sdcg-5 / fao rome 25 th february 2014 1 ministry of water & environment, national forestry...

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SDCG-5 / FAO Rome25th February 2014


Ministry of Water & Environment,

National Forestry Authority,

by Edward Ssenyonjo

Remote Sensing Specialist

Joseph MutyabaCartography Specialist

25 February 2014

FAO-Rome, Italy


SDCG-5 / FAO Rome25th February 2014

Product Creation

What national reports and forest information products does your country produce?

National Biomass technical reports (National Land Use Land Cover and Biomass distribution)

Contribution to:• State of the environment reports• Ministerial Policy statement for Water and Environment reports• Ministry of Water and Environment Sector Performance report• Background to the budget• Statistical abstract• Biomass energy Strategy by Ministry of Energy• Environmental Sensitivity Atlas for the Albertine Graben• National Water Resources Assessment report• National Communication to the UNFCCC• FAO CountryStat Uganda• Many others.


SDCG-5 / FAO Rome25th February 2014

Product Creation

What national reports and forest information products does your country produce? (Cont)

Others supported

• CDM baseline reports

• REDD –provides a basis for baseline

• Oil exploration impact assessment

• Infrastructural development projects


SDCG-5 / FAO Rome25th February 2014

Product Creation

How often are those products updated and by whom? Please provide dates of recent updates.


ReportFrequency (Yrs)

Last update By whom

National Biomass Technical Reports 5 2009 NFA not published State of the environment reports 2 National Environment Management Authority (MWE)Ministerial Policy statement for Water and Environment reports 1 Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE)Ministry of Water and Environment Sector Performance report 1 2013 Ministry of Water and EnvironmentBudget Frame work Paper 1 2013 Ministry of Fininace and Economic DevelopmentStatistical abstract 1 2013 Uganda Beaurau of StatisticsBiomass energy Strategy by Ministry of Energy na 2013 Ministry of EnergyEnvironmental Sensitivity Atlas for the Albertine Graben 2010 Ministry of Water and EnvironmentNational Water Resources Assessment report 2 Ministry of Water and EnvironmentGovernment Performance Report 1 2013 Ministry of Finznce and Economic DevelopmentNational Development Plan 5 2010 National Planning Authority (MoFPED)National Communication to the UNFCCC 2002 Clinate Change Unit (MWE)FAO CountryStat 1 2013 Uganda Beaurau of Statistics

SDCG-5 / FAO Rome25th February 2014

Satellite Data Sources

Have you used any satellite data, and if so what satellite data is used to create your reports and forest cover products?

• SPOT XS (3) for the 1990 national land cover mapping and Biomass assessment• Landsat ETM 7 for the 2005 national land cover mapping and Biomass assessment• Landsat TM 5 for the 2010 national land cover mapping and Biomass assessment

How do you obtain those data and what format is used?

Image acquisition• SPOT XS (3) for the 1990 -Purchase with donor support ( Norwegian Forestry Society)• Landsat ETM 7 for the 2005 -Purchase from USGS (abt 760 US dollars per scene).

Shipped back for gap filling due to SLC failure.• Landsat TM 5 for the 2010 –Free download from USGS using GLOVIS.


SDCG-5 / FAO Rome25th February 2014

Satellite Data Sources

Do you have experience with radar satellite data, and if so, what missions have been used for which purpose?

Radar data

• Yes but very limited

• ALOS Pulsar -1, 2007

• Introduced to it by the Wood Hole Research Centre (WHRC) for Forest, Non-Forest



SDCG-5 / FAO Rome25th February 2014

Other Data Topics

Do you have any specific data issues, such as access to data, access or use of processing tools, data storage, generation of cloud-free mosaics, etc.?

IT issues• Need more powerful workstations with higher RAM, more processing

cores with good speed. • Central storage for backup (about 1 pent byte)

Tools for • Generation of cloud free mosaics• Gap filling Landsat 7 using multiple images• Calculation of EVI enhanced Vegetation Indices for Landsat 5, 7 & 8.,

how to analyse and report on them.• LULC change analysis and reporting.


SDCG-5 / FAO Rome25th February 2014

Other Data Topics

Do you see a need for additional satellite data, and if so, what missions and instruments are desired for which purpose?

Radar not affected by clouds.

Access to high resolution images –assess subtle detail biomass/carbon estimation in

project areas CDM, REDD, hazard/risk assessment due to LULC changes on mountains.

If possible to reacquire the SPOT XS imagery originally purchases in 1989 and used to

generate the national baseline. We need them in a digital form with all bands for

reprocessing because they were originally delivered on paper prints.


SDCG-5 / FAO Rome25th February 2014

Research and Capacity

Do you have research institutions or groups in the area of forest remote sensing and if so what are there specific topics?

Individual consultants

Universities: –Makerere University

Students: Makerere, international students,

Civil society: -WCS, WWF, JGI,UWA, FK,

Are there any specific research or development topics that are urgent to resolve in order to accommodate operational use of satellite data for forest monitoring in your country?

• More Inventory in the various forest types• Biomass/Carbon/GHG emissions quantification (carbon trade and

Climate Change)


SDCG-5 / FAO Rome25th February 2014

Research and Capacity

In which areas would you need support to increase the capacity of forest information in your country? Publication E-sharing Dissemination Policy is weak, poorly enforced and abused.


SDCG-5 / FAO Rome25th February 2014

Research and Capacity



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