies in chlorella show promise in removing polychlorinated dibenzodioxins, or PCDDs, which are essentially what you get when the herbicides are put into different crops. It’s also been shown to remove radiation or kind of heal the body from radiation exposure in animals. Pretty amazing benefits.

About 4 g/day year round is recommended for best effects. I don’t know if daily use is necessary. I would say 4 g/day for sure, but go on it for 30 days; go off it for a couple days. Cycle on and off so that your body just doesn’t get used to it all the time. It’s like with food. You want to cycle through foods; you don’t want to eat the same thing all the time. I don’t necessarily agree that 365 days a year is the way to do it with any kind of supplement, even though chlorella is a food.

Other Health BenefitsReduce high blood pressure, lower serum cholesterol levels; accelerate wound healing; enhance immune function; have antitumor properties; reduce fructose-induced insulin resistance, which is really powerful fructose-induced insulin resistance is very common, especially when somebody’s drinking a lot of sugar or consuming processed foods; and it can possibly help pregnant

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women prevent anemia at 6 g/day because I does contain folate and B12, which is obviously pretty important for preventing anemia in pregnant women. Again, it’s not 100% certain that’s the reason, but it does seem to help.

Too Much Iron?Due to its high levels of iron it could pose an issue for men and postmenopausal women if taken in high levels daily. The RDA for men and postmenopausal women is 8 to 11 mg/day. The reason this is an issue is because men don’t lose blood like women do before menopause, so they end up storing iron in the body, and that becomes a risk factor for heart disease. The same thing happens for postmenopausal women, because when you lose your period as a woman, you no longer lose all that blood, so now you’re storing iron in your body like men do. That’s one of the reasons why the risk of cardiovascular disease for women increases after menopause.

If you have 4 grams of chlorella over a day, that would give you 5.2 mg of iron per day. That’s a safe limit to be within. If you went crazy with chlorella and decided to do 10 g/day, then you would be above your recommended daily allowance for iron, which could be a problem if you’re not a woman who’s menstruating. Keep it at 4 grams, in and around that area, so you’re below your RDA in terms of iron and you’ll be fine.

If you are a guy or a postmenopausal women and you’re taking more than that you probably want to have you blood ferritin levels checked regularly. Ideally, this ferritin level should be between 20 and 80 ng/ml. just have your doctor tell you what the number is. Levels over 150 or higher become problematic and should be treated by, for instance, blood donations. Obviously, for other women it’s not a problem because of blood loss during the menstrual cycle. Just something to consider.

Chlorella for VegansWhat about chlorella for vegans? We talked about the fact that it has a very, very high source of protein, as does spirulina, so chlorella’s about 45% protein. It’s also a complete source of amino acids for vegans. Here’s something interesting: Historically, chlorella was like the wonder food, the food of the future back in the 1940s, as the World Health Organization and different governing

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bodies were looking to different sources of food sustainability. This was during World War II and a lot of different thinkers and governments were starting to worry that as the population of the Earth was growing very quickly, we wouldn’t be able to feed everyone and that’s probably never going to happen because innovation’s always going to find ways to solve our problems.

Anyways, they turned to chlorella back in the day, and it was such a popular thing. They were starting to harvest it, and they were thinking that this was going to become the future and the way to sustain the protein needs for people all around the world because animal meat is very expensive in comparison to chlorella, so they just wanted to look for cheaper ways that could provide a very similar or better benefit. Unfortunately, that fizzled out over time and just now it’s starting to make a comeback.

A really good source of protein. If you’re a vegan and you’ve been vegan your whole life, chlorella might help. The only way to know for sure is to do a blood test. Otherwise, you can just get methylcobalamin injections from a naturopath.

It’s been shown that 3 grams of chlorella provides 4 mcg of vitamin B12, which is roughly 70% of your RDA. If you’re consuming 3 to 4 grams of chlorella per day, you’re getting about 70% to 75% of your RDA of B12 which is actually pretty good. I’m not sure if that’s fully bioavailable or not, you’d have to get your blood checked to know a 100%.

You can take it in a powdered form or a pill form. I think in terms of dosage, it might be easier to get enough chlorella through a tablet unless you’re using a ton of it.

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Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA)

This is a particular strain of blue-green algae exclusively found in the Klamath Lake in Oregon. It’s absolutely phenomenal. What makes this unique is that Klamath Lake is a large, about 140 square miles, shallow freshwater lake in south central Oregon. What’s cool is that it’s located on the Pacific Ring of Fire, which is essentially a volcanic meridian. It gets a lot of minerals from volcanic ash and the area gets a lot of sunshine. Those two combinations are ideal for algae blooms.

