sci 241 healthy eating plan

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/10/2019 SCI 241 Healthy Eating Plan


    Healthy Eating Plan 1

    Healthy Eating Plan

    Kimberly Bennett

    SCI/241 Nutrition

    October 24, 2!

    "a#i$ %um&

  • 8/10/2019 SCI 241 Healthy Eating Plan


    Healthy Eating Plan 2

    Healthy Eating Plan

    O#er hal' o' the &o&ulation in the (nite$ State) i) obe)e by me$ical )tan$ar$)* Some

    &eo&le ha#e e#en )ai$ that the (nite$ State) i) in the mi$$le o' an obe)ity e&i$emic* Obe)ity i)

    $e'ine$ by one+) Bo$y a)) In$e- .BI o' height #er)u) 0eight* BI o' 1*3 to 24*! i)

    to be in the healthy range .Bray, 25* &er)on 0ith a BI o' 23 to 2!*! i) o#er0eight, an$

    a &er)on 0ith a BI o' 6 or more i) obe)e .Bray, 25* I' there i) an obe)ity e&i$emic, I

    ha#e to a$mit that I am a contributor to it, &re#iou)ly 0eighing in at 24lb), eating &ractically

    anything7 I 0a) morbi$ly obe)e by the BI* 8i9e me, many merican+) ha#e reali:e$ that there

    i) )uch a thing a) too much* Since then I ha#e ta9en )te&) to im&ro#e my $iet, increa)e my

    acti#ity le#el), an$ gra$ually lo)e 0eight an$ maintain a healthy $iet* ) o' no0 I 0eigh 1!1lb),

    I thought thi) 0a) &henomenal an$ that I 0a) $oing 0ell until I began to trac9 my current eating

    habit) an$ &rogre)) on htt&;//000*my&yrami$trac9er*go#/$e'ault*htm* I 'oun$ out that I am )till

    obe)e &er my BI o' 62*

  • 8/10/2019 SCI 241 Healthy Eating Plan


  • 8/10/2019 SCI 241 Healthy Eating Plan


    Healthy Eating Plan 4

    inclu$e; 0ater, carbohy$rate), li&i$), an$ &rotein, an$ are mea)ure$ in gram) .g or liter) .8,

    .reenberg, 2!* icronutrient) are only nee$e$ in )mall amount) an$ inclu$e7 #itamin) an$

    mineral) an$ are mea)ure$ in milligram .mg or microgram .Dg amount), .reenberg, 2!* I'

    one coul$ balance their $iet, create an$ 'ollo0 a healthy eating &lan, one 0oul$ be able to

    inclu$e all 'oo$) in one+) $iet* I nee$ to change my eating habit) no0, or it coul$ lea$ to )eriou)

    health &roblem) later*

    @o a#oi$ health &roblem) no0 an$ in the 'uture there are certain nutrient) that one+) bo$y

    nee$)* Becau)e )ome &roblem) ari)e )ooner than other) it i) im&ortant to maintain a balance$

    $iet* Some &roblem) cau)e$ by malnutrition or un$er nutrition are #i)ible early on an$ can ea)ily

    be recti'ie$7 other &roblem) )&eci'ically one) 0here the )ym&tom)+ are not Auic9ly #i)ible can

    ha#e a more )eriou) e''ect on one+) bo$y $e&en$ing on 0hat it i) $e'icient in* E-am Someone

    0ho i) young an$ lacto)e intolerant may nee$ to ta9e calcium )u&&lement) or 'in$ an alternati#e

    )ource to maintain healthy bone)* I' they $o not the e''ect) may not be noticeable no0 but 0hen

    they gro0 ol$er, their bone) 0ill become brittle an$ brea9 ea)ier than )omeone 0ho $i$ ta9e

    tho)e )u&&lement)* Be'ore one go out an$ buy a bunch o' #itamin) an$ )u&&lement) one nee$ to

    9no0 0hat one+) bo$y reAuire) to )tay healthy an$ gro0, y Pyrami$ can hel& one 0ith that*

    ccor$ing to the (nite$ State) "e&artment o' griculture .(S" 0eb)ite, that &ro#i$e)

    acce)) to y Pyrami$ Plan7 'or my height o' 'i#e 'eet 'our inche) .3+4? I )houl$ 0eigh roughly

    1114lb), con)ume 24 Calorie) a $ay, an$ continue 0ith my e-erci)e )che$ule that i)

