science webinar 2021 upper block - ministry of education

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Science Webinar 2021 Upper Block

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Coverage of Webinar

What is Science?

Upper Primary Science syllabus

Scientific method (for answering science questions)

Strategies in helping your child to revise Science

Interesting websites on Science

Common misconceptions and difficulties faced by students

Answering higher order thinking questions

Q & A session

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

What is Science?





School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Science to Primary Science Many fields or areas in modern science

Biology, Chemistry and Physics

In Primary Science,

Focus is on some aspects of Biology and Physics

Strong emphasis on helping pupils to acquire process skills that are relevant to the study of Science

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Process Skills in Primary Science

• Observing

• Comparing

• Classifying

• Using apparatus and equipment

• Communicating

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• Inferring

• Predicting

• Analysing

• Generating possibilities

• Evaluating

• Formulating hypothesis

Process Skills in Primary Science

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Processes are complex operations which call upon

the use of several skills.

At the primary level, the processes expected of

students are:

• Creative Problem Solving

• Decision-Making

• Investigation

Process Skills in Primary Science

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Coverage of the Syllabus

Four themes

EnergySystemsCycles Interactions

Primary 5 & 6


of plants and


Water cycle

Respiratory and


systems (plants

and humans)

Cell system

Electrical system

Energy forms

and uses




Interaction of


Interactions within

the environment

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

The Primary Science Syllabus

Where do

we get a

copy of the



MOE website: website Parents Syllabuses Sciences 2008 Science

(Primary) SyllabusSchool of Excellence, Individuals of Character

PSLE coverage

Topics: All topics from P3 to P6

Format of paper – P5/P6 (Standard Science) :

Section A 56m (28 MCQs)

Section B 44m (13/14 Open-ended)

Format of paper – P6 (Foundation Science) :

Section A 36m (18 MCQs)

Section B 14m (5 Fill-in-the-blanks)

Section C 20m (5-7 Open-ended)

Types of questions:

1) Knowledge with application

2) Process skills related

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Helping your child to revise Science Importance of key concepts / ideas

Strategies for recall


Mind maps / concept maps

Hands-on with mnemonics and concept maps/mind maps

Online resources for drawing concept maps and mind maps

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Importance of key concepts and ideas

Key ideas are concepts that are

explained/expressed using scientific vocabulary.

Scientific vocabulary are scientific words used in

science that have specific meanings, different from

daily usage.

Key concepts are the main scientific ideas that

explain why/how something occurs.

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Importance of key concepts and ideas

Scientific vocabulary are used in answers to explain

scientific concepts better, with lesser room for errors.

The current testing of Science is on scientific

concepts and their application in different situations.

There is a need to relate how an answer relates to a

concept or how the concept is applied.

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Strategies to help in recalling

MnemonicsIs a learning technique that aids memory. To

improve long term memory, mnemonic systems are

used to make recall easier as it helps us to

organise, retain and remember information.

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Strategies to help in recalling

Mnemonics (example)

four magnetic materials: iron, steel, nickel and cobalt.

We take the first letter of each word, iron, steel, nickel

and cobalt and make a word or sentence.

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

I saw Nicholas CageI S N C

Strategies to help in recalling

Mind maps

•a diagram

•represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked

•arranged around a central key word or idea

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

An example

Image from

Strategies to help in recalling

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Strategies to help in recalling

Concept maps

•a diagram showing the relationships among concepts

•a graphical tool for organizing and representing


•represented as boxes or circles, are connected with

labeled arrows in a downward-branching hierarchical


•linking phrases such as "gives rise to", "results in", "is

required by" or "contributes to"

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Plantsleaves Roots Flowers Stem Water Fruits




leaves Roots Flowers Stem



Water FoodFood Water Nutrients

hashas has


develop into transportabsorbmake

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Uses of mind maps and concept maps

Helping children to recall previous knowledge and

identify areas with misconceptions or that have been


Helping pupils to understand and retain latest


Connecting prior knowledge with new knowledge.

Identify things that pupils have forgotten or has not

been able to make connections.

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Common misconceptions

Common P5 misconceptions

Common P6 misconceptions

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Alternative Conceptions

• Refers to science misconceptions that students make due to observations in their daily lives without reference to science theories.

P5 misconceptions• Misconception: Some materials (example plastic)

are insulators of heat.


In primary science, we use the term good or poor

(bad) conductors of heat, since all materials will

conduct heat. The difference is how fast the heat can

be conducted through the material. Good conductors

allow heat to flow through easily/quickly.

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

P5 misconceptions

• Misconception: When water boils, the white

clouds observed is steam.


Water vapour is colourless and cannot be seen.

What is seen is actually water vapour condensing

when it comes into contact with the cooler

surrounding air to form tiny water droplets (white


School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

P5 misconceptions• Misconception: We breathe in oxygen and breathe

out carbon dioxide.


Air enters the body to the lungs where gaseous

exchange takes place. The oxygen is exchanged for

carbon dioxide.

The air entering the body has a higher concentration

of oxygen and lower concentration of carbon dioxide

compared to the air exiting the body.

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

P6 misconceptions• Misconception: Weight is the same as mass.


Mass refers to the amount of matter an object


Weight is the pull of gravity on this amount of matter.

Mass of an object will not change regardless of the


Weight of an object will change dependent the force of

gravity at the location (example: weightlessness in


School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

P6 misconceptions

• Misconception: Force is often confused with energy.


Force is a push or a pull on object.

Energy is the ability to do work, to cause a change to


School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

P6 misconceptions

• Misconception: The higher an object is, the more

gravitational force acting on it.


The higher an object is, the more gravitational

potential energy it has. Gravitational force remains

about the same when an object is close to surface of

the Earth.