Since AFA as a species, there are a lot of different species of AFA and blue-green algae, might contain toxic microcystins and nontoxic forms. There’s only one brand I recommend called E3Live. My buddy Kevin Gianni put together documentation based on his visit to Klamath Lake. He spoke to the CEO of E3Live, and they showed him how they make sure that it’s all clean and there are no toxins or heavy metals. There are a couple different companies that produce AFA, but I only feel comfortable recommending E3Live. There are no toxicity issues as there have been with some other products.

AFA/E3 Live Health BenefitsThe benefits of AFA, or E3Live, it’s a well-known source of over 64 vitamins and minerals. It has positive effects on immunity, inflammation, and nervous functions, which encompasses a staggering list of health conditions. It also appears to benefit conditions that have little to do with immunity or inflammation, such as depression, weight loss, or even blindness.

What we’re starting to see that all of these sea vegetables and super algae do several things. Nothing in the body happens independently. If you bring foods in there very high in antioxidants, well, that’s going to impact you positively on a lot of different levels. E3Live, or AFA, is just another example of this.

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Directing The Immune SystemAFA directs the immune system; it helps to modulate the immune response. According to the largest and most extensive study on AFA, polysaccharides these communication cells contained within AFA are 100 to 1,000 times more powerful at stimulating immune-cell migration where they’re needed most. It says, “There’s an issue here. Let’s migrate all the immune cells to this problem.” It’s like air-traffic control.

One human study demonstrated that within two hours, AFA was able to trigger the migration of nearly 40% of the circulating natural killer cells. Within two hours, almost half of your immune system, natural killer cells, are moving to the problem area.

And here’s the important thing, especially for people who have an autoimmune condition. AFA improves immune function by modulation, not stimulation. It doesn’t just boost your immune system, making the problem worse if you have an autoimmune condition, but it actually modulates the immune response. It’s very, very helpful for people with autoimmune disorders. It also helps to cool inflammation.

Cooling InflammationAFA contains a natural COX-2-inhibiting compound called phycocyanin. E3Live contains this compound which does not reach greater than 60% inhibition of COX-2, which is enough elevation to offer pain-relief benefits without overstimulating the immune system and creating side effects often seen in, for instance, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs like Advil. It blocks the pathway, it kind of inhibits that COX-2 pathway but to a degree that’s enough without overshooting. These strains of algae have been around since

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the beginning of time, and when you can start to incorporate these foods into your body they’re good for you. The effects are profound.

AFA also contains significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linoleic acid, ALA, and, as we know, omega-3s have been shown to inhibit the formation of inflammatory prostaglandins, so they’re very, very antiinflammatory, which is a good thing.

About E3 LiveA little bit more about E3Live. This is the product itself. It’s pretty intense, so just to give you a head’s up. It’s a frozen, live form of AFA. You find it in the freezer, you keep it in the freezer, and you thaw out little bits as you need.

Initially, you want to take one teaspoon a day for four to five days then move to a standard amount of one or two tablespoons a day or more if you want. Remember, this is a whole food. There’re really no contraindications of going more than that. I wouldn’t say it’s the cheapest supplement on the market; it’s not the most expensive either, but you want to be smart about it. You don’t need to drink a liter of this stuff on a daily basis.

Two things to remember. First off is that E3Live is high in vitamin K, as are a lot of these other very, very powerful, dark, green drinks or algae. Vitamin K’s a natural blood thinner, so if you’re currently taking any prescription meds for blood thinning, like Coumadin, you should work closely with your doctor on that. Ideally, you’d be able to get off the meds, but I can’t tell you that for sure.

There are obviously some detox symptoms that can appear. If you’ve never used this stuff, well, this is pretty potent. You might feel a little bit dizzy, a little bit of a headache, maybe some skin outbreaks over the first couple days. This will pass.

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Marine Phytoplankton

And, finally, we’re going to talk about marine phytoplanktons. These are all super algae that I incorporate into my daily diet. It’s almost like there’s not enough hours in a day to get all this stuff in. It’s just really exciting.

This picture here actually shows a phytoplankton bloom. Kind of like a seasonal tide of marine phytoplankton. Marine phytoplankton forms the base of the food chain on the planet. We’re seeing a great loss of marine phytoplankton because of everything that we’re doing the planet, global warming and so forth.

We’ve all been told that trees give off oxygen. They take in carbon dioxide, they give off oxygen. I was watching a documentary a while ago and they were showing that what actually happens in, for instance, the Amazon rainforest specifically they were showing, is that at night the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is taken up by the trees, and some oxygen is given back into the atmosphere.