    0or9ing out 'i#e $ay) &er 0ee9 'rom 43 minute) to ! minute)* O' the 'oo$ grou&) I )houl$ be

    con)uming; eight ounce) o' grain), t0o to three cu&) o' #egetable), t0o cu&) o' 'ruit), three cu&)

    o' mil9, an$ )i- an$ a hal' ounce) o' meat) an$ bean)* rain) con)i)t o' brea$), cereal, rice, an$

    &a)ta7 it recommen$) that I ha#e at lea)t 'our ounce) o' 0hole grain) &er $ay* egetable) con)i)t

  • 8/10/2019 SCI 241 Healthy Eating Plan


    Healthy Eating Plan 3

    o' broccoli, carrot), celery, tomatoe), onion), an$ all the other gar$en #ariety7 I )houl$ con)ume

    three cu&) 0ee9ly o' $ar9 green #egetable), t0o cu&) 0ee9ly o' orange #egetable), three cu&)

    0ee9ly o' $ry bean) an$ &ea), )i- cu&) 0ee9ly o' )tarchy #egetable), )e#en cu&) 0ee9ly o' other

    #egetable)* For thing) li9e oil) an$ $i)cretionary Calorie) I )houl$ aim 'or )e#en tea)&oon) o'

    oil) a $ay an$ no more than 65 Calorie) in e-tra 'at) an$ )ugar) .(S", 2!*

    @he o&tion) are en$le)) 0hen incor&orating the recommen$ation) into one+) regular $iet

    an$ )till li9e one+) $iet* @he #egetable recommen$ation) coul$ ea)ily be met 0ith ha#ing a lea'y

    )ala$ 'or lunch an$ a )i$e $i)h o' &ea) 0ith $inner* @he grain) recommen$ation 0ill not be har$

    to maintain, I ha#e gone out an$ bought 0hole grain cereal 'or brea9'a)t an$ I lo#e ha#ing &a)ta

    or rice 0ith my $inner* By ha#ing cereal 'or brea9'a)t I 0ill al)o be increa)ing my mil9 inta9e*

    ) long a) I choo)e nutrient$en)e 'oo$), 0hich 0ill &ro#i$e a higher nutrient #alue &er Calorie

    than le)) nutrient$en)e 'oo$) .(S", 2!, it 0ill hel& me meet my nutrient nee$), continue

    gra$ually lo)ing 0eight, an$ I can ha#e an occa)ional treat 0ith the Calorie) I ha#e le'to#er* I'

    one match a healthy eating &lan 0ith a &hy)ical acti#ity &lan one 0ill be able to ha#e a long an$

    healthy li'e*

    Phy)ical acti#ity i) al)o #ery im&ortant 'or goo$ health an$ 0ellbeing* I+#e been tol$ one

    )houl$ ha#e at lea)t 1 minute) o' car$io at lea)t 'i#e $ay) a 0ee9 'or minimal &hy)ical acti#ity*

    @o ha#e a healthy &hy)ical acti#ity &lan one 0ant to ha#e about 5 minute) o' mo$erate to

    #igorou) acti#ity on mo)t $ay)* I 0oul$ )ugge)t going to the gym, maybe )&ea9ing to a certi'ie$

    trainer about 0hat e-erci)e) an$ amount) o' time 0oul$ be be)t 'or one to begin 0ith i' one $o

    not currently ha#e any &hy)ical acti#ity* %u)t to &re#ent gra$ual 0eight gain an$ hel& one manage

    one+) bo$y 0eight, one 0oul$ nee$ a&&ro-imately 5 minute) o' &hy)ical acti#ity $aily* I' one

    0ere to e-erci)e 5 to ! minute) $aily one can attain 0eight lo)) .(S", 2!* I alrea$y 0or9

  • 8/10/2019 SCI 241 Healthy Eating Plan


    Healthy Eating Plan 5

    out 'i#e $ay) a 0ee9 an$ it con)i)t) o' bicycling, )itu&) on a 'itne)) machine, )ome bac9, an$

    trice&) e-erci)e)* For the la)t three month) I ha#e been going to the gym an$ 0atching 0hat I

    eat7 in that time I ha#e lo)t 2lb)7 I belie#e i' I im&lement thi) healthy $iet &lan I 0ill be able to

    continue to lo)e 0eight, create a healthier me, an$ re$uce the ri)9) o' health &roblem) later in


  • 8/10/2019 SCI 241 Healthy Eating Plan


    Healthy Eating Plan

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