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Answering Science questions

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Techniques in Answering Science Questions

Types of questions

How to craft answers (some dos and don'ts)

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Possible types of questions

• Application of concept

• State an observation

• Relationship /


• Experimental set-ups

– Critique / Improve on

set-up / Choosing sets

of set-ups / Variables

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

• Application

– Expected results

• Explain / Why

– Comparisons

– Observations

– Results

– Experimental results

• Sequencing (process)

Some question words…1. State – To write down a fact

2. Relationship – How the variable tested affects the


3. Explain – link science concept into explanation

4. Compare – to group things based on common


5. Classify – to identify similarities and differences

between objects, concepts or processes

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Some question words…

6. Why – Give reason

7. What – stating some observation, variable,

object etc…

8. Which – choose the right object, variable etc…

9. When - time

10. How – method. way of doing something etc…

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Steps to Answering Questions

1. Identify and Highlight key information

2. Trigger Schema

3. Identify Concepts and Scientific Vocabulary

4. OIC (To make sense of the question)

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Answering techniques

OIC1. Observation – What we can observe/see

from the question.

2. Interpretation – What does the

observation imply or mean.

3. Conclusion – Link answer to the question

setting / concept in the question.

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Q1 - Cycles

Concept: plant reproduction,


Scientific vocabulary:

• Characteristics

• Inherit

• Parent

• Offspring

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Q1 - Cycles


• O : There are two parent plants with different characteristics.

• I : The young plant may inherit characteristics from both parents.

• C: The young plant might have fruits that may not be sweet

(could be sour).

No. It may inherit the characteristics of plant Y and the fruit can

be sour.

Process Skills involved



• Inferring



School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Q2 - Cycles

Concept: water cycle,


Scientific vocabulary:

• Heat loss

• Heat gain

• Condensation/


• Change state

• Water droplets

• Water vapour


School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Q2 - Cycles

Both the back and front surfaces.


• O : Tiny water droplets form on the surface of lenses.

• I : Both surface of the lenses are cold. Condensation has occurred

as there is a cold surface for the water vapour to condense.

• C: The water droplets will form on both front and back of the


School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Warm water vapour from the surrounding touches the cold back and

front surfaces of the glass, loses heat and condenses to form water


Process Skills involved





School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Q3 - Energy

Concept: Photosynthesis

Scientific vocabulary:

• Photosynthesis

• Sunlight

• Chlorophyll

• Oxygen gas

• Water

• Carbon dioxide

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Q3 - Energy

As the duration of light received by the plants per day increases, the

mass/size of the fruits increases

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When there is more light, more photosynthesis takes place resulting

in a greater amount of excess food produced. The excess food is

transported to the fruits causing the mass of the fruits to increase.


• O : Different fruits are exposed to different amounts of light.

• I : Light is needed for photosynthesis. The rate of photosynthesis

is different. Excess food created is stored in fruits.

• C: When there is more photosynthesis, there is more food

produced. This leads to more excess food created which is stored

in the fruits.

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Q4 - Systems

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Q4 - Systems

Concept: Electrical system,

conductors of electricity

Scientific vocabulary:

• Closed circuit

• Open circuit

• Conductors of


• Insulators of


School of Excellence, Individuals of Character


• O : Iron ring is a conductor of electricity.

• I : A closed circuit will be formed when the iron ring touches the


• C: A closed circuit will cause the buzzer to sound.

The buzzer would sound.

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

The iron ring is a conductor of electricity. So, when it

touches the wire, a closed circuit would be formed and

electricity will flow through the circuit and buzzer.


• O : Iron ring is a conductor of electricity.

• I : A closed circuit will be formed when the iron ring touches the


• C: A closed circuit will cause the buzzer to sound.

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Q5 - Interactions

Concept: environmental

conditions affect living things

Scientific vocabulary:

• Temperature

• Birth rate

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character


• O : Temperature affects the gender of the turtles hatched.

• I : Higher temperature will result in fewer male turtles hatched.

• C: Fewer male turtles will result in fewer mates for the female so

fewer eggs will be laid.

The population will decrease.

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

There will be fewer males being hatched to mate with the

female turtles.


• O : Temperature affects the gender of the turtles hatched.

• I : Higher temperature will result in fewer male turtles hatched.

• C: Fewer male turtles will result in fewer mates for the female so

fewer eggs will be laid.

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

As the average amount of rainfall increases, the number

of male turtles that are hatched increases.

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

The rain cools down the temperature of the eggs so more

male turtles are born when there is more rainfall.


• O : Rainfall affects the number of male turtles hatched.

• I : Higher rainfall will result in more male turtles hatched.

• C: Higher rainfall causes the temperature of the eggs to be


School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Q6 - Energy

Concept: Photosynthesis

Scientific vocabulary:

• Photosynthesis

• Sunlight

• Chlorophyll

• Oxygen gas

• Water

• Carbon dioxide

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

Q6 - Energy


• O : Water plant gives off gas when light shines on it.

• I : The amount and intensity of light affects the amount of gas


• C: The intensity of the light has to be increased without changing

the setup. Since we cannot add items to the experiment, we can

change the distance between the lamp and the plant.

She can move the lamp closer to the plant. Higher light

intensity will cause photosynthesis to take place at a faster rate

resulting in more oxygen gas being collected.

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character


• O : Amount of gas produced decreases over time.

• I : Rate of photosynthesis has decreased. Factors that affect rate

of photosynthesis are amount of carbon dioxide, amount of water,

intensity of light.

• C: Water and light intensity are constant so amount of carbon

dioxide must have decreased.

The amount of carbon dioxide in the water has decreased

resulting in photosynthesis taking place at a slower rate.

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