However, most of that oxygen is still in the plant, and what happens is that as the plant decomposes, it ends up in the soil. With the Amazon, all of that groundwater, all the stuff that leaches into the groundwater from the soil eventually makes it out to the delta in Brazil. They showed amazing satellite images of this huge marine phytoplankton bloom coming out of this delta.

What was amazing is that these marine phytoplankton were literally being resurrected or created by the nutrients or the sediments coming from the Amazon rainforest. It’s all part of the cycle that we’re all part of. You cause

22Super Nutrition Academy – MODULE 12 - Lesson 1

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issues at one part, and the cycle is going to break down. They showed that oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere actually comes from marine phytoplankton. The greater portion of it is not coming from trees; it’s actually coming from marine phytoplankton during these huge blooms.

Personally, I would rather go to the ultimate source of food, so instead of eating a cow, which is eating plants, and those plants have consumed, light, energy or fish which have consumed something else, something else, something else, which has consumed something else and something else, which eventually got down to the bottom of the food chain, which is marine phytoplankton, why not go right to the source?

The problem is that there’s only one type of marine phytoplankton out of about 43,000 which mirrors our nutritional profile, and this is called Nannochloropsis gaditana. That’s the type of marine phytoplankton that’s best suited for human consumption.

Marine phytoplankton contains hundreds of different carotenoids, minerals, amino acids, and nutrients that we all need. Again, compared to land-based plants, which are usually mineral-deficient, ocean-based plants and algae are naturally rich in ocean water minerals, including all the trace minerals that we’ve talked about that can prevent and reverse serious disease.

Beyond the trace minerals, mineral phytoplankton contains literally hundreds of potent phytochemicals that work in synergy to protect your body’s tissues, detoxify your blood and a number of toxins, enhance oxygenation and circulation, and reverse abnormal cell division that can lead to cancer. Marine phytoplankton has the basic units that literally repair your DNA.

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Overview of Health Benefits

It provides gentle, yet powerful energy that lasts and builds day by day; assists to regulate blood sugar regularly; eyesight improvements can be seen; skin appears more vibrant and younger; speeds the recovery from illness and disease; relieves symptoms of heartburn; memory improvement; instance trace mineral gratification with 92 macro and trace minerals; assists to strengthen the immune, nervous, and endocrine systems; antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial; helps defend against radiation; powerful antiinflammatory and antioxidant qualities; improves circulation and heart function; allergy and asthma relief; and it contains the essential fatty acids omegas-3, 6, 7, and 9.

What I Use and RecommendI use and recommend a product called Ocean’s Alive. I’m good friends with the owner of this company who lives about half an hour from my house. They run this amazing operation where they’re sourcing the purest and most concentrated form of human-ready marine phytoplankton. He has traveled the world to source only the best stuff, and I believe he gets it from a special processing manufacturing plant in Holland, where it’s completely free of contaminants and toxins. Mike Adams did a video on, where he compared this marine phytoplankton to some of the other ones on the market and showed that this one is much better in terms of its purity and effectiveness and concentration.

I will post a link below this video, both for the Ocean’s Alive because you can’t really get it in a health-food store, not that I’ve seen, and E3Live as well. I’ll post the link to the Web site in case you want to order from their Web site; you can do that as well. I’ll have a link below this video where you can do that. Everything else, the sea vegetables, chlorella, spirulina, you can pretty much find at any health-food store that I’ve come across, so you should be fine for those. These two are a little bit more scarce, so I’ll post links for them below. And there we go.

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RecapVegetables from the sea are jam-packed with vital minerals and protein and vitamins and phytonutrients that we don’t get from land-based foods, because of our farming practices and so forth.

I personally believe that sea vegetables are the food of the future. We’re going to be turning to the sea for answers as we start to lose more and more space and our crops become worse off. Hopefully we can increase our organic farming practices before that happens but in the meantime, I truly believe that the answers are in the ocean.

Our interstitial fluid is the exact same composition as ocean water. If you put your interstitial fluid into a fish tank they would thrive because it has the exact same composition as ocean water.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this presentation. I hope it’s prompted you to start to consider adding in sea vegetables and sea algae. The four that I’ve mentioned in this presentation are the best that I’ve come across.

You can rest assured that they’re safe, they’re healthful, and you don’t have to add them in, but I do believe that the sea vegetables are essential. They’re very inexpensive, easy to add into your diet, and they’ll make a huge difference for you.

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Coming in Lesson 2Coming in Lesson 2, we’re going to be looking at 16 super foods for ultimate health. We’re continuing this trend of super foods, super nutrients. So stay tuned for Lesson 2. If you’ve got any comments or questions, let me know below, and we’ll see you then.

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